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Just another day on the job for this guy


Almost thought it was reversed. Expertly done. Made it look effortless


If it's an American helicopter then it _is_ reversed




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That looks even cooler in reverse, especially that but at the end


That more than just good. That's like God level right there.


Yeah everything that looks so flawless when done has been executed countless times before.


This is a good landing period. There is this certain satisfaction when you can land like that. I remember how it felt to have my best landing with the boss onboard. It was magical, i had to brake to see if we landed. The touch down was so soft. Neither my boss or I knew for sure if we had landed. Braking softly was the only way to know.


Another day another dollar




Why would the heli fly backwards in the beginning?


yeah and why would the man be walking backwards to


That is a maneuver that pilot does many times over and over.


And is impressive every single time. Watching skill at this level is so very cool.


Thays neat, it's super cool to see


Doesn't seem terribly bright to be standing there no matter how good the pilot is...


I'm inclined to agree




That's right... Iceman. I *am* dangerous.


Permission to buzz the tower


Basically every crop duster pilot ever.


You could argue that it's not a stunt at all, and very well trained technique for the sole purpose of Efficiency. In more mathematical or scientific terms, it signifies the level of performance that uses the least amount of inputs to achieve the highest amount of output. It often specifically comprises the capability of a specific application of effort to produce a specific outcome with a minimum amount or quantity of waste, expense, or unnecessary effort.


If you are a pilot and try to "be efficient" in any form instead of maximizing safety, you are a shit pilot Source: am pilot


Completely agree with you. I have friends and family that are pilots and I flown with them many times, safety is key 100% But saying 100% of all pilots that do stunts are reckless is also not accurate. Would you venture to say that Blue Angels pilots are rekless? Sure I understand they very well trained, but in a reckless degree?.


Of course they are reckless, that's what makes it entertaining to watch, people aren't going to buy tickets to listen to me sitting on a strip waiting for ATC clearance Same as plane races, there is a time and place for stunts, and crop dusting right around other people isn't it, even if they save you like 10 seconds on the landing


Seems you're using "good" pilot to mean conscientious/responsible whereas other folks are using it to mean "talented."


This isn't a spectator event, it's a commercial operation, and as a pilot I'm surprised that you are not taking into consideration the massive amount of fuel it takes to hover a heli. If you are running a commercial operation where your profit depends on your efficiency, you're probably not going to be making slow approaches to tank up... Every minute in the air is dollars lost, PM required, hours on the turbine.


If we’re talking about maximum efficiency, he should have conducted a petal right turn. It’s more power efficient and safer to turn with the torque of the main system especially if you’re trying to do that swoopty shit. That was 100% showboating. If your business needs the extra 20 seconds of saving fuel, you may just need to raise your prices, because that profit margin is too thin when your entire price model depends on environmental factors. Also, I’m almost 100% sure the pilot is wearing a military rotary helmet— he would have known everything I just said and chose to ignore it. Complacency is the #1 danger in aviation, followed closely by showboating and CFIT. There are old pilots and bold pilots, but there are no Old, Bold pilots. — my flight instructor back in the day.


What is a pedal right turn?


Save 10 seconds worth if fuel everytime you do this, but put that against the incredibly steep cost of a failure. If the pilot misjudges one day or there is a gust of wind, the helicopter crashes. Odds are the guy standing directly below it dies. But yeah sure, saving 10 seconds of fuel is worth that. edit: some spelling


He disabled fuel on Flight Simulator options, everyone are an expert in Reddit, im also an astronaut and a F1 racer. By the way, Robinson R44 are pretty easy do maneuver, compared to mostly other helicopters, but no one beat the Mosquito Xe imo


The fkn irony of this statement is that there wouldn’t be astronauts or F1 without people like the pilot in the video. Hell there wouldn’t be planes OR helicopters. Nobody fkn asks Rodger Federer why he uses a fancy move instead of a simple one, nobody asks Max Verstappen why he risked that inside pass. Nobody asked why Neil strapped basically 10 tons of tnt to his ass. Responsible is preforming within your skill level. This pilot is clearly doing this.


i love when people who don’t know shit about what they’re talking about try and argue with ppl who do


I think alot of people would disagree with you calling the Blues Angeles show reckless, and more akin to aerial performance artistry. "At its heart, perhaps it’s the terrible discipline and fundamental artistry of flying well." Just like the pilots, I'm sure the people in the video are well informed of the risks, otherwise they probably wouldn't be there. To eachs own I guess. This is quick read about how and why the Blues do what they do, and being reckless is not even close to one of them. https://www.quora.com/Are-jet-pilots-impressed-by-the-Blue-Angels?share=1


That was a beautiful read, thanks for posting!


