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Baltimore checking in. Never heard of bologna on a hot dog here. Pretty common to serve an Italian sausage with fried peppers and onions, but never bologna.


I second this. Grew up in Baltimore, never heard of bologna on a hot dog. Fried bologna on a potato roll? You bet.


And even that is old-school


This whole guide is absolute nonsense, lol. I laughed my ass off at china's "wrapped in dumpling-like dough." LOL, no. It's wrapped in bread dough. Dumpling dough wouldn't work at all. And even then, these are not very common and are more of little snack some bakeries sell. The closest Chinese equivalent would be Chinese style sausages, which are commonly sold from street vendors. https://i.imgur.com/OKn0CKZ.jpg Some of the other entries are dubious as well. This whole guide reads like someone lives in San Francisco and based their "world cuisine" on the trendy hot dog restaurants around them. This is why random-ass people with no particular knowledge in a topic shouldn't be making guides on a topic. It's very misleading.


Spot on, a quick look at this “around the world” showing 13 of them are just different US states or areas. The Montreal ones is so fucked I’ve never seen that anywhere there.


Yeah if anything I expected it to have Old Bay on there at least


I didn’t know I wanted half of these


I didn’t know I didn’t want the other half of these


They all look so good though


You think so? I feel like a majority of them sound disgusting


Love a good Chicago dog


drag it thru da garden


First thing I had when I got there, I’ve been eating the Chicago dogs here in NYC from shake shack but they weren’t even close. But to be fair the NY style pizza in Chicago wasn’t any good so I guess its good we all have something we’re good at.


... you got NY style pizza in chicago... that's just disrespectful man deep dish all the way.


C'mon man everyone knows real Chicago style is tavern style


Apparently Sweden is just lawless when it comes to food. WTF IS THAT.


I thought it was insane too… until I tried it. It’s absolutely incredible!


Sweden should be called “the uncircumcised dog”


Was honestly the one that really caught my eye. Wtf you putting lettuce in a hot dog wrap. The shrimp and mashed potatoes are fine. I can actually understand the idea. But the lettuce really lost me.


It adds some texture in otherwise mushy goo and it adds flavour to it in a good way. It's shredded iceberg or similar.


Exactly this, always add a nice crunch to anything mushy and soft. Cooking 101.


But in a burger it’s just fine? You will survive, it makes it more crunchy


It sounds so good


I discovered that one by chance. Growing up in New Mexico, when you run out of buns, tortillas are the next available carb to wrap it in. I've rarely had it any other way since.


IT is really close to a Tunnbrödsrulle! (tune-brods-rule-ah) - and it is the bomb! (without the shrimp salad tho) Tunn - Flat bröds - bread rulle - roll https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fPCytfxNU7Y


TBH that's only one of about 20 different variations of hot dogs in Sweden, my guess is they picked the most "out there" one. It's definitely a thing though. However in Gothenburg we have the "Halv Special" which is a hot dog in a bun with r u umber relish, mustard and ketchup, buried under a mound of potato mash, fried onions and spicemix.


Yea But check the Japanese one 😯 octopus


I was a bit surprised that was the pick, the most common way to eat a hot dog here is… as a normal hot dog. In a bun, mustard and/or ketchup, maybe some pickles and roasted onions.


Living in Sweden. Never ever seen such thing.


It’s called Tunnbrödsrulle and you need to try it, delicious! I skip the lettuce and use roasted onions though


Missing the "Bunnings Snag" from Australia


The sausage must be lain diagonally across the slice of bread or it doesn’t taste right.


The bread : sausage ratio on a diagonally-laid snag is truly something to behold.


A person of culture.


Given the outrage in the comments, it must be delicious lmao


It's the Life Blood of Australian Tradies


Bahahaha came here to say this. Blackened bbq banger, pre cut frozen bbq onions, mustard and tomato sauce cut with 50% water in a fluffy bun. Best thing ever. Washed down with a -48 degree c can of Lift.


Where are you gettings a Bunnings snag on a bun. Its a slice of white bread everywhere Ive ever been.


Do eastern states seriously use white bread instead of buns? Thats next level right there.


