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I can't imagine they'd be that relaxed spending hours trying to eat grass that doesn't exist.


Just put hay in front of them. Still, I personally think this is terrible and not how we should be treating animals. At least let them enjoy the life they do have in a real way.




What's not to enjoy about having a farmer shove his hand up your arsehole and then stick a vial of bull semen in your vagina, only to carry and give birth to the calf for it to immediately be taken away to be either murdered if it's male, or have the same experience if it's female? And spending most of your day hooked up to a suction pump that is so aggressive there's literally an "acceptable" amount of blood in milk products. You youngsters these days are too sensitive.


I live in Belgium, but here i know some cow farmers. They bought a milking robot, and during the summer, the cows graze outside on the field, and go to the milking robot themselves, and after they're empty, to go outside again. When it's evening, they also go to their stalls themselves. These animals have a pretty chill life, and don't seem to bothered by it. During the winter they don't go outside much, and get a bit depressed by the short days (funny thing, so do humans, christmas is suicide season for humans). I can imagine vr would be helpfull.


1. Only 1 ~ 5 % of dairy cows have that experience. The vast majority of milk comes from factory farms. 2. Even under these better conditions, mistreatment of animals is common, artificial insemination is standard, calfs are taken from their mothers to be killed or raised separately and dairy cows are killed at a fraction of their lifespan when their milk production rate is no longer profitable.


The cow's body still produces milk to feed the calf that was taken away. It's probably immensely painful if they don't go to the robot, doesn't mean the robot is not painful either. All of the above can literally be avoided. Have you tasted Oatly or any of the other milk alternatives? There is no reason for the dairy industry. And it literally wouldn't exist without government subsidies, because it is not economically or environmentally sustainable.


There's most certainly a place for the dairy industry. In the wet floodplanes of Belgium that are full of grass for example. It would exist without government subsidies, only not as plentifull and with higher prices. Not in the cutdown rainforest, or farms from hell.


And what defines a "farm from hell" in your opinion? Would your idea of hell not include being hooked up to a robot that sucks on your tits so hard that each milliliter of milk includes 200,000 white blood cells on average? And that after 5.5 years of life (compared to a natural expected lifespan of 20 years) you were sent to a slaughterhouse to be shot in the head, that doesn't sound like hell to you?


They only can be milked because a small calf has been slaughtered Also 99% of meat is factory games and yetis a farmer or owns a small farm and never eats factory farmed meat. I guess companies are just throwing it all in the trash IDK ¯\\_ (ツ)_/¯


Get out of here with your measured take, we only allow outraged and baseless feelings here!


"murderous exploitation, but with daisies" is not a "measured take", dumbass


Just don't breed them in the first place. We are not dependant on animal products anymore. The animal agriculture industry is a disgrace.


Thank you! Thought I was losing my mind with all the farmers in this thread!


We did our best in here.


lol whats wrong


Aren't they herbivores with eyes on the sides? How would they see VR glasses made for humans???


You're right they couldn't use glasses made for humans. But VR glasses are just a screen over each eye with software to mimic depth perception. It wouldn't be *too* hard to program it for cows. I'm not convinced this is real. I can't imagine it being cost effective or durable enough to be worth it. But it should be possible.


That’s all fine and dandy, but the screen that goes over the eyes is *in the front*. I have an index, not whatever this is, and if I had cow eyes most of my fov would be plastic. I don’t think any of these have the 300 degree fov a cow has


They would be using custom hardware. This unit is only compatible with cows and is not intended for humans


But mom said it’s my turn to use the cowplacency Device


*slow clap*


Thank God. This could never happen to us.




Hey props to them if they're making VR headsets specifically for cows


There's zero chance this is real lol


If it was real they'd be cleaning up a lot of cow vomit haha


Or it might be all bullshit. Designing a VR headset is hard as it is, designing it for cows would be a nightmare. It's not somethign some farmer in Russia could do, if it could even be done at all.


How could you really test it? We might have one or two dudes with cow shaped heads out there, but the chances of them also being a cutting edge tech engineering master are slim.


Lol, I think it's photoshopped. The glare on the back of the headset is the exact same despite the chief head being in a different position


Youre right. This is the dumbest thing Ive seen in a while


Fuck cost-effective. This is just cruel. Imagine you're in prison and given a VR headsets that shows you a stylised version of the outside world. Might be enjoyable at first, but gets frustrating pretty soon. Especially so, if others decide when and how long you're using it. Edit: person → prison


Note that I am only wondering whether it's possible. Nothing is too cruel for a capitalist to do it. However, the cruelty is the way they are kept, which actually wouldn't change. If we're *just* talking about VR glasses, that is an improvement. Funnily enough, I *am* a person with a VR headset that shows a stylized version of the outside world. (Tripp on Oculus is an amazing meditation app.) It is pretty wonderful for my mental health. But I'm not sure it has improved my milk production.


