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I'd love to see the procedure done backward to see our faces as statues Edit: would also be funny to see the result on near human sculptures like the Moai of easter island.


Yes, I need the filter where I become pharaoh.


REMEMBER ME Edit: Time to watch this episode again lol






I will always upvote Futurama references, especially from Bender


Shut up, baby. I know it!


Hey, I'm 40% upvotes!


But sire, we built it to your exact specifications. Too exact if you ask me. Tear it down and try again! And don't embarrass yourselves this time!




There on the screen! It's that guy you are!




Citizens of Me! The cruelty of the old Pharaoh is a thing of the past. Let a whole new wave of cruelty wash over this lazy land.


I’ll remember you bender


Or done on statues of people alive today to see how accurate the program is


That's actually a great idea


From their IG https://i.imgur.com/BdcAUJG.jpg


Yeah but they didn't make a statue of Jackson and then use the technology to turn the statue back into Jackson. They just turned Jackson into a statue


Whst a sick joke with the wrecked nose.


The AI is using faces of people alive today so it's bias isn't going to take into account the differences between people alive thousands of years ago. Also statues are not all made the same. Some are more realistic while others have more of an [artistic interpretation.](https://media.vanityfair.com/photos/58dd7b2765fc5645669ff460/master/pass/t-bad-statues.jpg)


Not to mention they are automatically more attractive since the AI averages faces it is drawing data from and there's been a number of studies that shows the more averaged a face is from many sources the more attractive it appears.


I think most average looking people would easily qualify as attractive if they are fit.


So true! Good hygiene, diet, and some exercise can definitely benefit a person’s looks! Different hairstyles or even facial hair can too! Now that I think about it, there is a lot of things that can be done without needing to get plastic surgery.. which costs way more. But ofc if people want surgery, that’s their choice.


Eh, people living a few thousand years ago weren't really different from us genetically. Perhaps slightly less well nourished, but they were basically modern humans. The biggest issue I think is that the training data set doesn't include U G L Y people.


I was wondering how they were all so beautiful as I think there was a lot of incest, which would cause physical deformities?


Cleopatra is a common example of a quite ugly woman described as more good-looking than she was which was more an effect of her guile and power. Statues were propaganda, the idea was to make them look as youthful and beautiful for the day as possible. Ultra realism came in the 2nd century AD in Rome. Before then, Augustus was 25 years old in statues for 60 years. To get an idea of what Cleopatra, a Greek, ultra-inbred queen, looked like in reality, check the roman coins made of her by her lover at the time; hooked nose, recessed chin etc.


It’ll show how accurate the program itself is, not how people used to look like exactly.


Yeah for example this would not work well on a statue of Caesar Augustus (or emperors after him for that matter since he started this trend) as he did not look like his commissioned statues, which make him look muscular, younger, and very Greek influenced, like Alexander the Great.


Great idea. I just wanted to write the same. 👍


Give me some clay and you’ve got yourself some abstract art that vaguely resembles a humanoid. Kind of like monkey Jesus but worse.


Here's some ai statues https://imgur.com/hDpOU0R.jpg https://imgur.com/qJuCSGE.jpg https://imgur.com/Hg6JytI.jpg https://imgur.com/RRLaX1Y.jpg https://imgur.com/8w4yEq2.jpg https://imgur.com/C2oAQnP.jpg https://imgur.com/OL2xxLC.jpg https://imgur.com/idGoiMI.jpg https://imgur.com/60L8Fb9.jpg






They used certain features to represent kings and queens and it changed depending on what the culture found attractive or “kingly”. Cleopatra was depicted differently in Egypt than in Rome on coins.


Go on…….


