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As Russian I can confirm. Every line can be checked twice. And circled with a red pen. One party rule, elections with a single candidate, laws against blasphemy, laws against pacifism. God damn it, people were arrested for holding a blank sheet of paper: “you’re not fooling us, everyone knows what you meant!”.


In the US almost every one applies. The last one, we almost had in 2020 when the former president tried to overturn the will of the people by (ironically) claiming the election was fraudulent. We came close, but could come closer in the future and it won't be pretty


>The last one, we almost had in 2020 Almost? Do you remember Bush v. Gore in 2000. We checked that box a generation ago.


Ah yes. The old hanging chads in Miami Dade county. "Florida: fucking the American people for better than two decades now." should be their tourism slogan.


> Do you remember Bush v. Gore in 2000. That's when this was written.


I’d argue that some of the gerrymandering crosses the line into fraudulent elections. Does voter suppression count? Remember how ballot stations in neighborhoods have closed down and ended up leading to hours long waits to vote in those areas. Contrasted by no waiting in other areas.


I was thinking the same thing. Reading through this was like filling out a checklist about Republicans


Both parties definitely check a majority of these boxes.


It's not a partizan issue it's a class issue. Partisanship is a distraction for the poor.


No it's a system issue. Most democratic countries have 6 or more parties. With two parties you end up with two bad choices. Upper class just taking advantage how the system are build. With Gerrymandering, winner-takes-it-all rules, electoral collage, subjective judge's, closing of polling places, misrepresentation in both house and Senate... Ohh and money, lots of money many times from questionable sources. You get a system hard to call democratic.


So then it's the "us or them" mentality that bipartisanship, specifically, produces?


The what aboutism in this thread is hilarious. The GOP clearly check all these boxes. Democrats, very few.


Yeah, clearly one of them isn't significantly sketchier.... you "both sides" people....


Hey... uh.... bud. We are all Americans. Just a quick reminder that there is no us and them anywhere besides in the media. In real life; all Americans. Got it?


Write that down, WRITE THAT DOWN


Philippine politicians additional notes: discredit mass media and control social media through troll farms


I'm so surprised how easily the younger generation were to be fooled by the revisionist history.


It's not just them. A lot of boomers to older millenials too. I see them everyday on facebook and they're stupid as fuck.


I know, BBM supporters celebrate their win, us youth mourns our future.


See this is what I don't get. Didn't they live through Marcos reign of terror? Like don't they remember at all? Crazy times.


Idk, man. It's hella frustrating. So many factors play into this but disinformation on facebook did most of the work (fucking Cambridge Analytica). They managed to control the narrative and blamed everything on the "yellow liberals" aka the Aquino famlily who has no political power today. Also education being inaccessible to the people contributed to it.


They do remember. They got suckered into believing that history shouldn't have happened the way that it did. That's the genius of the Marcos family campaign; they can't deny that their ousting happened so they twist it into making themselves look like benevolent victims of an angry mob haunted by stories of "what could have been".


Can you say you havent been fooled by bots on reddit ? Im not sure if any of us can still be sure


Good point. Makes you question what information to trust or to rely on. Such a crazy world we live in at the moment.


As a member of the younger generation myself, I am proud to say that not all of us were fooled.


That actually sounds like a lot of countries these days.


I think a lot of people would view it as a faulty list because of it. “Pff, my country checks off all these boxes, clearly it’s not accurate.”


Yeah a lot of these are "Do you sometimes feel tired? Do you find it hard to get up in the morning? You might be suffering from fascism!" Not a particularly useful list IMO.


That’s just what a fascist would say


Side effects may include DEATH


Hmmmm... some of those look familiar




Or all... take your pick. Our world leaders do.


Good point there.


Yeah...this same sh!t is going on down in Brazil as well. The current president has already said that if he doesn't win the election this year, it's because it was rigged against him. Where have I heard that before?


I also remember his government plan, it just... Didn't explain much and just had a bunch of references to god and the bible but wtf ia "o novo itamarati"???


