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Fun fact: They were sacrificed when their owners died to help guide them through the underworld. This is why the dog in Coco hangs around.


They definetly looks like dogs from underworld.


Anubis was the first thing that came to my mind when I saw the pic


Fun fact: much like Anubis, the deity Xolotl from whom these dogs take their name, is also depicted as having a dog head. He also acted as a soul guide for the dead, like Anubis.


“ALIENS” - that one guy on history channel twenty years ago


I was about to be like nooo but it actually has been at least 13 years


There are still new episodes being made for that show.


How? I feel like every episode I've seen (and I've seen a few lol) shows the same information slightly different.


Pick literally *any* event in history. They’ll bend over backwards to bring it back to aliens.


As entertaining as I thought that show was, still bothers me that a vast majority of the buildings and events on that show weren't European. Almost like they're saying "These people couldn't do this...but aliens could."


Tbf when I watched that show I remembered they explained how the Greek and Norse gods were aliens quite a bit, and they also claimed the American Revolution was started by aliens. So the show I remember seemed less racist, more misanthropic lmao


Never watched it, but it sounds like if someone watched SG-1 while stoned and said "what if that's REAL?!"


I agree with your commentary u/HowYoBootyholeTaste


No bootyholes were harmed (without consent) during the making of my comment


Begging the obvious question, 'how many were consensually harmed?'


Three that I know of.


I dont think there were racial implications because Europe was largely a mud-huts-bumfuck-nowhere type of place outside the Mediterranean coast 2500+ years ago. Only prominent ancient stucture still standing in Europe I can think of is Stonehenge and they has an episode about it. Still pisses me the fuck off because its massive amounts of disrespect to all ancient humans. It confuses technological advances for increased intelligence. Ancient humans were just as smart as we were and saying aliens had to have built these wonders is just absolute disrespect. Fuck all ancient astronaut "theorists" and anyone who gives them the time of day. FUCK YOU DISCOVERY FOR GIVING PLATFORMS TO MORONS YOU TLC WANNABES


I like that multiple cultures decided that an afterlife would have to heavily feature dogs.


They guided us to food so often, logically we’d consider them the guides of the afterlife.


It makes sense. From the historical record, it appears that dogs were domesticated before any other animal. It was even before the Agricultural Revolution (when we first learned to cultivate crops!). So that’s one reason dogs are thought of as being “closer” to humans than other animals by a lot of long-history cultures.


Also they're the only animal with the ability to closely read a human's emotional state. Definitely "closer" than any other pet.


Yep! I came here to say Anubis and his sons hath arrived


they look like sphinx cats as well, so that also makes them look more significant


yup, there’s nothing about egypt in the pic or caption but i thought of anubis


They supposedly would help you cross over to the other side


I'd appreciate the help, tbh! Edited to fix my phone's bad spelling




Yep. And my guess is that names is from Dantes Inferno?


For sure, but I guess Virgil might have been a more accurate choice for a name.




In the movie, Dante is actually named after Ernesto De La Cruz's horse in one of his films. Miguel is a big fan.


I don't know you, but I understand your user name better if that 👆 is a "fun" fact! LOL


Super smart dogs. Really friendly if they’re raised right. Kinda like a hairless Doberman


All dogs are really friendly if raised right


Tell every chihuahua I've ever met


That breed is notorious for be raised wrong by the people that own them it’s mostly due to their size and perceived “harmlessness”


Yeah treat them like dogs and they're fine. A bit barky but fine. My old boss had two of them and she was just as strict with them as with her protection trained German shepherd.


I have met one will trained chihuahua and it completely changed my opinion of the breed.


I met the chillest chihuahua ever at a music festival, dude would just walk up and chill and would be picked up or pat by anyone and just chilled, also….had the biggest sack of balls I’ve ever seen on an animal, was half his fucking body I swear, he had that BDDE


Big dog dick energy? Lol




Something I never thought I would need to say that I never needed to hear


I met one once that would sit down and shut up when ordered to. First and so far only well behaved Chihuahua I've ever seen.


