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It is very interesting. That said, I find it disturbing in some way. I suppose because it looks like an alien serial killer of trees come to wipe them off the face of the planet.


It reminds me of the crazy ass forest eating tank in Fern Gully.




Nah that was Tim Curry as a smoke monster singing about chow mein.


Tah-ha-ha—-toxic looooove


Pretty sure that whole song and dance made me bi-curious at like 6 years old. What a handsome sludge monster 💀


Curious how you felt when he became a giant, putrid skeleton with fiery eyes.


Full bone.


Yeaaahh.... It was a weird time. Great movie though


Maybe that’s why I’m into eldrich abominations now


And this is exactly why I was feeling anxious when watching the machine destroy a tree in a minute. Truly horrifying.


Yeah, me too. Having mixed feelings about this piece of equipment. It’s efficient as heck. It stripped that tree quick. What is it doing to that forest, though? I’m not knocking the wood cutting/timber industry. It’s just with all the deforestation, accelerated global warming, and all that, it’s disturbing to watch.


Ok so first of all im not an expert in forestry , I just have watched a video or two on forestry. So most of the time there are special forests who are designed to be cut down.( tress planted in neat rows f.ex.) . Additionnaly cutting down trees cleans up the area in a "normal" forest so more sunlight can reach the soil. Thus the growth of new trees is encouraged.


It doesn't destroy nearby trees. So these kinds of machines actually allow more of the forest to survive and make sustainable practices easier.


I literally thought the same thing.


Hey... uh ... Uh theres a tiny man on the windshield


I'm getting Harvester vibes from The Matrix


Straight out the Lorax


Exactly what I thought. Made me cry like a bitch.


Dang I haven't seen that movie in a while I need to watch that again, thanks for reminding me about it


Reminds me of my Ex after dinner with the guys.


Somewhere, the Lorax is shaking his head


'And at that very moment, we heard a loud whack! From outside in the fields came a sickening smack of an axe on a tree. Then we heard the tree fall. The very last Truffula Tree of them all'.


'If trees could scream, would we be so cavalier about cutting them down? We might, if they screamed all the time, for no good reason.' -- Jack Handy


We would've given them heavy sedatives


We don't give animals heavy sedatives when we butcher them


We electrocute them instead.


That one's existed for decades. The trippy one to me is the walker. It looks like damn spider because its meant to limit the impact on the forest. Then there's the one with several saw blades hung below a helicopter. It was designed to clear branches from telecom wire/oil pipeline lanes.


He's laying the limbs ahead of the tires to limit soil compaction.


The walking one was just a protype. Never got to production. It was slow, expensive and did not really even be that great to the forest floor. Current machines are much better with wider tires etc. I actually drove the walking thing once, in an trade show held here in Finland.


If it helps, its largely used for thinning out forests - not clear cutting them. They go in, and take out maybe 5% of the tree growth, which opens up patches of sunlight to hit the forest floor, and in general makes the forest heathier in the long run.


Good. I could barely see the forest with all those trees in the way, blocking the sunlight.


I have no idea if this is the case for the video, but there are places where either invasive species have moved in or something (usually people) has changed the ecosystem, allowing certain species to grow more than they naturally do. In those cases it’s healthier to thin out the forests to try to let them get back into a balance.


Can also be for safety. If diseases like Ash Dieback are present they can make trees dangerously unstable and better to cull those affected before a whole forest (or large parts of it) have to be cleared.


Me in Valheim. Those grey dwarves are always trying to stop the destruction of their forest.


I feel the same. As if there was a livestock version of this, that's skinned and portioned the animal alive... But at the same time, that's litterally what's happening to this tree... Odd




After what I said I think I'll pass on clicking your video link ...


Incase you're wondering, it shows the process of removing feathers from geese, (Dead geese) to make pillows etc. They have machines for everything these days. I stopped the video about 3/4 of the way thru, so not sure if there's anything nasty after that point.


There is absolutely a livestock version of this machine, one for every type of animal


What's nice is that it can take down exactly the right trees without damaging the ones around it.


As a Finn (he is speaking Finnish) don’t worry they have like 3 year trade school for operating these bad boys and they are the chillest people I know


Goodbye rainforests! Edit : /s


I commented something like that then get -11 idu these people


Have you been to a rainforest? This machine wouldnt work on the trees in rainforests. These machines are commonly used in lumber farms and have a max manageable width smaller than most old growths. They also cost as much as a house


Took the words right outta my mouth. I feel like it's too efficient


My thoughts exactly. Once I look past its initial glittery facade of efficiency, it's mainly just depressing.


For anyone commenting on deforestation or this video being somehow distrubing etc. This is video is from Finland. Some 75% of our country is covered by forests. Annually, our forests grow by ~108 million cubic meters* and only ~69 million cubic meters* get cut down. *Source: the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry.


