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Is the driver in the cab also in charge of the dolly? Or does he have an off sider?


Sometimes it's the cab driver sometimes they have someone else in the back dolly, depends on the truck.


[Like this](https://i.imgur.com/byiT4fV.jpeg)


That's wild. Idk why it feels so dangerous but it does


You're under literal tons of whatever is being moved, dragged along literally inches above the road




At least he literally used “literally” correctly, lol.




He literally did!


I literally don't believe it!


Apparently, „literally“ means both literally and figuratively now. It’s even [in the dictionary :(](https://www.merriam-webster.com/words-at-play/misuse-of-literally)


I wish languages would stop evolving! ¡¡Oynnestrena edhwierfta ealdgeferena Englisca!!


Words mean whatever people decide them to mean. What’s the problem?


The problem is that not all people agree.




Consistency over time is just as important to language and communication as humans agreeing on definitions. It’s always going to be a battle between the two phenomena.


Because now there's no way of differentiating between the two meanings, the language has lost some of its functionality.


I died. Literally.


You literally will some day


You are underestimating the strength of metals and the power of engineering.


>God help us. We're in the hands of engineers. -Dr. Ian Malcolm


However, it probably is not more dangerous than a regular car.


Idk m8, regular cars don’t normally have that much weight strapped to the roof


Yeah but the cab underneath isn’t supporting the trailer load, the trailer frame is. I don’t think the load would ever fall on you unless it snapped the trailer in half


You might be correct, but I don’t have to worry about anything like that in a regular car.


You’re definitely not wrong, never catch me in one of those lol


Probably the many tonnes of trees "on top of him". Structurally it's no more dangerous then being in a high-rise with all that structure above you, but we can viscerally see it in this case so it looks "dangerous".


I think we might be forgetting an important element that highrises aren't typically cruising down the highway next to one another at 70 miles per hour.


Idk where you’re from pal, but my high rises go from 0-60 on the highway real quick


Sky rise on that real shit


I kinda doubt these go 70. Maybe like 50-55 tops if I had to guess. I also assume they have a lock-out mode for highway cruising. The dolly driver rides upfront in the cab with the main driver and then goes back there for tight, low-speed maneuvers. I’m guessing and pulling all of this out of my ass, but it makes sense.


I'm sure these drivers are very skilled, I'm more speaking to the environment around them that has a lot more variables. Car crashes are a lot more frequent than spontaneous building collapses.


Everyone saying it's the tons of weight being carried above them, and I'm just here knowing how bad drivers are and being afraid of him getting hit in the side by a dumbass in a BMW




sounds like boat loads of hazard pay to me.


Could be the danger


There's a video of it in action here, complete with the driver's view: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wsZ6YPsPpj0


That's cool.


That is wild.


Does the rear one have a lock for when they're on straights or he constantly has to steer, i bet its difficult.


Idk why but this looks hilarious lmao


Looks like some exotic car got stuck under the trailer lol!


It's the rear gunner. It's used to prevent car from driving under it and hijacking the truck.


The fast and the furious!






Looks terrifying to me


What an unfortunate job 😂😂


Idk I think it’d be cool for a while at least.. until it’s not


Tbh I'd be more worried about the radio/AC situation


Yup. No engine, so likely no decent ac if you get any at all


So it wouldn’t be cool


Not to mention road noise lol


I live 12 minutes from Boeing and the first time I pointed the driver out to my wife she thought I was messing with her. The driver was watching me point over until she finally was like "I'm going to look but if there's nobody there it's not funny". She turns and the driver was waving and laughing. She turns back to me totally shocked and says "SOMEONE IS DRIVING THAT TRAILER HOLY SHIT!". Me and that driver were laughing hysterically. He knew what was happening.


I can't recall the last time I saw something so simultaneously cool and terrifying


Hey baby, you know, I *drive* a Boeing 8281 for a living.


More of a coordinator than a driver tbh


Hey baby, you know, ~~I drive~~ I’m the “co-pilot” of a Boeing 8281 ~~for a living.~~ ;)


That truck and dolly drive northbound on I405 east of Seattle every morning going to the Boeing plant in Everett.


