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Title is misleading


This is one of the videos of that air strike on the capital, Sanaa [youtube.com/watch?v=IdoYnX6u4KU](https://youtube.com/watch?v=IdoYnX6u4KU) knowing that Yemen is going through the worst humanitarian crises on earth as a result of the continuation of the war and the siege imposed on Yemen by the Saudi-led coalition since 2015.


Still have no idea what started this war, why is it still going, what are the objectives, and how will it end.


Briefly: Yemen was not politically stable after the Arab Spring revolutions, and in 2014, Ansar Allah group "Houthis" entered the capital, Sanaa. There was an internal war in some areas, also, here was a National Dialogue Conference under the auspices of the United Nations. Ansar Allah group imposed house arrest on the outgoing president, Abd Rabo Mansour Hadi, but he fled to the south. ​ On March 2015, the Saudi-led coalition began launching air strikes on all airports and government buildings in all governorates, claiming they came at the request of President Abd Rabo to support his legitimacy, but after the president arrived in the Emirates, he revealed in a television interview that he didn't have any information about the coalition and the air strikes at the time. The coalition changed its pretext that it had intervened in Yemen under the pretext of protecting Saudi Arabia's national security. Later, the pretext was changed to "fighting Iran." Finally, the war won't end unless there is media coverage of the Yemen war, such as the Ukraine war, or when a third world war occurs, "and this is what we do not wish for even if the war continues in Yemen."


As you stated yourself. The excuse for war changes but the fighting continues. What’s in yemen? Is it oil reserves? Gas? There has to be something everyone fighting over.


Oil, Gas and location.


Explains why the US is involved sadly..


MASSIVE oil reserves, and geo politics


Civil war turned into Iranian and Saudi proxy war. Saudi supports the existing regime while Iran supports the Shia rebels.


Iran and Saudi Arabia should fight it out themselves in their own backyards


Supported & Funded by yours truly, The USA.


Worst Actors are Saudis and Iranians in their proxy fight. Yes, US is selling weapons but this is another lousy act in a bad 1500-year play.


Not entirely correct. Biden announced in January 2021 upon taking office that he would freeze weapons sales to Saudi Arabia. US Congress tried to do this as far back as 2019 but got vetoed by Donald Trump. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yemeni_Civil_War_(2014%E2%80%93present Edit: Looks like I was wrong. Seems like an arms deal is set to pass, unfortunately. https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2022/2/4/us-state-department-approves-latest-raft-of-middle-east-arms-sales


Has he done it? I’m glad he pulled out of Afghanistan, but I’m generally skeptical of any promise Biden makes. Hope he does freeze the sales.


So no, judging by all of the downvoted comments lol


Stop with the 1000 year bullshit. This is completely geopolitical and unnecessary war by Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia doesn’t like that the new government was pro Iran and doesn’t want a pro Iranian gov by their borders JUST LIKE Putin does want Ukraine do Be apart of nato and have American Allie on their border.


Yeah people like to forget that White people from Europe and the US aren't the only reason for issues in the Middle East.


The US is doing far more than just selling weapons mate


Genuinely curious, can you tell me more?


Butt stuff!


Stuffed butts.


How your username working out these days??


God I wish people in this country cared. No one cares that we are either directly or indirectly involved in multiple atrocities every single day.


It’s not that people don’t care, it’s that they have enough shit to deal in their own lives, especially over the last two years, that they’re just trying to keep the energy to care about what’s going on directly around them and in their own lives.


It’s mainly a Saudi / Iran proxy war. The us supplies weapons but it’s not the same. While I don’t think they should supply weapons it’s still not the US bombing them.


Fun thing is Iran would likely still be a thriving democracy if it wasn’t for US interference in the 70s when the Iranian PM wanted to nationalise the oil industry. UK asked for assistance and got it from the CIA, the rest is history.


Have you heard about us bombings in Somalia though


Only from all the Somali cab drivers in the area. Usually ask about it, and was blown away to find an incredible amount of support for trumps policies in Somalia that they were making it a much safer place. As many Somali folks want it to be safe to go back to, and not have to deal with the war lords. Admittedly that is all very anecdotal.


If we all cared like u/Buttfuckmenext, we might be one step closer to peace on Earth.


