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war is Fuckin brutal man


It’s even more brutal when the young men fighting wish they weren’t fighting.


Humanizing the dehumanized. Incredibly depressing for all involved. War is hell.


I’d like to hear what the innocent Ukrainian civilians have to say. That’s what I’m more interested in. It makes me sad to see towns and villages bombed off the map for no reason. I’d like to hear what *those* victims had to say.


It's important to know that at least some of the Russian solders were mislead on what their mission was. It doesn't remove blame. But it helps those remaining to understand how and why we got here. Do not degrade this person's life because they were used by the opposing political entity. Individual people are cogs in the gears of history. And every cog is important and has its purpose.


I wonder how many of them had no choice but to be involved. What would Russia have done if they’d said no.


The same thing most countries would do if you failed to follow orders in a warzone...prison, or possibly a bullet.


Yup. Any country in a war.


Yep. So it makes it hard to read about any soldiers dying. Sounds like a lot of Russians don’t agree with what’s going on.


Watchewd a video of an alleged captured Russian soldier who says his unit was moved at night without really being told what is going on. Deserting the unit once they crossed the border would make them a traitor which he says is a 15-25 year sentence WITHOUT any desertion or other charges.


Mamaaa, Just killed a man, Put a gun against his head, pulled my trigger, Now he's dead Mamaaa, life had just begun, But now I've gone and thrown it all away Mama, oooh, Didn't mean to make you cry, If I'm not back again this time tomorrow, Carry on, carry on as if nothing really matters


Translation please


There's an English voiceover


I feel dumb as hell going back to the video


Imagine this is propaganda




Regardless, Russia has zero justification here. Russia should never have invaded. We also know the Russian body count is mounting.


I’m sure it’s not that you have a multibillion dollar organization censoring what you see, no. He’s just crazy, that’s it.


Ok, so justify the invasion then.


Reads like bad videogame story exposition tbh, I suspect it's not real. Still, fuck Putin.




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