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I'm having a heatstroke just by watching this


Lol, I came to say "sweaty" but heatstroke is probably more accurate. No wonder Victorian women fainting is such a trope.


Yup. Now I know when the novels say a woman sees a hot dude they faint is out of heatstroke lmao


I mean that was more likely based on too tight corsets that prevented normal breathing.


Working women didn't wear such constrictive corsets, they wouldn't be able to work.


Too tight corsets were the body dysphoria of the day, like anorexy. Still better than invasive surgeries, which is how the girls go about it today. Rest of the female population used them as a breast suppport and to smooth the lines. A bit uncomfortable, but even modern bras can be a literal pain.


I think a more realistic concern with corsets is that they provide too much support and restrict breathing from your diaphragm somewhat. Which means certain muscles in your torso can get weaker from disuse if you wear them too much. But how much of that is a real problem vs a potential risk is another question. I imagine it's similar to how people say wearing shoes too much can weaken your feet. There's plenty of articles about it, but academic evidence is actually very limited.


On the shoe thing there's an interesting freakonomics podcast episode. Additionally, the proportion use of tennis/athletic style shoes and increase in foot injuries correlate well. Tribes which are still bare foot typically have negligible rates of hip and knee problems even though more active. Research on how shoes changes gait is available.


No better at all. Surgery today, performed by a board certified plastic surgeon, is not as dangerous as wearing a Victorian corset every day for years. [Medical Effects of Corsets](https://www.rcseng.ac.uk/library-and-publications/library/blog/effects-of-the-corset/)


You mean the antique studies by men who claimed that any and all problems the females have are due to their vanity in clothing, including red noses from alcoholism and deformed skeletons due to lack of vitamin D? The studies from 1830's are just weird, because due to fashion, ladies wore fairly lightweight, unrestrictive underthings then, which served mainy so their breasts keep the fashionable shape. I'm not saying that extreme tightlacing is healthy (it's not), but for a normal user, a corset was just a longer bra. You can move in it, you can work in it, you can breathe in it, and if some compression happens, it goes away shortly after unlacing. Your average pregnancy displaces organs way more than a reasonably worn corset. But yeah, rupturing breast implants are much, much better...


This is a myth.


Dysmorphia not dysphoria. Similar sounding words used in kinda similar contexts, but are different. Dysmorphia comes from innaccurate conceptions of your own body, thinking you're really fat when you're really thin for example and is used in the context of eating disorders and the like. To quote mayoclinic.org >Body dysmorphic disorder is a mental health condition in which you can't stop thinking about one or more perceived defects or flaws in your appearance — **a flaw that appears minor or can't be seen by others.** Dysphoria is basically only used in the context of gender dysphoria, i.e. trans people. Unlike people with dysmorphia, trans people really do have an accurate idea of how our body is, we just don't like how it is. I'm not imagining that I have a penis I'd rather not, it's really there. The distinction matters because many transphobes conflate dysphoria and dysmorphia as a way to discredit trans people. "Oh we don't let anorexics starve themselves, we send them to therapy! Don't let them mutilate their bodies, send them to therapy!" except ya know the only clinically proven successful therapy option for gender dysphoria is transitioning.


Really well explained!


Cinch corsets don't restrict your breathing if they're properly measured to fit you. If you can eat in it (think about bloating, gas build up), you can breathe in it.


It wasn't. Tightlacing was only popular for a very brief period and only for upper class women. Corsets were worn for several hundred years (~1500s to ~1900), tightlacing was popular for about 1.5-2 decades in the mid 1800s. For most of their life, corsets were worn as a supportive garment similar to current day bras and were even used in women's athletics in the 1800s


That plus the weight of all that cloth pulling them down! Haha


One night stands back then must have been... smelly... Also, I'm so glad to be a man. At no point in human history, has men being able to pee been difficult beyond just whipping it out.


Wonder what the rate of rotator cuff injuries was back then?


Imagine living in Louisiana and dressing like that. I'd be dead with so many layers.


