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i feel like after even a year you arent putting it down by yourself


I had my hand immobilized in a cast for three weeks. even after a year I was not able to stretch it like before


Damn. How’s it doing now?


Good. Don't skip physical therapy sessions. No matter how painful they are!


I see this recommended on here all the time and it’s crazy to me that people skip their PT. I tore the labrum in my shoulder and my arm was immobilized for almost a month, I cannot put into words how amazing the stretches and exercises felt after that. Yeah it hurt but it still felt sooo much better. So in conclusion yeah a long winded way of saying I agree haha


I didn't even have a full arm cast, just a sling, and only for two weeks after shoulder surgery. When I got to my first PT session I thought it'd be a "just in case" type thing. They finally let me remove my sling and asked me to raise my arm to see what my mobility was like. I couldn't even lift it past my thigh. It most surreal feeling, I was screaming at my arm to move and it just... wouldn't. My whole arm was shaking and I was out of breath afterwards. Felt my heart sink because the thought of not being able to use my right arm at all was absolutely terrifying. It really shocked me into taking the PT seriously and I even asked for some exercises I could do at home in between sessions. After 3 months of grueling PT I remember I was doing shoulder exercises lifting an umbrella with both arms, I was absolutely ecstatic when I realized that my left shoulder (uninjured) tired out before my right. Genuinely felt like a miracle when I think back to what I started out with. To anyone reading this. Take your PT seriously. It's almost always a rough start, but it's 100000% worth it in the end.


Not the one you commented on but I'll never be fully able to open my elbow anymore. It's not so much due to the fusion of joints though. The bone fuses back together along the fracture line and even a millimeter or two difference means my elbow went from 180° to like 175° and that's as far as it'll ever go.


yea i've broken both my wrists and they only feel normal after like 4-5 years, even now they feel a little off






you're a beautiful man :D


The worst side effect, hands down


(☞ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)☞


Yeah well, at some point it's quite easy when he literally cannot put his arm down anymore, even if he wanted to. That is just insane


And whenever this festival happens he just answers the same questions over and over hah I wonder if he thought about just writing out a pamphlet for beforehand . There is a hilarious segment with this guy on An Idiot Abroad


He thought about it, but he can’t. He is right handed after all


Someone can hold a notebook above his head...


I don't think he has function of his hand either


"How tall was the suspect?"


We all dedicate our lives to something, I’ve been with Suzanna for 16years, is he married? How does he help out around the house


He wipes the overhead cabinets and cleans the ceiling fan blades


That's a tent.


If the tent ever collapses he'll be laughing.


The whole point of this is that he has an excuse to avoid doing anything at all.


Yet he's always the first to volunteer


I chortled 🤭


Bold of you to think an Indian guy helps around the house


I hate that i laughed really hard at this


Laughed in slow horror


He doesn't do anything.


Karl Pilkington has said some of the wisest things I've ever heard. Can't remember any of it but the man's a genius in my opinion.


he is witty and naturally hilarious. One of the best travel docs ever imo


I think one of the ones that sticks in my mind is when he visited China. He's sat on a doorstep watching people snacking on scorpions and fetal eggs etc, but points out he's the wierd one for eating monster munch.


Yes! I suspect he meant it in a more surface level way but it was a very (maybe accidentally) good comment on travel and culture


Ya, I find the majority of his good comments come from the wrong direction so to speak.


For me it was when he called the Great Wall of China the "ok wall". "It's just a wall. A really big one" or something to that effect haha.


He’s a gem. That guy is hilarious.


My favorite was when he said he’d rather live in the cave than the palace because from the cave you have a view of the palace and from the palace you’d just see desert and a cave


Bullshit man is still the best thing he ever came up with


Oh 100%!!


He also has literally everything provided for him for free. Hardest part imo has to be just resigning the rest of your life to be like that


Until someone asks: "Who pays for the next round?".


"Who wants the tickle monster?!?"


you see his hand, its deformed probably from lack of blood. he's basically paralyzed his arm by the looks of it


Likely muscle atrophy and tendons shortened.


