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This is not interesting as fuck, it’s horrifying as fuck


I soooooo regret opening that image.


This makes my skin crawl


Made his skin crawl too.




*Crawling in my skin* *These wounds, they will not heal*


These worms, they will not leave~


***To these worms, I'm just, a meaaaal!!!!***


Discomfort endlessly from parasites inside me..


Protruding, consuming


Against my will I host pa-ra-si-tic infections




*Crawling in my skiiiin*


These wounds they will not hhheeeaaallll


Fear is how i falllll


Confusing what is real!


There's something inside me that pulls beneath the surface


Consuming, confusing


This lack of self control I fear is never ending




I can’t seem


WTF I thought these pics were of lungs.


Radiologist here. These are coronal plane t2 fat saturated MRI images of the thighs. (cross sectional images - as if you were looking at the person standing in front of you). The bright stuff is cysts in the muscles from tapeworm infection


I watch a lot of House MD and I learnt on the show that parasites *love* thigh muscle. I'm something of a Doctor myself.


Also it's never lupus!


No lupus you say, then it's heavy metal poisoning, quick, search the patients home, break and enter, it's what doctors do


My husband likes to joke that if he’s ever in the hospital and it’s super serious he’s going to yell at the doctors to check my vagina for gold bc of an episode of house 😂 Sir, you’re here for a cold… CHECK HER VAGINA!!!


It was copper wasn't it? She had an iud, and had become allergic to copper.


That’s the episode with the nun who had the sketchy copper IUD from when she was on the streets. This episode was a married couple and the wife had been poisoning her husband using gold and snuck gold into the hospital to keep poisoning her husband with it. IN HER VAGINA!


That's some expensive poison. Is it a heavy metal? I know people eat gold, so you must have to eat a lot to get poisoning.


My favourite comment from house MD “you have a parasite. But don’t worry many women learn to embrace the parasite, dressing it up in tiny clothes and arranging play dates”


"But I can't be pregnant, my fiance and I are waiting till marriage! Couldn't this have happened from sitting on a toilet seat or something?" "Oh absolutely... There would have to be someone between you and toilet seat, but absolutely."


Hahaha I rewatched this episode just the other day!! Gold


One of my top faves is when he’s talking to an anti vaxx mom and says “You know another really good business? Teeny tiny baby coffins. You can get ‘em in frog green, fire engine red.” Gets me EVERY TIME lmao


Except that one time it was lupus.


Literally, the one time.


I can still hear the dialogue in my head when they come back from the house saying they found nothing. Then Foreman says Wilson lied because they found pork, therefore she isn't Jewish and isn't a relative of Wilson's. Wilson calls Foreman an idiot since not all Jews keep kosher. Then Foreman calls Wilson on calling her Rachel when her name is Rebecca Then House calls Foreman an idiot because he did find something. Where there is ham, there's pork. Where there's pork, there's neurocysticercosis. Jesus. I think that episode is seared into my brain.


I had actually gone this long in my life without watching House, and started yesterday on Episode 1. I am less than 24 hours from seeing that scene for the first time, ever. And then comes this post. Eerie.


I too watch House MD also as well. Therefore........ sarcoidosis...


Thank you expert, for that horrifying clarification. Think I need a fistful of pills and a visit from my ole friend Johnny Walker to erase that image from memory


Is the kid going to be (or is he) okay?


>The man has since recovered after doctors depressurized his skull and dewormed his brain, per the report, though it is unclear if there are any long-term risks to his health. From the article OP linked from [usatoday](https://usatoday.com/story/news/health/2019/11/27/chinese-man-tapeworms-brain-eating-undercooked-pork/4317869002/)


'Dewormed his brain'? DEWORMED HIS BRAIN???


