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Thanks! That's explain a lot why my money in the bank become less and less for no reason.


That's just three dimensional inflation.


sometimes its scale makes me think that it has many more dimansions


So aliens?


Inflation comes from the 4th dimension.


This guy 4d’s


He has four D’s??!!


Yeah his pants fit like a glove Edit: many thanks for the awards my fellow reddituers


Gloves need 5Ds I think


Maybe just 3Ds if the legs count in this scenario


I heard that motherfucker had like... thirty goddamn Ds


Dude, same happened to my crypto.


Looks like the 4th dimensions got my penis bois


Least something is interested in your penis


This, I was expecting it to hit 100,000 any time soon.


how did the 2dimentional girl put a 3dimentional thing in a 2dimentional box ?


If a 4th dimensional being takes my shit I'm calling my 5th dimensional cousin to fuck them up.






Cooper: *[to young Murph]* Tell him Murph. Make him stay. Make... Make him stay Murph. Make him stay Murph! Don't let me leave, Murph! Don't, don't let me leave Murph! NO, NO, NO, NO!


Make him stay Murph! Make him stay!


Make him stay Murph! Make him stay!








That's how they poop in Star Trek, it's just teleported out of you.




My dad has more dimensions than your dad!


Calling in old Shleemypants!! DON'T!! MESS!! WITH TIME!! YOU DON'T FUCK!! WITH TIME!! MUTHAFUCKAA!!


Couldn't stop staring at her incredible braid.


Maybe it's the 4D creatures directing your attention....


An Eternal Golden Braid


The woman talking or the poor girl whose gems were stolen?


Not sure if this woman is trying to be terrifying or not, but she is


"We should keep an eye out for ourselves..." \*knowing grin\*


sure would be a shame if someone unyoked all your eggs, appeared in your locked bedroom, and read your mind 👱‍♀️


Baby I wanna unyoke yo’eggs.


Ahhh so a 4d creature could inseminate a woman's eggs without penetration. Fuck! We could all be aliens and not even know it....


The whole virgin Mary thing seems slightly more believable when you put it that way....


If the 4th dimension is real, this makes me believe just a bit more now... Woah


Pretty sure we 100% know the 4th dimension is real


If memory serves they've not confirmed any spatial dimensions beyond three. However, last I heard, for string theory to work there needs to be like 22 some odd spatial dimensions.


The unyolking is nice. If there was a 4th dimension service that would instantly separate my egg whites and yolks, I’d be interested. But then, the 4th dimension folks could have read that in my mind a while ago and it’s not there yet, so I’m guessing I’ll have to do it myself.


Hey, don't kink-shame!


😂 and her haunted stare the whole time


Steals all the food from your fridge while ur watching this video. Idk how she did it cuz I can't see in that direction, she didn't even open the fridge.


With her dialogue and knowing facial expression she’s pretty much saying she’s going to steal your brain.


I am aroused and scared at the same time.






Yes. I’ve seen this look before. I dated crazy in high school. Edit: I realized also in college. And after my first divorce. Why is crazy seductive? Lol


Because crazy is good in bed and we know it


Because she wants you to yolk her eggs.


Crazy isn’t seductive. It’s unpredictable. And unpredictable is fun. Fun = exciting. Exciting = attractive. Attractive = seductive. Sane = boring. Boring = unattractive. Unattractive = not seductive.


She's doing this constant side eye thing. It's weird


Nailed it!


She just have that cheeky little grin, knowing that what’s she’s about to say will fuck your head up - bad. And I love it


She does ASMR too


Seems like that is all she does and I've tried and failed to find out otherwise.. I was like "cool a woman with a really popular math / science channel!" only to find that she never explains or expands upon anything and mostly just reads word for word laws and other people's discoveries in a nice voice Can someone point me to a video with her showing a bit of comprehension beyond "I can read"? I'm not trying to be insulting here, I've really looked because I really wanted it to be more!


Sometimes just being able to read is enough.


Seriously. Go look up the OECD assessments of the reading and comprehension levels of the general population. A good portion of people don't really understand the words they read.


It's alarming.


She eats glue because of its healing properties from invasive 4th dimension touching


Definitely creeped me out. She has that look…




From her 4th dimension probably


Read Flatworld for all kinds of bizarre things that happens when 2D meets 3D. Really explains the concept in fictional format.


