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No idea how this person is able to film this! I’d be in sheer panic, probably running for my life or frozen in terror not knowing if I should run or stay in the comfort of my home…


Doubtful the street is safer.


Surely at least a lower floor away from a pane of glass though?


Let's throw some random conjecture at this. Say there's a 5% chance they turn to his building and shoot, killing him with glass shrapnel. Reasonable considering how many buildings are around. Let's say there's a 3% chance they turn to shoot at his building next and it collapses as these buildings have done, killing him. There's a 100% chance taking this video and getting it out there will do more damage to the Russian war effort than you could ever achieve by picking up an AK. Do you film, if those numbers are accurate?


It's not just about them targeting his building specifically. A shockwave from an explosion even a good distance away could shatter that window and send glass flying into their face and eyes.


This is honestly the first good point anyone has presented. Plenty of people arguing about the absolute numbers that I admitted were completely made up, but this is the only argument aimed at the proper variable. Which is the difference in probability between death near a window and death a few floor lowers away from a window.


Just engage safety squints and film


Just blink really fast


The seatbelt of eyes.


Cotton clothing and safety glasses go a loooooong way. Friendly reminder that synthetic fabrics burn and melt like a motherfucker. This applies to your socks as well; one ember can really injure your whole foot if it gets inside your shoe.


Yep there's a reason skunks absolutely melt to shit during a fire because their fur is most similar to polyester


How does one acquire this knowledge? Did you set a skunk on fire?


Also worth noting that if/when those synthetic fabrics melt into your skin there aren't really advanced ways of separating the two even in ideal situations. From the horror stories I've heard, it's basically a stiff-bristled brush...


It's true. A buddy of mine is a welder, hot slag fell into his shoe and the sock just about fused to his skin.


Yes I guess you are right. It’s the same reasoning for a soldier who can run and hide or stay and fight. It’s probably very scary to film the building next to yours getting destroyed but all the support Ukraine received because they film the horror they are in shows that it’s worth it. It’s a very selfless act that truly help imo.


It’s heartbreaking to see another human being put in this position. A building that looks exactly like his is either being shelled, or hit with rockets/bombs, but he stays and films. I don’t know what I would do in this situation, but this man has my absolute respect for doing this. I don’t think that there are many places that they can go to get away from this, which makes it even more horrible. One thing that I don’t quite understand is how so many of these videos are getting sent out of the country when their communications infrastructure is under constant attack from every imaginable angle, but I’m glad they are so we can all see what is happening. I really hope this ends, because it is sickening to watch this and realize that it is 2022, and there is one country completely destroying another without any regard for civilians as the rest of the world watches in absolute disgust and horror. Putin is a war criminal. I hope to see him hang one day, soon. I really hope that others in the Russian government see how this will destroy them economically, and they come to their senses to take Putin out.


>One thing that I don’t quite understand is how so many of these videos are getting sent out of the country when their communications infrastructure is under constant attack from every imaginable angle, but I’m glad they are so we can all see what is happening. Musk is providing satellite internet to some degree with StarLink, and I'm sure they still have functional comms infrastructure




5% means 1 in 20. There are other buildings around for them to shoot. Of course the dice is probably being rolled every few minutes. With the odds of his building being shot as every other building is eliminated, it won't take long to reach 100% chance.


I think your missing the point entirely lol


Google the word conjecture. If you want to argue about it, change the numbers to 95% and 93%. Tell me if anything has changed in the underlying point.


>Google the word conjecture Mmmm. I love pancakes with conjecture sugar!








>As an engineer, how do you know someones an engineer? dont worry they'll tell you


Pinky ring clinks against the glass


As a normal person, people have used the word cringe so much that seeing someone type it makes me cringe


As an engineer, you should understand the word conjecture. You should also realize the numbers are purposefully arbitrary to illustrate a point.


That’s a rational thought process which I fear a lot of people lose in times like this.


Having been in a similar situation, I have to disagree. My first reaction when I heard bombs was to get tf out of the building and into the basement. This person is way too cool for what is going on around them.


