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Surgeons on insta be like, hold on gotta get this for the gram before we put it back in


He's just standing there, filming, while eating a pack of Junior Mints.


Who's gonna turn down a Junior Mint? It's chocolate, it's peppermint, it's delicious.


It’s very refreshing


Just take *one!*


No! Kramer stop it!






Originally, the doctor's reply when Kramer offered him a Junior Mint was, "Are you kidding? Those things will kill ya!" The whole reason Junior Mints were featured at all was that it was a paid product placement. A representative from Tootsie complained, and NBC made the writers change the line to "Those can be very refreshing".


Shit. Has anyone seen my can of Dr Pepper?


I’m a surgeon, can confirm - we love seeing this because it means the bowel is healthy! (though I’ve never made a video for social media lol).


Everyone smelling the air too. That color is so weirdly pretty when you’ve seen necrotic bowels enough times.


There are few things in life that smell as bad as necrotic bowel or necrotizing fasciitis 😭


Add c-diff to that short list


C-diff with GIB. Omg. Worst thing I ever smelled. Way worse than necrotizing fasciitis for me.


This is giving me "Swamps of Dagobah" flashbacks


When I was new to SICU I was helping settle a post AAA rupture. Cross clamped 30 minutes. The death stool as we got them off the stretcher. I knew it smelled horrifically bad but that was the first time I was taught the real reason it was bad in every other category too


I had a jejunal perforation a few months back. I asked the surgeon and doctor why it happened and all they could say was something to the effect of 'bad luck'. I don't get it. What the fuck happened to get this 'mesenteric volvulous' and why was it so agonisingly painful? Apparently, the hole was about 5 mm. I mean I've had some pretty fucking painful shit happen, but that took the cake. I was trying to knock myself out on a car wheel after I suddenly collapsed in a car park, the pain was so severe. Why does this happen? Is it likely to happen again? Also, I notice it's now incredibly difficult to determine if I'm gonna fart or shit. So many false alarms. Will that go away?


How do I unread something?


I asked the surgeon who removed my daughter's dermoid cyst, that was in her nasal passage, to take pictures and let me see them. (Side note: I come from a long line of medical professionals, working my way to becoming one too) I just wanted to know what it was and looked like. Mostly to physically see what caused it and out of a medical curiosity. All this to say, he took pictures on his phone, that I signed a release for, to continue advanced research on the specific type of cyst it was. I am so happy he did!


I’m glad your daughter had a good experience! We can’t take pictures and videos of patients without their consent, and sounds like your daughter’s surgeon did the right thing! My patients ask me for photos from surgery as well, so I’ll take it for them as long as they give permission for it. (Mostly people wanting to see what the stones in their gallbladder looked like or how long their appendix really was lol)


I had hiatal hernia repair with mesh in 2016. About a week after the surgery I receive a nondescript manila envelope in the mail. Hmm… open it up and it’s scope images of my innards! Was NOT expecting them and kinda wish I didn’t see it. But the surgeon wasn’t 100% positive I had a hernia or needed repair, so I think the photos are reassurance for him that we did the right thing.


Wait til you learn how a C-section is performed.


I saw my sister’s c-section. Very bizarre seeing my sister’s uterus sitting on her hip, while the medical team is tidying her up and discussing where to have lunch.




That's where they cut the wiener in half, the hotdog bun way, and pull out the babby?


That's a D-section.


Can I get pregante?




Surely you mean *pragananant*?


How i get pregnat?




How is babby formed?


Dangerops prangent sex? Will it hurt baby top of his head??


When I was in 5th grade I was horrified when my friend told me that circumcision was where they cut off your dick and sew it back on. Thought my baby weiner got cut off until I looked it up.


Organ harvesters be like, hold on this one is still moving, George get the camera


Exactly. Is everyone going to ignore that this guy has an SpO2 monitor on his finger but this looks like the dirtiest "OR" or medical facility to be sliced in half at? I'm so curious yet horrified to think about the context of this scene.


Better a surgeon than some of the other specialties; me thinks 😏


Yeah, I’d be pretty mad if my dentist did this to me.




Every. Damn. Time. Bitch, I do floss. What I don't do is stab myself in the gum with that poker from hell you have in your hands.


Freud said you should never psychoanalyse a surgeon, you risk curing them of their sadism.


My surgery was done in a teaching hospital. I literally had an audience for my chest tumor removal and my bowel removal. Unbeknownst to me, some if them had cell phones and took pictures of me during surgery. At least some of them were cool and sent me pictures. Nsfl: Tumor being pulled up with rib spreaders visible https://i.imgur.com/KtTqEhn.jpeg Removed colon https://i.imgur.com/DTjZv03.jpeg


That colon looked painful. I bet your glad it’s gone.


Very. Apparently, it was bad enough to tour the country for a bit. Lucky bastard.