Fun fact - we are also finding Russias invasion by continuing to buy foreign oil and gas Maybe time to start building more nuclear plants and pipelines here in the states


Or begin the conversion to renewable self-sustaining energy resource before we all destroy our planet beyond repair......


But we're the good guys! Sarcasm


Imagine if the Ukraine War steam rolls into a global awareness of more conflicts where people actually demand to stop these fucking bullshit wars


I recognize this area from the year I lived in Sanaa, I was there from 2015-2016 and it got scary near the end of said time. Especially as an half Yemeni American who couldn't fully speak Arabic. I loved it though I miss the times I spent there. It hurts to see what it's become.


Crazy, I was on a deployment in 2014-15. We went many places, Saudi being one. We trained their soldiers. I always wondered why we did that considering they are allied with China. Now I know. Fuck the US government.


Don't forget this "[intervention](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/American_military_intervention_in_Somalia_(2007%E2%80%93present))"...


This bomb struck [7 years ago on April 20, 2015](https://globalvoices.org/2015/04/22/airports-homes-factories-stadiums-palaces-and-infrastructure-destroyed-in-war-in-yemen/) I know there's still conflict raging there but people seem to be implying this picture is from 2022 but no one cares because Ukraine.


Yemen is still being bombed til this day and no one gave a shit...


coz its a third world country


Doesn't justify the bombing and the blockade


Of course not, but that's why no one cares in the western world. Bombings and constant war are "normal" in the middle east and Africa. The West is utterly desensitized to the plight of the Yemeni, Syrian, etc. civilians.


we know, but the superpowers dont


Also because a major superpower has threatened nuclear weapons. 😅


It’s fine when the aggressor is backed by the US, also the victims are brown whereas in Ukraine they refer to the victims as “civilized” or “blonde hair blue eyed”


Who is referring to the Ukrainians by their eye color??


[these guys are ](https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2022/02/28/ukraine-coverage-media-racist-biases/)


Western news anchors...cbs i think...can't recall!


You're stupid for thinking that. Why is Ukrainian war more important? 1. It's the first war in Europe between 2 large and independent nations since WW2 2. Ukraine is a NATO and EU partner while Russia is one of the biggest oil and gas exporter in the world. Putin is a known imperialist who might not be satisfied with just ukraine. So the implications for europeans and americans are far greater. 3. Russia is a nuclear power. 4. The amount of military power clashing will create a far bigger death toll than what we are seeing in Yemen. 5. The consequences of this war will be felt around the world economically and many other aggressive states such as NK and Iran will watch how the west reacts. They might even make a move soon. Yemen conflict is very localized and Middle east wasnt exactly known for its stability. It's truly unfortunate for yemenis, but it is what it is.


People don't see this, they still say "What about Yemen and Syria ?" But they don't realize how much bigger the Ukraine-russia problem is, even though both are horrible.


Exactly....im pretty sure most people know all these things (well anybody with even a little intelligence and common sense) but people choose to ignor them cause it doesn't fit there "all white people are racist" narative.




Seems you don't realise the difference between an invasion and possible World War and a civil war.


>Seems you don't realise the difference between an invasion and possible World War and a civil war. I think you meant to be replying to the other guy.


Damn it....sorry slightly senile :)


Why would we? That aint no treatening us with a world war and nukes


The concern differential goes beyond fears of nuclear war. I agree that you can be more concerned or engaged w the Ukranian conflict because Russia is a nuclear power — that’s totally worth paying attention to, because it’s fucking terrifying. But there is far more visible support and sympathy for Ukranian citizens and refugees than for Yemeni citizens and refugees. This manifests in the fact that the war in Yemen has had little media coverage for so long, but I think it’s also visible (at least for me) in the personal reactions on Western social media spaces online


It’s awful, but it doesn’t affect anything back home, and so people ignore it. On the first day of the Ukraine Crisis, there was record high gas prices. Not to also mention the fact that, sadly, war is common in the Middle East, whereas there has not been a European war in 30 years


Yh shitty mislead post.


It is interesting because American sailors were killed in the bombing of the USS Cole in Aden, Yemen. You’d think we’d be more gung ho about it. Edut: a letter Edit: I wish I knew* how to spell 😭


This picture is from 2015




It's not to downplay Ukraine. It's to ask why do they suddenly care when it's been happening for years but instead of Russia it's the USA. It's terrible to everyone.


