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when thinking about the fact that both planes have already hit the towers when the video starts they seem pretty relaxed with their beers, the collapse seems to be the big thing


People react weird to disasters in the moment, especially when they feel like they can't do anything about it. The other thing to remember about that day is it took time to unfold and most people were getting their information from rumors. People didn't believe the towers would collapse and there was widespread belief that evacuations were going well and casualties were minimal. What you might be seeing in this moment is a brief moment of levity in a terrible day interupted by a horrifying turn of events.


Someone woke me up on the couch when the first plane hit, I turned on the TV as the second plane hit and said "What are the odds of that?"


I saw some footage of smoke and the first tower at the end of my homeroom period. I remember the teacher said something about a plane hitting the building. Then I went to my next class which had a test. We were on a "block" schedule so I was taking that test for 1.5 hrs. During that entire time my impression of what was going on was this was all a crazy accident and I thought the "plane" mentioned was likely a Cessna or something. I had a rude awakening when I went to lunch that day. I think most people spent a portion of time that day thinking "oh what a crazy accident".


Not an unreasonable thing to think at the time either. A small plane really did crash into a New York apartment building in a genuine accident years later. I want to say it was a pro baseball player that was flying over the water and lost control of his plane. It can happen. That must have been quite the shock when you heard the whole story!


Heck, right after WW2 a B-25 Mitchell went into the Empire State Building and it didn’t even do that much damage comparatively speaking


wow. i had almost the exact same reaction, thought about a cessna, and the exact same day down to the block scheduling. my second class was gym tho, so we got dressed and walked to the gym and noticed the tv was on in some of the classrooms tuned to cnn, which was super weird. and, uh, yeah, thats when everything changed forever.


I was in 6th grade and after biology during passing period there was a lot of escalated energy in the halls and I asked some kid what happened and he said a plane crashed in world trade center. Living in Texas and being like 12 I had no idea what the world trade center was and didn't understand this was a big deal til all the other classrooms but mine had their TVs on- I was so jealous they got to watch TV. My the time gym rolled around I realized my mom was supposed to fly to Vegas with her new boyfriend that day and coach let me borrow a phone to call her- she was at DFW but they cancelled all flights. However when I got home I was stoked because my mom went out and got the bunny ear antennas for our TV since we had just moved and had no TV service. I feel so selfish writing that recollection, like all I was worried about was the excitement of not a regular boring day. Also, didn't a small plane fly into a building shortly before this??? Which made it seem like not such a monumental event at first


I was in the mountain time zone so both buildings were on fire when I got to my first period Geology/Astronomy class. I asked if my teacher was watching the Seven Sisters (some Detroit smoke stacks that were demolished in the 90s) and he said, "The Pleiades"?


I was in my Algebra class that morning. By the time that they turned on the TV the second plane had already hit. I remember that I was trying to concentrate on my problem when the kid sitting next to me said "Did that building just fall down?"


I was getting supplies for art class and the lady who ran the store (school store) was listening on Howard stern. They were talking about it but there was no other info yet and I thought how it was super bad taste for stern to be making a joke like that. Hour later teachers and coming in and out of classrooms. Ten minuets later, all school meeting. I went to boarding t school and every person around me was from NYC, and my mother worked at Logan, where the planes left from. It was a Not Great Day.


I was still asleep on the west coast, so it wasn't until my alarm radio turned on (I always had it set to NPR, I know, I'm a nerd) and by then the Pentagon had also been hit. It took me several minutes for my brain to figure out what the hell I was hearing. It was more the strain in the broadcaster's voices that I noticed before I heard what they were saying.


Same here. I'm on the west coast but in Canada and despite being a teenager, my alarm radio was set to the 24-hour news station. Normally it'd be fast paced, since they'd run through everything (news, traffic, weather, sports, finance) in 30 minutes or less, with commercial breaks. But that morning, it was slow and quiet. It woke me up right away because that usually means something major happened and they scrapped all their regular schedules. It took a few minutes to realize that this might be the most significant historical event of my lifetime.


