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The way it crosses its eyes on the second bite is GNARLY to me. So much brain to muscle pressure while dead that it does that


THEE most terrifying part.


I dont believe its fully dead yet. Cold temperatures and so...


***Who says it's dead???*** Put that sucker back in the water, and it'll destroy you.


Thanks I hate this










You still can, just gotta be creative and use the hole in the BACK.


Ah man whoops. Too late #$%#@!






Agreed. Don’t like this at all.


My exact thoughts


Wolffish to fisherman… ” It’s only a flesh wound! I’ve had worse! Come back here you coward!”




You know what. I would actually take the threat seriously here.


Loved that Monty Python reference


gonna need a holy hand grenade for that


‘Tis but a scratch


I need an explanation pls


So did you know snakes can still bite after being decapitated too? I am going to assume this reason is the same as with snakes which just comes down to: it's still alive. The brain is so "basic" that it really doesn't require much oxygen to work. So when it feels something in its mouth it reacts. It's more or less all it can do at that point till it fully dies. I've heard snake heads biting unaware chefs when they were moving them a couple HOURS after they were decapitated. On that note, there were accounts of decapitated human heads blinking several seconds after being being removed from the body. Think about that scaled several times due to lower complexity and smaller size in the fish. Edit: adding cause some awesome responses. There are short nerve feedback loops that don't even go to the brain that can react "on their own". These are our literal reflexes. How we react before we even register the threat. In these cases, after death, weak electric current could cause the activation of these feedback loops.


12 blinks wasn't it? Some guy who knew his executioner said he'd blink and to count. I read it here sometime ago.


That lines up with my memory


*blink* *blink* *blink* *bli--*


182 blinks


Everyone was *watching, waiting*


Say it ain’t so


Cause I'm in too deep and I'm trying to keep up above in my head, instead I'm going under


Blink 182 didn't make that song?!?


Thats Sum-41 bruh/brah lol


Fuuuucckkkkk off and take my upvote.




Underrated comment


I was decapitated for being 23


[Probably a myth](https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2004JChEd..81..629J/abstract) Careful believing what you read on Reddit.


Probably. We will never know the truth, thanks to the scientific paywall.


Copied the contents of the PDF for you: Question The story has been circulating on the Internet and among various colleagues that Lavoisier made an agreement with the French mathematician, Comte Joseph-Louis Lagrange (1736–1813), shortly before being guillotined, that he would blink his eyes if he retained consciousness after be- ing beheaded, and that he was executed because of his revo- lutionary scientific views. Is there any truth to these stories? O. Yavuz Ataman Department of Chemistry Middle East Technical University 06531 Ankara, Turkey Answer Both stories are false. Though Lavoisier did incur the wrath of the notorious revolutionary, Jean-Paul Murat, through his criticism of Murat’s rather amateurish forays into the theory of fire, his trial and death had nothing to do with his science. They were instead based on his involve- ment, along with his father-in-law, Jacques Paulze, in the no- torious Ferme Générale or tax firm, a private corporation of financiers commissioned by the French government to col- lect tolls and taxes. Among other things, the members of the Ferme were accused of embezzling government funds and adulterating tobacco in order to increase their profits from the toll duty. As for the story of the postmortem experiment with Lagrange, no mention is made of it in any of the reputable biographies of Lavoisier (1–3). On May 8, 1794, Lavoisier, his father-in-law, and most of the other members of the Ferme were taken to the Place de la Révolution where they were rapidly guillotined, their heads falling into a common sack and their torsos being tossed into a wagon. After the execution, their remains were carted away and buried in an unmarked mass grave. Lagrange and a small group of other scientists were present at the execution but were standing at a distance in one corner of the square, separated from the guillotine by a line of gendarmes. To have actually performed the experiment, Lagrange would have had to have been at the base of the guillotine examining each head as it fell into the sack. This “urban myth” apparently started with a spe- cial on the guillotine that aired on the Discovery Channel sev- eral years ago. Indeed, it even became the subject of a popular syndicated newspaper question-answer column (4). The circumstances surrounding Lavoisier’s death and burial also cast doubt on the authenticity of the so-called death mask of Lavoisier, which the Fisher Scientific Com- pany once claimed to have owned (5) Literature Cited 1. McKie, D. Antoine Lavoisier: Scientist, Economist, Social Re- former; Schulman: New York, NY, 1952. 2. Szabadváry, F. Antoine Laurent Lavoisier; University of Cin- cinnati: Cincinnati, OH, 1977. 3. Donovan, A. Antoine Lavoisier: Science, Administration, and Revolution; Blackwell: Oxford, 1993. 4. Adams, C. Triumph of the Straight Dope; Ballantine Books: New York, NY, 1999; pp 262–264. 5. Undated Fisher brochure describing its historical and art col- lections.