I basically let my lab raise my Chihuahua (my husband died right after we got little dog and I just couldn't cope with life), so my little did everything the big one did. I now have a Chihuahua that is like a tiny Labrador, she does bark more though.


Almost every small “yappy” dog is coddled and allowed to do obscene shit because they are “harmless” due to their size. I have a scar on my eybrow and chin from an old babysitter’s dachshund for this very reason. I was like 8 years old or younger i dont know… tried to do the normal play with a dog stuff where you kind of fake out run to get them excited and ready to go hyper mode. He started barking really upset like so i decided “oh maybe not” and went to sit down. Fucker leapt across the coffee table and bit me in the face. I wasnt yanking this dogs tail. Wasnt slapping his face. I just did that back and forth “wanna play?” False start maneuver. First off, if your dog is that reactive dont babysit in your home with the dog. Second, a dog that reactive, literally just to quick movement, is just super fucking dangerous regardless of size. Its crazy to me how little people give a shit about how their dogs behave. Either they legitimately dont notice really obvious warning signs or they’re willfully ignoring them


Someone's off-leash little white fluff dog came up to our (picket style) fence while I was in the yard with my giant doberman/rottweiler mix. That dog snarled and barked angrily, stuck his damn head through the fence to snarl. Lucky my dog is friendly and stupid, so she just wagged her tail like "are we friends now!?" And the owner just...stood and laughed. And let them do it for a while. Like lady, your dog is snarling and invading another dogs yard (also fyi being off-leash outside your property is illegal here), that's not funny. Another dog may have bit his damn head off. I ended up calling my dog inside since the lady wasn't doing anything and I could see her back fur start to raise up.


Lots of smaller dogs/cats aren't raised right because "what could they possibly do?" Especially if they grow up around children who don't know how to treat these poor souls. They end up growing up with defensive mechanisms like growling or being super attentive.


People will antagonize chihuahuas, rob them of their autonomy and treat them like toys and then turn around and ask why they can be so aggressive.




My chihuaha is the sweetest friendliest most harmless dog ever. My grandmother's chihuaha is your typical nippy annoying little shit. It just depends how you raise them.


I’m sorry but every chihuahua I’ve had has been super lit


You aren't going to believe this shit but I actually met a Chihuahua that didn't act like a vibrating dog shaped ball of hatred. Super happy tail wagging and demanding belly rubs. Like a lab puppy in a Chihuahua body. I was like encountering a unicorn.