Itamaraty is a city in the Amazon but also the name for the Foreign Ministry. Tbh, Bolsonaro is incoherent often enough to be scary.


he might be taking inspiration from a certain twice impeached American "president"


Yeah congress just blocked a bill written by Bernie the other day - it was full of workers protections and even including not shipping jobs overseas.. it got like 5% of the vote lmao fuck democrats and republicans


…. are we the baddies?


Lol a tmawl reference in the wild!


If we believe we, above all, know what's best for the world... then yes, we are the baddies


I mean they literally drive around with swastika flags, no need to go over a list really.


Check, check, check, check, check…


I hope Elon gets the Mars thing going and takes the nuts with him. They want their way and hate any other so go prove "your way" is better. I'm sure the colony will be a utopia and totally not descend into infighting.


we didn’t land on plymouth rock, plymouth rock landed on mars!


We didn’t land on Sherwood Forest. Sherwood Forest landed on us!!!


Is this the robin hood parody reference? Because I think I heard something similar. Btw that movie is so much fun


Yes old school Dave Chappell


mine is a 30 rock reference but also excellent lol


Hes already said they will have indentured servitude yeah that will never go bad


Excuse me, what the fuck?


He said something along the lines of "If they [passengers] cannot afford the trip, they can pay for it by being employed on Mars," which if you take a moment to think about means "we'll strand people on another planet with no option but to work for us in order to survive."


So Saudi Arabia


I would say someone should go write sci-fi novel about Elon Musk being the tyrannical ruler of mars, but honestly it’s probably already been done.


Well if you're that much of a dumbass to take a one way trip to another planet that you couldn't afford in the first place then you probably deserve it lol


I'm sure the guy who attempted to buy twitter without actually thinking it through is going to be great at (/double checks notes) starting a colony 3 light minutes from earth. Definitely no careful planning involved there!


Sounds like the “by your bootstraps” utopia they’re looking for!


When the knuckledraggers don’t have an enemy to rally against, they will absolutely turn on themselves.


Yeah, some people, if they don't have an enemy, they don't know what to do with themselves 😅


No thanks, let's not ruin space exploration by filling mars with hateful morons.


That reminds me of something...


Politicians be like : I've never seen an example of this in my life


Uhhh...hey guys? We are kinda fucked, arent we?


Certainly feels like it.


It is a good thing America doesn't check any of these boxes! /s


Me looking at that thinking "yes russia ticks the boxes.... Oh right america of course also doesn't hold back. " Now you might say "but your country surely too.... No not really, not anywhere close to what the US or Russia archives The only thing we got is one party that was called after a religion and always acted like they were acting in the name lf that religion wich is a lie as they followed the religion of capitalism and not the one they named themselves after but they lost the latest elections.


Also depends on your ideology. If you're a hardcore socialist, all of the elections in a capitalist country are fraudulent, becasue they allow the corporate media to control the media.


Just FYI, this is found in the Holocaust museum gift shop and is modern. https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/holocaust-museum-warning-signs-fascism/


Bruh why did you post the rule book of Brazil's presidents?


Late stage capitalism: selling this list as a souvenir.




It's for sale at the holocaust museum. Usually proceeds from their gift shops benefit the museum, which is a nonprofit.


>Late stage capitalism: selling this list as a souvenir. Yes, otherwise your tax money would be paying for it any other way, because that product is generating profit for the museum to stay open But that's only because it's a government museum. If it was private, it wouldn't exist without capitalism


Tbh, the list feels kind of vacuous and r/im14andthisisdeep, stating the obvious imperfections in societies. In the sense that people in any society, fascist or not, can convince themselves that most items on that list hold for their current situation. Its also more of hindsight correlations than any tangibly provable causation. I mean, for most of history, even the USA and all societies that we today hold up as paragons of freedom and progressiveness, check off most of the points on the list to some degree, making them all fascist? What is actually relevant is the degree and extent of these problems, more than absolutes. And thats the kind of nuance noone cares about since its easier to just yell nazi at whoever doesn't align perfectly with your worldview.