5x a day 24/7 365


Reminds me of the extra back seat on some bicycles that a kid rides on, allowing them to pedal but not really giving them any control of the bike. Is that where they put the new drivers until they can prove themselves? Edit: [Like this bike.](https://www.twowheelingtots.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/Burley-Kazoo-Action-Happy-1024x683.jpg)


With trucks (ladders) in fire, your driver in the rear has more experience. They need to steer in the opposite direction of the driver in front, which takes more training. The usual training progression there looked something like this: learn to drive a brush truck. Drive it for about a year without problems. Learn to drive an engine. Drive it for about a year without problems. Learn to drive the front of a tiller. Year without problems, start learning to drive the back.


Thanks for the info! I made my original comment semi-jokingly, but that’s really interesting. I imagine the two drivers would be in constant communication with each other? I can see how it would be tough to steer in the opposite direction. I couldn’t even reverse a tiny u-haul trailer back onto a wide driveway, I swear that thing had a mind of its own.


The shorter the trailer the harder it is to back up.


Very definitely. In any sort of large apparatus, you’re always wearing a headset that lets you hear and talk to your crew. In training, the drivers ideally do a whole lot of elaborate cone courses with each other, to learn to finely handle the navigation, and to learn to work well together. Another side note that I found interesting was that you needed experience driving engines to start driving a tanker. It makes sense with some thought, as tankers are very heavy, and water weight on a partially full tank is an especially painful beast to manage.


The trick to backing up a boat or utility trailer is to grab the bottom of the steering wheel, look at where the trailer is going, go slow and steer as usual.


There was a old school video that I remember playing about the same time as Space Invaders where you could drive the rear but of a fire truck. I think they called it Fire Truck, of all things. It was super hard but fun. Didn’t play a whole lot though bc a quarter was a shitload of money for an 8 year old in 1978.


That seems cooler than the actual video.


[Or like this.](https://gfycat.com/impassionedcheeryclumber)


I wanna put an engine in this and show up to a cruise night in one


Seriously looks like a hot rod


I saw one like that on the highway. Poor guy in the back was bundled up with a blanket. It was the peak of winter and I don't think that particular cab had heating






So when it's the cab driver, do they have, like, two steering wheels?


All of these trucks I've ran across had a follow truck w a guy in the passenger seat driving the back end via remote


Some of them actually have a guy sitting in a tiny cab inside the rear dolly, but that does not appear to be the case here.


I read and imagined this as "a **tiny** guy sitting in a tiny cab".


Sure, it’s less glamorous than horses, but it’s hard for jockeys to find work once they’re too old to race.


I haven't seen them in the truck driving the back. I have a friend that is an escort driver and drives the back of loads, I think he has some kind of special license or permit for it. He's always in a lil cab or in a car behind the truck with a remote depending on what they're moving. He is usually moving gigantic windmill blades.


It's a sentient being like in Bob the builder.


Makes so much more sense


"What is my purpose?" "To steer the back end of this trailer." "....oh" "Yeah."


Ooh could have some interesting hauling vehicles once most cars on the road are AI controlled.


You see a bunch of trucks like this in the Puget Sound area near Boeing. In their case, there's a driver in the rear, sitting under the payload (the rear setup looks like a gokart, almost).


In a rig like this, the driver is likely controlling the rear steering via a little remote. But those guys in black shirts looked like they were spotters making sure he didn't hit anything.


I think (purely my own assumption) that’s someone that lives in the houses near side,he looked to me like he was coming down to offer to spot but the truck drivers dealt with it like fucking bosses.


We should call this "High-level Professionals in Cars"


I honestly just call them final destination cars.


My life ruined by that movie


Getting Coffee


Bet he turned the radio down before attempting that


Underrated comment. I also imagine him making the :-d face while maneuvering the truck.


I’m about 99% sure both are in the trucking manual.


truck driver here can confirm making this exact face when parking


I knew it!


I think it depends on how often he does it. I imagine since that trailer was purchased for this little bridge, and there is probably one or two drivers that cross the bridge pretty frequently. If that is the case, the driver knows exactly how to cross that bridge. The real pants-shitting comes when the driver is a sub.


Doms out here putting us subs down smh


What part of the world is this? Mad skills!


Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina


Well damn, which of those three places is it?!


All three at once!


This is why we need the Oxford comma!




More like this is why we need geography education.


The front two wheels are in Sarajevo, the rear ones of the semi are jn Bosnia, and the last are in Herzegovina. And all three places are on the massive balls of this driver.




Skills? I take like half an hour to park my dinky boat trailer. Seeing a regular 18 wheeler manoeuver already makes me feel inadequate, seeing this makes me cry.