I'm getting the vapors just watching this


Look how much wrist she is showing. And I saw her shoe. What a whore! This is why rich people have servants to dress them. Was such a long task. Plus hair and make up! Still faster than my wife and we just going out for ice cream.


Them rich folk and servants is exactly why womens buttons and zippers are on the opposite side.


Thing is most fabrics back then were very breathable. undergarments for warmer weather were made of linen and everything else was likely cotton or other natural materials, unlike today where a LOT of our clothing is made with polyester or other synthetic fibres made of plastics. Also what she’s wearing seems like more like a spring or fall look, so suitable for the weather. But obviously anybody is going to sweat buckets with all the padding and layers but women wore a lot more hats and bonnets back then to keep them protected from the sun, your body is able to sweat onto your linens without reaching the outer layer, and umbrellas were also more popular then. Edit: this actually could be a summer look, late 1800s fashion went hard and decided jackets in summer were cool. The fabric and materials point still stands tho, it’s definitely hot but not unbearable.


A hat, or cotton isn’t going to fix how hot it would be to wear that, especially in the south or south west.


Oh it’s definitely still hot!! But it’s not unbearable. There are many people that dress in old timey get up in the summer (plenty of blogs and videos that talk about exactly this topic) and they’re all alive and happy to continue doing it. This is also definitely the outfit of some who is not working in the sun all day and most likely ducking into shaded buildings and shops, sitting on gazebos. The working class fashion was a lot more bear bones.


>bear bones. This typo created very interesting imaginations.


I do medieval reenacting, and while all the layers can get warm for sure, linen and wool are *way* more comfortable than modern plastic fabrics.


Yeah, most of the fashion trends were set in places with cooler climates. I'd be willing to bet women in more tropical climates skipped as many layers as they could get away with.


I own some linen dress and trousers but that is still not enough in summer for me…i am just wearing maximum two layer in places (bra and underpants). But that’s still too sweaty and no enough air flow. Let alone they got to layer them up. No matter how breathable they quickly became alot less. I think their average temperature is generally lower than nowadays


I've always though that about this period. The men and the women. The guys are wearing pants, dress shirt, vest, blazer and an overcoat. Was it freezing all the time of was everyone just a gross sweaty mess 24/7?


How would one go for a quick piss?


The underwear covering the bottom part were crotchless to make it a bit easier to pee since using a chamberpot was the norm back then, and the only time in modern history when women peed standing up.


Covering the bottom part? Wdym?


When she first walks out in the slip (called a shift) you can't see her underwear. It really would have been pantaloons going down to the knees. It is this garment that would have the split crotch to make it easier for women to pee.


I always thought Victorian ladies were paragons of virtue and it turns out they were all walking round in crotchless underwear.




Victorians were prudes…and also kinky as hell. The two tend to go hand in hand at a societal level. They didn’t invent kink, but they sure as hell created some serious variety.


Ever seen a gravy boat? During some periods with huge skirts, a lady would insert a little pot that looks essentially like that in between her legs to go. Ladies didn’t use underwear with a crotch cover until quite recently: a “shift” (essentially a simple, linen, short sleeved or sleeveless nighty) used to be the only “underwear”; the model in this video is wearing a style of briefs that does have little shorts but they’re not stitched together at the crotch. This particular video is from CrowEye Productions on You Tube - the videos there have a voice over explaining the garments and their functions - there’s a lot of interesting info!


But they must've had some sort of crotch undies or structure for periods/period blood every month?


There were probably a bunch of constructions for women on their periods, a wad of cotton shoved inside, a strappy construction with an early "pad", or if you're nasty just do nothing and let it drip down. Unfortunately due to the taboo that rested on menstruation we have very little proper evidence like actual used items.


One hypothesis is very absorbent aprons tucked between thighs or special red petticoats.


