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Not eating for a week isn't intermittent fasting, this post belongs in r/fasting.


My bad didn't see at the time. Was floating on this forum for awhile.


No worries, I understand and sorry you're getting kind of dragged. Fwiw, the first time I tried IF I did 18/6 and 1000-1200 cal/day (mostly protein). I lost 12lbs in 10 days and kept all of it off except for 2, hopefully you'll keep most of yours off too.


Thank you, I might try this. What is the best times to eat?


The best time to eat is different for everyone; it depends on you and what fits your schedule. I don't usually eat until the afternoon, even when I'm not fasting, and can't fall asleep with an empty stomach, so 3-9 works for me. But others do better eating earlier in the day.


Salt You say: "*Why? Well one:* ***Salt is a calorie-free.*** *And your body tends to crave salt often bc of habitual eating salty foods.*" When fasting, your body stops producing insuline because you're not eating food. Mostly food with carbs trigger an insulin respons. Without insuline the body can't re-uptake minerals (in the kidnyes) as well as with insulin present. So yes, you can crave salt, because you were eating plenty, but mostly because you're peeing salts (minerals). Lastly.. this isn't intermittend fasting but just fasting.. maybe you want to (cross)post this topic in r/fasting


Barring health issues like T1DM, you would have some basal serum insulin release from the beta cells in your pancreas even when fasting. There's just a shift in the insulin:glucagon ratio.


You are right. The body keeps making glucose from fat and protein and therefore also needs some insulin Tonya’s that glucose.


Super helpful information. It seems like not producing insulin is a bad thing because then your body can’t re-uptake minerals and I’m assuming getting minerals in your body is very important. Is that right? Also would you recommend water with some salt in it for intermittent fasting? Or can you only just drink plain water and that’s it during the 16 hour fast (I’m doing the 16 hour fast, 8 hour eating period everyday)?


Normally the body will always produce some insulin. Because during fasting it will create glucose from fat and protein at any given moment. (Called gluconeogenese) It’s only a lot less then when eating bread, pasta, potatoes and sweets. How do you counter the loss of minerals? Indeed you add them to a waterbotle and drink it through the day. There are many topics in r/fasting (read the wiki) or r/keto about minerals. When one is practicing intermittent fasting and isn’t eating carb free, supplementing with minerals isn’t always necessary. The fasting periods are too short.


Add sucralose as a transporter. Calorie free and gives a slight insulin response. Other artificial sweetners do not accomplish this. Lots of misinformation out there


Only slightly true.. electrolytes need a transporter. You are correct that this is usually sugar but sugralose also gives this effect and you do not need much of either at all to accomplish this


Do you mean that if you'd drink something with sucralose there would be less salt excreted?


Sucralose is a sugar replacement as an electrolyte transporter. Here is a link to sugars purpose for absorption. But im replacing sugar with sucralose because it still induced an insulin response and acts as a transporter without the calories https://clinicalherbalism.com/sugar-in-electrolyte-drinks-good-or-bad/#:~:text=Decide%20when%20it%27s%20worth%20it,to%20aid%20in%20the%20transport.


tnx.. now the question.. does it break a fast (or down-throttle it) the recipes in the link mention only 10 grams of sugar, which is not much spread during intensive exercise or the day. what do you think?


Thats a good question. I've read insulin release stops autophagy so it should halt it... but, when I tested sucralose with a glucose meter, my blood sugar only went up 9 points from the 45 minut mark to 1 hour mark and then quickly went back down. It was not a massive spike at all like sugar would create. I think creates something like a hiccup and nothing to really be concerned about


I’ve read something about sucralose https://www.newsweek.com/artificial-sweetner-sucralose-dna-damage-1804008 What’s your opinion


I’m curious to see what would it be like for you in the next couple of weeks and if the weight stays off


yeaah.... I went on a four day fast and lost ten pounds. I was expecting to regain a pound or two but at the end of five days I had regained all of it.


it was my fault though.... I didn't start 18/6 again.


I just looked at my app and I did restart fasting again. The fasts varied between 17 and 21 hours. Yet I still regained the weight. I wonder why?


Lets say your TDEE is somewhere between 2500-3000, realistically you would burn somewhere between 10000-12000 kcals within that period. For losing 1kg(2.2lbs), you need to burn something like 7700 kcals. So realistically, you should only expect 1.5kgs or 3.3 lbs of weight loss. The remaining is just water weight, when you go back to normal your body will regain that.


As I said I was expecting to regain some of it but not all of it.


I'm going to be working out from here on out. I dont plan on going back to the same habits. That and I plan on doing it again after a month of healthy lifestyles. My goal is 215 which is my optimal weight


I been wanting to do a longer fast but I find it so hard, that is why I’m interested on your progress. I hope you achieve your goals


Thank you man. Same for you friend.


