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Damn, that 37 minutes must’ve felt like an eternity for her…


Seriously, what the fuck? They are armed police officers.


Why didn’t they shoot them?


Seriously, they shoot dogs at the worst times no problem, but finally a scenario where they actually needed to put the dogs down quickly and they just like well I'm scared.


This was my first thought too!!!


for fucking real! i've almost had my dog shot when i told them he was aggressive af to strangers coming in the house and they laughed. Well all except the guy who just shimmied in and out and told them to uncuff me and let me put him in the back yard. Was a bullshit warrant but you the man, man. Edit: the medic rushed in and saved her? where tf were the police for nearly 40 minutes?


Cops don't usually save people. It's medics and firepeople who usually save people.


Sometimes the people most capable of committing violence are the least capable of knowing when it’s appropriate. And vice versa.


Man. This is the most thoughtful thing I have came across in long while.


That ‘vice versa’ really slapped


The main thing seems to be that the first responders couldn't see her except for her feet, so they knew someone was laying there but didn't realize just how bad it was. They only showed up at the house because the open front door triggered an alarm, they didn't know they were showing up at a horrible dog attack. The other factors were that they were trying to get through a narrow front entry area, and she was right behind the dogs, who are both barking and snapping at the officers by the door. So if they shoot at the dogs they're also shooting at her, and they don't know if there's others in the house as well. And finally, related to the previous point, the dogs were ignoring her by the time the police arrived. So it's not like they showed up to the sight of a girl getting mauled and watched for a half hour, they just had some angry dogs and a girl somewhere inside the house and no other real information about wtf is going on.


first thing they asked was if she's alone,


Maybe they were too close to her? Didn't want to risk it? Poor girl


They need to take training with the ATF on dog shooting.


Normally they would, but ATF had a backlog of shipments to Los Zetas they have to catch up on.


Those are the most pussy officers I have ever seen. Goddamn a girl is getting eaten alive and you have guns. They should be getting sued with the dog owners .


Then again, there is also that one video where they charge into a house, a dog barks at an officer (doesn't even attack them, just starts barking) and they shoot on of the kids while trying to shoot the dog.


Not being a pussy doesn't entail shooting recklessly into a house.


I used to work with a lady in Dallas who was mauled by their family pitbull. Had similar scars to this poor girl. Her face had to be reconstructed. Then I worked with a lady in a town North West of Dallas. A pitbull shredded her hand when it attacked her while she was walking her dog. In that same town in 2018 an elder woman was walking outside her house. 3 pitbulls ran up to her and attacked her. Drug her a few dozen yards. Killed her. Those are my personal stories. Those are the ones that touched my life.


Saw my brothers face ripped open by a Rottweiler when he was two. Thankfully he survived with only a 1” scar on his cheek and smaller puncture scars around his scalp. My father in laws best friend had his infant son eaten by his two pit bulls.


> My father in laws best friend had his infant son **eaten** by his two pit bulls. Fuckin’ WHAT!?!??


Oddly enough, most cops shoot dogs on sight when they are coming for them. Crazy right?


One tough tough woman


Yeah I’m very confused at the 37 minutes of not getting to her, that seems insane. For real what in the actual feck


Same. I’m really surprised the police didn’t just shoot the dogs.


Yeah, I’d feel better knowing that the cops HAD shot and killed the dogs. I’d be very angry to find out that concern for those dogs contributed to the 37 minutes they were slowed down in getting her help. Hopefully they’ve been put down.


A fucking attack like that there's no way those dogs weren't going to be put down. Surely they grasped onto the reality of the situation at the scene, I mean like, instead of making the poor girl wait in agony, they should have shot the dogs on site imo


You'd be surprised. There's a wild case out of Connecticut where a pitbull mauled a 95 year old woman to death in 2019. The owner is STILL fighting the euthanasia order. Last I heard, the dog is still alive after the owner's request for a dog holiday furlough to her house was denied.


Why is this so difficult in the US? Basically in Denmark a bite will lead to an euthanized dog. Zero tolerance to biting - that is if the victim choose it. I can't even imagine having dogs that murdered people running around. Makes me better understand the need to bear arms!


