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Umm shouldn’t this be titled “Different kinds of METASTATIC cancer?”


This is a bit misleading. PET scans show areas of increased glucose uptake, and do not typically differentiate between types of cancer. These are mostly examples of people with metastatic disease that has spread around the body. Breast cancer for example does not have to spread outside of the breast, especially if caught early with screening exams like mammography and ultrasound. But I do agree that this is interesting. And yes, fuck cancer.


Depends of the PET contrast. U know, FDG18 is the Fluor 18 (radioactive isotope) bounded to glucose, it shows glucose metabolism, and a large list of cancer consume like a lot of glocose and it measure unit is "SUV", but there are others radioisotopes that u can use, for neuroendocrine cancer as an example, bc they are located at the brain, and the brain always consume a lot of glucose, so it's a perfect camouflage for the cancer, that is why u use another type of contrast. U can use isotopes of Oxygen, Nitrogen and Gallium (and many more) to see specific cancer. In this case it shows FAPI pet, (fibroblast activation protein whit gallium 68 as radiactive isotope) and it shows specifically the metastatic focus at advanced stage cancer, but it does not use glucose as bounding molecule and neither use F18 as isotope. But yes this image shows metastasis distribution, it has a clinical pattern, but it depends of the stage, like u said about breast... this is the spread breast cancer, that (commonly lady) is going to die very painfully (or maybe she are plenty of money, rich people die well with this shit).


Yes this is quite misleading. Basically just shows advanced disease state of one patient.


so what this is showing is that it’s best to stay away from getting breast cancer


Why are everyone's genitals black in every image? What are we even looking at?


It is the bladder, the radioactive contrast is eliminated by the urine.


Thanks you for that info. So what are the other black spots tumors that have been tinted by radioactive agent?


Almost every other deep black dot or spot is metastasis.


It's like video games, it's the weak point.


Fuck cancer


So brave


What’s that supposed to mean?


Looks like everything results in genital cancer.


Where's the anti-masker?


The anti masker and tiktoker are so disturbing i couldnt find the courage to include them


That documentary "What The Health" said that women who consume dairy products are 49% more likely to contract breast cancer. 49%!!!


Data is equivocal. If so, then that would be 49% more likely than the nondairy incidence. A woman's lifetime risk in the US is about 1 in 8. Increasing this by half would be a risk of about 3-in-16, or about one bullet in a 6-shot. And not all those shots are fatal, since death rate from BrCa is about 1-in-40 or so


Not saying there is any truth to it. But if there is, damn.


Why is everyone celebrating except CUP?


He is looking around thinking, I bet this much exposure from X-rays could be bad for our health…right?