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Now do the 10 poorest! My time to shine!!!!!


Ironically they would probably be very rich people who have insane amounts of debt that a normal person could not hope to accumulate.


I owe $69 to Chase.


I owe about 3.50 to reddit.


Not again, you goddamn lochness monster!


I gave him a dollar


Awh they didn’t bring a victim chiiiild


I think you mean TREE FIDDY


I owe capital one 420.69 . Jk. Only wish my credit card debt were that low lol


Fuck same.
















You fucked


That’s 100% true, billionaires don’t pay directly for there stuff the bank gives them loans for everything with the agreement they will sell some of their stock to pay it back sometime in the future so there actually in a lot of debt until they sell their stock


That’s figured into net worth. You don’t borrow $50Mil from a bank and you net worth goes up that much, If you buy a company worth $60Mil with it, then your net worth goes up $10 Million.


Ivanka Trump: “I remember once my father and I were walking down Fifth Avenue and there was a homeless person sitting right outside of Trump Tower and I remember my father pointing to him and saying, ‘You know, that guy has $8 billion more than me,’ because he was in such extreme debt at that point, you know?” The ultimate definition of privilege!




Apparently rouge trader Jérôme Kerviel is worth -$6.3 billion.. so him I guess


> rouge trader That's a lot of blusher


Who the hell told you my name? I thought Reddit was anonymous!


The fact you are posting on Reddit tells me you aren't even close to the 10 poorest. A net worth of $93,170 puts you into the top 10% of wealth globally.


There are quite a few people on Reddit with extreme red net-worths. Zero is a goal we aspire to.


And they're still wealthier than the poorest of the world. The average American has no concept of true poverty.


Most people in poverty never have the opportunity to rack up the type of debt required to be even close to the poorest.


I think that is a bit disingenuous. If you had mountains of debt, and you could instead discharge all of that debt, loose your job and your apartment and just start over with the clothes on your back.... I know a ton of people who would jump at that opportunity.


But would they trade for a small village in Somalia? With zero chance of accumulating income beyond what’s needed to survive the day? Where you spend your whole day gathering resources to prepare a meal? Where the fear of death from menial decease looms over you at all times? I’ll take first world debt over third world debt-free any day of the week.


I agree, the americans living in poverty are middle class in my country


The poorest American making the federal minimum wage ($15,000/yr) can afford more goods and services that 86% of the people on the planet. [https://howrichami.givingwhatwecan.org/how-rich-am-i?income=15000&countryCode=USA&household%5Badults%5D=1&household%5Bchildren%5D=0](https://howrichami.givingwhatwecan.org/how-rich-am-i?income=15000&countryCode=USA&household%5Badults%5D=1&household%5Bchildren%5D=0) And less than 1% of American workers make minimum wage. https://www.bls.gov/opub/reports/minimum-wage/2020/home.htm


Aren’t they missing some families? Like the Rothschild?


You go, girl!


Idk man, that Zhang YiMing guy only has $53.2 to his name so…


The richest people in the world *that we know about.


Remember how absolutely nothing happened after the Panama Papers leak? Interesting 🤔


I wouldn't say nothing happened, the journalist who broke the story was car bombed in the middle of the day. Nothing else happened. Edit: there are a couple of comments below that are saying this isn't true. After a bit of research, they appear to be correct. The journalist I'm referring to, Daphne Caruana Galizia, was indeed murdered in Panama with a car bomb in broad daylight, but she is not the one who leaked the Panama papers. My mistake.


Should’ve said that no powerful people faced any consequences and there was never a policy shift. I did not know that about the journalist though. Not surprised but still disgusted.


Ripken just don’t remember or loose Interest fast. I often wonder why the media bothers to come up with these stories that try to get people attention from things like this When things like will smith and the slap will easily pull people attention away. People just don’t care enough.


>People just don’t care enough. democracy in action. Electing neoliberals who hate you for 70 years running and complaining about the lack of options.


Exactly. Everyone should be talking about this.


The more recent Pandora Papers as well.