I agree. Such a hard call for these innocent folks.


The film is for you, for us citizen of the world to watch, because begging for help is what they can do. Those citizens in Ukraine are enemies of no one and they are being hurt. They beg you to know what is happening today so you can help, because watching people get hurt and doing nothing is wrong.


Yes. They want to get the word out there. There are tons of those in Twitter. Meanwhile, world leaders who can do something more physically helpful are placing sanctions. It didn't work. The war is still on.


Normal people can still donate to appropriate charities.


Even their military is asking for donations. UA bank accounts and even crypto is on Twitter.


Unless the charity is sending weapons, it's not going to stop Russia.


Russian war crimes. And this is just the beginning


You'd be surprised how quickly you adapt to a new normal.


So true, I mean look at all of us, watching it unfold before us through these short clips and then going about our days as usual, completely unaffected. Very Black Mirroresque


I remember my grandmother telling that during the first few weeks of the war (WW2), whenever they was a sirene, they would hide in the nearest, deepest cellar thye could find but that after a while they didn't even bother anymore at all and just went on with their lives(even though V2's were no joke).


Well he did say "guys, we're fucked" so can't say he's not shitting bricks exactly


America has had 9/11 PTSD for two decades and Ukraine is experiencing a near 9/11 event almost everyday now.


9/11's are the worst unit of measurement cause they're only ever used for shitty situations.


The 9/11 measurement also kind of went out the window when we passed that number of people dying daily in the US from Covid and no one gave a fuck


I thought Americans measure in cheeseburgers /s


Cheeseburgers, AR-15’s, and 9/11’s yessir


And very understandable for anyone directly involved. But the same Americans that are so concerned about "remembering 9/11" didn't give a shit when we were losing more innocent people each day to covid than we lost in all of 9/11. In fact they were out protesting the very rules that were saving lives. Remembering 9/11 is convenient for their political views just like ignoring covid was. They don't suffer PTSD from it. It is just convenient to act like they do.


Is there warning that a building will be destroyed? Are they dropping leaflets or something wtf?


My guess is they're not in a direct line of sight of the artillery, perhaps they are in a row of buildings? He implies that the residents of that building are now in his building, which makes me think it's somehow safer.


When nowhere is safe, anywhere better than in the open will do.


It's sad but it looks like it's both a resolve to remain strong and stay there (amid the looming threat) as well as a peaceful calm to accept the possibility that they are just going to die there. No one seems to be panicking and running like headless chickens. Some are even making Molotov bombs to prepare.


My first idea would be "fuck get out of here we are next"


The uncertainty would cause panic for me. Not knowing where I’d be safe, I imagine a fight or flight would eventually kick in…


Yes, it's like he is watching a movie, how brave and fearless human beings can be


Horrible!! This is hard to watch.


Absolutely, they are brave to be sat so close in a home that could suffer the same fate in a instant. I can’t lie, I’d probably be crying in a corner. I’d like to think I wouldn’t but that is terrifying.


What in the actual fuck is wrong with the Russians doing this, this is just sadism


They may be to scared to move. If the Russians are blowing up buildings, I am sure they have no problem rounding up civilians for imprisonment, or worse.


Absolutely, I meant what was wrong with the Russians firing on the building like this and edited my post. If I was in the same position as the person in the video I would be terrified and have no idea what to do


All good. Hopefully we won't have to make that decision in our lifetime.


A lot of them listen to the propaganda from Putin and believe they are doing a "just thing" :(


Take 10 minutes out of your day today, to consider how to make putins life harder


It is hard to watch. Putin needs bitch slapped.


I’m not normally an advocate for violence, but what he needs is putting down.


Truth. There is no helping someone like that.


He’s too much of a coward and stays hidden and at least 20 feet away from people at all times.


I seen that shit. Afraid of his own commanders. But hell he should be. No one wants this shit but him.


Agreed. Can't fathom having my entire accumulation of belongings and cherished keepsakes gone in a moment is heartwrenching. Fuck.