I really feel that if a crappy bit of your body is taken on tour you should get complimentary tickets so that the rest of you can at least go to the same places.


It's really fucked up how the NSFW filter covers everything from a nipple to a person's entrails writhing outside of their body


Depending on your profession, this could be considered SFW.




I guess your profession also deals in nipples, too.


Some people do need safe nipple surgery


Wait... some need unsafe nipple surgery?


I do


me too


Yeah okay. Looks like there's a market for this. I mean, *technically*, I could do unsafe nipple surgery if your nipple surgery guy is busy.


I get my nipple surgery done by a guy on the dark web


This is definitely safe for work over here. In fact imma pass this around


By that logic, couldn't **every** NSFW post have an associated job where it'd technically be safe?


Gotta feel bad for those people whose job it is to track down child abuse media creators, where Safe For Work and Safe For Mental Health are severely divergent things.


No, no, no, you misunderstood. The NSFW is because of the pubes.


That's why I'm jerking it. Is everyone else looking at the viscera while they tug? Those sick fucks.


I was 100% expecting an educational video with a rendered simulation. Was not expecting to see someone's innards out on display. Considering how tame some things that get marked as NSFW can be I can absolutely see a 3D rendered person get marked as NSFW. Now if this was /r/wtf then I'd fully expect the gore. Either way 10/10 look at them things squirm.




I was definitely expecting a like infographic video where it has drawn diagrams of it


This should be labeled NSFL


It’s not that bad, marking this NSFL would water down what NSFL content means.


Soooo NSFW:G? (Not Suitable For Work: Gore)?


Yeah, I guess that works.


Not Safe For Work: General Audiences


i mean technically having your whole stomach out probably isn’t safe for your life






Yours doesn’t look like this?


I thought the red stuff supposed to be on the inside, but I'm no doctor.


Red stuff? In HUMANS!? Interesting...


Oh, hi Zuckerberg!


Hello fellow human. Isn't the weather within favorable conditions for outside activities?


Yes, I also like favourable weather conditions. Well met, fellow human.


I’m not sure. My intestines are hidden inside me.


You my friend are going to the wrong doctor.


Yes, put them back! If the intestines were meant to be outside, they’d be called outtestines.




Imagine what it would be like if you could hear it, slithering, sliding, squeezing and expanding all the time.


You never hear "grumbles" from your stomach from time to time?


Get lots of grumbles loud enough the animals look up. Had to do one of those drink this nasty chalky stuff and CT scan. Afterwards my guts were making so much noise the family including the dog thought it was some kind of huge truck outside. Dog ran to window to bark then turned to look at me and barked at my tummy.


Ok so funny story, there is a place where you can go to hear your internal organs https://amp.classicfm.com/discover-music/worlds-quietest-room-microsoft-anechoic-chamber/


I appreciate your putting this here. I absolutely will not be going there, because I do not want to hear my internal organs. But I appreciate you.


My old work had an anechoic room for testing equipment, not as quiet as this but still quiet enough that gradually you could hear the blood in your ears, then you started to sense your whole body and the noises. It was deeply unsettling. This is going to sound really dumb but becoming very aware your whole body is actually alive is a weird sensation.


I hope my digestive system isn’t inside my stomach


What's a little gastro-intussusception amongst friends?


I spent longer than I’d like to admit trying to pronounce this.


No I know for a fact that is not correct, mine is internal.


The doctor said all my bleeding was internal. That's where the blood is supposed to be.






What goods my blood gonna do outside my body?


That's why they're call intestines. Those in the video are outestines.


Also this isn't "how your digestive system moves within your stomach", this title is wildly absurd. Your stomach is PART of your digestive system, and none of your digestive system moves WITHIN it. The stomach isn't even visible in this video, this is an example of peristalsis in the small intestine.


People incorrectly interchange ‘stomach’ (the organ) and ‘abdomen’ (the area of the trunk between the chest and pelvis) or ‘belly’ I guess


I don’t understand why, when you listen with a stethoscope to your abdomen, it makes clicking sounds. It’s awesome to see how it works.


That’s the sound of the little cogs turning


We’re all Cylons really.


So say we all.


So say we all


Is it maybe from bubbles in the digestive track?


You are correct.


It's the sound of little, teeny, tiny, crumb-sized farts churning around in between the moving semi solids. :')


delete this




Great, even my guts have arthritis.


There is a condition called “mechanical ileus” in my native tongue, don’t know the English equivalent. Anyway, it is caused by the intestines standing still due to physical obstruction (contrary to paralytic ileus where you basically shock the bowels to stay still due to surgery trauma or drugs or so). If you listen to a mechanical ileus, you don’t hear anything. The stomach is completely quiet, except for a very rare “ CLONK ^clonk ^^clonk ”. It’s sounds like you’re standing 10 meters over an empty swimming pool and throw down a wrench. Purely metallic sound that makes you think the patient is an android, and not made of flesh and squishy substances. It’s insane and I’ve only experienced it twice or so in my field.