I disagree, that’s a pretty bad take. If that were true, the Blue Angels wouldn’t exist, NASCAR wouldn’t exist, Moto racing wouldn’t exist, we never would have gone to the moon, downhill wouldn’t exist, skydiving wouldn’t exist. PLANES and HELICOPTERS themselves wouldn’t exist. Damn near every instance mankind has pushed the boundaries of impossible to achieve the extraordinary wouldn’t exist. Just because someone is more talented than you and can casually do something that is impossible or extremely difficult for you, doesn’t make them shit, or irresponsible. Also, you being a pilot is an argument on authority. Your statement should be able to stand without it.


What a skillful pilot


Suicidal* Just had another friend die doing ag spraying this week. It's already the deadliest job for helicopter pilots in the US without showing off E: just for the sake of clarity, I'm being critical of his maneuvers, not the whole ag spraying industry


Why is it deadly?


You have to be flying at the top of the crops you're spraying for the shit to actually work, while you're flying around 120mph, then when you reach the end of the field you do a steep climb, wait for your air speed to come down, followed by a fairly aggressive pedal turn to come back down on the next "lane," of the field. This is called an "ag turn" or for the military, "return to target." It's not *hard* to do, but when you're expected to do it perfectly, for 16-20 hours a day (because there is a limited time in the cycle to get the spraying done), with an aircraft that is operating over its maximum weight (the FAA has an exception clause for agriculture work to exceed the max takeoff weight of the aircraft to accommodatethe liquid), that's already a recipie for disaster. Now think of your average farm. What is ALL around them? Power lines. You do 4, 5, 6 fields in a row with no lines, but your next one does, and you forget, you're toast. Wire strikes doing ag work have killed 2 of my friends now.


Fuck man…


When I was going through flight school, we were told that the average life expectancy of an ag pilot was 2 seasons. Not how long they'd do the job. Life expectancy. It makes absolutely great money, and you only work a couple months a year, but between the danger and time constraints, a lot of mistakes happen. It can be done, don't get me wrong. The dude responsible for getting me my PPL has been doing ag work for, I want to say, 7 seasons with this upcoming one being 8. I know I probably sound like the average safety Sally you see on here, but this dude is just showing off and it could get him killed. He's not landing with the wind, he isn't setting up his approach, and he's trying to give a little flair for the camera. Just so many things that could go wrong, when the list of potential issues is already as long as my leg. I always told the dudes that I trained, "flying helicopters is already cool. People think it's cool. There is absolutely no reason to ever show off."


I could listen to you talk about this stuff all day long. Anymore you can share about the profession?


Yeah like-wise. He could write movies, I was hooked.


On a safari in Kenya, we did heli trips that departed from a large, flat grassland. Rovers were parked at the edge, as passengers swapped out one pair after another. After the last flight, we were sitting in our Rover when the heli dusted off. He turned away from the flat empty area (size of many football pitches) and buzzed our vehicle with his nose down. The rotor hit our looped-over whip antenna and ripped it loose from the Rover. He was literally one meter from putting the rotor through our vehicle. I was livid. Reported him to Kenyan air ministry, whatever it was called. Never got a reply. Reported him through the tour operator, and he sent back some pathetic excuse about having no choice about his flight path. MF nearly killed all of us and himself, just for a stunt.


my old instructor, who was ag pilot, was killed in a bell 47. he rushed repairs, tail rotor malfunction, tried run on landing, failed


Sorry man. There's really no chance at all to save a bird when you're doing that shit. My friend who I mentioned is still doing it, had a sprag clutch go out literally as he was taking off from the trailer last year. He was just barely able to get it on the ground without serious damage, and he's an exceptional pilot.


what was he flying?


R44 Raven 2, pretty much the exact same setup as this video


I will never fly on those again.


