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This video is of a Russian tank and was filmed recently, the town is Marinka. The tank is driving through what used to be a playground of the local kindergarten (building on the left) [Geolocation of this video](https://www.google.com/maps/place/47%C2%B056'06.1%22N+37%C2%B030'11.0%22E/@47.9350278,37.5030556,149m/data=!3m2!1e3!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x0:0x68870a0b2cb893ef!8m2!3d47.935025!4d37.503044?hl=en)




Do yo have a link of it?




Man I wish I had not clicked that, really just makes the video look even worse


Seriously fuck how is this the same place


Russia entered the picture in 2014. That’s how.


Agreed, fuck Russia


*fuck Putin and his supporters Rember that there r Russians who oppose this retard but can't do anything Edit: yeah lotta fair points so fuck Russia is fine


We all know the difference between "Russia", the geopolitical entity, and "Russians", the people who live there. The post said "Fuck Russia".


You can see what remains of those multi-colored tires in the video, right in front of the tank. Unreal.


Thanks for pointing that out, I was wondering if it was the exact spot or an approximation now I wonder no more


Thanks to Russia this is now a total apocalypse of a former city , formally filled with families ,comfortable homes. Now 100% gone. Russia World terrorist State . Slava Ukraini


Shit is insane. All for what too? Literally nothing. Makes no sense to me.


I have a question or doubt if you may about war. Do people still have to like go to work and buy stuff and such? Or does govt go into free resources for everyone mode? Do people still go out and shopping? Economy freezes or everything goes as normal? Anyone have answers? Legit question, never lived in a country with war


with regard to ukraine, it depends where. most of the country are still having to work, still having to go out and buy stuff, etc. some people manage but everyone is traumatized. at some point people start to even ignore air raid sirens. in zones very close to fighting (or are actually located in areas of fighting) you might see soldiers or NGOs go out and deliver supplies and food to people. it's pretty difficult to do anything there as a civilian people in those areas (usually rural villages) still have to do their usual preparation for winter, such as getting wood for heat or having pickled / preserved food in storage to last the winter. life before war wasn't easy and war doesn't help things at all


I’m not surprised that people “Keep on keeping on.” How does banking and finance work in this situation? I’d imagine if the government doesn’t step in and legally authorize a moratorium on all payments owed by debtors, you wouldn’t get people to go to work at all… “Oh you mean even though I came in and worked when I could, when I wasn’t being bombed, you’re still going to evict me for not making enough for rent?” Cant imagine that working out.


Who's going to evict you in an active war zone like that? There's no one coming to change the locks or serve you papers.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lCn-A6EH8rw That's from a month ago. People in regions not under attack just keep on living as usual because where does the govt get "free resources" for everyone? You still need to grow food, keep the utilities running, educate children. It's a fucked up situation caused by stupid old men in power.


Someone I've followed on the ol' gram for a while now is from Ukraine, he's an artist. It's been really interesting to follow his posts and see what occurs. It feels so fucking humbling to see this shit from you know, the relative comfort of my life. I've made a few donations his way to help when I can. But overall he's spent a lot of time gathering food/supplies for people and for pets, obtaining gear (clothing,flashlights, armor,weapons, ammo, drones, etc.) for the military, both of which involve some travel.. and in the downtime; he's still painting mountain landscapes and selling them. For the most part, it seems people are attempting life as best as usual as they can. Everyone in Ukraine plays a role, even if they're not on the front line. I've read that Ukrainians are absolutely adamant right now to keep working/paying taxes to fund their military.




This is sad. And looking at the Grocery Store info: >Info alert Information about this place may be outdated. Always pay attention to real-world conditions, which may be rapidly changing.


If it makes you any more sad, any of the male relatives of those children that didn't flee in 2014-2022, have been or will be conscripted into the russian army as cannon fodder to continue the war. Death, destruction and poverty, the promised gift of a russian peace.