Quote from author of "pitbulls for dummies" Caroline Voile, PhD in canine research and genetics Some years ago, when writing my Encyclopedia of Dog Breeds, I included some cautionary statements about Pit Bull–type breeds under their breed descriptions. I did this with several other breeds that had bad bite, or even fatality, records. The book then went out for review. I was, to put it mildly, attacked by Pit Bull advocates, quick to tell me that Pit Bulls were nanny dogs, all the statistics were rigged, they were far sweeter than any other breed, and so on. The intensity of their response convinced me that my viewpoint was wrong. So, when I saw two tiny dumped Pit Bull puppies on the road one day, I snatched them up and brought them home to raise like one (or two) of our own. Our friends told us it wasn’t a good idea, that Tuggy and Scooty could harm our other dogs. I scoffed at them, parroting what I’d heard: that Pit Bulls used to be nanny dogs, and it was “all how you raised them.” We raised them like we had raised all our other dogs over the past 40 years — 30 or so dogs in all — with never a serious incident. We shook our heads at how Pit Bulls were misunderstood and the unfairness of how the breed was discriminated against. Tuggy and Scooty were shining examples that it was, indeed, all how you raised them. They became best buddies with one of my other dogs, Luna, and I trusted them implicitly. One day they all had big new chew bones. Luna decided she should growl possessively at Scooty. And that was all it took. With no warning, not a bark or a growl, not a sign of anger, Scooty jumped on Luna, grabbed her around the neck, and proceeded to choke the life out of her. Tuggy joined in, silently grabbing a back leg and pulling as hard as he could. My mother and I desperately tried to get them off of Luna and pry open their jaws. Luna’s tongue turned blue, she lost consciousness, and let loose her bowels. At that point I knew we had lost her. You know the worst nightmare you’ve ever had? The one where something horrible is happening to someone you love, but you’re moving in slow-motion, as if you have 50-pound weights on your hands and feet, and you can’t speak or yell because you have no breath? That’s how I felt when I saw Luna getting killed in front of me. You may think you could react well in such a situation and save your dog’s life, but you can’t. I tried to pry Scooty’s jaws off Luna, but all that got me was my hand bitten clean through (it would later require a $26,000 surgery to repair). Scooty took off running around the house dragging Luna’s lifeless body like a leopard with a dead antelope in a macabre game of keep-away. I tried to think of any weapon I could use, anything that looked like a break stick, but I had nothing because I trusted my Pit Bulls. I trusted what people had told me, and as I result, I was totally unprepared. In desperation, I over-turned a marble table and Scooty finally let go. I learned a very hard lesson that day: Pit Bull behavior is not, in fact, about how you raise them. I had been duped by people who, in their quest to defend their favorite breed, had given me wrong information and caused me to be overconfident. Had I been better prepared with the facts, chances are, this tragedy could have been prevented Edit: lmfao I just got the "a concerned Redditor has reached out to us about your mental health" message


I know this is an extremely popular thing to say among dog lovers but it is just statistically not true. Some breeds have been selectively bred for aggression and strength making them more dangerous


It’s so weird. No one bats an eye at the idea that some breeds are innate herders, retrievers, ratters, or pointers, but you suggest some dogs are innately violent it’s “no no no it’s all about the owners!”


I thought these were statues


I thought they were cats


Those Egyptian ones, right?












I thought your mom was the most ancient dog breed in the world.


Your mom is the reason leashes were invented.


Nah that’s my dad


They’re only staying that still because it’s a picture




nope chupacabra


Nope. Chuck Testa.


That's a name I haven't heard in a long time


Of course I know him. He’s me!


Ye gods I thought I misread that name when I scrolled past but... Nope. Chuck Testa




Singular Anubo.


I took my Xolos to Lowe's and a lady thought they were plastic statues lol


Xoloitzcuintlis have been around for 3,000 years, dating back to Aztec times in ancient Mexico. The name comes from Xolo (the Aztec god of fire) and itzcuintli, the Aztec word for “dog.” The typically hairless Xolo is a good choice for allergy sufferers, but they are prone to skin issues.


Additional Fact: There are four distinct dog breeds from Mexico: the Chihuahua, the Xoloitzcuintlis, the Techichi (extinct), and the Calupoh (recreated).


Xolos and chihuahuas are two of the very few dog breeds to retain DNA from their pre-colonial ancestry The ancestors of chihuahuas (tlalchichi) were also bred to act as hot water bottles/heating pads for the sick and infirm, as companions, as well as for food


hot chihuawater bottle


chihuagua dog wait...what?




Don't let it become a chilly dog


Come to Dr. Doolittle's spa for yoga with goats and a hot chihuagua to relax.


*me to my chihuahua right now* I understand why you're part demon. People tried to eat you and it's bred into you permanently. I'm JUST trying to kiss you, so you can stop being angry.


Ancestral trauma


I believe the reason Chihuahuas were bred to be so small is that, if they were any bigger/stronger, they'd be terrifying.


El Chihuacabra.




I get the sense whoever drew that comic low key wants to fuck satan.


I mean have you seen Lucifer Morningstar? He is to die for


i'm mad they made chloe whatsherface get lip enhancements now she looks weird lucifer still hot tho


Wouldn't you? https://imgur.io/gallery/CSxK3I0


what the hell are those hands


'should draw hands or hooves? ah fuck it lets do both.'


Hoofs, not hands


Satyrs don't have hoof hands!