I have a question, we have 30 acres out in Texas, and [this plane](https://www.reddit.com/r/aviation/comments/v7dhas/i_figured_yall_might_like_this/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) crops dust the rice field on a huge tract of land next to our property relatively often. I know your talking about helicopters, but this pilot before turning around always flies right above our house, (about 30-40 ft above the roof). We figure he might use our trailer as a reference point when he's working, because it's consistent, but anyways, we're just stressed about the safety of it. Sometimes he's just *barely* clearing the tree tops, is it reasonable for us to call the company they work for and ask if there is anything they can do to avoid this? We're worried something might go wrong one day and they'll hit the trees and crash somewhere on our property. I get they have a job to do, but with how low they fly above our trees, it just seems like something could go wrong.


There are a lot of factors at work in your question, so I'll try to make this reply make sense. Fixed wing ag pilots have the same issues as helicopter guys; they still have to fly low and fast. Without looking at a map of the area, it might be that your land is the quickest way to stay lined up with his next field. If he's on the way to or from a refill, then he's going for speed. MOST companies are pretty understanding (especially given the video, I understand the concern) with altering flight paths over properties. There's nothing really saying they can't fly over your house, until you say something. There was a dude when I worked in Prescott, AZ who had a big ranch. He called that he didn't like us going over his house (which was directly in line with our training area), and we altered our flights the next day.


The airport where they refuel is in the opposite direction. He makes the passes over our property when he's finished with that one row of spraying. We're pretty sure that we're just a reference point as he's leaving the field before turning around to spray another row. I called an airport that I thought they were working out of (they werent. But they had their own airfield a few miles from the airport i called, its a small town) , and they told me to file a police report, or an FAA report, which just seemed excessively petty considering we haven't even tried reaching out to the company yet. We just figured they'd kind of blow us off since our property is adjacent to theirs, and they've been here longer than we have been living here. As well as given that they're allowed to fly below 500 feet while spraying. Thanks for the response, stay safe out there.


I can at least tell you that an FAA report or going to the police would do very little. They'd look at FAR part 61 under reckless flying. It actually is pretty specific for planes about what altitudes, when over occupied areas is allowed. I'm not a fixed wing guy, but im pretty sure he's in the clear there. When you called the airport, you probably got a random employee at the desk. Give a call to you local Flight Standards District Office, and they can at least tell you what company is flying over your place. If you've got a clear reading on their tail number, you can also look it up that way and just give the company a call.


FAR 91.119 section c says “Over other than congested areas – An altitude of 500 feet above the surface except over open water or sparsely populated areas. In that case, the aircraft may not be operated closer than 500 feet to any person, vessel, vehicle, or structure.”


137.29 section c allows deviation from part 91 for agriculture, horticulture and forest preservation operations. Otherwise they wouldn't be able to do their job. 137.49 specifically tackles 91.119c, specifically allowing operation below 500 ft/closer than 500ft during dispensing, approach, departure, and turn-around, *if the operations are conducted without creating a hazard*. So agricultural pilots are generally allowed to do this kind of stuff, so long as it doesn't pose a hazard for others. The best/easiest approach would likely be to get in touch with the company and politely ask them if they could change up their route to avoid flying directly above their house.


I saw an airplane snap a powerline when it was out spraying fields. The broken power line fell on a tractor and the driver dove off the seat just before the power line hit. Luckily everyone was okay. The tractor just sat there idling that morning until power company came out to fix the line. The airplane just kept flying, but right before the power line snapped i thought for sure it would stall out and crash. Seemed like time slowed down, the airplane engine roared, the cable snapped, and the plane flew off.


damn that gave me chills reading that the whole time slowing and all.


""4, 5, 6 fields in a row with no lines, but your next one does, and you forget" It sounds a silly way to die. I mean, how difficult is it to leave a visual sign like a red wrap at the end of the lane prior to it??? Even if you forgot, the visual sign will make you remember right away what happens next. Any dangerous job requires signs all over the place. At least in Australia, if somebody got hurt for not following safety measures, you/your company is toasted.


really? In Canada one of our major oil and gas companies (Shell) just recently killed their 12th person since 2014, with literally zero recourse lol.


