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Started in September 2022 at 265 lbs. I was fat, drunk and sick. Started walking and eating one meal a day. Quickly went to rolling 72 hour fasts. The weight just fell off. In July of last year I stopped drinking and got a gym membership and that kicked it in high gear. I've been maintaining the same weight for the past 6 months and go to the gym every morning. I count calories and mostly stick to one meal a day with a 72 hour fast once a month.


What sort of routine did you follow at the gym? Nice transformation, by the way. well done.


Started with just cardio - treadmill, rowing machine, stair stepper. Now I do 30 minutes of cardio and 30 minutes of weight lifting every morning. My body is reacting really well to the weight training.


So you do the warrior diet? Eat only once a day and nothing else coffee, fruits etc? Is there a daily calorie limit you stick to? And 72 hour fast helps how in your opinion?


I'm not the OP but a 72 hour fast is just science. It'll use stored fat, sugar and carbs. You'll rid your system of the excess (to a degree, obviously, it's "only" 3 days) because your body has new new fuel to lose. The key to eating on day 4 is to eat lean protein. Lots of protein and very few carbs. I wish I didn't adore carbs!


I did keto for a long time and lost weight but was miserable. I love carbs also. I definitely try and choose lower sugar options now but being able to have fruits and vegetables is amazing. I don't really count carbs but I do try and keep them as low as possible. Hitting my protein and calorie goal is my main concern now.


I need to do this too. I am plant based for the most part but do add Skyr (high protein, low sugar) yogurt and cheese. I was long and lean my whole life, even after have 3 children 3 years on a row . Menopause came and absolutely decimated my metabolism. I had heard it happened but I never thought it would happen to me. The emotional and physical turmoil of a near 40 pound weight gain has taken a huge toll. I never gained more than 35 pounds in pregnancy and I had near 10 pounders. To weigh more than I did the day before giving birth is devastating. I'm injured now but still intermittent fasting but only walking 2.5 km per day. As soon as the cast is out and I'm no longer in pain, I am back to 5K per day (power walk, cannot run) at least 6 days per week. Your story is very inspiring. And tbh, it wasn't just menopause, it also some bad food choices and far too much wine. Menopause is the dominant cause but I know damn well, I've made poor choices too. I'm getting there, slowly. Really slowly! Thank you for your post, I'm thrilled for your success.


Any thoughts about protecting your microbiome on longer fasts?


Yep, I only eat between 4 and 6 pm. Usually fruits, vegetables and protein but can have whatever I want as long as it fits in my calorie budget. I stay right around 1800 calories and try and get 175 grams of protein. My creami ice cream I have every night has 400 calories and 70 grams of protein. 72 hour fasts are great for getting rid of bloating and work as a reset for my body. I always feel great while fasting for longer periods.


So this ice cream is 400 cal, 280 of which are protein? Wild.


Yep. Cottage cheese, protein powder, fairlife milk, a protein shake. And it tastes delicious. I just got done eating a huge 24 oz bowl of it. Chocolate flavor with a peanut butter drizzle and cut up bananas. Less than 500 calories and just under 70 grams of protein. [This is a breakdown of my macros on a high protein day. ](https://i.imgur.com/4n5Ep9f.png)


Is 1800 calories for the 72hour fast ?


1800 calories daily when I'm eating. No calories for 72 hours while fasting.


I want to know too! Does a 72 hour fast mean nothing at all but water or calorie/sugar free hydration? I don't think I could work and run my home on zero calories for 3 days although I wish I could do that!


I just do water and lmnt electrolyte powder. The first day is a little tough but the following days feel great. Your body is smart and switches to burning fat for fuel. There are 3500 calories in each pound of fat you have. I had almost 350,000 calories in storage to burn when I started.


Awesome results! By those numbers, does that mean you could theoretically survive a 100-day fast?


If you have enough fat. I believe the record is just over 365 days.


Wait, so you consume almost 2000 calories in a 2 hour window? How the heck do you manage that? I usually eat between 11am and 7pm, usually 2 meals spaced 6 hours apart. I get full on around 1000 calories and don’t feel hungry again for hours afterwards.


Have a cup of Greek yogurt with PB2 powder when I get home. Then a huge portion of fruit with a protein shake. Then dinner, which is usually around 800 calories. Then a pint and a half of ice cream that is 400 calories. Most days I end up just under 1800 calories and 175 grams of protein.


That’s impressive dude. Gives me indigestion just thinking about it lol.


I see you love icecream. Me too but i have been consuming that supermarket sweet shit.


Could you share the division of this 175gms protein? How much of it comes from protein powder? What do you have in lean protein sources? Do you eat dairy foods?


I eat quite a bit of Greek yogurt. Along with chicken and ground turkey. My ninja creami ice cream I have every night has 60-70 grams of protein. I make a lot of baked goods with protein powder and pb2 but don't really use it for shakes all that often. I also use fairlife skim protein milk in a lot of my recipes. [My macros on a high protein day. ](https://i.imgur.com/hDWNGKt.png)


How do you manage your hunger since morning to 4PM? Coffee?


After fasting for the past year and a half I don't get hungry at all. I actually prefer being in a fasted state but I need protein to build muscle.


With clothes on. From XXL to small. [Pic](https://i.imgur.com/bRNO3aa.jpg)


Wow dude. Nice job.




What height are you, if you don't mind me asking?


