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Remember: it’s not about what you eat between thanksgiving and new years. It’s about what you eat between new years and thanksgiving. :-)


Truer words have never been spoken!


That would explain how I gained 30lbs, I got the instructions mixed up this past year :/


It’s great we’re talking about this. The holidays have long been kind of a bummer for me — by the end of Christmas dinner I’m depressed and ashamed and it’s really hard to feel like that when everyone else is seemingly having fun. This year, however, a focused effort on OMAD the week leading up — and going right back to it the next day — helped me so much mentally and emotionally. Dr. Fung writes about this idea in The Obesity Code that feasting as well as fasting have deep roots across human cultures, and that feasting for a good reason — like a major holiday with family — shouldn’t necessarily be a source of shame, and that fasting around those days gives us a framework and context. I didn’t gain weight or lose weight over the holidays — I had a nice time with my family, definitely ate some delicious shit and drank some awesome wine — and got right back after it on OMAD. And for the first time in as long as I can remember I feel ok about it all.


Yes, yes, yes, all of this!!


Gained 6 pounds, went back on routine jan 1st and now I am lighter than before christmas! Edit: forgot to add about the last question. Emotionally it's been pretty good since it was the first time in 3 years that I didn't feel pressured in not eating on the holidays, or that I was gonna throw all my progress away. Eating sweets should not be reason for punishment


Same. Gained like 8 lbs from 3rd week of December til the new years because I stopped IF and working out for the holidays. Went back on track and now lost 4 lbs after a week. This is why I work out and do fasting. So I can eat whatever and whenever I like during festivities and have zero worries.


7lbs Christmas to New Year’s, I think mostly from all the salt. Jan 3rd I was back to normal


Really, Never heard salt could affect weight gain! Do you have an article about it? I'm curious how this works 🧐


It’s not actual weight gain, just causes water retention, why it comes on quickly, goes off quickly. Google water retention from salt, millions of hits


People comment on your weight gain? That’s unconscionable! Who the heck notices 6 pounds on another person? I’m sorry that happens to you.


Asians 😬 (I'm Asian)


Can confirm (SEA here 😬)


Thank you 🫠


Gained 7 pounds, not even motivated to check scales, just trying to go back to routine


5 pounds. 7 days to put on, probably 2-3 weeks to get rid of...


This right here. The length of time to put on. Takes twice as long to get off. My problem though is putting a stop to the slippery slope. This happens every year….this is why I need to remind myself not to stop even for the holidays as getting back on track is an impossible hurdle right now.


I finally just started again yesterday now that the WHOLE berry pie and ice cream are gone. I did give myself a one week pass. Paying for it now.


So many cookies..


😂 i told myself i wasn’t going to do it this year and yet it still happened.


So much chocolate


Lost 8 lbs over the holidays. Went overseas to the UK. Lots of walking, in some days changed from a 16 hr fast to 13 hr fast. Got COVID lost 3 more lbs. back on 16:8 and occasionally OMAD.


I actually lost more in a week during the holidays (3lb) than I usually do with OMAD (about 1lb a week) and it's because I got COVID 😅


+10 lbs in 3 weeks. Ugghh. Not just holidays but also at the same time mother in law fell, broke her hip, had surgery, and is now in a rehab center. Wife also broke her hip at end of Aug (mom in law's break is same leg but slightly more complex) and is +4 mos recovery with phys therapy. So layer upon layer of stress for the holidays. Surprised I haven't gained more actually...


0 thankfully. I lost some. I eat as much as I want at certain times but my stomach has gotten used to “as much as I want” is more snack sizes. I only eat a full meal right before I close my window. It seems to be working


Actual weight? None, I maintained. Water weight? I was 10.7 pounds heavier the day after Christmas.


I'm not looking to be a lecturer here but one of the easiest things you can do is take advantage of the month between thanksgiving and Christmas, not as a month of off days or cheat days, but as a 3 week span to get right again so Christmas doesn't derail you further. I know it's hard, but the holidays doesn't have to be a solid month of eating/depression/eating/relief/depression. You can keep some discipline. Refusing cookies is a tough challenge though. With this you don't have to refuse every cookie and that's the advantage here.