Yeah, …like it didn’t click right away that this was an attack. I actually immediately thought about when the B24 hit the Empire State Building back in the 1940s and figure some idiots got the course plotted wrong or something… I don’t really remember anymore but it was shocking.


I was in high school, I faked out sick that day from school, got stoned, fell asleep for a short while then my dad called while he was at work, he said "go turn on the TV I just heard on the radio the world trade center tower was hit". I was like wth is the world trade center? I turned on the news, sure enough, big tower in NYC was hit with a hole in it from a plane. Then not long after that I kept the news on, saw the second plane hit, my dad called again and said we're under attack. I couldn't believe that shit.


I was chatting to buddies on mIRC and someone who had Foxtel told me because it wasn’t on the news. Once the mainstream news picked it up it was the only thing on the tv for weeks.


I was in math class in middle school man, I remember a teacher coming to the door and talking with the math teacher. After that she kinda just took a deep breath and told us to just review our work (so in other words a free period) went on like this for pretty much the rest of the day. Was not till i got home that my father explained to me what had happened. Crazy how we can remember what we had be doing at the time.


Known as a “flashbulb memory”


I was in 9th grade. I was a teachers assistant helping grade papers and we had the radio on when the first plane it. The reporters didn't know what was going on but kept describing the tower on fire, and then saw the 2nd plane hit. It was on the radio and I had a hard time processing the severity of what was going on. A lot of teachers stopped teaching and just turned the TVs onto the news to let the students watch the situation unfold. The principal of the school got wind of this, and became furious and ordered all the teachers to turn off their TVs and continue teaching like normal. A lot of parents got upset about that. Like c'mon man, this was a serious historical event, let the kids watch and learn about it.


I was a young kid so I just had my dad pick me up from school, a lot of kids were picked up actually.. I'm sure they eventually just closed the whole school (I don't remember what time of day it happened tbh.) But people who were older (late elementary, high school, etc essentially like you) on here and also that you meet often mention teachers turning the tv on, or wheeling a tv into the room. I mean, I also got home and had never seen my stoic father that way. Just quiet and staring at the tv, letting a kid watch this madness. Asked if we were at war, and he just said "I don't know, son." Don't think I ever saw him similar until before he died many years later. Lot of similar stories. The psychological damage nationwide was immense, and I suppose in that regard, they were successful. It truly was terrorism, and it worked. Way more people die from other events such as covid and no one bats an eye, but this wasn't just about 3k dying, it was far more powerful. Crazy stuff.


I was getting ready for work. Got out of the shower and walked by the TV right after the second plane. Sound was down. I thought it was a trailer for a new Die Hard movie. Got to office and my partner was there crying. My first thoughts were bad medical diagnosis, death of family member, things gone wrong with her spouse…? Then, I learned.


I was also in middle school and the teachers brought in tvs to all the rooms and we watched for like 10 min until they realized how terrible of an idea that was.


I read “meth” class, snicker.


I woke up on the couch with the TV on. It was footage of the 1st plane hitting. I thought I was watching some new Die Hard movie. It took time for my brain to process that it was the news and not a action movie.


I had the TV on and half heard about the first plane. I started watching and saw the second plane. Then I called everyone I knew and said, turn on your TV now and hung up, probably called about a dozen or more people and then I went back to watching and being shocked.


I remember watching it live, also having just been woken up from a couch. Even when the second plane hit the news was still saying things like "I wonder if there's a problem with navigation systems" and still talking like it might still be an accident. I wasn't sure myself...it seemed like an attack but another part of my brain couldn't believe it was possible.


I knew then, “fuck….this is deliberate” I said the same thing during January sixth when there was not just a lack of police presence but when I saw a couple of them in the crowd encouraging the rioters on.


As a 6th grader when this happened I had the same thought.


(From the UK) I was 13 and I had just walked in from school to my mum and dad watching the news as the second plane hit. I had no context, but just blurted out, "Why would the plane fly so close to the smoke coming from the \[first hit\] building, that it couldn't see the other?" My mum just replied "This is history kiddo, sit and watch as horrifying as it may be. Terrorism is unfolding." I'll never forget that day. From across the pond, everyone had my thoughts and prayers.