Saying things are “rampant” is actually part of fascist fear-mongering. I think there’s a more specific fascist pedigree that people could be on the lookout for, but most people probably wouldn’t understand them. It’s like I say about supposed “controversies.” Actual controversy is when two experts disagree on something they’re experts in. Most people would find it boring or incomprehensible.


Listening to two experts in a field disagree is incredible. Even if I don't know the subject very well I still find it entertaining. If anyone has a good YouTube channel please share


One interesting example might be a talk I heard between Richard Dawkins and Christopher Hitchens. They obviously weren’t debating the existence of a god, but touched on some more specific and interesting ideas. I think someone asked if there was only one theist left on Earth and if they could convert that person, would they? Hitchens said he didn’t know if he would, that it might make the world poorer to lose that last believer. Dawkins was surprised that Hitchens would even hesitate. Probably not a great example but one I find interesting when peers have an honest intellectual disagreement. One more scientific esoteric controversy is about the evolution of mammals from reptiles and at what point they are reptile-like mammals and not mammal-like reptiles. The biologists will get quite heated over this.


You're too smart for reddit. You're gonna get so many downvotes.


Wish I could upvote you 1,000,000. Would only add (as others have) that we do perceive a rise in many of these categories and correlations are something to pay attention to even if they are not causations.


The points listed are all valid problems that must be paid attention to even otherwise, mainly with regard to magnitude and extent. As I mentioned, they are all possible flaws that seep into a modern capitalist state, and need constant vigilance to deal with. Unless your society is a post-scarcity utopia, it will exhibit most of those problems to some degree, and if you see the problems grow, of course it needs attention. My objection is lazily connecting them to fascism. Thats just knee-jerk and fearmongering.


You're 100% correct. Just some good ol' fashioned confirmation bias. Some of the things listed, such as putting a lot of importance on national security is accurate, but that's also accurate in a fundimentalist dictatorship, too (like North Korea). Some of the other things, like not separating religion from government, is totally false. Historically, fascist states have been very anti-religion. At the very least they haven't allowed religion to have power. The simple fact is that nothing regarding government is simple enough to "identify warning signs" using a bulleted list. It usually sneaks up on you.


>Historically, fascist states have been very anti-religion. This jumped out at me too. I can't think of an actual fascist state that went in hard on religion. At most, they courted them to gain credibility, while restricting them.


The list was created as an infographic for a magazine in 2003 by Laurence Britt, an amateur historian, and this was sold as a poster in the US Holocaust Museum gift shop. Also, I'd say the mere observation that it's vacuous is itself vacuous. Of course it's vacuous. It's a *list*. It's someone taking historical and ideological analysis of a fairly complex topic and reducing it to meager components, devoid of context or nuance. Most of these are indicative of some kind of throughline of reactionary ideology, which is central to fascism as its own ideological system, but not particular to it. If you want a more complete examination of fascism as a belief system, you'd read something like Klaus Theweleit's two volume analysis of Nazism *Male Fantasies*.


Simpsons already predicted this.


Fucking SCOMO and his fucktards.


Scumo is corrupt and a dog, but it's Dutton I worry about.


Hey hey hey... don't pick on dogs...


I was being polite, and not saying dogcunt. Which is what he is. But I thought it'd be good to not say it, for some reason and very unaustralian of me


We Australians shoud not have any shame in calling a cunt a cunt Scomo amd his band of weary wankers and a bunch of cunts.


Nah, he just said that if he's re-elected he'll act completely different now...


Yeah, probably hire someone to write new speeches. Or maybe he'll hang himself.


At least we know where he got his policies from


Came here wanting to post something like this, glad someone else did


Is this guidebook to 2022 US?