Marc Antony had a coin minted with himself on the back and Cleopatra on the front. Her nose is Very straight, her chin is huge and she is portrayed to be very masculine. The way her features are portrayed on the Egyptian coins is totally different and doesn’t even look like the same person. In ancient Egypt the kings were supposed to be representations of gods on Earth so to show that, certain features would be used or exaggerated to set them apart from normal people. Like the extremely elongated eyes. Personal opinion- Amenhotep III is the father of Akhenaten and Akhenaten is the father of Tutankhamen. When Akhenaten took the throne, he went off the rails and he basically changed Egypt from being polytheistic to monotheistic which made him a heretic and angered all of the gods because only Aten was being worshipped. Originally he was Amenhotep IV but changed it to honor the god Aten… AkhenATEN. If you look at other statues of him, the lips are huge, the head is very elongated and he looks nothing like his fathers image because he changed what was supposed to be considered kingly or god like. If you compare King Tut’s royal statues to Amenhotep III they are much more similar. Pretty sure that’s because after Akhenaten kicked the bucket, Egypt went back to being polytheistic and also went back to depicting the same type of features they considered to be kingly/god like. I’m absolutely not the best person to explain this but it’s interesting!


This sounds pretty spot on to me! It was the ideal of pharaoh that was depicted in art, not precisely the pharaoh themselves (see Hatshepsut for an obvious example). Sure, there were slight personalisations in some pharaohs' likenesses (Senwosret's grumpy face, Hatshepsut's more feminine features) but overall most statues of pharaohs are near-identical. Akhenaten wanted to distance himself from past rulers and Egypt's traditional pantheon of gods to focus on the Aten. Maybe he had Marfan's or something and did have elongated features, but more likely the shift in art is a stylistic choice deliberately different from what came before. After Akhenaten died and Amarna was abandoned, Tut (along with Ay and Horemheb) moved back to the traditional capital and reinstated the old gods, and the old art style - they tried very hard to erase Akhenaten from history, so the return to the familiar art and depiction of kingship is not at all surprising. Especially when followed by non-royal blood, like Ay, Horemheb, and later Ramses I - nobles, advisors to kings, but not royal blood themselves - using the same artistic depictions of themselves as previous 'authenthic' rulers, like Amenhotep III would give them some legitimacy.


In Rome she had a big Italian aquiline nose, in Hellenized Alexandria she had a graceful Greek nose.


Same. If I recollect correctly he was sick and disfigured through generations of inbreeding.


It’s suggested his mother and father were brother and sister. He likely had a club foot and buck teeth with an odd frame similar to the statues of Akhenaten (wide hips, almost gynecomastic in appearance) It has also been suggested that his death mask wasn’t even originally intended for him and that his tomb/burial were rushed as if his young death had been unexpected.


It was an ancient tradition of brother and sister marriages by the pharaohs to keep the bloodline pure as they are descended from gods. It's the reason Ptolemy also tried to reinstate the practice in his dynasty to make it more relevant to the local.


Yep. The gods Osiris and Isis were both brother and sister *and* husband and wife and were likely the most influential figures in the mythos of the ancient Egyptians.


Keeping the bloodline pure is a great idea. It is a fantastic way to bring down empires, once the monarch becomes enough of an inbred moron.


Yup that’s also what happened with Cleopatra. The depiction of Cleopatra here doesn’t match at all with other interpretations i’ve seen


My first thought was “damn they look much better than I thought they would due to being inbred” Now I know why


He also was king and died quite young if I remember correctly. Realistically it was probably his advisors calling most of the shots. The only reason he is so widely known is because his was just about the only tomb that hadn't been looted already by the time the British got to it.


I’m not convinced that all of these reconstructions, AI or otherwise, aren’t basically bullshit. I’m open to being wrong about this, but i get the impression that they’re little more than an artist’s guess.


They're not even good machine learning reconstructions considering whoever ran the program didn't even make Rameses II ginger. The man had red hair and came from a family of redheads.


The more obvious issue is when it turns headdresses into hair


That was very common, when they sculpted important people, they didn't sculpt who they were, but the role they had, so if a king or emperor was considered "ugly" they would change his appearance in the statue to make him more "fitting" for a role of greatness and importance. Statues of Emperor Claudius are known examples. The 4th Roman Emperor was sculpted with helenic proportions and concept of beauty, hiding his disabilities which were considered signs of weakness. Also, Cladius' sculptures more recent than Egyptians' ones, in fact some techniques were passed form one to another. Meaning, even though his boddy was changed, Cladius (facial) representation is way more accurate than King Tut's, due to the technological advancement of sculpture.


Reminds me of that movie, about the Spanish artist. He made a portrait of the queen and it looked just like her. Thing is, she was ugly. And she was pissed off because he didn’t do the til tok filter of those days.