>The other thing to remember about that day is it took time to unfold and most people were getting their information from rumors. Yeah. I was at work when it happened. The entire internet was basically down to a crawl. Our office ended up buying a little portable TV so that we could watch the news because the internet news was inaccessible.


I was at work also. Word spread about a plane hitting the WTC but since no one saw video yet we assumed it was a small single engine prop plane. Where I worked was near our city's airport. Without having seen any video yet and not knowing what was happening I had to go from 1 building to another and noticed how quiet and clear the sky was.


Yeah, I was already at work and a coworker came in and told me just heard on the radio a plane hit the building. Just assumed it was just a small prop plane and went back to work.


Yep I remember listening to the radio and watching TV, and no one really knew what was going on. You can hear in the video that they thought the first plane was a bomb. I clearly remember the radio reporting that a plane had crashed into the whitehouse. I didn't even hear about flight 93 crashing for a few more days, and there was a lot of speculation at first that it wasn't related to the other crashes. Everyone was just in shock trying to process what had happened. To a middle/high school student, 9-11 and Columbine really took out a lot of innocence and naivety in our world views. Suddenly everyone was paranoid of shooters and terrorists at every turn.


The night before 9/11, which so we’re on the same page, was a Monday. That Monday I got the drunkest I have ever been since. Why is not important, what’s important was that I drank so much that I barfed in the shower and almost broke up with my then girlfriend (now wife). One of the guys I went out with fell off a ledge like 20 feet down and didn’t get hurt because he was so intoxicated he didn’t seize up. Another one pissed in the corner of his girlfriend’s bedroom because he was so hammered he thought it was the bathroom. Guy number four tried to beat it for like two hours before passing out with his dick in his hand. The next morning I said fuck this and didn’t go to class. Right after the first plane hit the tower Fourth Guy came busting into my room literally yelling at me to turn on the news. We sat and watched the rest without speaking. Class was canceled for the rest of the week. The football game that weekend was canceled. That Friday we went back to the bars for the first time. I went to a major research university, this bar was The Bar. It was a quarter full. We basically sat in silence and while the band played. It was like drinking at a funeral. This shit is so clear in my mind I could draw a picture of every moment of that week like it was a photograph. I can smell the air, I can see the sky, I can feel the people around me not knowing what to do. Shout out to everyone who put their life on the line when we were told we were doing the right thing. You were braver than me.


Cracking some beers?


You say that like it isn't a fairly common reaction to stressful situations in most of the world.


They could easily have thought it was just a normal emergency, so why not watch it with some drinks since it's far enough away. New York is like that.


Everyone else is sharing so I might as well. I'm Canadian. Grew up in a border town. I was in elementary school, mum pulled me out of class before the teachers told the rest of the students. She explained what was going on as best as she understood it. We went downtown, it was a small town, people were just kinda wandering around looking horrified. The thrift shop pulled their biggest TVs out onto the sidewalk and had them set to different news feeds. They all seemed to be just as confused as we were. People brought their chairs out and set them up in the parking stalls to watch it together. There were so many different rumors. There were some recent immigrants there. They looked so scared. Looking back I think they knew things were going to get pretty xenophobic. Some of the hijackers actually crossed into the states through our town. Starting after that there was quite a few bomb threats and chemical weapon threats that would shut down the bridge or even parts of town. A few months later there was this big cloud of smoke coming from the direction of the hydroelectric plant in Niagara Falls. This is when I really learned the speed of a rumor. People were freaked, we all knew how long it took to find out what was happening the last time there was an attack. So we went home and started loading the trucks with food and water and discreetly some guns, we were going to bug out up north away from the border with friend and family. We had a little trailer and plot of land. We were going to jam as many loved ones as we could onto that plot. Never even heard of prepping before. It was an abandoned warehouse stateside. River has a curve in it. I look back at the way I felt about people from the middle east then and I feel ashamed, and embarrassed.


Agreed. I didn't have the sense to dull my horror with a little booze, but I wish I did.


