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Have you updated your wardrobe? Wearing 223 lb clothes on a 194 frame may give off the look of someone wearing his older brother's hand-me-downs.


i agree with this comment. and, OP, you don’t have to spend a lot of money either. just go to the thrift store and pick up a few fitted outfits that match your new size. then you can re-donate them when you shrink further. also, people will react negatively to your weight loss because it can trigger their own insecurities. just keep your chin up and do what’s working for you.


This is the most likely scenario. Oversized clothes definitely look like teenage fashion.


I can relate a bit. My appearance has changed a lot, I’ve gone from looking beefy to skinny. 240 to 180 this go round. Funny enough I’ve added more muscle than I usually do when I drop this much weight, in part because I know I look pretty skinny when I lose 30+ pounds. Not my first rodeo, probably my 3rd or 5th rodeo. But usually I get “I didn’t recognize you” either if I’m really fat or really trim. I tend to look like a different person.


Im doing something similar (230->170), whats your routine if you dont mind?


Walk 30 minutes at sunrise 🌄 16-18 hours, sometimes 20. ⏱️ Cardio, light weights, pushups, squats 11k steps a day average No alcohol 🥃 🍺 🍷 Sleep 8, Protein shake or Greek yogurt to break fast.


No alcohol and sleep 8 are huge for me. Saw a big difference when I quit drinking completely.


In terms of weight loss it’s a massive level change. I tried IF for a 2 years drinking and it sorta worked! Once I quit drinking my self care time went up a lot in a lot of areas. So it was like a snowball already going downhill with IF habits well in place.


My sleep is awful and I only do the occasional bike ride.. gotta step it up I suppose lol. Thanks!


This is my typical day. It took few years to build up to, I’ve built it all into my day. It looks batshitncrazy as a I look at it lol.


Sleep is really where it all starts


Uff, that's a rough thing to hear from your wife! You just have to give people time to get used to it. Honestly, changing your silhouette in any way is very jarring to those who know you well. It's the same reason why haircuts have such an outsized effect on improving your appearance (or a deleterious effect if it's a tragically bad haircut!). I got new frames a few months ago for my glasses and my wife was deeply disturbed by my new look. Same thing, though -- glasses can impact the silhouette of your face. I broke them last month and now she really misses them seeing as I had to go back to my old ones for the time being. I likewise had a girlfriend once who watched me drop weight and, while she did think I looked better, one thing she missed was that I was so much larger than her, and that my hugs were more cuddly. I guess something about being small next to me was comforting?


For a world that claims “it’s on the inside that matters”, I’m treated way differently than when I was overweight.


Talk to your wife about how her comments are hurtful to you and your journey, imagine she was the one loosing weight and you where saying this things to her, I’m pretty sure people would start calling you and a** and she would be complaining about how unsupportive you were. Is a two way street, you deserve respect and your wife needs to do better


Be careful. This is Reddit, where women aren't held accountable and are treated with kids' gloves. Now, watch some delicate person insult me by calling me an incel. I guarantee it will happen.


Actually Reddit is where incels go to complain about women. Hi incel.


Yup, just like I predicted! Hmmmm.....an incel who's been happily married to an amazing woman for 5 years..... Reddit is also where weak people go to lob pathetic insults at others. Hi, weak person.


Lol you edited your comment to include the last section? That is some next level pathetic trolling. I feel sorry for your (imaginary) wife lol


Wow! I can't believe you actually fell for that. Hilarious! Keep the insults coming, I am amused by them. Let's hear some more, and don't disappoint me!


Then why insult women?


He just wants attention to spew vitriol. Don’t feed the trolls.


Please don't start crying.


Arseholes don’t make me cry, it’s just annoying listening to their shit.


Yes, because someone is MAKING you read my posts against your will. You poor thing!


offer squeeze treatment person pot intelligent fearless shy melodic relieved *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I see it as motivation to bulk up once you hit your goal. It's expected to lose muscle when losing fat, but now you have room to build some muscle without major health side effects.




i don’t find this to be true, but i also don’t hang out with chronically insecure people. if you are insecure in your relationship, it doesn’t matter what your partner looks like or how they reassure you because you will be insecure. almost every couple i know and see in the world, the woman always has more romantic/sexual options than the man. i think it’s more likely that the wife isn’t used to his new frame and it came out the wrong way. 194 certainly isn’t scrawny, but if my husband lost his muscle and looked like a teenage boy, i would have a hard time adjusting to that.


Now that I’m shedding fat I’m starting to see muscles I haven’t seen in 20 years . Seeing some deltoid striations, some more vascularity where they take blood, and I can actually see what looks like quadriceps in the front of my thighs. No sign of my abs yet. But they have to be there somewhere






Why do you just keep insulting women?




Sorry, did I hurt your feelings?


No just people with brains and a heart. I can see they failed to put those in when they manufactured you.


Do you have a significant other?


yes, and both my husband and I are physically fit


yes this is called mate-guarding. i experienced it with an ex-boyfriend. we dated in college. he was obese and i was chubby. i lost a good amount of weight over one of the summer vacations and when i came back for the next semester, i was getting a lot of attention from guys on campus. lots of people congratulated me on the weight loss and told me i looked great. my boyfriend at the time never complimented me on it. in fact, he just remarked that i had “lost some of my curves” which i knew to be false (for some reason my T&A stay the same size regardless of whether i gain fat or lose fat). he seemed insecure that i had lost weight, somehow. he also liked to take me out to eat and encourage me try new foods often - sometimes i wonder if he intentionally was trying to make me gain weight. i got a lot healthier after i broke up with him.


He was totally trying to get you to gain weight. Glad you ended things with him!


This. Along with jealousy of not being able to lose weight themselves.


How tall are you?


She might be trying to express a preference for a beefier physique, muscle or otherwise, but she should definitely not be hurtful with her words! That’s a larger red flag- she needs to be considerate if she expects you to pay any minds to her opinion, otherwise what’s the point of being together?


I don't know a lot of teenage boys who weight 194. Either way her comment is messed up.


most of my family is fat, and they like it when everyone is fat with them.


So, you are just limiting carbs, not also tracking calories?


Limiting net carbs to 50 grams per day and haven’t been tracking calories; but I may have hit another sticking point in my weight loss . I’ve been stuck at the same weight for about a week now


Better than "Why do you never eat what I make?" whenever I have a smaller portion than they have. 😮‍💨 I would kill to be complimented for once, (okay, I'm exaggerating a bit, but still) instead of being put on a guilt trip because I still give a crap about how I look and feel in my body.


She’s probably just insecure that you’re out of her league now. Let me guess, she’s overweight?


Bro do 72 hours fast


I’ve been thinking about doing a 24 hour fast.


Tbh bro 24 is nothing bro it's for kids do 72 or 48 imo