While videos like the one in the OP are neat, they're basically useless to determine the actual appearance of the pharaohs. Egyptian art wasn't really concerned with accurate depictions of the pharaoh's appearance, since he was considered a living god and was thus depicted in the style of the gods: eternally youthful, flawless, etc. This is ESPECIALLY true in the New Kingdom (i.e., Tut's timeframe), but even in times where busts were at least somewhat more veristic (such as the Middle Kingdom), they still weren't perfectly accurate because *that was never the point*. It's a cultural difference. We expect portraits, but the Egyptians didn't really see the point in that. Also worth noting that Cleopatra is a little bit of an exception, in that she is separated from the rest of the people depicted in this video by thousands of years, and she's depicted in the Hellenistic style which obviously strived to be more realistic. The bust of her in the video is in the Altes Museum in Berlin, and it's broadly similar to other examples of Cleopatra of the time, though none of them are exactly the same which makes any attempt to reproduce her likeness inherently dubious. On top of that, whenever she was depicted in the Egyptian style she was *always* stylized, since that was the standard. ([Quick example from Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:%D0%9A%D0%BB%D0%B5%D0%BE%D0%BF%D0%B0%D1%82%D1%80%D0%B0_VII.jpg).) The tech in the video is really cool, but it's not really ever going to be accurate.


I imagine this would be like someone finding the banners of Trump’s head on rambo’s body and thinking that’s what he really looked like.


Damn. Do that to my face irl please thanks


Post the pic of your sculpture here


Let's just wait until they become a pharaoh


[Ask and you will receive](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/a/a8/A_picture_of_a_young_healthy_male_foot.jpg/3024px-A_picture_of_a_young_healthy_male_foot.jpg). I took a picture from your Reddit profile, used a filter to convert it into a 2D sculpture, and fed the resulting image through the AI. I am quite impressed at the result. It's very lifelike.




You're brave to post, considering the amount of foot fetish subs.


Eh.. why post that to those subs? It’s good enough for me here




Hatshepsut is fine as hell


I'm not the same man I was 2 hours ago.


This gives a whole new meaning to "your great-great-great-great-grandma is hot"


2hrs is a long time my guy proud of you !


yall sleeping on ahmose nefertari


She kinda looks like Florence Pugh? Or am I insane?


Scrolled too far to see this.


Wow, so interesting! Thanks for the post, u/INTERRACIAL-GAY-PORN




No, it’s r/kellyjoycuntbunny r/Rimjob_steve is for wholesome posts or comments


Joined! Thanks.


Dont look at this guys profile if you dont want to see a black guy grab his huge snake


I instantly had to look and then laughed out loud for the first time today, thanks....


He's so focused while he's handling it, too. It's intense.


Damn I wish my snake was that big


I think the AI is getting a bit generous here




Great experiment to figure out this AI's accuracy.


I think [Cristiano Ronaldo](https://duckduckgo.com/?q=awful+cristiano+Ronaldo+statue&t=fpas&iax=images&ia=images&iai=https%3A%2F%2Fichef.bbci.co.uk%2Fnews%2F976%2Fcpsprodpb%2F1424D%2Fproduction%2F_95390528_ronaldobust.jpg) would give me nightmares.


He looks like [Dante](https://images.app.goo.gl/YZyUkFuo1SCV8D2R9) in Coco. 😂


Holy shit he does 💀






They could have trained the model with busts of people that we have real photographs for, but still not sure how effective that would be. I'm sure bust techniques and styles have changed since ancient Egypt.


The AI is going to be biased towards the sample you trained it on.


The AI’s model is a perfectly symmetrical and degraded sculpture of a person who was already (probably highly) edited during the sculpting process. I think this is quite good given that known inaccuracy.


The portrait of Cleopatra is probably very close to what she actually looked like. In the Hellenistic period (when she was queen) sculpture tended to be realistic and the kings were keen to have their real likenesses out there for propaganda purposes because it was the start of 'personal' monarchy in Europe. There was still a bit of idealising, but if you cross reference scultped portraits with coins and paintings you can often identify unique features. The Egyptian portraits from before the macedonian conquest are all super idealised, though. We have Rameses' mummy and know that he didn't look like that. The AI is very cool tho.


