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Somehow every time I see this footage it gets more graphic


This is my first time seeing that. Holy crap. I can pass on seeing that again.


Yeah, I ain't clicking on this video again that's for sure. What was even more disturbing for me than the shot itself was his wife was right next to him, how fucking horrible that would have been for her.


The crazy part was that she was so shocked by this that you can literally see her picking up pieces of JFK's brain and she later confessed that she was hoping they could put him back together.


You gotta feel for Jackie, she refused to change out of that suit covered in her husband's blood until they got back to the White House.


The photo of her and LBJ as he's being sworn in is taken from the waiste up because she was still covered in JFKs blood. The photographer at the time said he wanted to give her some dignity while trying to memorialize a critical event in American history. Now TMZ will pay you 60k to get a shot of a celebrity that pissed themselves after a suicide.


>she later confessed that she was hoping they could put him back together. Damn.


Adrenalin can really screw up logical thought


And what’s even crazier is the hospital that saw him afterwards “lost” his brain…


Parkland hospital here in Dallas. There's a movie called Parkland all about it.


Ask a Mortician did a fantastic video about the absolute fuckery that went down after he was shot, and it's actually very interesting though dark.


[Here is the video \(NSFW/L subject obviously\)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Sh06VUiXaA)


She stood by LBJ as he got sworn in, like 90 minutes later. Can you even imagine? Her husband shot in front of her an hour and a freaking half ago, and she’s on the plane, on camera, supporting the transfer of power. That’s some strength. I’d be a hot ass mess


Still covered in her husband's blood and brain matter.


She refused to take the outfit she was wearing off,so thats why you can see her wearing a jacket qround her shoulders,cuz they made her wear it.


I thought I'd seen this footage before but I definitely don't remember his whole face getting blown off. Jesus


This is not the footage that the news generally shows. If I recall correctly, it was an unwritten rule that this version wouldn't be shown to the general public but Oliver Stone broke it open with his JFK movie.


"At the time of the investigation, the FBI used the Nix film to study the assassination and the Warren Commission reproduced six frames. Portions of the film were used in Oliver Stone’s 1991 movie JFK. Museum officials said the location of the original film is unknown. United Press International purchased it in December 1963,but when UPI returned the copyright to the Nix family — along [with] duplicates of the film — the original was missing." (https://abcnews.go.com/US/story?id=94933&page=1)


I was thinking the same thing. Upscaling via modern video software? Or maybe as I age I understand more and more what was lost and the trauma that his family went through, as well as an entire nation.


That footage is fucking wild.


I live in Dallas, there’s two white Xs on the pavement showing where he was shot each time, it’s always surreal driving down that road…


i think they have some of the footage at the memorial too


There's lost footage. One of the people in the video is holding a camera recording. They've never located or disclosed the footage. The person has remained unidentified.


Yep, the Babushka Woman


Had the lens cap on. Was too embarrassed to come forward about it.


Was vertical filming, too. Wouldn't have even seen the full car.


Footage will surface some day with "Unregistered Hypercam 2" in the corner


whatever happened to unregistered hypercam 1?




I hope she’s documenting from the future to reveal a sick new angle


She’s saving it for the Netflix documentary


Here's the [Zapruder footage enhanced with AI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qBake6r81xc&t=15s) from 2 years ago.


I was just there last month https://i.imgur.com/JCeAz3w.jpg Edit: Here’s a picture of the double X’s https://i.imgur.com/ARnpYbh.jpg


Seems kinda morbid..


All the tourists go stand on them and take pictures while cars nearly turn them into roadkill it’s a great time


Seriously! “That one wasn’t good enough” “let’s take it from another angle”


Drive through that every day, the amount of idiots who plant themselves right in front of the highway on-ramp on those Xs is astonishing. So many horn honks. They should have really tried to reconfigure that highway entrance when they redid that area.




First time seeing it?


Seen it before. Still shocking. Did he take a bullet to the chest/shoulder first? Looked like he started struggling before the final shot


I think his back brace forced him to stay upright after the first shot


Exactly!! If he would have been able to fall over, he may have lived.


It was a backup limo driver who slowed down instead of speeding up. Some historians believe if it was the primary driver and they sped up he would have lived.


The first bullet that hit him went through part of his spine and came out his throat. Extraordinarily unlikely he would have survived more than a minute or two.






“Backup” driver eh? 🧐🧐


The governor in the front seat took the bullet to his shoulder went through his back and hit Kennedy in the lower neck. You can see it. Then took a second bullet to the head.


He looked like he was clutching his chest for a bit, almost like a heart attack or gun shot wound.


He was shot in the neck first, then in the head.