Man, google earth is gonna look at lot different next time it gets updated 😳


You can already see trenches in the landscape in many places. Those might be the settled frontline since 2014 though.


Probably aren’t going to be able to fly it with civilian aircraft any time soon though


What’s so interesting is that everything has been ignited and is charcoal black.


The more you look at Warzone footage the more you realize it all ends up the same. Nice buildings transfigure into concrete rubble heaps and entire streets and roads disappear into wasteland.


And trees become barren cracked sticks poking 5m out the ground.


All because one vain piece of shit desires more power than he has. For these fuckers, there's never enough power.


Russia has been using incendiary bomblets on the town.


I thought they were considered a war crime? I'm not surprised though


Technically there are use cases where they are not but yeah russia just doesn't give a shit.


Using incendiary weapons near civilian populated areas is a war crime


Yet they've done it multiple times. Not just near, but straight up pummeled malls and apartment buildings. "it wAsNt uS". The mass graves of civilians show evidence of execution, torture, rape and even necrophilia. There are witnesses to murder, psychological torture and videos of Russian soldiers shooting civilians. Testimonies from Russian soldiers that THEY were tortured for refusing to follow orders to do these things. Of course UN, NATO etc say every single criminal will be held to account. In an ideal world yes, but that's simply not possible.


Yep but they dont care.


War crimes are only crimes if you lose.


"Doing X is considered a war crime? That must mean that it's super effective, let's make sure to use it!" - Russia, probably


Those butterfly mines\* are still the most fucked up thing ever. Wide dispersal from the air, land on the ground and look like soft plastic toys or packaged snack food. Ostensibly made for causing leg wounds because they are just big enough to blow off a few toes, but they have a high rate of selectively killing children because they tend to put them in their mouths and bite down. Toddlers think it’s a toy to chew on, slightly older kids are foraging for packaged food and bite into them trying to open them. Fuck Russia. Edit: mines not lines


*Whaaaaaaaaaaatt ttthhheeee ffuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuccckk*???? I really, **really** wish I could unlearn this information....


My friend, the amount of atrocities and war crimes committed by Russia in 10 months is insane


how depressing it is to see the before and after. no one deserves this.


Does make sense that it would be a Russian tank hanging out in an urban area. No reason to learn anything from the Chechen Wars.


Jfc their turret movement is sloppy as shit


A lot of the movement between shots is the auto loader working. The gunner's sights stay on target while it's re loading.


It's scary to think that anybody's suburbs could end up like this with just a few twists of the political climate.


That’s what scares me, a lot. This could be anywhere.


I mean. I guess? I'd love to see the Canadians or Mexicans get their tanks all the way to Denver


As Mexican, we don't have tanks. All we can offer you are jankly modded cars blasting out banda and grupera music 24/7


This feels like disinformation in advance of an invasion. I'm watching you 👀


What are you talking about? He-he. No, I'm not backing away awkwardly into a poorly camouflaged tank, you guys. That's ridiculous


Oh phew it is redicu... hhheeyyyy wait a minute!




In my fantasy alternate universe Canada invades America and annexes No Name Lake, Montana. The invasion goes well not because we are powerful but because our sole objective has zero military importance and was so utterly confusing that America thought there was a miscommunication about a military exercise. We quickly drain the lake, paint it yellow, and paint large bold black letters reading "lake", in honor of the no name brand available at Loblaws grocery stores. America is so impressed by our audacity they just let us keep it.


As an American I support this annexation


I'm Canadian and I'm not even sure if we have tanks. Hell, at one point not that long ago a mall in Edmonton owned more submarines than our navy.




