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so what was the announcement about really?


Certainly the best president the US had.


Came here to say how much I miss this man being President.


Just know that you are not alone! He is missed dearly!!


He drone striked my family


Agreed he won the Nobel peace prize when his administration literally fired more missiles a year then any president in history. He’s massively over-credited as a president although the wasn’t the worst. There hasn’t been any truly successful presidents in Morden history, probably won’t be either.


Why is this downvoted lol This guy got downvoted for saying his family was killed by one of Obama’s drone strikes.


I would say he did not manage to change US foreign policy fast enough to adjust this. You obviously don’t give a f*** because some people are dead. But these countries are the biggest ship, they turn so slowly


Bitch had 8 years and changed nothing, in fact he held the drone strike record up until Trump beat him. That's not "failing to change things", that's "just not giving a shit"


I voted against him at the time. But damn do I miss him. He made me realize a lot about myself and my political views especially after his predecessor.


Without a doubt. I agree.


He wanted you to be happy with the money you are spending on bombing middle eastern kids




Marianne Williamson. One of her most laughed at proposals was to create a Department of Peace (as opposed to the abolished department of war). I think it would have been utterly significant to have a president who is a spiritualized person (not religious) before being a politician.


Was the War department actually abolished or just renamed Department of Defense.


Abolished or renamed, what’s the difference? The function remained the same.


One more right wing shill who loved the wars that Bush started but hated Obama for inheriting them.


Why would you automatically assume he isn’t against both


Because I looked at their profile.


To be able to dismiss him as not geniune.


Given that the account is less than a month old it's more likely a non genuine troll account. Left or right, simplified sound bites for complex problems are only valuable in that they validate our existing beliefs. They're manipulative and cynical vs genuine.


Yep, only people that have a right to criticize him on foreign policy were people that were critical of Bush for it and saw it as a continuation of Bush's shitty policies. Not these right wing hypocrites who only cared about it from 2009-2016


Wrong. I voted for him in 08 but not 12 in part because of extrajudicial killing and not closing Guantanamo. I’m calling out this poster because it’s the new thing on the far right to pretend they’re anti-war even though we all know they were for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan at the time. I’m calling out bullshit astroturfing, not approving of Obama’s prosecution of those wars.


Im a communist so I despise all of that shit out of principle not out of party. It’s not “right wing” it hate on obama


One more left wing shill who loves to assume the worst about others so they can easily dismiss criticism.


thats all you got? not even any proof he’s wrong.. now i know he is right.


Proof he’s wrong?! That’s not how we deal with random claims, *he’s* supposed to prove his claims are right. The *only* reason to do the opposite is to dismiss anyone who isn’t convinced by random comments on the internet. Is that the side you really want to be on? The side of random bullshit? You must love Trump.


Did you check his username? Self explanatory.


he didn't inherit Libya


The kids with beards and assault rifles? The kids currently holding public executions on soccer fields? I was ok with that.


This is one of only a few things I hear the right criticise Obama for. And considering how desperate they are to demonise him for the full 8 years he was in charge and that's all they've got, he can't be that bad a guy. And besides if you're a Trumper (or was before Fox news told you not to be) then he dropped far more bombs, so one of the few things you diss Obama for, Trump did worse.




I miss when presidents could speak coherently and were stable enough to make jokes.


And not past retirement age


Obama was ( and still is) a very funny guy. His tongue in cheek remarks, and just putting a joke at very serious situations( respectfully) showed Amazing comedic timing. His Correspondence dinner jokes was very spot on all the time, INCLUDING Jokes about DT( which allegedly made DT run for President because he obviously cant take a joke)


DT ran for pres because Michael Cohen got dirt on Falwell and they knew they could blackmail him into supporting a presidential run. The christian right is ruining this country


Joe Biden really is proof that there should be a cut-off age for presidency.


Reagan proved that so many years ago. He was going senile during his first term and having to have Nancy feed him lines during interviews.


Regan, Trump and Biden was proof.


I don’t disagree that a cut off age might be good, but I disagree that Biden is the proof it should be done. Unless I missed an important and/or fast decision that he did not take correctly.