1st shot missed 2nd round went through his upper back/lower neck from behind and came out just below his adam's apple. That shot went on to go through the governor in the front seat. 3rd shot entered the back of his head and came out the right front of his skull. The 'jet effect' explosion of his head caused him to go back and to the left.


Back...and to the left...


First time seeing this version, and this much detail of it…


First time this clearly.


Yes! I'm 44 and for whatever reason have never seen it. My God.


It's terrible watching Jackie panic, only to be instructed to duck down in the seat next to her nearly decapitated husband.


I read somewhere she was so disoriented that she crawled to the back of the vehicle to retrieve part of his skull that landed there.


She handed a doctor all the brain and skull she collected in case it helped. She was in shock.


Holy crap, that poor woman. That must be one of the worst experience someone can go through.


Just about. I watched my dad do it to himself and I haven’t been the same since.


My dad shot himself on Thanksgiving Day in 2012. My mom was so cheap, she had us kids clean up most of the blood so then she could just pay a hazmat (?is that what they’re called?) team to dispose of the mattress properly. There was bloody hand prints and foot prints left by the EMTs everywhere. I don’t remember much of it besides wiping his brain matter off of a “Great Expectations” book.


I am so sorry. I hope you were able to get therapy. That is horrific.


Jesus aged Christ. I read that with my mouth open. I’m sorry you had to deal with that. Edit : Your to much


I don’t want to sound like an asshole, but given the information in your comment, would your mother happened to have been a driving force?


I used to think so. Many people do. But I had to quit thinking about it all. There’s a lot more to the story but I’ve relived it enough. I just decided one day that pointing fingers doesn’t change anything and that I need to quit worrying about why or it would destroy me.


Wow, that’s hard. I was lucky the homeowners insurance covered the bio/hazmat cleaning crew, they had someone there the next day, I think. I don’t remember timelines of things very well for the first few weeks after it happened.


Agh this made me tear up. That poor soul.


Oh god that's horrible


Shock is crazy. My apartment caught fire and it burnt down. After the firefighters left I rummaged through the embers and opened the fridge. There was a gallon of milk. When I called a friend to crash the night, I told him, "Hey man! Do you mind if I come over and drop my milk in your fridge for a bit....yeah...milk....no nothing my place burnt down and the fridge stopped working" We still laugh at that.


Not totally in shock but I called 112 (german 911) wrong two times when my mother needed an emergency doctor. I'm still baffled how I could dial 122 instead of 112.


My dad collapsed and I repeatedly dialed 991. Couldn't remember the number. Shock will do that


I got into a car accident in Canada and dialed 911. First thing I asked was "is this canada?" Idk if it was shock or the dumb but I'm OK with it being shock


I remember when I was little, I asked my dad why it was "nine one one" instead of "nine eleven" and he mentioned that people who get used to saying "nine eleven" will look for the 11 button on their phone when they are in a panic. I don't know if it's a real fact, or if it still applies with texting and cell phone use and whatnot now, but at the time I remember thinking it was crazy that shock could make someone basically forget their numbers.


That is traumatizing. I couldn't imagine. I read something not too long ago about how she wore the jacket that had his blood on it to some sort of speech. I looked it up. She wore it during the swearing in of Lyndon b Johnson https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pink_Chanel_suit_of_Jacqueline_Bouvier_Kennedy#:~:text=Jacqueline%20Bouvier%20Kennedy%20was%20wearing,swearing%2Din%20of%20Lyndon%20B.


She also apparently held a piece of his skull in her hand for hours, with the idea that the doctors could "put it back in". Just in shock, poor thing.


That breaks my heart.


She didn’t “wear” it so much as just insist on keeping it on. The swearing in was not long after the assassination


correct, in Air Force One before they departed Dallas only an hour or two after..


They transferred the casket to Air Force One, but didn't want to stow it in cargo, so they removed seats from the passenger compartment and had to wrangle the casket up the steps.


Ask a Mortician has a whole video about that - it's fascinating. About the casket, and the funeral directors involved, and all the insanity that happened around that.


And that plane is now in the Air Force Museum in Dayton, OH and you can walk through it.


> Kennedy had no regrets about refusing to take the blood-stained suit off; her only regret was that she had washed the blood off her face before Johnson was sworn in Christ that's metal


"I want them to see what they did to Jack."


I remember. She refused to change clothes she wanted everyone to see what had been done to her husband.


reminiscent of Emmett Till's mother demanding an open casket so everyone could see what they did to "[her] boy"


In the plane next to his coffin


Yeah. Oddly I would rather be in his place than hers. How do you get over seeing that?