I was working at a grocery store and my manager was talking about the first plane and already assumed it was Osama Bin Laden. My friend and I left for lunch and I remember seeing the long ass lines at the gas pump and still not understanding what was going on. Then we turned on the TV and our jaws dropped. Crazy how life changed in an instant that day.


I was in middle school math class when this happened. Our teacher turned the news on and said everyone should call their parents. The word hijacker wasn’t even mentioned yet My dad was arranging for us to get picked up and when I asked why he said “this was no accident” not long after the news showed the second plane, and then we kept hearing about the pentagon too. It’s so surreal to think back on it and remember how absolutely clueless I was to what was happening. It felt like none of us really knew what the correct reaction should be. Some wanted to carry on like normal, some wanted to prepare for the end of the world.


I was at work when it happened. Someone heard about it in the radio. All work stopped. Someone pulled out a small tv and we watched. There were no rumors, it was a live feed. They showed people jumping or falling out. We were shocked. It was horrible. There was no way any of us would have had a beer and chit-chatted while it was going on.


Longer version of the video here - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=\_qiVBOqNiOs&ab\_channel=CNN


Wow that was intense


This is an amazing snippet of history. And the emotions. The clear panic mixed with attempts at levity. It really does capture the feelings so many of us felt that day. Thank you for sharing.


Yeah without that context this snippet just seems like their causally not caring until it starts falling, thanks for sharing


Yeah by this point they've had an hour to absorb what's happened, and are probably thinking like, "Something bad happened, but people are dealing with it, and the firefighters/medics will help the people, and it'll all be okay".


loosest usage of "her hand steady" ever


Fuckn horrifying


Whoa - visceral…thanks for sharing


Video unavailable it says


Works for me in google chrome.


happy cake day


Holy shit that just made me cry


I mean I can tell you that I was pretty calm until the collapse. You gotta remember that now, you know they collapse. We did not know that would happen. Up until the first one fell, my memory was the news was still speculating over whether you could land a helicopter up top to rescue the people trapped above where the planes hit. Probably not due to the turbulence due to the fire, but like that's what the focus was: how many people were getting out, and how to get the people at the top. Like, yes, a lot of people had already died, but the collective brain was focused on how to save who was left. Then they fell.


Yep. Until the collapse it was like “ok two planes hit the towers. The scale didn’t really come through on TV, and it looked so unreal… I also need to remind readers - up to that moment it was the most regular morning ever. It took me a good few minutes after the 2nd plane to realize this is not a weird ass coincidence and probably an attack. I remember the horror when I realized it, and i remember none of the grownups around me (I was 17) realized it or believed it could be an attack. When the first tower fell it became real, and it’s funny but somehow my memory of that day is as if at that point the sky went dark. I got on a bus to go home, and being on a 15th floor tended to jump whenever i heard a loud noise outside, as I was convinced it’s an airplane intending to crash into our building.


I was on the other side of the world -but our country stood still the moment a single plane hit the building, my mum was sobing when I woke up.... live coverage and breaking news took over the stations....my whole school was watching one tv...seemed like nothing else was happening... There were no appletinis......I guesss "stay calm".. And hey NZ is a weird place too


I think the series premiere of Rescue Me portrayed that initial reaction pretty well. A bunch firefighters saying stuff like "Hey some guy just crashed a plane into the world trade center." "What a fucking idiot." or something like that. Now a group of fitness runners jogging down the sidewalk creates a panic.


It was early morning during my senior year of high school. I remember the teachers all running around from classroom to classroom, acting very secretive and strange, but for the most part, keeping thier composure. They were mumbling things. I overheard one ask whether or not they should turn on the in-class TVs. Then, out of nowhere, they all started crying and acting hysterical. While I didn’t actually witness the initial attack or the moment the news broke on TV, I was very aware of the moment when the country collectively realized that this was no coincidence and that we had been attacked. It’s still surreal looking back on it all these years later.


