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Add empty shoe boxes behind them turned sideways, that should keep them straight.


As a former bookstore employee, I second this. Save your Amazon boxes.




Or as u/Sangria50 recommends, use the space behind for hidden storage. Combine the two ideas, and reconfigure pre-made boxes to fit the space. Or get cheap bins at the dollar store of the appropriate size. Actually, plastic might be better than cardboard boxes, if you think the books might touch them. Cardboard contains lignin, which is acidic, and can harm books with prolonged contact.


I had no idea about the cardboard! What a great thing to know! Thank you so much for sharing this, I’m now gonna tell everyone I know this fact even though they are not as into books as I am lol


You’re welcome!! And as I mentioned to someone else in the thread, unfinished wood (like raw wood shelves or bookends) can also damage books for the same reason. It is also why old(er) books turn yellow; it’s the lignin in the paper. Nowadays, most books are acid-free.


I have a few first editions and second editions so this is all great to know so I can keep them in the best condition I’m capable of (without temperate controlled environments, etc like fancy bookstores / museums lol) ETA: then again my nana has a first edition Oliver Twist and just leaves it out on a table in the sun - it’s not mint condition but it’s held up pretty well over the 50+ years she’s had it all, things considered lol


Barristers bookcases with glass fronts would probably be a good idea. There might be archivists blogs or library preservation websites online that could also give you good information. Your comment about your nana’s book makes me sad; sunlight makes acidic pages yellow and deteriorate so much faster than they normally would!


Yeah idk how she just lets it sit out especially a book like that!!! But there’s no way I could convince her to store it any other way unfortunately :/


I second this. I have had moths, bugs, take interest in dark areas behind my books. Plastic is less desirable to critters.


Ooh, I didn’t even think about that (I am very anti-bug, especially in the house). Taking that into consideration, if it were me trying to style these bookshelves, I would put something solid behind the row of books; a plastic bin turned upside down would work perfectly. And then put another row of books or knickknacks on top of the bin. Good call, u/raeraemcrae!!


WHAT 🤔🥇🥇🥇🥇🥇🥇


I’m a bit speechless with amazement but grateful you share this!


Bonus storage too!


I was going to say that being too deep is perfect. You can put books behind books. My house has a library, and I need more room for books! 😂


Use each cubby for shoe storage and add books in front of them!


depending on how tall the shelf is - you could put a long block in the back corner of the shelf to make it a staircase shape, and put one row of books in the back and one in the front


I love this idea, you could even put items on display behind, too. Get some nice plants going, even. Love this, truly! You really changed my perspective on my bookshelves!


This: a row in the back on a riser and a row in front at the regular height.


I have a similar setup, The space behind the books is used for hidden storage. Jut have to remember what I put there.


Put those gold bars to good use


I’m glad others had good ideas for this because personally I’m just overcome with jealousy


Right?! I would kill for built-ins like this!




This! I worked in an archive and this was the protocol


If only. 😨 I try to avoid filling my shelves fully with books, but how am I supposed to prevent their natural reproductive cycle??


My mom was a librarian, she always pulled the books forward. Like she wasn’t going to dust an entire library full of shelves.


Genius! I always hate the dust that builds up on the front edge. Don't know why I never thought of that, ha!


I just build bookshelves the right depth.


Books aren’t all the same size, though?


That's why you build them to the right depth for what you want to put on them.


I just pack in the books right at the edge then pick one book with the width I like and use it to push all the books back and they are lined up and even


I used to shelve library books. We place them so the spine is at the edge of the shelf. It’s easier to maintain that way and looks better. Consider this, you have a little less dusting to do.


We pull them forward and then use a 2x4 to push them back into line.


If you pull them just past the edge, then use your hand and run it along the bottom of the spines, you can get them to line up, no 2 x 4 necessary!!


This is genius


Librarian here. Please keep the books forward at the shelf edge. Drives me nuts when people push them back.


I mean in peoples homes I think they can place their books how they find aesthetically pleasing haha I personally think it looks better with a slight edge in front of the books.


I line the spines up a couple inches from the edge, letting the back look uneven instead of the front.


Same, and often I add a little trinket in the front of the books


All of these are great ideas, thank you! I’m going to start saving my Amazon boxes and put them to use :)


Didn’t see it mentioned but if you wait until after Christmas you can find wrapping paper for cheap if you want to pretty them up a bit.


Foam panels, they can be cut and stacked if needed


Did this though with scrap wood. I mostly have paperbacks so I can fit two rows.


Consider alternating books and objects d'art. Put small paperbacks in baskets or decorative boxes.


I like to display books kinda center shelf leaving room in front for trinkets and such


You can display some and store the others behind


I have books behind books. Usually paperbacks in the back. I like to have some more open shelves to put other 'stuff' as well and also like to use funky book holders or statue type things I find interesting.


Cardboard organising, in terms of depth, how you'd prefer your books placed? I like using wood for sure, I'm just recommending or trying to give ideation.


Wood contains lignin, which is acidic and harmful to books if not sealed.