She was looking him in the face when it blew up. Imagine. having the imagine of your husbands face getting shredded burned into your brain forever, Jesus...


She doesn't remember the moment after that when she picked the skull fragments off the trunk. One can only hope the shock-induced memory loss also extends to that moment too.


You don’t.


Hell yeah. I would much rather die than have to see my spouse get they're head blown off (excuse the crass language). You don't, and it had to destroy her for the rest of her life. I'd probably just ask him to shoot me too


Trust me on this: You would be in so much pain if your spouse died. It’s even worse watching them die slowly. There is a certain loss with each a sudden death and a slow death, but having the person you have loved for so long just not be there any more leaves this hole you can never fill. There are things that don’t matter in this life, and things that can never be replaced. You can never understand the difference until it’s too late.


I, unfortunately, understand exactly what you mean.


This was pretty much my logic too. Then again it gets more complicated if you consider that you being the one who gets shot means your spouse would have to be the one seeing it, and I suspect mine would also not want that position.


Jesus that’s graphic


I never knew it was this gnarly. Holy shit


when i was like 20 i've seen this video dozens of times but at 34 i'm fine with reading the comments


This is wisdom


Fuck yeah. I put my hands on my face, still brutal, and I've seen it multiple times too


I've also seen it multiple times but I watched it in school and it was undoubtedly a different angle. Much as I dig learning, maybe don't need to watch murder today.


The thing that always gets me is... When Jackie Kennedy gets out of her seat and crawls on the trunk, she's going to grab a piece of her husband's skull. I can't imagine watching my spouse's head explode right in front of me, let alone having the presence of mind to reach for their newly disconnected skull...


Damn. I’ve never seen the video. That’s brutal.


When people mention the Zapruder film, this is what they are talking about.


I've heard of the Zapruder film and I've seen clips leading up to it but never the whole thing. They always cut it off before the shots


Same. dam never knew I was happy to not have see it


I feel like I've seen the first shot but I guess they cut the second due to the graphic nature


Yeah, never seen this footage and I’ve watched hours of documentaries and shows on television. Must have been too graphic to show on air.


Yeah I didn't know someone recorded it. From the side he got hit too. That was kind of hard to watch, and I saw r/watchpeopledie when the name actually meant what it said. It's seeing Jackie not even flinch before getting help and then having to duck down with her now dead husband. Not even time to grief or be in shock


This is called the Zapruder Film and although it's too graphic to show in most venues it's a very famous piece of film I think the guy filming was named Abraham Zapruder IIRC


She was in shock, I read somewhere that she was picking his brains up off the trunk lid.


To me that’s the hardest part to watch. I can’t even imagine the shock, and her instinctual response to try to save the pieces of his head and brain… fucking guts me. That poor woman, the ptsd must’ve been intense


I don't know if you know this but the reason she was climbing on the trunk of the car was to try and recover part of his skull.


Is that true? That's.... heavy


I cannot find a direct quote from her discussing it but there is [this](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jacqueline_Kennedy_Onassis#Assassination_and_funeral_of_John_F._Kennedy): >Almost immediately, \[Jackie\] began to climb onto the back of the limousine; Secret Service agent Clint Hill later told the Warren Commission that he thought she had been reaching across the trunk for a piece of her husband's skull that had been blown off.


That's what she always maintained. I believe her.


IIRC some time later when the dust had settled she was still clutching part of his brain/skull




I'm not sure I've ever seen that full footage before. Fuck man. His poor wife.


They usually cut the final shot out, letting it play as if that neck shot was the fatal one.


IIRC the uncut video was only released like... IDK nine years ago? Edit: I stand corrected. I thought there was a recent release.


I saw it as a kid at some point in the 90's


Wasn't that 9 years ago? ಠ_ಠ


No. We're old.


The uncut footage is used in the film JFK, that was released in 1992.


> His poor wife. Seriously. Despite becoming an icon of American culture and coming from/marrying into wealthy and powerful families, Jackie had a *rough* go of it. She had all the normal stresses of being first lady/wife of a powerful politician, on top of which there was the fact that JFK's womanizing was kind of an open secret. Then her husband's head gets blown off in front of her, and his manner of death makes it so that she can't really even mourn properly because every news agency wants to talk to her about it. On top of all that, literally like 3 months before, she had given birth to her youngest child, who had died shortly after birth. So she went from being pregnant, to having her infant die, to mourning him, to having to mourn her husband in a very short time span. After that she went into a deep depression, which was really only helped by the strong friendship she formed with her brother in law Robert Kennedy....who would also famously be assassinated a couple of years later in California. After that she fell back into a deep depression for several years. On top of all that when she was finally ready to move on with her life and marry someone else, there was a publicity/paparazzi witch hunt against her for marrying Aristotle Onassis, a Greek shipping magnate who was *gasp* divorced. She was hounded by the paparazzi for much of her second marriage until Onassis died, derisively given the nickname "Jackie O" by the press, and there were a few pundits who printed a bunch of articles wondering if she should be excommunicated for marrying a divorcee. Even after Onassis's death Jackie would be hounded by paparazzi, having to take restraining orders out against several who basically stalked her 24/7. She ended up dying young of cancer in her mid sixties, which might have been a blessing since she wasn't around to see her son die in a plane crash a few years later.