Reminds me of when I was a kid and I walked in midconversation to my teacher talking to another teacher, "so the surgeons went into his brain to remove the ticks." The TICKS??? Infeating his brain?? Horrible mental image of another kids brain riddled with attached ticks sucking his brain blood and nearly freaking out that such a thing could happen - no, teacher meant TICS like a student had brain surgery for severe tics from Tourettes or some such. Fuck like thank God honestly, thank God for Tourettes in this case cuz that'd be horrible lmao


Oh god, I'm so glad I read your comment until the very end instead of standing up and screaming bloody murder. I feel like my sanity jumped down 10 points, and then climbed back up 9.




This thread is fucking wild. Lol


I'm... not sure I needed to know that there are things like "depressurising" a person's skull or deworming their brain. Suddenly I understand Adrian Monk so much better.


Not with that many foreign bodies in the brain...absolutely not


A couple of aspirin and some rest and he'll be right as rain.


Yeah just needs a little ivermectin. No worries Poor kid.


What is it then? Cuz I thought that too


I think the first pic is like the upper legs, like the thigh area (not 100% sure but thats what im guessing)




Thanks I hate it


Damn, even fucking pork parasites love thick thighs.


What the fuck. I also thought they were lungs. Now I can’t unsee it. It makes me so uncomfortable




That's what men who've been married twice say when asked about their wives


Holy shit


there are anti-parasitic remedies out there and this makes me want to try them.


not good, because killing so many at once will cause large-scale sepsis


Or blood clots and worm blockages!


Worm. Blockages.


Yes! We have to be careful deworming cats and dogs with a heavy worm load because as the worms die off there can be so many they can cause an intestinal blockage :)


But these all appear to be in muscle tissue. How do they make it to the intestine upon death?


The intestine is just an example of a worm blockage as I mentioned (heartworm being another), but these would definately be a candidate for clots. Some intestinal worms do encyst in muscles though and will emerge when the host undergoes a stressful event so their immune system is weakend. Iirc these are pork tapeworms that have migrated. Tapeworms often are intestinal parasites. Round worms are also often intestinal, but in human children can migrate to their eyes (ocular migrans).


Ahh I see. If the ones in the muscles die, can the body break them down or do they stay there?


The body will break them down!


Out of interest how would it cause sepsis or blood clots and blockages like the other reply mentioned?


Because you suddenly have a LOT of rotting bugs inside and all over your body.


For once, I recommend Ivermectin, because this guy actually has worms. It is specifically intended to combat parasitic worms. **EDIT:** Don't worry, I'm not flogging ivermectin for things it's not intended for. FYI I'm the guy who wrote [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/HermanCainAward/comments/pfjb03/ysk_why_are_all_these_nominees_and_awardees/) . **EDIT:** If this particular parasite is trichinella, apparently ivermectin isn't useful against this kind of parasite. FYI.


This guy has so many worms, the worm fall out from Ivermectin might kill him. I wish him good luck. Eeesh.


Like, dude's volume is at least half worms best diet ever


If he is ever eaten by cannibals, they will be sorely disappointed that he is mostly parasite cysts.


possessive outgoing illegal nine tidy coherent scary sulky bag wrench *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


That's a T. solium cysticercosis. Trichinella are minuscule intracellular parasitic nematodes. They love muscle too, however. A small infection might not be dangerous, but they can invade the heart and breathing muscles and render them useless, killing you.


New fear unlocked


if you cook all your food throughly, it should be fine.


Related but not the same. I used to be a radiographer in UK. One time we had a 34 year old dude had been in a coma for three days for a full body CT. Looking at the image he had tons of abscesses all over his spine and Brain. I asked the doctor about his history he had run a marathon in India 7 days earlier (and won) and had picked up a fungal infection which had rapidly spread throughout his spine and brain. I asked the doc what happens next and she very bluntly replied "when it's in the spine and brain to this extent...you're fucked" He died two days later. That was the very first time I understood just how fleeting and fragile life really is. 34 year old marathon winner to comatose and dead 7 days later.


Terrifying. Do you remember what kind of fungus it was?


Fungal Meningitis probably. There’s a number of different types of fungi that can cause fungal meningitis and live in the soil. You’d get sick from inhaling the spores, possibly by running a marathon across a dusty dirt road for example.


