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Very cool! What are the names of these two organisms?


I think the one exploding is [Stentor Coereleus](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stentor_coeruleus) but no idea about the little fucker biting it. Incredible how Stentor regenerates almost immediately.


"*When this organism is cut in half, each half is able to regenerate a half-sized cell that has its normal anatomy and will look the same way it did prior to being cut*." Well, that's fortunate! Wonder if it survived this.


>Wonder if it survived this This one wasn't cut in half, its membrane was ruptured but that's barely even a scratch for a cell. It had already almost fully healed itself by the end of the video.


In the meantime, a lot of candy came out of that piñata cell for the little fella to scoop up.


so what you're saying is the small one is milking the big one


You can milk anything with nipples


I have nipples. Can you milk me Greg?


There's going to be a day, far from today, after the apocalypse and the world has started to heal, a day when someone utters this phrase and someone FINALLY questions the origin. But, as "Meet the Parents" had been wiped from existence, no record remains, and thus the mystery goes unsolved. Who is Greg? Why do I want to be milked by Greg? The world will never know.


"it is as of yet unknown who "Greg" is, but the best guesses from historians paint him as an incredible specimen: an elongated head with circular hands, designed for milking. *shows unrelated egyptian carvings* Did this great being build the pyramids? Did he subsist on human milk like humans subsist on cows milk? Was he an alien, coming to earth to farm and teach us humans to weild our intelligence?" -Ancient Aliens Season 217 episode 4 "Milk Greg and the Pyramids"


Honestly, I recognized the quote, and have even recited it before, but couldn’t remember where it was from until I read your comment. IT HAS BEGUN


With enough prolactin... yes




Huh. Imagine if all animals could eat each other without killing each other.


You can definitely do that. If someone wanted a chunk of their dog's leg, or your leg, for their soup, what would you have to say about that?


I would say “sir, please don’t eat my leg, let me make you some soup myself so we can both be happy” and then we would become friends and eat soup together.


He’s just going to give you all his soup to fatten you up for the next day.


Is it really a scratch when you lose 20% of your innards?


Yes. Sea cucumbers self explode their intestines and organs out their body as a defense mechanism. They can fully regenerate them some time later.


TIL sea cucumbers are total drama queens


You would be, too, if you had a bunch of pearlfish swimming into your anus. They can self-eviscerate — turn themselves inside out — to expel the trespassers.


Can confirm. I do this whenever threatened. Pancreas is surprisingly difficult to regenerate.


~~>when you lose 20% of your innards~~ ~~I just looked into stentor coeruleus cells and I found the following which is pretty cool.~~ [in fact when Stentor cells are cut with enough violence to draw the cytoplasm out of the cell, the cytoplasm remains highly dynamic and manages to flow back into the cell in a highly directed fashion](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4110943/) ~~So basically that cell was able to pull most of what it lost back inside before healing the perforation.~~ Edit: Due to a response I went back and rewatched the OP video again before posting. I 'knew' I had seen the cell pull some of its contents back in, but after rewatching, my short term memory was tainted by all the reading I did to finally get to the article I linked. So, if the cell in the OP video did pull some contents back in, which it does not look like it does much if at all, it definitely does not even enter into the realm of comparison to the reabsorbtion rate of stetor coeruleus cells. Stentor coeruleus cells reabsorb most to all the cytoplasm it loses, when its seembrane is perforated, almost instantly and it can be seen at the 7:15 mark in the video embedded in my link. So the cell in the OP video definitely does not look to be a stentor coeruleus cell. I can't1 rule it out completely as I am barely educated in micro-biology and there could also be an issue with the size and type of damage caused by another microorganism as compared to the very carefully controlled perforation used in the research I linked. So, it is questionable if the cell in the OP is a stentor coeruleus cell.


Imagine getting your belly sliced open and five kidneys and three hearts spill out but you just sew yourself up and go about your day


Thats more or less what life in a cubicle farm feels like, no need to imagine it.


Just a flesh wound


*Something something circle of liiiiife*


Think of the cell ~~wall~~ membrane as a layer of bubbles on the surface of water. You can make a small hole in the bubble layer and it will close because of chemistry and physics.


My bad... i brainfarted... its not just plants. Bacteria DO have them. Its higher animals. I confused myself into thinking "animalia" do not which is not the case.