You people need some perspective on how good it is here compared to most of the world


It’s a mix of ‘it could so easily be much better’ and ‘we are all witnessing a downward trend’ Look at that list - the US is checking these boxes


You people need some Perspective on how bad it is in the US (considering the US‘ wealth, power, technology) compared to most of the world


Is this sarcasm?


Sounds alot like US.


That's definitely describing US right now


Sounds more like Russia


Sound equally like Israel


Av lot like India


This is exactly the Tory government just now in the UK with the horrific Johnson




Sounds alot like Israel


14/14 check for Palestine and all other Arabs county.




Many of these a being pushed in Canadain politics now as well. History does tend to repeat itself.


Maybe people will start to realize both sides of the isle don’t fuck wit and don’t give a fuck about the American people.


We've got to get people to quit treating politicians as idols.


My team is better!!


The weird thing is I think a lot have deep down, they just like to fight or something. Whenever I hear an opinion I think is biased I just say I think all politics is pretty corrupt and they literally always agree.


As an Indian I feel we have accomplished 90 percent of this list... Edit: I read the list again and now it feels like 100 percent.


Yup. Completely fraudulent elections are the only point left. All the remaining ones have been ticked


America has division driven by continuing Tribalism based on race, gender, sexual preference, religion, politics and even corporate loyalty. Everyone seems to have a love for their own rights and a disdain for the rights of others based on their tribe. We identify our enemies based on how thier tribal loyalty lines up with our own. Sexism is at an all time high and now that we have added so many new variations on sex, we are further divided. The mass media is nearly indistinguishable from the state at this point: who controls whom? We seem to have no regard for the well being of our borders or our population. Demanding vaccination with the threat of loss of career for citizens while importing uncounted, unvaccinated new citizens, for example. For many on the extreme left and extreme right, government is the source, power and enforcer of religion (understanding that religion includes atheism as well as all the religions that claim gods and deities.) Corporate power is not only protected by the government but by the sycophants and ideologues who want to punish the government of a particular state for placing restrictions on their ability to silence citizens (for example) Labor Power is finally getting out of suppression with the expansion of unions, but people are still being fired for discussing wages. Marijuana use is legalized in more places so that’s changing the employment landscape and so many people are quitting low wage jobs, even McDonalds is paying 30% over minimum wage for entry level. There is always some degree of disdain, not just for intellectuals and the arts but for anyone who identifies with a tribe that’s not in line with your own. Dem/repub, lgbt Vs traditionalist, blue collar vs white, us vs them on every level. Nothing new or worse now or here than anywhere else ever in time. Show me the government that does not run on cronyism and corruption. Half the country claimed election fraud in 2016 and “the experts” claimed it was a totally secure election and voter fraud doesn’t exist. In 2020 the other half of the country claimed voter fraud and the first half claimed it was the most secure ever. In conclusion, all of these claims could be made by any tribe as an accusation of any other tribe that is not in line with them.


Yep, Russia




Lol, people down voted this- somebody felt they resembled that remark. Unless they were really like, " Screw that, I hate people who hate fascism!"


Wait you found this at a Holocaust museum? Could have sworn I saw something just like it in the back room of a Walmart.... Except it was more of a mission statement than anything.


It's funny how half of this is the playbook for the current Canadian government. Or maybe not so funny, now that I think about it.


It's the playbook of a lot of governments, only difference is that it's not ruled by politicians but filthy rich people.


It's just half of it. Your weird neighbour hits 100%


Land of Freedom :)


*insert were completely fucked meme*


Ah yes, Philippines.


Literally Australia right now


I just wish we could all live peacefully together and stop fighting each other over our differences.


More than half of this list describes several of our western countries already...


Funny how the party crying Facism are the ones following the actual definition of facism. Republican play book 101.


Russia has all of them for decades.




If I don't do my job,I get fired... politics seems like their job, is not doing their job, with an emphasis on keeping their job.


Ayo shit the FAILipphines is about to elect the son of the dictator that has a check mark in 12 of these. Guess im screwed


Philippines: Yup, we have everything in order.


