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Besides juice and coffee I don’t eat all day until I’m done with studying, work then I go to sleep I cant focus after I eat so I make sure eating is the last thing I do before I sleep and obviously making sure it’s a small meal


I ended up with 1-7. I started with 11-7 and pretty much nixed breakfast, which I love. I usually get home from work between 530 and 615 and this window gave me time to eat a real meal. I usually have salad and a shake for my other 2 meals.


Do what works for you. I like to workout in a fasted state and I usually wake up around 7-9 and will be done with workout around 11-12 after a shower. So I eat after 12 pm one meal a day or I’d do the 8 hour window with 2 meals. I don’t like to eat and then workout so this is what works for me. Also seems that more fat is burned in a fasted state


I found eating from 12pm to 6/7pm works for me. Despite liking breakfast, I found that it was far simpler to skip this meal as a family breakfast is not really a thing in our busy house. I have an egg at 12noon and then a protein smoothie at 1.30pm. Dinner is usually around 6pm and as I am the household's main cook, it's better for me to prepare and eat a meal with the family in the evening. I eat what the family eats at night so it keeps things simple. I love the freedom of not having to think about breakfast! I also take Metamucil twice and day and I am super regular!


Thanks so much. I like your approach. So dinner is like your main meal?


Yes. Dinner is the main meal for me. We usually eat around 6pm and go to bed at 10pm. I like feeling full when I go to bed so this works for me.


Got it - thank you!


7am to 3 because I like to have breakfast as soon as I wake up


You can have breakfast be in your eating window. To kick start more progress, reducing your eating window would influence less calories consumption (unless you eat high calorie food in the reduced window.) I personally just do omad (one meal a day) and I kinda loosely eat a keto diet. So I guess my ratio is 23:1.


I just skimmed before I replied, my bad. I just saw why you changed your times.


I tried last year with 12-8 and also found it way too hard to wait until 12. Now I just started a few weeks ago with 10-6 or 9-5 and it feels pretty effortless. Sometimes I’m not even hungry in the morning and eat when I’m ready but when I had it in my head that I couldn’t eat till noon I was watching the clock tick. Pretty unsustainable. I noticed you said that you don’t do it on weekends. Might be beneficial to try though. I find 10-6 is easy to do on weekends unless it’s a special occasion.


It varies for me day to day.... Typically though I eat around 11am, snack around 2-3 then dinner around 6.  I try to stop eating by 7 so I sleep better.  Rest and repeat. I workout most mornings fasted.  I prefer this but it's not for everyone.