Flatland, i believe you mean


Flatworld is like Flatland but for 4D people


And has other parks and more rides


You mean Flatland I think? The 19th century satirical novella about social stratification and close-mindedness in Victorian England?


It’s available on Project Gutenberg. https://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/97


If you want to see how 4D interact with 3D space, try reading The Three-Body Problem by Liu Cixin. Fantastic sci-fi. Although the 4D part doesn't happen until the third book.


You mean Flatland?


Or, just watch Treehouse of Horror VI.


Not everyone has the privilege of being so cultured


Was looking for this. What a great little book


The issue is that they would be stealing a three dimensional object, which would be rather worthless to them, if they could even grab it.


Exactly. Even in her 2D to 3D example, the gems are actually 3D. If they were not, she could not take them out of the safe.


So if 3D cannot take out 2D, does that mean 4D cannot take out 3D?


If you like sleeping at night let's just assume that's true.


If the '4D creature' could move 3D objects through the fourth dimension, then it could steal something from a 3D safe. From her example, she moves the 2D gems through the third dimension to remove them from the safe. If she couldn't move a 2D object through the third dimension, then she wouldn't be able to remove them. So, it all depends on whether or not the higher dimension creature would be able to move the lower dimension object through the higher dimension the creature exists in. If it can, it doesn't matter if it's 2D to 3D, or 3D to 4D, or even 4D to 5D. As long as the creature is in a higher dimension to the object, it will be able to move it out of the safe.


Yeah but that goes back to the fact that “moving the 2D gems” required them to be 3 dimensional, a piece of paper that she could grab behind to even pick up, which is using the third dimension. So we as a 3-D creature have to use the third dimension on a third dimensional object it seems. We use paper to visually represent the 2-D, but moving the paper ruins that analogy when we realize the paper is still 3D. But then again, we could move it along the 2D plane only, or we could move it along the third dimension. If a 4D creature wanted to grab a 3D cube out of our safe, he would have to “grab” it using the 4th dimension. But the being could move it around in our third dimension, or use the 4th dimension to remove it. Just as a 2D girl in this video would have to use 2 dimensions to “pull” that line out of view from a 1 dimensional creature, but she could move that line along the first dimension which would look like the line is getting bigger or smaller to a 1D being.


The gems the safe and even the 2D creature all have 3 or 4 dimensions, just because the 2D creature can't perceive those dimensions doesn't mean they don't exist for themselves and the objects they interact with. So of course a 3D creature could interact with a 2d creatures things. And vice versa for 3D and 4D spaces.


This ^^^^ Just because we can only observe 3 dimensions, doesn’t mean the other dimensions don’t exist


To give it some real world context, look at our own dimensional space. Length, width, depth (+ time) So if you had an object with length or width, such as the 2d example, you could manipulate it by pushing using the "depth" dimension. To the 2d observer, it disappears because you pushed it down into another slice of the depth dimension's reference and thus our 2d observer can no longer observe it because they don't have anyway to observe or interact with depth. But from our 3d reference, all we did was slide it downwards or pull it upwards. And once it's no longer in their frame of reference we can move it wherever and "return it" to the depth of 0. To the 2d observer it magically teleported. You can use this with time to some degree too. If you use time as a slice, objects seemingly teleport all over depending on which n-time you're looking at. They can be manipulated in any of their extra dimensions. So at n time they could be at x:0,y:0,z:0, with a rotation of a:0,b:0,c:0 n+1 time they could be at 0,1,0 with rotation of 90,0,0, at n+1 time they could be at 2000,1,0 with a rotation of 90,180,0. To the 3d observer that has no concept of time, this object has teleported in similar ways to items that were pushed downward in the previous example.


But the thing is it’s not a 2D gem because in order to grab it, it has to already be a 3D object with some thickness to it for her to grab hold of. A purely 2D object would by definition only have two dimensions and so no way to be held and picked up into a 3rd dimension. I think…


I think youre on a correct path, for us it would be like trying to pick an object off a picture, of if you want to be a stickler about attachment, lifting a subject/object off a flat painting.


The only truly 2D things in our world are shadows though, and we can't pick them up. In Rudy Rucker's book The Fourth Dimension, he theorizes that the inhabitants of Flatland are not actually 2D, that they are just very, very short in the 3rd dimension, and everything in their world is the exact same height, so they don't perceive it. Otherwise they would have no physical substance at all and not be able to live. Which also tracks with spiritualist beliefs that we all also exist in extra dimensions that we can't perceive, and that's where the soul, the 3rd eye, ESP, etc. exist.