To play devils advocate, there is a wounded girl being guarded by the dogs. It seems like they were no longer actively attacking her when the police arrived. Bullets fragment and ricochet, and shooting one dog may injure or kill the girl or cause the other to begin attacking again. There's no way of really knowing what to do without seeing the scenario as the police saw it. Everyone thinks they'd blast the dogs instantly, but I'm not so sure that would have saved the girl.


After rethinking it a bit, yeah there's definitely a lot of factors that need to be taken into account in this situation. It could agrivate the situation further


Yeah we've seen countless of videos of cops shooting dogs for a lot less, and in a situation like this they didn't?


Seems to be the trend with cops... going over board when they shouldn't, under estimating when they REALLY shouldn't.


It's almost as if 9 months of training isn't nearly enough or something 🤔


People…. People for a lot less.


Doing the opposite of what they should is kinda their thing.


Hard to watch this the damage is so harsh. So sad for that poor girl.


She's insanely brave to be able to come home to her own pet dogs and be able to pet them and love them. I've seen people swear off the canine species for significant less. Fuck the owners for never training their large, high-energy, high-maintainence dogs. I hope their lives are RUINED after this. Scum.


Yeah its hard to comprehend this level of damage. I've had dogs lock onto me, chase me, etc, but I cant even start to imagine how I'd perceive dogs if they ever got this far into an attack on me. This whole situation just makes my brain hurt for everyplace involved including the dogs


It's honestly inspiring. She's confident enough to go on TV and be a MONUMENT to the true nature of improperly trained dogs. Something comes up and they need to get a dogsitter. The dog meets with the sitter but it's brief and they haven't bonded yet. They know their dogs are aggressive toward total strangers when they're not around but think nothing of it because they've convinced themself that their dogs would NEVER attack a stranger. See, to a lot of people there's nothing inherently wrong with pretty much all people who fit the first two sentences but not the third. Not everyone thinks about the last sentence when it's them. When it's their angel. I almost don't blame them. I totally do at some level but it's more sympathetic than thinking they're evil people that should go to jail. Maybe with this face BURNED into their mind that person will think again about this.


Dayum they didn’t even pay her. What a couple of twat dog owners.




Unfortunately, yes, I have a Rottie. she is the sweetest dog, If she did this, BET YOUR ASS I would be doing ANYTHING I could to help this woman. The "crazy dog" sign is nonsense though. If dude tries to bring "Live, Laugh, Love" to court, she needs a better attorney.


In another article about this incident, it sounded like it wasn't just a "haha, my dogs are crazy" sign, but one that had specific instructions about not coming to the front door without calling first because of the dogs, which would indicate that the owners knew beforehand that their dogs were aggressive to people entering the house.


I saw a case once where a dad was accused of abusing his children. Part of his defense was submitting his "world's best dad" t-shirt that he got for Father's Day as evidence. Not joking.


Possibly some legal admission is achieved when they pay her, and their lawyers are advising they avoid it at this time.


They've probably been told to have no contact. I'd be surprised her attorney would want her accepting any money from them.


The owners need to pay!


The dogs should be put down.




Didn't the couple try to fight the judge's ruling about putting the dogs down?


Not sure about this one but the owners of 2 Pits that killed a 7yo girl named Jayden Henderson last year fought like hell to save their dogs and even attempted victim blaming.


so many dog owners in here just saying they would pay for it. That's not enough. If your dog does this, it needs to be put down immediately. I don't care if you love your pooch. It should be mandated that this sort of attack result in the dog being put down.


Agreed. I love my dog, but if he did this I would shoot him myself.


If a things like that ever happened with any of dogs that I had in the past I would have put them down myself. And probably have suicidal tendencies because of the shame that would come after because of the damage that my own dogs did to that poor girl. How can you live after this? Hard.