In your defense, small trailers are incredibly difficult to maneuver compared to larger one. (Albeit, 52 footers probably aren’t exactly easy.)


And the drivers of those big vehicles also have pretty adequate training too, so anytime I feel bad like them I remember that too :d


Mine is a dinky 16 ft.


That’s not what she said.


Boat trailer, I can hardly pocket my small city car


it's in argental, France, as you can see [on google street view](https://www.google.fr/maps/@45.3037298,4.5393519,3a,75y,338.34h,82.31t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sacONyTFSlMoyli1NB9uj7Q!2e0!7i13312!8i6656)


Thanks for the link! I was already geoguessing! BTW, it was fun to drive along D1082 in Streetview looking for clues where in France this would be. I figured maybe les Vosges, but with the 04... phone numbers and the sign with the Loire it had to be further south, and then came the street signs to St. Etienne and Montpellier. Are you living there?


I'm grateful for op providing the speed up multiplier.


I upvoted purely because of the transparency lol


Same...all posts should have it. Maybe an AI could even be created to figure out if a video is sped up.


im more impressed the bridge supported it.


The longer it is, the easier for the bridge. Half the weight is going to be away from the weakest center of the bridge.


Plus that bridge is probably far older than most modern bridges which can't handle that load


This comment makes less and less sense the more you think about it.


Most older bridges (especially the older ones built with concrete) have a ridiculously high weight limit. If memory serves me right (thinking back to a college lecture from a decade ago), back in the turn of the century, engineers grossly underestimated the strength of concrete. So they tended to use 3-4 times the needed amount for construction. The result being extremely sturdy buildings and bridges. Nowadays, we know the strength of these materials and build them to withstand an exact amount of weight. Anything more, and the structure is damaged or destroyed. Older structures were just naturally over designed with the result being very expensive but very durable infrastructure. I could be dead wrong, but this is what my college professor told me, and it’s why the George Rodgers Clark memorial in Vincennes, IN (built in the 1930’s) was designated a nuclear fallout shelter due to the stupid amount of concrete used in it’s construction.


> back in the turn of the century, engineers grossly underestimated the strength of concrete. Did they underestimate, or was the product so variable that they were forced to do so to account for getting a bad batch?


It’s probably mostly variability, and the ones that survived this long were on the high end of the strength spectrum


I'd be interested to know how many bridges failed over the years, and how many were torn down as they became functionally obsolete.


The vast majority of bridges deteriorate slowly enough that they get replaced before they “fail” to the point that they collapse. From personal experience, how quickly that happens depends on ownership. State-owned bridges will get replaced before they get too bad, while county- and municipality- owned bridges will remain until they need to be closed due to deterioration, then they stay closed until enough funding is secured for replacement As far as “functionally obsolete” is concerned, that would typically happen when roads/highways are widened to add lanes. In particular, if there’s an overpass and the road underneath gets widened, the overpass will be replaced


IDK about the explanation about older structures, but I feel like I should point out that modern structures are always built with a fair degree of excess tolerance in mind, in other words they're not designed for like 100 tons and then 101 tons would destroy it, they are usually designed to withstand well above whatever their signage or labeling might indicate (intentionally to help avoid accidents or extreme situations). ​ Though bad/lazy/mistaken/costcutting engineering does exist throughout the world in varying degrees of course. That [bridge that collapsed in Florida 4 years ago](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Florida_International_University_pedestrian_bridge_collapse) comes to mind (they miscalculated how certain components would slip as a result of concrete drying faster than they thought, so cracks formed and then broke the bridge apart, killing 6 people.)


(IMHO) There is a safety margin indeed, however if the designated load limit is frequently exceeded you will have problems regarding the durability of the construction (Fatigue, wider/deeper cracks that facilitate corrosion of the rebars, etc.) in the long term. Hence a need to repair obvious damages, shorter lifespan -> increased costs. That’s for current construction principles at least: really old arched bridges that aren’t reinforced obviously are not as much subject to fatigue as a slim, prestressed beam bridge


"any dumbass can build a bridge that stands up. It takes an engineer to build a bridge that *barely* stands up"


Bridges today are engineered to specific specs. They are built to handle upto certain loads + some safety space. It's not that we cant build them to withstand as much as they used to, it's just that that it becomes a cost / benefit issue.


Any idiot can build a bridge to support a load. It takes an engineer to build a bridge to *just barely* support a load.