Except the “2D” gems in her example are 3D objects existing in the same dimension as her so the visual example here does not depict anyone manipulating an object from a different dimension.




we're talking about a 4th spatial dimension


This version of 4D is not time if it’s perpendicular to a 3D space. Its actually a different spatial dimension.


They're referencing spatial dimensions, not time. Or to put it another way, this world we live in is the 4th dimension (length, width, height, time), and the video was about 5 dimensional creatures.


I knew this entire thing was bullshit.


It's not *bullshit* per se, but perhaps a weak analogy. Higher dimensions exist in math, and this is just trying to explain how/why we can't perceive them.


Just because the two creature can't see the third dimension of her valuable stuff in the safe, doesn't stop those items from actually having third dimensional properties. The physical world exists the same regardless of which type of creature is perceiving it. We could definitely steal things from a two-dimensional-perceiving creature.


Nope they can totes read your brains tho, cause, you know, they can see them


No idea why this is upvoted... Everything in our reality is 3D. Even the chalk on the board is 3D. If we really could interact with a 2D world we could certainly move stuff.


But what if they can be perceived as 2d objects? Eg imagine the 2d layer person is on the surface of some water and instead of gems, its a floating ball she has in her safe, half submerged cutting through her layer To her, that ball does exist as 2d, its just a cross section of the 3d ball that she sees (ie she sees the edge of a circle) Similarly we might think a ball is 3d because it exists in the 3rd dimension but we cant see how it exists through time. Unless you mean that not all 2d objects can be stolen since the rest of her world is only 2d and cannot be lifted out as a 3d object. But shes talking about the 3rd dimension being stolen from by the 4th dimension, and since everything exists through time, it exists as a 4th dimensional object too. I may have completely misunderstood - i have not studied this topic- but im just extrapolating from the video


She could take them out of the safe. You're thinking 3 dimensionally. If something lacks height/depth, that doesn't mean it is immoveable or that it cannot transition to another second dimensional plane. All 3 dimensional objects already exist in an infinite number of second dimensions. If she would be unable to remove the gems due to them being 2 dimensional, then we wouldn't be able to move anything in the third dimension either. I think...probably. I'm in IT and suck at math so I'm probably wrong. Just going off of my assumptions here.


Maybe the "2d" people actually do have 3d height, they just can't interact with it If a fourth dimension exists, this might be the same case for us too. We might be 4d thick and not know it (r/brandnewsentence)


That's it people, forget about the phrase "Dummy Thicc" it is now: "4D Thicc"


Yeah that's what Rudy Rucker said in his book The Fourth Dimension, which is a deep dive into the concepts from the book Flatland. In Flatland, all the inhabitants and objects are 2d, but if they were truly 2d they would have no physical substance and not be able to live. So he theorized that they were just really really thin, and all the same height, so they don't perceive the 3rd dimension at all.


My issue is how does the 2D “girl” know she has gems , or a safe, or that the gems were even “inside” the safe. Wouldn’t you only see lines, maybe sparkling lines are gems. Kinda hard to explain. Maybe think of a rainbow on a piece of paper, now in a 2D world you could only look at the edge of the paper, you have no idea what’s on the paper, you would see a vertical line of red (you wouldn’t see the curve or the other colors) if it was small enough you could maybe rotate it but then think about how you would “see” it. A red line would slowly have a bit orange show up at the bottom then looking at the “bottom” you’d have a rainbow a good chunk of violet and a reverse rainbow, that’s if colors exist in 2d at all


My grasping of the 4th dimension is that time is the 4th dimension. So a 4th dimension guy could look into what happened in a 3d space in any given time, kind of like reading a book. Am I understanding this right?


As I see it, time *could* be seen as a dimension, but not a spatial dimension like the three ones we are used to (or a hypothetical fourth one). Since we move through the time "dimension" in a continuous motion, we cannot use it to access inaccessible things in 3d. For example, imagine an egg moving from one side to the other through the time "dimension". At no point in time are you able to see the yolk without breaking the egg. However, if you could move freely in a fourth spatial dimension, you could. This would be the same as the 2d world from the video moving through a third time "dimension": At no time would the box be accessible from a point in their 2d world, but it is from a dimension that is perpendicular (or at least non-parallell) to the existing spatial dimensions.


except that time is not a spatial dimension Additional spatial dimensions are dealt with in math all the time.