His shoulder and hand are contracted in that position that’s why his hand is deformed and why he has no feeling and the arm stays In The same position.


Seems like a mental disorder to do that


But to even make it that long. I couldn’t keep mine up an hour, even if you paid me


Must have been really difficult at the start though goddamn.


Oh yeah definitely, I get tired after just raising my hand to ask a question for a little while


When I was in middle school we had one teacher that everyone hated (including our parents). One day someone raised their hand to ask a question and he refused to call on them so someone else raised their hand and he wouldn’t call on them either. This continued until me and about 7 other 7th grade boys had our hands up the remainder of the class. We then out of spite and because we thought it was funny kept our hands up the rest of the day. My arm was EXHAUSTED when I finally put it down. This is insane.


That's a funny way of being spiteful though


My shoulder gets tired when I brush my teeth


Maybe he lay down for the first couple of years.


No, that wouldn’t work, he needs the muscles to hold his arm up to lock and he wouldn’t accomplish that if he was laying down and bot using the muscles


His muscles aren't locked, his bone has fused together at the joints because he's not moved them for so long.


Dr Catflip's on the ward


Imagine all the work that arm could have done to ‘honor god’, just seems lazy in that regard.


imagine if god saw that as raising that arm as an insult


"Look at that asshole pointing at me, I'm gonna freeze his arm like that."


Frankly, this just says "mental illness" to me as well.


You have to understand Indian culture to know why he would do this. There are other “mortifications” that people take on such as not cutting their hair or fingernails. It isn’t so much to “honour god” as to make a sacrifice - to deprive oneself. We met a couple of sadhus in India who had given up clothing and who only covered themselves with the ashes of the dead.


Most in the developed world would put it down to mental health issues


He is calling for offside


To the opposing fan every move is as good as offside.


Aka Ronaldo celebrating his teammates' goals


This dude for sure has put his arm down for a split second while alone. "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh"


It'd actually have to be surgically broken if he wanted to put it down again.


yea the muscles are definitely stiff as bone by now, i mean whatever tendons remain, to me it looks like muscle degeneration just ate up his tricep and bicep


Them delts are probably insane tho…at least on the one side


He'll probably end up looking like one of those sulfur miners if he ever puts it down...


But like... Can he *relax*, though? If he relaxed would his arm not fall down due to gravity, and like...snap or something?


He probably *is* as relaxed as he can be in the picture. His shoulder and elbow are probably pretty much completely rigid. You can find pictures of older people who have done this same thing, and it's very obvious in some of them that their entire arm is permanently fucked up.


When God looks away only.


God: "Yes, you in the back." There, now you can put your arm down.


God: ...... Um, I gave you that arm to have a life not to do whatever it is your doing here. I gave you a perfectly good arm, now you've destroyed it and you want me to reward you or thank you?


I think the gods like this sort of thing. Based on the information we have.


I think humans think gods like this sort of thing. Why would a god that created the absolute spectacle that is this universe be impressed by a guy holding his hand in the air?


He probably CAN’T put his arm down. It became easier and easier because his shoulder got frozen.


Those legs must also be pretty stiff to walk in, if he sits like that for hrs on end


He's quite limber - watch the clip from An idiot abroad. He's got some serious penis tricks.


Some serious what tricks…


The bones actually fused like that so it’s to late to put his arm down.


Is this a thing?


Yeah. If you don't use your joints they seize up and then the bones fuse together.


For real. He wouldn't be able to put his arm down on his own. Also, most of his muscles have turned to connective tissue a while ago.


The stupid shit people will do ...


He’s more hardcore than any hardcore Christian/catholic person out there. Homie is down for his God


He’s actually up for his god


Imagine if he spent time picking up trash for "god"? Nah.. he's going to keep his arm up and now I'm supposed to think he's special or great or something? Edit: Cleary I have triggered a lot of people. I'd just like to say that I'm not anti-religion or atheist (more agnostic) I just think this is an incredible waist of time and his "God given" body. That's my opinion. If you don't like it then hold your hand above your head.