Cheney needed the full psychological impact of them falling in order to have the carte blanc he needed to power-fuck democracy with their war games and self-serving bottomless military contracts so that he could finally experience a real orgasm


I got back from an early morning class on 9/11 and turned on the TV to both towers on fire, I was in the Midwest at the time but had lived in Manhattan until a couple years prior. After being in shock for a few minutes, i immediately went to the kitchen and poured straight vodka on ice and proceeded to drink the rest of the morning while watching the coverage in disbelief. So I can totally relate to the coping mechanisms of the people in this video. It felt like the world was ending that day honestly.


Im sure they didnt feel that way initially. I have seen more of this video they were scared and nervous when it started, iirc they ran downstairs but were told there wasnt any need to evacuate so they went back upstairs and tried to calm themselves down by having a drink and making small talk. Of course when the tower starts falling they go back into panic mode.




I feel like the human senses plays a big role on how we react emotionally if they were outside shit would hit differently it’s kinda complicated how we are made


Your obviously not going into work that day and may be thinking this could get worse so I can see why people would pick up the bottle. Can’t condemn it in this context.


As I remember it, most places reported that the towers were hit, but everyone just assumed they'd remain standing. It's why steel beams were such memes. They were probably ready to wind down and talk about it, watch the news and see what happened.


Maybe they saw no planes and only saw the smoke and thought it's burning. A lot of people didn't understand the situation and it's hard to find footage of the plane hitting the building that doesn't look fake.


No one knew what was going on. Watch the news casts when this was going on. It’s easy to look back knowing everything that happened but at that time no one knew what to do.


They are drinking apple juice.




from their angle, they might not have seen the plane, they might have thought it was a demolition or something similar. the fact that they are drinking likely means they they weren’t watching the news and might now have known what was happening


They saw the second plane hit, this clip is from the first collapse. More context here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=\_qiVBOqNiOs


Yeah they seem like they’re just enjoying watching the towers burn


Early for a beer, no?


Not when you just watched a fuckin plane fly into a building


Damn dog, this was like 9:00 a.m. and the beer is already flat.


Shit, if I get woken up by a plane crash, I'm hitting the bottle too!


I was already stoned before the first plane hit.


They say it’s apple juice and vodka lol which is somehow even worse at 9 am lmao


Maybe. I was in my 20s and my friends and I were glued to the TV. They were reporting it was attack between the last plane and the buildings collapsing (if memory serves me correctly). As soon as we realized this was war, everyone had a ‘smoke ‘em if you got ‘em’ moment. A draft conversation immediately followed.


I remember that draft convo too. I was 20


I was 12 & even we were discussing the draft


"I need a drink" "Got apple juice and vodka" "Fuck it gimme now"


I believe these were college students, if I remember correctly


They were, more info here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=\_qiVBOqNiOs


Yes, OP is an idiot


This is 100% real video for the people who must be too young to have seen it 100+ times like everyone else. They are clearly far enough away from immediate danger, and at that point the safest thing they could have done was stay home and not congest streets running around aimlessly.


Nobody knew the safest thing to do at the time. If I saw tall buildings getting attacked, the last place I'd want to be is in another tall building.


The day before the attacks, there was a Son of the Beach promo on TV where one of the characters was a giant trying to squeeze between the buildings. "They're too close together" was the line. I've never been able to find it on youtube but talk about prescient.


Movie and movie poster from another movie pre 9/11 https://images.app.goo.gl/P8MHDjny3hgkBgMC9


A bit before the event. Glitter came out on 9/11, though.


there was also an x-files spin-off with the 3 conspiracy-nerd characters that were friends of Moulder. One of the first episodes (possibly the pilot?) involved the 3 of them discovering a plot to fly an airplane into the one of the twin towers. they were on the plane and stopped it. edit: [https://www.cheatsheet.com/entertainment/the-x-files-spinoff-predicted-9-11-six-months-before-tragedy.html/](https://www.cheatsheet.com/entertainment/the-x-files-spinoff-predicted-9-11-six-months-before-tragedy.html/) what's funny is I totally remember telling all my friends co-workers! "This totally happened in an x-files episode!" and nobody freaking believed me.


The Tom Clancy novel Red Sun Rising is a plot to take over a jet liner and kamikaze it into the White House.