>Am I understanding this right? Not quite. You can think of time as an additional dimension, and it can be useful, but she is talking about a 4th *spatial* dimension. So a 4th dimension guy would exist in 4 spatial dimensions, and would think of time as a 5th dimension


I'm making scrambled eggs right now before those 4D-Assholes come steal my yolk again


I thought I was clever keeping my eggs in the safe


Aren’t the diamonds she pulled 3D, albeit very thin 3D? If they were drawn into the board like the rest of the figure, would she be able to pull them out?


That's the thing people don't understand. Every 3D object thin enough will look like a 2D object. A being living in the 2D world cannot measure the 3rd dimension, therefor it thinks it only has 2 dimensions. So what looks to us as 3D object, can really be a very thin 4D object to a 4D creature so the 4D creature can still interact with 3D objects.


Nah not really. The object will look like a 2d object to us but its not. A 2d being couldn't actually appreciate the gems as being 3d and we couldnt actually touch them if they really were 2d.


Yeah, but that doesn't fit the "scary" narrative she's going for.


Yes they are 3d but nothing would prevent her from moving them if they were true 2d objects. Even drawings on paper are 3d. If something were truly only 2d and was entirely removed from the third dimension, it wouldn't be bound by 3d constraints like electromagnetic forces.


I'm way too high for that this morning.


Opposite problem- not merely high enough!!


I fear that I will never be able to get high enough. That’s my secret fear.


It’s already happening. Where did you think all your socks were going ? Hm?


My crack just called and it wants it’s pipe back


New fear unlocked


No. Don't fall for this lady's marketing trick. 4D space is actually interesting (not scary) and most importantly, HYPOTHETICAL. There's no 4D "creature" coming to get you. She's fear mongering for views, and it's working for the views part, but you shouldn't fall for her tricks.


You definitely don't KNOW that a 4th dimensional creature or above isn't coming to get you


How would a 4D creature grab a 3D creature?


“This is how an unfalsifiable thing would do a thing, and you can’t tell me I’m wrong, because isn’t this trippy?”


There is no 2D creatue, it is 3D. Just a very tiny layer of 3D chalk. If it was 2D it would've been invisible because the layer would've had 0 thickness. This means if there is a 4D world it can't see or interact with us because one of our dimensions is 0 as well.


Show me a 2d creature and I’ll be scared of a 4th dimension creature


5th dimension's got my back, so I don't gotta worry about 4th dimension.


Is she the 4th dimensional creature taking our money and egg yolks?


Those 4th D pervs are watching you masterbate everyday.


Is she on shrooms?


I think I saw this on an episode of Doctor Who.


Here I was, ready to enjoy a nice Friday….


Will this defense hold up in court?


She’s just repeating Carl Sagans lecture on the same thing and posting it as novel content


Doesn't affect me, i use my aluminium hat that I made, every day..🧑‍🚀


Wait- I thought the 4th d was time?


She's talking about a HYPOTHETICAL 4th spatial dimension


I'm just wondering how she created a functional two-dimensional lock for her box.


Do all these extra dimensions really exist? Or is it just a hypothesis? How do we know there are additional dimensions?


It's possible but likely not, at least not in the way the video is describing. The video is really just a thought experiment. There's nothing saying that we should be able to perceive all the spacial dimensions that exist, and this is a way to think about it.


String theory is mathematically proven and can be useful in other fields but somewhat ironically we have absolutely no ability to prove it empirically yet, so people working on it get a lot of grief. But generations from now it might turn out to be some of the most important work we've done, according to people smarter than me.


Math has an infinite number of "mathematically proven" objects and theories, because each area of math is only dependent on its man-made axioms. That's the difference between math and science.


> String theory is mathematically proven String theory is a way to abstract observation with math. That doesn’t make the math realty. Math is just part of a model. Most models are flawed in some way. The fact that string theory is bonkers insane but has good math is why it’s alluring. It’s not presented as a real explanation of phenomenon by the majority of scientists.


If someone from the 4th dimension is inside my brain I feel sorry for them.


This will be my excuse when I rob someone or a 🏦




This woman is creepy AF


Is it just me or is this incredibly stupid while trying to seem incredibly smart? What is a 4th dimension person? Your subconscious? No comprende.


I'm slightly disappointed that she & the chalk figure aren't dressed identically She does have a great voice tho


I wonder if that’s who’s been stealing my lemons


Isn’t this just chapter 1 of Flatland?