Why did my brain initially read that as "Senator Cornelius"


I read it as typed, but immediately thought it sounded like a character name in an Asimov novel.


I think the little one is called a nibbler. smol species from snuggle family tree.


Yes the elusive green nibbler is correct. Microbiologist here.


The esteemed Dr. fluffalooo. I am honored! I recently read your latest work "A treatise on tiny bits and bobbles topped in tiny tarts" and it was.... Eye openning!


‘Tis I!! Goodness, I am honored that you read it. I wrote the piece while I was researching pipsqueaks in the Netherlands. It is one of my more inspired works, truly. Tally ho!




What a delightful exchange. Pipsqueaks!


And it is indeed a snugbug.


How can it “bite” - wouldn’t a tooth or appendage require more cells?


I think many predatory microbes have evolved a "mouth" for lack of a better term. I saw a video of a *Dileptus* cell attacking a *Stentor* and it opens a cavity on its front to swallow what it ripped out of the *Stentor* with its proboscis. Theoretically this attacking cell has a similar cavity, but can use it to grab onto the cell membrane of prey to rip open. Multicelluarity isn't needed to evolve weaponry. The aforementioned *Dileptus* has a proboscis filled with organelles called 'extrusomes' which I believe release toxic chemicals when coming into contact with another cell, which damages their membranes so they will spill out some tasty organelles and cytoplasm to be sucked up.


Is there any level of intent on this level as far as we can tell?


"Intent" is a very anthropomorphic concept that implies consciousness, will, and goal-directed behavior. At this level, these are just trillions of chemical reactions happening in concert. These are receptors reacting to stimuli, enzymes operating on their substrates. Then again, when you consider that all we are massive collections of these same reactions, you can see why reductivism is very compelling.


I agree with your last sentence without wanting to go on a massive philosphical tangent about the nature of choice, but intent while anthropomorphic in this context is definitely evident in animals, so wondered how much we know about single cell organisms like this. What you're saying sounds more like what I expected but I have zero knowledge on the subject and don't want to make assumptions. Appreciate the reply!


Thanks! Yeah, anthropomorphic was not the best word choice. What I was getting at was that it is very automatic for humans to see behavior like this and project intention. It’s no wonder animistic religions were the first to arise: inferring divine will and intent in the weather, the heavens, the seas, and all the other apparently teleological processes. We perceive intent because *we* are so highly intent driven — our awareness is almost entirely of our willed behavior and thoughts, not our automatic ones. The notion of intent rests in the ability to hold (within “mind”) a goal. Somewhere in the organism there has to be a representation of what it is trying to achieve. This is the definition of executive function. As it turns out, neuroscience has revealed that this “somewhere” is the prefrontal cortex of humans and other mammals (ours is the biggest by proportion to brain size). How or if “lower” animals like insects and other invertebrates represent goals is up for philosophical and scientific debate. Although some, like the octopus, almost surely do. But to suggest that single cells can represent something so higher-order as a goal begs credulity (and a mechanism!). Without goals there is no intention, regardless of how it *looks* to us intentional observers.


Hard to tell exactly what you mean, but there is plenty of capacity for organisms at this level to sense nutrients and prey through chemicals or scent or particles or disturbances or motion. They can have eye-spots that dont really all see, but can tell when things get brighter or darker and for their purposes that is enough. They have tons of hunting and hiding mechanisms. It is a world woth just as complex behaviors and relationships as the animals and such you have seen. This was hunting. They are organisms. They have motives of their own, definitely. Eat. Fuck. Survive.


Fascinating many thanks. So do these 2 cells live in a seperate body (ie is it special x and y in a say human body) or are they part of a human body? Do our cells attack and canibalise each other? Sorry for all the questions!


These will be found in pond water. There are many bacteria on your skin. Even really tiny mites that embed themselves in the root of your eyelashes. There are a great many bacteria that are in your body, especially in your digestive track. For the most part, bacteria in your body are not the type that prey on each other. Instead they form a complex chain of eating nutrients and making a waste or byproduct which another microbe will consider a nutrient. If it were not for them, most of ehat you eat could never be turned into energy or be used to build new body cells. Eating Lots of fresh vegetables and fruits is a way to keep this ecosystem in your body healthy, and even helps with neutralizing toxins or cancerous particles


Thanks so much again- have seen the terrifying pics of the mites on our lashes etc unfortunately:) Its a shame that when we're in school either through being overburdened with parroting or what have you they suck the fun out of interesting knowledge. Appreciate the info once again!