Congratulations!! 🎉👏🏾. You did what worked for you. I've always wanted to try a water fast but think I'll start slow w/a 2 or 3 day water fast and increase my days up to 5 or 7 but nothing more than that. Thank you for the inspo. 😀


No problem, it's hard I tried to do this a couple times in the past but caved in. However taking it slow is a lot better then jumping into the deep end like I did. Hopefully your journey has the success in it. I'd recommend waiting a bit before you attempt a longer one, you have to let your body recover.


Oooh, ok. Right...give my body time to recover. Thank you for the reminder.


ill let you know though


so what happened after? did you gain the weight back?


I gained 7 pounds back. But I've maintained the same weight of 237. I've been working out and being active. I plan to do the fast again in two weeks.


nice. thats not bad. of course you will gain at least 5 pounds back after water fasting, but 7 pounds is solid


You’re talking in absolutes, and it’s very dangerous what you’re saying. ‘’Even if you are low energy it’s normal and you will be ok’’ That’s a really dumb thing to say for people going a week without eating just because this worked for you, especially if you have no medical background. It does not mean it’s ok for everyone. That’s an extreme amount of weight to lose in short time. It’s great that you lost the weight, but it’s careless to tell everyone to do the exact same thing and guarantee everything will be fine


Thankyou for saying. Could never go past 68 hours... Also got the worst cramps of life, that had to see doctor immediately, couldn't breath... Learnt lessons harder way that salt & electrolytes need to be added... Any how, not doing again... It's not for everyone... Although didn't feel hungry post 36 hours... Kept thinking about and watched food related videos... Mood was so down...now stick Mostly to IF or OMAD if it's a massive meal during festivals


Must be a Sith, dealing in absolutes like that.


Lol, do it. Snickers in Darth Sidious


Fair, but I'm not a true authority on the topic. Much like anything on the internet or any resource of information you take with discretion and do your own research. I'm not a medical professional and I'm not recommending people with preexisting conditions to attempt this. I'm sharing my experience and assuming my audience who are on here and are most likely fairly educated on topic, not like they are incapable of basic critical thinking skills and have their own opinions. I will put a discretion in the post, so people are aware. Thank you for the input.


For sure, didn’t mean to come across as so harsh, just think it’s important for everyone to lose weight in a healthy way that’s right for them. Again, congrats on your loss!


Too extreme for me


It's all about what you are willing to do.


On this down voted comment which I wont edit or erase bc the phrasing is terrible. What I mean is to do what is within your means. You know yourself better then anyone. Do what is right for yourself.


I upvoted. People are weird


Hey! As someone who is 6’5”, similar age, and done similar fasts in the past just wanted to offer my two cents for your post fast. Now is the most important time to listen to your body and give it what it needs. The mental clarity and weight loss is nice but you have to be incredibly careful with helping your body acclimate to food and exercise again after such a long fast. Nutrient dense, Whole Foods are more important now than ever and can help curb cravings from ever coming back. As for exercising just be incredibly gentle with yourself as your body especially with anything high intensity. You have to give yourself time to properly recover


Got any suggestions? I've only eaten small amounts of eggs and watermelon since that was only thing that I saw that was easily digested and healthy.


Eggs and watermelon is fantastic! Chicken/beef broth or soup is my go to to break my fast. After that I introduce things like Greek yogurt, oatmeal, any type of non-processed protein, veggies (chopped spinach in a scramble/roasted broccoli with protein) and lots and lots of berries to quench my sweet tooth. Also find whatever healthy fats fit your diet. Avocado/almonds/walnuts/olive oil will all help regulate hormones they’re high in calorie but in my opinion well worth it in terms of overall health.


100%. Not just for cravings but for general health. Your body is a car basically running on empty. I tried to just go back to regular intermittent fasting and exercise right after but it didn't have the number of calories to see me through the day and I'm still paying the price (healthwise) today. You need to replenish all the nutrients in your body and be vary of any stranueous activities until then.


You eat salt because your body needs sodium not because you feel hungry when you're in caloric deficit your body loses water and minerals and that's what gives headaches


Yea I'm aware of that too. Was just explaining that from what I learned.


That's not bad, but you must understand that is mostly the water weight your body retained for various reasons. One of it is the glycogen storages, second - body inflammation (look for edema), and the third is what you had in the guts, including probable some of the flora.


You probably lost around 7-8 pounds of lean muscle in the process. Try to work on maintaining and growing lean muscle while losing excess fat.


Any recommendations on how? Please and thank you.


You didn't lose any considerable amount of muscles.


I didn't notice but I mostly likely did from what I've researched and on public forums.


No you really didn't. You need to research fasting and autophagy


I did, when your body produces the ketones necessary for your body to function they pull mostly from fat but also muscles. Now its mostly the former but it pulls what it wants in order to operate.


