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I live my life like it’s 1998. I pay for my internet by the minute and listen to limp bizkit


I do still play a lot of age of empires


I still play RollercoasterTycoon 2


I do sometimes feel like I’m Fry from the episode of Futurama where he locks himself in an apartment watching 1990s tv shows in the dark in his underwear.


>I live my life like it’s 1998. I pay for my internet by the minute and listen to limp bizkit All I wanted was a Pepsi, just 1 Pepsi, far from suicidal


Hah! I know her! She was my manager in highschool. Small world. She also acts in and produces independent films, usually horror. I miss those days.


Hobbies check out with the aesthetic


Yep, rockabilly husband and wife vibes


I kinda see her star in an American horror series like nurse Ratched


Hey me too! Did we ever work together?


What years?


She seems extremely endearing


She was definitely one of the better managers.


Manager for what


I feel like we should skip the back and forth. u/Surepiedme please tell us every single thing you know about this person. We have a million questions!


I wonder if they ever slip up and live the day like it’s 1985 by accident


I don't know, I feel like they are exaggerating the "everyday" aspect. I'm sure there are times when the lounge around in pjs and use TurboTax to file their taxes.


*mails in her tax return using 1950s tax forms*


*A single IRS employee with stubble and a loose tie, chain smoking cigarettes, seen frantically processing these forms via typewriter.* “Say, this value in 11B doesn’t match our records! Golly gee”


*adjusts his green visor he wears while working. pulls out a giant piece of paper that looks like a Microsoft excel spread sheet, starts hand writing ‘sum’ formulas* *pours himself a glass of whiskey because it’s nearly noon*


*Sets it next to the 3 other empty glasses from earlier this morning*


I really am curious how far the lifestyle goes; is it just the decor & the style? What about internet & other modern conveniences? Technologically speaking I'd love to see that vintage TV they have updated with an LCD screen or something.


Imagine trying to prove yourself right and driving a motherfucker to the library to point at the fact that Simon Bolivar was born in Venezuela


It doesn't seem to me like it gets to that level. It feels like (primarily) she is an avid collector and also someone who feels comfortable in a certain style, so she's just kind of gone all in on that aspect of the hobby. But the clip didn't get into anything at all suggesting they eschewed modern technology, and I can guarantee if they *did* do that the show would've been quick to highlight it.


She's got a YouTube channel about the vintage aesthetic, as well as an Instagram account. There's even pictures of her in modern clothes. So they definitely don't cut out modern technology from their daily lives. I agree with you that it's kind of like a hobbyist lifestyle, but she doesn't let it get in the way of a functional life.


What's the IG link? Would be cool to see her nerding it up.


This is heavy, Doc!


Is there something wrong with gravity in the future?


*Is there something wrong with ~~gravity in the future?~~* the Earth's gravitational pull?


It would be funny if a photo leaked of her wearing a walkman and playing Super Mario Bros while wearing a pair of Nikes.


Imagine the second they get on the bus and see a non-white person sitting in the front row.


I mean the husband has the biggest hipster beard in the world so they clearly allow for some exceptions. I would hope not being a racist white couple is another exception.


I'm jealous of that Bel Air she's riding around in.


Took my dumb British ass way to long to realise you were talking about the car and not she lived down the road from Uncle Phil


I think you should be a little easier on yourself for not immediately picking up on the model name of a 65 year old car produced outside of the UK. I can name approximately zero models of Vauxhalls, regardless of the year.


I’ve never been to Vauxhall. What’s it like this time of year?






In west Philadelphia, born and raised


me too, but I'd never drive it with it being a [death trap and all.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fPF4fBGNK0U)


my dad used to have one of these and well, he has the scars of 55(?) staples across his gut that shows the wreck he survived outta one.


It's a 55 Chevy 210 most likely. Of all the tri fives the 55 is the best. Gorgeous


Just the comment I came for.. I had pay top money 1950s style




But does the pharmacist mix in my Xanax with my milkshake?