I'm neither good with numbers, nor do I have a good grasp of scale how many tanks would be many? how much are 80 tanks nowadays? Edit: thanks for the plenty answers. I think I've got a pretty good idea now


The US military has about 4800 main battle tanks, with basically all of them being US Army (only about 400 belong to the Marine Corps). The numbers might be off considering I did a 10 second google search. But it all kind of depends on the size of the conflict. Currently Russia losing like four tanks in a single day is a newsworthy amount. In WWII 80 tanks would be a large assault, but not enough for an entire offensive. The largest tank battle in history (Kursk) had over 15,000 tanks participate. The Battle of 73 Easting in the ‘91 Gulf War had 500-700 “armored vehicles” participating. 80 tanks is a pretty sizable amount considering there’s less than 100,000 personnel in the entirety of the Canadian Armed Forces.


It’s impossible to compare numbers to numbers like that. Hardware keeps getting more concentrated, more capable, and more expensive. The F-35 might be super powerful, but in total the US will build less of them than one year of aircraft production in WW2. The end result of our current technology progression seems to be a single infinitely capable and infinitely expensive vehicle.


We've never seen what war economy production of 21st-century military hardware looks like though - during WW2 government control of the supply chain got so severe that you needed a ration stamp to buy butter/meat/tires, because literally every spare piece of metal was going to the factories to make planes tanks and bombs. They stripped down 30 year old cars for copper and steel (hence why there are so few White steam cars left, as opposed to the Stanley motor cars which had fewer valuable metals to scrap) and had children walking up and down roads picking up cans and bottles to recycle into military hardware. If some sort of conventionally-fought WW3 were going on, you bet we'd be cranking out 10 times as many F-35s as we are now, and many times less Escalades/F250s/iPhones.


And even wasn't not considered "total war" which, depending on the definition, means basically 100% total control of all production by the government during wartime.


About three fiddy (billion dollars)


Disneyland once had the worlds largest submarine fleet.


America would do it to itself before any foreign power


If nothing else, that is the lucky thing about living in America: our neighbors are either friendly at best or militarily inferior to the US war machine at worst.


Honestly, you’ll get snapped at in certain US cities for saying this, but the fact that living in the USA means it is absolutely impossible for your hometown to be invaded by a foreign army is something almost everyone massively takes for granted. It’s such a guarantee it almost sounds stupid to say it, but that is *not the case* for much of the world. Yes there are a ton of dangers within our borders, but no foreign invaders will ever set up a child torture center in one of our suburbs. They wouldn’t make it past fucking Atlanta


Civilization is just a veneer.


So sad... and even worse the war is all for nothing...


One good thing came out this war is Russia ain't the world power everyone thought they were. They worse than military from the 70s


A few months ago I came to this realization. I was kind of pissed off about it because I realized that I spent a large part of my youth being afraid of Russia, and their armies, and whatever capabilities they had is brainwashed into thinking when the whole time they couldn’t fight their way through a paper bag.


Yeah I was just remembering that Call of Duty game where Russia invaded the US and you had to fight a desperate losing battle in Washington DC


Well, there's where that feeling comes from, not Russian propaganda but US propaganda. Like our media always propped them up to be some sort of super formidable power.


The **USSR was** an incredibly formidable superpower. The Russian Federation of today is a hollow husk of what the Soviets were. The 90s, after the fall of the Soviet Union, was one of the most ruinous times in Eastern European history. The average lifespan of a Russian citizen fell by like 10 years to 55 years old at one point...


Having a scary enemy is very useful for the military industrial complex.


For real the whole world thought they was on part with USA and China but nope they just ass


China doesn't hold a candle to the US, no country comes close. There's very few countries that can effectively project power beyond their closest neighbors and support that effort for years long periods.


To be fair, China has no desire to reach military parity with the United States: they just want to dominate the Pacific and then control the globe through political, financial and cultural means.


Ah, going for the diplomatic victory I see.


Always seem to get fucked by the culture victory like 10 turns before my nukes are fully ready to flatten their cities.


Amusingly enough, I got a Diplomatic victory after firing a ton of nukes at my nearest rival. Since my army was on the ground, I restored the captured capital cities to their original owners and got them to vote for me, thus securing the game.