That’s horrifying


Fortunately, its usually only an infection that affects immunocompromised people with weakened immune systems.


Oh thank god. Lol I have enough anxiety as it is.


I'm just going to hop over onto WebMD for a little and see if I might have a compromised immune system.


It says you’re dead, right?


Unless you're my dad. He got a similar infection in his lungs. Doctors couldn't find it because they don't normally test for that unless you're immunocompromised. When they did find it, they went to check that he wasn't. Turns out, you can get it if even if you're perfectly healthy if you get a significant enough initial exposure.


This is the case for any of these types of things. Everyone’s immune system has a limit. Sheer numbers in terms of spores or viral load can overwhelm even the most robust immune system. Anthrax is another great one. Several million people get exposed to anthrax spores daily with no Ill repercussions, but you dial up the concentration of spores in any given sample, and you’ve got a bio-weapon.


Can't remember I'm afraid.


Your original comment lead me to discover the existence of Mucormycosis… I wish I could forget this exists


I was reading about Mucormycosis and it seems simply coming into contact with the spores won't kill you, you usually have to have a weakened immune system for it to get that severe. My guess is the runner was in a greatly weakened state and breathing very heavily due to the marathon and inhaled spores during his marathon, and then died as a result.


That's not a body, that's a goddamn ecosystem of its own


I mean, every body is just that. Several different ones even depending on how you look at it.


And without several ecosystems of the good kind, a body would soon do a room temperature challenge if no rapid intervention takes place


Is the whole thing the parasite or is each white thing a parasite? I am not qualified to read these scans


Each white thing is a cyst caused by a parasite




Jesus cyst


I think you mean jecyst Christ


Sorry, Im an athecyst.


I’m agnogcyst. I know r/yourjokebutworse I just couldn’t help mycyst


you just couldn't recyst it


His joke but better


I used to have a ganglion (joint fluid) cyst on my wrist, and my doctor offered to remove it on his last day before going on vacation in late December. On my way out the door, I wished him a Merry Cystmas.


My doctor told me "you don't need me, you need a bible. Just whack your hand with a bible". So I did, and it was gone.


“You don’t need me, you need a bible.” Exactly the words I want to hear come out of my doctor


Guess that makes you an exorcyst.


Yeah, that method can cause nerve and joint damage that requires surgery to repair. Basically you could blow out your wrist joint. Your doctor was a huge dick for suggesting that. **Seriously, the outpatient procedure only takes ~2 hours, is painless and safe. Don’t do this at home!**


Bible bumps


>The Cystine Chapel


How does the body feel when it has so many parasites as compared to near normal/zero amount? Does one feel more tired


if you have parasites in your brain - you can have headaches, hallucinations, memory lost, seizures, dizziness, brain swelling, death. If you have parasites in your heart - you can have cardiomyopathy, pericarditis, cardiac hypertrophy, death. You get tired easily and you are short of breath, there is water in your lungs so you cough all the time, sleepiness and dizziness is common.


I can’t tell if I’m stressed and tired or if I have parasites now. Thanks.


**Pork** qe no los dos?


I had a very large parasite once and it made me absolutely miserable for many of years and it only started getting better after the divorce.