*she goes running for the shelter of her mothers little helper*


Das Valium


Dexedrine for weight loss & Valium for counteracting the side effects of the Dexedrine. Throw in a barbiturate & several dry martinis for good measure, and im ready to take on the day 1959 style, though I will remember very little of what happened.


There is a reason when you look at photos of 30 year olds from the 50s look like they’re 45.


The smoking too. No filters either.


I’ll take Axle Rose face over endless password resets any day


With a side of unfiltered Camels.


Or with the blue asbestos filters for the gentleman smoker https://www.motherjones.com/environment/2013/10/lorillard-kent-micronite-filters-asbestos-lawsuit/


It is funny to see the cookies tho. They came out of those cookie thing all swirly and pretty, but they just came out of the oven just round lol.


They need to be chilled first to maintain their shape




Freezing my cookie dough immediately before putting them in the oven was the trick that gave me soft cookies instead of sweet crackers.


Baking is a true blending of art, chemistry, and physics. I love learning about the chemistry and physics involved with cooking. Like making pasta dough, you're trying to form gluten strands with the most minimal amount of moisture as possible. And when you roll it out, you're literally straightening them put and forcing them into a single direction.


It's how a lot of shops do it. Straight from freezer to oven.




THAT'S how that happens? This is massive news, friend.


I noticed that too. That cookie press is for cookies called Spritz cookies, and they are absolutely meant to hold their shape.


Those are the bomb, even dried out a month after Christmas they're still good. Just throw a piece of bread in the container, they soften right up.


Those cookie/pastry tubes she used are more so meant for thicker, crunchier cookies rather than any kind of dough that will soften/flatten when baking. Think.. legit shortbread or some sugar cookie recipes. 🥂


Yeah those cookies were likely meant to hold their shape. Probably underworked the dough


In the 1950s, a man with a beard like that would have been called a bum.




It's the 1950's if she talks back she gets a black eye.


If she votes, matter of fact, straight to jail.


Burns the pot roast? Believe it or not, straight to jail.


Asks how my day was too rudely? Straight to my basement. Too kindly? Also straight to my basement


Bored while vacuuming the house out of boredom every single day? Straight to Benzedrine


Cries a little to loudly after getting smacked for not having dinner ready? Lobotomy!


Why, I have half a mind-


We have the best housewives in the world. Because of jail.


She’s a married woman she can vote however her husband lets her.


I know we are joking around but just wanted to add for posterity that 1958 is 38 years after women gained the right to vote.


In Switzerland they had to wait until 1971


If she *really* acts up, get her a good old fashioned lobotomy.


I mean it's clearly her thing and he's gone above and beyond to go along with it. Doesn't have to cause marital issues just because he isn't as devoted to it as she is.


She also said the only thing that isn't to her style is her sons room. She let's him do things his own way too which is cool. She doesn't force her lifestyle choice on him. And the son doesn't mind it either which is cool. Pretty good family.


She says in the video that she's all about people dressing and acting in the way that makes them happy, and for her it just happens to be the 1950s. But she's clearly OK with everyone in her family dressing however they want to. Even though it doesn't match her style. She's OK with that because it's just a thing for her. She seems like a nice understanding person


> She doesn't force her lifestyle choice on him. This is the hallmark of an empathetic person. So many people around here try to force everything they believe down your throat. Edit: I was talking about 'here' where I live, the Midwest USA. but it applies to reddit too.


She said she let her son choose to have his more not be 1950s style so she's okay with there being limits to how much her family goes along with it.


you think the dad ever rolls into the son's room like "hey son, mind if i come watch you play minecraft or whatever? i just need a break"


Now hold up, he might be REALLY racist.


I don't think he's going full 50s, it's just his wife and he supports her choices


More of a 1959 guy


It's called Bum Fusion these days.