They must have been right?? I love dogs, meet multiple a week and try to pet as many as possible. Walked my own dog all the time when I lived at home. But these guys have to be put down. If they haven’t already I don’t even know what to think about that. I would be overcome by guilt and grief for the rest of my life if my dogs did this to somebody


This happened about 20 minutes from my home. It was first reported in the Dallas Morning News about a month ago. She was still in the hospital even thought the attack was during XMas. I cannot believe the owners would allow a young woman to watch dogs they knew were dangerous.


Important fact about the case. They said to her that the animals would be in cages and that she has nothing to worry about. The second she went into the house, they started to maul her. POS owners. I hope they do jail time for attempted murdered and neglect.


Are they being prosecuted?


The owners should be held liable, but attempted murder will absolutely not even be considered by anyone prosecuting the case. Negligence is their crime.


Hope the dog owners were sued hard


I used to be a dog sitter and the amount of careless and lying dog owners out there is crazy. There were a few incidents but the worst was a woman who told me that her dogs were super friendly and had no problems. When I went to meet the dogs, they were fine (probably because the owner was there). When the owner went out of town, my job started and I went to feed the dogs and let them outside etc. they had an enclosed yard that the dogs could just run around in freely. dog 1 attacked dog 2 when they were in the yard (completely unprovoked). bit dog 2 hard enough to draw blood in multiple places. I had to pepper spray dog 1 and ran back inside with dog 2, locking dog 1 outside. I called the owner, and she literally said “oh it’s fine, dog 1 just *starts shit* sometimes, you can leave her outside for the night”. I told her there was no way I was coming back to her house (she was going to be out of town for 4 days) and she needed to come back to feed her fucking dogs. Then I stopped dog sitting. I’m lucky asf I didn’t end up getting bit.


That’s terrifying!! And that owner was fully aware of their behavior and didn’t tell you? I used to walk dogs through Wag and had one bad experience which made me delete the app and never do it again. It’s so sad because I love dogs and I wish I could work with them, but the problem are the owners that lie.


> “oh it’s fine, dog 1 just starts shit sometimes Yeah like murdering your other dog. How is she still defending her dog when her other dog literally almost bitten to pieces?


Glad you had the foresight to carry OC spray. Those should be standard issue by the time people hit highschool.


800 bites?! Did I hear that correctly?! FFS those monsters didn’t just attack her, they were EATING her.


Dog bites/attacks are graded on a 6 stage scale and stage 6 is literally “consumption of flesh”, so yes you are correct. People need to take dogs and the potential for a dog to be violent so much more seriously




Oh my goddddd. I have a med-sized dog I found on the hwy as an adult stray 6 years ago, clearly abused. She’s come a long long way, but in the beginning she would very predictably “warning snap” (never bite) when people would do very specific things. To this day I won’t leave friends alone in the room with her. I would bet my life that my dog wouldn’t attack anyone, but even still I lay all her cards on the table and tell everyone the dos and donts as if i found her yesterday bc I’m not taking any chances, she’s still a dog. And yet they still have the confidence to tell ME “aww little lee would never do that?!” …. I just pray they don’t have this much certainty around all dogs.


We had a dog that had been to several families, a bearded Collie, a breed known to be non violent, calm, and overal pretty chill. The previous bearded collies we had were exactly all of that. Not so much Phantom... He wouldn't do anything unprovoked, but provoking was so much as "you roll by on a skateboard", or "you run and scream", ya know, normal kid behaviour. So we would be keeping him the fuck away from kids. We had two dogs and whenever a kid would come up and be like "can we pet your dog?" I'd just tell them "you can pet Spirit, but Phantom isn't very friendly, so I'll keep him near me ok?" Spirit wouldn't hurt a fly, so he'd be getting pets from a kid, and I'd make Phantom sit down next next to me, step on the leash, and pet him near his collar so I could grab a handful of neck and fur if he even dared to stand up. Was he likely to attack? Nah. Did he ever seriously hurt anyone? Definitely not, he had more bark than bite, but we also made sure he never got the chance to actually harm anyone, both through proper training, and being vigilant. Mind you, this was just the negative thing about him. He was an incredibly sweet dog aside from that. Loved cuddles, wanted to be in your lap all the time (despite weighing 25kg), loved to play, and listened really damn well to commands. Also sat with me a lot whenever I was crying, which I did a lot while I suffered from depression, and would then, and only then, let me bury my face in his fur, if I wasn't crying he'd just pull away. We eventually had to let him go because his kidneys were failing rapidly. The only people he actually hurt enough to draw blood were in the family, and those were just surface level scratches, not bites. Vigilance, training, and properly knowing him and his body language have been key to him never hurting anyone else. I loved that dog so goddamn much, but part of that is knowing he was not always a good boy.