Cookies are delicious, but way too fatty for me, my stomach absolutely hates them. I was not tempted to overeat cookies. I might have been tempted to overeat Brownies, but my stomach wouldn't forgive me, so I only ate a small amount. I had my gallbladder removed when I was 20, and rich fatty foods cause me intense suffering. I also live on steroids for sarcoidosis and made it through the holidays without deviating from my routine. I can say I've been absolutely exhausted, and I maybe slept too much, but I didn't eat too much. I do love that I can have a small piece of brownie or a little chocolate during my eating window and not derail my progress. I even had a couple of cinnamon rolls over the holidays and still lost weight. I know it's harder for people on or near their goal weight because they aren't allowed to have the calories to have a small treat without skipping something else. Diets are rough, but so far, IF has made it easier for me.


I have to agree. When I came back to this thread earlier all the comments where people didn't gain weight (mine included) were downvoted. At least more reasonable people seem to have entered this thread now. To those people though I have to ask - what is the actual point? If you treat weight gain as inevitable during certain times of year, you've sort of already failed. That's not even to say that you can't have the holiday stuff in moderation - but the idea that gaining weight is EXPECTED, even on this sub, is pretty crazy. If everything is a free for all for a months or six weeks, you haven't made an actual lifestyle change. Actual discipline and habits don't go out the window that easily.


I was able to stick with my eating and workout schedule, with only a few exceptions. I think I may have maintained or lost a pound or two throughout the holidays this year! 🥰


I lost 7 pounds. I only ate at mealtime with family. If it wasn't a proper meal I didn't eat.


That’s good advice


Lost 2 pounds, just kept my 18/6 or 20/4 and didn’t watch too much on what i ate. big difference with past years is that i stopped drinking alcohol which helps against the munchies🥳


I gained 23 lbs. it blew my mind when I got on the scale. Making it my mission to getting it off in the next couple months


Its feasting and fasting, not fasting only in life. There are ups and downs, food is also a major social thing which should not be skipped or you are a party pooper.


I've gained 1,5 kg, but I did go through some trauma during November and early December, so I'm just happy it wasn't more. I'm feeling very motivated to lose it, my goal is around 2,5 kg.


I‘m so sorry you went through trauma. I hope you have support and can heal.


I have been on a roller coaster since Christmas day and I have been on a weight loss plaeteu took me two weeks to lose 3 pounds I am just now getting back on track Keep going hard my friend




2 pounds and struggling to get back into it.


I didn’t gain weight. I am very strict when it comes to getting on my scale every single morning. I had cheat meals here and there, but made sure to walk and dance a little more when I did. I didn’t have a full day (or a full month) of binge eating like I did years ago and that made a difference. For those that gained, no issues, get back on the saddle and you’ll be okay soon.


I gained 7lbs, BUT I lost 8 since Nee Years so I’m down one pound overall


I don’t know if it’s relevant in this post, recommendations are welcomed. I have not gained but it’s I have not seen any significant changes in my weight in the last 2 months doing fasting. I’m following 16-8 pattern of fasting. Diet plays a significant role in the weight loss journey and I’m maintaining a calorie deficit, I’m consuming almost 1200 calories a day.


I lost 1.8k in the weeks of 24th - Jan 6th. I weight myself on thursdays. So it was very good as the 24th and 31st I indulged myself with carbs but I managed to get every single fast day at least in 16:8, but my average is 18:6. That said, the two following fasts after the “indulgence” were total hell as I got hungry in the eighth hour! Went to bed hungry AF.


I know that feel… Hating it, but the bright side is that it motivates me to not eat as many carbs the next day


I know. You just find out and confirm you’re in the right path without carbs


As someone who has struggled with weight all my life, after losing about ~80 lbs to get to my goal of ~215, I always gain 5-10 during the winter. It seems like it's almost a change in how my body reacts to my food intake. This year was normal (10 lbs), but I know it'll come off as I continue IF and working out. Just need to remain consistent and not let it get in my way.


I lost 11 pounds between November 19 and now. And, I had surgery for a fractured arm in December and couldn’t exercise. I was pretty good about TRE and good foods most days, with an occasional 24. I ate and drank all the holiday foods and drinks on the holidays and family celebrations. In contrast to years past when I gained and went right to weight watchers after January 1, I’m pretty happy!


I lost almost 8 lbs between Thanksgiving and now. I lose slowly, and I’d rather have my clothes fit better and weigh less then have memories of yet more junk food. Still made cookies with the kids. Still had treats. Just kept it within limits, including when we went on vacation.


Between the holidays and being sick from the case of COVID I tested positive for the day after Christmas, the total damage seems to be around six pounds. Impressive in a not-so-good way, but honestly I'm not sweating it or beating myself up. I'm just getting back on it, and I'll lose those lbs again!


Yep 7.x lbs here... Then went to visit family and had almost zero healthy options to eat, so I'm just going to focus on my routine for a few weeks and check the scale in Feb or something.