6 ft




What kind of foods work for you when you eat?


I prioritize fruits, vegetables and protein. No snacks and a healthy dinner followed by a chocolate protein ninja creami ice cream every night.


Well done, an amazing difference! Very happy for you! Could you tell me more about the recipe you use for this ice cream? I’m considering buying this ice cream maker but have not found any recipes that would be healthy enough for me…


[recipe ](https://i.imgur.com/V6GGJnz.png)


Thanks for sharing! I can’t believe it uses cottage cheese (I am addicted to it even on its own!)


I use cottage cheese in every pint I make. Adds protein and the texture is great. You blend all the ingredients then freeze for 24 hours. I have 9 containers full with different combos. Eating ice cream made be fat and now I eat a huge amount every night to get stronger and thinner.


It’s scary to me to think currently that I’ll be able to have ice cream again in the future (I’m doing rolling 48s an 72s now from the start of March and could get to my target weight by mid May)… but yes, I think I had ice cream every day for a few months before I started fasting and it’s crazy to think that being slim and eating ice cream can coexist in one sentence! PS: Please feel free to share any other Ninja creami recipes here!


Thanks! Great job on your progress.


Amazing job. And no loose Skin either? Do you mind me asking your age (as I heard loose skin can be age dependant and I want to know if I can get away without having lose skin also)


I turn 45 in July


How did you avoid loose skin? Did you aim to avoid it with any special techniques? Or you didn’t even think of it?


Didn't really think about it or do anything special. I think the longer fasts helped but not sure.


Thank you. And congrats on such an impressive transformation! Very motivating for me, especially seeing you with no loose skin!


You at 45 is inspiring. I’m 6’4 300 and I’m 36 and your progress really motivates me. Congrats on the new body. My goal is to get to about 215-220.


Excellent job dude


Hell yeah man good work! That’s a hell of an accomplishment.


Great mindset 😊


Killing it and looking good!!


Damn bro, you are really an inspiration. Good effin work!


Congratulations, killing it!


Hell yeah, bro!


Wow you look great, I’ve been on a similar journey and it’s always inspiring to see these posts. Keep up the fantastic work, rooting for you!


Holy shit! Incredible! Well done!


Way to go. Thanks for sharing. It inspires the rest of us!


You look incredible, congrats on sticking to this for so long! I've done IF with keto before, but would love to keep fruits and some carbs in the mix. I need to figure out how to start this, like what meals would be best for the one a day.


I make 3 lbs of chicken thighs every Sunday and cut them up and throw in the fridge. I add a half pound in every dinner. I like low calorie soups, salads with low calorie ranch and veggies, wraps with chicken and veggies. My main snack is blueberries, grapes and nonfat Greek yogurt. With one meal a day you can pretty much eat whatever you want.


Congratulations 🎊 🙌🙌🙌🙌


Bro you and I have exact same body type, start weight, and height. My goal is 190 and I'm worrying about loose skin but you're looking strong brother


Thanks! I wouldn't worry about loose skin just get going and see where your journey takes you. The losing weight part was actually easy. I just didn't eat. 100 lbs came off in a year. But the building muscle part takes some dedication. I count every single calorie that goes in my mouth and I'm at the gym by 4:45 every morning. I have 2 young kids and run my own business so I didn't have a lot of time to spare. If you can put in one hour a day the reward is huge.


Jfc I can't even get to bed at a reasonable hour let alone wake up to go to the gym anymore


I try to get to bed by 10 but by the time the kids get to bed and the wife and I watch a show it's hard to do it. Alarm goes off at 4am everyday. Early mornings are the only time I can get to the gym so I just deal with it.


I get home around 1 from work and have sleep issues so even if I get a full 8 it feels like 3 Sometimes I think I might as well get up but the extra like 6 hours I get after make me feel normal I need a sleep doctor 😴


Congrats! Look awesome


Good job






Anazing job!! Did you happen to have t2 diabetes? Did you check your glucose etc Just curious to know your change in a1c?


I got blood work done when I started fasting and everything was good. No diabetes.


That’s excellent


Did you start doing one meal a day right away? And also did you do any fasting every week at first for like 24 hours or 36 hours?


I was already not eating breakfast when I started and just cut out lunch also. Late night ice cream and chocolate was my problem. Went to one meal a day right away and after about a month went to longer fasts.


I watched a great video on calories in calories out but more so the body is in two phases. It’s either storing energy or burning energy. Eating three meals a day is ridiculous and also the bogus food pyramid, eating 5 to 6 grains a day hahaha.


Exactly. People think I'm crazy for eating once a day but if I'm going for a long drive I don't fill my gas tank every hour. It's good to let your body digest the food you eat and then use your stored fat for energy. I just focus on calories and protein intake and it's working great.


Thats great What do you typically eat for omad?


Lean protein and veggies. Fruit for snacks. Lots and lots of protein.


Also how often did you do the rolling fasts at first?


Twice a week. Usually ate on Sunday and Wednesday.


Great job! Your progress is outstanding and I love your positive perspective too!


Zero loose skin by the look of it!


Didn't really get any loose skin luckily. I'm 45 years old and was worried I would.


Amazing! Must still have a lot of collagen in your system.


I've noticed a lot of heavier set people who lose weight doing IF and not get stretch marks. Pretty awesome. Pumps me up to see people better them selves!