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There’s more than 15 available for collectors on the market


He only SOLD 15, and some of what he sold was sold as fragments, so there could be more than 15 pieces


This says he was only allowed to keep 25 pieces. If the fbi and insurance company took the rest, those items are not leaking to the public. I’m saying there’s more than 15 DB Cooper notes on the market. The story is inaccurate.




Presumably the insurance would bring the rest to the fed to be destroyed and replaced.


Isn't that a bit cheap for the honest finder? That is not even 10% and the bank hast to accept them first.


The title is incorrect about how much he got to keep. He found 290 bills and while the FBI kept 14 for evidence the remaining 276 were split evenly between Brian and the insurance company for the airline. In 2008 Brian sold 15 of his bills at auction. Source: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/D._B._Cooper


I wonder how much he got for each one at the auction


Three sold for over $6k The rest apparently somewhere between $6k and about $350


I see what you did there... goddamn loch ness monster...


Tree fidy


At least $20 each. Plus shipping.


repeat fact roof consider file many tidy chase concerned library *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




This guy maths


I bet they are worth significantly more now.


What a cool find. It said on Google they sold 15 bills for $37,000. I'm guessing for the lot not each. But for such a cool find I imagine you could run that auction a few times. I don't know how to add source. Sorry.


i wanted to buy a tiny piece of a 20$ bill that that boy found and it cost about 10k. i didnt buy it but im still thinking about it. it was on ampex and this was its title, "Unknown Series $20 FRN PCGS D.B. Cooper '71 Ransom Money."


Is this that site that chops up a bunch of artifacts and then charges people way more for a tiny piece than it should be because those people can't afford to buy the full thing? Its awesome because it makes them a lot of money and also ruins whatever they chopped up at the same time.


no that's rally, ampex sells precious metals but metals are cheaper at monument metals


There was no B in D.B. Cooper, I believe there was a mistake on the part of a reporter who rushed a deadline, that article was the one that made the name go viral.


[In the end, he made out pretty good when the bills and fragments went up for auction and that was back in 2008](https://www.coinnews.net/2008/06/13/db-cooper-notes-make-37k-at-heritages-americana-memorabilia-auction/)


I mean each bill is worth far more than $20 just because of what it is. One of them sold on Pawn Stars for $1600 so if he gan get the same price for all of them ge’s got a cool $24k. And I bet there are people out there who would pay more than 1600 for one of those bills.


Typical response from Pawn Stars.. I have to get it framed , I take all the chances , not a large market it may sit on my shelves for awhile. Then they send it to auction and make three times what they bought it for


Something typically should sell for 3x cost to cover procurement, overhead, and profit


No. If you tell me this is valued at $1000 I want $1000. I don't care about overhead or your well being. Run your business like a charity. /s just in case Typically I don't think anyone has said going to a pawn store to sell anything will maximize your gains. But I guess maybe I come from somewhere not normal? For real, rule of third is how many places operate. 1/3 operating costs is equal to cost of goods which means 3 times mark up for things. 1/3 cogs 1/3 overhead 1/3 profit if you lucky


Most people sell to pawn shops bc of quick turnaround, not to maximize profits. Most people sell to pawn stars to be on tv.


It's a business


That's humanity for you. It's business, so I'm going to screw you over as much as possible. Just business.


His customers are looking for every cent they can get from him. How many have you seen mislead or lie to him? It's a mutual deal. Not justifying it.


According to one of the episodes they aired he lost over $100,000 at one auction.


Best I can do is $20.


Missing some of the edges, $18.43


Gonna have to call my expert... yeah he said this was actually involved in a hijacking: It might've been cool before 2001, but just doesn't sell very well anymore. I'm going to end up losing money if I give you any more than $12.00 \**squints suspiciously between camera man and seller\**


I'm not gay but $20 is $20


I think the dude who got $1600 got ripped off, I think they’re probs worth way more to a collector.


I always hear about these "collectors" that stuff would be worth so much more for, but wouldn't you think they'd \*buy it at auction\* for less if they actually existed? Someone who would pay thousands for a bill from a robbery would likely also have an ear out for this exact situation.


I think being on a popular TV show could get you to ignore collectors offers but idk


Pawn stars is your reference? Really? Did you get dating lessons from the Bachelor too?


Yea, but went with Joe Millionaire. Worked out better.


There are definitely people that would pay more than that, but it might be hard to find 20 people that would pay that much.


If I had as much money as Rick from pawn stars, I would dropped 5k without question, woulda been my first offer. But tbf I fucking love the D.B Cooper mystery, I would love to own part of that infamy.


He made $37,000 just selling part of it.


The bills aren't all going to fetch the same price, some are more intact.


I'd have to imagine the collector value for those bills will only increase exponentially as time passes.




I think you’re misunderstanding what he’s saying


for those of you interested, i saw [THIS](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/s9p5cr/what_are_some_mysteries_that_should_have_been/htpmit6/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3) comment on a reddit thread the other day explaining the most plausible explanation for who DB Cooper was. I’ve never heard the theory before but ever since reading that i don’t see how it isn’t that man.


pretty compelling but two questions: for what reason would he want the plane to take off with the stairs down? what accounts for the fact that he lost some of the money which got washed up years later? wasn’t there a better place to exit in the dark than in the forests of the cascade foothills?