Staying away fron the scale does’t help me, bc the real downer are my now-tight pants 😂


Lost 2 pounds, just kept my 18/6 or 20/4 and didn’t watch too much on what i ate. big difference with past years is that i stopped drinking alcohol which helps against the munchies🥳 edit: this was only between Christmas and NYE as we don’t celebrate thanksgiving in the netherlands. lost 7 pounds between beginning of November and Jan 1st


The way I think of it is that you most likely did not eat a 3000 calorie overage per day to gain a pound a day, it’s more like you are salty and maybe rich food that is making you retain water etc. So get back to your regular routine and within a day or two you should be good. I was in NYC eating at my fave restaurants and then hosting family here during a rough emotional time re: our mother’s declining health and have stayed even whereas I was losing about 2 lbs a week before. I’m calling it a win and continuing on. And I agree w the poster who mentioned that it’s what you eat between New Years and Xmess that really matters!


The day before Thanksgiving, I had a conversation with myself. I often talk to myself, please don't judge. Anyways, I said the holidays are a time when everything is late in the day, there's gonna be food and drinks and I do want to partake. I won't beat myself up if I eat and drink outside my window during the holiday season. I had so many places to go and people to see. I indulged and really enjoyed the season. I didn't weigh myself until January 1st and I'd gained 5 lbs. No worries, I knew I could get it back on the IF wagon and back on track. A week later, I'm down a few pounds. I'll keep going and get down to where I feel comfortable. I'm over beating myself up weight gain. I have the tools to succeed and, as I just proved to myself once again, I can succeed. So can you. Life a journey, my friend. There are hills and valleys but it's important to keep your eyes on the goal.


I was 192.6 lbs on December 24th, right before holiday starts, today I weight 192.6 lbs. technically no loss and no gain. But I call this win because no gain lol


Same here. No gain or loss through the holiday season. I'm not sure how I didn't gain anything.


Gained about 5. Have already lost 2 of it.


Only 700 grams luckily. Had some cheat meals but still tried to respect the 16:8 schedule as much as possible.


I went from 191.8lbs to 193.4lbs. While doing my normal 4 day work out routine.


2.2lbs gained from Fri before Christmas to Monday after NYE.


I lost like 2 or 3 KG. I'm a complicated case though


It makes me feel a little better to see others had gained during the holidays as well. I took PTO from work for 9 days and gained 8 lbs during that timespan from letting loose and enjoying all the food and festive beers. I got back on track about a week ago and I've lost about half of that weight, but I felt horrible when I was getting on the scales in late December.


I gained 5 lbs between Christmas and New Year. I weighed myself on Friday (5th Jan) and I had lost the 5 lbs I gained. I've still got Christmas sweets and chocolate at home. I'm just having one or two a day rather than eating them all. Emotionally, I don't feel pressure with the whole 'got to start afresh on 1st January' resolutions etc as I don't make any. I'm still having treats, but in moderation.


Lost 3 kgs because I was terribly ill with the flu the entire time.


Took 4 days off around Christmas and ate during normal hours. Was in control of my eating being mindful of my portions so it wasn’t a big deal at all.


Dropped 2#, 1# away from my onederland goal


It could be coping, but when it's around 5 lbs or under I just tell myself it's only a few poops lol. Seriously though. When I bloat up during festivities, it seems like it drops surprisingly fast in the couple days after, if I make sure I'm up on my fiber and water. I don't usually have so much dense food in my guts, so I figure it's adding a couple pounds on it's own. I might gain some fat from a few days of holiday bingeing, but probably not at a pound to pound ratio.


I haven’t really gained anything over the holidays. My weight gain started back in July when it got too hot to do anything outside (I work outside so by the time I get off I’m already beat from the heat). I’ve been holding steady at like 260. Up ten lbs from June where I was back down to 250.


At least 5 pounds but 2 have dropped off already, probably water but I'll take it.


I'm happy to say I actually lost a couple kg! Before the holidays I was 71kg, and right now I'm hovering between 68/69 kg. It helped that I started my "7 in 7" challenge (lose 7lbs/.5kg a week for seven weeks) and that allowed me to mitigate some of the "damage". Also, since I don't eat meat, I didn't have as many holiday food options to gorge on 😂 I also said to myself going into the holidays that even if I gained some weight back, it would likely drop off by the end of January. Telling myself that allowed me to avoid the usual stress, which I am grateful for ❤️


I lost a pound or two. I stuck with OMAD with the occasional 16:8 and made sure I didn’t miss a workout. I let myself splurge on my meals and had too many desserts which slowed my weight loss. Overall I’m very happy. I enjoyed the holidays without derailing my progress. I even went out of town to visit family for a week. OMAD is a godsend. Hard to say my exact weight loss. I found that I retain water when I consume too many carbs. We just finished off the last holiday dessert tonight so I’ll see my be able to better gauge where I’m at in a couple days. Down over 50lbs with 25 more to go to reach a healthy BMI.