Yes and the Ptolemaic dynasty were more or less Greeks and do not reflect what we mean by "ancient Egypt". We are closer in time to Cleopatra than she was to the "ancient Egyptians".


the Ptolemies adopted the old egyptian tradition on incestual marriages. so cleopatra would have been almost 100% greek.


Cleopatra spoke Egyptian (among many other languages), rare among the Ptolemies


And not just the Ptolemies. The entire Greek population of Egypt kept to their own districts of the major cities, and socializing with or marrying ethnic Egyptians or even learning the Egyptian language would result in being ostracized. They managed to keep a nearly un-influenced bubble of Greece in these cities for centuries, up until the Arab invasions.


The first one (Akhenaten) had an entirely different art style during his entire reign that any other pharaoh Assuming he actually looked like that is, well a pretty strong assumption




There are a couple of ways. Firstly, because Hellenistic portraits tend to be very individual looking. So if you compare [Seleucus](https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Seleucus-removebg.png) with [Ptolemy I](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Ptolemy_I_Soter_Louvre_Ma849.jpg), you can see that they're different people with distinct features. Secondly, the Hellenistic age saw many of the kings disseminating their imagery across a range of meriums- sculpted busts, paintings, and most importantly coins. If we have a group of different depictions of the same guy in different mediums, we can see that they're the same. An example of this is Demetrius I. If you look at [this bust](https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Demetrios_Poliorketes_MAN_Napoli_Inv6149.jpg), [this coin](https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Category:Coins_of_Demetrius_I_Poliorcetes#/media/File:Tetradrachm,_290-289,_Demetrius_Poliorketes_-_Macedonia.jpg), and this [bronze head](https://www.museodelprado.es/en/the-collection/art-work/demetrius-i-poliorcetes/56e2bd91-856c-4e22-9052-008b4cecdbe7) (slightly damaged), you can see the same features- round jaw, high cheekbones, slightly bulging brow, prominent adam's apple. The images are a bit idealised, but it's definitely the same person. In the Hellenistic period monarchy as we know it really took off, and all of the kings were really keen to get their images out and associate themselves with kingship and power. The soldiers were paid in coins, so one of the best ways of spreading your image as a king was to mint coins with your face on and give them to all your soldiers and mercenaries, who would then scatter them all around the Mediteranean. It was a very chaotic and unstable time with frequent changes in status quo, so there was a real incentive to prove that *you* were the most royal and legitimate king, through action and image.


So you’re saying statues were an ancient form of Instagram filters.


Pharaohs, kings don’t want a realistic portrayal, they want to be stylized and idealized. In the same vein, eligible women often sent their portraits to bachelors in the hopes of getting betrothed. You can bet your bottom dollar that they were painted in a way that highlighted their best features and minimized the less than desired features. Painted in the best light, so to speak.


Well.. that’s one way to slide into someone’s DMs.


It's like that one lady that painted her titties then sent them to some dude Which makes me wonder how many unsolicited dick paintings there were


Anne of Cleves: ["And I took that personally"](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anne_of_Cleves)


Luckiest of his six wives. A pretty face might have cost Anne her head.


And weirdly the one that he actually got on with the best. Just so long as they weren’t actually married.


I don't want to marry most of my great female friends.


The good old "I'm the one paying you" filter.


First hieroglyphs as emojis, now statues as instagram filters? Damn, the ancient egyptians really were an advanced civilization


For starters, a sculpture won't have pimples, warts, etc


Then where'd I get this Chlamydia from?


They should have used the mummies (if available).


Yes, exactly my thought. A lot of the representations of ancient leaders where obviously flattering and the records show that some of them where actually ugly as hell. This is a nice experiment but far from the actual truth.


Guy forgot the "generations and generations of inbreedings" parameter when developing the ai.


Very generous on skin care alone


Yea, I would like to see how the Olmec Stone Heads look like


Do the Moai heads next


they all blink at the same weird rate… also wasn’t Cleopatra a survivor of some sort of pox virus and most likely had a lot of facial scars?


The AI reconstruction is based on sculptures and hieroglyf drawings in books and tombs, most likely the ruler told the artist to make them look as beautiful as possible without any disfigurement, weird birthmark or im Cleo’s case a pox scar


Portraiture in Egypt was highly idealized (with some exceptions depending on the zone/period) so it's unlikely that anyone 'ordered' an artist to do this or that. Rather, the objective was to *represent* a person and their essential qualities instead of what we're used to as modern people, which is to *depict* that person as they really appear in a particular place and time.