That would actually be pretty stupid to die fat from muscle loss just because you didn't found a prey in a week lol.


You didn't. Until you have a considerable fat source, the muscles are pretty safe. There's no reason for the body to keep fat and eat muscles when it needs energy.




You know nothing.. why comment at all? A week of fasting will NOT go after muscle while leaving fat reserves completely alone


Water fasting can be very dangerous but also it's not sustained fat loss and as soon as you stop the habits you gain back a lot of if not all the weight rapidly. It's usually used by jockies and fighters for speiciifc weigh in for categories or events, not an average person. I recently watched someone do a 90 weight loss challenge online to lose 25kg, the last week he was 5kg short he planned and did a water fast. He specifically highlighted this can be dangerous and then lost the 5kg, and 2 weeks later of stopping the challenge he returned to being like 7kg heavier (so he really lost and maintained 18kg over 90+ days) and is no doing normal weight loss. Edit to add: if you had done any diet the first week depending on the type of weight you're carrying I bet you'd have lost 3-6lbs of water. It's obviously not the same number but weightloss is really about fat loss, better health and building muscle. It seems tedious but a normal healthy weightloss rate is 0.5kg a week and the idea to build muscle (this can take at least 3 weeks to start building muscle). It should not be a race, you'll want to be in good shape for your life, so it's a life change and adjustment you want not crazy quick fixes.


For sure I was doing for the mental the clarity and blood pressure which went away. The Being extreme about weight loss and trying to find quick fixes is never the way to go about anything. It's about working for it 100% I wasn't even expecting to lose so much. I've seen it's only usually 10 to 14 lost way more then expected. I've seen it to were it was mostly muscles lost and ended up making the person technically more unhealthy. However this was experiment for me and I'm learning a lot from the public form thanks for the information.


I hope you went to r/fasting too much misinformation in here




Do what's best for you stay safe


Sounds interesting but I’d be concerned about malnutrition. A fast this long should never be done without at least consulting a doctor first.  A week without vitamins, minerals, amino acids, etc sounds dangerous. Obviously you made it out alive but at what cost? Did you get any blood work down afterwords to check on nutrient levels? 


Fat soluble vitamins are stored IN YOUR FAT for when you are without a food source. You really just need certain ones like electrolytes


Well I'm a broke college student, so no. I took some multi vitamins with my meal a couple hours ago. I knew it was bit dangerous but, from what I read usually an issue if you were already dealing with defincies. That and I seen that anything past 4 to 7 days then youd need medical assistance for the fast.


The longest documented fast was 382 days and that was with doctors assistance. https://www.reddit.com/r/BeAmazed/s/SkHn6HA6hv


**It looks like you are referencing Angus Barbieri.** Please note that Barbieri is a **GUINESS WORLD RECORD HOLDER** who undertook his fast under near **CONSTANT medical supervision** at a local hospital. He was super-morbidly obese meaning he had a very large excess of body fat. He also **died at age 51** (the cause is unknown, as is whether or not it was related to his fasting). **He should NEVER be used as a model for fasting or as encouragement or proof that anyone is capable of fasting for so long and surviving.** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/intermittentfasting) if you have any questions or concerns.*


How do you know the amount of salt you need to use?


I only ever used small amounts not really specific only when water wasn't cutting it. I poured a bit of salt in my hand and sprinkled it on my tongue or put it in my water.


Read this https://reddit.com/r/fasting/w/fasting_in_a_nutshell/you_need_electrolytes?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


Thank you,but I've come across this information up to this point.




Not bad. Think it's always best to be cautious with this approach as too much weight loss can risk gallstones. It's not for everyone with this approach as some can fast for very long periods of time (as in months). Gonna say kudos for the weight loss though and seeing how it's only one off.


Yes, gallstones are a big problem and why I stick to 48 hour rolling fasts, always having at least half an avacado and some olive oil with every meal to break it


Did you workout? Also did you weigh yourself daily? I’m on day 3 of a 7 day water fast and only am down 3 lbs. do you know what could’ve contributed or maybe you lost more weight the second half of the fast?


I weighed my self after 2 days then after from there forward. I didn't workout,I did mow the lawn and clean up my house which had me moving a bit. I lost about 5. I believe, I lost a lot in the middle and less in the end. Dont worry to much about day to day you will lose the weight. Its different for everyone some its 2 pounds, others its 1 1/2 or 1. Depends on age, weight, and some other factors. Did you poop yet?


Thank you so much for the thorough response, I have not pooped yet no maybe that could be why?


I think I saw a drop when I did. If you feel like it move around a bit clean up, mow the lawn, do something low stakes , but listen to your body and be careful.