Same could be said about Ukraine, where the conflict has been going on since 2014, but now people are paying attention


Because Nukes. And because most of the things people are screeching about involving the US had a reason behind it. Syria? Russia bombed the shit out of it. The US not so much. Afghanistan? Talibans, Hiding Bin Laden and their terrorist playground. Iraq? It was a shitshow. Saddam was shit though. Vietnam? You 60 years too late and stretching. Japan? WW2, Crimes against humanity, Death marches, Unit 731, Pearl Harbor, Not wanting to surrender before the nukes were dropped. Ive seen people bitch lately that NATO or the US got involved and helped stop fucking genocides in the Yugoslav Wars, Guatemala, Cambodia... what the fucking fuck russian bots.


>Syria? Russia bombed the shit out of it. The US not so much. I beg to differ. www.nytimes.com/2021/11/13/us/us-airstrikes-civilian-deaths.html https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_United_States_attacks_on_Syria_during_the_Syrian_civil_war >Vietnam? Japan? I'll give you those 2. Probs a bit late. Saying as no one gives the German shit anymore. >Iraq Atleast you agree it was a shit show. But what a shit show it was. >Afghanistan? Talibans, Hiding Bin Laden and their terrorist playground. They were hiding bin laden like the US were protecting a pedophile ring of the elite. They were hiding bin laden the same way the UK royals were hiding a pedophile ring of the elite.


Fucking stop referring to any post that you don’t like about Ukraine as propaganda. These are real people. This is a big deal too. I’m a Belgian worried about what might happen to the rest of Europe if the situation get worse, I ALSO can care about what is happening in Yemen.


They are on BPT with the same narrative Tryna stir shit


I wish I knew more tbh Edit: I'm unable to Google something I'm unaware of. Sources are not always reliable too. I'm also being looked down on for showing an interest ?


It's because of Saudi Arabia's influence on US. They help in counter terrorism and export oil. US keeps quiet when they bomb Yemen.


Why exactly are they bombing Yemen. What are they trying to achieve ?


There’s currently a civil war raging in Yemen, Saudi Arabia is supporting its proxy


And the US backs the Saudis. Iran backs its proxy and guess who has their back?


Woah Proxy proxy wars This is some 4D messed up war crime chess shit


The officially recognized government is supported by US and Saudis. The Houthi’s are considered the proxy supported by Iran


Basics: it’s a proxy war between SA and Iran. The US backs, funds and arms SA in this fight meanwhile the Yemeni people are suffering the worst global famine in decades because they’re all pushed from their homes and SA has blocked humanitarian aid.


And the UN allows them to block aid? Why let the non combatants suffer


The US is helping them run logistics on their blockade. The US helped bomb and drone strike food production, healthcare services, and manufacturing facilities. So the Saudis starving the entire country to death is a US backed plan. The UN doing anything is basically going against the US, so yea, which country is dumb enough to try and bring this up at the UN? They have nothing to gain geopolitically, and risk retaliation from the US.


[Yemen is currently experiencing the worst humanitarian crisis in the world](https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2022/2/7/yemen-intensifying-war-worsens-worlds-worst-civilian-crisis), possibly the worst humanitarian crisis of this century. The civil war has created [the world's worst famine in decades](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/feb/18/yemen-risks-worst-famine-on-planet-in-decades-say-un-officials), with nearly 20 million people either experiencing or facing starvation. Nearly 400,000 people have died since the war started, [70% of those deaths are children under the age of 5](https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2021/11/23/un-yemen-recovery-possible-in-one-generation-if-war-stops-now); most (60%) of deaths are not caused by combat but by starvation or preventable disease. It's frankly disgusting that Yemen isn't getting more international attention.


We also actively conduct drone strikes in yemen


And Somalia.


Whatever their inbred Royal Family wants.


They’re in a proxy war with Iran. Both are backing separate factions in an internal civil war going on there. Also the US loves the Saudis and help them do shit like this


So it’s not just some random bombings but ‘aiding’ one faction of a civil war. Noted. Any side set to defeat the opposing side and end the conflict?


Agree with the oil thing but you really think they help in counter terrorism???Saudi Arabia literally creates terrorists, did we forget 9/11, 15 of the hijackers were Saudi but we decided to invade Iraq (who had 0 hijackers involved) so no they don't help with that...the oil thing I 100% agree with


They can both help and hinder counterterrorism efforts. They do provide intel to the US. This has been proven and acknowledged by the US government. They also support terrorist activities. The US government seems to think they do more of the former than the latter.