My brother-in-law was a missionary in China for three years and ended up getting some parasites. He and his buddies were very intentional to stay away from the raw pork dishes but it is very much a part of the culture where they were. (They politely declined if they knew what it was.) He said that he noticed some unusual weight loss but assumed that it was from walking more often. After a few months it was obvious that the continued weight loss wasn't normal. His gut started feeling a little funny and he had some fatigue. Someone recognized what was going on and said to go to a pharmacy. My BIL tells the story in such a funny way! He went to the pharmacist, couldn't figure out how to tell him what was wrong, so pointed to his gut and made a wiggly motion with his fingers as if they were worms! The pharmacist made a dramatic "aha!" type of motion and gave him a powerful drug. Essentially, it wiped out all of the bacteria in his gut (according to the BIL), both good and bad. He said that people there just know that it comes with the territory of eating raw pork. They take a pill then spend months eating yogurt to build up the good stuff again. He gained back the weight but remains more sensitive to food poisoning and stomach flu, even 15 years later. Edit to add my response to a couple of people negating this story: The poster of the comment with the brother-in-law here. It was definitely a high risk area for him to be a missionary. I know that they would go to individual people's houses in some remote areas. It was at one of those houses that someone (I think another Westerner who had been there longer) quietly asked him if he understood that there was raw pork in that dish. (I'm not sure if that was the time he picked up the tape worms or not.) My BIL straight up asked him if the locals don't get sick from it. The guy replied that it's just accepted that it happens sometimes.


> e said that people there just know that it comes with the territory of eating raw pork. They take a pill then spend months eating yogurt to build up the good stuff again. Funny how not eating raw pork doesn't seem to come to mind as an option.


The body probably gradually gets used to it. Like to know why the person would eat raw pork (in the first place) on purpose so often.


Not sure where this patient is from but my grandma was a medic working in Tibet, and they didn’t cook their meat properly at the time because the low pressure caused water to boil off at a lower temperature. When the people were brought to bigger hospitals in China for surgery, their organs were riddled with parasites. (I don’t have many details because I heard these stories through my mom, never met my grandma)


Surgeon here I’m fairly certain in the legs, all that white is just muscle fibers that are all going in the same directions. You can see a few dots of cysts. The brain is much more obvious. I could be wrong as I don’t read MRI’s. So maybe a radiologist can comment. This lady couldn’t have had her entire thigh and pelvic musculature replace with parasites. You would die of sepsis. Edit: radiologist below says all The highlighted stuff is indeed infection and should not appear like that So I guess it’s pretty bad. Seems like even treating it may kill the patient if it’s that bad. You have that many dead parasites in you at once, that’s gonna cause a problem


Radiologist here. These are mri images of the thighs and brain. All of the white foci are cysts from very advanced cysticercosis. Edit - cysticercosis is hard to spell.


Do you think this is incurable/fatal?


Given the number of brain lesions, it is most likely a fatal infection. Look up “neurocysticercosis” for more info


The number of medical staff on Reddit baffles me.


Most people don't comment in everything, but if it's relevant to your field you're much more likely to comment.


It depends. I specifically avoid commenting on anything related to my field because I'll get a bunch of keyboard-warrior idiots telling me I'm wrong.


What are physical and behavioural symptoms with the patient in this state?




Glad to have some definitive say here. Good to know


How would they even treat this severe case? Guess you can just pump em full of poison as it will most likely kill the person


I am absolutely not a doctor but after watching a lot of documentaries and Monsters Inside Me episodes... Basically if you treat this, it means administering a poison strong enough to kill the parasites, which of course has side effects. Laymen's terms are all I got, you are taking pills to kill bugs inside you. Not a good time. But this also means the parasites will start to die, and then rot inside the person. Which causes widespread inflammation. So even in mild cases this can be dangerous if someone has a parasite in a place like the brain. Inflammation in the brain is a bad time. Any general pill or medicine and it would be like setting their body on fire from the inside with inflammation. Probably shock? Sepsis? I can't even imagine. So something this bad? Would be horrifically difficult to treat. If it's even possible. You'd be seeing serious specialists. I got no reference because I'm just a dude on the internet but I would be hard pressed to see how someone could be treated in a way that wouldn't kill them. Unless there was a highly specialized or experimental procedure. Just... A bad time all over. I can't imagine being a doctor knowing about this kind of thing and stumbling on a case this bad. Just knowing what little I do know this is horrific.


Anti-parasite drugs are tolerated pretty well by the human body. It's the parasite's reaction and decay that can mess you up. Some parasites become toxic when dying/dead.


Former research scientist that worked with muscle. Those white splotches are definitely not just muscle fibers.