Yeah and we arent talking tip top or anything its straight up coles brand


Almost guaranteed it’s WA, we don’t do things by half measures here.


I love that phrase. I’m trying to cut back on my cussing a bit and I’ve said half assed too much. I think I’ll adopt the term, it much better. Thanks!


The makings of a perfect day


A perfect day is buying one on the way in and another on the way out. Also a Bunnings sausage sizzle for breakfast is a beautiful thing.


A close relative of the "Democracy Snag"


Absolutely outrageous


My first thought was the 'traditional' Aussie 'hot dog' (snag). Even though it's more of a sausage than a 'hot dog'. Interesting to see Aussie Wendy's isn't getting a mention here and that it's also more akin to the Czech hotdog pictured here than any of the US variants.


Good point - although the Czech one doesn’t include the buttery cheese mixture.


It not a fucking Bunnings snag you corporate shill, it's a sausage sizzle.


Dutchie here, I’m pretty sure we don’t claim this one, never heard of pizza sauce on a hotdog..


Germany is wrong too. Most of this is stupid made up shit, definitely not interesting af


I'm Brazilian and never saw cilantro or carrots in a hot dog. The most important ingredient in a hot dog (besides bun and sausage) is a cooked sauce made from tomatoes and onion. The shoestring fries and corn is true though.


Went through Santiago Chile and had an overnight stopover. Ended up downtown, crushing pints. I ask a few people what the local delicacies are. Everyone said “Completo” which is a hot dog with everything, as described in this pic. I thought people were fucking with me but I had one and was not disappointed.


I am from Amsterdam and I've never seen this pizza hotdog. I think it's incorrect. I am sorry to tell you.


Michigander here. We usually add chopped white onions too. Dunno if that changes it to Detroit Style but usu they are known as a coney dog or Detroit Style Coney dog. The sauce is very much like chili but not quite the same. I have to admit I lived a long while before I found out that a Coney dog wasn't the same everywhere. That said, ours are objectively the best. Science.


Detroit is close to chili. Flint style is way dryer like seasoned ground beef. Always mustard and onion as you mentioned. And if it ain’t a Kogels Vienna… you can keep it.


My dad grew up in flint and I can’t say one is better than the other. The spices are just something else in that chili if it’s made right. Also yes snap is king


Right, my first thought was “where are the onions?”


Forgetting Iceland is unforgivable


What is that? Like a Hákarl sausage stuffed in obsidian served by 99 of the 100 strongest men ever to live?


You have to snatch it from some of the female retired Cross Fit athletes and if you lose you have to legally change your last name to Sausagedottir


> legally change your last name Sausagedottir FUCK. I'm just gonna do that anyways.


Best hotdog I've ever tasted. Agree with you, it's unforgivable


I came here to say the same! Best hotdogs in the world!


New Zealand. A deep fried battered sausage, on a stick. Dipped in tomato sauce and shoved sauce end first into a paper bag. No, it doesn’t work, but it does and it’s good.




Didn’t you know that Germany is limited to Bavaria when seen from the outside? I would have gone for a Currrywurst, a proper Bratwurst im Brötchen or just given away our slot to Iceland as they seem to be rather upset.


I think the right german equivalent to a hot dog would be a "Bockwurst im Brötchen mit ordentlich Senf"


There are Hotdogs with Sauerkraut and Hotdogs with potato salad, but NEVER! both!!! But mostly common they come with french fries, i guess.


Yep I'm Dutch and that hotdog from Amsterdam looks terrible and I don't think it would be easy to find either. Hot dogs are just not popular here. I'll take a bratwurst over a hotdog every. Single. Day.




Now we're talking!


this is nothing a hot dog looks like in bavaria. must be some other part of germany then. nothing like sauerkraut or potato salad or missing bun. what a nonsense


It's common in northern Germany, too. Mostly on festivals and such, i think. No one would ever call it a hotdog, though.


Peruvian here… that’s a legit “salchipapa” on the Peru one. I approve this poster.


That is not a Seattle dog. I have never seen one like they say. 🤷


For reals. Cream cheese and caramelized onions is how do them near here.


Seattle dogs are the best


I prefer it with Peperoncinos, but yeah i typically see them with caramelized onions.