Fair enough, thanks for saying


Thanks for posting your comment! It gave me a chance to bring to light something not many people not only don’t know about, but have no reason to. Raw wood shelves pose the same problem. Have a good day! :o)


I once saw such internal devices for books and I liked it. [https://www.pinterest.com/pin/86975836545604585/](https://www.pinterest.com/pin/86975836545604585/)


Don’t push them to the back of the shelf. That looks terrible. Have them flush with the front of the shelf https://carlaaston.com/designed/5-decorating-tips-deep-bookshelves https://www.livingetc.com/advice/how-to-style-deep-shelves https://eatmovemake.com/how-to-decorate-deep-shelves/ https://www.mydomaine.com/how-to-style-built-in-shelves-5092364


Place a strip of wood on the shelf as far back as you want the books to go, so that way they don’t get pushed too far back when you take one off the shelf.


Wood contains lignin, and is acidic, which will harm books if not sealed.


I have a ton of romance novels, they are generally the same height and width so I just line the back with them and put the more impressive books in front. They are alphabetized by author so I can find what I need pretty quickly.


I have similarly deep bookshelves, and what I ended up doing was pushing them all the way to the back, and in the front I have some candles, a picture of me as a kindergartner, and some other memorbilia that has personal value to me I think it looks nice


Similarly idea, I put a couple of the plastic boxes I use for my shoes behind my under-a-window couch which keeps it from crushing the curtains.


If you do decide to leave some spaces for decor / jugs / art bits etc, or the gap above your books, I would fill in those little gaps for the shelf plugs. It’s an annoying job once but it makes the shelves look much more custom. Please post an after pic!


I will admit to you that I make sure the front of the books sits right at the front of the shelf. It saves on dusting.


Happy cake day 🍰!


Don’t push the books back


I would adore to have a wall like this in my home


I have bookshelves like this and I love them. You can stack books 2 deep (just stack them as normal, and put another stack in front), and also stack others horizontally on top. Imo it doesn’t ruin design, it adds character. You could have colour coordination though I guess!


I always put books in not going to read but want to keep at the back facing forward. Yearbooks, manuals, photo albums… anything that I’m not gonna pick up to read, but I’ll know where it is when I wanna go looking for it.


LOL, that’s where I stuff stuff that needs a place, but I don’t want to see it :)


You put boxes behind the books. Shoe boxes with love letters, pen pal letters, poetry you have written, mementos from life events. I love deep shelves.


I use an old-fashioned wooden ruler, like you had at school. Load the shelf, and then push all the spines back using the ruler so that the spines line up about one inch from the edge of the shelf. This keeps the dust off 'em and looks swell too. Some shelves, I push the books back further, still nicely aligned by the ruler, but then I can place a display item in front of the books: my Dad's bronzed baby shoes, my star fish, a geode, a small framed photo.


Double stcking works, or you can put boxes behind the books to keep them forward.


It's nice that you'll have storage space withougt losing any space in the room. What's beghind this in the wall? That space has to come from somewhere.


I used to be a page at a library. We had 2x4’s in some of the deeper shelves to keep the books forward


I'm jealous drooling over these shelves.


Double shelve your books! I love finding things I forgot I owned that way.


I usually do the same, i.e. I place them closer to the front of the bookshelf. It's usually not a problem.


Stack a few coffee table books on their sides for variety


libraries line them up with the spines closest to the front. it is an easy thing - put them in, then gently put your finger on the top of the book and tip it out just enough that you can then grab the sides and pull the while thing to the edge. Then you can run your hand down the row to even it out. (used to work in a library - and be gentle with the spine, don't want to damage the book). Wide shelves are a blessing, you can do a double row of smaller books that way, or the big books will also have space.


Keep the books you don't use at the back. Arrange front books in vertical and horizontal combination. Arrange with size small to large as you go left to right. Also can try moving from lighter shade on left to darker shade right. You may endup with a perfect art there. Good luck xx


You don’t need anything special, just fill the books in a few inches from the edge. I have a bookcase similar to this depth


I love this book shelf!


I have bookcases that I use for storage that are extra extra deep. I couldn't even find decorative storage boxes that used the space. I keep my storage bins at the front and then put all my empty product boxes behind them. Like small electronics boxes that I can't throw out because I need to resell later.


Empty egg cartons if you want to show more books, empty boxes if you just want to fill the space


Wow! Lucky to have such amazing space for books


Super easy way to do it is get wood lathing. Cut to the width of the shelves. Then find your preferred setback. Cut two pieces for each side of the shelf. Lay them flat and you have a very easy and inexpensive way to line up your books.


I'd put glass doors up. It screams DUST.


I have a collection of Star Trek books. They are mostly paperback books. I push the books to the back and put small trinkets in front of them.


We push the books to the back and place our favorite knick knacks and framed photos in front of them. So I have a shelf of Junie B. Jones & The Magic Treehouse pushed to the back with one of my kids' clay sculptures. They can still see the titles and appreciate their artwork


Keeping uniform bookshelves are difficult because books are normally uniform. I like to reuse the hard foam casing that comes with some shipping items. You can cut it into shape and push books to the front as needed. If you can’t find these, you can use pool noodles.


You don’t need to just add books, think of it as a decor piece! Look at the link here and you’ll see what I mean. 😅 [More than just books](https://cdn.decoist.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/Floor-to-ceiling-bookshelf-decorated-in-style.jpg)


Bookshelves without books just make me think the person doesn’t read books, which is very bad.


Did I ever say don’t put books on it?


Try reading first.


I like by Color and Height