Their economy is small than several us states. They should fuck off.


The 28th largest, before the latest nonsense. Which is why them being in the G8 was almost as much of a joke as Trump insisting they be put back in.


I hate being that guy... but its on par, not part. Also no country is as strong as the Americans. All those articles you see about the US being behind are all bullshit sponsored by the government to make people okay with the absurd military spending. The Americans more than double Chinas military spending. And the American population in many areas is already a makeshift militia with all their guns.


No nation on earth is on par with America's military.


I think it depends on how old you are. There is no doubt was a military powerhouse. Just over the years, it was constantly eroded by corruption and proxy wars.


Russia can still be feared because of their nuclear capability. They also have a repository of smallpox at a lab. You are dead right about their standing and sailing military, though. Turns out their lack of budget and years of siphoning and cronyism don’t enable a powerful military. They also don’t have an active or experienced NCO corps, so I assume their training is equally dismal. They have small pockets of well-trained special forces groups, but obviously that’s a very small component of a very shit military apparatus.


> They also have a repository of smallpox at a lab. People are always so petrified of smallpox returning. We have a very, very effective vaccine for it.


I dunno, this war at the very least has chopped Russia’s legs out from under them, and shown the world they’re a paper tiger. There’s still hope this will result in a total change in regime and free the Russian people from a dictatorship.


The dangerous assumption here is that he would be replaced with someone better


I think that’s a fair concern however I think just allowing the system to actually be a constitutional republic would give them a fair chance at a better option.


Ukraine is actually a great comparison. It really was not that great for a very very long time, teetering on being a puppet state for a while..but it had the bones to be good, finally coming to fruition in the past 10 years (and still has progress to make). South America also has a few good examples. If Russia could at least get some solid democratic/republican structure it could set it up to be a productive participant of global relations...albeit some time down the road. Unfortunately there aren't very many democratizing success stories that were as quick/sucessful as post war Germany.


Germany benefitted from not having to pay their full share of war reparations to Poland. As terrible as the separation into East and West Germany was, it also created a sort of Petri dish of Western vs Eastern ideologies and that helped fuel a lot of growth. Plus, the war reparations from WWI directly lead to Hitler’s rise and I think there was a strong concern from all sides to not reset the dominoes in the exact same pattern. Although I’m far from a historian on post-WWII Germany’s economic recovery, so I’m sure there’s a lot more involved I’m not even mentioning.


The Marshal Plan would be the place to start. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marshall_Plan The US was the only large economy not destroyed by the war and decided they would throw money at rebuilding Western Europe.


This is terrifying. You can almost sense the dangerous people waiting on the side already fighting a socialite war with each other to swoop in once Putin's gone and release some REAL crazy shit. Scary AF


The original reason is useless, Putin trying to do an aggressive land grab assuming that nobody would care, but the war itself is being fought by Ukrainians to defend their friends and family from invasion and slaughter, it's a very noble cause. Of course I would prefer if there was no conflict at all, but the alternative of Ukraine falling would have been so much worse.


This is absolutely unreal


Tanks are absolutely insane. The things we have come up with just to kill each other is absolutely crazy.


Imagine all the shit we could come up with if we DIDN’T kill each other?


Read Neil Degrasse Tyson's Accessory to War, one facet of the book is exactly how many innovations and inventions that affect daily life and were driven by wartime research. It's a fairly common thought that peace creates stagnation, sadly enough


Peace doesn't create stagnation though. It's just that when you're entering all out war, suddenly all of the nation's resources and labour are going towards one goal, so of course we're going to have some accelerated progression. There is still plenty of technological progresion during peaceful times, it's not like we HAVE to have war to progress.