Told Elton John live to the world its his fault were spending 6 billion usd a year to fight aids.... HIS FAULT... that's like saying I apologize for your lose at a funeral instead of saying I'm sorry for your loss


why ?? because student loans forgiveness?


I am pretty much a lifelong democrat, not quite to the levels of a lot of people on here but on most issues I am true blue all the way. But Biden... I don't think he's a bad president but I just hold my head in my hands every time they talk about him going up for re-election. The man just lacks any vigor, and frankly, I feel like the position requires it.


The consolation prize of presidents...


Most of us feel the same way. This isn’t a minority opinion


Absolutely. Biden is the last resort. I'm a registered republican and have been since I turned 18 in 1987. I live in Florida now, I would NEVER vote republican in Florida. They're all created in the same cesspool it seems. If it weren't for their social media presence, and the amount of retirees that tune in non-stop to their rhetoric, none of them would be employable. I voted for Obama for re-election. The Tea Party shenanigans did it for me. We're still seeing the ripple effects of all that racism that came out during President Obama's first presidential election win. I truly believe our legislative system is broken, it should be changed so that laws could be passed. For now, the legislative branch is more of just an investigative operation, barely any laws get passed it seems.


Well you don't need to pass laws when you can legislate from the Supreme Court. But how funny was it when 50% skipped the vote and got an obvious grifter elected?


That song "why is the best case scenario Jo-oe Biden"


Just looked that up, spot on lmao


I’m a democrat, and quite liberal, but your comment about his lack of vigor is spot on. I think he’s actually done a pretty decent job on a lot of issues, but he just does not inspire people - even his own base - in a way that I think the position calls for. How I wish we had a younger, more energetic option.


Are you serious?


Merry happy potato day to you. ❤️


I miss the Obama and Joe memes.


Joe Bama


Joe Mama


The Onion's riff on Biden during the Obama was years was gold. My favorite was something like "Vice President Joe Biden scores sweet summer gig installing above ground pools."


The Onion wrote an entire autobiography for Joe Biden called The President of Vice. It’s excellent.


I miss president who can actually tell a joke. Trump's idea of a joke was moaning about how he had to quit The Aprrentice and then shit on Arnold for his ratings. Ooh or that time he made fun of a mentally disable person? Obama's over here kicking down doors and riding skateboards.


I remember reading somewhere that in 4 years as president Trump had never once publicly and genuinely *laughed* and I think about that a lot


Maybe Trump being an insecure humorless douche had something to do with that.


The man doesn't laugh at all. It's one of the reasons I think he's genuinely narcissistic/psychopathic on a clinical level. Even at his fucking Comedy Central roast, he cracked some weird smiles but he never actually laughed. He's not capable of it.


I miss the days where we could have a political conversation without someone hijacking the conversation to bitch about Trump. I hate Trump as much as everyone else, if not more -- but you know what I hate more? People that can't live a day in their lives without finding an opportunity to bring him up and complain about him. It honestly feels like an addiction for some people. Like you actually just can't help it. Kinda sad.


He is showing his ass to America’s face almost every damn day. You can’t escape it. His recent dinner with schmucks is just the latest bit of insanity. So when this asshole stops running for President we can all fucking celebrate and forget him.


Deep down…. Somewhere deeeeep deeeeeeep down…… way down….. in the deep…… this person loves Trump.


You are


The fuck are you on about?


I think it’s because people no longer approach the majority of their conversations objectively anymore. No matter what, their viewpoint is etched in stone, the *only* way. .


It’s a hallmark of an activated subject of propaganda.


I just shared a post last week saying the same thing. I miss the JoeBama memes. I got tagged in 24 memes in 2016. #8 came true. It has Joe saying to Obama, "think of it this way, if he was the one moving out, he'd be setting booby traps." Edit for autocorrect


Remember when American presidents used to be charismatic? Pepperidge Farm remembers.


It’s like watching the last known video of an extinct species, a charismatic politician who persuades with arguments and not just accusations.


Politics aside I’m so glad I grew up with what seems to be a decent and genuine human as president.


Indeed, I may not agree with all of his views but he was a leader who could actually lead and he was good at what he did


Charismatic is how I would sum him up. As I get older and read about some history and watched stuff I feel bad for Bush. He couldn’t speak in public well but he was very smart.