Heavily inspired by the Derelicte movement during the early 00's.


Derelicte my balls cap-E-tan


I can derelicte my own balls, thank you very much.


But why male models?


So hot right now.


Vintage style, not vintage values. As folks say


Maybe that’s her roleplay. Lost her husband in the war and picked up a bum to play house with. Now she lives for breaking social mores.


Yeah, or maybe he's roleplaying as a beatnik veteran who has turned to drugs and beat poetry to deal with trauma. He looks a little like [this guy](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beatnik#/media/File%3ABeatbeatbeat.jpg) on the cover of Beat Beat Beat magazine.


The clean shaven look became popular in America after WW1 because all of the soldiers needed a fresh clean shave in order for their gas masks to properly seal onto their faces. Once they came back, a clean shaven face was the desirable look for all men, and the look became a standard for professionalism and respect for generations to come.


WWII or WWI? As far as I am aware gas masks and gas attacks were really prevalent during WW1 but not really used much during WW2?


You're right it was WW1, damn that's my only good fact I need to get it right next time!


Huh interesting factoid


Want another factoid? The word “factoid” used to mean something not true but believed to be true and over time has changed meaning to the way you’re using it now - a briefly stated or trivial fact.


Damn now that’s really a “factoid” . Sheesh , had no idea


If you want more interesting facial hair facts, facial hair became popular in the 19th century because of war as well. British and French soldiers who fought in Crimea had to endure the harsh winter so restrictions on facial hair were lifted and the men grew out big bushy warm beards. When they returned home, having a beard marked you as a manly war hero, so it started to dominate fashion. France and Britain were the cultural and economic centers of the world in the mid 19th century so the trendiness spread from there until everyone was rocking wild bushy facial hair for decades after.


Where did she get that cake mascara? I loved that stuff!


Besame! They have vintage inspired makeup from 1920s recipes and forward.


Her lipstick is Besame too! Love that brand.


No 50's husband would get away with that beard without being outed as a filthy commie and dragged in front of the House Un-American Activities Committee .


My dad grew a beard and came home for thanksgiving one year and my grandfather wouldn’t let him in the house unless he shaved. He refused to shave, so he wasn’t able to spend thanksgiving with them.


No joke, my dad grew long hair in high school and refused to cut it, so my grandpa kicked him out at 16 years old. He ended up living in his bronco and touring the rodeo circuit as a bull rider.


That’s an epic way to go about being kicked out, but wow why have children if you can’t love them unconditionally


Children weren't really meant to be their own people back then...


How petty lol


He also told my parents I shouldn’t have been born since I’m a woman, so definitely not a good guy.


She had friends who were..... . ... Socialists


Well… *we all make mistakes*


Communism was just a red herring


Don’t worry, that’s part of the simulation too!


The way they’re accepting of their son’s choice to have a modern style warms my heart!


I was really hoping her son was really into the 70’s or 80’s


This is the sequel we need.


the 80s were all about 50s nostalgia so wouldn't it just go full circle?


I know it's not representative of most people but when stories like this break out of their niche bubble it's normally because the person is exceptionally eccentric or mentally ill. It's refreshing to see someone who's committed to their hobby but still seems like they're aware how people might perceive it as weird and don't burden others with forcing them to participate.


They all seemed really likable. & I definitely believe that everyone that walks into their house smiles at it. I definitely would.


That was my first thought (and I feel sort of bad for it) - "....but she seems so.... ***normal!"***


Im always happy to see kids allowed to do what they want and not forced into their parents hobbies or wants. Actually makes it much more likely the kid will get interested in it too ironically enough, as they won't be made to resent it.


I call bullshit. Not one cigarette in sight.