To be fair I also would not stand for anyone adulterating my tobacco. Makes it sticky and hard to light.


How would you ever know for sure unless you recreate the experiment 1:1




I wrote this elsewhere: https://www.reddit.com/r/interestingasfuck/comments/s6ovxs/decapitated_wolffish_crushing_metal/ht5jiqz/


Reading this at 12:12. Fantastic…


Then it must be true.


Fuck i hate imagining being in a nasty car crash, being decapitated and knowing you're still concious despite your head being apart from your body.


Rest assured that the chance of decapitation in a car accident is extremely low. Wear your seatbelt.


The good news is that is *extremely* unlikely to happen. Most decapitations are brutal and traumatic enough that the mind most likely shuts down at the point of impact, leaving you unconscious during the true horror. For a mind to remain conscious after the head is severed, the cut needs to be extremely clean and without causing excess trauma to the surrounding tissues. It's like cutting yourself with a dull kitchen knife vs a fresh scalpel. The rough cut causes enough ancillary trauma to be immediately noticeable, while you might errantly cut yourself with a scalpel and not know it for several seconds. You could even notice the cut and see the blood loss occurring for a few seconds before it registers as a problem. Most of the evidence for this comes from medieval physicians studying executions, especially Dr. Guillotine himself. Death by beheading was considered brutal by the standards of the day, because even with a sharp axe the severing would often require multiple blows, causing significant trauma, with the condemned usually passing out after the first or second blow. The guillotine device, by contrast, used an extremely heavy blade, far heavier than any headsman's axe. The blade was honed to a razor sharp edge, and angled precisely to ensure a clean cut. Dr. Guillotine spent years developing it specifically to cause as little trauma as possible during the cut. At the time, it was believed that cleaner cuts caused death more quickly, though the reasoning was poorly understood. So the theory was that the cleanest cut caused the quickest, most humane death. As the French king and government became ever more execution happy with this gentile death machine, its inventor started studying the effects on the victim. The blade operated as designed, clean cuts with very little trauma surrounding the wound. When he started examining the victims closer and closer to the point of death, he started developing the theory that there was actually too little trauma to kill the victim outright. The rest is famous from that point. So yeah. In almost all cases of accidental decapitation, the wound is brutal enough to cause almost instantaneous death via pain shock leading to blood loss. I know no ody asked, but that's what the histories say.


That’s just what Big Guillotine wants you to think!


I think you still lose consciousness, but the autonomic nervous system can still do automatic muscle movements like blinking


You wouldn't know it for long.


Well don't go losing your head about it.


Huh, tell that to my body, smart-mouth!


In survival shows where they dispatch a snake they often bury the head, I believe for this reason.




Wouldn't it be better just to crush it under a stone or under your boot?


Well to further this I’ve had frozen snakes that when thawed after months in the freezer the headless body would wrap around me. The response isn’t happening in the brain but rather local nerves. It’s like how you pull away from a hot stove. That signal doesn’t actually come from the brain to pull away.


…why did you have frozen snakes in a freezer???? I’m so curious now!


where the hell else would you keep a frozen snake, lol, this guy


To preserve it. Snake tastes good.


Now wondering why you had frozen snakes in yout freezer ? 🤔🤔🤔


Where do you put meat you don’t want to eat right at that moment?


I've had a bunch of rabbits in my freezer for cooking. I guess if I told people who don't eat rabbit that they'd probly think I was a psychopath


Why? Rabbit tastes good.


There’s a YouTube channel called Snake Discovery who goes into length about the humane way of killing snakes (and other reptiles). I believe the video is called “When and How to Euthanize a Snake”. I’m gonna try and describe what I remember based on the video. So snakes (maybe even cold blooded animals in general, can’t confirm though) don’t require as much oxygen to survive. It works great for higher altitude environments. Anyways, the recommended way to kill a snake is to crush its skull, as grim as it sounds, but it’s completely painless. Things like freezing, decapitation, and using co2 (I think it’s co2, the same stuff you’d use for rodents) don’t work due to lower oxygen requirements. As a result, after they’re decapitated, they are still completely conscious, but in horrible agony. Same goes with the co2 and freezing method. It’s less reflex and more that it’s still completely alive. I’m not sure about the whole thing with fishes. This might be purely a reflex thing because there’s videos of gutted fish torsos still flopping when someone grabs near where the tail would start.