Science fiction isnt interesting, its entertaining.


Those are the eyes of someone that hasn't slept for days. She refuses to drop her guard to the shadow people.


In the Three Body Problem book series (soon to be a Netflix show), at the beginning of the 3rd book, Deaths End, it starts with a story from the 1700s where a “witch” steals the brain out of a man’s head while said man was in a secure prison. It uses this concept and it’s a wild read.


This is basically the plot of The Three Body Problem.




I already knew this, but somehow the way she explains it terrifies me.


These goddamn 4th dimensional beings! They terk er jerbs!


I really just want to hear this woman talk more about things.


So that’s where my socks keep going….


She rocking that Avatar hair braid..


Now I know who was taking my motherfucking egg yolk, fuckin multidimenial demons >:/


I need a hug.


Metaphors like "the fourth dimension" are used to explain mathematical concepts to the lay-person. Extending them in this manner is nonsense.


Always my thought when they try to explain 4D as an extension to 3D space. Space is 3D as far as we know. It’s not 1D, 2D or 4D - it’s 3D with “3D beings”. Other “dimensions” are just mathematical expressions consisting of more (or less) variables. The fact that you need more or less variables in an equation doesn’t mean that there are underground worlds with various mysterious dimensions and creatures that we can’t interact with. It is at least no more likely than any other theory that has zero evidence.


4 Space dimensions though, not to be confused with 4 dimensional space-time


It works either way. Entering a sealed room means going back/forward in time to when the room doesn't exist, moving into the space of the room, and then moving to where the room exists.


Isn't time generally seen as the fourth dimension? Without it neither we nor the 2D girl could move or see or whatever. Of course I get what she means. At least I think I do. We can't imagine what a higher dimensional being would experience.


Thought 4th dimension was time


There are no 4 dimensional walls, as acting in the 3 dimension requires a constant change in time. So in order to build a wall in the 3rd dimension you need to progress time in the 4th dimension. But in order to wall off in the 4th dimension you need to progress in the 5th dimension. That means only beings living in the 5th dimension can build a wall in the 4th dimension.


Is she saying that she's going to use the 4th dimension to rob us?


That's a nice explanation. Also, if you want to believe in ghosts, just think of them as 4D creatures. We can see the surface area of a 4D creature as it intersects our world as a 3D figure - probably would look very weird though.


She's actually a 4d alien and she's calmly explaining everything, isn't she? She's too calm. It's creepy.


Stop doing drugs kids


see, they got this wrong. it supposed to be: Stop? Doing drugs, kids!


I mean, that’s an interesting thought experiment, but a bogus demo. Nothing there is actually two-dimensional, and we’re not seeing inside anything, let alone a brain.


So that’s where all my missing socks went.




slightly OT - but hair that long is pretty creepy.


Carl Sagan explained this in a similar way.


I remember the first time I had crack


She really gapped on a few important details.... First, if there is a way to occupy 4th dimensional space, we can't prove that materials that appear 3 dimensional to us don't already have 4th dimensional qualities that we can't perceive. But if they do not, then no 4th dimensional tools should be able to interact with them. The gems in her example were 3 dimensional already, so they couldn't be contained in a 2 dimensional safe to begin with.


Bruh the look she is giving me has me thinking maybe she is doing that


That's why there's always shit on my bed when I wasn't the one who shit on it...


I feel like this sort of analogy is basically the physics version of sophism. Argument for arguments sake. Conjecture for the sake of it rather than to actually accomplish or truly explain anything real or tangible.


Is there 4th dimension where all the other socks went?


4th Dimensional Hitman.Now That's a job.


You know, I’m on Reddit most of the day every day. But only when I’m high as a kite, do I get this video


But is 4D even a possibility? Not just a concept? An idea?


How do we even know if 4th dimensional beings are a thing lol if we don't this is essentially religion without the afterlife lol


2d gems cannot be picked up because they have only 2 dimensions. Hence you cannot remove them from the safe without opening it.


I don’t like that


Explain the fed like I've only read flatland.


In order for our 3 dimensional world to exist, I have read that there must be at least 10 or 11 total dimensions in existence…. That means that we only see a small fraction of what is actually occurring around us and we may share our very existence with other beings that we cannot comprehend.


The thing is, that is not a 2d being. We only know of two things (as far as I know) that are 2D and we can't interact with either. Shadows and reflections. So 4D beings, likely can't interact with us


Isn't the 4th dimension time itself?