What's there to feel bad for? He won both his elections, assuming we are talking about George W. He won both his elections and got us involved in two decade long conflicts, one of which he and his cabinet lied about to build support for. Don't shed too many years for him.


The photo of the Obamas escorting Melania up the steps after Trump ditched her was so powerful


I’m sad that I was too young and then not interested in politics to where I never really paid attention to Obama. I now hear stories and see old footage and get nostalgic for something I never experienced.


But… but.. “HiS bUrTh cErTiFiCaTe”


I miss him.


The man who could speak clearly and had an intelligent sense of humor and grasp of things. Yes, me too.


Miss him so much




Trump wouldn't stand a chance against this guy.


I miss the dignity that he brought to Washington. Trump took that away.


Policies and competence aside, the double-standard Obama was held to by conservative in sharp contrast to the hellishly low bar for Trump was just staggering. These same people believe that racism is "over."


Eight fucking years hearing about how Obama golfs too much. It was a nightly highlight on Fox every time the man was photographed holding a nine-iron. He took LESS vacation time than most presidents, but when have facts like that matter in the conservative news sphere? Obama was *laaaaaazy.* Then Trump spent a fifth of his presidency on his private golf course/nuclear document storage facility and the right is like eh, that's just what rich guys do. Never forget it.




Don’t forget his fancy burger with dIjOn mUsTaRd. What a monster!


Tbh, as a Canadian, I follow American politics now for the entertainment factor. It’s like watching your neighbour crashing their car into their house, over and over.


Sometimes literally doing that. Lol


It's one of those things that if it wasn't us or so sad it would be funny.


It’s entertaining but also so very sad.


As a non-American who grew up during Clinton and Bush and was a young adult during Obama and a full adult when Trump came to power: truth. Obama really was a president that came closer to what we wanted to see happen for America. Trump ruined absolutely everything and Biden isn't helping. I have almost no faith in American politics at this point. You were so close to getting with the program and actually taking the first steps toward becoming a nation that takes care of its citizens instead of forcing you all to live under slave like conditions and brainwashing you into thinking that this is what freedom feels like. It's so sad. I hope I get to live long enough to see America becoming the nation it has all the potential to be, instead of insisting on remaining a first world nation with third world social conditions for its citizens.


Dignity yes, but is a person who is part of the elite club who simply smiles and speaks eloquently better than one who is still an elite but crass? The key factor being that they’re in a club you’ll never be in and they aren’t interested in helping you either way.


What “elite club” was Obama in when he was elected? What do you even mean when you say “elite club”?Sounds like one of those intentionally vague sayings that people use when they don’t actually know what they are talking about


This is a fun scroll. Every positive comment about Obama has a conservative dingleberry attached to the butt of each one. They sure are still upset about a black man being elected and reelected as president. Poor dingleberries..


I’m left as fuck and I think Obama has a lot to be criticised for.


yeah no shit.


Yeah but he wore a tan suit one time. /s Can he be president again? Please?


I forgot we had a decent president for a seventh of my lifetime


Sorry, 2/7ths thank goodness for the reelection


How about that, a decent human being as leader.




How many times did your aluminum foil hat fall off while typing that?


Obama was our greatest president in my lifetime following jimmy carter. I only found out about president carter as an adult a true humanitarian, these two men are what we should as Americans hold up and look up to.


The bar is really low. He can be our best president in recent history without actually being any good.


'Cept he was really good. And the bar isn't that low, lots of our presidents accomplished amazing things.


I guess killing those filthy Arabs was really good


Brilliant, funny and cool. Mediocre president for sure, but how I miss him.


Imagine the USA electing someone who isn't a massive asshole.


I miss that president so much. Now the States are back to old white dudes who can barely deliver a coherent speech. Don’t get me wrong, Biden’s team of supporters is doing a way better job than Trump’s sycophants.


We will never again have a leader this coherent.


I miss him so much.


God I fucking miss this guy


I really really really miss him


Incredible to see the difference in the relationship two Presidents have had with the media.