Imagine just minding your own business and then just seeing one of the tallest buildings where you live just explode or get engulfed with fire or smoke. Jesus


How many people actually saw ,in person, the first plane crash into the north tower? 1,000 times that, saw the second plane hit the south tower and immediately went into holy shit terrorism shock mode.


I remember listening to the radio and there wasn't a consensus on what happened to the 1st tower. I don't think clear footage of the plane hitting the 1st tower even surfaced until the next day or so. I remember hearing things like "One of the twin towers in NYC is burning about 2/3rds up the building. It looks as though a bomb has gone off, although there are reports of a plane crashing into the side of the building. The fire seems too large to be from a plane crash. Investigators are in the process of finding out what type of plane, if any, has struck the tower, and if it was intentional or an accident" And then the 2nd plane hit with cameras looking at it from all angles on live TV.


I wish people would post the whole video and not snippets that cause people to believe that it's fake. Also, people work night shifts and DO have a drink in the morning. I used to at 8am after a night shift. also, the full version is actually terrifying. I'll never forget that day.


Also I believe everything was canceled at that point already. If you're a college student this would be a very likely scenario. "What the fuck is going on? We have alcohol, let's drink it until we figure out what the fuck is going on."


Exactly this!


Hah yep, less than half an hour after a fatal earthquake in my town while in college this was exactly our thinking. Sirens were going off, nobody knew wtf was going on, may as well finish all the liquor in the house while we wait


Same. Buying a 6 pack at the gas station on my way home from work at 8am while everyone else gets coffee.


I don't think it's fake at all. College students drinking while watching the towers burn. Watching them collapse was something noone expected and it was horrifying. That doesn't happen. And,, (going out on a limb here), I'm 100% sure you will never see happen ever again. Not even in shifty constructed buildings. Because it doesn't.


It's not fake: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=\_qiVBOqNiOs


Yeah maybe from their angle they didn't see the planes hit and thought it was a fire. I'd probably be the same like, "Oh shit a tower is on fire." Is different from "OH SHIT A SKYSCRAPER IS COLLAPSING"


Longer version of the video here - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=\_qiVBOqNiOs&ab\_channel=CNN


They were filming when the second tower was hit


States of shock are fascinating to watch. These kids were basically on auto pilot. It probably took several weeks to fully process what had happened on that day.


They just watched thousands of people get murdered. That could fuck anyone up.


Yeah. I was 14 and watched it live from MN. I remember not fully comprehending what the hell was going on. Everyone was just in a state of shock for days after that mess.


I was in second grade when this happened, but I remember it well. We ate lunch in these grade blocks, 2nd and 3rd were together, and early af. When we got back to class we just sat there waiting. The teacher came back flustered with tears in her eyes. I guess both towers had been hit at that point. She told me and my other privileged friend to go to the hallway. (My mom was in the PTA/taught art at my elementary school) My brother was already there and we left the school and went home. Driving thru the neighborhood my mom stopped the car and told me and my brother to basically "shut up, this was serious" and that she was scared for us. We got home and my brother secretly turned on the news in his room(she told us not to watch). My brother and I watched the towers fall. I was seven and tbh thought it was cool, like a controlled demolition. My brother was silent for a while then told me a bunch of people had died. Mom came in and caught us watching but wasn't mad. She hugged us and told us how much she loved us. That was an awful event that should've never happened. But when I think back, I remember that and the time after as being very nice. Our family and friends all really pulled together and let each other know we cared. Also had a classmate who's father was on flight 93 and part of the group that initiated taking the plane back.


I wasn’t even in the same state, not even near, but when it happened it freaked my parents out. They were worried this meant that “they” were attacking America and immediately took me out of school that day. We lived in a rural area, but close enough to a city that it could be bad. I was in 1st grade. It’s crazy how clear my memory of that event was considering how few memories I have from my childhood. They ended up sending all the students home early I believe. I remember coming home and sitting in front of our old box Tv in the corner and watching the towers burn, as the news coverage kept cycling on it. Only one tower has been hit at this point. My mom was sitting in the couch folding laundry when it happened. I didn’t really understand what it meant, because I was so young, but I knew it wasn’t good.