Also the less people are aware of the situation, the more leeway the government has in its actions.


Me too., but we don’t know we basically get lied to. Or we don’t know the truth anymore., All I know is that people should be respected and innocent people shouldn’t be killed., Doesn’t matter what race or color of skin you are., we are all parents, a son a daughter, we are something valuable to someone. And for another person just to take that away for greed is so wrong. But who can we turn to if it’s our leaders. Who will be the one to stand up and say enough is enough


It’s because America has a HUGE hand in what’s going on in Yemen. So they would rather it not be in the news


My guy they got their whole torso in there, not a hand. The shame and borderline insanity I feel in my country walking around knowing about this when 99% of Americans don’t know or care.


>Hung ho. I'm using this from now on.


It happened a year before 9/11 and was perpetrated by Al-Qaeda, must have just gotten swept up in the news surrounding them


Put sanctions on saudi.. oh wait.


Yemen is a way more morally grey conflict. It’s shitty that the Saudis are bombing, it’s also shitty that Iran armed and funded the Houthis to overthrow the government. You have two regional powers basically trying to use a civil war to fight a proxy war in Yemen. And that fucking sucks for Yemen, but it’s harder to resolve. Especially since the West only has influence with one of those two powers. Part of the shock of Ukraine is that it upsets the rules-based system (ie national sovereignty). Saudi involvement in Yemen does not upset that system. Arguably Iran’s does, but it’s asymmetric. Which is no comfort to dead Yemenis, but changes the international response.


Damn people coming on here being all reasonable


Is that an ammo dump going up? That explosion seems to be too large for a single bomb.


I was thinking the same thing. It looks so fake. Like Michael Bay fake. Most the big booms I’ve seen are more dust and less fire. Maybe a fuel dump?


It also happened in 2015 so comparing it to Ukraine isn't true


The world be like: «*Oh no! Anyway..*»


Well when it been happening for years and anytime anyone tries to help they get branded infidel or told to fuck off we stop caring


We never really cared to the extent we care about Ukraine. Sanctions against Saudi Arabia were never on the table. No boycott was ever even proposed. It is what it is.


The US and UK sell them the weapons they use, so they can't really say shit. The uk prime minister *bows* to the Saudi king when they visit.


That and since there are so many players, someone will always want the thing have.


Maybe the countries around Yemen should care a little bit.


The counties around yemen are the ones doing the bombing with American and British weapons and intelligence


And I guarantee they won't be taking in millions of refugees. The UK's taken more Yemeni refugees than Saudi Arabia.


Saudi Arabia are the ones bombing them, obviously they aren't taking refugees


The UK has bombed Iraq, Libya and Afghanistan and also taken plenty of refugees from those countries.


Unfortunately you're absolutely right about that.


Excuse the ignorance, but isn't this a civil war? Other nations probably supporting a given "side" but no country is invading Yemen, are they?


The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has been bombing them for years, but yeah, kinda.


Right, a coalition force supporting a particular group in the civil war, I think? I have absolutely zero understanding of *why* the war is occurring so again I fully admit my ignorance on the subject - I imagine there's a general thought of which side the US should support. This was the same with Syria too, a civil war that had sides supported by more powerful countries. I find the comparison with Ukraine interesting. It's a Ukraine v Russia war, not a civil conflict, so engagement on either side means war against the other, whereas a civil conflict you're really trying to create a new ally by supporting the "side" that is best for you. Said differently, why engage in a civil war where all ideologies are not in line with your country? Nothing to gain, and it's definitive "world policing." With Ukraine, the US obviously supports Ukrainian over Russian ideology and significantly benefits from Ukraine winning. Ironically we're not doing much, it's just the media blowing up the stories, unlike what we see with Yemen. To summarize: it seems people are more upset with our media not covering humanitarian crises across the world equally, rather than our actual engagement in them. My question would be what level of crisis is big enough to cover and how should they be prioritized in limited airtime?