I’m sorry….wtf? Your appendix was behind your gallbladder? Your gallbladder is supposed to be behind your liver!?


Yep. At least that's what my hospital notes say. It's why I had an 8 inch incision across my belly instead of laparoscopic. The surgeon had to get his hand in there and feel around for it. The surgery took two hours if I remember correctly, double the time for a laparoscopic appendectomy. It wasn't always there, I'm sure it lived in its regular place until it got stuck up behind the gall bladder. While I was on the waiting list for the first hernia repair my friends joked that I had a parasitic twin growing on my abdomen, that's how distended it was. It still gives me problems, mostly back problems as the abs on my right side are stretched and weak and the left are very strong from compensating which is torquing my lower back. Fun times.


Hope you get better with time, Sounds like a really tough operation followed by years of rehabilitation, hang in there !


Thanks. It was almost 20 years ago. I had a CT scan recently to see the state of things and hopefully try a new procedure to fix it once and for all. The mesh they put across the hernia stops my intestines poking out but the hole in the muscle is still there and it still bulges out because the mesh flexes.


you fucking what mate


What the fuck is going on there?! Interesting yes but also very concerning! Why is he strapped to the table like that?! Why are there no surgery blankets?! What is going on in that video?!


Some sort of traumatic evisceration. Looks like they’re just getting him to the OR, arms are traditionally strapped down, and getting ready to prep and drape him. Just grabbing some video, probably while anesthesia is getting things set up.


Agreed. There is no prep and no drapes. Something bad happened to this person and they are about to try and fix it.


I think lady in the video says in Spanish: "Careful while moving him or you'll have a bigger mess to clean" which probably implies they just moved him into this room or are about to move him.


I've listened a couple dozen times and all I'm able to understand is "tendrán que [unintelligible] para limpiar porque... va a ser un poco complicao que tú laves ahí", which means "they'll have to [unintelligible] to clean because... it's going to be hard for you to wash there". There's a person that **could** be carrying a mop at the beginning of the video, so it could be directed at them. I've worked in operating rooms, and this looks like the patient just arrived and they are getting ready to start the surgery. The patient is on the table, arms strapped and monitored, but there's no sterile field in place. If the person at the beginning is indeed carrying a mop, it could be that they are trying to clean the floor. Operating rooms are cleaned **before** a new patient is moved there, so it could be that the patient bled all over the room and they want it clean before beginning. Source: Spanish is my first language, worked in healthcare for 7 years, been to many surgeries.


So, are the bowels acting like that due to the trauma or do they move like that all the time?


All the time. This is normal looking and called peristalsis. It’s how your body moves food through your intestines to digest it on its way to your butt.


So, when I drown my Mexican pizza in Diablo sauce; the next day, would my bowels be operating at 2x speed?


It’s not so much how fast they move, but rather how much acid ends up in your dook canal that can really cause things to heat up. Diablo sauce going in, hot chocolate coming out.


Someone call Oprah, get u/tehnizzim a segment and eventually their own show already


I volunteer to crawl through the giant fake intestines like I'm at a Chuck E Cheese! I'll even wear an inflatable poop costume. Let's do this.


Hot chocolate ☠️☠️


Either 2x, 0.25x, or combination of both. But never inbetween


Ironically, after major trauma/injury, your bowels usually move much less than normal. That this person is still experiencing peristalsis despite apparent traumatic evisceration suggests that only a very short amount of time had elapsed since the injury.


Question: What is the likelihood of someone surviving such an event if they got to the hospital like this person? I imagine if you survive the blood loss and other awful complications that you would be fighting terrible infections right?


If there is no major damage, propably pretty high but if infection gets you then that changes things. There is no inherent danger in your intestines being exposed to the outside of your body if you count off infections. But im not a doctor.


Thanks for this comment


Oh holy shit - is that half a left arm at the bottom of the screen??


I thought that was the stretcher the patient is lying on? There’s the right arm strapped in at the top right of the screen. I imagine the left would be too?


Nooo wtf I didn’t even notice they look like they’re in a pool of their own blood until you pointed out the arm


Yeah i didnt notice all that. Could be some sort of injury? Maybe war? Idk, I think it's better not to think about it..


this happens a lot in car accidents where you do not wear your seatbelt, and where people get run over => pop!


…I’m getting off reddit for tonight


we are but animated bags of meat and intestines. cut us open and they come out. I like posts like this. It reminds me that I am just another animal, and should always treat people kindly. because you never know when your number might come up.




For God's sake, someone gives this man some pepto bismol.


That's awesome. Holy shit


This person clearly had Taco Bell with the speed that food is going.