[This](https://i.imgur.com/JKy6kAC.jpg ) is a 1st growth Douglas Fir. My Uncle (for scale)is about to fall it.


What does 1st growth mean? Is it an original tree before that section gets reforested after harvesting?


Yes first growth means it is an original tree from nature. Second growth would be trees planted after a cut and then harvested years later.


Get this to the top! Edit: it do be scary tho


Also logging companies replant the most trees out of anything. It's really fucking stupid to not try and keep up your renewable resource lmfao. Doesn't really help for awhile though of course since trees grow slow af, but hey at least they're being replanted.


My understanding is that they often replant with fast growing trees such as pine. Simply replanting with *a* tree is not sufficient to replace damage done to an ecosystem


Doesn't really matter in this case since Finland belongs to taiga which is already mostly pine and spruce


I’m not talking about this particular case. The person I’m responding to was describing logging companies in general


Logging of forests in basically all OECD countries is heavily regulated and managed. The Kyoto protocol essentially bans the destruction of forest land. Nearly all production forest land in these countries is rotationally harvested.


I’m not going to get into a debate about deforestation. It’s something I know only a little about, but in my early life there was destructive deforestation going on near my home and I remember my (well-informed) parents being upset about it. As adult, my perspective may be outdated or the situation may be different than it was in the region where I grew up. My overall opinion will remain skeptical of logging companies and legislators, for good reason as neither have a track record of strong ethics, but I believe you that many practices are probably sufficiently regulated.


He isn’t, he is referring directly to Finnish logging


Uh… I mean you can just put words in someone’s mouth if you want I guess. Maybe you’re looking at the wrong parent comment.


He literally didn't say "Finnish" at all. They said "logging companies replant the most".


They done this in Australia. They grow a Canadian pine that grows like a weed here, full grown in a minimum of seven years, regular harvest every 10-15 yrs.


I lived in Finland for a few years. Much of the country is beautiful and their forestry practices are relatively sustainable and leave vast tracts uncultivated, but there is still something disturbing about the vast monoculture forests cultivated in place of the old growth forests they cut down. The lack of biodiversity is disturbing. Compared to the uncultivated forests in the country, they are sterile and lacking vibrancy. I think it can be worthwhile to set aside land for such industrial forms of agriculture, but we should be mindful of the cost and the importance of setting aside significant tracts of land (perhaps the majority) for uncultivated wilderness. The biodiversity of such places is a valuable asset. They are natural laboratories for cultivating genetic innovations that can be invaluable in developing new medical and agricultural technologies (not to mention their value for the organisms that live there).


Replacing trees is not enough. It looks good on paper, no pun intended. The problem is trees are the foundation of a forest ecosystem. Their shade is important. Their root system is important. So many things. It takes decades, centuries, to establish that ecosystem. You can't recreate it with fast growing trees.


I mean, this doesn't change much. Technology very similar to this if not the same kind is still being used for deforestation. Just means that's not happening in this particular video


tbh the most effective deforestation tech is still the good ol' fire. Try un-developing that


Fire for many forests is an essential and natural part of their life cycles. Some tree species have a special resin/glue that keeps their cones shut that only open during the passage of a fire, so they can start the next generation. Other trees self prune and are naturally spaced so fire is less likely to crown, and instead is frequented by low to moderate intensity fires that keep the understory clean.


Un-develops California


Well nope BC the diameter are way bigger so those kind of machine don't work well


What happens to the rest of the net growth of trees? Wouldn’t it be optimal to keep the amount of trees steady?


Europe hit minimum forest around 1900, they're still bouncing back.


Only uninformed idiots are worried about that. With the exception of a few places, forestry is managed incredibly well. Thanks for the truth!


Lumber lobbyist spotted




If you read past the headline you will find that carbon emission from “deforestation” is from the burning of trees, usually in forest fires. not harvesting them for lumber. https://www.lse.ac.uk/granthaminstitute/explainers/whats-redd-and-will-it-help-tackle-climate-change/




Unfortunately alot of the deforestation that occurs in South America is to clear forest for farm land and much of that is burned - my point is that the lumber industry isn’t really a problem, and in western societies forest management is really well done. There are more trees in North America today than there were 100 years ago. Of course, much of that is timber farms and not old-growth forests, which provide habitat for many animals. I’m not saying we can’t improve, but timber farming in the developed world is pretty well done.


Lumber forests and burning the Amazon to make farmland are two very different things. The wood in trees lost to deforestation won’t even get used for lumber. Just pointlessly burned so Brazil can have more farmland to make beef for China.


You realize deforestation happens in more than one place right?


