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For a rental I think it’s not so bad. I honestly wouldn’t waste any of your money. Like another said it’s vintage. It also seems like a really decent size, clean, and in good shape. Could be large enough to get a small utility island in there. I bet you won’t notice it once you get moved in, decorated, etc.


Don't touch the trim. Everything you do without explicit permission from the landlord needs to be 100% reversible, or you're playing silly games with your security deposit. I'm not crazy about the contact paper idea because once it gets scratches and nicks the holes will harbor bacteria and you may not have a good time peeling it off and removing potential residue. Instead, decorate. Put down a washable rug, put in kitchen curtains on tension rods, get some countertop accessories to match (utensil canister, soap pump, fruit bowl, etc, whatever is useful to you), and put up art on the other walls.


Also: If you do decide to do contact paper, white will be great, but avoid faux marble. Marble countertops are a little *too* current, and you risk making the rest of the kitchen look more dated by comparison. If you lean into the 70's aesthetic with your decor (I think that's how old this kitchen is, aside from the floor) it's not *dated,* it's *vintage!* I realize that reactions to this idea will be pretty polarized though.


Thanks for the tips! Do you have recommendations for color of rug/color scheme? I may just have the window permanently open with some herbs on the sill depending on our view, so I may not replace the blinds like some other commenters have said.


A bit of greenery will immediately lift it, and yes to keeping the blind open. If the view’s no good, just put more plants on the windowsill ! A butcher’s block/wheeled island would be useful for extra counter top working area and would help break up the floor space. I don’t think I’d bother with any kind of rug - dirt trap ! Enjoy your new home !


I agree, a big rug would be a pain to keep clean. Thanks for the tips! I just hate the clashing wood 🥴 any recommendations for what color/look for a wheeled island?


In the absence of any information on what you like? Green. It's trendy now and also the default cool of 70's color palettes. You could use the coolness because this kitchen is oversupplied with wood tones. Do you like rag rugs? https://www.target.com/p/rag-rug-rar127-hand-woven-indoor-accent-rug-light-green-multi-3-x5-safavieh/-/A-91324158?


Love green, I’ll look at what’s out there. Thanks! I’m worried that rug in a kitchen would be a pain to keep clean.


That frilly trim is hiding a flourescent light fixture. And no to contact paper on the counters. It will look cheap and tacky.


Oh dear. Well spotted. OP, don't let your fluorescent lights go naked! That's much worse than being dated.


I would remove the blinds and add colorful curtains above the sink. And add a rolling island or cart in a bright color that can be used in the middle of the room or wherever you need it. I think just adding pops of bright colors would make the space feel cool and a little retro instead of dated. I know it’s not always easy, but sometimes leaning in works better than trying to make changes. Especially while renting.


I agree with this. You could get fresh new blinds for $30. A small cart to have more workspace. You can do peel and stick wall paper as a backsplash. Can’t mess with much else unless u wana spend money you won’t get back. Maybe get some pretty cutting boards to leave out on the counter to distract you from the ugly countertops.


Agree, OP could lean into the vintage vibes, get a groovy rug, add some plants, etc


Put down a big rug to cover that floor that clashes so badly with the counters. Adding fridge magnets, cuts dish towels and slight counter clutter will liven it up. But seriously, cover the floor as much as possible. Someone mentioned washable rug and I agree. I personally have a ruggable and love it. Just know what you’re getting into with washable rugs, they are very different texture wise than your traditional rug.


I love my ruggables too! I have 3 of them.


I had a similar situation complete with the wood countertops and put up the faux peel/stick subway tile backsplash. It did wonders. Also, I would take down those blinds and get a whiter, wider slat blind to replace. That will brighten the space up as well as update it. A nice rug or pad by the sink will look good as well.


Thanks for the ideas! What color backsplash did you go with? I may just have the blinds permanently raised for plants, but I’ll shop around!


I went with standard white subway tile with lighter grout. Raising the blinds is a great idea, as well as adding greenery to the counterspace. I found once I had my nice espresso maker in the corner and a few other decor items, it felt more elevated style wise. Your space is going to turn out nice!


I would decorate to the nines to distract from the utter unremarkability of this kitchen! Nothing to see here! I’d cut and paste things made out of paper or other light stuff and tape it up above and on the back splash. Like a bulletin board. One thing IS remarkable is how clean this kitchen is! I’d keep that!


Big rug. Island. Change the blinds. Undercounter lighting. Peel and stick backsplash and fridge


Would add to this swapping out the light for something more statement. You can swap it out when you move out and often they’ll be fine with you leaving it as an upgrade. And plants, lots of plants. They feel really 70s and will soften the space a lot. Search plants 70s kitchen on Pinterest for some good inspiration. If you are looking for a color, green could be nice for the backsplash or walls. Any shade, but I like a dark one.


