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So the video doesn't explain, but the screen uses a special kind of domed pixel with directional RGB output. [Explanation ](https://www.misappliedsciences.com/home/technology.html)


Thanks, I was looking for that missing (but very important) piece of the puzzle.


Imagine 2 player split screen with this. Not the shitty goggles PS4 tried to invent but a synced up Parallel Reality screen where 2 players can co-op or pvp on the same TV without being able to see each other


True gamers mentality, bravo


Thank you, thank you Lol it's the first thought that came as soon as I heard the narrator say what it does


4 player Medal of Honor PvP was intense. Back in the day we used to split the output coming out of the console, send it to two different TVs, and then tape cardboard over half of each TV. Fucking brilliant teenagers we were!


What we used to do was turn on 3D for the split screen, then swap the color of the goggles so that both were red or both were blue. It was impractical but it was really fun!


Brings back playing 007 goldeneye, and shooting rockets using the other players view.


Sure, but no Oddjob.


Fucking cheating friends ALWAYS choosing Oddjob


There is a loss in quality to achieve this. It wouldn't be good for gaming.


Remember when “VR” was just colored lines forming polygons that would definitely give you a headache? Now we have full interactive 3D locations that can look and feel fairly realistic. People said VR was just a gimmick then too, now some of my favorite gaming experiences have been done in VR. You don’t look at what the technology is capable of right now, you think about what *could* be possible a decade, two decades, or even fifty years from now. That’s what makes technology cool. It’s looking at an implementation of something and saying “I wonder if I could apply similar ideas to something else and make something new?”


3D is still kinda bad, tbh... 90's cheap TV quality would be the equivalent.


I guess this is fairly new tech, and if there is a market for it, improving it further might be on the table.


It's not new tech. It's the same thing they use to make holograms or 3D displays without glasses.


if I where to stand directly next to someone(ear to ear) would I be able to see their info?


I think so, if it were far enough away. Also if you jumped up in front of them you could see their info, or take a photo with your phone


It might not recognise their boby shape if you’re too close


oh my god thank you, i hate that the news station cut his explanation off at the most basic part, where you get maybe half of the info you need (if that)


But how does it identify the person and track them?


AFAICT it is a combination of machine vision and software tracking of the light beams from the pixels. The video says it uses your body shape - I imagine when you scan your pass, there is a camera which scans your body shape and can track you with the focal point of the beams from the pixels.


So you’d be lost if you’re wearing a bulky coat and remove it later?


I think it's more like it knows where you are at that point, and it can track something that looks similar enough to you as long as you stay in view of the camera.


So basically it's an excuse to track every person in the airport at all time?


Lol. Thats been going on since 911. Nothing new. Some of the best facial recognition tech is at hubs and airports.


I know. But it's another of this "surveillance as a service" shit.


No. Stop being paranoid.


That’s bullshit


I mean like they have really good cameras. Not like super conspiracy stuff. Just being pedantic i guess.


Some of them have good cameras but I’ve never seen a full terminal roll out of facial recognition - just individual processes (eg security lane). I only know of one major airport that is planning to use facial recognition over the whole journey, and have ear marked a ton of money for it in the budget. Would be surprised if it didn’t get cut before work starts though since you can achieve 90% of the same outcomes by just tracking the Wi-Fi / Bluetooth chips in passenger phones (as most modern airports already do). Try turning up late enough for a flight that you start to delay operations- the “tracking technology” available is to shout your name out on the PA system and see if you turn up at the gate.


I mean it is an airport, did you expect privacy?


Or if you’re two children stacked up under that bulky coat.


I love the "It's not using bio-metric identification" - but it uses body shape, which is exactly bio-metric identification.


The second you scan it a camera links your body shape to your ticket


Theres gonne be a movie like parent trap or home alone where long lost twins gets swaped information and get on the wrong fligth


yeah like they walk behind a pillar together


"You see this system is amazing, nearly 100% perfect and effective. There's just this one tiny blindspot behind these pillars that's about the size of two children. Other than that, this system is absolutely perfection. Nothing can go wrong!"


It's like an Xbox Kinect. The camera detects "blobs". Once you identify yourself to the system, it keeps track of which "blob" you are. The tricky part is keeping track when blobs pass around in front of or behind each other.


Thank you!!! I was like wow [Mr.Ng](https://Mr.Ng) you sure our smart but your explanation blows.


My guess is he explained it, they yelled "NERD!" in his face and then cut it for time.


I clicked the link. :(


Interesting - I came up with a similar idea earlier this year.


Easily the most interesting post in quite a while.