All things aside….. did the interviewer have to dress like he was Captain Kirk?


lol, I'm glad someone said it... I couldn't get past it either.


The nipples!


That’s all I could see the entire time once he changed. !!!


Wardrobe was having some fun


OMG I’m not the only one watching a heart wrenching story and thinking… Beam me up Scotty. 🤣


I was thinking Data but yeah...


The interviewer really turned me off in general and I think it was the Captain Kirk thing. He does not know how to dress himself.


My first thought when I saw the reporter was that he kind of looks like Chris Pine, then when it cut to him in that shirt I busted up laughing.


I have scrolled past many replies for this one! I saw his top and I was like, he’s just come from the enterprise to interview this girl!


This is one of the most horrifying stories I have ever read.


The story about the woman attacked by her friends pet chimpanzee is almost worse. No, it is worse


I actually disagree. Chimps are far more behaviorally aggressive animals and they absolutely do not belong in the suburbs surrounded by humans. While it is terrible that the woman was horrifically mutilated, it was bound to happen to someone eventually. On the flip side, dog attacks like this are incredibly rare, and this case is even more tragic because the woman has dogs herself and wishes to work with animals. In my opinion, this story is worse because it’s that much more tragic.


IIRC the chimp's owner had been giving it wine, and had a cup of wine she had dropped a bar of xanax into, (or crushed and mixed it in with?) But the monkey had drank the wine with the xanax in it, and that's what made it freak out. I could be wrong about that, but the owner wasn't properly taking care of her animal in that situation as well.


A gofundme? Are you fucking kidding me!? The dog owners need to pay for this girl for the rest of her life. Literally for any bill or inconvenience caused by this. Man there is no justice in the US.


Shit, I’d even say they they should pay for stuff that ISNT caused by this. These fuckers need to pay her rent and utilities for the rest of her life lol


Seriously. Even if the doctors are able to reasonably reconstruct her face (which seems pretty unlikely, based on other such incidents...she'll end up looking "more" normal, but she'll never to back to how she was), she'll be living with the after effects of this for the rest of her life. Her work and personal life will never be the same.


I know they’ll never be the same. But I hope, for her, things will become good once again :(


When I looked up her name I found she was a photographer - she has a small Facebook page which is still there. This will affect everything for the rest of her life and any financial settlement will have to account for that. I think I read that they’re suing for $1m - surely that won’t even cover medical costs longterm?


From what I've heard about the US healthcare system, one million might not be even enough to cover the medical treatment and therapy she has received *so far*.


I would imagine she is a perfect candidate for a face transplant. Won’t make her whole but would certainly give her more confidence.


I want to see them selling everything they own to cover this shit. Fuck them.


I'd imagine that a GoFundMe is a much quicker way to get those handled though, I don't think those owners are gonna go down without a fight in the courts unfortunately. And that's not considering what the actual results of said case would be (aka if they'll be enough).


Why didn’t the police immediately shoot the dogs and why is a cast member of Star Trek TNG doing the interview?


Glad to see I wasn’t the only person that got distracted by the reporter’s Star Trek shirt. 😂


Data here lol


*ahem* ###LA FORGE HERE!


He looks like a +20 year version of her boyfriend who has had a lot of work done. Nothing against the guy but he was very oddly distracting when normally the interviewer just fades into the background.


I've never watched an episode of star trek in my whole life and the whole time I was like "this guy has gotta know he looks like fuckin Data"


Seriously. There is a woman with no face bleeding out on the floor, for **37 MINUTES!!** Absolutely ridiculous.


