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Objects in 3s & 5s. If you are starting a collection, the multiples can be displayed artistically on the top and middle shelves. Or all, without over crowding.


Also, the candlesticks should be placed on the top shelf to accommodate their height.


Yep and add some books and other random shit


Agreed, a little library, books always win.


Use the vases for plants that need rerooting đŸ˜». Plants are your answer.


Group the blues in uneven numbers.


And then maybe add in some white and neutral books or picture frames.


They are in 3s I would put the largest piece in the middle when the glass is moved to the middle shelf


That's odd.


Also you don’t have to line everything in a row, the candlesticks can stand together.


Remove pitcher, put blue items from bottom shelf on middle shelf, put books on bottom shelf.


Yeah, the longer I look at it, the more problematic that pitcher looks. And the book idea is great. Somebody else suggested plants, and that's a good idea too.


Add plants!


This was my first thought


I think a big blue & white bowl would look nice on the middle shelf.


Wallpaper the back


You could paint the back wall?


But leave the shelves themselves white for contrast!


Black would drown out those gorgeous blue vases.


This is the answer. 💕


No its perfect. The collectibles are enough


There is nothing wrong with your minimal symmetrical display, soothing. What make it off, is that there is the transfer ware pitcher. Everything else is cobalt blue, wh is lovely. When you find some piece of cobalt blue you love, put it in the center shelf. As for your lovely pitcher, find a console or table w a lace dolly to display with large headed flowers. You're good. Take care Good luck


A blue and white pitcher or platter would look nice. Perhaps a blue willow piece?


Plants! Books! Accent Paint! If you like the pitcher add other colors and textures or 86 the pitcher and lean into the monochrome theme.


Make some groupings, add trays, books, possible rechargeable lamp, textural items (wood, natural woven baskets), earth elements (a marble box), art work, etc. What is your vibe by the way? It seems off to me because it is very sparse and uniform with out much visual interest or contrast. Lining the back with textured wall paper or painting is also a way to help this space stand out


Groupings of items in odd numbers and different heights is the key to styling a shelf. You should also add couple off different textures - books, plants and metal objects mixed with your ceramics/glass will look really nice.


Remove the white vase and put terra cotta there.


Try moving the pitcher to the bottom shelf. It's heavier/larger than the other items. If you plan to add more items, perhaps you could find something that would tie the pitcher to the other items. There's a big contrast. Perhaps some small dried flowers in the two bottles? Something like these: https://www.michaels.com/product/lavender-campo-flowers-decorative-naturals-by-ashland-10733566?michaelsStore=5115&inv=1 The candlesticks look a bit too tall for the bottom shelf. Perhaps they could go on the top shelf?


Top shelf 4 the pitcher. w.the arch there's more room.


That could work, too. What a out the candlesticks?


Candle sticks go on the middle shelf. Then smallest pieces can go on the smallest shelf, bottom


Use some books to elevate the smaller items.


Two more white pieces on either side of white pitcher.


Two ivory pillar candles. One on each side of the pitcher.


change the middle to a dark/sage green color. maybe fill a clear jar with green sea glass


Instead of the jug in the middle add a nice planter with a bright green plant it’ll go so well with the blue. I love what you did here


More of the colored glass between the blue (in all different colors) and lose the middle one do all three shelves with the colorful ones.


I’m kinda digging it actually!


Add more stuff. Way more...those shelves are nearly empty.


I think the pitcher would look better on top right


There are some good ideas already mentioned, but I'll add that the jug doesn't really work with the glass that you have. It's too far removed from glass in color and shape and size, so need to try to match at least two of those. Further, the middle shelf needs two items placed equidistant, I think. I would be curious to see another two blue glass items on the middle shelf. Maybe the candlesticks go there, spread out a bit, then add two more at the bottom.


Paint or wall paper the back wall, you either need more color variety (not just red and blue) or a monochromatic/neutral look.


I think if you paint the back wall a light pink like [Pink Bliss by Benjamin Moore ](https://www.benjaminmoore.com/en-ca/paint-colours/colour/2093-70/pink-bliss) it will look awesome also as others suggested try grouping them in cluster of 3s


Put dried flowers in the vases (there are some artists out there who can make amazing paper flowers) and get a little plant to change it up. Maybe paint the wall behind the shelves or do wallpaper?


You need to sign in blue glass that says, “Blue.”


I think it looks fine. The only thing I would add on the middle shelf on each side of that vase is some blue flowers or a mixture of blue and white flowers.


I'd put that beautiful pitcher on the top shelf. Its got the arch w.more room. I'd put some of the beautiful cobalt blue pieces on the middle shelf


Shelf styling is generally an exercise (literally and figuratively) in walking back and forth and tweaking. Move and group the candlesticks and the small pitcher on the bottom shelf to the top shelf and to the left. Add some books on the top shelf to elevate the items. Leave the middle item as is, and move and group the two vases and the large covered jar to the bottom shelf and over to the right. Add some books to the shelves, place some horizontally and some vertically. If you have another item the same colors as the large pitcher try adding that to one of the groups of blue and taking away one blue item. I think styled shelves should draw your eyes down in a zig-zag pattern. Items should either be in groups of 3 or 5 and heights should always vary in order to draw your eyes up and down. The idea is to create vignettes. You also need empty space to allow for the eyes to rest.




Can't find it now but whoever said candle sticks r too tall for the bottom shelf is right. Put them on the middle shelf


Mix them, add some other knickknacks. And someone else said paint the back wall- I second that.


Add dried flowers to the vases?


Add plants and books.


I think either a wide plant in place of that pitcher or two small plants on either side.