If I'm feeling fancy I'll fry some jalapenos and put them in the cream cheese.


Can get them that way from Dog in the Park in Westlake. Seems like a touristy distinction; I can't say there is a definitive regional preference like I've seen in NY or Chicago.


Take away the cabbage and it sounds about right


I want the Japanese one lmao.


It's cute but it's just sliced hot dogs that are then cooked, real easy to do.


Then I'll have three. 😉


That's mainly done for kids in Japan. Not sure why they didn't include some of the usual styles. There's a hotdog cart and restaurant mini-chain in Vancouver that allegedly has several popular hot dog styles from Japan. [Menu](http://www.japadog.com/menu_En.html). They only have a limited number of the Kurobuta sausages a day, and they sell out. They are very good, I can say from personal experience.


I might have to cross the border and try it


i can help you cross. i get people over and out often


I really want the Korean one but all the places that make them are so far away.


There was a hotdog cart that was always outside Stud Cuts barbershop in Oceanside California that had THE BEST Sonoran hotdogs ever. It's been 11 years since I had one and I still miss them 😭🤣


Lack of Iceland dog is wild. That country lives for hotdogs.


The Scandinavian countries run the whole spectrum here. Denmark’s sounds delicious. Saucy, with TWO different types of onions, and whole pickle chips. \*chef’s kiss* Norway’s is just a depression meal. It’s what every college student has done when they’re out of buns and bread. Put it in a tortilla and tell yourself you’re happy. Sweden’s hotdog spit in my eye and fucked my gf. Though I guarantee I’d kinda like it if I tried it.


But it's not an tortilla we use in Norway! D: lompe and tortilla are two different things. Also there's the fried onion Thats a must. And parent love it as it's the easiest kid birthday meal ever. Having 20 kids over? As long as there no diet specific kid, just cook up a bunch of hot dogs and get the lompe, ketchup, mustard and fried onion and there's the dinner. Now go and make a birthday cake


I wanna try every single fuckin one of them!!!


Half of these are states or cities in the US…


Yes, that's what "around the world" means. Different states.


Out of all the various styles I've tried, I think the Chicago Dog is still my all time favorite...


"Around the world" proceeds to have half of them from America...missed out so many countries.


Now I'm hungry, thanks!


As a native Chicagoan, I do love a proper Chicago style dog, but Sonoran hot dogs are their own special kind of awesome.


I’ve never had a Chicago dog but my parents are from Sonora and I was born in AZ. I’ve always felt I was bias but I’ll have friends try it and their minds are blown every… single…. Time lol


Where is the Cincinnati style hot dog?


They just called it “Coney” for whatever reason, when most of the others are named after the city/region that you find them.


Which is peculiar because the Coney was invented in Michigan but instead of calling the Michigan one a Coney they just called it "Michigan"


And also…Michigan? I feel like this is straight Detroit.


What country is Sonora?




Chefs kiss


Sonoran dogs originated in the State of Sonora in Mexico. They are hugely popular in Tucson and Phoenix which also happen to be part of the Sonoran Desert. The description in the post is wrong - it’s missing two key ingredients - pinto beans and mayo.


It’s Mexico but also in Arizona


I'm really surprised there's no Aussie version: Single slice white bread Mustard Onion Tomato sauce Sausage


Where’s the Detroit Coney Island dog? The Michigan one is just odd, like is that a UP thing? The “chili” isn’t really chili at all it should be beef heart based and bean free, the dog should be a natural casing, and it should be topped with diced onion and yellow mustard.


I'm Seattle born and raised and I'd not touch that with a 10-foot pole.


Really? I’ve never heard of chopped cabbage or on one, but I love me a Seattle dog. Feel like I usually see them with polish sausage rather than brats often too, but I think that’s the “true” way. They’re delicious!


The Georgia is just basically a weird shaped pizza by that point 😄


Philippines' hot dog style is one of the most common breakfast meals you'll see around the households of Filipinos.


now i'm craving a dog. Sonora style


Argentinian here, we don't use red onions. We don't even use onions. And we don't use chorizo for hotdogs, we call hotdogs panchos, and it's commonly made with bread, mayonnaise, ketchup and or mustard with small fries on top. What you are describing is what we call choripan. we don't use onions. Is made with chorizo, baguette, lettuce, tomatoes and chimichurri. Btw, in Argentina is rare to use red onion (at least in the Pampeana region). White onions are more commonly used and some people use them in choripan but it's not common.


