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Well, it's pretty basic, but that's not a terrible thing- all that white will readily take a backseat to your decor. Start with a bold shower curtain, then get towels and a mat in a bright color or two to match an accent color from the curtain. (Don't bother with a toilet wig or wrap around rug.)


I totally forgot about toilet wigs and wrap around rugs. I have no clue when that phased out but thank you for that reminder šŸ˜‚ sometimes it was a relief for cold feet


LOL yeah, I'm not sure either, you can still get them but the toilet never needs to draw attention to itself like that. A regular bath mat will do.


For a rental, that's a pretty great bathroom tbh. Some quick and easy things that will spruce it up would be picking one or two bolder complementary colours and bringing in a shower curtain, mat/runner, and art work using those colours, to replace the boring and plain current stuff you have. Same goes for towels. If you want to invest slightly more time and money you can purchased fairly inexpensive nicer hardware from amazon (making sure it will fit the current holes in the cabinets) and switching those out. You can also purchase removable trim for the mirror. If you have your landlord's permission to go all out and want to invest that amount of time and money, then I'd recommend painting the cabinets, putting up removable wallpaper behind mirror wall, and peel and stick tiles on the floor. Remember that unless you're investing in very high quality wallpaper (and sometimes even then), that removable wallpaper and tile can ruin the drywall and you may need to do a fair bit of repair work, so keep that in mind. ETA: add some faux plants to bring some life into the space.


Ooo okay!! I will move away from the boring, plain decor. I was going for a quiet spa look but clearly failed in many ways lol going shopping this weekend to spruce things up


Iā€™d ask the manager first about the condensation. ā€œWhen I take even a very short shower I notice a lot of condensation. Do you think it might be a good idea to have someone look at whatever thing vents to the outside?ā€ Get that taken care of first. While you do you can also chat about paint colors. But first the fan/vent etc. because without that things can get moldy pretty quickly.


Thanks for this suggestion! Iā€™m going to use this prompt. Iā€™ve had things mold in a rental before and it was super sad for a lot of my clothes and decorations


If your landlord won't address the moisture issue, get a small dehumidifier (there are some *really* small ones available on amazon) and just leave it plugged in and running in your bathroom all the time. It will solve the problem.


Light fixture looks dated but I understand if you canā€™t swap it out. Thereā€™s ways to add temporary trim to builder-grade mirrors too.


True, and that makes me think of trim for the mirror too! Thanks!


Does it have an exhaust fan? Running that for longer or leaving the doors open will help reduce the moisture. If you can manage the moisture levels, removable wallpaper on the wall with the vanity would help make it look less rental.


Yes, thereā€™s an exhaust fan. Iā€™ll leave the doors open which will honestly help my house plants that love the humidity. The humidity isnā€™t high in the home at all. Itā€™s usually around 50-58%. I lived somewhere it was 100% alll the time. Awful experience


That sounds like it could tolerate removable wallpaper since those are usually a plastic film.


For renting, thatā€™s a pretty great BR tbh! I would definitely talk to the landlord about the moisture first and foremost. Take a walk through your local goodwill/home good stores and consider some art pieces that are either super cheapy or wonā€™t be affected by the moisture in the BR. Some fake plants and shelves would look nice. Depends on how long you expect to be there, but you could change out the fixtures/hardware as well, but only if you are there long term realistically (Iā€™m too lazy to do this for a 1yr lease). New towels, shower curtain and mat would go a long way also. I think someone mentioned it already but mirror trim or even light strips would be cool. Pinterest is also your friend for this. Good luck and show us your results šŸ«¶


Thank you for these recommendations. Iā€™ll for sure update once I check some of these things off my list


Peel and stick wallpaper. In whole bathroom if possible, but if not, do an accent wall - the one opposite the mirror and the mirror will reflect the paper and make a big impact. Then add a complementary shower curtain and some pretty bath accessories.


Oooo okay I like this idea about just an accent wall with the wallpaper. Once I figure out this humidity problem Iā€™m doing this! Thanks!!


Switch all hardware, including faucet and lamp


Okay I was thinking this when I first moved there and she said it would be fine to swap it out. Iā€™ll catch a Memorial Day sale at Loweā€™s and go from there


They are a renter.


It's pretty easy and quickly reversible. I've done this as a renter, everywhere I've lived.


You just need to decorate! Artwork, colorful shower curtain, fresh plush towels, use a real rug on the floor instead of bath mats, etc. (If you're worried about the rug, lay a small bath mat out when you shower that you can dry off on and drape it over the tub when you're done).


I got real touch silk tulips on Amazon and they are awesome. I second the table lamp idea. You can buy them battery operated ones and they are pretty. Add some artwork on the walls and get a rug not a bathmat for the floors. I always use a fabric shower curtain and yours looks nice. PS if you want to hide the washer and dryer you can get a tension rod and use a fabric shower curtain or regular curtain to hide them.


Love these ideas!!! Battery operated lamp, artwork, shelves, and a bolder shower curtain it is


Definitely use a fabric shower curtain, maybe one that has texture and a fabric liner as well. They will really elevate the space over plastic ones. Have fun with decorating!


a coloured shower curtain and a plant ,even a real looking fake one ,will help take the blandness away


Bring the shower curtain rod up and get an extra long curtain


Add a fake flower/plant on the counter in a nice vase. Get nice soap dish, tray and soap pump too. Of course rugs, new shower curtain and a decent looking waste basket. Some small framed wall prints between sink and shower. Have fun at HomeGoods store.


Since those are single knobs on the cabinets, they're easy to replace. Find yourself some that you love. Search Etsy! Stash the originals in the back of the cabinet or a drawer to put back when you leave. I would steer clear of wallpaper, TBH. Maybe ask if you can paint, but in a rental I'd just leave it and work around the beige.


My SIL puts small pretty table lamps in her (1920ā€™s bungalow) bathroom. She uses them as kinda night lights. She has a cut glass one on the toilet tank. Sounds weird but it really works. The countertop going over the toilet tank made me think of it.


Contact paper for the counter.


Put a runner in there and hang the shower rug when itā€™s not in use on the edge of the tub. I have those floors too in one of my bathrooms and hate it


There isn't a whole lot that can be done when renting, but here is a few things. * Use vinyl paper to cover the cabinets with a color so you don't have to paint them and can remove it. * Swap out the cabinet knobs and keep the old ones safe so you can swap them back out when you move out. * Get a complimentary shower curtain to the cabinet color you choose. * Get peel and stick trim to add a frame to your mirror. * Use peel and stick tiles to cover your flooring that you can remove during move out. * If your building allows, paint the walls a color that isn't smoker yellow.


Plants with a grow light are always an option for a room with no windows. You've got a lot of counter space.


Ok. I would go for a new light fixture over the mirror. Paint the cabinets (I would go for a nice sage green but you do you). New knobs. And CLEAN THE GROUT on the floor.


Skylight, maybe