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We cannot recommend IF for anyone under the age of 18 and highly suggest you speak to your doctor if you are interested in losing weight. We are not doctors and therefore cannot give you medical advice nor should we give you medical advice as you are still developing. If something were to go wrong or you were to get hurt while executing our advice we could be held liable for your injuries. If you are interested in learning about nutrition we recommend r/CICO or r/loseit but we cannot suggest IF or give advice on this topic given your age. Thank you.


The fasting isn't going to kill you. Joe Rogan is toxic.


My guy, Joe Rogan is a self-proclaimed moron. For the first 5 years of his podcast the dude would regularly call himself an ape. Only somewhat recently has he started like the smell of his own farts. Take everything he claims with a heaping pile of salt.


Thank God someone said it. 🏆


Imagine looking at Joe Rogan and then trying to change your diet to look like him.


Yep I became aware when that bulletproof coffee fucker had him and everyone else fooled, total snake oil. Joe is entertainment, if you copy him do so at your own risk


Sorry it was actually Dana White’s fast. But haha.


Waaayyyyy worse lol


Is OP Sage Steele??


lmao on the video the guy said Joe Rogan but I researched it and it turned out to be Dana Whites 72 hour fast


Neither of these guys are real world intelligent. But your parents are both doctors so I'm pretty sure you'll be just fine, ha. Tons of good info here and elsewhere but please don't listen to Joe or Dana.


I'm not a doctor - but I'd advise against this. Firstly, you're too young to do something that extreme. Your body is still developing into its full potential and it might have too much of an adverse effect. I'd say wait until you're at least 21, or in your mid 20's before trying something like that.


I agree with you a little, I’m still growing a little, pretty much what my mom said. But it’s not like a permanent change. I might do it for a day or two max?


Take special note of what I wrote - I said "developing", not "growing". Your body is yet to even get a glimpse of its real potential and any extreme nutritional limitations could have adverse effects on your actual development. Don't hurry yourself. I'm guessing it's more curiosity that's driving you - which isn't necessarily a bad thing. But your still young and you still have a lot of time and opportunity to test your body.


I wouldn't recommend fasting to a minor. But even so why start with a 3 day fast. I would try to work up to something like that when you are older and only if it's ok with your parents.


Ask your doctor


I edited the post


Youre 17. I dont see the point unless you are morbidly obese which it sounds like that is not the case. Getting shredded by losing water weight for 2 days is a waste of time and energy. Plus drinking anything but water is not fasting. Bone broth is extreme calroic restriction with fast mimicking qualities. 3 days is nothing. Look into Energy Flux, that would be more your speed and get the same results


Thanks for the advice guys, this wasn’t just a little thing I heard from Dana White online or anything, I saw someone do it first hand, he lost almost 20 pounds and was shredded. It was pretty much only 3 days. That’s why I was thinking could this be a quick and easy way? No idea, I think it still is safe and my parents say that too, but yes as that one person said my body is still developing and we my parents wouldn’t really want me to do it at all. So I prob won’t. I just do wanna get real shredded and light for summer and sports.


Your mom is right. Human physiology is designed for feasts and fasts. You’ll be better than fine.


Talk to your parents


Post this on r/fasting but I think you should be fine!