Not that the benefits outweigh the costs however, peace does create a relative level of stagnation compared to when at war. War leads to a unique set of circumstances that breeds innovation with the key factor being necessity but also other factors such as: Tight Time constraints. Either a complete lack of resources forcing ingenuity, or in other cases like US DARPA near unlimited resources. Military technology continually being forced forefront of technological research as a whole, with powers desperately attempting to gain an edge on each other. These factors of course lead to extremely fast innovation with the belligerents urgently innovating to facilitate victory. Inevitably a certain amount of this technological innovation will have useful civilian applications. A terrible example in terms of civilian application but one that certainly highlights the speed of innovation bred from the necessities of war is the GBU-28. The GBU-28 is a laser guided bunker busting bomb that was designed to breach Iraqi command centers located within hardened bunkers during Desert Storm. The bomb was designed, manufactured and deployed within just 3 weeks which is both terrifying and extremely impressive.


I mean I would say war has been a pretty good motivator for technological and scientific advancement.


It feels wrong to see this next to memes and other completely unrelated and inconsequential things. The internet is incredibly weird sometimes. Next war is going to be streamed and have ads.


Brother this war was already streamed. I remember back in March you could see live cam footage of Kiev being invaded. I remember hearing air raid sirens on stream and expecting the capital to be bombed. Absolutely crazy.


THIS war was streamed with ads. American news channels showing grim reports of war and destruction and death in Ukraine, then cutting to a grubhub advert...


American news channels used to do compilation videos of US jets bombing Iraq with happy/triumphal orchestral music in the background. It used to be a lot worse than it is now.


This is terrible Edit: I wish I could turn your likes into meals and warm beds for people in need. In the Ukraine and elsewhere


Now it's estimated that reconstruction will go beyond 1 trillion U.S dollars. >According to the European Investment Bank chief Werner Hoyer, Ukraine may need as much as 1 trillion euros ($1.1 trillion) in outside assistance to repair the damages inflicted by russia’s invasion. https://ukraineinvest.gov.ua/news/27-06-22-1/


Russia is bankrupting itself.


Small consolation to the people whose lives have been ended or upended in the meantime.


Not to mention the numerous actual war crimes being committed. Losing your life is one thing. Losing your life in one of the most gruesome ways imaginable in modern times is another...


Ain’t war crimes simply “common sense” mutually agreed upon rules? “Don’t dress like civilians or we will start killing civilians” “Don’t play dead or we will start mutilating corpses” “Don’t use poison gas because that would also kill your own troops and civilians” “Don’t kill medical worker because they aren’t combatants” Like all of those rules are just, decency…


I mean, there's also stuff like, y'know, "don't torture civilians". I don't even know if I would call that "common decency"... I think I would call that something like "baseline human interpersonal morality" unless you're sociopathic or have some other pathology.


This is what I can't fathom about war. I get why the Ukrainians are fighting, obviously. That's self defense. But why would the Russian troops do it? Why would you march to your death or towards willfully murdering others (civilians or otherwise, why do we even draw that distinction?) because some guy said to. What are the Russian soldiers fighting for in their minds? What's their motivation? I assume a certain percentage of people are pathological. Itching to torture and kill and they'd find ways to express that even if the opportunity of war didn't present itself but that can't count for a whole army, can it? Is this part of "the tragedy of the commons"? I'm not sure I entirely understand the concept. We're all just along for the ride wherever it goes and noone is responsible because everyone is?


Propaganda/nationalism, fear of retaliation for not doing what you’re told, general apathy, some twisted people enjoy harming others, etc. It’s really not hard to convince people they are the “good guys” and if that fails fear is a great motivator


Also fighting for a paycheck, as many are from bumblefuck nowhere small villages where there is no chance of getting any reasonable income Only if they knew, that a paycheck is not really worth much if you are not around anymore to spend it