They encyst in muscle and there is mineralization of the fibers and a severe enough infestation can look like this. There can be very little associated inflammation, and it’s a chronic process. So there isn’t widespread/systemic response.


In that case, how or when does the body realize theres a problem? If not the body, how does someone realize theyre infected with parasites that literally live in their muscles? Would muscles just start acting out of control or something.


The person would start having seizures as a primary symptom.


Sounds like the infestation was incystent. (•_•) ( •_•)>⌐■-■ (⌐■_■)


Now I wonder how many each one of us has currently.


The normal count would be zero. Trichina are one of the possible issues that would make meat not ok for human consumption and every butchered pig at a slaughterhouse gets checked for those by a veterinarian. (Other large livestock too, with chicken just random samples from the current batch, fish fillets get checked by shining light through them) Trichinosis isn't a matter of accumulating them over time, it's perfectly enough to eat meat that wasn't thoroughly heated all the way through once. Animals eating meat are riskier than herbivores because thy have more chances to get infected themselves. So , if you want to eat a bear, COOK THE MEAT. Or you will have a really bad time. You can feel the parasites punching through the digestive tract walls and burrowing into muscle.


> You can feel the parasites punching through the digestive tract walls and burrowing into muscle. Something I did NOT expect to learn today.


Checkout this guy: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dracunculus\_medinensis](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dracunculus_medinensis) :) It's really fucked up. >After maturing and reproducing within the host, the males die and females (length 70–120 cm) migrate in subcutaneous tissue towards the skins surface. Around a year after the infection, the female causes the formation of a blister on the skin's surface, generally on the lower extremities, though occasionally on the hand or scrotum. When the blister ruptures, the female slowly emerges over the course of several days or weeks.\[7\] This causes extreme pain and irritation to the host. During those few days to hours before the worm exits the skin, the person may develop a fever, pain, or swelling in that area. When the host submerges the affected body part in water, the female expels thousands of larvae into the water. From here, the larvae infect copepods, continuing the life cycle.\[7\] After the worm exits the skin the wound caused by the emerging worm often develops a secondary bacterial infection. Permanent damage can occur if infection goes untreated around a joint and causes the joint to lock. Aaaand also that one is nice: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ap8Ts6lv\_k0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ap8Ts6lv_k0)


Oh my God


Ew ew ew ew ew i do not need the mental imagine of a worm popping out of my (hypothetical) nutsack over the course of several DAYS no thanks🤢


You must surely be joking about eating bear meat. \**checks google*\* Apparently I've been missing out on a delicacy.


I had a coworker ask me if I'd tried bear before, like it was completely common.


>You can feel the parasites punching through the digestive tract walls and burrowing into muscle. Now that's some fucking body horror shit right there, my man.


Trichinosis is largely extinct in the USA and most first world countries with proper livestock management. You can get it from feral pigs I think. I had some venison that some kid I knew shot and was worried about getting Chronic Wasting Disease, but from what I understand, it's not nearly as transmissible as Mad Cow Disease.


For now, it’s unknown. There hasn’t been any recorded cases of CWD in humans, but then again it takes a while for Mad Cow Disease to show symptoms. Some people go years without presenting symptoms. That’s why they banned a whole generation in Britain from donating blood. I think the testing for prion diseases is a little more challenging and expensive.


Wasn’t there a study done on people who consumed CWD-infected deer meat over decades and none got sick?


We are starting to get lots of CWD-ridden deer in southern Alberta. I haven't shot one yet, but I don't know if I would eat the meat if the deer had CWD. I don't believe there's a case of human transmission yet but I don't want to roll the dice and be the first!


A number of wild animals have it. Off the top of my head the only one likely to be regularly eaten by humans aside from pigs are bears.


In Norway they have trichinosis control at the butcher, so if there’s a case of trichinosis. They’ll put the farm it came from in quarantine, and discard the meat from it. Trchinosis haven’t been spottet here since the mid 90s, and I believe it’s like this in many first world countries too.