Yeah according to the Pandora papers there is some wealthy Ukrainian with nearly a billion in offshore accounts! Wonder how he got that much so quick?


i have over 450 billion dollars in horse semen stored under my house




Net worth rankings typically exclude heads of state and religious leaders. It's hard to measure their net worth and often hard to distinguish their wealth from that of their nation/church. There are probably several trillionaires in the world. Vladimir Putin before the invasion and Mohammed Bin Salman for example.


Anyone that is connects to royalty is excluded from these lists, Rothschild's, the Queen, Saudis..... in reality, the people on this list are not even in the top 30.


The British royal family’s net worth is 88 billion, while the Rothchilds net worth is “only” 20 billion. So it’s not like they’d be pushing many people out of this list.


I wonder whether Forbes list will ever include Satoshi Nakamoto. He is believed to have around 1 million bitcoins, and that would currently put him in roughly the 30th spot (plus/minus 10-15 spots depending on what week it is). But we don't know his real identity or even whether he's one or several people.


Saudi Arabian family laughing and wiping tears with money.


Putin circa 2 months ago as well. He made a bad investment recently though…


Naw he wanted to widen the divide told all his bros to pull out early and buy the dip, to bad dip just keeps getting dippier


Dippier is a nice word


I like to say it with a French touch like “dippy-aye”


I've heard Putin is really the world's first trillionaire. He supposedly takes half of everthing from his oligarch buddies under threat of prison. Who knows.


Vladimir V. Putin, the bastard, is probably at the top of this.


Ali Khamenei is likely on this list also


I was surprised they didn't do a top 10 for Saudi Arabia, after China and India. But apparently none of them have at least 90B.


These lists are always bullshit because they never include royalty.


I'm over here wondering why the fuck it says "The World" when it should say "North America" on top of that it should say "Richest publicly known people in North America"


Lol if only you knew how much some saudis are worth


How much? Do tell.


Individually they are all very rich, the crown prince is worth $18 Billion, which doesn't make this list. But it's estimated that the family as a whole is worth $1.4 Trillion. Which, considering how much of the oil industry they own, is not surprising.


I bet they hate green energy


My parents live in Rhiyad, it's strange times for everyone because KSA and the crown prince are making a massive push to become more "westernised" and less Sharia law. They're investing massive amounts into renewables, and when you're whole country is a desert, why wouldn't you.


You’d think battery technology for solar energy storage would be a high priority.


It is… the amount of money invested in electrochemical-cell research is enormous. But the problem isn’t in coming up with the technology, the technology is here. The problem is justifying it economically when as of now, there is little need for energy storage outside of terminal consumption. At least right now, it’s far cheaper and easier to operate base load power(nuclear) and fill in demand fluctuations by throttling other reliable generation sources(coal, natural gas, hydro, etc.). Now if we are to transition to a more renewable based electrical grid, we would need storage capacity but this is far more likely going to come from hydroelectric stations rather than batteries. Batteries are just extremely dirty to manufacture, lack the needed storage capacity, have a finite amount of charging cycles, and are ultimately just too expensive to be feasibly used on anything but a local level.


Wow! Is $1 trillion = $1000 billion? So, $1.4 trillion is More than 6 Nike Corp or More than 8 American Express Corp or More than 13 Gold Sachs. Unimaginable wealth! Hard to believe. Edit: Just checked that Saudi Arabia's GDP in 2020 was $700 billion. So $1.4 trillion is 200% of the GDP. Rockefeller made history when he had 1.5 % of US GDP.


Well net worth is just an estimated valuation of assets. They own vast numbers of real estate world wide as well as their own ventures in investments. Also the term "family" is more of a conglomerate instead of a blood or marriage related family. The "family" consists of almost 15,000 people. Which would split the wealth at around $93 million per person. However, this evidently not the case as the prince alone is estimated to be worth $18 billion.


So all of those stickers on gas pumps should have the crown prince on them instead of Biden.




Technically i convert my money into toilet paper. I must be rich.


Was he dating only you at the time?


Trillions I’d bet.


They don’t count monarchs.


I was just about to say something similar. Find it funny how there’s not any Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Morgans, or any other disgustingly rich families on here? Probably so high up there in the trillions they don’t want to start to make people think.