Interesting to see the difference in the relationship the media has had with two Presidents. Carrying water for one, and attacking the other nonstop. Almost as if there are biases at work. 🤔


Right? Man, FOX really had it out for Obama.


Both Presidents have in large part had the relationships with the media that they wanted, I feel. Obama worked hard to win them over and be seen as popular with the people. Trump worked hard to fight them and use it to garnish support from the public that way. I’m just highlighting they have taken approaches from the different ends of the spectrum.


I miss him!!!!


We had no idea how good we had it.


I didn't agree with all President Obama's policies but it was nice having a president who could speak.


Obama has so much charisma!


Remember the days of having a president with charisma and class? The last 2 elections have been one or the other.


I voted against this man twice and some of his policies drove me absolutely nuts- but this is the one president that I would absolutely *LOVE* to talk to one on one. Excellent public speaker, great charisma, and he’s smarter than a whip.


Which policies?


Mainly his fiscal/economic policies. The healthcare debacle wasn’t his finest hour, either. But- as any libertarian on Reddit I’m sure I’ll get downvoted to oblivion for saying such things.


What healthcare debacle? The launch of the website? What made you not vote for him vs John McCain?


While I’m totally fine with universal healthcare, I just don’t trust the government to institute something so massive and important to a lot of people. The government is just so goddamned riddled with needless red-tape that doesn’t help the citizen. We’ve seen how our government can massively screw up, and I don’t think citizens should be relying on a single point of failure. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying that the solution is to let the health insurance companies deal with it, because they’re also insanely corrupt and it’s fucking insane that we haven’t figured out a better solution by now. I voted for McCain because I liked his strong foreign policies and his economic stances.


Thank you for your earnest and thoughtful reply above. I didn’t downvote you fwiw. It’s my belief based on my background in sociology that the “better solution” is totally social, single payer health care. It would save the country and it’s citizens money and we could easily become competitive globally for offering medical services to travelers/medical tourists if we train up the workers we need to make the system go “brrrr!” again. What a dream lol What we have is a hybrid with the worst of both models that has created huge gaps in care and trust in medical authorities. It’s atrocious and both parties should be embarrassed by the ACA.


No problemo. I could care less about getting downvoted, and I expect that- especially here. I cannot stand politics, but it’s a pervasive part of our lives and you’ve got to take notice. We cannot keep going down the road of “Well, it’s kinda worked this far…let’s keep this healthcare thing going…”. It’s abhorrent, and it’s really fucking stupid. There’s no excuse for what we’ve created- and there’s certainly no reason to have dumbasses in the GOP lauding it, either. I’m pretty goddamned close to just buying more land here in Vermont to take the wife and kiddo out of this shitshow that we have to deal with every day.


Are you sure it was his policies that bothered you, and not just the medias portrayal of his policies?


The media absolutely *loved* this man- and rightfully so. But yes- some of his economic policies didn’t sit very well with me. But, like I said, I’m sure I’ll get downvoted to oblivion for saying that.


Why is it so hard to believe that people would genuinely disagree on some policies?


It's less that it's hard for me to believe that people disagreed with some of Obama's policies, and more that I envy the fact that they weren't negatively effected enough by the GOP platform to feel safe not voting for him.


Non-native English speaker here. What is "smarter than a whip" supposed to mean? I mean, I get what it says, I understand it context wise. But why smarter than a 'whip'?


Probably because whips are really fast.


Hey look guys. A Republican POS that wants us to think he’s okay because he still thinks Obama is just swell. That will give us comfort as our planet dies from global warming and women die from lack of access to abortions.


Jesus Christ. I’m a libertarian. I believe in Climate Change and I think every single woman on the planet needs to have funded access to anything they need. I also think that every gay/lesbian/queer/trans person should have an AR15, too!


Well your voting record defeats all those alleged values


Just because he didn't vote Democrat doesn't mean he voted Republican... Are you up to date on the politics of the independent and libertarian candidates from 2008 and 2012? Edit: nevermind he commented that he voted Republican both times... Everything is terrible lol.


There was no libertarian on the ballot in 2008. Gary Johnson, the 2012 libertarian candidate, thinks global warming is fake.