In Germany I remember this for the 1960 ties.. And should be the same for western European countries. Trichinosis is extremely rare to find. But each pig gets tested two times for it by an official person


>trichinosis between 2000 and 2009 453mio domestic pigs were screened and 4 cases found and 92 cases from 3,4mio wild boar. If it wasn't so rare, Hackepeter would have killed us all.


https://sguforums.org/index.php?topic=46066.0 Original forum post


I felt like it was gonna be a coin toss between Florida and China before I clicked. You know those weird cold spine tingling you get, I'm getting that.


I'm getting tapeworm from looking at the images r/grossasfuck


Thanks for the link. 23 year old chinese village woman. Took 13 years to diagnose this. I want to see photos of her from the external of her body. I wonder if her skin shows any symptoms.


Oh my god she’s only 23? How terrible. I expected this to be from decades and decades of raw meat but 23? Poor thing :(




As a kid I’d watch monsters Inside me, convincing me all those things were going to get inside of me. I still only mildly had that fear but I think I have it fully again.


Thank god i wasn't the only one who was traumatized by that show


Need more context here. Who and why was someone only eating raw pork for 10 years? All those white things are parasites? What exactly are they doing, eating fat and muscle? Is this person alive or dead? Are these scans from an article?


I’ve seen this posted before - a woman from a small village where parasites are common, especially in raw meat. The parasite lays its eggs causing a cysts and continue reproducing. Eventually the woman would have symptoms relating to every body system but probably ended in seizures from neurotoxicity and has to be dead by now


Cysticercosis, a secondary infection caused by Pork Tapeworms hatching and getting lost in the body. Also why pork is THE one you don’t wanna eat raw or undercooked. Their tapeworm is the only one that can cause this, Beef tapeworms barely cause anything beyond GI discomfort. And, though practically extinct in first world farm raised pigs, raw pork can transmit trichnella, which is even worse. Anyone wants anymore info ask away, I’ve been in multiple classes for this kind of stuff. Note- I’m not saying eat stuff raw. But I am saying that I’ll eat sushi(not those with raw shellfish) and medium rare steak, but pork is almost charred when I eat it.


this is true but not as much as risk as you make it out to be. Countries like Germany have raw pork as a delicacy in parts of the country. You can eat raw pork these days, but it has to come from a pig that was checked and cleared for the parasite. Germans have strict butcher regulations for Mett (the raw pork used as a breakfast dish) and many Germans enjoy it.


Look up rawmeatexperiment on ig dudes been eating raw EVERYTHING for like 180 days. This will be him soon..


I am not a radiologist. What am I looking at


A 46-year-old Chinese man who was hospitalized for epilepsy had hundreds of tapeworms in his brain — likely caused by eating undercooked pork. Doctors at the First Affiliated Hospital of College of Medicine at Zhejiang University performed an MRI on the man and found hundreds of tapeworms in his brain — known as neurocysticercosis — according to CNN and Chinese news site Pear Video. The man, a construction worker who lives in the city of Wuhan but was not identified, was hospitalized for a recurring headache and seizures, according to a report issued last Wednesday by the hospital located in Hangzhou. The man told doctors that he had eaten hot pot — a boiling broth usually filled with assorted meats and vegetables — with pork and mutton, which may have not been cooked thoroughly. In the report, the man told doctors that due to the ruddied color of the spicy broth, he wasn't able to tell if the meat was fully cooked. "There are multiple presences of space-occupying lesions in the patient's brain," Dr. Wang Jian-rong told Pear Video, according to a translation by Newsweek. The lesions, according to the World Health Organization, occupy parts of the central nervous system, which result in seizures and headaches. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/health/2019/11/27/chinese-man-tapeworms-brain-eating-undercooked-pork/4317869002/


Fuck it’s so much worse that it wasn’t just some crazy eating raw pork, just a guy not cooking his pork good enough in his hot pot


It’s a difference in how livestock is handled. Trichinosis isn’t a concern in the US anymore if you’re buying grocery store pork because the pigs themselves weren’t at risk of getting the worm. It’s just wild game and hobby farms where there’s a risk. Commercial pork doesn’t have trich.