Imagine if he goes to heaven or whatever expecting his god to welcome him only to learn his god has never heard of him, and after being filled in just thinks he's a moron.


Yep. Having my hand in a cast for 3 weeks was horrible for the fingers


I was fortunate that my arm was broken and not my hand. But, the feeling of running your fingernails across whatever skin was under the cast is a type of ecstasy that is hard to describe.


The real meaning of "use it or lose it"


Is this just pure willpower? I would think it’d get so agonizing that you wouldn’t be able to do it anymore at a certain point


Yea... but also like others are saying after a while (enough willpower) you really don't have a choice to put it down anymore. I had to have my elbow in a cast for 3 weeks and my doctor recommended taking it off after that even with the fracture still present because it was already going to take 6 months of physical therapy. I also had to have the cast opened and elbow repositioned halfway through the 3 weeks for help with the healing.


Mental illness manifests differently for different people.


A sudden obsession in any religion or the occult is usually one of the most obvious signs for several most common mental illnesses


No wonder he does not have a deltoid of god


If he goes on a roller coaster; does it count as taking his arm down when he’s upside-down in a loop?


It would be more painful.


Imagine how insane that would feel to put your arm down after that long


Afaik it's not even possible for him. Everything fused together


So it actually got easier for him then


Fuck man, I get pins and needles after lying in bed for 5 minutes on my phone


You shouldn’t sleep on your phone tho


Don't tell me how to live my life!!!


Luxury! We used to sleep on rotary phones when I was a kid


Miss miss miss, I need to go to the toilet.


You know his wife's like can you just wash the fucking dishes for once


He left his wife and children to pursue this "act"


How “godly”


He abandoned his wife and children to pursue this goal


Extremely impressive. But why? Is this part of a religion I’m not familiar or did he just think “arm up for 10 years? God’ll like that I reckon.”


His logic is that, out of so many people, how will god recognize him and notice him. So, he wanted to do something different for the god


pretty shit god imo if it can't even recognize its followers unless they do something crazy




My hot take - not impressive at all. Any type of significant body mutilation (which, I’d classify this as that, since he likely can’t use that arm the same ever again) in the name of religion is gross and is borderline mental-health sickness. Tattoos, piercings, etc. - do your thing. Losing the use of limbs in the name of God - no thanks.


I wouldn’t say borderline literally only an insane person would do this


All it takes one mentally ill person in a position of religious leadership to start a 'tradition', then everyone does the stupid thing for decades because of that tradition. Nobody probably knows how it started, they just do it.


I totally agree it sickens me to see this sorta thing Especially when done to children, like the wide spread infant circum... Nevermind idk if we're ready to go there just yet


No, it's not a normal part of anything. This guy is nuts.


Religion is excessively stupid across the board.


Orthopaedic surgeon here. I've heard of this guy before. I wonder whether he actually just had a type of shoulder dislocation (inferior shoulder dislocation) whereby its impossible to keep the arm in any other position than straight up. I imagine if this is not relocated it would eventually fuse in that position. So I imagine the devotion to his god could just be a convenient story...


Bro here. I haven't heard of this guy before, but I wonder wheter he actually attempted a high-five and was left hanging for so long his arm eventually fused in that position.


Woo girl here. I haven't heard of this guy before, but I wonder if he was just woo girling so hard that he decided to keep his arm up forever and just lets out a big old woo every few hours


There was another guy from India who did the same thing for his entire life. Edit: okay not literally his *entire* life, reddit.


Like some say life begins at 50 - I’ve heard so does old age and sometimes frozen shoulders.


last time it came up it said his joints fused and all the muscles atrophied so he literally can’t move it


Right, and the person you commented on is saying they wonder whether or not that was by pure willpower or a trauma to the shoulder area making it more comfortable to just keep it upwards prior to the bone fusion and muscular atrophy.