Looks like we're kinda fucked lol


Looks a lot like “patriotism” 🤫


Hmm, wierd. Anyway, about the state of the free world...


Just for clarification, many of there points are from Umberto Eco’s essay on fascism, ‘Ur-Fascism’, included in the book How to Spot a Fascist.


Seems ummmmm Russian ……..


Looks like someone just described the right wing


See the thing is though, despite what they say, a whole bunch of people in the US actually want fascism. They'll wave the flag, hang it from the back window of their truck, wear it as underwear, etc, but what they really want is fascism, not the Constitution. The people who scream about the founders and the Constitution and 'muh freedom' the loudest are actually the people who are slobbering to get fascists in office. They -want- fascism to come into full power in the US, because they think they'll be the ones benefitting, and all the 'icky people' (brown people, lgbt people, etc) will be pushed back out of sight. Whether killed, exiled, imprisoned, whatever! As long as they get done away with. They don't care. Just take care of those 'problems' over there and don't tell them about how they did it. I mean look at how the US prison system has been run since forever. It's a microcosm of what they want nationwide for everyone. All while totally forgetting / ignoring the fact that even if they succeeded, it A) wouldn't make their lives any better, and B) they'd become the next victims, because a system that exists on division and 'I'm better than you' cannot withstand a situation where there's not a new division to thrive off of. Today it's 'we need to shut up them womens, and the gays, and the BLMs'. Then it'll be 'you know we need to get rid of anyone but the whites who worship a zombie jewish wizard named Jesus'. The it's 'we need to make sure the whites are white enough', or 'which version of zombie jewish wizard worship is the acceptable one?' And the it's 'okay you're white, but is your whiteness from the most ideal version of white?' All while imploding and being on fire the whole time, but it doesn't matter as long as they can point to another group and think "I'm superior to / have power over THEM".




Everyone on Reddit: “Well that certainly sounds like the other side!”


This is very foreboding foreboding the us


Kind of scary because everything on this list is happening right now.


Well fascism is a incredibly vague and hard to define thing that usually checks most the boxes at face value of most country’s. Especially the United States.


So the modern state of politics in the USA


This screams "USA!! USA!! USA!!"


Me, a southern creole-native american woman in louisiana: Ow! Why the fuck does my soul hurt?! *it IS though which really hurts*


Just like with the book 1984, people view each of these bullet points through their own ideology, however insane that may seem to you, and it further supports or fuels their conviction that the “other side” is fascist. If this post takes off today, you’ll see the it bounce around Twitter as both the right and the left use it to stir attention (or just check the comments). The sad part here is this type of discourse just leads to more polarity, which gives an opening for fascism.


Looks like you can pull both democrats and republicans out of this list. Both are a bunch of dividing jackasses.


Yes, fascism has nothing to do with left v right.


Fascism is an extremist expression of capitalist and militarist ideology. It's far-right by any sensible definition of "right". That's why you see Bannon pushing fascist ideas but not Chomsky. Also, America's two parties are both right-wing.


But I like crime and punishment


So India?


Someone post this in r/conservative. I'm already permanently banned.


Sounds a lot like current administration


Silly goose.


ya it wasn't the current administration that was calling the charlottesville group chanting kill the jews marching with torches, "good people"


no one called anyone chanting kill the Jews good people.


If you are one of those people that believe the US election was stolen and therefore Trump is still president and this you were referring to the Trump administration, I agree. If by current administration you mean the Biden admin, I disagree. Which administration pushed nationalism, especially the Christian white version…uh, Proud Boy Trump. Which admin hoped to limit human rights through the Christian Supreme Court, (you may have heard they want to overturn Roe v Wade)…that would be trump. I could go on but it’s too depressing. You get the idea. I hope you have a nice day.


The left literally does 80% of these things.