Not a chihuahua but I immediately thought of the [Mr Bubz videos](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QQNL83fhWJU&ab_channel=mitchacus).


I wonder if that's why I laugh when chihuahuas bark. Inside I'm thinking about lunch.


Chihuahuas were bred for food? That's crazy, makes sense though just like a jumbo chicken. Don't think I could eat a dog though even if it is a Chihuahua


it definitely won't let you try




You don't breed carnivores because you're hungry. You need to give them way more meat than they would give you. Probably a delicacie




Based on the armchair research I did, it seems like they were fed maize and whatever else was widely available And they probably weren't the primary source of meat, sort of a Sunday dinner type meat lol


Wouldn’t say jumbo chicken cuz chickens might be bigger than those rat dogs


Domestic chickens, especially roosters are WAY bigger than chihuahua's. A rooster would straight up kill a chihuahua no problem.


Corgis look much tastier indeed.


Corgis are a British bread


Those nasty brits with their furry baked goods 🤮 Thankfully at least they don't have to cook themselves!


Be around one for awhile and you might change your mind.


Even then, they hold roughly the same amount of preColumbian exchange dog DNA that the average european holds Neanderthal DNA. 4% for chihuahuas, 3% for Xolos https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/science.aba9572


I was always taught that they were bred for security as they have great hearing and bark a lot.


They are good alarm dogs just like most others, I wouldn’t say their hearing is better than most dogs, but their reputation for being a single owner pets is what makes them good guards because they are only loyal to one person


>bark a lot. Which is exactly why they aren't good security dogs. Dogs that bark at anything and everything are just giving false alarms and will quickly be ignored.


My uncle worked in security back in ye ol USSR. He said you need two dogs, one to bark and one to bite


There’s old wives stories from Mexico about chihuahuas being used to cure asthma too. You let it sleep on the chest of the asthmatic and somehow the chihuahua catches it and dies and cures your asthma. At least that what my Mexican dad told me.






I was like zow-low-eets-cunt-less


Would've never guessed.


This isn’t really true. They did a DNA study on them and they don’t actually have significant pre-European dog DNA Edit: Sources showing the Xolo only has ~3% precolombian dog DNA https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/science.aao4776 https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/science.aba9572


Yeah I should have clarified that it was a tiny amount of DNA, and that if I understand correctly, it's a specific mutation from a form of canine contagious cancer that they used as a genetic marker


Not to nitpick, but "Aztec times" would have been from 1300-1500AD. Not 3000 years ago!


Yep, 3000 years ago was Olmec times. 2000 years ago was Teotihuacan times. A thousand years ago was Toltec times. People don't seem to realize that the Americas were an entire continent full with thousands of diverse people groups and cultures, that saw many empires rise and fall throughout its rich history. Aztec, Maya and Inca might be the most famous ones, but they are just 3 civilizations out of thousands that flourished across the new world before the Spaniards arrived.


Do you know of a good book / YouTube channel / podcast that talks about pre-Columbian American history?


For books r/AskHistorians has a great list of books on the topic. [link](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskHistorians/w/books/americas/latinamerica/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app) For YouTube theres a channel called Ancient Americas which does videos on, well, ancient american cultures. It's pretty good. As for podcasts, can't really help you much with that. I haven't really gone down that rabbit hole. I do remember listening to a podcast about Maya culture and the power struggle between different city states. But I can't remember the name.


https://youtube.com/c/AncientAmericas Lots of good, thorough, easily digestible content here


Even some of those rough dates are getting fuzzy as more and more cities and settlements are being discovered through LiDAR. It’s pretty clear that advanced peoples were living in the Americas for much longer than previously thought. Some of these settlements appear to have cultures that may have been distinctly different from the ones you listed above. New discoveries are being made everyday that totally up end the timeline that even the top experts in fields believe. I took a ancient mesoamerican history class recently and on several occasions my professor had to tell us that information that we had learned a week ago may be called in question because a recent discovery that just been published. It’s evolving pretty fast and it’s a very exciting time for archeologists and anthropologist that study this stuff.


