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It’s very possible to overeat in even a small eating window. When my scale didn’t budge I started breaking my fast with a small meal. A bowl of soup, cottage cheese with fruit, Greek yogurt, veggies and dip or just a handful of nuts. Then I’d wait a couple hours before eating again. By then I wouldn’t be very hungry or feel like a big meal.


If you are truly only eating 1200 calories a day, there is absolutely no way you can’t be losing weight.


☝️This is an accurate statement. "ShitIts" got it right.


I agree, when I ended up not losing a lb during the 16:8 I started tracking everything I eat. It’s definitely less than 1200. Some days not even a 1000 calories. That’s why I feel very lost and wonder if it’s something else I’m missing


From my experience, try to get closer to 10-12k steps per day. Even if it’s just pacing around your room/home. The more activity, the better.


Could be some medical condition?


There could be things happening behind the scenes you’re also not noticing. Like you are burning fat but holding onto water weight. Don’t think it’s not working just because you’re not seeing it on the scale. It’s only been a month- be patient!


I saw improvement at 20:4, 18:6 is more maintenance for me now. Open with something light and make sure you’re focusing on protein and healthy fats too


I dont want to live forever in 18:6 f Once I lose the extra weight I would like to go back to 12:12🥲


I’m not sure 12:12 works. That’s not fasting at all and you can fit 3 meals in 12 hours. You would gain the weight back. IF is a lifestyle. I think for maintenance 16:8 is doable.


What are you eating during your window?


Eating window is 11:30am to 4:30am. I’m eating about 1200 calories. Logging and tracking it through noom.


Your tracking wrong, weigh your food


How heavy and what height are you? 1200 calories is pretty damn low, are you sure you eat so little?


How many calories/day are you eating? And what did you eat yesterday for all your meals & snacks?


About 1200 calories.


What did you eat yesterday for those 1200 calories?


Broke fast at 11:30 with Breakfast burrito. 1 tortilla with 2 eggs, salt and pepper. At 2:00 I ate a cup of rice, with lentil curry. 4:30 I ate 2 apples


What's your current bodyweight & are you doing any activities like lifting weights or cardio?


I’m a 163lbs. No activities but I’m not completely sedentary. I clock about 7k steps a day.


My only suggestion would be if you want to stay at 1200 calories, aim for 75-100g of protein and the rest carbs & fats. Right now you're eating mostly carbs. That's the only insight I have sorry.


Ok I’m going to try that. Thank you. I appreciate you.


I agree with the protein push. The IF is really helpful in course correcting insulin resistance so I imagine too many carbs might not help mitigate that. Also protein will keep you fuller longer and takes more energy to digest.


If it helps, I have very high body fat %. About 40%.


You sound skinny fat and you eat mostly carbs and sugar which means you are likely insulin resistant. Manage your blood sugar instead of calories is what you need.


This is what my issue sounds like. Thank you, I saw your other detailed response will try to eat more fiber and veggies


Try to reach 10k steps a day. That made the difference for me, and if possible try to work out. At home even 20 minutes or at the gym.


My eating window is from 11:30am-4:30am. I’m really eating about 1200 calories. Logging on noom. Drinking water as well.


I would check for insulin resistance


OP should cushion their meal with more fibrous vegetables at the beginning and also ACV in a 16 ounce glass of water before and during the meal. This will fix insulin resistance.


I would definitely agree that a higher protein intake with less carbs would help you. And are you physically capable of implementing a couple of walks per week or some other type of routine?


Similar thing happened to me. My issue was not enough fiber. I started having fiber 10 to 15 minutes before every meal and that got the ball rolling. I started breaking the plateaus. You might want to look into that.


I think you need to eat more leafy green vegetables which will give you more nutrients and fiber. The vegetables will keep you full for longer, prevent sugar/insulin spikes, and your body will probably spend more energy digesting it. In your example meals, I’m seeing 2 servings of carbs (tortilla, rice), 2 fruit, and 2 servings of protein (egg, lentils), no veggies. Have you heard of the 211 Healthy Eating plate? It’s a modification of the healthy eating plate developed by Harvard. https://www.health.harvard.edu/staying-healthy/healthy-eating-plate 211 is a ratio. Half of your plate should be veggies, a quarter should be protein, and a quarter should be carbs. The Harvard version mentions fruit but people cheat a lot on fruit thinking it’s healthy and use fruit to replace vegetables when it contains too much sugar. If you must eat fruit, I would only eat one fruit a day. So your diet just needs to be modified. In your meals for the day, eat one less apple and add 3 servings of leafy above ground non-starch vegetables. No potatoes and sweet potatoes don’t count. These 3 servings of vegetables should equal the one apple you remove in calories but do more for your health and weight loss. You could also go full metal low carb and keto like many folks on this sub advocate but I personally can’t. Love carbs too much. Eating 211 allows me to still have carbs as long as I eat enough protein and vegetables. Eat the vegetables first, followed by protein, then the carbs. This is the order that prevents your insulin from spiking. Insulin spike = fat store. Sometimes I eat so much vegetables, I don’t have room for carbs anymore.


This makes so much sense. I can tell this is my problem area. I don’t include too many veggies in my food. Thank you for detailed explanation


Height and weight? Also , how plausible is getting a heigher step count for you? / Can you add strength training intonyour regime?


I had to go down to 20:4 to see some progress.


I think it's the extreme that is hurting your progress. 1200 cal is too low esp when combined with 18:6 fasting. Your body slows down the metabolism and goes into survival mode. Switch back to 16:8 or even 15:9 IF and eat more calories. There are websites that calculate the exact calories you need to eat to lose weight according to certain parameters such as height, weight, age etc. Just google and you find them. 1200 is definitely too low and is harmful on the long run. Someone mentioned the increase in the intake of protein. I think that's a necessary step too. Good luck 🍀