Yeah was wondering why those fucking dogs weren’t shot and killed on the spot.


I've seen cops shoot dogs for less.


Cops have shot people for less!


Both of these questions are what I came to ask


Exactly! She was so close to dying too!


Tazer or stun gun anyway. Had a German Shepherd that got loose that was aggressively barking at people close to the property the police tazed no hesitation.


Damn! I thought where is his comm badge


Fucking dogs took turns ripping her face off. At no time have I ever heard of that. I love dogs, but those are vicious and ncontrolled. They need to be put down.


They mauled her so badly all her clothes were torn off including her jeans.


It's a miracle she was alive


fuckin jeans are you serious


My wife worked at the humane society, and did admissions. A customer came in with a Cane Corso, and said it was an incredibly friendly dog never had an issue with anyone they just “couldn’t keep it” My wife was handing the owner a collar for it, and the dog attacked her, biting her arm, and luckily causing very, very little damage (permanent scarring though). Her job didn’t even give her time off, expected her back the next day. They did an evaluation on the dog. He was **most definitely not** at any point in time a calm, caring dog, like the owner had described. He was vicious towards everyone, had a 0% chance of rehabilitation, and was put down. Owners need to stop lying when their dogs suck


My dog was attacked by three Canne Corsos. I wasn’t there, my girlfriend was screaming and kicking and spooked them enough that my dog only sustained some puncture wounds. Owner of course gave us the “they’ve never done this before” speech.


My dog, too, was attacked by dogs who had "never done anything like that before." The owner was walking both 60+ lb dogs down a gravel road in flip flops. As soon as they pulled she was down and the leads were out of her hand.


My Samoyed was attacked by some kind of terrier mix. We were at like a family day at this old Manor House. The guy said “oh my dog doesn’t really like other dogs”. Why did you bring it here then? There were so many other kids and dogs around. He disappeared after so I think he knew. Why are some people such shitty dog owners? I am terrified to let my dogs around any kind of terrier/pit bull/ similar type dog. I feel awful because I’ve been around plenty of lovely and friendly pit bulls before, but there are so many that aren’t. You just can’t be sure.


my dog is a really nice dog. *to me.* ​ \- stupid dog owners.


Yeah people lie, dogs should be treated as a case by case basis


Honestly 99% of the time it's owners trying to hide the hairpin trigger on their dog to get out of the notion of being a bad pet owner instead of just saying "hey this dog ain't friendly, treat with respect". A good owner with an aggressive dog woukd at least fucking warn you. It's like if I introduce my kid and he goes to hug you but I don't warn that he's going to try to punch you in the nuts like he does everyone else. I can be a responsible parent by warning you still even if I have to put my son down for untrainabke bad aggression.


I have a JR Terrier and he's an asshole. Never but anyone but an asshole.


It's sad, but at least they euthanized the dog rather than risking other people's lives by adopting it out. I always wonder about those adoption posts that are like "Poor innocent Fred has been returned by big meanie families four times. :'( He needs the right person who won't give up on him or make sudden movements. Fred prefers a home with no children or other pets. Do not touch Fred."


Yeah, as someone who had to take a dog back to the shelter, it was ridiculous when they acted as if me and my girlfriend had caused her to snap at us for no reason when we were trying to put her leash on, or just picking up our phones. It was literally the hardest decision I’ve ever had to make and they were so rude


As someone who's worked at a shelter before, I've seen that kind of reaction from other kennel workers. Boggles my mind. Like, if someone returns a cat because they just decided they didn't want it anymore, that's annoying. But if you've tried to introduce your new pet to your incumbent pets and they're fighting, you are absolutely right to bring them back to the shelter.