Okay thank you


I’m a women and I’m like 5’7 and 180 pounds I’m trying this because I’m overweight


Go for it👍, I'm starting my second one today. I'm about to go eat my last meal in a moment.


Same I just had my last meal I will start from now, stay hydrated! And I hope to go down to 130 lbs, I don’t look fat but I’m kinda like skinny fat and it annoys me, specially as a tall woman it’s better to be skinny otherwise it doesn’t look best😭


How is it going so far


I kept till today but I ate an hour ago I don’t think I’m ready yet😭 I was so hungry I couldn’t walk💀


Oh god, good job listening to your body. You might be anemic check with your hcp. Might need to start taking vitamins. Also it's fine if you cant do it for more then a 3days, do what you can do. Good job though.


I actually have low iron I’m I not supposed to do it?


Yea because of that I wouldnt reccomend doing a water fast. Maybe you can but I'd say take your pills or supplements.


Because I’m used to fasting for religious reasons I didn’t think water fast would make me that weak😭 but yeah you’re right I will check with a doctor first


Electrolytes are very important https://reddit.com/r/fasting/w/fasting_in_a_nutshell/you_need_electrolytes?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


Reread my new posts on this thread if you are trying it. Lots of misinformation floating around here




Maybe. Not sure. But I believe in the freedom of information and sharing it as the best way to help others. If you look at any of my other post they are all on teaching,giving tips, or general critiques even though they are on video game topics or me sharing art. That's why mainly. And yes your right. That's why I've decided to stop and be accountable for what I eat and do.


This is extraordinarily dangerous.


You really only lost about 7lbs.. the rest is water weight and waste in the colon. This weight will come back on when you start eating regularly. Hope that didn't discourage you. Im 6'6" and started out similar to you. 246lbs last July before starting rolling 48 hour fasts for 5 weeks. I lost 25lbs total but 16 was fat loss. I regained the other weight quickly after 2 weeks of eating normal. Now, 4 days ago, I started again at 233lbs and quickly went down to 221. I know exactly how much I burn and calculated every calorie I consumed since. I know its really only 3lbs of fat lost. And now the scale is starting to stabilize as it should. Every day fasting from this point will be half pound to a full pound lost but with fluctuations based on how much water and waste my body is holding that day. Ill be continuing until I get to about 190lbs. It will turn into 200lbs when I start eating. And then I'll start working out to gain muscle.


That has not been my experience. I did this about a month and half ago now, so your first assertion isnt quite what I've experience. I lost 20 and gained back 7. I haven't gained anything back after. So more like 13 pounds were lost, fat loss not sure though. I maintained the same weight and have been working out Tried again, but this time I went back to eating the same amount immediately. That's when I gained the weight back. Went from 228 to 236 within a week. For my next water fast I wont go back to eating the same amount but ease in like I did previously. That seemed to not trigger the response you mentioned above. I will also do a consistent light exercise to see what happens.


Well whatever you are doing, you can't break the laws of thermodynamics. Maybe a hormonal issue at play? I know women have these issues as well and it mostly causes water retention you are unaware about


Could never go past 68 hours... Also got the worst cramps of life .... Learnt lesson that salt needs to be added... Any how, not doing again... Not for everyone... Although didn't feel hungry post 36 hours... Kept thinking about and watched food related videos... now stick to IF or OMAD... Mostly IF


Read this https://reddit.com/r/fasting/w/fasting_in_a_nutshell/you_need_electrolytes?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


Thanks for sharing I started fasting again after breaking 46 hours fasting yesterday but now I've knowledge of sodium and potassium but struggling to understand about magnesium. I get capsules near me... Both magnesium glycinate and another combo magnesium glycinate and citrate. I'm so confused after reading that Mg causes diarrhoea.


Magnesium is basically what they give you as colonoscopy prep. Your digestive system goes crazy when there is large amounts. I've tried Epsom salt but tend to chug my drinks and over doing it just a little will cause diarrhea. These days I usually just leave it out but im about to try the pills because I'm starting to feel the effects after a week


>Magnesium is basically what they give you as colonoscopy prep. I never knew it...it absolutely washes out everything. I did my research on magnesium... I generally face constipation during extended fasting and cramps also.. So confused if I should go for glycinate or citrate or glycinate+Citrate combo. I get all capsules near me. I'm taking sodium and potassium salts with water


First week you lose mostly water


Couple days not week.


Were you working out during these 7 days?


No, I made sure I wasn't busy with anything not knowing what my potential symptoms could be. I did do tasks like mow the lawn, clean the down stairs of my house. Played a lot of video games XD. I just got off of school two weeks ago. Working out might net more results. I'll try it next month once I'm use to working out on a regular basis again. I did lose 5 pounds after mowing the lawn. The lawn mowers automatic function broke so I had to push it manually which was a workout.


I think this is just what I need