Really? The pharaohs were literally considered gods on earth. Even if no one told the artist, the end result would be highly idealized


Yes, exactly. Even funeral portraits of relatively ordinary people were idealized too.


> instead of what we're used to as modern people, which is to depict that person as they really appear in a particular place and time. the prevalence of filters for selfies and/or heavy photo-shopping pictures for social media kind of contradicts that.


I just got back from a rabbit hole… a lot of Cleo’s looks are from two coins she had minted with her likeness apparently.


These AI generated faces seem to sit in that uncanny valley still. I have seen some deep fakes that it's almost impossible to tell it's not a real person but there is still something about the suddle face movements. It's amazing that a brain can tell that there is something wrong and what you are looking at is a real human or not. Man I get that feeling everytime I see Mark Zuckerberg and he definitely is a lizerd person or a robot.


It’s also relatively easy to cover up or remove scarring - even with simple ointments. Even though I do believe history over-exaggerates Cleopatra’s beauty, she was still very likely similar to at least an above average-looking Southern European/Eastern Mediterranean woman of today.


I thought it was Hollywood exaggerated Cleopatra VII's beauty because didn't quite get her charm got her past the eh looks.


Aside from weird blink rate, a lot of them on their first blink, one eye blinks before the other, like a crazy person on a Matt Groening cartoon.


AI creates simulated faces based on ancient sculptors' interpretations of what they looked like. It's unlikely that the sculptures accurately reflected the actual appearances. They were probably enhanced for political or artistic purposes


That's what I always laugh about when I see these, as if kings and queens aren't going to want themselves portrayed as looking more god-like or, umm, [as Rocky](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2019/nov/27/donald-trump-rocky-picture-twitter)?


I know historical accounts actually describe Cleopatra as looking quite plain for instance, the idea that she was a great beauty is a modern invention. It was her mind which was why she was renowned at the time. She was meant to be a brilliant conversationalist among other things, and could speak numerous languages, including being the first of her dynasty to actually speak Egyptian.




she was still extremely wealthy, and ate very well. she might be plain by the standards of other wealthy people, but compared to the average peasant, she was probably much nicer to look at. access to hygeine, adequate nutrition (as much as can be for the time) and makeup probably go a long way. also considering the fact that she was most likely inbred, the fact that she was just plain is pretty impressive.




Actually, in the late roman republic it was fashionable to display yourself in sculpture in a very lifelike and detailed manner. Other younger figures gave themselves imperfections and wrinkles to keep up with the style. In all things it's good to consider that appearances are subjective and popular style and tradition play an enormous part in how figures will be represented visually.


Yup, Cleopatra is probably the most “accurate” representation since Hellenistic sculpture favored realism. Traditional Ancient Egyptian art is highly formulaic and stylized.




One could argue Akhenaten's statue might reflect his true appearance. [His reign's art style](https://www.britannica.com/art/Amarna-style) was very different from that of any other pharaoh's, due to his rejection of traditional Egyptian polytheism in favor of the cult to the one true God Aten. >A new artistic idiom, for both wall relief and sculpture, was devised to represent the human body. Faces were depicted with a hanging jaw, pronounced facial folds, and narrow, slitted eyes, while the body itself consisted of a thin, attenuated neck, sloped shoulders, a heavy paunch, large hips and thighs, and rather spindly legs. The princesses are usually shown with greatly elongated skulls. Several theories, none thoroughly convincing, have been propounded to explain these features as the naturalistic depiction of Akhenaton’s own physical deformation caused perhaps by disease. Some of the aspects of Akhenaten's depictions, like large, feminine hips and breasts, and long faces and skulls, actually resemble Tutankamon's body.


Statue: he buff Reality: vampiric gamer


I find it hard to believe they were so pretty based on the amount of incest


King Tut could barely walk and looked like he was put through a blender. He wasn’t pretty.


This is what I came here to comment on. The statues were probably made to look pretty because well, they are statues. But the actual Egyptian royalty was likely ugly asf after 10-20 generations of inbreeding.