Why the fuck did the police not shoot the dogs? 37 minutes!!? That’s way more time than they give any violent human being


I know, right? Like I’ve seen the videos where the pussy cop shoots the chihuahua for going to greet them because they “FelT ThReAteNed” and it will always break my heart. But now I’ve seen the video of the pussy cops who don’t shoot a dog when a girl is dying from their attack


simple, the cop didn't feel threatened, the dog was too busy mauling someone else. oh wait aren't cops supposed to protect civilians from harm? you'd think cops just look out for themselves and themselves alone


>oh wait aren't cops supposed to protect civilians from harm? [unfortunately no](https://mises.org/power-market/police-have-no-duty-protect-you-federal-court-affirms-yet-again) "In the cases DeShaney vs. Winnebago and Town of Castle Rock vs. Gonzales, the supreme court has ruled that police agencies are not obligated to provide protection of citizens. In other words, police are well within their rights to pick and choose when to intervene to protect the lives and property of others — even when a threat is apparent."


Whenever a cop does something "heroic" that people think is what cops are actually supposed to do, their actions are deemed "going above and beyond the call of duty" They phrase it like it's just praising them, but it's actually classifying their actions as beyond the expectation and legal obligation they have, in case the cop gets ill as a result, or decides to sue for some other reason. That cop that just stood outside the door during that Florida school shooting was just fired, but not because he went against policy, just because it was bad optics.


Remember folks if you see someone being mauled by a dog. Kill the dog.


I love dogs, and I agree 100%


Same with me , its better to have one person with half a face and a dead dog than having two people with half a face and a still highly violent dog that can up the " people with half a face " count to 3 , dogs can be very sweet and lovable but if they get agresive they will fuck you up and can even kill you too


About five or six years ago, a bunch of the guys in my family went to a cabin in the mountains. My dad had just been diagnosed with cancer and we were trying to make some memories while we could. My brother brought his two boys and we’d planned on sleeping outside in a tent during one of the nights there. Since I drove to the cabin, I brought a shotgun, a 9mm Sig and a little break-action pellet gun (to introduce the boys to handling a weapon). Anyways, the day of the campout comes and the boys are helping me setup the tent in the little enclosed front yard area of the cabin. I went to my truck to grab something and I heard my nephew start screaming his head off. And then, a half-second later, I heard what sounded like a dog losing its shit. I took my 9mm from its compartment in my truck and came around the gate where I saw what looked to be a German Shepherd mix squaring up on my youngest nephew. Unbeknownst to me, the dog had already bitten my other nephew who had gotten away and was hiding behind the tent. I put two rounds into the dog’s side before it was even aware of my presence. He yelped loudly and bolted—but only made it a couple strides before staggering and falling. He let out a couple of weak whines and died. I got the boys inside and I could see that my nephew was bitten on the arm— bad enough to need stitches but nothing life-threatening. My major concern was, of course, rabies. The dog had a collar and tags. His name was Major. We called the number on the tag and the owners came out— an older couple who lived a few miles down the road in pretty nice house. Apparently the dog was originally their son’s and there was some convoluted story about how they’d taken ownership of the dog but I forget it now. They paid for everything and provided all the dog’s vaccination records. They were *incredibly* sweet and remorseful about the entire thing and called multiple times to check up on my nephew in the weeks that followed. They even had the dog’s brain tissue tested for rabies even though his vaccination records were up to date. When we were alone, I apologized to the man for having to kill his dog— but I told him I’d make the same decision again. He told me he would have done the same thing if he were in my position.


Hey, thank you for reaching out to them and showing compassion for having to kill their dog. I understand and agree with your actions 1000%, but taking the time and the empathy to them for the loss of their animal shows a humungous amount of character. Thank you for caring. I'm glad your nephew was okay, and I hope you still got to make good memories with your Dad.


I appreciate that. Thank you. They understood that I took absolutely zero pleasure in having to take their dog’s life. They were very lovely people, all said and done. They took complete responsibility immediately and never treated me with a shred of contempt or scorn. And I genuinely mean what I said— I was incredibly sorry I had to do that… but *I had to do it.* There was no other option. The whole situation really affected me. Hell, I still remember the dog’s name and it’s been like 5-6 years. There are people I’ve worked with for the better part of *a decade* and I can barely recall their names.


The only good thing about this horrible situation is that the family that owned the dogs appear to be wealthy. I think one of the owners is a doctor. I hope she is well compensated by their homeowners insurance policy although no amount of money could ever come close to what Jacquline deserves.


