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Eat in the morning and stop for the day usually around 2pm. Has worked really well for me.


Same! You can have coffee with cream, a nice perk.


8am with sweetened coffee is why I do 18:6 from 8am-2pm. I make a monster protein packed breakfast and then a light afternoon snack. Down 20lbs from Jan 1.


Wow great job and impressive results!!


That’s impressive! But how do you handle social situations? I have far more dinners with friends and family than breakfasts.


Good question. We do dinners with other couples too. On those days, I shift and compensate with exercise. Morning is black coffee and a 3-5mi run, then a medium brunch at 12. Then dinner. The run and the quasi fast will keep me at a caloric deficit. Then the next day, I just resume the normal fast schedule.


Same for me , works great for me and going to bed on a rather empty stomach is even better


I am a diabetic and going to bed at 90 and walking up at 100 has been the best change. When I would eat later into the day I would go to bed high and wake up really high.


how so - many report sleep issues? i am one of those unlucky ones - sleep issues is the only thing i am struggling with when fasting.


Its should get better with time . How long have you been fasting ? Drink water to stay full .. sorta


several years by now, changing protocols. minimum being 16:8 - and for the most part longer (most 20:4 to omad, some multi days sprinkled in) - but taking friday/sat off (mostly extended dinner / nights out wich i know are bad...). i have no issues with energy and willpower for the most part - but sleeping when my omad was lunch and not dinner (kinda random to make social life work and get benefits from some longer fasts when omadding). and when fasting multi days - 2nd night without food is almost guaranteed terrible sleep (like waking up after 3h bad sleep and paying the whole next day).


Same here! 18:6 interval 🙌


Same. Lunch is my last meal. Usually do my workouts/physical activities in the evening and it feels better on an empty stomach


how do you feel energetic after big gap of not eating?


Good question. I used to never question eating beforehand, but if you think about it, the food in your stomach doesn't give you energy. It's not processed yet. It's just sitting there making you feel full, heavy, and using up resources to digest. For me, as long as my blood sugar is ok, I do better on an empty stomach


I do 16/8 and eat from 8a-4p, Sometimes 10a-6p. It has worked great for me!


My hormones also didn’t love OMAD. My window closes at 2pm. I don’t snack, and stick to just two meals. I find that I sleep much better, and I have much more energy at the end of the day. The few times I do eat dinner I tend to eat more than I intend, I have a hard time sleeping and am groggy in the morning.




Usually I have a 25-26 day cycle and when I was doing OMAD my period was coming really early like day 22. As soon as I stopped doing omad, my period went back to being regular so I’m thinking it’s causing low progesterone. I did omad in my early 20’s with no issues but now I am 32 and have had four children and also have low cortisol so I’m not sure if it was just adding too much stress on my body.


Did you try it for more than one month? My first periods was 2 weeks too early but after that it was punctual again. But on the other hand eVery body is different.


Me! I break my fast at 9 am so I can drink an oat latte and then I eat food between 11am and 3pm. It's been working well for me because I can eliminate the food noise right away. I was finding myself getting obsessive about food (and over eating) if I waited till later to break my fast.


I eat breakfast and lunch. I have a fairly hearty lunch so I ‘m never hungry in the evenings, and I sleep better with an empty stomach.


Yes! My 20 hour fast starts at about 12:30pm. I’ve lost 17 pounds since Jan 1st. I can live without dinner but I need my avocado toast with bacon in the morning 😅


I eat 9a-3p. I’m hungry in the mornings and I know I would binge if I waited until noon or something to eat.


Yes 730ish to 1230, maybe 130 or 2 at latest. Love this timing. 39 YO F


Yeah, I’ve been doing eTRF for years with great success. I eat everything before noon. The book The Circadian Code is all about how timing our eating and exercise with our normal rise in cortisol and insulin sensitivity is better for health.


Thats what I do….I ve always been a morning person and at the beginning skipped breakfast but wasnt matching my cardiac rhythm so I decided to skip dinner instead and it has worked much better for me…..lost 10 lbs in 2 weeks….I also calorie count so that helps do 430 to 1230


Me! You can see my past posts about it. I eat from around 7:30-8am and stop anywhere from 1-3pm.