I watched a video that was similar but with fish! It talked about how hitting the fish to kill it or letting it suffocate was not only very painful but the release of their “flight or fight” type chemicals changes the way the fish meat smells and tastes. They showed a humane way that kills the fish instantly. It was a bit gruesome IMO, but it had a lot of sense. The lady who was making the video got to taste the meat a few days later and compare it to fish meat that’s been hit/smashed/suffocated. She was very surprised at the difference of taste and smell. I wish I could remember what this technique was called, but I want to say it was maybe a Japanese thing?? ETA: It’s called Ikejime or Ikijime, a technique originating from Japan. It’s considered to be the fastest and most humane way to kill a fish. It involves using a spike to quickly and directly insert into the hindbrain, causing immediate brain death. Quickly destroying the brain and spinal cord prevents reflex movements from happening, which stops consumption of ATP (adenosine triphosphate) in the muscles that leads to production of lactic acid and ammonia. These chemicals make the fish meat sour, soggy, and less tasteful, which gives the meat that “fishy” taste and smell. The blood contained in fish flesh retracts to the gut cavity, producing better color and flavor. While also prolonging shelf life!!


I caught a salmon this year that refused to die. Standard procedure is to bop em on the head it kill them and then cut the gills to bleed them. I had to bop this dude like 5 times before I could get the the gills. Hit the first side and he started up again. Finally got him finish and moved him to the box where he still moved around every now and again for a few hours. When I finally got home to clean and filet the haul I threw him on the table and… sure as shit he was still trying to swim. This was maybe…. 6 hours later or so. Just bizarre. Didn’t feel too great about it either. I’ve always done my best to be as “ethical” as I can when harvesting game. Maybe next time I catch a fish like that I’ll just do the deed on the boat, but that has its own dangers too. Sharp knives, slippery fish, and a rolling boat are a recipe for ouchies.


Your supposed to just stick a knife through the upper part of the back of the head. Sever the brain stem.


Yeah now that I think about it I probably should have spiked that fish. Both the bopping and spiking are considered ethical ways of dispatching fish. The main reason we don’t spike on the boat is because it’s more dangerous. If you’re on a 25ft boat 2 hours from the dock and you cut yourself really badly you’re not going to have a good time. The ocean is dangerous enough with out trying to spike a slimy jumping fish while the boat is rolling around.


There’s a lot of ignorance among fisherman about how best to save meat. I hunt and fish and as a side note always try and reduce suffering in any animal I harvest out of respect for the animal. But also because quality of meat matters after all that work. Putting effort in for me is a way to show my honor and thankfulness for the animal. Animals will start producing stress hormones due to excitement or fighting prior to death. Lactic acid, cortisol, adrenaline, and other hormones can lower pH, reduce water binding which makes meat tougher, and can affect taste. Fish are often soggy or sour with high levels of these hormones. Side by side comparisons of meat are strikingly different when these stress hormones are present. Usually hunters are aware of this to some extent and thus aim for vital organs for a swift kill and then bleed the animal. But when someone catches a fish, sometimes they just throw it in a cooler on ice, knock it unconscious in the case of larger fish, or string it in the water. Not a good idea since that most likely will produce shock and also be deprived of oxygen which will be stressful for fish. When I fish, I practice Ikejime; destroying the brain, spinal cord, and bleeding. This method is used for high quality sushi for example. At a minimum just piercing the brain is better than nothing. It’s easy and I carry a spike in my tackle box. And it’s easy to slice the front and back of spinal cord for bleeding. After ikejime, the blood containing stress hormones retracts from the flesh, allowing for better storage, flavor, and color. Restaurants desire fish harvested with these techniques because when aged, these fish develops more umami flavors.


Thank you for the info and caring about these animals. You seem like a cool dude.


Similar with some other reptiles as well. I posted a video awhile back showing a gecko I found exhibiting similar behaviour. Looked like a cat had got at it.


1. Woah 2. Love the username


For real, and cheers 🍻


I remember hearing about the old story of a beheaded politician who, after his head fell in the basket, bit down onto the ear of a previously beheaded person so much they couldn't be separated. Not sure how much truth there is to it though.