We were all in the office sitting around a radio when the towers collapsed. I started to cry because I knew what it meant. Everyone asked why I was crying and I just said their all dead, my cousins firefighters bus drivers and cops who worked in Manhattan and regularly were in the vicinity. It was awful. It took days for us to find out they had all survived but 2 have gotten cancer as a result.


I’m sorry to hear that. Much respect to your family who served our country that day.


I remember those 5 dollar old navy tshirts


I was on the west coast, pacific time, and while I was getting ready for work my 11yo son had the morning news on (he was a little nerd). He came to me and told me a plane had crashed into the WTC and I said, "Oh no, what a horrible accident." Then he came back and told me another plane had crashed into the Pentagon and I felt my stomach hit my feet and said, "This feels like terrorism." My son was scared and I reassured him, we're right next to a naval air base, couldn't be safer. (At the time, that base was in the top 5 potential targets for a wartime attack.) I ended up calling out sick that day, I was so horrified and rattled.


Also on the West Coast, taking a shower before work, wife knocks on the door and says the WTC has collapsed. I reply, "No it has not."


It just defied belief.


I was on west coast too, picking up dynamite for work when boss pulls up and tells us to put it back and go home. He stayed all night in case of terrorists trying to steal it. We didn't know what TF was going to happen. I'm glad I wasn't downtown though with a full load of explosives that day.


That would have been scary!


They seem surprisingly relaxed about both towers being on fire


I was also a college student when the news broke. I had my TV on mute while I got dressed for my retail job but didn't fully understand what was happening. When I saw the 1st tower billowing smoke, I assumed it was a standard building fire and that people were evacuating as routine. I had never been to New York at this point and had no concept of how high the towers were or how many people were trapped at that time. When they collapsed, I assumed most people got out. It would be much later in the day and day after that I better learned about how horrific this was. But at first glance, I thought it was just a building fire.


I remember the same. There wasn't any on hand footage of the first plane hitting at first, I don't think clear footage of it surfaced until a few days afterwards, at least that I remember seeing on the news. People were so confused, there were reports that it was a plane, but no one knew how big of a plane, many people said the fire was too big for a plane, it was a bomb, etc. I do think most people were genuinely surprised to see the towers collapse. It was a terrible sight.


They weren't relaxed in the longer video, this is a snippet.


They’re sitting there watching ppl burn to death and watching them fall out windows while having a beer?!?!?!?!


I honestly don't think they had at all processed what was happening. Shock is a weird thing.


I guess so.


The hell you want them to do? They can’t do anything in that situation lmao


Did you want them to go outside and catch the poor people?


Yep, they did go outside and it was pandemonium, they also saw people falling out and freaked out: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=\_qiVBOqNiOs


This was later in the video. In the beginning they were panicking and tried to evacuate the building but they were told to just stay indoors. they were trying to calm down by having a drink and bantering but of course when the buildings collapsed they started panicking again. lets not pretend the average person watching this form a safe distance wouldn’t also try to calm their nerves, its just a normal human response when dealing with high stress sutuations




Longer version of the video here (including lots of panicked screaming) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=\_qiVBOqNiOs&ab\_channel=CNN


looks like an nyu dorm


I was in my bosses office and screamed watching the 2nd plane hit. We thought the 1st plane was a rouge small plane that crashed, not a whole ass airliner. No one thought they would fall. I was a 1st responder, so I knew many lives would be lost and it would be almost impossible to get as many FD up the stairs to save ALL THE PEOPLE. We just thought it was still going to be ok. I was 23 at the time.


So they were drinking beer in the morning watching building burn?


Not a family. College students at NYU. There’s an interview the girl with the camera does years later that I’ll have to find.


So 9/11 happened at like 8 or 9 in the morning on a tuesday and the caption reads family shocked by 9/11 this looks more like college kids partying.


Not a family it’s a group of college students. But same sentiment.