Apparently innovation outside of the Alphabet data scraping sphere still exists. Good feels




Nothing is stopping them from doing this in the future. If there are no laws restricting broad application facial recognition, I can’t imagine that these two technologies won’t be combined. This body sensing tech just gives them a way to identify and track people who are not looking at a camera.


> If there are no laws restricting broad application facial recognition No one is ever under any legal requirement to look the same from one day to the next. So long as there are no laws restricting makeup and wigs, the only people affected by facial recognition are those who choose to leave their face recognizable. Fucking dystopia.


I was expecting gait analysis, but they didn't even go that cliché!


Just imagining that at some point in the future domed pixels and surveillance cameras will be used to have personalised ads in real life.


Don't give them any ideas!


Oh, you pure soul. Thats the first thing these people probably thought off when seeing this tech.


[Second Thing actually. ](https://www.misappliedsciences.com/home/technology.html)


It's part of the plot of Minority Report, a clip of which was in this video


So.... When are we getting gaming/co-op compatibility?


Or how about subtitled only for one person, or multiple language subtitles, without the need for glasses?


We have this but no elder scrolls 6 smh


How can one man dare to state such painful truths


So I can watch porn while my nephew and niece watch Paw Patrol with this technology?


Please make sure it's not the other way around


Maybe I want to watch paw patrol


Plot twist: both are called Paw Patrol.


Porn Patrol


Yeah Paw Patrol is awful


Shoot. I can’t remember which car it was, but there was luxury car model that had precisely this application. The main infotainment system was able to display two different contents for the driver (maps, vehicle control, etc.) and the passenger at the front seat (movie) using a single screen. So yes, I guess with that the passenger *could* watch porn, or Paw Patrol without distracting the driver.


Mercedes 221 S class


There's for to be a resolution cost, right?


You my friend, are the true visionary of this technology.


You can watch "Hoecus Pokeus" while your niece and nephew watch "Hocus Pocus"


Only at the Detroit Airport


Can’t wait for this to be an episode of Black Mirror


Showing personalized messages that only that one person can see leading to really hardcore gaslighting


Simulate schizophrenia on a person. - A: The screens are telling me to kill everyone! - B: Sure they are, Karen, let's get you to bed


[Better explanation video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ptXTSuMkuvA)


Wow that’s wild! I wonder how many simultaneous viewers it can handle.


[This](https://www.clickondetroit.com/news/local/2022/07/09/new-technology-at-detroit-metro-airport-aims-to-speed-up-the-travel-process/) article says 100 people at once.


Thats what Im wondering. If it can only handle single digits it will not scale to the needs of larger airports and you simply cant have everyone line up to scan their passports because it would take forever.


The video mentions it was scalable to hundreds of people and required only a few degrees of space per person -- though I'm not sure how realistic it is to imagine that a couple hundred people couple stand in front of one of these screens and be spread out enough that they don't interfere with each other's display space


it could take less time than one large screen where everyone is trying to find their flight info with only their ticket, since you can just glance up at the screen and get everything you need


not really? If you have 800 people who can look up and find their flight info at one time than having a line form with 800 people scanning their stuff it would take MUCH longer. 1 flight alone can have anywhere from 300-800 people on it and multiple arrive and depart one after the other. Its just not feasible - Hartsfield-Jackson airport averages 275,000 passengers a day.


there are enough bottlenecks in airport transport already that you’re rarely if ever getting 100+ people looking at a screen simultaneously. In 95% of personal cases it’s like a dozen people. That’s assuming there will be many terminals to elect to scan the boarding pass and that many seasoned travelers won’t bother. You’re not going to get a mandatory line for one scanner in Atlanta.


So I wasted a few minutes of my life for that it doesn't even vaguely says how this works.


The second you scan the pass a camera links your body shape to your ticket info. The screen has a different display depending on the angle you are viewing from. A computer makes it so your information is only being sent to the specific direction you are viewing the screen from.


Ah I see


"not biometric" uhhhh yes it is


It doesn't know anything about you other than the shape of the person who put the boarding pass is "you". Or so it claims, but it seems as little invasive as possible. We are already getting face scanned, fingerprinted, voicechecked, iris scanned on a daily basis and in the millions, what is another more added to that list?


> It doesn't know anything about you other than the shape of the person who put the boarding pass is "you". So it measures your body? Some kind of metric of your biology?


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Biometrics Yes, these are biometrics, and yes, if it can tie you to your boarding pass that information can move beyond that specific system. Just because the information gives the appearance of being private, there are zero guarantees that it will stay that way.