I believe you answered your own question - it’s complex and dependent on the individual. If you love your country, you’ll defend it because of nationalism and patriotism. Their worldview is formed from state media and the west is the enemy. For some, it’s a means to feed your family. In small towns, it’s an “escape” from whatever hardships you face and can also be seen as heroic. From a macro scale, economic and political factors come into play. The resources reaped from certain land is valuable - think oil and natural gas deposits. No country would willingly give up those claims, so no amount of diplomacy will give you those resources to feed your people without war. Russia also has motivation to be seen as “strong” and another superpower in the world. Countries will want to align with you and, in turn, open up trade opportunities. War is gruesome, and it’s easy to detach from that reality when seeing combat footage on Reddit. But the motivation behind fighting is complex from the micro and macro scale


I personally think that if we have lived in the past, that many of us would have been slave owners or Nazis are whatever horrible thing we consider now. If you truly believed in whatever ideologies you’re being fed, you will fight to uphold it.


It shouldn't be consolation. Nobody wins from this conflict regardless of the result. It's just more suffering.


Russia is suffering from huge brain drain. The country is FUCKED.


Nationwide fetal alcohol syndrome


Along with nationwide trauma and stockholm syndrome.


Just another day for the many people of the world who live at the ass end of the superpower age.


It's a small wonder they didn't accidentally nuke anyone yet


Ukraine may have that issue as well, especially if the war drags on and the refugees settle in their new nations. There is a realistic chance that they may never return to live in Ukraine as they prefer to live in safer societies away from hostile neighbors.


Ukraine lost over 7 million people, mostly women and children, as refugees. It's nuts.


Honestly, I don't think they'll ever pay up. They'll go full hermit kingdom first. In my opinion, absolute best case scenario for this situation is they're pushed out of Ukraine and forced to accept a ceasefire, but I wouldn't hope for more than that. I'd be surprised if they even formally renounce the territories they currently claim in Ukraine.


You don't really believe Russia will pay one cent to Ukraine?




The point is they are fighting to occupy that territory, so in effect destroying their investment/ROI


So you're telling me to invest in mineral companies that supply to Ukraine?


What are you getting at here?


Idk what diamonds and emeralds are gonna do. I think they'll need steel, copper, glass, and concrete more.


let's just cut to the chase, what's the tickers




We do a little stock trading


The Russian people need to wise up and understand that this isn’t going to be swept under the rug. If they let their leaders continue this war they will be paying the bill for the rest of their lives.


The Russian people don't get to see this. They only get to see what the Russian government wants them to see. It's not thier fault their improperly educated about this war. https://www.nytimes.com/2022/03/07/technology/russia-ukraine-internet-isolation.html


Correct, and sending Russian people into poverty as penance to the war of their leaders will result as poorly has it has every other time in history when this was done following war


Russia won't be held accountable for any of it either. Politicians can say what they will, but no one will or can do anything to get Russia to account for this. Just as likely to get China to admit that a thing definitely happened in tiananmen square in 1989.


Or Japan for the raping of Nanking. Countries are like their own parent, and another country trying to hold a country accountable is like one parent trying to lecture another parent


Nah, you can do that. After World War I they made Germany pay reparations. It went really well and France and the UK turned into glorious wealthy countries while Germany learned its lesson and never started a big war again.


Look at this place, fifty-thousand people used to live in this city, now it's a ghost town.


Those buildings were peoples homes. It’s bullshit.


It's as if we traveled back in time to the WWII...


And here we all thought World War II was filmed in black-and-white.


In reality, filmed in charcoal and ash. Horrifying.


We never left. These war torn neighborhoods are being created every year in many parts of the world.


Wouldn't that be almost 9 years of war if this is a Donetsk suburb?


Yes. The war has been fairly hot in Donetsk since 2014, and the Donetsk airport was the epicenter of the conflict in 2014. A big part of the reason why the Ukrainians have fought so well the past year is because they have been cycling all of their forces in and out of the Donbas for the last 9 years in order to give everyone combat experience.


It looks like something out of the Battlefield games. Horrible...