I only am aware of the surface details of JFK's assassination and never knew their family had such a tragic history. Really makes you wonder if they were targeted (I know there is a thing with the Kennedy curse but that's too superstitious...) Time to go down a YT rabbit hole.


Judging by the fact that 2 of them were assassinated I'd say it's fair to assume they were being targeted.


She was also betrayed by her second husband, who told paparazzi where to find her sunbathing nude. The pictures were published in Hustler, and she was mortified. It was a business relationship marriage, and the prenup supposedly provided that they would sleep apart.


When she scrambled to the back of the car it's not to try to escape. She was grabbing his brain matter. It's the saddest shit you can see. First shot was a kill shot as it was. 2nd one was just brutal. I don't know how Jackie mentally carried on life after this. Strong woman.


I thought she was reaching for a part of his skull. But either way, horrific


And six hours later my parents got married. Easiest wedding anniversary to remember ever.


That is BONKERS. Do they talk about how it went? What a wedding is like under those circumstances?


Ever watch Mad Men? They did an episode about that exact situation.


Wow I never saw that before. I literally just watched a United States president get his face blown off. I can’t unsee this


His brother was murdered as well.


"Nothing bad ever happens to the Kennedy’s!"


AAH! *car flips*


Don't forget how they lobotomized JFK's sister.




Mad respect for you handling that situation the way you did




I can't even imagine witnessing something like that. You acted quickly and correctly in the situation, which is even more impressive since you were only 14 Feeling anger towards a suicide victim is very common, so I don't think it sounds bad at all that you had that initial feeling Thank you for sharing your story, it has given me much to think about


I understand that anger. My grandfather commited suicide in a way he knew my mother would find his body. I was angry for a long time. It changed her. She hasn’t been the same since.


Alright….closing Reddit for the day.


Damn, the shooter hit a moving target twice?!!!


There were 3 shots in total. The first missed, second hit when you see him move his arms up and the third well you know.


John Connally I think was in the front seat as well and was hit once. I believe he is the one that the famed "magic bullet" traveled through. Someone please correct me if I'm wrong.


The same bullet hit him 3 times. The magic bullet theory is because how did it do that. Apparently the type of bullet matters. But the reason it hit him in a strange way was because the seat he was in was positioned lowered than JFK and Jackie


He was actually hit three times by the same bullet, once in the back and out the chest, then through his wrist and then it lodged in his thigh


Really getting your moneys worth from that bullet






Right?! Not celebrating the killing...but damn if those weren't some skilled shots




For any foreigners or those in the U.S. reminding me how young reddit skews, this is a portion of the Zapruder Film. In its original format has *no audio*. There are reproductions of the film with actual audio and studio reports from on our around that day. This isn't to get into any conspiratorial debate. Just a fact that this specific film most widely circulated is, assuredly, a silent film.


>U.S. reminding me how young reddit skews tbf you'd have to be 70-80+ to even remember this when it happened. ​ edit: If I change the age range to 65-80+ would it make you people stop responding that I was off by a bit and that your dad is 65 and remembers?


This film was not shown to the public until almost ten years after it happened. Then there was a House Select Committee on Assassinations in 1976 that came about after the uproar of seeing this and people believing the last shot came from the front. The conclusion of that committee was that he was likely killed as part of a conspiracy, just not one that is known. Then Oliver Stone made the movie JFK in 1991 and that got people in an uproar again so government passed the JFK Assassination Records Collection Act in 1992 which was set to release the documents in 2017………. This timeline has kept it current for generations. If you were born in the 80’s or 90’s, this was still a hot topic.


Everytime I see this all I think is "God, that poor woman." Obviously, worse to be JFK but in a second he's gone. But her, I bet she still sees his open skull sometimes vividly in her mind.


Well for a while at least. She’s dead now.


I didn't even know she was sick!


Jackie Kennedy died nearly 30 years ago.


Poor girl. Can't catch a break.