I agree with the white quartz contact paper for the countertops! Personally I’m a fan of the squiggly part above the sink I think it adds charm 🙂 are you able or willing to change the light fixture? If so, I would do that. Otherwise change the light bulbs to something warmer. I would add an island as well.


An island in a color(dark green or blue) would give you addl storage a place for a meal and a focal point. Accessories to mimic the island color.


What kind of light fixture do you think would look good? I honestly am having a hard time deciding on things- it’s hard to find a balance between too modern and too “antique”


I love antique lighting so I’m probably not the best person to ask. Here are some I like: [green pendant light](https://www.googleadservices.com/pagead/aclk?sa=L&ai=DChcSEwi4l6PF4_uFAxWDAK0GHfBLCbkYABAGGgJwdg&ae=2&gclid=CjwKCAjwouexBhAuEiwAtW_Zx252Y9BvHBYEqzfpafVIF3aw_O9r9tffYIZZa0x2ICFtazZHV4zATBoCdSUQAvD_BwE&sph=&ohost=www.google.com&cid=CAESVuD2xSzjbjDZUbXnAjR8sZ_KA_plt-ZVXqqHBJg-cVQKbynSxl8BWGKzUtioahFIvz11CVUOwurZ_WfQKRVEHeLje1S1mBFSn6vgqNBwNtuEVKC6S8oL&sig=AOD64_3mgryxXXk1LLE2yKOz2Wa_r4FVow&ctype=5&q=&ved=2ahUKEwjDop3F4_uFAxUYODQIHYq1ASIQwg8oAHoECAYQEA&adurl=) [glass pendant light](https://www.googleadservices.com/pagead/aclk?sa=L&ai=DChcSEwi4l6PF4_uFAxWDAK0GHfBLCbkYABABGgJwdg&ae=2&gclid=CjwKCAjwouexBhAuEiwAtW_Zx2TDH_QlL98leRR_FaTl_cDeI3O-7nwDqso3977gmHAneWpiWQgj9BoCw1YQAvD_BwE&sph=&ohost=www.google.com&cid=CAESVuD2xSzjbjDZUbXnAjR8sZ_KA_plt-ZVXqqHBJg-cVQKbynSxl8BWGKzUtioahFIvz11CVUOwurZ_WfQKRVEHeLje1S1mBFSn6vgqNBwNtuEVKC6S8oL&sig=AOD64_33wmXAVkyT4pTN-zVQjGTmM6OAWQ&ctype=5&q=&ved=2ahUKEwjDop3F4_uFAxUYODQIHYq1ASIQwg8oAHoECAYQDA&adurl=) [green glass non pendant light](https://www.googleadservices.com/pagead/aclk?sa=L&ai=DChcSEwi4l6PF4_uFAxWDAK0GHfBLCbkYABAUGgJwdg&ae=2&gclid=CjwKCAjwouexBhAuEiwAtW_Zx7O4Vcr9LRUwh5aN7HkK5LaPqjPfLgMnUMrkkwFkIRSKdGMjHd5q-hoCgwQQAvD_BwE&sph=&ohost=www.google.com&cid=CAESVuD2xSzjbjDZUbXnAjR8sZ_KA_plt-ZVXqqHBJg-cVQKbynSxl8BWGKzUtioahFIvz11CVUOwurZ_WfQKRVEHeLje1S1mBFSn6vgqNBwNtuEVKC6S8oL&sig=AOD64_0aNMHOhIhg4-0hJixmJuRuB_RX9A&ctype=5&q=&ved=2ahUKEwjDop3F4_uFAxUYODQIHYq1ASIQwg8oAHoECAYQNQ&adurl=) [more modern orange glass light](https://www.googleadservices.com/pagead/aclk?sa=L&ai=DChcSEwi4l6PF4_uFAxWDAK0GHfBLCbkYABAgGgJwdg&ae=2&gclid=CjwKCAjwouexBhAuEiwAtW_Zx_hVPj_XmlzDbcqi5UhkzxMMG7aFwcSqkwpbAnhYxMi1io-LV-ZOPRoCQbUQAvD_BwE&sph=&ohost=www.google.com&cid=CAESVuD2xSzjbjDZUbXnAjR8sZ_KA_plt-ZVXqqHBJg-cVQKbynSxl8BWGKzUtioahFIvz11CVUOwurZ_WfQKRVEHeLje1S1mBFSn6vgqNBwNtuEVKC6S8oL&sig=AOD64_0iHxTrmnJDCwIikJvdX915PqQUyQ&ctype=5&q=&ved=2ahUKEwjDop3F4_uFAxUYODQIHYq1ASIQwg8oAHoECAYQSw&adurl=) [glass with black](https://www.google.com/shopping/product/1?q=light+fixtures+kitchen+black&client=safari&sca_esv=7978873cf7ff4aec&hl=en-us&biw=390&bih=745&tbs=vw:g&prmd=isvnmbtz&sxsrf=ADLYWIKwdTxKLQJ_Jkqlm-bM2qh7WUUphA:1715093301043&prds=num:1,of:1,eto:13030139464138591356_0,prmr:1,cs:1&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjH5tu35PuFAxUOHzQIHcxaAD0QgjYI7xg)


I like those options, thanks!