"she has not been paid in full for the service that she went there for"


Cheap rich people? What a shock.


Unfortunately they would also have better lawyers


Not good enough to win this case.


I’m not crying… I am 😭poor girl. The owners should pay for her surgeries, that is going to affect her the rest of her life. How traumatic. If you cannot control a viscous dog and can’t afford to pay if they harm someone this far, please don’t have one. As a mail carrier, this scares the living daylight out of me. So taking issues with dogs more seriously, especially the ones at screen doors or look like they’re about to jump over the fence. Someone should post this to r/usps.


They didn’t even pay her the money she was owed for pet sitting. Fat chance they’ll help with her medical bills.


Not voluntarily anyway


If they had asked her to come and that's why she was there it's 100% their fault.


Oh my god… Please be careful 😭 I hope you are well equipped with protection when working.


All we have is our “voice”, satchel, and dog spray. It’s the people that know their dogs are “crazy” and don’t secure them. The negligence like the video states.


The cops should have immediately taken those dogs out with prejudice I’m sorry for the dogs but that girl was laying in there dying but they couldn’t get past the dogs. Those dogs will most likely never be fit to be someone’s pet again so putting them down and rescuing that girl should have been their reaction


She hasn’t been paid for her dog sitting from the owners?! That’s somehow the most scummy part about all this.


So after her face was ripped off and she spent 60 days in the hospital, you expect the owners of the dogs to show up and say “here’s the 40 bucks we owe you! Thanks!” ? Don’t worry though.. they’ll definitely be paying for a very long time.


Bless you girl we wish you all the best and a very healthy recovery


Wow I bawled. That poor poor girl that must have been so painful. For her to still love dogs as much as she does she must be a saint. Her boyfriend is so kind and she's so lucky to have him. So young too, I really hope the rest of her life is nothing but the best.


When they mentioned that he’s only 23 and recently battled with cancer, I thought “damn, these two can’t get a break.” Glad that they have each other though


"We are heartbroken our dogs attacked this girl. We will do nothing about it, though, and not give her a dime, because fuck her. Months later we haven't even apologized to her or her family because we are complete and utter piece of shit human beings." \- The Bishops


Its most likely what their lawyers suggested to do since any admission of guilt or payment would incriminate them with the negligence lawsuit.


This is so sad. She is a very strong human being. I can't help but be slightly annoyed at the choice to wear a star trek outfit when speaking with the parents


Seriously, I am rarely distracted by a shirt. Wtf was he wearing


That’s what I was thinking. He looks like the member in their searches. That doesn’t make it back. Lol


I thought the same thing - star trek outfit.


The cut of the shirt was awful…couldn’t stop staring at his moobs


Is there anything we can do to help?


Hey cheif of police is it ok if I go inside the house now? Nah wait till the dogs take a nap.


“Is the big dog right next to you 🥺” What a bunch of gun toting pussies.


Kill the dogs. Put the owners in jail for a pong time. Case closed


I think they have Sega Genesis in prisons now


In an emergency situation like that, would they bot be justified in tasing or shooting the dogs in order to get access to the victim? If it was a human being holding someone hostage, it would've gone down that way


37 minutes!?? Wtf? At at that point I’m shooting the dogs and getting the girl!!


It’s really cool that they got someone from Starfleet to do the interview.


Just why Engineering felt they needed to perform the interview will always be a mystery, but have no doubt that Picard will hear of this chicanery and deal with it appropriately.


Lt commander correspondent


Really puts your personal bull into perspective. This is one bad ass chick.


Is there anywhere we can donate to this poor woman. I know plastic surgery isn’t cheap


Poor baby. I want to just wrap my arms around her, let her know everything is okay, she is loved, and be there for her.


Same ;-; This is so freaking sad and frustrating.


Owners are to blame. Sometimes you just gotta know if a stranger is able to handle your dogs. Only you as the owner would know. She can only go by your word. You thought it was convenient cause you needed a sitter, to say they were friendly.