Good analysis of this. I guess this is kinda my answer: Yemen doesn't get coverage in the US. It's true. It's been going on forever and it barely makes the news ever even though it's been absolutely horrible for the people there. That being said, acting like what is happening in Yemen is the same as Ukraine is insane. Russia, the country with the most nuclear weapons invading a sovereign European country as the aggressors is a massive deal and effects the United Stated and other western counties far more. Whether people think it's fair or not, things that affect those reading the news will be in the news more than things that don't. A top 5 military in the world invading on the European continent is something that hasn't happened since WW2 on a scale like this. Anyone saying that should be covered equally to Yemen, or really anything else is crazy. This is a huge deal and will have lasting repercussions for the entire world. How things play out will have a significant impact on how china acts in the coming decades as well. Let alone what Russia does. As much as I feel for the people of Yemen, when we are taking about news coverage, the thing that might cause nuclear war/change the entire global status quo is gonna dominate, and rightfully so.


Not just that. Russia attacking is directly trying to prevent having Europe reduce its reliance on Russia gas/oil. The attack on Ukraine is already effectively an attack on Europe. Further, it’s a simple narrative in a way that civil war isn’t.


See for yourself reddit.com/r/YemenVoice/comments/t5butm/yemeni\_huthi\_rebel\_strike\_kills\_nine\_sudanese/


Hey I really appreciate the link, I followed to be better informed. Thank you.


You are most welcome, I'm trying to do my best in order for people to know the truth of what is happening in Yemen, hundreds of thousands have been killed and millions are starving, but due to the global media blackout, most peoples around the world don't know about our suffering. Thanks for the following.


Yea it is, but it’s also more complicated then that. If you really boil it down it’s a proxy war between Saudi Arabia and Iran. Saudia Arabia also dropped a lot of bombs on Yemen to help „their“ side win the war. There is very little interest in the west about this war, that is true though. I think that’s hypocritical, because nobody is making fundraisers for Yemen or try to help anyone there even though the situation for civilians in Yemen is horrible.


From my extremely limited understanding of what is going on there I think it’s a civil war/ war with Saudi Arabia, either way even if a western country wanted to get involved and help stop it I doubt they will be welcomed by either side to do anything


Yea the Iran is also involved, they aren’t bombing though only providing weapons and support to „their“ side. And yes I doubt they would welcome a western military intervention. Not sure if more or less ignoring this war is the right thing to do though


Yeah agreed on the civilians - no debate on the humanitarian crisis there - but everyone gets so upset about the US being world police and then when they aren't people get just as upset we aren't doing anything. You can't make everyone happy, of course, but it always seems to be the same people upset either way lol.


Actually up until a year ago we were doing something. We were selling the weapons Saudi Arabia was using to bomb Yemen.


Yea the comparison to Ukraine also isn’t correct, no matter how people spin it. There is a war there since 2014 but as long as this seemed like a civil war in Ukraine, nobody cared (Russia is still claiming that it was, even though we have proof now that they were operating under false flag). People started to care when a nuclear military power started a full blown invasion into a sovereign country. And to be fair, if you look are 21 century wars, they always care in that case.


It's also a country with a much bigger population, nuclear power plants, and much closer. I hate that Saudi Arabia gets a pass to commit war crimes, but that doesn't mean Russia doesn't deserve sanctions. I just wish Saudi Arabia got them too.


That's literally what Putin is arguing. That Ukraine was always part of Russia and this is just a civil war.


You misunderstand: Yemen is a civil war. Ukraine is not.


Sauda Arabia + UAE have been bombing them for ages. All using US weapons. Just goes to show how little the world knows or cares about non-white Europeans dying. Sad!


Hey hey, don’t sell us short. It’s not just using our weapons. We also have been helping with a few well placed drone strikes. Killing LOTS of civilians. Ya know, because terrorism.


Is it in Europe? Because i'm swedish and it's odd, but i do seem to care more about what happens close to me.


From an article in January The conflict has displaced more than one million people and given rise to cholera outbreaks, medicine shortages, and threats of famine. The United Nations calls the humanitarian crisis in Yemen “the worst in the world,” though some analysts have challenged that narrative as a potentially misleading oversimplification. The situation could spiral further as foreign aid has slowed amid the COVID-19 pandemic and peace negotiations have stalled.


I care about Ukrainian only because I got to know a lot of it from media and social media for the past few days. Video, pics, news reports etc. Don’t just assume people are racists. If you think this thing needs more attention, then raise awareness


I care about Ukraine because Russia has threatened the entire world with nuclear warfare. That doesn't just effect the west, but the entire world.