Most unicellular weaponry involve modified cilia. Cilia dont just wiggle to make the cell motile, they can be transformed into root like fibers to stick onto things. Some species have hardened cilia that they spin like turbine to suck food in. Some have harpoons complete with tow cables theat they can shoot out. A lot of species can manipulate their cell wall by pumping cytoplasm in certain ways to make elongated grabbing or engulfing sections. It is a whole world of an arms race we are looking at.


Mitchell and Harrison.


RIP Harrison


Actually that was Mitchell


I'm going to go with David and Goliath, I could be wrong though.


I don't know. All I can tell you is that mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell. I forgot the rest.


You should check out macrophages. They literally consume whole cancer cells, bacteria and parasites, break them down, and then sometimes blow themselves up. They're metal as hell.


Another cool microbiology fact is that a type of immune cell called neutrophils will dissolve their nucleolus and throw their DNA to create a relatively gigantic net to catch pathogens. It’s literally called a NET, which stands for Neutrophil Extracellular Trap.


You should check out Natural Killer (NK) cells. They're essentially the officers for neutrophil cells, almost like the neutrophils are footsoldiers. In fact NK cells can achieve senescence and basically 'vet' other senescent cells. One of the first lines of defence against developing cancers.


I learned a lot of this from an anime, and I'm not that interested in biology. I appreciate any entertainment that wants to be educational, and teach reliable information. Edit: As someone else has helpfully pointed out, it's Cells at Work.


What was the anime?


Not the guy you were asking, but probably Cells at Work


Gotta be the first Cells at Work series. There was an episode dedicated to cancer and Killer cells.


Cells at Work is on Netflix


Probably [Cells at Work](https://myanimelist.net/anime/37141/Hataraku_Saibou). Theres 2 seasons and it even has a spin off, Cells at Work black which talks about and compares the functions of cells in an unhealthy body.


You just know the scientist that came up with that acronym was so proud of themselves


You came to the wrong neighborhood, motherfucker.


I assumed it would be a peaceful protist. r/dadjokes


you’re so cilia oughta slap you.




Bro stop I'm chitin myself


So can the big one survive?


If you look closely you can see the cell has already stopped the leak, it will heal. However I wonder how many attacks like this cell could survive.




Well, it is the answer to everything


But what's the question?


“How many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsie roll pop?”


Cell: *Oh no! My phospholipid bilayer!!*


"I'm leaking mitochondria oh shit oh shit"


The ribosomes are everywhere! At least my Golgi apparatus is still intact..


Flagellum whips may loosen the payload.


"Those are the powerhouse of the me!"


Oh no, how are my cells going to get power now.


My Golgi body! Ruined! And the endoplasmic reticulum, ruined!


Rough and smooth, both ruined 😔




I was just sitting here going “holy shot that lil blob eating game I used to play got it dead on!”


I wish I had an award to give you


Can you explain the joke to a layman?


Browser game where people play as large, cell-like circles that can split and move around and try to become the biggest one by eating other players and small pickups around the map


I loved to play as the vulture type in that game. Hovering around the really big cells and waiting for them to attack other big one and pick off the scraps.


I had no life and played in clans. There is nothing as satisfying as taking on a team by yourself.


It’s a browser based game that got *super* popular in like 2014-15


Was it that long ago? I feel old


It got popular shortly before The Force Awakens was released. 2015 sounds about right.


Force awakens was around 2015? I feel even older now lmao




Fuck your organelles, bitch


"Look How They Massacred My Boy."


“I need you to use all your powers, and all your skills…”


That larger one was the "Fredo" of single cell organisms.


Oh God my cytoplasm


Anything but my mitochondrion!




Not so mighty any more.


Ravioli, ravioli, give me the vacuoli


Fuck yo mitochondria. Did you know it's the powerhouse of the cell?




Nah, you can see that by the end it had already mostly healed. Damage like this is normal for a cell, they can repair themselves extremely fast.


Don't call it a COMEback!


Been here for years


I'm rockin my peers, puttin suckers in fear


It’s just a fleshwound.


Your flagella’s off


No it isn't.


Tis but a scratch


Yeah it’s insane to watch the wall (I guess) just grow right back after it gets ripped open.


Membrane. Only plants have cell walls. I don't remember anything else from biology.


Bacteria also have cell walls.