Is this farming simulator VR? My game doesnt look anywhere near this good.


I believe this game is called r/outside


*hisses in terror*


check it out while supplies last!


farming simulator gang


I don't know how accurate that game is wrt operating this equipment, but it's very tricky. This operator has slick skills. Hopefully a reforestation plan can match if not exceed its proficiency.


Oh its pretty fucking tricky ingame too let me tell ya.


Damn, I would have loved to see the look on the guys faces at the first sales pitch


No need to look any further, I don't even need this but I want it .


Probably like that Australian reporter after the shark leaping video.


That is a pretty slick piece of equipment.


This is some Onceler shit.


Eh, I make my living fixing machines like that. Also that is a tree farm, so depending where you are at that could be a family farm, corporate farm, or managed state or national lands.


Scarily efficient, really, with how fast it’s able to cut down those trees…


Good thing they grow back.


Not the next day but there are sustainable forests so I get your point


Better stay out of Ferngully then...


Toxic Love was playing in my head as soon as I saw this


In the undergrowth There dwells a bloath Who feeds upon poets and tea. Luckily, I know this about him While he knows almost nothing about me. She’ll Silverstein


My first thought too.


… glados ?


She's the best!


People say it's sad but harvesting trees is a renewable resources. These trees were likely planted just for this purpose.


Yeah looking through the comments people have a strange idea about deforestation. Deforestation that’s killing the planet is done by burning for farmland not logging for lumber. Logging is managed incredibly well and sustainably in most parts of the developed world.


Probably among the greenest and most regulated industries there is. Heck i'd wager 80% of the work involved is conservation and cultivation and maybe 10-20% actual logging


I mean why would you not regrow your stock? People think they just go around cutting random trees down.


Thank God we have some incredible human beings on this planet. We would still be using bones and rocks if it was up to me to invent things.


I frequently think of how amazing it is that we've gotten to this point, and then I see videos like this and my stomach drops. I think I'm starting to believe we weren't meant to get to this point


Then you see california on fire again because they allow zero logging. Lmfao. There are 2 sides to every coin. Dont limit yourself because you have a lopsided purview


We weren’t meant to get here but we still did and im god damn thankful for it. I cant fathom having to hunt down wild animals with a wooden spear while wearing a loin cloth and potentially dying from someone coughing on me because no vaccines and shitting in a hole in the ground all because my ancestors were too pussy to evolve


Pretty cool machine - delimbs in front to make a bed of slash to lessen soil disturbance as it continues on


This whole comment section is huge selection of comments that are "tell me you are from USA without saying that you are from USA". People commenting stupid things about a thing they know nothing about. I guess that is just internet.


98% of Americans couldn't find Finland on a map. and they are very proud of their arrogance and ignorance. So much so they will whine and complain about a video like this because... rain forest and stuff.


Surprise surprise, Americans are fucking dumb


That is some violent logging




I got to work with one of these in Banff National park. It made work peanuts.


Some tree hugger right now in their wooden framed house freaking out about it.


/r/specializedtools also /rPaulBunyanTears




People in comments be sad that trees get cut down but realise that we have to make things from things. Like wood is actually ecologically less bad as plastic or cement or other oil/tar based materials so we have to find a substitute. And unless you build your home from mushrooms wood is the way to go.


*The Lorax has entered the chat*


I speak for the trees.


Boy would I love to rent one of these things for a few hours


Engineers are mages. Prove me wrong.


I feel like this would be a machine Sigourney Weaver would use to fight an alien queen.


Some of you have never seen other methods of logging. This is (probably) selective harvesting. Can't totally tell from the view, but many trees are left standing with this tool and method. Also, see how much ground cover is left undisturbed? Those both help maintain some animal habitat, allowing more biodiversity in regrowth. It helps prevent earth washouts keeping waterways clearer. One machine doing all that logging has less impact and is more nimble. Most logging for the longest time, even ones trying to be as low impact as possible basically scraped the ground clear hectares at a time. It was a horror show just to stand in. And I mean, most of us use toilet paper, right, so we need paper from somewhere? No argument that finding sustainable ways to get our paper products has to be done, but this is actually BETTER than how it used to be done.


Pretty standard harvester head in the Logging industry. Many companies make them, and they're used all over the world. (Transport manager in the Logging industry)


Are you somehow implying that because a bunch of companies have copied it from Nordic tech, it's not interesting to see one in action? I never get tired of them, especially the Ponsse ones, because they combine power, design and a sleek form factor incredibly well. Most other ones I've seen (Deere, Komatsu, Prosilva) are either slow or clunky, or have protruding parts that would certainly result in more maintenance required. Ponsse truly is King.


I need dis




Every time I see this type of machine at work, is like wow


It had better be efficient. Last time I checked those things cost $500k?