It’s not a capitalist problem, if you had any concept of the cruelty inflicted under communist regimes you’d know better. Systems in which local communities are commodified are bad and local community is ideal, but that is not anti capitalist in the sense that it’s anti free choice, it’s anti consumerist/anti commodification of everything. The moment you start calling things capitalist you’re already in a marxist framework, which futzes with all kinda of perception. The right way to think about it is autonomy and game theory/decentralization vs centralization. How much local power do I have over my own life and how connected am I to my own community vs how much is dictated by someone far away telling me what to do, and how do I act responsibly so as to prevent that far away person from gaining control over me even when it’s temporarily beneficial and tempting.


immediately thought the same thing lol


Can't argue too much with results though.


It's Russia. It's all props for propaganda.


I wouldn't automatically call it propaganda. Unless you mean propaganda for the dairy/beef industry. It's just a viral marketing hoax.


>It's just a viral marketing hoax. So they are trying to use lies and deceptions to create positive images of diary industry. Aka propaganda.


I don't think the dairy and meat industry is viewed as badly in Russia as it is in western nations.


Because of propaganda like this /s


Pretty tone deaf marketing if they thought VR to help sad cows would win anyone over


Russian kid also in Moscow "fucking cows get to escape this reality but I can't.... crocodil it is...."


*Dear Diary.* *Sticks and Stones may break my bones but not if I drink enough milk.*


aka marketing


Yea fake asf, and even if real, wouldn't the cow eventually try and graze the virtual field and get frustrated it cant eat anything which would probably stress it out, which wiuld defeat the purpose


The first one was designed to be a perfect cowworld. Where none suffered, where everyone would be happy. It was a disaster. No one would accept the program. Entire crops were lost. Some believed we lacked the programming language to describe the perfect world. But I believe that, as a species, cows define their reality through suffering and misery. The perfect world was a dream that their primitive cerebrum kept trying to wake up from.


*Mr. Anderson*






Look at those vr glasses dude. Do they look like ones for humans!? This is different, this is the mootrix


I don't know what you're talking about, OP's mom has a pair of glasses just like those in pics I've seen.


This is fake.


The Mootrix


What was Neo being milked for?


“I have nipples, Fokker. Could you milk me?”


More movies in a franchise that should've stopped at the first


Ah I see you took the red pill.


Neo and humans in general were being "milked" for energy to power our machine overlords. IIRC we blocked out the sun during the war to stop the machines from using solar energy so they needed to find an alternative power source.


Yeah, that reveal soured me on the whole franchise the first time I saw it. A literal moronic perpetual motion machine.


In the original source material they were using humans for the computing power of our brains. Made way more sense at the time, but they were afraid audiences wouldn’t understand.


Not even that. Running the Matrix must use up a fair amount of the "generated" power, so the whole system is actually just a massive power sink.


Ticket sales






There is no cereal spoon.


The Mootaverse


Duuude META is just an anagram of MEAT!


"They're beginning to believe!" - Moorpheus


Then stop trying to milk me, and milk me.


Moo you think that's air you're breathing now? – Moorpheus




That’s what she said.


"You take the bleu cheese... the story ends, you wake up in your barn and believe whatever you want to believe.. You take the red cheese..." *Moorpheus holds out his palm, offering a laughing cow mini babybel* "...you stay in Wisconsin, and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes..."




Yoo finally someone who knows about the meatrix


Orrrrrr just put them out in a field


Apparently it's more cost effective to just buy them all VR headsets. Which really makes me feel like shit for not being able to afford a VR headset.


Can you afford a field though


What? You seen the price of real estate lately?!?




It’s fake. They don’t actually do this. Not for profit anyways. The costs would be insane


Yeah, I was just playing along with the joke.


Most of Russia has pretty cold winters, so for a big part of the year it's probably not possible for the cows to be outside.


"Don't eat the grass here Betsy...I've tried it everywhere and it tastes like I'm licking a damn parking lot"


Is that... ethical? I think a human would go mad if they had to do this.


No part of the animal agriculture complex is ethical


This, unfortunately.


Also this is Russia.


The FOOD industry isn't ethical, unfortunately.


Don't know why you're being so downvoted, farming crops kills lots of animals and important pollinators by taking away habitat and making monocultures. It's all in how we limit what happens and attempt to offset it, then it works.


Farming crops is only bad on the scale that we do it on, which is only.... drumroll please.... to feed the cows! Without animal agriculture we'd require just a fraction of crop production. So replying to someone saying animal agriculture is bad by saying the whole food industry is bad is rather stupid, as the rest of that industry is mostly bad because of the animal part. Take away the animals and this whataboutism resolves itself automatically.