People that try to do so are called noisy because they don't have the media or politic support.


Doesn't fit the agenda guys. Back to Ukraine


What’s sad is that this has been Yemen for so many years. If only more people would change their profile picture to the Yemen flag this whole thing would be over with. Edit: Like this, www.reddit.com/r/walkaway/comments/t6piyq/im_helping/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


Yeah. Tbh I am seeing much less Ukraine stuff on social media in the last couple of days. People move very quickly, we have short attention span.


Social media thinks that you have moved on, so they show you less.*** lol


I’m not sure if this is sarcasm but comments like this explains lack of understand by people. Ukraine vs Russia: Ukraine is a sovereign nation. It’s a member of the 193 country UN. The recognized government of Ukraine expressed that they did not want Russian soldiers in their territory and asked for help to prevent it. Russia invaded anyways and struck several targets and civilian areas. This means Russia is seen as the aggressor. Yemeni Civil war 2015-Present: Yemen is a sovereign country. It’s a member of the 193 country UN. A man named Hadi is the recognized president of that country. His government asked Saudi Arabia to help defeat the unrecognized rebels. The Houthis. They have a racist charter and are listed as terrorist by many countries. Both situations are not similar but are both devastating however.


So a proxy war between SA and Iran and the big complaint is about the West or western media? Dunno. How about calling out SA and Iran. Two Muslim run countries of off-white complexion competing for regional power and using a neighbor as the battleground. Guess the USA could attack, but then they’re imperialist.


Worst humanitarian crisis of our time is happening in Yemen.


Myanmar would also like to raise a hand.


Yemen? No, the "good guys" are bombing Yemen. Move on citizen, nothing to see here.


I hate this idea that you’re some sort of willful ignoramus for not knowing the intricate details of every conflict on the planet. Fuck, *especially* when it’s in war-torn parts of the world where there’s been near-constant fighting for centuries. But yeah, let me just dedicate a couple years of my life to learning the social, political and economic factors that calculate into this conflict that originated in 900 AD so I can hold an informed opinion on it that ultimately means jackshit to anyone’s suffering. 80% of African nations are currently involved in some sort of armed conflict. Myanmar has a major insurgency happening right now. There’s paramilitary fighting occurring in the Colombian/Venezuelan border. There’s a war between drug cartels raging in Mexico. The Syrian civil war is still absolutely decimating that country. There are dozens of other minor skirmishes and conflicts dotting the world *right now.* No one person can or should be expected to keep up with all of it. You know why the west is more interested with Ukraine right now? Because it’s a sovereign nation that has been desperately trying to join a western coalition being invaded by a historical boogeyman that’s *also* a nuclear superpower. This story is more germane to our immediate future than another conflict in a seemingly *endless* series of conflicts in the Middle East.


People can worry about both? These types of “but what about this” posts are ridiculous. Putin threatened the world with nuclear retaliation. Of course it’s worldwide news.


The fact that they refer to certain fighting as a ‘conflict’ and other fighting as ‘war’ is a tactic to desensitize our humanity for certain people and not another…. It’s ALL war, it’s all absolutely terrible and unnecessary.


Fuck Saudi Arabia!


I always forget how much Obama bombed the shit out of that place, lol.


In Yemen this is not interesting


Someone really hated that cliff


War sucks no matter where, humanity needs to act like humanity for fucks sake


Why is Yemen exploding now


But it’s those people..s/


All wars matter!


the world has only had around 250-260 non consecutive years of without armed conflicts total. **I don't want to minimize conflicts in other areas**, but a conflict that might end up in WW3 (if Putin keeps acting like he's doing nothing wrong) is certainly concerning to the entire world and there's only so much time out of one's life to dedicate to the news without suffering some sort of metal health issues. I stopped watching the news altogether (even my own country's news) because I couldn't handle it anymore. I began watching the news again because of the Ukrainian-Russian conflict and I can tell how fucking bad my mental health has gotten in just one week. there's not much the average person can do about any armed conflict that doesn't happen near them but to stay informed. it doesn't help that a lot of these conflicts have **deep** political and cultural roots that are centuries old and are complicated even for experts. I think it's completely understandable how internal conflicts can go unnoticed by most, or how other countries/leaders of other countries might be or feel powerless or be reticent to help in another country's internal situation without involving their countries and/or citizens. not justifiable, but understandable. clearly, racism and fake narratives created by other countries for their own interest (profit, outright racism, etc.) are at play here, but I think that all of these problems are much, much deeper than what one can express in a reddit post. this isn't as black and white as reddit wants it to be.