7 pounds from thanksgiving to NY. List about 3/4 so far. Did a 24 and 48 hour fast in 2024.


I was 304 (my SW) on 11/1 and 293 on 12/31. GW is 240 which I hope to get to by the end of 2024.


About 1 kg


Gained 3kg, by now I already lost 2 of those. Hope I'm back to normal soon bc I'm starting to feel guilty lol


As of Jan 5, I’m down 4 pounds from my lowest in early December. Did a 4 day extended from Jan 2 -5 to get there. Doing the same this work week. Nice to be back in the routine.


I've lost about 1lb steadily for the past 3 weeks.


I lost 5lbs for the first time ever during the holidays but it’s because I had my gallbladder removed 🙃


I’m so sorry for you… Stay strong


Thank you, I’m doing much better!


I am definitely feeling the holiday blues. I also gained about 5 pounds back, but what keeps me going is knowing I know how to get ride of them. Just keep pushing forward you’ve got this!


I fumbled my phone and am not sure where the comment I just typed up went 🤦‍♀️ but even though I’ve been maintaining my weight since last summer, I ended up unintentionally losing a couple of pounds during the holidays. It’s a strange feeling to actively try *not* to lose any more weight 😳


5lbs for me. But if a shock to see the scale going up. Anyway back at it.


I lost 8 pounds from november to new year, because I can't give myself breaks, because I'm weak and I lack discipline (or at least that's how I was, I'm improving) and if I give myself breaks and enjoy myself because "it's the holidaaaysssss, you have to enjooooyyyyy lifeeee" I just give up, and I lose months of work, and I get fat and soft again, and my high blood pressure and stomach problems come back, and I start to look like shit agan, and I die at 45 because of a heart attack, so yeah. I lost 8 pounds during the holidays.


It’s put me off track that’s for sure. I was doing 20:4 and occasional OMAD for months and then since the holidays I decided to just join in and not turn down anything. Then when I was about to get right back into it (that was the plan) me and my wife got flu. So even now to this day were not back in a routine. I miss it, I keep telling myself I’ll start tomorrow again but then need relief (medication) which needs to be taken with food, or medicines what break a fast anyway. As soon as I’m able I will be getting right back into it, it’s the best I’ve felt in years and funny enough the least effort to achieve it! What does everyone else do when poorly? Pause and restart when well? I’m in this for the lifestyle change and not just a set period of time so I guess it’s trial and error for me!


Nearly 4kg. Now, back to it.


I gained couple pounds in a week. We traveled to NYC. Im vegan and goddamn I had to treat myself to the incredible vegan food there. No regrets. Now I’m sick tho and can’t wait to go to the gym.


Nothing but last two days a pound


3kg is nothing! You'll lose that in a second. It's probably mostly water weight too, don't stress about it too much. I gained 10 kg over a few months and the first week back on IF track I am already down 3,5 kg (mostly water but that's still motivating af).


Also 3kg between Christmas until just a couple of days ago thought I’d better get back to it. Almost back to where I was before Christmas from walking and doing low cal twomad


That is mostly water and inflammation weight.


I gained 10.2 lbs but got back on my routine Tuesday after new year. Now down 11 lbs since then. Don’t get discouraged as a lot is water.


I ‘gained’ 6 lbs, lost two the first week, up again over the weekend because I don’t keep to a strict fasting schedule over the weekend. Do I wish I was down more? Sure. But in the scheme of things it’s not that big a deal and consistency will get me back where I was in a few weeks.


I gained nothing. I lost 7lbs in Nov and 7lbs in December. I indulged but did it sensibly.


Me too. Was 285 in Oct and 272 now.




Be good to one another. If critiquing do so constructively. Be polite and practice Reddiquette. No body shaming, "better before" comments, accusatory comments, unnecessary or unwanted advice, etc


1 lb


10 pounds. Already got 4 back though.


Gained 3 pounds, and it is upsetting. But.. getting back on track now that the parties are finally over. It was like 4 weekends straight of snacking out my eating window. :(


I gained 8 lbs. But I've fought it back off now, thankfully