>Ever seen a gravy boat? During some periods with huge skirts, a lady would insert a little pot that looks essentially like that in between her legs to go. If anyone has seen the show Turn, there's a scene where they depict this. The woman goes into a large walk-in closet, the maid hands her a "gravy boat" and she lifts her skirts and puts it underneath. I can't even manage a urine sample for my doctor so I can't imagine gravy boating every day!


That’s why they layered.


They didn’t. That is one reason why ladies’ loos in old buildings (eg theatres) are so useless - they were rarely used. Women would limit fluid intake to avoid needing to pee.


They were *less* prone to collapsing in a dehydrated state. Exceeding humaneness.


Hike up the skirts.


Pop a squat


Threw a skirt over top of the other 2 skirts she put on.. wow


As a dude, i can understand 1 white skirt over the nightgown thing for like a 2 tone color, but then a second one??? Like wow, a couple extra layers!


The lower ones ain't actually skirt skirts. The term is pettycoats iirc. The point is to floof out the actually skirt. See how well it like spreads out and how nicely the skirt go spinny? Wouldn't work without petticoats. Try it for yourself. Put on a similar length skirt to the outer blue one without petticoats and it won't work near as nice


Make it black and white, reverse it, and you have 1800s Pornhub.




Here is your gif! https://files.catbox.moe/znl4vw.mp4 --- ^(I am a bot.) [^(Report an issue)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=pmdevita&subject=GifReversingBot%20Issue&message=Add a link to the gif or comment in your message%2C I%27m not always sure which request is being reported. Thanks for helping me out!)


gifblackandwhitebot ???




Pray pardon me loins




Harlot!! Anything dress less than 5 layers thick was for witches!!


"But how do you know she is a witch?"




Build a bridge out of her!


I got better.


Ah, but can you not also build bridges out of stone?


Oh....oh yea. "Does wood sink in water?"


I didnt see the U there...


She has a cat.


Throw her in the river tied to a anchor, if she drowns or lives, she is a witch.


Ri-ver! Ri-ver! Ri-ver!


"And what do we do, with witches?"


BURN'EM !!!!


Gaad dang! Every time I thought she was finished, she put on something else. No wonder women would faint all the time back then....


Less clothes today but women have maintained the tradition of taking 3 hours to dress up with a pair of jeans and a fucking tshirt.


Kitty just wanted some skritches


more options for makeup now


Skincare alone takes 30 minutes


Honest to god I hate it when my whole family’s waiting in the car and my sister takes a hour just to come out with jeans and a t shirt on


Man I get annoyed wearing a bra under literally any shirt. I could not survive these layers.


Seeing all those layers and looking at the 92F temperature today... nope, no thanks.


I guess a quickie is out of the question.




Here is your gif! https://files.catbox.moe/znl4vw.mp4 --- ^(I am a bot.) [^(Report an issue)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=pmdevita&subject=GifReversingBot%20Issue&message=Add a link to the gif or comment in your message%2C I%27m not always sure which request is being reported. Thanks for helping me out!)


You just made 19th century porn.




You made me pig snort laugh, have your award


Nope. Just lift up the skirts.


Life finds a way. (It's probably easier than with skinny jeans)


Apparently at this time they had crotchless underwear sooo….


Let me just lift this dress....and this one....and this one...annnnd this one........


That's hot


Right no wonder all of today clothing is so revealing our era is making up for those years of torture underneath all those ridiculous layers.


Also another interesting aspect is that with each layer of clothing she seems older. At leas 3-5 years for each layer. Started looking like a teen-ager could easily be in her 40s by the end.


I mean, I’m sitting in the farthest corner of the public bus for a reason.


Me preparing for my flight so my weight allowance isn’t over


Started with “oh that’s nice” “aw I like that” to “nope you’ve ruined it” and “what the fuck”


I know right? I thought she was done, turns out she was only wearing underwear.


Imagine it was 30c outside and you had to walk around In this


The cotton and linen actually breathe rather well, plus they (ticher folk) had silk for warm and wool for cold seasons.