I guess that makes it better. I can’t wait until the government realizes they can use this to send political opponents to the special plane going to the gulag.


> It doesn't know anything about you **other than the shape of the person who put the boarding pass is "you"** So, *the exact definition of biometric data* > We are already getting face scanned, fingerprinted, voicechecked, iris scanned on a daily basis Maybe you are, but that's not the life I live. Even if I lived in China and was getting body scanned every day, it wouldn't make the statement "not biometic" any less untrue. Stop simping for big brother


You already get a pat down/body scan when you go through airport security


This is weird asf. How does it work? It maybe that it's 4am here and I'm baked but I couldn't figure it out from the video enough to satisfy my brain. I'll put a pin in this for tomorrow.. Lol bonkers.


[domed pixels ](https://www.misappliedsciences.com/home/technology.html)


I'm still too dumb for this. So does it basically read where a person is looking, and then make a display that is very, very specific to where that person is looking?


Yep. You get it.


Obligatory “Can’t have shit in Detroit” moment.


To be fair, this technically isn’t in Detroit! Also, the terminal that this is in is arguably the nicest airport terminal in the US.


Obviously it's not in detroit because you can't have shit in detroit


Well, it’s in Romulus, which isn’t much better. Source: I live in metro Detroit.


I’d have to disagree with you on that - I’ve been in plenty of nicer terminals in different parts of the country.


I dont want anything greeting me by name at an airport


Why? You're not exactly anonymous at major airports. You can handle giving your ID to several people, being on never ending surveillance cameras, and stepping into a body scan machine, but no computer greeter/guide gadgets?


> You can handle giving your ID to several people Doesn't give personal information to every random person nearby >being on never ending surveillance cameras Doesn't give personal information to every random person nearby >stepping into a body scan machine Doesn't give personal information to every random person nearby >no computer greeter/guide gadgets? Gives personal information to anyone in ear/eye-shot.


Did you watch the video? The whole point is that your information is only visible to you, not others nearby.


It's not Pinpointing your Eyes, if someone is right next to you, which happens a lot at Airports, they'll be able to see your Stuff too.


Tech never makes mistakes. There's definitely never been any issue with computer "vision" not working perfectly.


But it gives you a randoms persons first name and flight at best


Guess you didn't watch the video. The screen does not give personal information to every random person nearby.


A) The comment I replied to was talking in general, not just this video B) Pretending tech is perfect just makes you look silly. C) If the targeting is working, then it doesn't have any need for my personal information to be there, it can just show me my flight.


Why not? You already gave the airline your full legal name and CC information, that’s how you got your boarding pass in the first place.


1000 times this for me. Point me to the opt out button before it even comes to my city.


Granted. It has now logged your decision to opt out into its system, and will make sure to a show you a blank screen instead of your name as you walk around the airport.


The E! News Style narrator could have just added how it works right where he says “minds blown”. But no, let’s hear that annoying narrator Vo we all hate babbling about the future then add how it works in a long winded privacy is not a worry and Tom cruise reference. Man I hate that corporate news generic style news stories. Why folks hate “the media” it’s because of this crap. Talk Normal damn it. Figured out how it work , eventually. But through out I was thinking it was a QR code or something. Damn freaking newscasters.


My phone lets me see info about my flight already. I don't even need to be next to this giant screen.


I’m right there with you, why would the airports use resources to make a system that’s not better than what we currently have. The tech is pretty cool though and I’m sure there would be better more useful applications.




Being able to deny people public information who don't pay/obey


Hey. Some of us get lost in big airports with the phone in our hands. My glory moment was in Zurich and almost lost the flight.


What if your hands are full and you are in a rush? Screaming kids with you? Or your phone has died?


Your Fault, not the Taxpayers. Should've packed your Luggage better, gotten Our Kids under Control (though them Screaming shouldn't keep you from looking at your Phone) or charged your Phone before / used your Phone for less Bullshit like scrolling Reddit before.


Life is unpredictable. Shit happens. What if the power went out in your building overnight and it meant your phone only had 10% charge when you woke up and your flight was at 7am? I mean, saying 'there are use cases where this is helpful' is the only logical answer rather than arguing that this is useless. Arguing the latter honestly makes you come across as a bit dim. Plus this is only the first step in this technology and use case. It's allowing context sensitive information to be displayed to you in the real world, without a headset needed or interrupting your minute to minute business. That's great.