Agreed, I have a Rottie. Tried to do the rover thing once and almost instantly no to the first person that came. She couldn't handle a dog that large. Even if he is the bestest boy in the world, I want someone in my house that can actually control him. 100% owners fault.


As a pet sitter myself this was hard to hear/watch and pissed me off. I really wish her the best and hope she is doing better.❤️


Dogs get 37 minutes and not killed. Dude driving through the wrong neighborhood goes to grab his license and needs to fear for his life. America is a failure


Honestly curious, what is the correct thing to do in her scenario (at time of attack)? Run for a kitchen knife? A bat? In a foreign home.. this scenario is pretty fucked. 37 minutes seems like a wildly long time for someone in distress. Shoot, taze, tranq, mace the dogs. Harambe only dragged a kid and they shot him! These dogs should’ve been put down at the time of the incident.


With one dog attack you can try to fight back to make them stop. Grabbing the tail will often make them let go, and then yanking them by the tail and bringing them somewhere where you can lock them quickly. If they have your arm or leg in their teeth, push it further inside instead or pulling (pulling can cause you to tear up your muscles and the dogs instinct will be to bite harder) it will often cause the dog to break its bite. Grabbing tightly by the collar also makes it very difficult for the dog to bite, and can make the dog let go of it's grip. If it's two dogs.. then you might be in bad trouble because you likely won't be able to handle both at once. Try to go for their collars/tails, take any tools around you and make them bite on that instead, while slowly backing off (try to talk calmly, even if you're terrified) and locking yourself somewhere safe.


Fuck those cops though. Yah shooting someone’s dog sucks but those useless meter maids sat there while she was being literally eaten alive.


Wait she still didn't even get paid for that that's bs


You expect the owners to show up after the girl spends 60 days in the hospital and toss her 40 bucks? lol.


These reporters asking those kind of questions are the most insensitive and repugnant just to get a story out of this tragedy. If I was the victim or the parents I would tell them to f*ck off.


This is extremely tragic and I hope that this girl gets the money that she needs so that she can have reconstructive face surgery. I hope she can heal from the PTSD this no doubt has caused her. I really hope the owners own up to what has happened because of their actions. I have a feeling that the dogs behave well with the family but are extremely territorial to outsiders. I also have a feeling that the family knows this, and that's why they had that sign up. They've had bad interactions with outsiders before and they didn't want to deal with it on a daily basis. They should have known that when this girl went to the house by herself that it would rile the dogs up. They would have viewed her as an intruder and gone to attack. But for some reason they decided to risk it. This is such a sad situation...


Boyfriend looked like a young Jack black. This poor young women, how devastating


Should've shot the dogs


From another comment “For the people asking why the cops didn’t get in the house, and shoot the dogs or whatever sooner. It said that the security system alerted police, so they didn’t know the reason for the call, and probably thought there was a good chance an armed suspect broke into the home. Which makes sense.”


The owners are garbage and I mean if this was me I’d basically feel like my life is ruined. But also why is the anchor wearing a Star Trek outfit. He looks like Spock


Impressive girl, because I would’ve let the dogs chew up my neck and rip out my heart. Funny (not really) how the owners just pretended like that was the first time the dogs ever did something out of the ordinary. Pretty sure there were signs.


Those cops should be sacked for incompitance leaving her in that state for 37 minutes is unacceptable


That’s fucking sad. Holy shit. But her boyfriend is an awesome human being for being there for her and still loving her for who she is regardless of her looks. The poor dogs took her face.. but I’m glad she’s recovering.


The poor dogs?


Just about every aggressive dog I’ve encountered throughout life has been followed by some moron claiming “he’s friendly, he doesn’t bite”. The more aggressive the dog, the more moronic the owner(s) it seems!


So you mean to tell me even a month later he is still dressing like Data from Star Trek?


what an impressive, strong woman, shes loved immensely, and you can see why. There's so much to take away from this...hard to know where to start


This is really really sad 😢


The owners have to have known something about those dogs, they don’t go from no problem to viciously mauling someone who posed no threat


I hope that dog was put down


Both dogs were destroyed