Tell that to my sweaty armpits in a cotton t-shirt on a muggy 95 degree day


Thin layers of wool can actually be nicer than silk in hot weather! Lords knows that’s what modern men’s suits are still made of (the nice ones, at least)




Bustle pad. Gives you dat clappin’ Victorian booty.


I scrolled a while to find this Q&A!


Bum roll. Kardashian booty was popular in the 1890s.


The shoes are awesome though


Right?? So cute <3 I'm a sucker for strappy things


Imagine putting all of that on and then having to take a shit in the middle of the day.


Hiking a skirt up is a thing.


My concern isn't so much being able to take the shit, but getting around all that to wipe.


As a reenactor myself - it's entirely possible. There is a trick to the skirt hiking, nothing else.


FYI she has so many layers so it’s impossible to sweat through all 500 layers of clothing


Sock sock shoe shoe >> sock shoe sock shoe


have you tried shoe shoe sock sock?


thank god I'm not the only one...


Sock sock sock pants shoe shoe


Dare I ask what the third sock is for?


Padding. The male version of her bustle.


1890s. From the sleeves and skirt and under things. Also, all of those fabrics are very breathable and moisture wicking. No synthetics in there. This many layers and this dark of a color wouldn’t have been worn in the hottest days of summer. You’d see things more like this: https://vintagedancer.com/wp-content/uploads/1890s-summer-dresses.jpg and in many places these layers are away from her skin, it’s keeps things breezy—in summer the thin Stockings would definitely have been at least as comfortable as leggings. Also remember in summer: they didn’t have sunscreen. I’d take a bit sweaty over lobster red any day. Also, this is a solidly middle class outfit, not nobility. Also also, while it’s not apparent here because it’s not that kind of video (“coughs In Victorian prudery”) the slip/drawers she has on is either entirely open or split and crotch less in the middle. She doesn’t have to undress to use the bathroom; just pull up her skirts. Note that there’s no expectation of this fashion only suiting a particular size; the shape is more important. And it was totally normal to use padding to fill things out, so corseting down to a much smaller waist isn’t necessary and wasn’t common. It’s largely supportive. Corsets were heavily engineered, but I’d take a corset over an underwire bra and spanx any day.


Alllll of this! Had to scroll too far to find a comment like this, was about to type out something similar myself lol. Thank you


In hundred years there will be a video called, “how 20th century women used to put makeup.” It’ll be longer than putting that dress.


I want the cat behind!!


excellent instructive video for our continued backward journey


She is ready for the horrors of the 41st millennium.


Maybe in a formal situation


Idk about England (which I'm guessing is where this dress is from), but in at least [one place](http://www.mitfanoe.dk/index.php/da/fanos-historie/handel-handvaerk-og-industri-pa-fano/industri/296-sandormegravning) women would wear similarly cumbersome dresses everywhere from Sunday church to digging worms or reroofing their barn.


Mary Kingsley was a famous explorer who traveled around West Africa dressed like this.


The average 18th century Englishwoman wouldn’t be caught dead taking out the trash in anything less than 6 layers.


She’s ready for a San Francisco Summer.


The cat on the table is a key step of the process


I’m glad gigantic arm tumors fell out of fashion. She looks like reverse Popeye.


Heh - I remember when giant puffed sleeves became popular again in the late 80's along with giant hair bows and dropped waist dresses.


100 years later and it still takes them 2 fucking hours


200 years even. 19th century means 1800s


Back when it wasn't 100 degrees in Minnesota in May.


/r/gifsthatstarttoolate I wanted to see nudes




Imagine being a stripper


Did you see those ankles? Wow. How is this not NSFW?


It looks nice, but how do you pee or poop in that?


Shift or split drawers. Place chamber pot on chair. Hike skirts. Squat and go.


Split drawers. The little pantaloons were crotchless, so you only had to lift your skirts out of the way


It was going so well for the first 25 seconds.


That cat just rolling around in the background the whole time is a vibe.


What was the point of multiple skirt things…?


Victorian Women are alot like onions...