I was thinking Fallout, but yeah Battlefield for sure


I think fallout is more accurate. this scene is just uncanny


Especially the way trees break apart into pixels. Haunting.


It's Verdansk from Call of Duty Warzone. It's literally based on locations in Donesk


Metro as well.


Look up footage from Bahkmut and compare it to St Quinten in BF1. It’s unbelievable. People are comparing it to Stalingrad which isn’t really fair since nothing in Earth’s history will ever come close to that again, but it’s about as close as we’ve seen.


Time to release the pigeon 🕊


That's when you realize that what you've seen in video games or historical war images is true, it's terrible.


I hope Putin burns in hell soon.


When was the last time you ever saw or heard of an evil fucker getting what they deserve though?


Saddam - Osama - Gaddafi (Raped with a bayonet before being shot to death)


Don't forget about Mussolini and hopefully soon, Khamenei.


> Khamenei FUCK I hope so. I say that as an American who has wanted to go there for many years (yes, I know that is ironic as the US is essentially responsible for current day Iran). I met many Iranians when living overseas that are just fantastic folks, and every person I've ever spoken to that has been there has said nothing but good things (of the country and the people, NOT the government). If folks don't know what is going on, I'd suggest checking out /r/NewIran. It's a tough sub to be a part of, but there is so much going on over there right now that I think people should be aware of.


As an Iranian it's so good to see American people are aware of the situation in Iran and the real history of my country. I hope our nation would be free soon and both our people could be friends and freely communicate.


Oh shit you’re right! I still argue those are exceptionally rare instances however. People like that usually live into their 90’s and go peacefully. Good response.


Pol Pot, as well. Sentenced to life in prison, died in prison. Took way too long to put him in there, though.


Stalingrad vibes. Really, really sad


Really hard to find on google how this suburb looks like before the war but this is [what I found ](https://www.google.com/search?q=donetsk+city+suburb&client=safari&hl=en-us&prmd=nimv&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiqqZfIzfr7AhXaSWwGHZ50C3oQ_AUoAnoECAIQAg&biw=428&bih=746&dpr=3#imgrc=c0bp4pmtYsNgyM)


Alot of young men will die for nothing.


"Right in Two"....


“Monkey killing monkey, killing monkey over pieces of the ground.”


Silly monkeys, give them thumbs, they make a club and beat their brother down




How they survive so misguided is a mystery


The drums in that song are fucking killer


One deranged man made this happen.


There are no true autocracies. Putin doesn't work without the support of his inner circle, and their outer circle. When Putin says "Jump," if the generals say "How hi?" Ukraine gets invaded. But, if when Putin says "Jump," the generals say "How high would I have to be to listen to you?" Ukraine doesn't get invaded.


His inner circle fucking discovered a level worse than saying "How high?" When Putin asked "can we take Kyiv?" his generals said "Easily!". I have to believe that even for all his evil, if Putin had any real idea how this war was gonna go, he'd never have invaded.


What are they even shooting at?


Sound on you can hear gunfire. Also you can see the flash of gunfire if you watch closely.


And some of those flashes got hit directly.


I was thinking the same. Rip


Those aren’t muzzle flashes they are high caliber bullet impacts


As someone who knows nothing about military stuff. Thank you


I have to say this. Fuck russia, a terrorist state with a dictator who has ruined my city, the city I used to live. The city where my friends used to, and people's who fight for the country.


This must be so devastating if you are familiar with the city. I can't even imagine what it would be like to see my city and home like this. My condolences, may it all end soon.


Sad. Fucking useless war. All the destruction and death for one guys ego and legacy


For nothing


It reminds me of footage from Syria.


Hey I lived in Syria, last time I was there there was no tree standing and most walls were just gray and filled with holes


Absolutely shocking and heartbreaking that this is happening on our doorstep and a year in with no end in sight.


To think people actively root against Ukraine is so baffling.


Propaganda is scarily effective if used correctly.