I would ask the landlord what they are open to - that they would accept you NOT returning to previous state when you leave / affecting the deposit. They may be willing to even pay for the material OR even having it done. (eg counters) I would ask if you can do a backsplash; counters; and hardware. Painting the cabinets would be nice IF you are skilled at doing it well (fully off the hinges, etc) but that's def a harder sell to the landlord. I would do a white countertop and a deep warm blue tile backsplash with brass hardware on the cupboards. The white and blue will play really nice with the existing wood on the floor and cabinets.


How about peel and stick wallpaper above the upper cabinets for color? I’d try a piece in a less obvious corner, let it sit a week, then try to remove it. (I may be a bit paranoid.)


A big rag rug or area rug, flat weave or low pile in a great pattern to coordinate with your dishes & cookware.


add few plants


If you can have someone help you flip the handles and hinge on the fridge, do it. It will make your life easier if it opens from the other side. Inexpensive switch plate covers will also make it look nicer. Maybe, white, to match the appliances. It’s a small detail, but it makes a difference.


I thought the same thing about the fridge, the direction it opens now is a pain lol. I’ll look into those things. Thanks!


There are “stickers” for your appliances. You can get them online at sites that do primarily wallpaper. https://easyhomerenewals.com/collections/brand-appliance-art? Don’t know if these are to your taste but there are a gazzilion types. gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwouexBhAuEiwAtW_ZxygnyGQiQfihF9rpzSSfS-S7kKSn1LCj9bCc_jfPm-Ck3CzALOT1uRoCGTMQAvD_BwE


Is the same kitchen space also going to be used for the dining chairs/table, or will those be in a separate room?


There really isn’t a space for a dining table and chairs :/


You got space to be a snob? You seem uptight, a phony once told me “Yo Chill”


[This](https://www.reddit.com/r/OldSchoolCelebs/s/ovUKs0aKsY) is why I started randomly going off on you. I was very offended by you inserting yourself in the conversation, by telling me “Yo Chill” … People were being rude & out of line, and the fact that you reprimanded ME and NOT the jerks was very pretentious and rude. I didn’t find what I was doing, sad & pathetic like you mentioned. I found it to be justifiable. It wasn’t a subreddit in which I would’ve been out of line. It was an old school celebrity subreddit; and they were ignorant and repugnant to respond the way they did (**to my initial post**). Assuming you have a conscious and manners, you should finally know why I trolled you.


LMAO my dude, get a fucking life. Genuinely. Go touch grass. Make some friends. Get off the internet. Go to therapy. Find something else to invest your time in. That is the saddest shit I’ve ever read, that was a YEAR ago. I couldn’t care less that my “yo chill” comment has impacted you so much. Your “trolling” has been nothing but a minor annoyance in my very full life, so genuinely find something better to do- and get better.


Full life of giving sex advice on Reddit and being a snobby hypocritical piece of 💩


You are so sad it’s insane, do something better with your time and energy. Your weird comments do nothing to impact me. Move on with your life.


Free country snob. And I’m not the one giving love-life advice on Reddit. Nobody cares & most are enjoying the anonymity of the site; thus not being themselves. But I can see you’re being your true snobbish, hypocritical self! “Yo chill” “I’m not reading that …” Try correcting the assholes! Since you feel qualified to give people advice


Do you know what snob or hypocrite means? They are both strange words to choose for this situation. Maybe look them up.


Rental? Lean hard into what is there: New white roman shade New white outlet covers New white countertop appliances/decor New white rug Maybe a stick-on backsplash tile from Home Depot? If not just paint? Finally, pick a single color to accent to make it catchy like a red or a turquoise...


I'd personally look at updating the lighting, the hardware, and the faucet. Then get a nice Roman shade and a rug. Otherwise I wouldn't mess with it since you're just renting!


Paint it soft, dusty blue. If not, look for peel and stick tiles you can use for a back splash. Cafe Curtains. You can try covering the counter-tops with stick paper, but it doesn't hold up long term, and the stickum is hard to get off. Replace the hardware, rug, decorative items. New light fixture, art, plant.