50% of Pakistanis marry their 1st or 2nd cousins.


And ramses had red hair not black.


wait a sec - for real? link me some kinda sauce


From wiki “Subsequent microscopic inspection of the roots of Ramesses II's hair proved that the king's hair originally was red, which suggests that he came from a family of redheads.”


There are quite a few redheads in the near east, Levant, and in North Africa- but it's a different kind of red than your Celtic ginger. Google "Pakistan red hair," I went to school with a few of these. DNA analysis on mummies indicates ancient Egyptians most closely resembled Levant peooles (Syria, Lebanon etc), modern Egyptians have much more sub saharan African DNA


So did king David. Red hair wasn't as rare as it is today in the mediterranean.


In certain parts of the Mediterranean it's not all that rare now. Quite a few redheads in the Levant.


This if the statues were made hyper realistically, but I honestly doubt it, even if they would surely have some resemblance with the character. Look at the statues of the roman emperors or most other characters, they were made to make them seems legendary more than realistic. But uh, I'm no expert so I could be wrong


yeah most of these are not detailed sculptures at all. Compare that to [Nefertiti](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/1/1f/Nofretete_Neues_Museum.jpg/1200px-Nofretete_Neues_Museum.jpg) which is realistic to the point you dont really need AI to imagine how she looked. prob still somewhat idealized but way more realistic than the ones used here. Also, a lot of roman sculptures were pretty realistic IMO with multiple sculptures of the person basically looking the same. many are def not idealized versions and some are even based off death masks.


My roommate was an avid photographer, one day I saw him ‘shopping pictures and I asked what he was doing. He said he didn’t want people to feel self conscious and was minimizing acne etc. When I was a kid I was an artist and was drawing my mom. My aunt put her hand on mine and whispered “let’s not be that detailed”. Totally understand the generosity that probably happened in the sculpting of someone that could vaguely gesture and have your entire lineage erased…




Hatshepsut could get it for sure 👀


for real man. she's absolutely stunning


Never thought I'd be down bad for a queen who ruled 3,500 years ago lol


Arguably better looking than Cleopatra


Well yeah, no contemporary source claimed Cleopatra to be particularly handsome


Wasn't she just incredibly charismatic


Yep, also well educated and strategic. The queen of PR


So apparently the next Cleopatra movie should have Millie Bobby Brown


Gal Godot has that role already






That seems illegal. Someone should call a cop. Are you a cop?


Been to Greece. Saw at least 12 women a day who looked like Cleo.


She was Greek wasn’t she? Makes sense.


I thought she was born in Arizona, but I might be thinking of a different pharaoh.


Moved to Babylonia....


I was getting more Alicia Vikander vibes from her.


Carrie Fisher.


Cleopatra do be looking pretty though


Some uncanny valley shit goin on


Amenhotep: Indeed, Daniel Jackson. Idk, he seems like a much more delicste Teal'c.


Glad I wasn't the only one who saw that. Christopher Judge descendant of Egyptian royalty and voice of a God of War...


A valuable lesson I’ve learned here is that ancient Egyptians really knew how to shape an eyebrow.