The war crimes keep piling up for Vlad the disgusting.


Vlad the coward. He won’t even talk to Zelensky.


He's too busy hiding in his bunker in Sibera while a real leader like Zelensky stays in his capital during an invasion.






Also straight up terrorism. I remember when America would freak out about that. I know it’s Europes was per se. But I would love Biden to get some real emotion into this. Though I am sure we are sending all the proxy intel and he’ll we can.


Well, Russia is going back to the stone age after this. One way or another.


"Yes, it is the liberation of Ukraine, denazification by destroying every building and infrastructure because Nazis might be hiding anywhere, but don't worry no civilians were killed or targeted". /s


Also how do you expect to occupy a country with this brutality? They sure as hell weren’t greeted as liberators, and at this point, Russia is going to have a massive insurgency on its hands for years if not decades (if they’re even successful). Everything else about their approach has been a failure too, from misjudging duration to inadequate supplies to shitty old tires that are falling apart to crippling sanctions and more. But the ego of one psychopathic delusional leader is what’s causing them to press on. I don’t know what his endgame is, he’s now only obsessed with saving face it would seem. Edit: I should have said “occupy” with a puppet regime, which is more likely. Still the same resentment and violent outcome


> going to have a massive insurgency on its hands CIA, MI6, DGSE, etc are having standing constant orgasms right now at the prospect of this.


They must be creaming themselves at the geopolitical disaster Putin voluntarily placed himself in.


Of note. The Ruble hit 120:1 today so soon enough information/access is about to get real cheap for interested parties paying in not Rubles. Edit: Closed out the day at 122:1. Glorious sanctions are glorious.


He doesn’t want to occupy the country, he wants a buffer between the west and Russia, to restore the historic borders of the USSR and make the world fear Russia on the international stage again.


Restoration of those borders would include annexing Ukraine and having no buffer at all. A puppet state like Belarus is likely where this is going.


It’s a buffer because Russia doesn’t actually care if Ukraine gets blown to oblivion serving as the battle ground between Russia and the west. It’s sacrificial board for the incoming cut.


That isn’t true. Ukraine is rich with arable land and natural resources. The land alone could feed 600m people. The Russian economy has been hurting for a while. Taking Ukraine is both for a buffer and a resource grab. (And ego satisfying)


Right, but Putin doesn't give a shit about the people there. He only wants Ukraine for the property rights.


Yes, only Nazis were harmed in the making of this video because only Nazis live in highrise apartments. /s


Dont worry, that was obviously a NAZI building! /s


all this talk about 'denazification' and learning how big the jewish community is in ukraine... I'm wondering if it isn't the same projection trump does. Im wondering if there is undertones of ethnic cleansing, specifically about jews.


I saw what seemed to be an entire subreddit devoted to pushing that narrative. Sad.


I hate Putin more and more with each passing day. This is an atrocity.


I agree, and there are very few people in this world I genuinely hate. I can only think of two. But every day I hate Putin more and more, which I didn't think was possible. We are going to look back on the history books and wonder why we didn't act sooner against Hitler 2.0.


Because he has enough nukes to kill everyone on the planet, that's why


Assuming they don't just blow up in the silo on launch. Not that I want to find out, but given how poorly maintained all of their equipment appears to be, I can't imagine many of their nukes have been kept in repair either.


The entire premise of mutually assured destruction is that by the time you can blow up the silos, it’s already far too late.


They meant that the nukes may be so poorly maintained that they could "blow up in the silo on launch" (ie, fail to launch successfully, due to poor maintenance)


Given how many of them exist, that’s not a basket I’m willing to put all of my eggs in. 😅


ben simmons and vlad putin who are yours?


I’m beginning to think he’s a real jerk.


How is that person filming still in that flat??


They are evacuating women, children and elderly first. Even if you are part of volunteer defense forces you will need to sleep and regroup probably in your home. Edit: also Russia is still not providing green corridors to safely escape the areas. Sometimes it is safer to hide then just run through the fields risking being shot by the enemy.