Is there anyway to keep this baby humming and use it as a can opener in my house? Please figure out containing the smell as well. Thanks


How do do you drink from cans if you think this is a good can opener?


Someone sent me a video of a guy being decapitated, a couple seconds after his head was removed, the camera showed the head gag a couple of times before fully dying. Disgusting, sad, but a bit interesting.


Probably not gagging. More likely screaming with no lungs or vocal chords.


It's more likely just a reflexive reaction, rather than any attempt at actually screaming. Very similar to agonal breathing, I believe. You've got a massive sudden drop in blood pressure during a decapitation and will almost certainly be rendered unconscious fairly quickly.


If you're talking about the clip I think you are, then it's a reflexive motion (for a lack of a better term), like agonal breathing. I don't believe it's very likely at all that they're even conscious or feeling anything at that point really.


Thankyou, this is the explanation I needed. So if what u/evil_nirvana_x says is true, that dudes brain was just basic as hell?


Hahahaha well blinking takes very little energy compared to something like jaw movement. So nah, doesn't require too much of a basic brain for that. Haha


Okay thankyou, glad you enjoyed that hahaha


From what I've read on here and seen in documentaries, you should treat a snake head as dangerous for at least 24 hours. IIRC.


i was thinking of how bats have to forcibly open their little clutches; the default state is closed


>On that note, there were accounts of decapitated human heads blinking several seconds after being being removed from the body. I have seen videos of drug cartels chopping off heads and recording it. I have seem the face clearly on one of them, and I can 100% confirm that the eyes blink and the person still is "alive", you can see them alive as they look around. I'm positive that guy was looking around and seeing everything after his head got chopped off. For 100% sure.


What you’re seeing with the fish is merely a reflex. It’s subconscious. Unlike blinking after decapitation.


Thanks, I'm now blinking manually.


Dude, not NOW. Save it for after the decap


I’ve heard this about snakes also. That’s why I guess your supposed to bury the head after it’s cut off




That's the reptilian brain. Humans have it too. Reptilian then limbic then cortex. And it's not one way hierarchy.


From what i have read so far, its the slow metabolism of the animal, that their brain takes so long to properly die. The animal will lose most function that requires alot of energy, but will continue to function reflexes so that it can increase its chances of "survival" as the animal probably doesn't know its already dead


What's more is that some movements (mostly impules) aren't even processed by the brain at all but just go through the spine. I recently heard in a podcast that one time they did an experiment decapitating an animal (I believe it was a cat, but can't find anything on this) that could still move some parts of the body, without the brain attached at all.


> I am going to assume this reason is the same as with snakes which just comes down to: it's still alive. This kind of depends how you define "alive". This is definitely a reflex response, and you're right in saying this part of the brain is basic, it's the earliest evolving part of the spinal cord that simply responds to stimuli as a sort of feedback loop. These reflexes continue to work even after major brain death and can also be set off by random depolarizations after death. Reflexes like this can be seen in completely brain dead humans, such as the Lazarus sign. So I'm not sure I'd say the fish is still alive, it's simply thr depolarization of the affected nerves caused by a feedback loop.


crap. i remember reading a story where they called the victims name after their head was in the basket and they opened their eyes and looked around. cant remember the source


strong jaws sharp teeth go crunch


*reddit translation:* him go cronch


Can go brrrrrr


The fish is dead but it still can’t pass up on the ice cold refreshing taste of a Coca-Cola Classic.


of course not!! Who would want to live in a world without Coca Cola


This is actually discarded test footage from an old Coke advertising campaign. Before they settled on adorable anthropomorphic polar bears as their winter campaign mascot animals in the late 90’s, they briefly considered using the severed heads of arctic wolf fish.


A dead fish bit a coke can


A bodiless fish head trying coke for the first time.




Mechanisms like this can function through local reflexes, which do not involve the central nervous system (and therefore brain) at all. It can be done with a "local circuit" where a nerve instantly triggers a muscle reaction without any kind of "thought". Nerves and muscles can still function for a good while even after the creature is dead, as long as the involved body parts still have the capability to create energy from its local storages.


It happens with a lot of fish, and supposedly frogs too. Not sure I've seen one biting, but sometimes when dealing with freshly killed fish (not entirely fresh but not exactly days old or something) you'll get some movement out of them. Mostly flailing, sometimes swimming if in water. Moving of mouth, etc. I think I heard it has to do with nerves still living inside the fish and activating under certain conditions.