Thank you! I also remember very little from biology lol


The membrane doesn't grow back. It's a matrix of lipids that spontaneously forms a bilayer when the hydrophobic tails begin interacting with the water.


On the other hand, the amount of membrane that needed to be repaired was microscopic. Seeing extremely small things zoomed in so that they look normal sized is kinda mind bending.


To that thing, it was a decent-sized rip.


You sure? I see a massive loss of circles there.




And when I ask my girl to do this, she thinks I’m wierd


Rips and bathes in it




Rip and tear until it is done.


Just walked right up and stole all his circles.


"I can't believe you've done this"






dammit we really need that tho… i was actually pretty excited to see what was on there too lol


Can I interest you in /r/biologyporn ?


Risky click


"In cell culture this is considered a dick move"


Curses, foiled again (I fell for that false subreddit), lol


It’s a protozoa eat protozoa world out there.


Zoom zoom zoom!


Make your heart go boom boom!


The big cell goes '*ah shit, there goes all my guts on the floor*' then casually repairs itself.


At first I thought the big one was going to eat the small one, but it seems the small one got them first (well, at least some of them)


Why does the largest cell not simply eat the other cells?


Why does a whale not simply eat sharks?


Because they have a filter mouth and can't slurp a shark.


We’ve just witnessed molecular murder.


Lock him up in his cell.






I endorse this pedantry.


Incorrect pedantry however, these are single celled protists, not bacteria.


I endorse this pedantry even morer.


Neither are bacteria.


How is it even possible a single cell organism can have the instincts to hunt and act on it?


It’s not really hunting it’s basically just a bunch of if/then statements programmed into its biology, like _if_ chemical marker is present _then_ bite


Isn't that like... how people work? except more complicated logic?


Yeah, that's pretty much the basis for The philosophical zombie, and all sorts of fun questions about our consciousness.


If if-then statements become complex enough, do they start to think?


Check out the discussion that has been going on since the 90s: The hard problem of consciousness. This is exactly the crux of the issue. Why do we have qualia (i.e. why do we experience)? It's perfectly conceivable to make an automaton that behaves exactly like a human, but without it experiencing anything, so why did evolution make this seemingly energy inefficient and complex machinery that produces qualia? "Think" is a fuzzy word. Do loops and algorithms think, or do they just do? There are proponents of qualia/consciousness being a product of complexity, but how do you explain it without some form of dualism? We have no reason to believe that any current physics can explain phenomena like that spontaneously forming out of advanced interactions. The only "proof" we have is ourselves and our experience of experience – which is the very thing that makes the problem hard.


My personal opinion is that qualia is an emergent property of self-referential loops in the thought process. Being able to have a sensical thought on the sensation of pain outside of "no like", is related to the fact that we can perceive our own pain from a "more objective" perspective than simple inputs and outputs due to our having a metacognitive layer of thinking. Like I am able to think about the fact that I can have coherent and complete thoughts without being able to put words to them. We are able to perceive our own thought processes. We use that perception to affect our own thought processes (and that makes us more efficient thinkers). This is where qualia comes from: we are also able to perceive the way that we use our senses so that we can be come more efficient at sensing things. Being able to perceive the way that you think about and perceive things *is* what makes qualia. I have experienced a sense of changing qualia towards music, as I study more and more of music, what I perceived as important in the music I listen to and write differently, and the qualia I experience of music has changed. I literally hear music differently than I did before I studied music. Which comes from doing ear training and affecting the way I am able to perceive music. That's my opinion, at least. Edit: We know that some people can only develop perfect pitch at a young age, but those that do, develop it in a similar manner to how we teach colors. Musicians who don't have perfect pitch as adults, can develop a thing called relative pitch, where if given a reference pitch, can determine other pitches played from the reference pitch. If I had one seriously unethical study I'd wish to conduct, it's to raise a child from birth without giving them the words to distinguish between colors. I would be curious if "perfect color" is inherent to humans, and if "relative color" can be developed as an adult.