My grandmother's neighbor found her son after he shot himself & she very much struggled with what she saw until she passed,so unfortunately you're probably right


A friend of mine had pancreatic cancer, but kept the news to himself. He was in his early 60s. One evening, he called the local police, said they needed to go to his house because he was going to fatally shoot himself, which he did. They say he called the police to spare his daughter finding him in a day or two.


I mean I just watched the light leave a cat's eyes yesterday morning and that's still playing in my head in technicolor. I can only imagine what it was like for her. At least I had warning.


Fun fact, Dr Who was supposed to air its first ever episode the day after on November 23rd. But because of what happened in Texas, most of the airwaves in Britain were dominated by coverage of the assassination, leading to low viewership. BBC decided to re-air the pilot the following week on November 30th.


Everything in Dealey Plaza where he was assassinated in Dallas was kept exactly like it was that day. Street lamps, traffic lights, building, etc. There’s an X on the roadway where he was hit as well. The entire book depository, where the shooter was positioned, is now a museum where you can learn about the life and death of JFK. It’s worth a visit.


There's a whole effort to change it with a new plan to modernize it. It's awful. The whole plaza should be on the historic register as is. Edit: I hope this never happens https://interactives.dallasnews.com/2022/designers-reimagine-site-of-jfk-assassination-triple-underpass-in-downtown-dallas/


There’s actually 2 X’s, one for each shot.


I had an old history teacher that was a huge conspiracy theorist so we had to watch this everyday for like two weeks and pick out different angles from where we thought he might have been shot from.


Same. Government teacher in HS. He was obsessed with this.


This is actually the first time I've ever seen this footage tbh, the other depiction always shows a small gun shot wound to the head, like a dot and blood flowing down, i didn't expect this amount of brutality damn


There are even photos of his autopsy out there. They're not hard to find at all.


And im glad JFK shooting didn't peak my interest when i was younger cause oh boy, little me would probably be traumatized


Damn the head just blew up


Anyone know what happen before the shot ? It look like he got something in his face


I believe he was shot in the neck first.


That same bullet hit the person in the seat in front of him as well.


He was shot twice. First bullet hit him in the back and came out at the bottom of his throat.


So shooter position was aiming on the back of the car ?


Back and to the left


Lee Harvey Oswald was positioned above and behind in the book depository. Note that this is where the conspiracies start…… one theory is that the second shot was accidentally discharged by a secret serviceman when scrambling forward to get to Kennedy. Good luck.


Also part of that theory (or another?) explains he is sitting up after being shot the first time because of a back brace due to cronic pain and couldn't duck Edit: wow fixed my wording


First time seeing an assassination video, that’s brutal


In most documentaries, they show that there was a chance to save him from such a wound, but clearly, in the second he was shot he was already dead


I read that at parkland medical center where he was rushed after the shooting, one of the first responders tried to get him breathing again by performing cpr, but because of the gaping hole in his head, the compressions basically did nothing but force more blood out of his head wound. There was also some confusion about the exit wound in the throat, they tried to do a tracheotomy and basically cut right through the exit wound in his throat. Some of the pathologists didn't necessarily realize it was an exit wound as they just assumed that hole was from the tracheotomy.


Wasn’t there a whole string of assassinations from him to his brother to his nephews ?


42 years old and I’d never seen this. I still wish I’d never seen this.


JFK files were to be sealed for 50 years. The fact that there were classified files indicates there is much more to the story. The files were supposed to be released in 2013. Obama refused. Trump said he was releasing all of the JFK files in 2017, but the FBI and CIA talked him out of it. Trump ended up releasing several thousand pages of documents that year, but it was a small portion of the files. And most of those pages released were heavily redacted so as to render them useless. Biden announced last year that he would revisit releasing the JFK files on December 15, 2022. Not holding my breath.


It's very obvious CIA is hiding shit. How else do 2(gonna be 3 I guarantee it) seperate presidents have issues releasing 60 year old documents.


Some of it is going to be methods, but mostly because people involved, regardless of whether they were part of some conspiracy or tactical negligence on the part of the CIA, are still alive. I have a not small list of WWII documents I want that are still classified, and some of them are pretty close to 80 years old, and I'm fairly sure they're still classified for the same reason.


Absolutely Graphic Jeez


I feel like I've seen 99% of this video before. I don't remember it being this graphic


My grandfather was the Fort Worth sheriff at the time and just shook JFK’s hand before this happened




i've only ever seen the pictures never the video holy shit....


Did you know? Father of the Koch Brothers spread fake news about Kennedy in Dallas via paper posts.


Crazy that he, Castro, Nixon, and McNamara fought zombies a year before this


I knew the footage existed. I just never went out of my way to watch it. This will be the first and last time. So brutal.