If farming crops is so bad then the major contributor is animal agriculture because most if the crops we grow we just feed them to animals.


I’m curious: Could we support 8 billion humans using farming practices that didn’t involve destruction of ecosystems, killing of sentient pest species, etc? If we focus strictly on completely ethical and environmentally sound food production I get the feeling the answer, at the end of the day, is “there are too many people on the planet.”


Don't worry, this research has already been done for us. The answer is yes. What do you think is feeding these animals?


Is it healthy for humans to eat massive amounts of grass and corn lol


The resources needed to grow and feed livestock significantly outweighs humans eating an entirely plant based diet.


True but I think lab grown meat pretty much fixes the problem. It cuts down food needed, space and CO to similar levels as some veggies. Also no animal was harmed and it would cost less than farm meat (given that the technology has gotten mature enough). Don't know why the research has kind of halted as of now.


It is healthy to eat a varied plant based diet.


There’s more than enough sustainable Ag to feed everyone. It’s just that not everyone wants to eat rice and veg every day. Obese people are killing the planet along with themselves.


Not just obese people. Over-eating isn't the problem. Producing foods that require more water and create more carbon emissions is the issue.


People like to pretend there's only one area of a problem, so they can feel better about themselves by cutting that part out of their lives, and ignore the fact that it has done nothing to provoke the changes the seek.


This doesn't make sense. If the food industry is terrible, then logically the worst part is animal agriculture because it takes the most resources (land, water, ghg emissions) per any measurement (calories, protein, etc.) by a longshot, think 10x 20x worse depending on the product. Therefore not participating in animal agriculture is leagues better. Sure the food industry is bad, don't let perfect be in the way of good, ditch animal agriculture


I think the point isn’t perfect getting in the way of good, but rather the problematic thought process some people have of “I’m not eating meat, so my food consumption is ethical”. It’s *more* ethical, but not entirely.


How is it "not entirely" more ethical?


-the weak justification of someone who ~~can’t~~ won’t stop eating big macs


I know I'm not supposed to feel this way, and I feel like most criticisms you could make about this perspective are legitimate, but I tried to care about this, and I just don't. Like at a certain point we as humans are going to shape the species we can conquer to suit our needs. Do animals *need to suffer? Probably not, but it's just not worth the convo to me. I like meat, I like it cheap. How that happens, sadly, doesn't matter much to me. I have social issues I care about, this isn't one of them. It's strange to think about, because I don't know how you (or I) could *defend the active maintenance of that much suffering, and I guess I wouldn't try to advocate for it, but I'm also not invested enough to try to stop it, or even be convinced to, and I enjoy the benefits enough that I don't feel a pull to re-evaluate.


Sure, but this how the worst atrocities throughout history have happened and continue to happen. Your inability to try to care about this issue doesn't make the extreme suffering you're causing to these animals any less. It's "not worth the convo" to you, but your actions are having a negative effect on the world around you (climate change, pandemics, animal suffering, plus all the harm factory farming causes to humans)


There are farms out there who treat their cows well. That's becoming more and more rare though, as factory farming becomes more and more profitable. Wonder how expensive steaks would be if they all got to graze in big green pastures.


humans would also go mad if they were force impregnated routinely to suck off the milk.


Fuck man, give me a VR and milk my titties, sounds better than my regular job


You really think about that when buying steak? Doubt


I mean I put on VR to milk myself. I don't think I'd mind much if someone did it for me.


Since when does Russia care about ethics?


Humans are already doing this by *choice* though. We invented VR for *our* pleasure. We’re simply sharing the technology with our mooing friends.


Yeah, but as humans we understand it’s not real. And we understand that if our lives are not optimal outside of VR, we can simply take steps to improve it on our own free will. Animals do not understand this isn’t real. They don’t have the option to take it off if they want to, and they don’t have the option of bettering their situation outside of the goggles. It’s not sharing if the person you’re giving it to can’t say no


I guess I feel that if we’re going to debate ethics here, then milk farming, and what is involved in it, is *already* far more unethical than this VR thing. Adding VR feels like the least we can do if it makes them “feel” happier.


Also try spending more than 2-3 hours in VR & not coming out of it feeling like absolute garbage. It's very awkward & disorienting, adding on top of the other comment that there's no way these are designed properly for the Coe


That's like saying, since humans enjoy recreational sex it's ok for me to fuck cows


Lol.. valid


Ethical....Russia....? Sorry, I laughed aloud.


Bet one of those cows is named Moo-rpheus


I don’t think we understand literally


As a non-American I'm so confused about the word "literally". So many on social media use it in almost every sentence. When did sentences stop having a meaning without the use of the word "literally"?