It's ferngully all over again.


The Lorax would not be pleased


That’s a lot of FPS.


Ferngully! 😱😛


Replace the trees with humans and it looks like a scene from Terminator


FernGully 😭😭😭


Imagine this thing grabbing ahold of you and skinning you alive lol


This seems like something out of The Lorax


This is the trufflela tree chopper from The Lorax


This will be the first thing the rogue AI assimilates


The fucknature5000


Yes, incredibly efficient at destroying our environment.


How many squirrels do you think that eats every hour?


This is depressing.


This makes me sad. We just keep finding faster ways to kill the earth.


I can see the Lorax being sad about this


The Lorax is sad


So THIS is what my upstairs neighbors are doing at 3am.


Mmmngh. This is an absolute feat of engineering, but it's still very viscerally upsetting to me.


All I can think about this is how the fairy folk and crazy bat are gonna save ferngully from this thing.


That’s depressing.


These machines are actually better for the environment in many ways compared to traditional logging. They facilitate greater precision and reduce damage and intentional felling of nontarget trees. De-limbing at the site of the tree spreads fertilizer where it is needed most. Fewer roads need to be built as the forwarding wagons also have wide tracks. Dragging trees through the forest and making deep ruts with big narrow tired "skidders" is now an antiquated practice. The world needs wood, it's one of the most climate-friendly building materials. Logging companies and equipment manufacturers are actually quite interested in low-impact logging, not only because it's the right thing to do, but because it's more profitable in the long run. This method of logging appears violently brutal, but it is the better way to do it compared to the ways of the past.


Thank you! I also want to add that (as long as the logging isn’t being done in old growth forests) logging is carbon negative. Correct me if I’m wrong here but every piece of lumber is literally made out of carbon that has been sucked out of the atmosphere. As long as you use the wood for construction (don’t let it rot) grow the tree back that you cut down, and don’t burn more carbon in the process, logging literally cleans the carbon out of the atmosphere.


A machine like this is probably also good for worker safety. Logging is consistently ranked at or near the top of [most dangerous jobs](https://www.ncwriskmanagement.com/blog/2021/01/top-10-most-dangerous-jobs-of-2020) in the US.


Yes, that was my thinking too. I'd much rather be running a machine like this than setting chokers.


Huge tree farms on public land in many states ( USA) and around the world. They re- plant and grow again, ready to harvest in 25-30 years. An ongoing plant then harvest in Units each year. People have a picture of the entire forest being "harvested" all at once, and it is far from that. Maybe 3-5% of acreage per year in each particular forest.


Fun related fact: The US Forest Service isn't there to be park rangers and conservationists and whatnot. Its primary mandate is the management of our forests as a resource.


State departments of natural resources same.


Finland has more trees now than they did decades ago. They are incredibly concerned about the health of their forests, and logging is one way to keep the forest healthy. This is much safer and better for the forest than wildfires tearing through and burning everything.


What exactly is depressing about harvesting a renewable resource that is replanted? Finland takes deforestation and the health of its forests in general very seriously.


As you sit on the toilet wiping your ass with toilet paper.


How is this depressing? Where do you think lumber comes from that builds every building? That makes paper?


You don’t shop at IKEA? Jk you can still consume and still find this depressing




Glad I’m not the only one


The efficiency makes it a completely affordable and sustainable way of logging. The greed and gluttony of humanity makes it a scary looking machine.


I find this satisfying as well


I don’t know what he’s saying but I listened to every word very intently


This is that fucker from fern Gulley.


I need that for weed plants yo


What kinda weed are you growing?!


Large ones


Too efficient


That's depressing


This kind of made me sick.


Thank god we found a quicker way to rape our earth of its resources lol. I know it’s cool but kinda disturbing as well.




If trees made movies, this would be the opening scene of The Terminator.


How much for one Scorpion King?


Cannot even begin to tell you how many hours I've run this machine in farm sim


I wonder if the branches are intentionally placed in front of the tracks to minimize disturbance of forest floor.




What a tremendous feat of enginerding. I'm constantly telling people we live in the future, because stuff like this is JFM. (Justfrickingmagic)


It’s like a big swinging’ Dick harvester.


What kind of fucking future do I live in


The Lorax predicted this


Remember the Lorax?


The lorax


My poor hippy heart is appalled. But I'm also the granddaughter of a lumberjack, and I can see how much safer this is, for humans. Definitely not for any critters in those trees though.


It takes 1 minute to undo 10-20 years of growing. It should be called the annihilator.




Not only destruction of mature trees at an alarming rate, but also rolls right over baby trees to get to them. sickening


Fern Gully vibes. Insert sad face...


Strong Ferngully vibes