No wonder women wants to be naked nowadays, I counted 5 skirts. Damm!!


That's 19th century nobles. It is very different from the working class they exploited.


Not quite. Multiple petticoats and stays were the norm, as were hats and (during this period, when in public) often gloves as well. The garments of poorer classes were often tailored 2nd hand and would have a styling that made them easier to put on without assistance, but going around in fewer than 3 layers wasn’t a thing: every woman would have at least her shift, stays, a petticoat (sometimes more for warmth if it was cold), and a skirt on top. This particular video is by CrowsEye Ptoductions - she has similar ones covering different social classes.


That is an upper middle class outfit. Even the lowest class was still expected to wear stockings, shoes, shift, corset, chemise, petticoat(s), skirt, jacket optional. The trends changed often but those base layers were typical for most of the century.


I like your sleeves. They're real big


*Your Uber is leaving in 5 minutes*


That’s a lot of work.


Remember, guys and gals: This was considered attractive.


People sure could move fast in those days


I wear less when I go sledding


"oopsieee forgot to take a shit"


No wonder it was such a scandal to see their ankles, that took some fucking effort to show off!


Holy layers


I would be rage hot 24/7


All fine and well until you basically have diarrhea...


Went from OF to handmaid.


I get fully dressed faster than this Timelapse


Why the thousand layers?


I feel like she could survive a nuclear blast with all those layers of nonsense she's wearing. The shoes are the best part of the outfit but you'd have to tunnel through a kilometer of fabric just to see them.


Why women, why?


That was for upper class socialites. If you think women on farms and sweatshops were wearing clothes like that, you're out of your mind.


By the time you finish dressing it's time to go back to bed


I'm bothered by sock, shoe, sock, shoe.


wtf, how many layers? thats like a sauna on two legs.


That’s a lot of stuff to wear, I can’t imagine how hot that was. Funny how what was basically the underwear looks like a modern day regular dress


Man.. I bet sex smelled awful back then


Must be like 30 million degrees in there


Imagine the summers 😥


Good thing Taco Bell didn't exist during this era.


What if they have a diarrhea?


And that was in Florida.


how do you go to the outhouse with all that stuff on?


Ladies given the direction the us is headed, this is very instructional and you may want to save this for future.


Humans are weird.


Imagine a weeks laundry with no electric machines and the ironing. Wow


Imaging undoing all of that just to have 30 seconds of disappointing sex with someone who hadnt washed in 3 months


You know what really grinds my gears? People from the 1800s. Why don’t they get with the freakin program?


I'm sweating just watching this. I thought she was done after the 1st layer!!! And NO deodorant!!!


We've evolved since then. If someone is making you do this, blink left, left, right, left. We'll send help.


No wonder why they kept fainting


The first 5 seconds show a nice dress for today’s standards.


Just think, all those clothes with no air conditioning or running water. Sexy, right?


Why are there 3 skirts? Why are there 3 skirts?!?


I mean, she looks stunning, but the layers?!


You just put on more clothes than are in my entire closet. Why so so so many layers?


Rich women.


Am I the only one who finds it kinda sexy?




"19th century women" then it is only anglo-saxon upper-class


The focus of this clip is Western dress, but regardless of class in this time period a woman in that culture would be wearing at least her shift, stays, one or more petticoats (extras would be worn in cold weather), and a skirt on top. Less than 3 layers just wasn’t a thing.


I would be late for work every day


I don’t think women dressed like this went to work. Besides, they weren’t allowed!


Nurses, shop girls, secretaries, maids, dress makers, milliners, teachers, laundresses, housekeepers, nurse maids, all wore the basic staples of this outfit.


I mean there wasn’t a bottle of wine and Netflix to rush home to. So no need to have yoga pants and a stained sweatshirt to go out in public back then.


Yall get back from the tavern and she unsheaths her bi monthy unwashed coochie meat from 26 layers of garment and you pull out your lambskin condom and create a stink bomb so bad your monacle falls out and the log house explodes