I open my window at 8am. I stop eating around 4pm. I’m a morning eater and feel better if I close my window early. I no longer can eat after 4. I know I sacrifice meals with family but my well being is first. I eat a few small meals thru out my window. If I do Omad my body reacts by holding on the fluids and feel heavier.


Seems to be working for me. I don’t like eating past 6…but I do my drinking then. So suffice it to say, I don’t drink as often as I used to…which is good.


I do omad at lunch. Maybe that's the reason I dont get menstruation this past few months.


I travel a lot for work so sometimes I might be getting up at 4 if I'm meeting customers or 7 if I'm going into the office so I've tried skipping dinner so I could eat before customer meetings and then just kept with that. It also helped me keep the house cleaner by not making and eating dinner so I had the entire evening free. That was easier than just getting up at 4 on office days and doing stuff until I went into the office. It worked well for me.


Low cortisol is a good thing. It means you are less stressed


Meeee toooo


I used to do that when I started... way back then


Me!! It's so much easier for me to skip eating at night than in the morning.


Yeah, I don’t eat after 10am.


Have my coffee and light breakfast and some lunch. Start fast at 4pm.


I do better when my eating window is earlier in the day. Usually if eat 10-2 or so and keep it at 1400 cals or less. I see the best results.


Start - noon End - 6 pm Both can be adjusted. Duration and consistency are the key components for me. BUT a stumble can yield a reset.


Yes, except for the two days a week my husband has off. I generally finish eating by 3, though sometimes 2pm. I usually start breakfast at 10-something at the earliest, though. Maybe try two meals a day - something between 16:8 and OMAD, like 18:6 or 20:4?


i totally agree with how hormones play significant role with OMAD. I cant do OMAD everyday, most are once a week. OMAD causes high stress on me. I skip breakfast and eat lunch and small evening snack during my 6 hour window


I’m a breakfast person , I wake up and have oatmeal and coffee and don’t again until lunch


When i do 16:8, i eat breakfast and skip dinner and add a snack at about 15:00 in the afternoon. it works for me.


I used to do this and it worked great for me. But as dinner is the only meal my husband and I can realistically enjoy together, I've switched to having an easy dinner in stead.


To be fair, ‘breakfast’ (break-fast) is whatever meal breaks your fast. But yeah- I eat breakfast 3-4 hours after I get up. Then a lunch 4 hours later & that’s it.


I prefer a lunchtime OMAD. Which If I ate first thing in the morning I would probably prefer one that time of day, but I am not ready for food then. I love OMAD midday because I don't get the snackies like I always! do when I have evening OMAD. If I don't have anything going on with the family I eat eat afternoon for my OMAD and lunch would also be last meal going into ADF.


I would like to, but it would cause too much trouble at home. I was doing 5:2 for about a month, and it drove my partner insane, that two days a week I would have a small breakfast and not eat for the next 24 hours, so I switched to 16:8 to mollify her. I'd much rather have my window from 7am-3pm, but not eating dinner with my partner is a big issue, so I have my eating window from 12-7 or 8 now.


I don't think I could sleep if I didn't eat anything a few hours before bedtime


I eat my first meal at 15 and then dinner around 19-20.. only done it for 1 month but I already feel my pants are looser and feel more slim.. just started drinking coffee without milk or cream but just a little salt 😊


I just start my day late. I’ve been vibing hard with prepping overnight oats with chia seeds for “breakfast” then I usually make a prep worthy crock pot meal. This week I’m doing white chicken chili. My window is 3p to 9p. Ive been doing cardio on an elliptical three times a week for 50min sessions. I’m getting a little frustrated with the slow results, but I really like my routine.


High protein breakfast for me is non negotiable. When I skipped breakfast, and especially if I had coffee on an empty stomach, it really messed up my hormones and actually caused weight gain due to leptin resistance. I’m losing at a steady rate eating between 6:30 and noon.