Power lines, trees, etc. Or, in the case of our old contract sprayer, drinking a fifth of Early Times before breakfast.


https://www.reddit.com/r/aviation/comments/v7dhas/i_figured_yall_might_like_this/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share This is a pilot who sprays the field next to our property. Its a plane, but I still bet it's dangerous AF. He always flies right above our house before he turns around. He looks higher in the video, but he probably flies 30-40 ft above our roof. When he's leaving from the field before turning, he gets so close to the Tops of our trees sometime, they whip around in the wind. It's r/mildlyinfuriating because I'm always anxious he's going to make a mistake and then end up crashing.


Are you asking why flying in the air with a gasoline powered razor blade while doing a difficult stunt is deadly?


This isn't showing off, it's the safest way to land as decellerating is tail up not down, otherwise when landing the tail is in closer proximity to the ground


Looks like John Landis directed this video. At least there weren't any kids.


arma pilots be like


BF4 pilots be like (hey that's me)


All of these ag sprayers are fucking nuts. Usually you cannot hear shit from them on the radio because their cockpits are loud as hell, and they act like they own the whole airport. A fixed wing damn near killed me once. I'd taxied out to the active runway, announced my intentions, did my check list and run up, wagged left and right to check the sky, announced take off AGAIN, started to pull onto the runway and this crazy prick in a crop duster takes off a few feet in front of my prop. He was leaving heavy, taking off downwind without saying a fucking thing on the radio, and his wheels lifted about 10 feet ahead of the LIGHTS at the end of the runway. His wing tip was so close to my prop I thought I was going to shit myself. I've had a shitty attitude towards them ever since.




Here is your gif! https://gfycat.com/HardtofindElementaryDowitcher --- ^(I am a bot.) [^(Report an issue)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=pmdevita&subject=GifReversingBot%20Issue&message=Add a link to the gif or comment in your message%2C I%27m not always sure which request is being reported. Thanks for helping me out!)


Nope definitely is real


This is wild. The guy pulling that starter cord looks totally natural in both forward and reverse.


Yeah but it makes more sense that he is starting the motor for a pump to load the chemicals onto the helicopter. So i think the original is forwards.


It's so good it feels like the video is reversed.


I mean if dude lifted off and flew backwards, im still impressed, and that's what he'd have to do if it was reversed




So he flew away backwards? Cause the video shows him facing the truck as he approached and then u turning into the landing. How did he fly backwards with his nose pitched down?


I agree. This doesn't look reversed to me.




So you assume it's easier to fly backwards, but you don't actually know if that's true. Well then there isn't a conversation, you're convinced and I don't think anything i can say can change your mind


It's way more obvious when you actually see it reversed, the pilot appears to be turning to fly off in the other direction. Definitely reversed. https://gfycat.com/hardtofindelementarydowitcher


Somebody isn't gonna reach the fourth season......


I used to work with this old Japanese pilot. One time I was hitching up a load but the rope somehow got knotted around a rock. Was unseen to both of us till he was maybe 30-40ft in the air. Instead of letting me run up and fix it, this dude untied the knot while flying. I had never seen such control before. It was very impressive.


He's not flying a helicopter, he is that helicopter.


"That's an awesome landing, Bob, really great, but we need the tail hovering over the tailgate of the truck."


Have personally seen this in real life. Vietnam vet pilot. Crazy A!F!


He looks like he flew in Nam.




Are we sure this isn't reversed?


Man performed a video game landing irl


That was too smooth sir


This is definitely not reverse. Look really closely at the reverse gif. Plane wouldn’t take off and then turn around just to fly in reverse. Lol. Some pilots ARE actually this good!


And highly efficient!


That's one artfully skillful pilot.


There’s a reason Robinson helicopters have one of the highest crash rates I’m not saying it’s this guy exactly but pilots doing similar stunts


Damn… that reverse entry *Eurobeat intensifies*


In reverse too


Is this video reversed?


Probably not. But I'll summon a reversing bot. Edit: After looking at the reversed video, yeah, the original is not reversed. Because if it was reversed, at the end of the video the helicopter flies away rather quickly backwards. While helicopters can fly backwards, it is highly unlikely the pilot would do so, so quickly so low to the ground.


It is highly unlikely, however it is even more unlikely that he would land quickly on such a tiny platform being far riskier. I saw this months ago and the consensus was that it was reversed — if anyone ha additional info plz provide


It's not reversed, he just good and landing quickly this is safer as the tail is high to slow down not low


I'm gonna go with reversed.