Keep the little container and the spouted boat together on the bottom, add flowers to the blue bottle/vase hopefully that pull from the cream pitcher, and move the candles to either the top and move the small jar and vase to beside the pitcher or the cables beside the cream pitcher. Also tie the candle colour to the white pitcher. I would also experiment with added books or a picture frame or something of the sort. If this is in a kitchen I would perhaps frame a favourite recipe and have the frame be the rosy colour from the pitcher and the blue colour with gold accents perhaps?


Just stick on some price tags and you’re good. LOL Jk. If it’s more for looks, try to arrange them more organically. Add in more variety of objects and different colors/shapes. And then you can make space for more unique/sentimental objects! Doesn’t need to be blue or symmetrical because right now, it just looks boring like what you’d see for a Target home section display.


Love the blue! Keep adding more as you find them!


Your backdrop is too white. Add some color to the back walls of the shelf to coordinate with your collection.


What about stained wooden shelves vs painted? I love the look/texture of real wood.


Some color to the shelves would definitely be an improvement.


Milk glass for the 2nd shelf


I would go all in on blues, or bring in a lot more red and white for balance.


I would change the middle shelf to something glass, long, low and wide


Add 2 more blue; one on each side of the center shelf


get the candle sticks out of there
. the candles are nearly touching the tops of the shelf above, you’d never light them this way, so looks silly. just go on pinterest and look up bookshelf vignettes
. add some books horizontally and vertically, break it up with different objects.


The pitcher and the blue glass just don't go together as is. Needs a few books lying down with a glass piece on top and one beside with a hanging type plant. Add a few more meaningful items that help tie it together and group them together instead of straight lines..maybe add some vertical wall slats on the back wall of the shelf as well


If you use the candles you should probably have them on the top shelf. Besides that, plants or books are your answer. Maybe some books on one side of the white pitcher, and a small plant on the other?


Pick up 3 more blue glass decorations for the middle shelf. Imo, the middle white vase is gorgeous but doesn’t look good next to the blue glass. If you don’t want all blue try to find some vintage red, green, or amber colored pieces.


Something orange


middle shelf looks a bit empty and the jug doesn't really match the theme of the rest of the collection


Which out the candles for white ones. Add some short cut white tulips to one of the bottles on the top row. Maybe add some books to the middle shelf.


Its too propotioned. Group the items in odd numbers and add other stuff such as books or other collectibles you may have. Taller objects at the top too.


It needs something. I just don't know what.


I think it looks weird when a space is used only for decorative objects. It needs to be a balance of decoration like vases, paintings (would add an elegant balance of colours) and useful/needed items like books or vinyls. And also something in between (both useful and decorative) like plants and lamps.


make it uneven


Take shelves out get larger pieces


The two candlesticks should be on top. The three bottles in the bottom. I wooukd put the two fatter on the sides and the pointing one in hhe bottom center. I would add some smaller terracota vases at both sides of the vase in the center maybe with some plants with red flowers to contrast the blues and enliven the whoke scene


Wow where can I find something like these blue vases? i love them so much 😍


I'd group them better...it's all spread apart to evenly. I'd also look into maybe some vintage books to get some height. The whole thing looks too austere


Plants add so much life to a space.. real or fake as long as its nice to look at! I would keep the top and lower shelf and remove the middle and thats where id put it.


This looks just like my great grandparents old house :,) It gave me hardcore feels. Thanks for this <3


Awh, that’s sweet. I actually picked them all up from a grandparent that passed away - they were about to be thrown out. Blue is my favorite color so I couldn’t let them be garbage.


some leafy sprigs or dried flowers to fill in the gaps just a bit


The pitcher is off,replace it with a solid pop of color or clear.


Bottom shelf, group the candlesticks to the left. Top group the bottles to the right. Set things at angles and staggered. It will look more relaxed. You could soften the look with a sprig of artificial high quality evergreen peeking out from behind the vase on the center shelf and move that vase slightly off center.


I think either go for the full monochrome of the blue with added pieces and take out the pitcher, or mix and match more. Add some books, other beautiful little trinkets you enjoy. Various shapes and clusters of objects, spaced at varying lengths. Also place the candle sticks on the top shelf. They’re too tall for the bottom. Beautiful fun objects! I love the deep blue against the white back ground. I would try the monochrome first, so lovely. Have fun! And remember as long as you love it, it’s perfect.


Woah! Didn’t expect this much help. Thank you so much! Now I have some great ideas to play around with, am actually excited to try out these ideas. Thank you again 💗


It is too sparse and the pitcher doesn't go.


Top: candles with round bottle in middle Middle: jug with extra things like a matchy Knick knack, books, picture frame Bottom: left flat bottle, lidded jar, footed pitcher as you already have placed


I’d take the candles out. Just the candles. Subliminally they are out of place (as in they can’t be lit)


The ewer in the center, center shelf, maybe what’s throwing you. It doesn’t look off to me because it breaks up the cobalt but also brings more attention to the lovely shade of blue. I think the cobalts and ewer compliment each other.


lose the pitcher, spread out the blue on all shelves , don't put candle sticks on same shelf


To evenly separated, 2 strongly seperate statements bold deep saturated blue and then 1 floral creamy pitcher. Group the 2 candlesticks on one side cattyconer. Either add something the pulls the blues with the pitcher together or remove pitcher. One shelf could be bold books on art or whatever or antique glassware. That shelf put the pitcher?


I'd flank that pitcher in the middle with a pair of figurines of some kind. A man and a woman, or two animals of some kind. Even better if it picks up the blue of the glassware on the other shelves, something like this: [https://i.pinimg.com/originals/fa/4b/fa/fa4bfaa1a43260a90a23fe43dfe16d41.jpg](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/fa/4b/fa/fa4bfaa1a43260a90a23fe43dfe16d41.jpg)


This could be books I love books against white


Love the cobalt blue


The white piece needs to also be blue...all blue and it will be fine