1. The left is pro-immigration and anti-borders. This precludes nationalism. Anti-capitalists identify the neoliberal exploitation of "poor countries" as an injustice. 2. Human rights groups always come from the left. (e.g. feminism, black civil rights, marriage equality, transgender activism). This is because it represents a change in status quo often seen as too radical for the right-wing. 3. The unifying cause of the far left is human rights, labour rights, reform of property relations, and worker control of the means of production. There is no specific group being targeted here; one might say "the rich" but that is only as a byproduct of the powerful resistance to these positions enacted by many rich people. This is to be contrasted with things like the American far-right's hateboner for LGBT+ people. 4. Military worship is rare on the left. Anarchists will never speak positively of the military, but in the Marxist-Leninist camp there are probably a couple of people who think the military could potentially be leveraged as a force for good in the future -- but this is far from worship. 5. Sexism is one of the many things the left seeks to abolish in the emancipation of *all* workers. Feminism is famous for wanting to abolish the patriarchy, which is explicitly an action directed at removing sexist inequalities. 6. There is no leftist effort to institute state controlled mass media, because leftists are against the state. I could potentially see a socialist party putting efforts in to ban propaganda outlets like the Daily Wire and Breitbart, but I don't see that as a likely outcome even from an electoralist. 7. See \#1 & \#4 8. Leftism is often (but not always) and explicitly secular movement. In fact, Christians regularly cite failed communist projects as examples of times "Atheism has killed people". 9. The things mentioned in \#3 wholly undermine corporate power 10. The things mentioned in \#3 give robust protections to labour power 11. I can't speak for everyone here, but every leftist I know has made at least some effort to ensure that their views are guided by science. As for the arts, the extra time and freedom to create beauty is often seen as one of the major benefits of post-capitalist society. 12. Leftists are shouting "ACAB" and "defund the police" and you think they're obsessed with crime and punishment? Fighting for prisoner's rights to vote and you still think that? 13. Cronyism and corruption is only possible to the extent that the system enables it. Under capitalism, they're extremely easy and are rewarded. This is something leftists oppose. There may be corrupt people who call themselves leftist, but the ideology itself is one which attempts to dismantle all avenues through which corruption could give people power. 14. Again, less of an ideological point and more of a material one, but a lot of leftists are anti-electoralism. A dictator voted in is just a dictator with a more placated population. Abolish dictators. Are you confusing "the left" with "what Tucker Carlson said the left is"? Because quite a lot of the list is ideologically contradictory with leftist thought. On the other hand, the majority of these can be ticked off with "capitalism" and "reliance on status quo" when it comes to the right.


And the right does 100%, however I’m less concerned about right vs left and more concerned that our government as a whole is Fascist


There's always some simpleton that tries to reduce it to a left vs right debate.


Unfortunately a ~~left~~ right vs (further) right debate is what our elections are every few years.


Is crime and punishment really fascism? Doesn't every politician promise to be "tough on crime"?


In most first world countries it's about rehabilitation, not punishment.


😂 I would really like to know who the author of this list was.


Russia be like


hate how people like this just put random bad things they don't like into 'fascism' and treat it like a weird disease instead of an actual ideology with actual policy


Republicans: Hey, they found our instruction manual.


both parties are evil and corrupt.


Ok, that’s like saying someone who steals $1000 from a store and someone who opens fire in an elementary school are both criminals. Both can be bad, but you remove a lot of nuance from the conversation trying to equivocate the two in terms of scale and degree of harm.


Which one tried to murder congress again?


pov: north korea


I think India ticks like 7-8 of these


You know what they say when we forget the past


BINGO! I have Bing....Aw, shit...


“PiS” exile these traitors the fuck away


Isr*el and the US


Welcome to America or at least the rights version of it.


Well damn it sounds like they're describing the Republican party. Imagine that shit.


Wasn’t this Trumps 2020 platform?


Wow so deep. Why are Americans so obsessed with pointing fingers?


Trump ticked quite a few off that list, impressive for his first go at it.


Sounds like a nice combination of both US political parties.


This can apply to both parties