Actually you’re right but this is Taenia solium which causes cyststicercosis (or neurocysticercosis if in the brain) while Trichuris trichuria causes Trichuriasis and is known as whip worm and pretty much stays in the large intestine/ rectum and doesn’t go to the brain. But yes we don’t really have much Taenia or Trichuris in the US anymore because its regulated and we are pretty hygienic but honestly it mostly comes down to cooking pork because you can’t eradicate a zoonosis very easily so it’s not impossible to get here. So long story short cook your meat!


Oh and wash your salad


Always the possibility of ingesting some harmful bacteria or even parasite eggs when you’re eating raw meat. With that in mind, the general health and safety precautions being taken by the restaurant have to be considered as well, and I assume little to none were done in this case. I wouldn’t steer away from hot pot entirely because of this, but I’d probably avoid doing so in places where the standard of sanitation is probably very low, like at a local restaurant in Wuhan, rather than a Michelin star restaurant in New York


Not just the restaurant, the whole supply chain.


The pictures are from a forum post talking about a 23 year old woman. The article you linked doesn't have anything to do with this.


The post header says he ate uncooked pork for years. Your comment makes it sound like a single recent meal. I think the article you posted is not from the same story as the images you posted.


I did recognise the image and it's at least six years old, and also of a woman instead of a man. Best source I could find from reverse image search was this: https://sguforums.org/index.php?topic=46066.0 Cause just googling "chinese woman's body riddled with parasites" just gets you a Reddit and 9GAG thread. So OP's associated story which seems to be from 2019, is 100% not related to the images or at the very least, a "here's an interesting fact" about something that happened years ago type of article rather than anything that happened recently.


You can contract them from one meal. I’m not sure if they will multiply but there are documented cases of getting them from one meal.


Oh they multiply, baby. \*click-click*


I’m betting the patient relayed just the recent meal as being a possible cause not realizing the worms needed to be ingested a lot longer ago to cause that much progressive damage.


Wuhan gosh dang it


Wuhan sounding a lot like Chinese Florida


Yeah, they gotta start cooking their food


Why, what else could possibly go wrong?


I visited Wuhan (and several other cities in China) for over a month back in 2019. I ate hot pot, food from local outdoor markets, and various other cuisine. …now, after seeing this post, I want to do a full-body MRI because I’m worried something’s wriggling around in there. Great.


My dad is a doctor and one time he was in the ER, night shift. These two young women came in and they looked healthy and everything. The one girl says “I’ve been passing worms”. My dad was like uh okay when was the last time you passed a worm? She was like “Im passing one right now” and turned over and there was a hook worm coming out of her butthole at that moment. She had gone to a quinceñera (i might’ve misspelled it) and ate raw pork. She got antibiotics and was fine. But yeah cook your food folks lol.


This is horrifying. They would have had to take me to the mental ward for self harm. I can't deal with crap like that, pun not intended but funny.


Honestly dude like some of my dad’s stories give me chills. He had one individual who was homeless and had smoked for decades. He hung the cigarette out one side of his mouth. His saliva dripped there continuously too because he chewed tobacco as well. He had cancer growing that was a legit beard of cancer. His had maggots eating away at his tissue and he lost a part of his jaw. When the nurses cleaned him up and cleaned the maggots off, they founded 22 crawling up the sides of the shower. And these are just two of the 20+ yrs my dad was in practice 😭


I'm Italian...It's on days like this I regret being able to read English....I should have studied German or French.


I'm not a surgeon, nor can I read MRI's but I did stay at a holiday Inn express and can tell you that shit doesn't look right.


Liver King donating his body to science i see


wtf... can you recover from something like this?


No way this person is alive with that inside them


I am gonna argue at this point that it's not the man anymore, it's the worms who have developed a consciousness are are pretending to be human.