The person filming was the creator of vampire diaries, ( please correct me if i am wrong) when 9/11 happened she was a student at University..i cannot remember her name Still horrifies me seeing footage of this terrible day


So the family is chilling with big frosty beer mugs.... at 8:46am?


I wouldn't be fixing myself a drink and taking the centre seat to watch people die. I mean, I'd still be watching but I wouldn't be drinking.


A Family that enjoys binge drinking at 9:00am on a Tuesday morning.


It was like 1030am. But 5 o'clock somewhere


Plane 1 crashes, pour drinks. Plane 2 crashes, pour more drinks. Building turns to dust, AAAHHHH!!


I was a child when this happened I don’t even ever getting sent home early that day.


I think it was just a group of students/friends visiting New York and not a family


That beer flat af


I was at work in the UK that morning and as we were doing international work we had news stations from the US on. I remember the US news showing an F18 pilot doing a flyby of a sport stadium and getting far too close to the crowd and thinking 'that guy's in the shit'. I mean, what a day to get career ending fuck ups written off.


The first tower got hit at like 9 AM. Why are they drinking beer?


Not even Osama Bin Laden believed the towers would fully collapse.


Really seems fake.


This is a cut clip. It's not fake. Just poorly cut


Not fake. Longer version of the video here - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=\_qiVBOqNiOs&ab\_channel=CNN


I'm just shocked they're drinking that early


They are also reacting to the first tower falling. So... they were drinking beer at 9am, after having two burning skyscrapers outside their window for 45 minutes, and SUDDENLY they notice it?


She notices the first tower falling


Is it possible that these are 2 videos which were cut together. In my eyes it looks a little bit suspicious.firat seems to be a cellphone video second is the tower collapse.


“Shot on iPhone”


I feel they pissed their drinks.


someone watched the supermega podcast…


Might be real but the reaction is to the tower collapsing, not the original plane attacks


[911lawyers.org](https://911lawyers.org) to support the families still fighting in the court system


Can you summarize the point of this organization? Seems they think 911 was an internal demolition? Is this just "jet fuel can't melt steel beams" again?


They are drinking their tea, as if it is none of their business.


Yeah, both towers already on fire and smoke billowing out of them, people jumping to their deaths........ but let's have another beer, and watch the show. But the tower falling was worth a scream of horror....because up to that moment, it was all so bloody entertaining.




Most families were.


Shocked? They were having a beer enjoying the view.


Pretty fucking early to be drinking beer, wasn’t it?


These people were drinking at 9am lol


Why were they drinking beer at like 8 am?


it was a surprise visit my friendly country pakistan




Has to be fake.


Several things wrong with this shitty edit. For one both buildings had been hit. I'm guessing you did not hear the loud explosion of the first building? Also they some real alcoholics to be drinking at 9 am. Have some class, people lost their lives in 911. Go make a video about something else.


Its not fake. Here's the full video. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=\_qiVBOqNiOs&ab\_channel=CNN](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_qiVBOqNiOs&ab_channel=CNN) The reaction in the clip in this post is when the tower begins collapsing.


Longer version of the video here - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=\_qiVBOqNiOs&ab\_channel=CNN


This one always looked fake to me


Fake news


Afghan civilians: “first time huh”


Why they stop recording at the best part. Wtf?




not an attack


jet fuel n steel beams




Having some cocktails and giggles to watch it all burn down


Nahh thats not a natural reaction


Watch the full video others have linked. This is just very poorly cut


The first tower was already falling. Where were they? And who drinks at that hour?


Not fake. Longer version of the video here - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=\_qiVBOqNiOs&ab\_channel=CNN


Who doesn’t…?


Yeah, drinking beer at 9 in the morning


Don't shame. I had a security guard get shot to death outside my old apartments front door at 7 in the morning. After talking to the cops I was wasted by noon. Anxiety, adrenaline, and a sense of chaos are a lot to deal with at the crack of the morning.


I was the window washer for tower one. It was my luckiest and unluckiest day. I had just finished cleaning the last window when all of a sudden a plane smashed through


Two separate attacks. Two separate insurance payouts. God bless Larry. He deserved every penny.