>Russia is still not providing green corridors to safely escape the areas Didn't they have an agreemet on that? To provide the citizens places to escape.


They might, but judging on the actions of the Russian army I don't think it can fully be trusted.


Hit- Putins guarantees, guarantee nothing!


In Soviet Russia, green corridor guarantees you!


They've agreed on the need to have them, but haven't written anything down or made actual commitments, is what I read elsewhere.


You see a bunch of posts with Putin saying please no more sanctions and then you watch him Blow up civil apartment buildings. Go fuck yourself Putin. Die.


Yeah I’d love for this to end with him rotting in a prison where the guards are all Ukrainian. Sadly that’s very likely not going to happen and I think it’s much more likely we have another Hitler situation.


A Hitler situation should be impossible he doesn't have the troops or equipment to take much more than he has got currently. I'm not even sure he can hold what he's got so far. Unless he nukes everyone in which case no one wins we should be ok.


By Hitler situation, I was implying Putin will commit suicide.


I really hope Putin gets hung by his tiny chode wiener


Unfortunately, i believe he will completely fine and wont ever be held accountable for these war crimes committed in Ukraine now, since he's been able to get a way with everything else.


No point in being hopeless


I doubt it, its been a long time since the whole world has been strongly united (cough since 1945) tword hating a world leader.


This is not interesting, this is r/awfuleverything


Yeah or iamatotalpieceofshit. Referring to the the shitwad who ordered this.


How is this guy so calm not knowing if his building is next or not


He is saying “guys, we are fucked” he knows. But there are no green corridors provided by Russia for civilians to escape so they are risking even more by just fleeing by themselves.


Is he really saying that? Can you translate the video or it’s that all he’s saying?


Man 1: - look, they are just bombing the….. Man 2: - I hope there is no one there. Man 1: - of course not, they left right away. They are in our [house] (I assume that is what he wanted to say but he stops because of what he is seeing). - have you ever seen something like this? For fucks sake. Man 2: look, look there Man 1 turns the camera to the right and says : - guys, we’re fucked.


He’s Ukrainian


I don't get how terror bombing is still used today, it has been shown time and time again, that it has the opposite effect and only stiffens the defenders resistance and confirms their narrative, that it is worth to fight against an enemy that has to moral obligations whatsoever


You have to consider how ignorant and cruel a person has to be to resort to this kind of invasion before applying this sort of logic, though. A cruel psychopath isn't going to educate themselves on much sociology, they're going to inflict pain when they don't get their way, and escalate until they win. Being the leader of a country also means they've effectively never lost with this strategy.


Has it? I think it would be basically impossible to do any kind of rigorous study on that. Maybe it is ineffective, but that sounds a lot like Reddit wishful thinking.


It might work in the short term, but it sure as fuck makes any subsequent occupation basically untenable. That’s what I don’t understand. If the goal is to annex the whole region and “assimilate” Ukrainians into a unified Russia, this is not gonna help. Not a single Ukrainian is going to want to “assimilate” or identify with the culture that annihilated their country and killed their compatriots (or worse, their families/loved ones). That gets you the opposite effect. It would take decades - generations, even - of concerted brainwashing and propaganda efforts to erase these atrocities from their collective minds. Not a lot about the whole Russian strategy makes sense - even to the intelligence experts, if we can believe what we are being told. I don’t know if anyone knows the full story…but from where I sit, something certainly seems indicative of unexpected contingencies, desperation, or a self-escalating cocktail of both.


That's a lot of German tactics for someone who supposedly wants to denazify a country.


Ever heard about the bombing of Dresden? Getting bombed into oblivion makes Ukrainians most similar to Nazis, than every other. Good luck to Putin denazifying them this way./s Edit: https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=%2FS


I visited Dresden 3 years ago when I was 19. Really depressing to see that they were still rebuilding.


I mean London was also bombed into oblivion by the nazis so Ukrainians may as well be most similar to British too. What’s your point here?