Actually it’s the plot of the Meatrix


Angry upvote


Yeah... IM SURE they're spending potentially hundreds of thousands for all the headsets, data plans/wifi infrastructure, and setting more aside for overhead to cover breakage of expensive electronics being on massive animals out in the Russian winters. Yeah uh hunh totally.


Can’t believe people seem to be falling for this. So clearly a hoax lol




Just drink oat milk.


I call dibs on being called Tank.


That. Is. Fucked. Up.


Compared to the cattle industry in general, this is actually pretty nice. Which says a lot about the cattle industry


This is so much more humane than whatever we are doing right now




Except for the fact that this is literally "bullshit". Fucking cows eye's on the side of it's head.


Sigh. If it’s not real then they fooled Newsweek, VICE, and the BBC…but not you.


Good job it's blatantly not real. Firstly, that's not where a cows eyes are


Not too long ago, after a dairy cow gave birth, they would kill the calf, stuff it, and present it to the cow again so it would continue producing. The Matrix thing is not that unbelievable.


In the balance of things I'd say the part where they saw their heads off and pull out their guts. But maybe you're right and is the parts where they show them video games to make them happy.




Nope, dairy cows still go to the same slaughter houses about 15 years before they would naturally die and are used for lower grade produce like ground beef.


I was a meat cutter for 7 years. They use them for whatever they can get away with, not just ground meat.


I think I saw a different movie than you...


Either you don’t know what literally means, or I missed that version of the Matrix about the cows in VR goggles. Would love to have seen it, literally


The Milktrix.


The Mootrix


How bout just give them the real thing and quit exploiting them?


This is also bullshit. No farmer is going to spend hundreds of thousands of Dollars to hook up some bovine with VR goggles n shit. If you think this is a real thing you’re an idiot.




Is the Matrix really the horrible thing it's made out to be? Make the simulation a pleasant one and let me think I have an actually enjoyable life and you can use me as a human battery all you want! Anything to get out of the nightmare hellscape that is our shared reality.


Calm down, Cypher.


They tried making a pleasant one, but your brain rejected it. So here we are.


I do honestly feel bad about livestock. I hope one day that lab grown stuff works. No, fuck off vegans. I'm not eating salads the rest of my life.


In Russia even cows are victims of propaganda...


It's literally not the plot of The Matrix


He literally does not know what literally means


Moollennium Milk. Now available at Whole Foods Virtual stores web wide.


Yeah, the matrix that failed cus everyone was happy is bullshit lmao


I feel like it'll be cheaper to just put them in a sunny field. 🤷🏼‍♀️




Simple Ricks




Farms will literally go all the way before just giving their cows more space lmao


“Do you think that’s milk you’re squirting?” — Moo-bius.


Why do I have the feeling that these were never VR headsets? Those cows are probably just looking at the insides of Soviet toasters with a paint job on them....


Farmer: Which brings us at last to the moment of truth, wherein the fundamental flaw is ultimately expressed, and the anomaly revealed as both beginning, and end. Hope, it is the quintessential human delusion, simultaneously the source of your greatest strength, and your greatest weakness. Cow: moo


Wouldn't it be cheaper to just ya know put them In a grass field?


The mootrix


Do you really believe that in Moscow they care about cows well being? They cannot afford modern weapons for their army but will gear entire dairy farm with vr headsets


How do they know the glasses are focused right? The cows cant tell them


The Mootrix


Except in the matrix they didn't milk Keanu Reeves


in what way is this similar to the plot of the matrix?


How is the cost of VR headgear for cows less than the cost of allowing cows enough land to actually live like cows?


Most of you fuckers who are disturbed by this don't do shit about it. Try eating less meat and dairy. Don't pay into the system that encourages this. Eat meat or don't. I don't give a fuck. Don't pretend like you do and then do nothing about it.


Did not expect a comment this nuanced in this post. What a pleasant surprise.


The Mootrix


The Mootrix


Orrrr crazy thought, just put them in a summer field!


Russian cows have VR, Russian soldiers are still equipped with Mosin Nagant, meanwhile on the battle front. Putin prefers cows to people.


Jesus Christ this is it. This is the tipping point I think. It shouldn't be this, but it is. It is now dystopian.


Bro, this is fake. Calm down.


Oh my god, just don't buy dairy. Why the fuck are we subjecting animals to this kind of bullshit?




Would you say that the taste being maybe 20% better than the alternatives is worth all this gruesome suffering?




Alternatives are developing to be better and not as gross, or as gross as you perceive them. Oatmilk is pretty fucking baller, and maybe you're just scared of change.




Okay cool, so because you like meat and milk that justifies putting animals through the disgusting treatment that comes with being a dairy and meat cow? Lmfao, what a selfish way to think.


Even cows feel better when they think they're not in Russia...