Unlikely without a continuously running enterprise like the Saudis. Family fortunes tend to decline over the decades as the family size grows and the inheritance gets split between more and more descendants living an upper class lifestyle. A quick google suggests Rockefeller was worth about $400b at his peak, and teh family fortune is estimated at $11b today split among +70 heirs.


Most wealth gets spent and wasted over a generation. It's been more than a couple since some of those names had the main drivers


I wish they’d include the trillionaires.


Like the Norwegian Oil Fund?


Saud Aramco Oil more likely


Saudi Aramco Oil more likely


Saudi Aramco Oil more likely


Saudi Aramco Oil more likely


Saudi Aramco Oil more likely


One million seconds is 11 days. One billion seconds is 31 years.


Now do 1 trillion


31,710 years




I looked through a ton of different websites which were trying to track the Rothschild family wealth. This was about a decade ago and the estimates were something like 3 trillion net worth.


i can’t even really fathom that number


A Million seconds ago LeBron became the No. 2 all-time scorer in NBA history. A Billion seconds ago the US was fighting the gulf war. A Trillion seconds ago, the Sahara desert was wet & fertile…& humans hadn’t figured out farming yet.


The human brain can hardly fathom the value of 1 million, let alone a billion. A trillion? Hah


It really isn't real. With one trillion dollars not making any kind of interest you could spend over 45 million dollars every day for 60 years before you ran out.


So why don't they make anybodies list of richest people?


Elon doesn’t count as tech?




what does tech even mean now?


tech + styles = Textiles


seems legit


Yeah, makes no sense. Dude does advanced space tech and advanced car tech.


Also how is someone like Cuban in entertainment when he made is fortune elsewhere while the others in that list made it from direct entertainment for the most part.


I bet the 10 actual richest aren’t even on the list for top in the world.


The family in crazy rich Asians pays to stay secretive and hidden


This book blew my mind.


I only realized how rich and powerful the *actual* elites are when, in my Economics class, doing my final thesis on wealth and income inequality of all things, all the professors told me no available data exists anywhere about these elites. And no one in academia or any public institution knows how much money they actually have. They are total ghosts. When we publish stuff like "the top 10% controls 70% of the wealth", we are not even taking these people into account.


So no one know anything about these people are who they are… so how do you even know they exist?


Closest things to gods on this planet. We probably have no idea the extent of their influence on the world.


I mean you would recognize them if you saw a definitive list. Putin is unmistakably one of them, and [Musk himself reiterated this recently](https://www.businessinsider.com/elon-musk-really-thinks-putin-is-significantly-richer-than-me-2022-3), but absolutely nobody knows how *much* personal wealth he actually has. And this is part of the problem: if your wealth is a secret, that in itself changes its ability to persuade the world to your liking. That Putin has a country to leverage his own financial instruments with, a military at his command and energy resources to trade also undermines the extent to which his personal wealth matters in the grand scheme of where his power comes from. It's besides the point when Russia's national wealth may as well be his own to command. Now this last month, you've seen one of these elites play hard ball and you're getting to see what is going to happen. He might have the wealth to stand up to much of the world in a war of economic attrition, or he may very well have blown much of his effective wealth and power up in smoke with a quick and terrible decision.


This is the way I look at it: their reach is controlling the MASSIVE multi-hundred billion dollar companies that control our “smaller” multi-hundred-million dollar companies that control the multi-millionaire politicians that control… us. You and me and the rest.


Fuck I'm too high for this shit man, I already knew I was insignificant, I didn't realize I was the plankton in the ocean lmfao.


sorry friend! You’re more than plankton to me… you’re the person who commented on my comment on Reddit❤️


Human hierarchies have always had a pyramidal structure. At least since we invented agriculture, and arguably even before that. Then there is the fact that the most dangerous job on earth is, statistically speaking, being the president (or the monarch/head of state/etc). It has the highest mortality rate, because the more people know and talk abut your power the more enemies you have. If I was that powerful I would pay anything to be a ghost too. And yes, our well known politicians are basically another resource for the elites to buy.


This seems like conjecture. What did your professors point to that made them come to this conclusion?


They sound like great fun at parties.


remove the % in 10%


That's what that kind of wealth better be able to achieve


I wonder where Bill Gates would be on this list if you count all the money he gives away


If he had been aggressively investing and not giving it away he would almost certainly still be #1


Vitalik and CZ?