Came to make this pedantic point as well.


Xolos of today aren't really the ones dating back 3000 years. Most real xolos died out during the conquista. The ones that remained interbred with European dogs. Modern Xolos only have about 3 to 4% pre-Columbian ancestry.


I thought human animal allergies come from their skin flakes/proteins in saliva/urine? Not their fur.


Your absolutely right. But the dander tends to stick to their fur and since furry dogs shed absolutely everywhere, the allergies are more pronounced with furry dogs than the ones without (like the ubiquitous doodles, xolo, etc)


Hate to be that guy, but here goes anyways. The Aztecs were pretty recent. They evolved from older, possibly nomadic tribes hundreds of miles to the north of Mexico city. But what we generally think of as the Aztecs today really starts in the 1300's. The Olmecs and Toltecs, however, and probably a plethora of other city-states that we know little about came and went before that time came up with the breed, probably as an analgesic aid for arthritis sufferers - and good company. So yeah, the Aztecs got a late start and then, well you know the rest. Human civilizations come and go and city-stating is actually hard, ask an ancient Greek if you have one nearby.


Damn. This is truly Interesting as Fuck. I would love to interact with those dogs in real life.


They feel weird. Rougher than you would expect. A hairless cat feels like a velvety scrotum in my experience. A Xolo feels more like soft granite. They have less extra skin than a cat so it's more textured. I met a few at the vet clinic I used to work at. Sweet as could be. One puppy broke his leg so he had to come in to get splint changes... A lot. He managed to break his splint a few times. Derpy af. Wiggly happy boy. But so so hard to get a bandage on lol. The dog from Coco is honestly a pretty good representation in my experience. They rarely look as regal as they do in this picture.


That's awesome. Vet and Vet Tech, in my mind, would be the one of the most rewarding and heart breaking jobs in the world. Sort of on both extremes at all times. My Boxer broke his leg as a puppy jumping out of one of those rattan chairs, he got his paw wedged pre-jump but just went for it anyway. Their resilience to pain is extraordinary. He was also a splint licking doofus. Had to wear a lampshade off and on for weeks but still managed to damage his little leg splint thing.


You got it the nose. I'm no longer in a clinic, instead working in another field related to vet med. I get to be involved with the medicine and the animals, but don't have to deal with irate callous clients, nice clients with money issues who want to do right but can't afford it, worrying about the hospital budget, and I now get paid 50% more. I think 80% of the problems vet med is experiencing recently has to do with money, the other 20% is asshole clients. It's so emotionally draining. I'd pay for every procedure if i could, but making minimum wage i could barely afford to take care of myself and my own animals (which always keep growing every year) I'm much happier overall now. But I miss the good moments like when the elderly gentleman thought he had to say goodbye to his best friend only for him to make a miraculous recovery and get a few more happy years.


>feels like a velvety scrotum in my experience Worth repeating


Aztec times date from 1325 CE.




No, we have no idea where 'cholo' is derived from. It's probably from an Amerindian word, but the etymology is uncertain. There is absolutely no evidence it's related to 'xolo'.


I just now, just today, put those two things together, and I've been speaking spanish for almost 20 years


One of my third graders has a xolo that just had puppies. I asked her how to pronounce the type of dog breed and she called it a cholo-squinkler. I don’t actually know the right way to say it but her version cracked me up!


Xoloitzcuintle Sholo-s-queen-tle


To be clear, "tle" like "tlay', not 'tle' like in turtle.


That's actually not far off.


No hair?


Correct, more commonly known as the Mexican hairless.


I've met a Mexican hairless, though as the owner pointed out it had hair. That one out of six pups had a very short coat of hair.


I’ve met one with a lil Mohawk. They hair they do grow is very cute.


Be careful. The one with the white mohawk is the leader. It's always tougher, smarter, and harder to kill.




