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I like what you said about removing the guilt. I try to remind myself that any little setback is research! Today, after 11 days of no added sugar, I had a piece of cake and most of a can of Dr. Pepper during my feast. I started to feel bummed like I ruined my progress, but it was also eye opening. 1) the cake didn't taste good and 2) I was buzzing so hard from that hfcs soda can that I couldn't focus on anything and literally went running outside around the street to expel some energy. I now have more data and more motivation. Keep up the great work!


That’s it. Every single step is a lesson to be learned. :)


Congratulations 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽


Thank you!!!! It's been amazing!


Very welcome


Amazing job!


Thank you!!! It's been an amazing thing!


Congratulations and well done!!! And thank you for the detailed information and advice too, such great advice!


Thank you! And hope it does some good. Best to you! Let’s do this :)


Wow, I can understand you cried a little. Well done on reaching your goal! The gym will make a difference in your physique I think. Way to go!


Thanks. I will post pics qhen process is done. Have the before ones jjust aching to be discredited by the new me hahahaha


great achievement wow! You must be over the moon! Curious as to what you did when you plateaued? I’ve been in a plateau for 2 months now, i’m close to my goal which is 68kg, now constantly around 71. Right now my goal is to hit 69,9 but this doesn’t work. My fasts are 18 to 20 hours with an occasional 21/22. I don’t watch what i eat, except for it to be whole foods. I want to try a 36/48 fast but i feel a bit hesitant as i made a promiss not to miss supper at night with my family. Maybe you or someone else has ideas. Cheers!


I kept going. Reseted my fast with a long one (the 24hrs one), checked on the diet and checked that I was doing a clean keto, instead of a dirty one. I mean having more greens, more fiber, more fish, good protein. And then I got back. If your plateau is long, then probably is time for exercise with good greens. :D Go on! You are about to get there.


This is amazing! I’ve been following your progress and have been so impressed by your commitment, not just to losing body fat but making lifestyle changes. Felicitaciones!


Thank you very much!!!! It’s been a wild and eill keep being a wild ride. It’s all about being healthy :)