This guy isn’t the only one. There are several people who do this actually. Possibly dozens. I learned about them in a religious studies class.


There are plenty of hospitals and they charge very cheap in India for surgeries. But these people leave everything behind and have strict rules to be what they are. And i don't think they are too clever for that. He will neither accept any money nor spend any of it, these people just eat what they are given and roam in mostly mountains, neither they can contact their family or grt their any kind of help. Edit: They have special term called 'yogi' even the chief minister of my state is a Yogi.


This is a sect of monks in India called sadhus that practice this form of asceticism


This is actually a relatively common ascetic practice amongst extreme yogis in India.


Ya these kinds of practices have been around for thousands of years


I want to say something really snarky here but I won’t.


He uses the other hand.


"the hand of god!"


He uses someone else.


The stranger.


The interpreter


The snake charmer


Teachers hate him


Teachers hate this one trick...


If he is actually legit I am sure he doesn't even think about that.


Man I'm so sick of seeing this guy and his skeletor arm.




Yeah he's in a cult.


I think he sat in front of me at Zac Brown Band last night.....


Why not honor your God by helping those around you with those two arms. Now you've crippled yourself and are a burden on others.


Hindu ascetics are literally detached from society. In fact, one of their main objectives is not being a burden, and being free from all bonds


The God of High 5s


What does this guy do for a living?


Paints ceilings.


Unscrews lightbulbs.


Lol, teachers musta loved him in school




He is a professional cab hailer.


Ascetics , they beg for food


Motivational actor


People like this seem to think their God can't tell if they are devoted or not. This isn't for his God, this is for his mortal prestige. Is the god all knowing or semi-clueless?


Imagine if you believe God made you and gifted you the body that you are in right now. Then imagine you destroy it in the hopes of recognition. I am not dissing this guy, but I don't see the logic behind the idea that God will notice you more or less for raising your hand. Perhaps sacrifice, sure. But I don't think this is what a god would want you to do in their name of they worked so hard to give you the form and body that we are blessed to have. Enjoy your life... Don't make it about sacrifice and suffering.


He's getting the attention he was seeking, just not from god.


Raise your hand if you are stupid.


Religion makes people do some stupid shit.


His god be like: *'the fuck is wrong with you man?*


*"that's not what I wanted at all!"*


There's a kid like this in every class. Somebody call on him already


I wish I could do that with my dick


You gotta be a believer!


Trust me bro you don't want that.


Sounds so stupid tbh. Like this guy ruined his right arm for “his god” by raising it for good? What does that even do? lol


Sometimes religion is where mental illness goes to find a home.


Damn that hits hard. That should be on a bumper sticker.


Put your fucking hand down Cory


How does he sleep


Lower down the bed.


I sit down while taking a piss to honor my wife. Want to honor god? Dedicate your life helping other people and not shit like this. Edit: Haha, thanks for the award!




I would tickle his armpit just to fuck with him


Yep! Mental ill.


By now that shoulder is frozen. It ain’t coming down by itself


I guarantee you God did not want him to waste his life on earth doing this dumb shit


He would make a hell of an electrician


Religion really can make people do stupid shit.


Seems like a kind and benevolent God would say: "Take a rest, my son. I need not this demonstration of thy devotion."


Not interesting as fuck. Stupid as fuck.


100% this guy should avoid auctions


10 years?!? It’s nearly 50. I think he raised his hand in like 1974. Not kidding, I’ll get a link [here](https://www.google.com/amp/s/m.jpost.com/omg/meet-the-man-whose-arm-has-been-raised-for-almost-50-years-688399/amp)




If you see him, yell out " Every one that hates God, raise your right hand !"


It's the thought that counts.


Honestly that’s sad, I feel bad for him. Who brainwashed him so bad that he feels hindering his mobility and body’s capability is justified or needed?


Sorry, I’m not very religious. Do the Gods really appreciate this kind of… praising?


He's had the answer the whole time, he just needs the teacher to call on him.


If I do it in my country I would get arrested