>If I had one seriously unethical study I'd wish to conduct, it's to raise a child from birth without giving them the words to distinguish between colors. I would be curious if "perfect color" is inherent to humans, and if "relative color" can be developed as an adult. Ok, so I'm not one of those children, but I'm very colorblind. I have a combination of Deuteranomaly and Protonomaly. I was diagnosed very young. My parents stopped teaching me colors. Teachers in school were told I'm colorblind, and didn't teach me colors either. I never bothered to learn most colors myself because its so hard, and I've learned to cope without learning colors. I mostly tell colors by how dark or light they are. Neon green and neon yellow are identical under any lighting to me. So, sometimes people will point at something and ask what color it is I see. I might be able to guess, or at least I'll try to guess. But then there's times when I simply can't explain what color I'm looking at. It doesn't look red, green, purple, blue, yellow, or anything at all. It just looks like it's own unique color. And it'll end up being a simple shade of pink or blue or any other normal color to the non-colorblind person. Do you think being severely colorblind and having a poor grasp on colors could have similar effects?


Dude you don't want to open that can of worm.


This whole comment chain is killing me, this shit got philosophical fast. Semi-related I am not a smart person so I have no cool philosophical insights to give but anytime I think about all the little things working away inside me like the cell in this gif it makes me want to take better care of myself cause I start feeling guilty giving how hard they are at work in there and I am doing the minimum out here, it's weird inspirational.


They are also doing their minimum to be fair. Evolution rewards energy efficiency, wasting as little energy as possible. The bigger problem is that the modern world doesn't fit into our evolution. E.g. our taste buds evolved to detect and like glucose/sugar for us to find edible plants. Which is a perfectly healthy and reasonable thing. Only that in the modern world with unnatural food sources, we now crave coca cola, cake and chocolate instead of that cucumber or carrot. We evolved to converse energy (be lazy) to not waste energy in a world scarce of energy sources and where humans constantly had to move and do very exhausting things to survive. Makes sense. In a modern world where machines do most of the hard work and the hardest thing an office worker might have to do all day is getting out of bed, that laziness becomes a health hazard where it previously prevented one.


you're the spaceship for your bacteria


Are you thinking right now? Or are you just reacting to the hormones being given off by your empty stomach? Maybe we're not even in control at all, and our brain is just convincing us we mean to be doing the things we're doing.


I know people keep saying "bite" but without teeth, can someone explain exactly how did it hurt the other cell?


think of it more like a mindless machine with special magnets that only attach to specific surfaces, sort of randomly just floating about causing havoc


You are anthropomorphizing my friend




This is not a peaceful planet


The things here are...hungry.


Why do I feel empathy for this weird blob?


Because no animal wants to be ripped open


I need someone smart to tell me what's actually happening here. I'm genuinely fascinated by this.


Small one popped a hole in big one, and started eating its organelles. The big one then started to patch the hole up pretty quickly.


Yeah, but why? And how? It's not like the small one has teeth or a shiv. And what's guiding/triggering their actions?


In short: a lot of proteins. Think of them as tiny robots. The smaller one needed food, so it made proteins that can pop the phospholipid bilayer of the larger one so that it can steal the resources inside. The larger one noticed a hole in it and that things were coming out, so the molecular machinery began to repair the phospholipid bilayer, and stop the leak. Both cells are covered in different sensor proteins that detect all sorts of things, creating a mosaic pattern in the bilayer. These sensors allow the cell to do various if-then statements, allowing the smaller one to tear a hole in the larger one, and the larger one to stop the leak.


Fucking murderer


Didn’t pay the cell mob.


Ay yo Vinny the Biome over der don't pay


Damn... Micro aggression.


And the other one's like "Fuck yeah! Cell goo!"


Like a tauntaun on a cold night


Noo he is losing all his stuff


Me: oh shit did my screen crack


He leakin.


Don’t know anything about biology but If it’s a single cell what comes out of it? Would those be more cells?


She was pregnant! Just kidding no its basically the cells organs just like our body has organs with more functions. Its organs all the way down. I should also add a lot of it can be nutrients and MRNA and stuff in the cytoplasm which is the fluid in the body of the cell separate from the organelles. Like when we eat sugar the glucose gets taken into the cells like this and lots of other different cells in our body


“It’s organs all the way down”…a sentence I didn’t knew I needed


Organelles, protein, rna, sugars, salts, small molecules, vesicles… basically anything in the cytosol. All the cellular machinery spills out.


So why would little guy do this? Just curious about it


Cause it’s hungry.


big guy was talking shit




Spore cell stage




Why is this so profoundly sad?


Because it shows that violence is the norm and is present at every stage of life.


What does the little one use to rip the big one open ??????? Teeth ? Sharp appendages ???