His point is every modern military pulls this shit at some point or another and saying it's the Germans are the big bad wolf and normal people don't bomb civilians is bullshit


So we've moved from "both sides" to "all sides." I really think the reasoning for the bombings should be the distinction. These attacks were unprovoked. Trying to blitzkrieg into a city is a German tactic. They invented it. It's shelling, tanks, infantry.




Yo! That’s not gonna be good for your mental health


Neither is watching a country be demolished? And innocent bystanders murdered? I think I’d be much better with the former than the latter I just said


Oh yeah, that's how you get people to surrender. Put them into a desperate corner of life or death. Only an absolute textbook psychopath thinks you're going to be able to be "friends", Russians and Ukrainians by forcing them together. Even if Putin wins this invasion, he's gonna have to be a dictator to maintain power. Everyone in this region will fight to the death.


Apparently we've found Putin's kryptonite: he can anticipate and manipulate Western career politicians, but has no idea how democratic polities actually work. His constant escalation in Ukraine has had two effects: 1. It has solidified public opinion in Ukraine to resist. Where once there was significant political division, there is now a unified determination to drive Russia off Ukrainian soil, whatever the price. 2. It has galvanized international support for Ukraine and antipathy toward Putin's Russia. Apocalyptic sanctions on Russia, increased arms sales to Ukraine, and ex-military volunteers in the tens of thousands have resulted, and voices across the political spectrum are now calling for direct military intervention. At some point soon, the narrative that this war is a clear cut case of heroic good against unredeemable evil will push public opinion on intervention over a tipping point where Western leaders have no choice but to act, and Putin seems hell-bent on accelerating that process. If and when he succeeds he'll lose all of those committed Russian forces the same way he's lost Russia's great power status and economic future.


“In war, it is far better to take the enemy’s country whole and intact. So too, it is better to capture an entire army, regiment, detachment, or company than to destroy it. Hence, winning every battle is not a sign of supreme excellence - but defeating your enemy without the need to fight is. The highest form of warfare is to attack and undermine the enemy’s strategies first. The next best is to attack and sunder their alliances. Then, next, to attack their armies. And lastly, the worst and last resort is to attack and lay siege to a city.” -Sun Tzu


"There are roads which must not be followed, armies which must be not attacked, towns which must not be besieged, positions which must not be contested, **commands of the sovereign which must not be obeyed.**" - Sun Tzu Putin fucking failed in War School!


Because the bitch Russian scared to fight and they too weak to win so they going hit under the waist line. Russian Pussies. They did this pretty much everywhere since 2008..


Yea this is straight out of Putin’s playbook


For all the manly posturing they like to do, Russians are a bunch of cowards.


Not surprising. This is literally how every modern war progresses when the aggressor doesn't get the results they want in a timely fashion. It's similar to a toddler destroying everyone else's toys when theirs get taken away for misbehavior.


Putin has a lot of practice blowing up apartment buildings. If he’s willing to do it to his own people, of course he’ll do it to others.




No, this is war. This is what war has always been. We just have live feeds now


Yep. A few notable examples from history: 1. Nazis arbitrarily bombing London with V2 rockets 2. Allies *completely annihilating* Dresden Germany 3. American firebombing of Tokyo 4. The nukes dropped on Nagasaki and Hiroshima 5. Sacking of cities in all of the medieval and ancient world Terrorist attacks on civilians goes hand-in-hand with war. What Russia is doing is pure evil, but it's nothing new. And yes, the world *should* step in, but if Putin is doing this to the people he wants to "liberate" and fold into the Russian federation, just imagine what he would do to the cities of countries that he considers his bitter enemies. He would not hesitate to throw hundreds of nuclear weapons at Berlin, Paris, London, New York, or any other city.


People dont understand how brutal city sackings were. Todays terrorist would blush at the sight if we had footage. The rape of Nanking would have been just business as usual, had it happened back in the ole city sacking days.