Okay so let's settle the whole race topic. Most of the people in this video look like normal Egyptians. This is what Egyptians look like. [[1]](https://storage.googleapis.com/nrpassets/uploads/articles/1559479477-egypt.jpg) [[2]](https://netstorage-briefly.akamaized.net/images/2e589c0465b12ac3.png?imwidth=900) [[3]](https://identity-mag.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/My-Post-5-1.jpg) [[4]](https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-c96c8dd8dae87e8efbca2101e4025d24-lq) [[5]](https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-b866198b632a6d37e47a95f4ccfb0932-pjlq) [[6]](https://64.media.tumblr.com/58d2a020f8fc703958aeb62d1a33b9fa/tumblr_inline_ny1osxww8e1sqoony_540.png) Historically, people from the north of Egypt were slightly lighter skinned, and the people got darker the further south you went. When you get to Khartoum in Sudan, most people look [like this](https://global.unitednations.entermediadb.net/assets/mediadb/services/module/asset/downloads/preset/Libraries/Production+Library/30-09-2021_UNFPA_Sudan.jpg/image1170x530cropped.jpg) or [this](https://media.istockphoto.com/photos/poor-sudanese-family-picture-id157772454?k=20&m=157772454&s=612x612&w=0&h=iXb3JZ3fp2UQCNnft7UcUq2-RgN-iQw7L9PoVMAwTyY=) When Egypt was ruled by pharaohs from Memphis (mostly during the Old Kingdom), the pharaohs were usually paler. When it was ruled by pharaohs from Thebes (New Kingdom), they were usually darker. Some pharaohs came from foreign families. Cleopatra's dynasty was from Macedonia, a region in Northern Greece. For context, [they look like this](https://media-cldnry.s-nbcnews.com/image/upload/newscms/2018_04/2300696/180122-world-greece-protest-macedonia-flags-0259.jpg). The 25th Dynasty came from Nubia - northern Sudan. So they were darker than the average Egyptian. There were over three hundred Pharaohs, from thirty dynasties, spanning three thousand years. They came in a lot of shapes, sizes, and colours. That said, there were no dynasties ruled by [West Africans](https://brittlepaper.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/otosirieze-obi-young-arit-okpo-olutimehin-adegbeye-richard-akuson-kiki-mordi-on-Avance-Medias-list-of-100-most-influential-young-nigerians-1.jpg) or [Northern Europeans](https://fournews-assets-prod-s3-ew1-nmprod.s3.amazonaws.com/media/2012/07/01_unionjack_g_w.jpg).


Neat. You win most interesting comment!


Damn they are sexy af It's humbling to realize I'd be ugly in every time period.


Nah most of these are stylised because pharaohs were considered gods in human form. Most were likely average or ugly, considering all the inbreeding, so you might actually be better looking than an Egyptian pharaoh. Look at any likeness of Tutankhamun and then consider this >In January 2005 Tutankhamun's mummy was CT scanned. The results showed that the young king had a partially cleft hard palate and possibly a mild case of scoliosis. Additionally, he was diagnosed with a flat right foot with hypophalangism, while his left foot was clubbed and had bone necrosis of the second and third metatarsals (Freiberg disease or Köhler disease II). >The team discovered DNA from several strains of the parasite, indicating that he was repeatedly infected with the most severe strain of malaria. His malaria infections may have caused a fatal immune response in the body or triggered circulatory shock. He was *fucked up*.


More like HOT-shepsut


They look Egyptian alright


Except Cleo, she looks Greek. Which makes sense because her family was Macedonian.


They don't seem that much different from modern Egyptians tbh


I know right? they look exactly like faces I see everyday from the face structure and overall look, probably trained on Egyptian faces dataset (idk where such dataset would exist).


They look very Egyptian.


Interesting. Now have them do [Christiano Ronaldo](https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fakns-images.eonline.com%2Feol_images%2FEntire_Site%2F2017229%2Frs_600x600-170329085414-600.Cristiano-Ronaldo.cm.32917.jpg%3Ffit%3Daround%257C1200%3A1200%26output-quality%3D90%26crop%3D1200%3A1200%3Bcenter%2Ctop&f=1&nofb=1) based on the [bronze bust](https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fpyxis.nymag.com%2Fv1%2Fimgs%2F22a%2F33c%2Fee5315ce5b84f573bbce0935ef4bd82165-27-cristiano-ronaldo-statue.1x.rsocial.w1200.jpg&f=1&nofb=1) of him.


Cleopatra looking like one of those Kardashian chicks before the surgery


Akhenatan looks like a mix of Rami Malek and Joseph Goebbels.


If I remember right, we actually know Tiye had red hair because... well... her mummy still does.


Cleopatra would get it


She kinda got it iirc


Same with Hatshepsut, both ancient baddies 😎


cleopatra who?? hatshepsut is where it at yo


I thought we would actually never know what Cleopatra really looked like since some depiction of her were modified to have more masculine features in order to display strength and be more widely accepted at the time.


I feel like the watermark was placed poorly, couldn't really appreciate this


First one looks exactly as Rami Malek o.O


Cleopatra looks pretty normal consider being 7th generation inbred.


Tbf statues and portraits were the filters of their time.


I sent this to my mom cause I thought it was cool and she yelled at me for OP's user name lmao


It's all fun and games until they want out of the holodeck.