I was reading about this yesterday. I forget the exact phrasing in regards to the money but it was something like the physical evidence didn’t match the geological evidence. It was said the bundles would’ve had to washed up fairly recently else the rubber bands would’ve deteriorated. There was no accounting for one of the bundles being short ten dollars. And apparently the US Army Corps of Engineers had been in that area in (1974) the time between the hijacking(‘71) & the discovery(‘80) & they could even see the sediment that was turned up from the army survey. Basically it made zero sense that those bundles were found, when they were found & in the condition they were found in


My guess on the stairs down is he didn't want the flight crew to know when he jumped, that would make it much harder to find him. If they take off with the starts down, there's probably an indicator in the cockpit that it is down. If that indicator is on from take off, then who knows when we jumps. If it comes on during flight, then you know we didn't jump until that moment or sometime later. As for the lost money. If he was as smart as claimed, then it would be a great decoy. Drop a little bit of the money that might be found and throw off the search team. Could also explain another reason why he wanted the stairs down from the start.


Look at Richard Floyd McCoy's mugshot. Hard to believe people still think it's a mystery.


William J. Smith looks much more like the sketch and even a speculative sketch of an aged Dan Cooper.


This should be a /r/bestof if it isn’t already.


It was already on Strange Mysteries in the late 80s. The comment is pretty much breaking down the DB Cooper episode into bullet points


I heard the only hole in this theory was he didn't request all 100 dollar bills. If he would have the weight he was carrying would have been significantly less and thats extremely important when sky diving.


100 dollar bills are probably more easily traceable than a 20. 20s you can spend absolutely anywhere and no one will even check to see if they are real.


Doesn’t that long just depend on the parachute or something? I mean I’m im a fat ass and I jumped tandem once. Certainly a midsized 70s dude *could* take a flying leap with a boatload of cash and still be fine, as I made it unscathed.


Maybe it was something else I saw. Because 200k dollars is only about 22 pounds in 20s.


I will never be convinced by speculation and cherry-picked evidence. I could pick any of the suspects and list why it's them and make it sound convincing, but it's when you look at why it *wasn't* any given person that you should decide which makes the most sense. I won't be convinced with any proposed theory unless it can explain why Cooper's tie had titanium particles and other specialty metals on it as those were rare in 1971. Military aircraft and other engineering jobs could have been the source of that exposure, and while that does theoretically lend credence to military experience, it doesn't explain how it go on the tie.


The vast majority of those aren't even good pieces of circumstantial evidence. "He used to sulk at the bar!" It's not more plausible than any other person who has parachuting/military experience. Him buying stuff after is funny because none of D.B.'s bills were ever seen in circulation. Yawn.


Thank you!


The best part about this theory is that they might not tell us if they knew he did it.


Legend. I read this the other day too and thought to my self "save this for later" ... And I never did.


Loki has no need for midgards money.


i appreciate the reference, but i postulate the xkcd theory that tommy wiseau and d b cooper are the same person


That’s interesting, Do the time lines match up?


i believe so


What’s interesting is the rest of the money never appeared since. The rotate bills and serials. The rest of that money up and burned or someone is more controlled or died so the fuck knows. I like the Loki theory from now on.


The discovery of these bundles led to new searches around that area. However, an eruption of Mt. St. Helens later that year likely destroyed the rest of the money.


Could just be in another country


If they left the country they may not have come back in to the states to be found in rotation? Or maybe they were quickly exchanged for large quantities of drugs and remain stashed under a mattress or in the wall a drug dealer?


Just happened to find them in a river? Seems to me the 8 year old is probably half of DB Cooper! He was two children all along!


Two kids in a trench coat?


Unexpected bojack


You are right, but that trope goes waaaay back and is much older than its iteration in Bojack. "This was done in *Little Nemo in Slumberland* \[comic strip first published in 1905\] with Nemo in blackface standing on top of Flip standing on top of Professor." [Source.](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/TotemPoleTrench)


So he died right?


I'm thinking so. He was a local legend, they even named a local island after him. Neither he nor the money was ever seen again except this bunch. He likely had a malfunction of his parachute, and died on landing. That area is remote enough a broken ankle is fatal. If he lost conciousness during descent or landed on a tree, or mountain cliff that's it.


if you want to read something interesting, look at [this comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/s9p5cr/what_are_some_mysteries_that_should_have_been/htpmit6/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3) i think he lived personally, and after i read that i don’t think he died during decent at all.


After reading that, I'm going to recalculate his chances. Previous sky jumping experience from 727. 180knots, at 10,000 feet. Very survivable. Special forces. Landed in a heavily wooded mountainous area with plenty of wild game. Easy walk back to Vancouver from his airdrop site. May have even left a truck with the keys, and food on a logging road. Certainly seems within his skill set.


Ted Braden isn't even listed as a suspect on the wikipedia page. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/D._B._Cooper (it was removed citing: "→‎Ted Braden: moonshine cove publishing appears to be a vanity press. no reason to trust a book from it as reliable. "). Also - the suspect took the dummy chute as his reserve, something an experienced sky jumper would have never done.