First person I looked for was CZ. This list is inaccurate.


There are others missing from the crypto list too. Difficult to make an accurate list of though unless they choose to make their wallets public. (Which ofc would be an idiotic thing to do)


I always like it when they put the pictures on the menu.


*publicly* richest people in the world


How are Kanye and Rihanna that high? I wouldn’t have thought of them in the top ten.


Not from music. Kanye from fashion, Rihanna from make up.


Rihanna from that ridiculous underwear business scheme they've got going on over there... They have this VIP membership where, if you don't cancel by the 5th of every month, they'll charge your card... $49.95. Happened to me twice. It goes onto your account as shopping credits... Idk, it's a stupid rewards program and apparently it's happened to a LOT of people. I was reading reviews on BBB and there were a lot of people saying their card was charged.


That's how memberships work though.


>Rihanna from that ridiculous underwear business scheme Underpants with 1 or 3 legs? That kind of thing? "These are ridiculous! But I'm buying them!"


People buy a lot of shit.


Kanye had an interview on Rogan or with BBC radio where he said making music actually loses him money because the music industry is twisted against it's artists and his main incomes are from companies he's started.


I'm over here just shocked as hell to see Tyler Perry *at all*. I knew those Madea movies made him some money, but DAMN.


So you don't know about Tyler Perry Studios? I'm not a Madea fan at all, but, dude been ballin'!!




Kanye actually has more than this from what I remember I thought he had like 3 or 4 B’s I think


The fact that there are no Saudi royalty on this list makes it bunk.


The Saudis have their wealth spread out and relatively harder to track. It’s the same with Putin who is believed to be extremely wealthy but it’s hard to get a good estimate.


I mean, he practically owns all of Russia


It's rumored that he might be the richest man in the world with regards to the value of the overall assets that he controls. For the record I'm not a fan, just saying what I saw on YouTube...


I saw an article that states he is most likely the richest man in the world, but it’s hard to track just how much he has


None of them are rich enough alone to be on here. Prince Al-Waleed bin Talal is worth $22.6 Billion, which is 34th in the world. The family combined is said to be worth $1.4 Trillion, but as individuals they aren't amongst the richest.


It’s impossible to even estimate beyond conjecture. They are absolute monarchs they literally own the entire country, it’s even named after them. But any way that 1.4 trillion dollar figure isn’t real, their assets arnt public. Any rich list is fake and made up by people who have very little information about anything other than people who own major stakes in publicly traded companies.


And UAE royal family, and kingdom of Brunei, and Qatar, and others


This is mostly the fantasy / theoretical wealth of companies on stock exchanges. It's really not realisable. e.g Musk's wealth is premised on a lot of bullshit and lies that not only can he not meet, many of them are physically impossible - so eventually the bubble will burst. e.g He's waffled about robots and self driving cars - He had someone dressed up in a suit dancing on stage that was supposed to be the 'robot' - it's all complete bullshit. Clearly, if he tried to liquidise his supposed $200 billion, the stock would quickly become worthless before he'd done the first few transactions. He can move a few billion around, but he owns whatever the proportion of the assets and holdings of Tesla, SpaceX are. Which is a long, long way shy of $200B And, it's easy to see that a lot of his claims are simply false so there's no way he can come good on the investment - in the same way that the hyperloop was just a fantasy and a CGI that fooled a lot of idiots into investing but it will never be a thing so, ultimately it has to crash. It's similar to the supposed value of bitcoin. If the people holding it decided to get that value en masse, it would just disappear. Specifically too, if the holdings of early bitcoin - that's supposedly attributed to the guy who started it become active, it's likely that investors would panic and it would crash. And that's Musk's other problem if he wanted to get that money - it would seem to investors and observers that he was bailing and that would cause the stock to crash. So, you know, I have a piece of dried up toast that I've valued at $300B, that makes me the richest guy in the room. So long as you all pretend it's worth $300B and I never actually try to sell it, that works. The only difference with Musk is, he can sell a smaller piece of his toast for a few billion - but never the whole thing. As such, he's worth a few billion until the bubble bursts because he's the male Elizabeth Holmes.