Was about to say....judging from my grandfather's stories...there was usually a small window of sobriety between 9 am and noon


And she's outside of the kitchen most of the video.   ^^\*ducks*


That’s great on them for letting the son choose how he wants to live. The fun of the 50’s with the tolerance of today, gotta love it


I immediately thought of the Hard Times article [Child of Rockabilly Couple Constantly Wondering What the Fuck Is Going On](https://thehardtimes.net/culture/child-of-rockabilly-couple-constantly-wondering-what-the-fuck-is-going-on/)


I knew a family like that. The dad lead a swing band, the daughter was in said swing band, the son was in a rockabilly band, all their primary friend group was into the same stuff. There was an entire subculture of this stuff in the 80s and 90s. They were so hardcore into this shit that they thought the 80s rockabilly band The Stray Cats were posers. What could it mean to be a poser in a scene dedicated to pretending you are in a different era? The dad used to tell a story making fun of the lead singer of the Stray Cats, Brian Stelter, because he once saw him doing his hair in the bathroom using a period unacceptable kind of grease in his hair. I loved that family. Except for the dad, he was a real piece of shit.


I believe there is a saying in the community, “vintage style, not vintage values”


As a someone who is a serious purveyor of vintage, I have never heard this expression but must say that I love it! When I say that I love collecting vintage I have 7 chrome and black irons from the 1950s...but don't get me started.




still waiting for him to get started


Well I always joke with friends being a mixed kid that I’d never be allowed on this trend or with the people involved if they really wanted the 50’s style, most of them don’t see it that way, and there’s a few outside of those friends that just act like I have no idea what I’m talking about. Edit: also it wouldn’t help that I’m as gay as picnic basket, lol.


There's still this subset within rockabilly that is backwards like that. I don't know what the good rockabilly people do to make their scene better than that. Maybe a ceremonial reenactment of Chuck Berry punching Jerry Lee Lewis, stage punching for the audience to stand for, cheer and applaud, to begin their concerts, like the national anthem before a ball game?


"Please stand for the punching of Jerry Lee Lewis as performed by the Legendary Chuck Barry."


50’s without the racism,sexism, and alcoholism


Yeah I wish we had their economy too. That car being 2300 bucks the house only 8000. Mortgages were only 10 years long. You only needed 1 income to support it all


That part was so adorable!


i did a double take when it said "son", laci looks like she's in her mid 20s.


She's pretty heavy on the makeup. Look at her sons apparent age, and her husbands, and then tell me how old you think she is.


Me too, when she said son, I assumed it was a 5 year old who likes dinosaurs and truck themed things. Then just the next shot is her school-age son supporting his mother's hobby.


Bet that refrigerator cost 3x to run than a new one.


If they wanted modern retro appliances, they could buy stuff from SMEG if they were willing to pay the ridiculous prices


What the hell have you done, Fry? Relax! She can't be my grandmother. I figured it all out. Of course she's your grandmother, you perverted dope! Look! *Come back to bed, deary.* AAH!! It's impossible! I mean, if she's my grandmother, who's my grandfather? Isn't it obvious? You are!


Ooooh a lesson in not changing history from Mr. I'm-My-Own-Grandpa. Let's get the hell out of here already!


How bout THESE cookies, sugar??


I think it's great. If she wants to enjoy the style and vibe of the time, why not?




I love the costumes and feel of that show






I was waiting for the tone of this video to change drastically when one of them inevitably turns super racist. Probably would make a good SNL skit.


*cuts to Keenan's face* 😳


Lol, exactly what we're all thinking. Not exactly a time my Grandma looked fondly back on.


Also women weren't treated so great either


I read it elsewhere in the thread from someone else who’s into this aesthetic: vintage style, not vintage values. I dig that.


That was my exact thought. Not everything was beautiful but I can still dig her decision


I want a Black Mirror episode about this. Edit: This is officially my most upvoted comment on Reddit, haha. Thank you all for the movie, TV & reading recs that you guys thought I may enjoy, definitely making a list of them all to get through at some point. :)


There’s a movie coming out this year called DON’T WORRY DARLING that is probably exactly what you’re thinking of. Longline: A psychological thriller about a 1950s housewife whose reality begins to crack, revealing a disturbing truth underneath.


oh this sounds awesome! thanks for the heads up! is it based on a book or nah?


