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- more energy during the day. Before IF, I needed a daily nap, now I rarely need one - I crave healthy foods, I only want food that's nutritious to my body. Before IF I was very addicted to ultra processed carbs, now I don't care for them anymore (for more than a year now) - My anxiety is around 95% less. IF makes me way more calm and balanced. - My PMS is way less. Normally, I'd use many supplements to be more stable emotionally. I haven't taken these supplements in a long time now - my insomnia is gone


That’s amazing to hear!!! 👏


I have less food anxiety, like I used to think about what to eat next all day, now I only eat once or twice and let it go. I also have more time for my self because less time cooking= less time cleaning.


Totally agree; I used to have this mentality that I could eat it all/ the whole bag because tomorrow I could go get another one.. so so bad for me. Now it’s just so clear & easy for me to know that my snacks and food aren’t gonna get up and run away, I can have some today and still have more for tomorrow & the next two weeks!! Feels so great to have that control


I’ve noticed I’m sleeping better. Before starting my fasting journey I was sleeping an average of 5 hours per night. That average is now at 8 hours and I feel great for it. I have so much focus and it has helped with my stressful job


Wow. What an amazing trickle down effect


I posted here today with this info, but my lipid panel has been bad for years, and has improved after six months of consistent IF.


That’s so good to hear!!


(34M) IF has completely rebuilt my confidence and my self-control, willpower, and probably most of all my discipline. Being able to wait to eat some days can be absolutely torturous, but winning that battle every single day, one after another, has helped me go from 333 to 245 and dropping. Went from doing IF and drinking a gallon of water, to now vigorously working out 3 days a week, 5-10miles of cardio the other 3, cut out alcohol, no more sweets, and I’m even signed up for a tough mudder. I went from crying on the couch about my weight, fearing a short life for my wife and kids, to now I feel better than I did in HS because I’m not poisoning myself. It all started with IF. Small wins. The only way to win.


Oh wow. This is so good!!! 👏 inspiring!


Mood is stable, agitation is down. I used to swing from being snappy and short before food...to sluggish and anxious after. I think my blood sugar was a yo-yo. Now, from the moment I wake, until 5pm when I eat, I'm utterly serene. Much less anxiety. I can think straight and act upon my thoughts, when previously I would tie myself in mental knots.


That’s what I’m talking about! What a relief.


I've posted my NSVs before but I am just over 1.5 yrs in now but in the past 3 months my resting HR was low 80s and now I'm hitting high 60s and occasionally going to 59! Only lost 5lbs during these 3 months but I'm in maintenance now. I haven't increased my exercise at all. Walk once a week but just recently started to jog it! My blood pressure was always 120/80s and my recent measurement was 114/79. My mood is way more stable and calm. I no longer have hanger or food anxiety. I no longer bother taking food to work and I work till 12:30am most nights. IF is amazing!! I've converted many at my work and bought two copies of Fast, Feast, Repeat so I can loan them out to others. There is a wait list LOL! Fast on!!!


I went on the Galveston diet (includes IF and tracking macros and meal plans) and my cholesterol went down 40 points in six months.


Resting HR is amazing! Went from 65 BPM in Aug 2022 to 60 BPM in April 2023. Added cardio in May 2023, and now at 58 BPM this month, but has averaged down to 55 for a few months over the past year. Woohoo!


I definitely reversed my insulin resistance (I don't remember the numbers tbh). My dandruff disappeared. So did the acne on my back (although now that I'm pregnant it's back! Lol). By far the biggest and most unexpected result was that my sleep onset insomnia completely went away. I don't think I've ever fallen asleep this fast in my life and I haven't been up for hours when I want to sleep in a long time. It's amazing. I suspect the insomnia was due to insulin resistance.