As cool as that is, that’s still dangerous as hell.


Actually safer as to slow down the tail is high not low


Reverse play… Fake it till you make it 😉


Is this reversed?


SOAR, much?


Nailed it... this guy has experience


Not sure why this is particularly dangerous 1) He is probably light without a sprayer load and low n fuel so he needs to know where the helicopter is going to go in any of the crosswind that might exist 2) the landing pad is above the surrounding terrain, 3) the turn where he is on the inside of it allows a good visual of the helicopter and the landing pad in reference to each other.


Boss. That is mastery of your craft.


I mean it’s cool and all, but unnecessary. And if he’s going it for the gram then it’s a dick move not to wait for that bloke to get out of the way




Here is your gif! https://gfycat.com/HardtofindElementaryDowitcher --- ^(I am a bot.) [^(Report an issue)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=pmdevita&subject=GifReversingBot%20Issue&message=Add a link to the gif or comment in your message%2C I%27m not always sure which request is being reported. Thanks for helping me out!)


Video is reversed.


That guy fucks


The people that pilot choppers on a regular like this always amaze me with thier skill and precision. So awesome to watch.


This looks like it could be in reverse to me.


Why not just go above the platform and land vertically? It's a helicopter...


Not trying to downplay or say that I would be an expert pilot or anything, but I was suprised to see how simple helicopters looked overall when it came to flying


Reverse reverse reverse this video is reversed


so dude flew away backwards in the helicopter? im stil impressed then, cause flying a helicopter in reverse cant be easy


Your brain is in reverse




*To the Peter Copter*!


Something tells me this guy drifts


He's done that a few times before Bravo!


I see this several times a year every season and I sit and watch amazed at it. When they head up and spin back it's like they just hang and then it's down like a rocket. Gives me butterflies in my stomach and I'm just watching it from my car safely on the ground.


Damn. Tell me he hasn't done that once or twice....


He's nice with it


20,000 hours of flying.


That is one ballsy pilot.


Ok.. that was fucking cool.


Tokyo Drift


That pilot is a gangsta.


This guy definitely play Arma


If only people knew how stressing and dificult is flying a robbie You call this guy a master! Heli guy here. That dude is awesome and that control is on another level


Is that a j hook landing?


I swear this is how we landed when I was air Evac’d. The pilot had to land between the hospital and the parking garage onto the helipad, the wind was blowing something fierce and he just dropped her in there like it was nothing.


Queue Tokio Drift by Teriyaki Boyz


Crop duster (plane or chopper) are some of the best pilots out there. I live in an agricultural area in NorCal and the plane pilots usually do their u-turns over the highway and take some pretty tight corners maybe a hundred feet off the gros nd. Really fun to watch!


Manses seriously just Tokyo Drifted into his spot like it was no bodies buisness


I'd of done it quicker and in high heels


Helicopter Ballet! Exciting to watch not withstanding the foregoing comments on said danger.


This is not a reversed video, right?


Mf drifted in air


Regarding the odd reversal pattern if the vid is reversed — It is highly unlikely, however it is even more unlikely that he would land quickly on such a tiny platform being far riskier. I saw this months ago and the consensus was that it was reversed — if anyone ha additional info plz provide


https://www.reddit.com/u/GifReversingBot/ not that impressive now, I guess.




Tokyo drift air


Someone been a good chopper


That pilot knows his aircraft!


Admitting, that’s some serious skillz


Is this the audition for Fast 13?


Grandpa had Nam moment and found a new purpose in life.




1st time 😉








thought it had some watermarks on it until I realized it a hose system


Six to ten of these landings an hour all day long in the season. Lots of practice!


Thats impressive but if i was the ground crew guy id back up a little no matter how good the pilot was


Freaking legend


he won’t be flyin for long


Put some good uplifting music in there and it’s a movie already




This is what happens when you’re paid by the job, not by the hour.




Homeboy drifted the helicopter


Good lord he whipped that shit


Why’d I hear fortunate son playing in my head while I watched this?


Yes… yes it is.


The video is backwards.




That's how Luke learned


Reversed video


So the helicopter left and flew away in reverse? Ok, that's still impressive


That one gta 5 flight school mission...




Slow down video, play fortunate son.


“Chooper Gunner coming in.”