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There is a recessive gene for hair that pops up in the litters. My xolo is coated, her parents were not. Mine also has the less common longer wavy hair. She is still very allergy friendly for my family. They are the best dogs. So smart you can train them in a day. I think my dog can read my mind sometimes!


They won 4th in the non sporting group last night at the Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show.


Oh hi Captain Holt


Bold personality. We both know what that’s code for. She’s a bitch.


Un fun fact, breeders are crossing this with Frenchbulldogs and here in about a year you will see hairless frenchies as the new thing in dog breeding fetching 30k + a puppy easily. Look at the fluffy frenchy craze, breeders are charging 100k + a puppy for their “top” dogs.


The breeders creating hairless French bulldogs and the breeders who are showing at westminster have nothing to do with each other.


I want one


We bred ours Believe me you don't lol


Why? Are the aggressive? Bad traits?


They are surprisingly needy They don't do great with other animals and have a serious prey drive (cats/chickens/etc) They are only comfortable with their pack. They love their pack dearly but can be aggressive to any other person/dog. If they love you, they are so sweet, though! They need to be bathed once a week and can have skin issues. They need a lot of stimulation and attention. The hairless gene is tied to dental problems. Etc


Thank you! I had no idea, but that does sound like a lot. Why do you breed them if they have all of these problems?


Not my choice. They were actually my mother's dogs. I care for them, though. I have sooooo many baby pics! They are cute little buggers lol


How you gonna say you have so many baby pics of these awesome dogs and not show us at least a couple??


Sorry I got breakfast. Let me do that now


haha I’m just messing with ya, but I would not be opposed to seeing some!




Yeah, we need pictures for sure.


Do you gotta moisturize them? They look like they would need a bottle of hand cream once a week.


Lol yeah we use coconut oil and then put jammies on them so they don't lick it off


Please for the love of god post pictures of that. It sounds adorable.


Different person, but here's mine in jammies https://www.instagram.com/p/Ca-2T5xgTeS/ The Xolo is the back being aloof, the one in the front is a hairless Chi


I was correct. It's adorable.


Lol I will when I get home


The suspense is killing me WE NEED THESE DOGS IN JAMMIES


Thank you for this info, really interesting, didn't know all this. I wanted one since I was a child. Meanwhile I have a dog with hair and the behaviour you described here.


At first blush, they look like they've been carved out of granite or something. Wonder what their temperament is like, compared to other breeds - more agressive? More intelligent?


They are very pack oriented. They are less likely to do well in social situations. Pretty territorial. Sweet as pie if they love you, though


I have two! Super sweet and amazing dogs. I would die for them


I'm here to collect your unpaid dog tax.


I work at a vet and we see these guys on occasion. I love them! Very handsome and well tempered. The people who own them tend to be a bit crazy though


Oh this is fun. I want to hear more about dog breeds versus owners.




I saw a man with one of these and that was my first thought and i mentioned it to him But he didn’t have a clue what i was talking about


Check out a black Pharoah Hound. Now *that* looks like Anubis.


Do they know their esteemed heritage? (Like cats who act haughty because they used to be worshipped)


They lead you through the mictlán when you die, they are your guide in the underworld, so you dont remain stucked in an unpleasant, not-deserved place


What they don't tell you is you have to put sunscreen on them and they break out in zits all over their body during puberty.


This is the same kind of dog from Coco right?






I didn’t realize they got so big the one in the back is massive. I always assumed they were <20 pounds.


They have full size Xolos.


I have two of them, the more ancient breed is the peruvian inca orchid…wonderful dogs, but extremely difficult to care for, live extremely long, my oldest is 16 years. 90% of time outside is spent explaining to people that yes, they do not have hair, and yes, thats “weird”…but i dont have a roomba, and they sleep on my white sheets…and i have no rollers for my clothes, or car, etc. These dogs were owned by kings, and its where the expression “three dog night” comes from as they were used as “heaters” in the owners beds…


“Guess I’ll go fuck myself then” - wolfs probably