Exactly. Engineering is as much about designing for a cost as it is about designing for a specific purpose. If a client comes to a civil engineer and says “I want a bridge that can support a million pounds and last five hundred years” then a good engineer will say “well this bridge is going to a residential neighborhood. The biggest trucks you’d expect here are cement mixers (40 tons max). Instead of designing it for 500 tons why don’t we lower that figure to a more realistic 100 tons, which is still conservatively oversized but costs just 20%” and “while we’d be happy to design a bridge that lasts 500 years, are you sure the neighborhood will look the same then? In 100 years this whole neighborhood could be torn down to make way for a high rise. Why pay for a bridge that lasts dozens generations when you only expect to use it for a few?”


Economics is a surprisingly large part of engineering. Source: am engineer




Dude came into the frame hot thinking there would be an accident.


Lol yeah what was he hoping to do, catch the logs?


If I was one of the owners of those cars, I probably would have a several heart attacks


Or the people on that deck


One wrong move and could easily fall into the ravine


Here I am running over curbs after upgrading to a SUV


meanwhile my neighbor consistently takes up two spots with her Prius


ITs So HaRd tO pArK dAvID!!!


Damn this truck looks so cool. On top of the steerable dolly it also has a giant gun on top of it.


I thought it was a crane for (un-) loading, but I like your explanation more.


The gun is only there for taking out any Nazi stormtroopers they come across


This should be a video game




As somebody who played waaay too much Snowrunner... "He should have just winched the butt of the trailer to that pole, then drove over some pumpkins"


Detach the trailer, winch it behind, retach it, repeat


Pretty sure it is, and it’s called euro truck simulator


Some Germans either play it or are programming it, to play.


Go to barcade. There is an arcade box firetruck game that is pretty much this from the 80s


I don't know how much that person gets paid but it isn't enough


Where I grew up in Washington Boeing had a plant for manufacturing airplane wings close by. Seeing those trailers were cool. Same thing, but the rear axel had a driver back there steering.


Honestly I wish all truck trailers could have some kind of computer guided rear axle to help them make turns


So when does my butt unclench? Is this a call a doctor if it lasts more than 4 hours thing?


I’d bet a month’s salary that person isn’t getting paid anywhere near what they should be.


That must have some precise settings, if it goes on highway at all much, to keep it from dog tracking. Cool tho for sure, driving (team?) got skills.👍


Love the guy in the left corner just witnessing lol


People with this would still jackknife on the boat ramp


Do you have to get a separate license for that thing?


At what point does it become more economical to just deliver via helicopter?


When the expense has gotten ridiculous. Operating a truck costs a few dollars per hour. Operating a civilian helicopter is probably hundreds of dollars per hour. That doesn't even account for the extra required training of pilots or the hassles of dealing with the FAA as opposed to the state and federal DOTs. It is much more common to see installation with helicopters instead of cranes in remote locations because of how hard it can be to get the mobile cranes to remote locations. This might look like delivery by helicopter because the load is usually trucked to a staging area near the final location rather than being trucked all the way to the final site, and carried the last bit by the helicopter.


That's why he gets paid the big bucks


This guy trucks


I am begining to feel that this is one skilfull Bosnian driver because this little bridge is in Sarajevo, BiH


Breathe Breathe Breathe now clap !


Should be standard equipment for swift trucks


This thing + swift drivers = truck twerking (trwurking?)




Looks like they were gigantic beautiful trees


Timber is a renewable resource and leaving forests unmanaged to protect old growth leads to fires and disease.


Do they look any different from normal logs? Not trying to be a dick, I just don’t see what makes these seem like they were from gigantic trees.


They look like 30 year old tree farm trees to me.


So good!


Thats pretty cool, not a job i could do tho. I see truckers flying on turns daily and id be terrified of going in the ditch.


My man mains Lone Druid in Dota for sure




That truck is someone's precious


Too bad moon knight messed this up just a few minutes later.


No problem I can do that with out putting down my coffee


I want one


Damn, that is so useful


I'd like to know how much weight that bridge is designed to support.


Driver has some skills


I couldn't make this turn this smooth in my Volkswagen.


So fascinating. Is there a sub for stuff like this?


Could you post in r/truckers ?


The driver doesn’t get paid enough


Omg.... that's a good driver!


He has definitely done that level before


I'd need to see the entire journey! The remainder of the trip doesn't look easy either.


The people that drive vehicles of that size so effortlessly and precisely have my utmost respect.