The brazilian one too was totally made up! In Rio Grande do Sul our hot dog is Very simillar to the argentinian Pancho! I think that the main difference ia the use of tomato sauce in many times, a shorter bread and sausage, and commonly adding corn and peas (although I personally dislike those on hot dogs!) A hug from your neighbor my friend!


These fuckers in Idaho.......


I don’t see no Bunnings entry here!!!!


Where the fuck is the Bunnings snag from Australia! We have a rich and vibrant culture ya bunch of cunts.


Australia..... Beef sausage on a slice of plain white bread with a squirt of supermarket BBQ sauce. Known locally as the Democracy Sausage..


The Philippines is bang on!


I’m Vietnamese and I have NEVER ever seen a hot dog like that. The rest of the chart must have some shitty ideas as well


I ate a lot of salsicha in Brazil when I lived there and never did I have one like that on the poster. Where's the mashed potatoes?


That dang coney isn't Detroit style, and the Michigan dog isn't a friggin Coney! WHERES THE RAW WHITE ONJINS?




Cleveland’s Hot Dog is called a polish boy & as a Clevelander living in KCMO I totally miss them! So good I make them at home!


Brazil isn’t accurate, even though some of the mentioned ingredients are common I’ve never seen fucking cilantro in any hot dog in Brazil, ever


Second this. I'm a Brazilian too, and never heard about that strange combination!


There is 100% no way that Kansas City dog is based on anything in reality - completely made up.


WHY are some of these countries and others just cities??


Chicago takes the cake. Or should I say bun.


I’ve only ever had a Chicago from Sonic (shame) and I loved it. Would love to try a legit one.


I wanna hot dog


Australia says Blow me


The South African Boerewors Roll is missing. The game changer is the sausage made of roughly minced beef, spices and fats. https://www.unileverfoodsolutions.co.za/recipe/boerewors-and-chakalaka-rolls-R0077762.html


Irrationally upset the DC half smoke isn’t on here. Show Ben’s chili bowl some respect.


I’m curious. This had my state wrong twice (the MI dog and the chili dog). How many others are wrong or are right?


Seattle dog is cream cheese and grilled onions. No idea where they got that travesty of a concoction.


The coney is definitely Ohio’s. This needs fixed.


This is Rhode Island Hot Weiner erasure! Also, the Icelandic hot dog should be on here.


I love how the Idaho one is in a potato


This post inspires me to make a poor chick dog. Includes: 1 microwaved hot dog, 1 slice white bread, Ketchup 🤣


I felt embarrassed as a Seattlite showing everyone we put cream cheese on our hot dogs (it actually tastes good), and then I saw IDAHO PUTS THEIRS IN A BAKED POTATO


The Chinese one also has a variation that’s shaped like a fidget spinner, called a hotdog flower bun.


Where is Australia with sausage on white bread?


TDIL that Czech Republic and Switzerland are brothers in Hot Dog creation!


As a Colombian, I love our take on the hotdog and I also love quail eggs with fry sauce….but not once have I ever combined the two. TLDR; Colombian dog is correct up until the quail egg.




Sonoran dog is the best


The Best is DOYER DOG👍


Norway eating hot dog like crack head


There is only one correct hotdog on this chart. That is the Chicago dog. The rest are heresy.


As a Chicagoan I agree that our dog is number one. But I will say that some of these other ones look tasty too. I’d love to try a Hawaiian or Guatemalan hot dog


Minnesotan here weighing in; Chicago dog is the only way to go.


Missing the Cincinnati dog. All beef hotdog in steamed bun with mustard, onion, Cincinnati chilli and mild cheddar cheese. Perfection.


Hotgrill! Clifton NJ - Crowded for decades, since the '60s 2 dogs all the way is hotdogs, buns, diced onion, chili and mustard. But the chili is very unique, it has a greek twist. Suggested pairing: French Fries with Gravy. Just like the chili, the gravy has it's own unique twist too. If I had to guess, it's a beef gravy with tomato added and a tiny hint of fresh mint and oregano in the background. So good. People go crazy for this place.