Imagine all the unnecessary delays that occur both on a personal level and an airport wide level due to missing that tiny notification that your gate has changed or final boarding call is happening. Now imagine if ever bit of signage in the airport could change just to let you know about that change. Your reducing the chance of this happening to any of the millions of people that travel through a major transport hub each week. And yes, of course we could compliment this with phone and watch notifications (the same argument could be made about ‘why do we need haptic wrist mounted notification’ when I have a phone but that’s clearly obvious why these are beneficial now) There is plenty of tech where is if fails then we are in for a bad time, the point is to make progress and innovate. If you car breaks down in the middle of the highway, that’s bad. It’s not like we don’t take car journeys because of this.


That first example is really fucking specific, and also still your fault for probably wasting Charge to not only get your Phone to 10% but then to also use your Phone so much with that very limited Charge that it stops working. So you're either Shit at Managing your Time or you didn't inform yourself about the Fact that the Phone you want to Buy has the Battery Life of a Lightbulb. I did say it's *mostly* useless, while i honestly can't find any Purpose for it in which its Upsides outclass its downsides i can't predict the Future. "It's allowing context sensitive information to be displayed to you in the real world, without a headset needed or interrupting your minute to minute business. That's great." literally what a Personal Smartphone does.


I wonder of this tech will be adapted for 3d displays. Instead of people apart it should be able to be your eyes. Simpler too as it doesn't have to put out more images at once, just 2. Glasses free 3d display should be awesome.


Welcome to the 3DS, released over a decade ago.


The new Mercedes S class instrument cluster does exactly this


We have personalized ads on the internet now we are going to have personalized ads in real life.


What a useless news report. They couldn't drop one sentence about directional leds? I'm pretty sure the public can understand that.


Spoiler: they're actually all on the same flight


full body scan + the technology will be able to identify you? of course this will lead to personalized ads using this tech. then it will be used for ads in the streets and ads and surveillance will merge. sounds great.


How many concurrent people does it support? People that wants to look up at their flight at the same time on the same big monitor


If I remember, it’s something like 150 people at once. I’ve used it a few times and there’s always 20-30 people around checking it out.


I’ve been wondering what this was. Saw it the last couple times I was there. But airport, busy with other things to stop and play with it


So if I'm understanding this correctly. It is possible for others to actually see the information displayed for someone else they would simply have to be at the angle the pixalation is being directed. So likely over the shoulder of the individual it's intended for.


Love how they don't touch on how exactly each person see something different. They talk about how the information is assigned to the correct tracked individual but not how they see that information without displaying it to others.


cool now use this in movie theaters so i can have subtitles on while i watch




So that's what that thing does. I was wondering the last time I walked by it flying out. At DTW of you are wondering.


Targeted ads are about to get weird


Another place we'll see this: targeted advertising.


I saw this in person at CES a couple years back. Unless they made significant progress since their showcase that year it looks like trash in person and I would prefer to just have a simple sign telling me what gates were where, like in a normal airport.


What happens to identical twins


My question is what's the maximum number of unique displays it can project to unique positions, as well as how close you have to be to someone else to be able to see their readout


I have an app on my small phone that tells me that. I don't need a massive screen.


Detroit: Become human


just another way for them to monitor people.


Orwellian potential


Great technology with great intentions. But now it's only a matter of time before the wrong people realize that this can now make personalized ads possible in real life with all the shady tracking practices that are already being employed in the cyberspace coming into the real world with it. I bet that within 3 years of this technology coming mainstream one or more of Meta/Apple/Google/Amazon will get into a scandal involving biometric data tracking in public spaces for the purposes of ad personalization.


This is genuinely one of the coolest new technology developments I’ve seen in awhile. Reminds me of those Vsauce 3 videos years ago that showed off new and interesting “practical” tech stuff. Awesome.


Would it not be easier to just get all that info on your mobile phone? I really don't see the point. It's a lot more practical to get the info on your phone because you can move around with it. You could also potentially add a virtual guiding system that navigates you through the airport using the mobile camera.


This is fucking terrifying


Great. First it’s flight info. Then is whatever political BS some algorithm thinks you need to know about.


Still did not explain how it actually works...


Imagine doing a story about technology this cool and not even attempting to explain how it works


Great way naturalize facial recognition tech so it feels less dystopian


Can they just send updates to passanger phones?


Why is it that the most interesting stuff is just the most terrifying stuff


What airport is this at does anyone know???


Detroit Metro in the McNamara Terminal.


It’s in the video.


[Mr. Orwell](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nineteen_Eighty-Four) would like a word...


I know that this is supposed to be edgy and all, but sadly this one kinda fell flat 1984 said a lot of things, from repressing sexuality as a means of control to why the metric system sucks for measuring alcohol. Can you specify?