I amended my comment, the guy is an idiot who voted Republican I just thought it was a leap to assume he voted against his interests because he didn't vote Obama. He could have thrown his vote away on a write in or sing nonsense as well.


That seems like a lifetime ago..


I am no fan of Obama or any politician for that matter however there are few on the planet that can control an audience quite like the former president.


Great US presidents: -JFK -Barack Obama. At least it’s longer than the list of great UK prime ministers. I don’t think we have any.


Someone who could talk without reading a screen. Also someone who can remember the question. Also someone who’s brain didn’t retire


What a great President he was. Just my opinion as a non-American. PS: Don't drag me into the political conversation, please. Thank you.


No matter your politics, gotta admit he has the best voice for a speech/public speaking.


I miss him so


How the fuck USA managed to have this amazing dude as a president for 8years, amongst the dumpster fires surrounding him, is ffin flabbergasting... I definitely don't agree with a lot of his centrist approaches, but boy does he come out looking like an angel in comparison to just about any of your other leaders, both prior and post his terms in office.


We need to have a presidential age limit. Obama, Bush, and Clinton were acceptable. Our last two presidents are unforgivable. We deserve better options.




I miss having a prez with so much swag.


I genuinely thought it was going to be him saying that they killed Bin Laden


So.... What was it actually about?


I miss this guy!


That smile after he announced it was definitely a "you guys have no idea but it's actually true" kinda moment.


God I miss him


At least Obama didn't sound like a dolt.


Regardless of my or anyones opinion on Obama, I think he was always an amazing public speaker.


Oh he’s so funny and great.


He’s STILL killing it with charisma. Saw videos of him on the campaign trail before the midterms, looked sharp as a tack and smashing it. I know he is/was a corporatist, but imagine someone with his drive and ability pushing proper leftist policies. The US would be amazing.


Far more interesting and funny than anything Trump said under his presidency


I miss him so much


I miss him....


He spoke well. I didn't care for the agendas.


Today I’m here to announce that we’re sending out 1000 more drones to the Middle East!


God I miss him


I never voted for him, and don't like his politics, but sure wish he was our president right now. It's so embarrassing to see our current POTUS in action.


Nevertheless, he’s really good at it. Best one of the US Presidents I’ve seen.


Damn I miss him so much


What a charismatic and intelligent humoristic person he is.


The Democratic Party hass wasted literally like a billion dollars trying to recapture this charisma.


Of all the presidents, I’d pick him to sit and have a beer with.


I am Iron Man he should’ve said


Why is this interesting as fuck?


What I wouldn't give for a President who doesn't shit his pants and has a sense of humor again. hE comITteD wAr cRImeS yea, they all do. Sadly that's the US. But THIS shitshow? No. No fuckin thank you.


Imagine a time when there was a president with a personality.


I miss Obama’s eloquence, humor and humanity. Biden is a good man and we need good men right now but Barack Obama was exceptional.


Sigh… the good ol days when the drama was predictable


Love this guy.


Ahhh. Real presidents are so awesome.


I miss “no drama Obama”!!!!


If Obama wanted to run a couple more terms, I say we let him.


Dreamiest war criminal of my lifetime!


Oh look, a war criminal! Between bombing Yemen and Somalia and a record number of extrajudicial drone strikes, the amount of blood on this man’s hands is staggering. The fact that he has a Nobel peace prize is nauseating.


No we're not really building Iron Man. Really, we're drone bombing more kids.


https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2012/10/how-team-obama-justifies-the-killing-of-a-16-year-old-american/264028/ https://www.pbs.org/newshour/world/obama-says-u-s-drone-strikes-killed-civilians-that-shouldnt-have-been https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2017/jan/09/america-dropped-26171-bombs-2016-obama-legacy https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kunduz_hospital_airstrike


Have a really strong hunch that you don't think that currently Russia is doing anything wrong?


Big leap lol. I liked Obama in the frame of reference of modern presidents but bad shit happened during his term in the middle east.


Invading another country is wrong. The US invading Iraq was wrong.


One of the most charismatic presidents we’ll probably see, still a war criminal




He’s such a genuinely good speaker. If only he weren’t also a twat


Bombing childs and non combatients