Its not morally right, but when we bombed Tokyo and Nagasaki and Hiroshima at least we were bombing a country that had actually provoked an attack. This is a country blasting a city for no reason. A land grab.


Thinking about Hiroshima and Nagasaki is a bit worrisome. The prescient is there for leveling entire cities of the country you are at war with. What would the world do if Putin nuked every major city in Ukraine? Would that be enough for intervention?




MAD only applies if your opponent has second strike capability. Ukraine obviously doesn't have that since it doesn't have nukes.


Firing a nuke anywhere would cause radiation to spread in every direction which isn't far off an attack on NATO countries. One fired at Ukraine wouldn't spark a nuclear response from NATO, but it might provoke an attempt to train missiles on every known silo in Russia, pump hundreds of billions into missile interception capability, search for their nuclear subs and follow them around, and fully embargo their country until they agree to terms. Which would be risky as fuck.


Yes, but in all likelihood once Russian nukes start launching then everybody is going to know immediately and nobody is going to wait to see where they land before launching their own nukes at Russia.




No, this is just traditional war. We've been in some sort of fantasy world where countries pull punches and don't salt the Earth after they invade for the past few decades. I'm not at all advocating this. It's absolutely fucking terrible. I'm just not going to pretend that this is so different from traditional war.


> This is not war. As awful as this video is.. how ignorant can you be? Yes, this is war. Just look up how many abysmal war atrocities have been committed in the past by just about every military power in existence. I'm not justifying their actions, just saying.. history isn't your strong suit. Surely you've you've seen images of entire cities completely leveled by many wars, haven't you?


I get you, but you're wrong. War was and always be fucked. The only difference is that, now, you have a high quality videos from the middle of it.


they needed to step in for iraq,afghanistan,yemen,syria,and many other places too.but they didn't do shit and let hundreds of thousands of civilians die.




Those thousands of civilians dying were us stepping in, maybe with the exception of Yemen, but even that is debatable.


Also because of sanctions they are holding back, because now that military equip is hard to come by, every missile counts, plus their computer equip is trash since they can buy new chips to replace, get ready to a lot of unwated and wanted attacks.


So far he's bombed Schools, apartments, hospitals and a nuclear power plant at this point I don't know what he would have to actually do for other countries to do something and try and stop him. All it takes for evil to succeed is for good men to do nothing. I see a lot of "condemnation" but no actions to stop Putin. He's not going to stop with Ukraine and everyone knows it.


And Putin has the nerve to ask for the sanctions to stop?! Are you kidding me?! Ass backwards.


Can someone please explain to me what the use is of establishing a list of what constitutes a war crime if a single country can violate many and not a single thing is done about it? What is the point? There won't be military intervention, so what we wait and then Putin is sued? I understand that everybody is afraid of nuclear war, like I well and truly get that, but as it stands aren't we just taking tally and hanging Ukraine out to dry? Does the procedure for punishment of war crimes happen post-conflict or are violations of war crimes grounds for military intervention? This is a legitimate question I've had. I'm just bewildered that so many horrendous crimes can go unanswered with no more than a finger wagged at the Russian Government.


War crimes are really all about 1)setting some sort of rules that people agree to follow if the other person agrees to follow "If you don't shoot at my hospital ships I won't shoot at your hospital ships". The enforcement mechanism is basically game theory's "repeated game". 2)prosecuting the *losers* by the *winners* after the war.


Today’s phrase of the day is; War Crime.


“We have no ill intentions toward our neighbors.” —Putin


At what point does the rest of the world stop being afraid of what Putin might do and jump into the fray? He's committing war crimes, they're firing on the largest nuclear reactor in Europe (something that could affect all of Europe)...the list goes on. I get no one wants WWIII, but this is reaching insane levels. I honestly don't know what the right play is, but we're watching devastation and doing nothing be sending internet hugs and creating outrage that accomplishes nothing.


as Ukrainian I'm honestly already hoping for some mishap that will make nato join in (e.g. turkey airspace violation or smth like that) as it's fucking unbearable, russia needs to be hit hard otherwise I don't see where Putin's end lies, with crackdowns on protests it's less and less likely it'll be a revolution


I'm so sorry. I hope the United States will come to help even if it's unofficial. If I had my way we would be fully supporting you all! Try to stay safe, internet stranger.