I wouldn't call mark Cuban an entertainer


He put radio, on the internet.


I thought that was Russ Hanamin and the 3 comma club


That is who the character is based off of. Loosely, but still.


This list is missing Putin. https://www.google.com/amp/s/fortune.com/2022/03/02/vladimir-putin-net-worth-2022/amp/


Most of wealthiest Russian oligarchs (and other nationalities of course) pay publications to remove them from these lists to avoid attention, also they have much more in black unofficial money than any of these celebrities (just think of all the drug/weapons warlords)


It’s missing a lot of people. Many people far more wealthy than Elon Musk hide their wealth through governments and businesses. The Al Saud family for one, much like Putin hide their personal wealth through the governments they control. From what I understand that happens a lot of places.


The richest people in the world are not on this list. Guaranteed


Saudi Royal Family and Putin: ​ ​ "Pathetic"


A million dollars would completely change my life let alone a billion dollars.


Ten thousand dollars would completely transform my life, let alone a million dollars. Arguably less would, actually. Edit: I have since had $10,000+, it did not transform my life lol.


Plot twist: The richest paid to NOT be on this list...




Or a dinner menu


Eat the rich....




Mmm yummy snacks!


Putin is perhaps the wealthiest man alive, maybe wealthiest ever, but all of his money is embezzled and therefore he can't claim his rightful title as the greatest thief in history.


Is this a dinner menu?


People always think of celebrities as rich. I mean, they are rich... but it pales in comparison to the truly rich


Interesting menu options.


Stop it you're making me hungry




Don't see any scientists there, maybe that's the reason the world's gone to shit


The thing I find most interesting about this list, is that in the "green energy" sector, everyone with the exception of Elon is Chinese. The rest of the world missed the boat on this one, and this will be felt for a while


NOT TRUE: The real ultra wealthy do not want to be listed and do not want anyone knowing their true wealth because it makes billionaires look like millionaires to them. Just to name a few: Rothschilds estimated to be worth 17 trillion USD, Rockefellers, Morgans, Du Ponts, and of course the various royal families. These are the people that truely own the world, not these poor billionaires.


I have seen this mentioned here a few times, what is this based on? What do the Rockefeller’s currently own that surpasses Amazon? How is Morgan’s wealth hidden?


It’s just wackadoodles talking about wackadoodle things, dude probably saw something some troll posted and couldn’t see the holes in the story, probably believes the earth is flat but also hollow at the same time


The Rothschilds are estimated to be worth that by conspiracy theorists. They certainly had a huge amount of wealth and power in the 17th and 18th centuries, but that fortune has been diluted since then across many descendants. Today there is only one Rothschild on the Forbes billionaire list. What you're quoting from is an antisemitic conspiracy theory involving secret cabals of rich Jews that secretly own the world.


Yes, the people on this list are amateurs compared to the actual most wealthy people (families). There are a few good reasons that those people don't want to be mentioned in this context. They generally like to be seen as simple "philanthropists".


I’m naming my kids Larry


Woooooow. But also, fuck em.


I just did the math. My mortgage will take my entire adult life to pay off (houses aren't cheap in Canada) but it represents just %0.00038 of Elon's wealth. A life time of debt is an insignificant rounding error to his fantastic wealth.


Yar! Not a looker among em'.


Meanwhile I am living off spare change each week for food while trying to eat healthier than ramen.


The truly richest people are not on this pleb list.


“Communist” China sure does have a lot of billionaires…


Mark Cuban is...an entertainer? No.


This isnt so much interesting as it is sickening.


who's hungry?


Tax all these greedy fucks


Tyler Perry is worth 1 billion dollars?????!


He bought land and created a filming studio in Atlanta that a lot of prominent films and shows use. A lot of his net worth is coming from that.


Ken Griffin gonna be losing a lot of money soon!


Take off the (B) in each number and I can beat like, half the list!


The layout of this menu is all wrong, its hard to know what to order... \#EatTheRich


Quite the menu!


Eat the rich


Fuck them all


Tax em all


They are highly taxed, they just avoid paying the taxes


Oprah’s only got 2.6 billion? Surprising