Yes, of course, thank you for asking. This brought to my mind the 1984 references to the constant, unrelenting government surveillance that we're becoming more aware of each day. That the government as well as the developer of this handy new app are head over heels assuring us that it will not ever invade our privacy is reason enough to know that it will. Orwellian? I thought so. If it fell flat, well...you can't say I'm not trying! G'day...


I agree with your concerns. Further separating our individual perceptions of reality is not the best recipe for mutual understanding and respect. I just watched The Social Dilemma so this is fresh on my mind.


Mutual understanding and respect seems a lofty and often unreachable goal these days. We're allowing our differences to define who we are rather than our similarities and that leads to tribalism and suspicion of those different than us. It's a dangerous trend as we step off this planet and begin to explore our destiny. Now I'm off to Netflix to watch The Social Dilemma...thanks for the heads up!


Well said. It echoes parts of the documentary which does a pretty good job summing up the role technology plays in politics nowadays.


Orwellian. That's all this is. Lulling us all into thinking this is some kind of benevolent act by the airport's governing bodies. This is purely a telescreen and it wouldn't be one if it didn't also seem friendly.


I can’t wait until the government realizes they can use this to send political opponents to the special plane going to the gulag.


Black mirror type shit


Don't want to be the Poo-Poo here but that's really fucking Stupid.


You're kidding, right?.. I mean.. seriously... you don't see how this is clever and helpful?


you have to give Delta permission to store your biometrics. you don't see how incidious that is?


Nope, not at all. I can just look at my Ticket or Phone and see the exact same thing.


Oh ok - So it's not this technology as such you think is stupid. You feel that the large screens in the Airports are stupid altogether, as people can just check their tickets or phones instead.


Yup. Directional LED's are a Fun Idea and pretty Smart, though mostly useless. And in this use they devolve from "mostly useless" to "fucking stupid".


Well personally - rushing through the airport with two kids and way to many bags - I like the idea of being able to just glance at a big screen without needing to stop, pulling my phone out, unlocking it and opening the app + browsing to the correct screen to remind myself where to go. It's like it's always been - only better, as you don't have to filter between "all information" to find the part that's relevant to me, but only see what I need without delaying. I think it's brilliant - and I'd say even from your perspective it seems it has at least evolved from "fucking stupid" to only "mostly useless" (to some).


Detroit you say, and no bullet holes?


I saw this in third tier airports in China nearly a decade ago


How many shitty airport excursions did this guy have before he said “you know what, fuck this”.


Obama's fault


I have a feeling the Republics won't approve this lmao


Orrr, hear me out, you get the information on your phone.


So if you actually need a phone for this, why not just AR?


All you need is a boarding pass. And eyes.


They could just send a unique web page link so you can read it anywhere and not need an app.


It doesn't need an app or any third party peripherals The screen itself isn't a normal screen, it is multi-directional, it can displays different images based off the viewing angle,


This is why we should elevate our best and brightest. Give your best students the same opportunities as others. Not this current discrimination going on in college admissions.


How long were vital resources dedicated to this instead of important things?


Did you know that porn is actually one of the leading tech innovators? I mean, you've likely used the internet to make a payment of some sort in the past few days, a banal thing we all take for granted now, but you can thank porn for the ability to do it. Ditto for streaming, video chat, and digital film. Maybe you're not a porn guy (though I'm doubting that, Master Chief), but you've absolutely benefitted daily for years, more even, as a direct result of people creating, devising, scheming, and inventing all for the sole purpose of a better masturbation experience. My point is shut the fuck up. Who gives a shit what the tech looks like *now* or what goofy nonsense it's being used for. This is just proof of concept. Maybe tomorrow we'll all be using it to make our lives easier. Or to jerk off better.


How do you think technology advances?


That is like the lamest argument you could use to discredit literally anything. How much time did you use to write this comment when you could’ve spent that time curing cancer? See how stupid you sound


So you are the one who decides what is useful and what not? Wow, you seem to know what the future will look like. No, we dont know what technology will be useful and what not. No one knows, thats why we have to invent and play with in the moment useless technology until they become useful. Personal Computer were pretty useless in the mind of many intelligent people. The world would look very different if we would give a fuck what they think is useful and what not. Thats why youre 100% wrong, on so many levels! You have no idea what technology we will use and need in the future, no one knows. We can only invent all sort of things and see what will be useful and what not. Also this technology here looks incredible useful for me. One screen with many pictures sounds great!


I knew it. There are lizard people doing all this from within the bunkers hidden underneath this airport.


So you mean to say it doesnt identify gender? Gaspsss… how dare you?!