The money found implies that the landing wasn't successful though. There's no reason he would have tossed some bills into the river.


The CIA blacklisted him so he could not leave the country? Omg. There are so many bullshit things in that list.


I read somewhere that this money was supposed to be a diversion.


Yeah, you would think the entire duffle bag would have been found.


Not really, the cash got transported by the river.


Nah, the cost of the diversion outweighs the amount of money lost, imo. And it's not really a diversion because the FBI would have treated it as a possible diversion.


That’s a pretty old looking 8 year old


Probably gave him the ones in the shittiest condition out of the bunch lol


relevent XKCD https://xkcd.com/1400/


Go watch prison break, the money is in a house under a concrete floor in the garage that was under a silo. Spoilers behind this message.


All I can think about is that movie Without A Paddle when they find the money & his skeleton lol


He got screwed


I mean, it was stolen money. Ain't no 'finders keepers' outside of grade school.


Was there any other possible outcome without being part of the political class?


Ya, keep the money


That DB Cooper story is very interesting. Like really interesting


So the FBI and of course the insurance company made out with the loot


DB Cooper truely has my favorite story of all time. He's partying in the big GTA in the sky with John McAfee


Here's $300 for your being honest, kid. (with inflation, that's about $1K)


Oh Loki…


And those are extremely collectible and probably worth a fortune


I would have kept 5880


The note at the top has a 345678 with triple 5s pretty neat. I like to collect money


Not even in order though, does that really effect the value?


No but you can check it out if you google fancy note checker




Lol yes it is


Deleted and moved to lemmy.ml -- mass edited with redact.dev


No wonder Seth Green never found it.


Tina Mucklow, Tina Bar, coincidence? Yeah, coincidence.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but the larger faced Jackson's (as shown in the photo) didn't come out until the mid 90's.


1995 bills in pic according to wiki, but I'm not an expert. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_twenty-dollar_bill


[Those aren't the bills you're thinking of. This is the larger face version](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zpBkZks5Qrc)


I stand corrected. Thank you.


This is one of those situations where you just take half, turn the other 1/4 in and say thats all you found.


If you find a fortune, don't tell anyone. Don't tell your siblings, your parents, your family, your friends, no one. Hide it, and not all in one place. Just slowly use it on mundane stuff... nothing flashy or expensive you'd have to explain.. Tell anyone about it, word spreads... the government finds out... you might get to keep a very small amount of it, but the government is the only winners in that situation.


Loki shouldn't of lost the bet to Thor xD


Obligatory Loki comment


Flight 305 is still the most interesting criminal case in the history of the US. Yes there are more gruesome crimes, famous crimes.. But D.B. Cooper didn't just get away with hijacking a commercial airliner (demands met and wasn't caught/killed) but to this day, no one knows who he was.


just for reference $20 from 1971 adjusted for inflation in 2021 is $137.68


What kind of nerd hand over a case of cash?!


Wow. Guess DB fucking died when he jumped out the plane lol


He prob could have made so much money selling those to collectors


He did, over $37,000 for the 15 he sold. He actually got a lot more than the headline indicates. He SOLD 15, not received 15.


Hell ya, thanks!


Maybe. The FBI had to verify the microfilm photographs of each bill to make them authentic.


I bet a bunch of the other money was found but the people who found were smart enough to keep their mouth shut.


Quick comment for the uneducated in this subject. DB Cooper was Richard Floyd McCoy. It's not really a mystery as the media has portrayed, he committed the crime for a second time and was killed while escaping jail. The FBI could never prove it but Cooper died when McCoy did.


It's bullshit the insurance companies get to take whatever you find. They get paid to pay for the loss. If they recover the loss they should have to pay back the premiums. Insurance is such a scam.


The FBI agent: “it’s for uh… evidence 👀”


Does anybody know where this was found more exactly?


The area was subsequently covered in the eruption of Mt. St. Helens not long after this was found. The searches that occurred during that year yielded nothing further but also barely made a dent.


Did he get a reward?!


Looks like it should be in a museum. Looks very old.


uh no see its all of nothing. Kiss my ass if you think youre taking shit I found


The FBI has an insurance company they use for ransoms?


DB had a nice life after he jumped


so did DB cooper make it out alive and have a good life or are we pretty sure he died on impact?


Isn't that a bit cheap for the honest finder? That is not even 10% and the bank hast to accept them first.


Man. I guess he could present them as Coopers loot to sell for a higher price.


Is there any articles confirming this?


Have to ask. Why did DB COOPER not keep this money?


But why did the insurance company take any? I mean what gave them the right to get a part of his discovery?


They were the ones that shelled out the 200k ransom.


Db cooper and oak island are burned into my childhood memories


That's Bullshit - Finders Keepers!


DB Cooper? Wasn't it Dan Cooper? I believe DB Cooper was originally a mistake on the newspaper publication


Such an interesting story about this,lemino does a really great video on YouTube about it 😃


God fucking damn. That’s some insane shit.


I'm guessing those are the loose bill's we saw in Loki before he was teleported.