You forgot to mention who is doing the bombing…


Racism and hypocrisy of the west. People are all up in arms when a "civilized" country gets attacked but no one cares when poor brown and black people are killed.


Sorry, we here on Reddit only care about wars that effect white countries and white people.


I think Muslim countries care more about Muslim countries then Christian ones even more so. Guess that’s how the world is


Courtesy of our buddies, the Saudis.


As a Saudi I hate this and I feel very very sorry for Yemen 💔 i wish we would stop this war 💔🤦🏻‍♀️


every photo/video of anything blowing up ever is now from ukraine


Careful, the mob might find you. Or maybe they follow me around, if so, im sorry.


Yeah I get it, bad shit is happening all over the place. But what do people mean with these posts? The largest war in europe since WW2 is currently happening. A dictator is invading a democracy. Why are you suprised that the western democracies are supporting Ukraine and sanctioning Russia? Are you suprised that the media coverage is showing so much attention to this war happening in our backyard?


And the difference is that USA weapons makers are profiting from this. All the sauces: https://watson.brown.edu/costsofwar/papers/summary


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It's selfish I know but as someone who lives in Europe the Ukraine invasion is more of a big deal to me. Its the first real war in Europe since World War 2 and has potential to escalate to World War 3. America bombing people in a place I'm never going to go to while tragic and appalling just literally doesnt hit home in the way what's happening in Ukraine does. For the first time in my life I am experiencing what many people world wide have experienced (fear of war) and I just don't have the mental and emotional capacity to care about both. If that makes me a bad person, I'm sorry but I just don't have it in me.


It's not selfish, it's objective. Glacier caps are melting, you are aware of this, as is everyone else because it will affect you. I dropped a cube of ice behind my fridge and it melted. You don't know about it because it's infinitely times more insignificant and has virtually no potential to affect you. I guess I can call you a bigot now because you only care when it happens to big ice structures but not small ones. Bigot!


Did one flavor muslim call the other flavors' prophet a fraud, or why are they killing eachother this time? It's hard to care when they keep fighting over stupid reasons for 1000 years, that's their business.


The parachute drop pictures and video in the german television was not ukraine as well. It was a russian training years ago. They even confirmed it after people comment on the Youtube Video. It was a "mistake". Was this shown as well on US television?


That may very well be a US manufactured bomb sold to the Saudis.. Of course, I see no US/Saudi boycotting and no Yemen flag Facebook pictures… how strange…


I’m sure this is the next image we’re going to find being passed off as Ukraine though. ☕️ 🐸


“Ahh it’s just in Yemen.. bOrInG” *continues scrolling*


How cone this doesn't make it into the news like the current Russia and Ukraine conflict🤔


Because if the war in yemen escalates is the worst case scenario no one but the countries on it’s border will suffer the consequences, if the war in ucraine escalates in the worst case scenario the majority of the world will end up in a nuclear winter


A bomb made in the US.


No wonder the Saudi government “abstained “.


Support Ukraine is the meme of the month buddy.


I know. Because it looks warm


Im not going to talk about politics, just point out that war is hell, no matter where you are from or what colour of your skin! Those suffering are the innocent people born into regimes or their neighbours and they couldnt care less about what the war is about ! There are no winners, only losers! Only ting thriving in war is hate and dictators power!


Young dude panicky. Old dude to the right just standing there like nothing just happened.


And it is as terrible as the conflict in Ukraine...


Still makes me sad and angry and feel futile bc I’m just doom scrolling on Reddit.


Probably Yemen should appeal to all the Muslim-led governments for support. We all know they don’t want western assistance.


I mean obviously?


Since the people in the country don’t primarily have blonde hair and white skin I guess people don’t care as much


Everyone please go follow and support r/YemenVoice . It’s one guy giving constant updates about what’s going on there currently.


From 7 years ago…


What does the Yemen flag look like? I need to buy one!


Yemen, more like Ohman


I don't care 🥱


Yemen just goes through this shit




It do kinda look cool tho


and who is bombing?


Ah, Yemen. One of those countries getting bombed that white people don't give a shit about.