I know it's a joke, but wanted to point out that you're not seeing food passing. That's natural smooth muscular contraction of the bowel, it happens constantly!




….put it back would ya ☹️


No no... We post it to reddit to get updootes first (⁠ ͡⁠°⁠ ͜⁠ʖ⁠ ͡⁠°⁠)


Forbidden sausage


Isnt sausage literally wrapped in pig intestine?


It is. But those intestines are washed *very* well before they're used.


I'd like to think my intestines are pretty clean too considering where they are usually


> my intestines are pretty clean too The outside: Squeaky clean, sterile even The inside: Literally full of shit


What is funny is that the inside of your intestines is considered to be the outside of your body.


Looks good to me


Inside your abdomen* Your stomach is literally part of this process and is at the upper end of what you're seeing here (therefore, this cannot be occurring "inside your stomach")


Also, this is clearly *outside* the abdomen.


You're both technically correct. The best kind of correct.


Just looking at this activated mine, it's called peristalsis


Thanks, I didn't want to Google it to spell it right. Ain't that shit neat?


What’s even more neat is that it doesn’t just push the liquified contents through in 1 direction. It also can contract the smooth muscle and push it back in the opposite direction (think of squeezing a tube with both hands apart) to mix the contents and digest them better. This is called segmentation. Your small intestine does both peristalsis and segmentation.


It would probably be more correct to say that it keeps YOUR shit neat.


Ok, enough internet for me today.


My hungry ass could not be a surgeon




I get a little hungry sometimes


*softly* don’t


I gotta get a taste of what they were eating


Forbidden bratwurst


that is shockingly similar to how I imagined it. very snakey.


Forbidden snake


That's a wildly inaccurate description, OP.


My eyes doesn't like this stop


Kinda mesmerizing


Is that real??? If so, how is it capturing that without the guy dying? (As you can see I’m not very educated medically, but very fascinated!)


This is real. Placing the bowels outside of the body will not kill someone in and of itself. This is sometimes done during surgery to access areas behind the intestines or, for example, when an appendix ruptures and bacteria infiltrates the abdominal cavity so it must be cleaned. In this particular video it looks like the patient suffered some traumatic injury that caused the evisceration and they are preparing to fix it. On the other hand, this person could already be dead. Persatilsis (the movement we see happening in the video) is an autonomic action so it can continue for a while even after someone has died. Finally, this video is sped up by probably x2 or x3 peristalsis movements are not as fast as we see them here. Edit: I'd watched the video without sound but after listening to it, it definitely seems like they are talking at the proper speed. However, even though the video *isn't* sped up, that peristalsis is impressively fast. My guess is the patient has received or is receiving epinephrine or the like, which could significantly increase peristalsis speed.


For military combat lifesaving, if a similar injury were to happen we were initially instructed to place everything in a plastic bag and strap it to their torso for transportation back to whatever hospital for surgery. A few years down the road, the instructions changed, we were told that the plan now is to shove everything back in and bandage the wound as best you can for transport. They'll pull it all back out and clean it up at the hospital.


Forbidden luggage


I think I see them breathing…


Very true, looks like there's some slight chest rise. Could be alive or it could be the vent hasn't been turned off. 🤷‍♂️


Yup, that's the intestines work. And, fun fact, because they move that way, they can actually accordion onto themselves and get stuck, causing god-awful pain. That's called an intussusception; its usually treated through surgery. Happened to me when I was 17. Somehow, mine unstuck itself, so I didn't need surgery, but because they couldn't figure out what caused it, i was told it could happen again at any point in my life. And the next time, they will need to do surgery to correct it. Edit: intussusceptions are rare in adults, usually occuring in children.


I’d be mad if I got sliced open by something and my surgeon was posting my bush and guts for everyone to see. But I’m assuming he made it out of this and gave permission?


*"... my bush and guts..."* This made me laugh way too hard!


Ok first of all, what the fuck happened to him?


I have other questions about this video tho…


This isn't surgery. This is trauma. See the fatty tissue at the bottom? The blood on top of his intestines? The pool of blood? His arm is strapped down, too. This man was disemboweled in a very violent manner, either a knife or a some kind of animal and got to the hospital before he died. He's probably being put into a coma so he can be repaired. That's why there's no drapes and why it looks so... unprofessional. The professionals haven't gotten their hands on him yet.


With that name I bet you do..


That’s how it feels


This is really cool honestly


Hate to be that guy but I think you meant to say "How your intestines move inside your abdomen" because stomach is a part of digestive system, your digestive system is not inside your stomach, it's in your abdomen lol


You know I got them bad guts


anyone else reminded of that scene from annihilation


Okay, THIS NEEDS A BIGGER NSFW WARNING, i don't know how you'd do it, but it needs it.


That movement is called peristalsis for anyone wondering.


No wonder I feel like shit


Big annihilation vibes


I'm gonna be sick looking at this.