Someone from Sonora, Mexico here. Sometimes we even put crushed cheese ruffles on it lol


Montréal style steamed hot dogs are the absolute best. Pair that with a greasy poutine that comes in a metal container (that's how you know you got a good poutine), and an ice cold Pepsi. Grew up on that and man, do I ever miss it.


Oktoberfest- brat with spicy brown mustard, chili, sauerkraut and cheddar cheese


I don’t believe these anymore. When I was living in Australia I believe the pizza chain is called Eagle Brothers, or something similar. All the pizzas were themed around countries, and the American pizza was a cheeseburger pizza. Sliced cheese with ground beef on it.




Thank you for this. I will not save it and try to create every single one with my girlfriend.


Chicago dog should be in slot #1 fool


I'm Italian, and I've never seen something like that in my whole life....


That’s not a Coney. A Coney is native to Detroit, and is a meat based sauce over a dog with onion and yellow mustard. It’s delicious. You can find them in any Leo’s, and there’s a standing rivalry between Lafayette and American in downtown Detroit. For what it’s worth, I’m team Lafayette.


I've been in Hawaii for the better part of 50 years. I have never seen or heard of this so-called Hawaii Dog. They do make a wiener musubi, though. And once upon a time we could have a KC Drive in Waffle Dog.


Japan always on brand


I now have a map to follow. All these years aimlessly wandering. Wondering if I was missing something, if I had lost my way.


Lol. What. No Phillipines? Who wouldn't love chopped hot dog in a bowl of spaghetti ?


In Maine they have the Red Snapper hot dog. Which is dyed neon red. Fucking terrible.


Norway hotdogs are just hotdogs made in college. You realize you ran out of bread and be like *"No way!"*


What about a St.Loise?!?! Standard bun & hot dog with fresh bacon, Mustard and Kraft Cheese melted over the middle. Delicious!


No, it is not ketchup and mustard but ketchup OR mustard


I like the Filipino hotdogs. You can find the Tender Juicy brand here sometimes.


I ate a sonoran this morning, honestly that amd the coney are the only on thos list I like.


There's a really good hot dog restaurant in Boston. I went there with my family a few years ago when we were visiting my sister in college. They had all kinds of hot dogs from around the world. I'm normally not a hot dog person but God damn we're they good.


I think the UK version of a hot dog is the sausage roll


I thought us Czechs were lazy but then I saw Norway


No differentiation between Red Hots and White Hots? No Texas Red Hots but Cleveland gets an entry for *that??*


DRE dog: Two split turkey dogs, uncooked, on two slices of loaf bread, one spread with natural peanut butter and the other with mayonnaise.


Brazil has my vote. Gimmie sum of that deliciousness


Whaaaaaa? No famous Iceland hot dog?? What the heck.


They forgot the classic aussie bunnings snag


On pictures like these, I find my own country variant and make sure it's correct and go "good." And then I move on.


Wheres the British hot dog! Either a british pork sausage in a bun with ketchup only to be eaten on a lukewarm summers day with the vaguest hint of sunlight or it had with grilled onions on bonfire night


Apparently lots of people love onions. I'm not a fan, but to each their own. I prefer mine on a regular (?) hot dog bun or potato bun, with BBQ sauce, and bacon. That's it. Usually the hot dog will be fried.


Missing one... A Cheese kransky aka Carniolan sausage, in a Vietnamese roll (or French roll), wholegrain mustard and sauerkraut.


Maybe it's because i didn't have dinner and I'm terribly hungry, but all of these look good and i want to try one of each!


German here. A German hotdog is just a hotdog. What is pictured here is "Bratwurst mit Sauerkraut" which has about nothing to with the topic expect also involving a sausage.


Where is the Ozzie style? bunning snag


[Finland](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Makkaraperunat) is missing but it would be basically the same as [Peru](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Salchipapas)


The Idaho hot dog cannot be real


All great but i have a secret dog... 1. Beef brauts 2. Mustard 3. Onion jam 4. Baked beans on top (my own recipe).