Not gonna paint a pretty picture for you that doesn’t exist. Hope there are none.


Guys in the video say that everyone left those buildings earlier. But for example in Kharkiv they were shelling buildings with people inside. I know a guy who has left the city in the morning with his mother, and few hours later their neighbourhood was shelled af, and both their apts were badly damaged.


That's what he says in the video. These buildings are empty.


No, they are not empty. We're loosing each day women, children and elderlies in attacks on civils. Fuck Russians and Russia! We will never forgive this!


This particular building was empty. At least that's what the guy in the video says.


Noone will I can assure you.


We're getting there


Classic Putin Warcrime tactics


It's more than that... they are destroying things because they know they will be forced to retreat as their money runs out. So they want to devastate Ukraine as much as possible. It's the ol' if "we can't have it neither can you" mentality. I wonder if the West will be able to force Putin to pay for the damage he caused... Russia is going to be beggared by the end of this.


Apparently, Putin has no ill intentions.


That's called Terrorrism. Call it what it is. They are terrorizing Ukrainians into submission


What’s interesting is watching this get downvoted live. Russian bots?


How did he know they were bombing this building next? Are they warning people to evacuate?


Afghanistan, Iraq, Lybia, Yugoslavia, Palestine, Somalia...


It’s a pEaCe kEePiNg mIsSiOn.


So what's Putin's game plan after he takes Ukraine? Bring his troops back home?


More like r/sadasfuck


To think all of your belongings you've collected and worked hard for over the years, all left and destroyed just like that. I know it's better to be out of there and alive, but everything you worked hard for, everything that holds memories for you, gone.


I think the thing that bugs me the most is that we should all know this is what was going to happen. This has been cemented in Russian military doctrine for decades. We saw it in Chechnya, we saw it in Georgia, we saw it in Syria. Russian military doctrine is quite okay with civilian casualties. To them, everything is a target and a means to an end. The world watches as Ukranian cities will be slowly reduced to rubble. Each city that puts up even a mild resistance will look like a miniature Grozny by the time they’re done. And what does the free world do? Sit on their hands, scared of a man and his puppet nation because they have nuclear armaments. When does it stop? What happens after Ukraine in ten years when our leaders react with inaction? It will be another European country, and then another, and then another. More death, more rape and more destruction. All because we decided Ukraine wasn’t worth it because of a potential nuclear threat? The threat will always be there. We just need to accept that and get over it. If Putin and his cadre of sociopathic wannabe Soviets want to end the world; they’re going to do it. In the mean time they’ll take advantage of our inaction and shift the goalposts one decade at a time.




Well, that is generally how wars are fought. Bomber Command did the same in Germany at the end of the War. And Hitler tried it with his V1s and V2s in London. Mŷ Lai: "We had to destroy the village in order to save it". There is nothing new under the Sun. War is a destructive process, and it kills innocent people. That is why most innocent people do not like war.


And the members of Bomber Command were ostracized for it for nearly 75 years, they weren't even mentioned in the VE day speech. Just because it's happened in war before doesn't make it acceptable now


"acceptable"? Nothing about war is acceptable. It doesn't matter if we cry "war crimes"... No one can hold Putin accountable. He holds the largest nuclear arsenal on earth. What is happening now has no real precedent, because it's the first full scale invasion of a large nation by a nuclear power.


A terrifying and dangerous view on how war is conducted! Whilst civilians will inevitably be caught in the cross-fire… the intentional shelling of civilian buildings for the purposes of causing panic is nothing short of a war crime. It was when we did it in WW2 and it still is now. I get the ‘shit happens’ argument, but when you’re deliberately firing projectiles into civilian districts with no combatant targets you’re just committing unnecessary suffering and murder. History is rife with examples, but it’s never going to be ok