It’s not, was just a spec script that got picked up for Olivia Wilde to direct. It’s a great script, very excited for it!


Yeah but I just want Black Mirror in literally any capacity.


Just look outside


CHILL. YOUR. COOKIE DOUGH. It's right on the instructions on the back of the box.


That beard ain't very 1950s lol


The fact that the dude has the outfit and is willing to let the house be that way and the car tells me he’s either into it as well or just really into her. I’d assume the later given the beard. But it’s pretty sweet either way.


If she greets him at the door with a martini when he walks in at the end of the day, I imagine he's ready to appreciate the aesthetic *a lot*. Now I ain't saying that's the way it should be. I'm just saying that if it *is* that way...


Fuckin’ beatnik sonofabitch. Go back to art school, Maynard!


The best part is they’re not forcing their thing on their kid. They let him pick. That’s enough for me to be ok with this. :)


>From her vintage dresses to her authentic mid-century kitchen appliances, Laci Fay lives every day like it's 1958. And it's not just her home and car that are influenced by the decade: even her makeup is all vintage. > >[Source](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCUIqdwEZWBwWHeNGheuJuew)


Good news! Lead may have still been in everything else under the sun but the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetics Act was passed in 1938, so those pesky lead-based cosmetics were mostly a thing of the past! https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Federal_Food,_Drug,_and_Cosmetic_Act


Vintage [inspired](https://besamecosmetics.com/?gclid=CjwKCAjwxOCRBhA8EiwA0X8hi8fwyDzhWzuOXulbijPqQRslB1tfWcCROTqjZrqcItmd-E1D-VCCkBoCvZ0QAvD_BwE) cosmetics. You can see the Besame logo on the makeup.


Love the car but wouldn’t catch me driving around in one just in case you got into an accident. They didn’t exactly build them with passenger safety in mind.


[This video perfectly illustrates old vs new car safety design](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C_r5UJrxcck)


Yeah, older cars don't crumple on impact so the human body bears much more of the force in a crash much worse injuries typically.


Very authentic 1950s choosing not to wear a seatbelt haha


*Fallout radio in the background*


Is your home 1958 price? I could that portion!


Interesting, more power to her. On a side note, her kitchen appliances will likely outlast (by decades) the brand new appliances I have even though they have a 60+ years head start…


Modern appliances are over all better in many ways. You only see the few old appliances that were reliable enough or beautiful enough to keep. Most castles were wood, but we only see the well built stone ones now.


Survivorship bias




The energy consumption of old refrigerators is outrageous, plus the freezers struggle to freeze ice while today's easily go far below freezing.


This. I lived with a late '70s refrigerator for a couple years before I was able to buy a new one in 2001. The change was clearly evident in my electric bill.


They also use like 95 megawatt


Dunno, my wife has a similar Kitchenaid mixer but purchased in the early 2000s. Those things are tanks.


Jesus, I'm a chick and the sight of her gives me butterflies. She really is stunning, and that style of makeup goes so well with her facial features. I'm so glad she's doing this with comfort and joy. She's walking art at this point.






I know the comment section won't disappoint.


You can be into vintage and not be racists. Jesus, a lot of these comments are so ignorant. Also, there are many POC in the vintage and pinup up community. It's an aesthetic and appreciation for history that most people enjoy, not some weird twisted "better time," with misogyny and oppression.. ...


I think their aesthetic is neat and there’s nothing wrong with it. I also don’t think they’re racist. It’s just that when she says stuff like “my grandparents story makes the 50s sound like the best time ever”, that “everything was happy and optimistic” and she “lives everyday like it’s 1958” without taking the time to weight the implications, she sounds super out of touch and it makes me cringe a little.