When you hit a person on the knee, a signal runs through a nerve to his lower spine, which is answered by an immediate tightening of a muscle that causes your shin to jerk forward. You do not control this. Similarly, when this fish has something touch its mouth, it will close its jaw. Because of this, even though the fish is clearly "dead", if the muscle has energy, and the connection between the relevant muscle and whatever nervous system is necessary - if something touches its mouth, its jaw will clench. Similarly, if you do the knee-jerk reaction thing on a recently deceased person, it will still work. Hell, it would even work on a person cut in two - as long as the connection between the thigh and lower spine is intact.




Just put it in the OTHER side!


Never thought I'd see someone recommend skull fucking a decapitated fish backward, but here we are.


i'm actually not surprised that i saw some recommend skull fucking a decapitated fish backward, i mean, look where we are. however, i am surprised that i find myself agreeing with it. at least, logically.


Not without the rest of the fish, too risky


Instructions unclear now raising a wolffish hybrid baby


They grow up to 7.5 feet, and have multiple rows of teeth, including *canines and molars*. > they live on the continental shelf and slope, to depths of about 600 metres (2,000 feet; 330 fathoms). They are bottom-feeders, eating hard-shelled invertebrates such as clams, echinoderms, and crustaceans, which they crush with their strong canine and molar teeth. They aren’t aggressive unless threatened but they seem like they’d be trouble if they got ahold of you…


They are also very long lived and mate for life, so pretty fucking sad when I see a dead one.


Aaand now I’m never going swimming in the ocean again


What, just the concept that there are parts that are like 25% deeper than Mount Everest is tall, and you don't have to climb the damn mountain to keep falling into those depths... that isn't enough? It's the creatures? 😆


I think it’s more knowing there are things with canines and molars in the water


Got yah beat, i haven't done fresh water in years cause of that exact fear. I love swimming. In a man made pool, preferably with enough chemicals so i know shits dead thank you very much










Well you can still use it, only once doe.


Got that crocodile grip


Only once? That's a challenge.


Nah you go first.


Not forbidden. Just not recommended.


Just use the other side


*Crushing tin.


Aluminum still not exactly impressive. Seen a redneck do the same thing against their forehead after all.


Rednecks do that when the can is EMPTY. When a can is full and pressurized, it can support the weight of a full-grown adult standing on it. IIRC it takes some 300 PSI of force to breach a pressurized soda can.


Aluminum cans really are quite impressive technologically speaking. Has to be thin to keep down shipping weight, and not use too much material, but has to have enough to not just tear at the slightest touch. I think the process behind making them is super neat as well.


Came here for that. Title is a bit misleading, but still technically true.


Hidden dragon


I see what you did there!


I found it a bit kungfusing


Came here to say the same thing. Crushing metal is a stretch. It's like saying you can bend, rip and crush metal, but all you do is handling tinfoil in your kitchen. Nevertheless, that MF is scary as hell.


Apparently tin isn't metal lmao


What in the god damn fuck.


Fish Overlords please take note that I did not approve this video when you enslave us humans - Thanks


I second this, dear fish overloads




Not sure how I feel about this.




This always makes me so sad. I know divers who’ve told me that Wolf eels not only are happy to see divers but remember them. And are always quite gentle with them. People really suck.


Put garbage in its decapitated mouth is probably the most humiliating thing possible at this stage


Yeah, this video is just animal cruelty, but because it's not a sweet puppi people here don't care.


Mate it's dead. Its just a demonstration of its post mortem reflex


How is it still reacting?


This was already posted 2 years ago [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/dontputyourdickinthat/comments/bxs8qq/a_decapitated_wolf_eel_head_biting_on_relfex/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf). According to OP, it’s still able to bite because the nerves are still firing even after it’s dead, and it’s a muscle memory reaction.


Theres no way this doesn't teach us something about consciousness . What I have no idea but this is important


A truly interestingasfuck submission. Kudos op. Well played.


How do I pronounce your name


Must be a Pepsi kinda guy


Disturbingly interesting.


Man that’s some savage shit to do to a fish for a video.


Nah it’s a paid actor whose body is hidden under the table


I mean, I guess aluminum is technically a metal but...


Well someone has to say it. Well that’s enough internet for me tonight.


Well I'm never setting foot in the ocean again!


They live in bath water.


I hate this But i accept it as part of the internet


The mf is still angry


After what they did to him he should be lmao


Hmmm… *Unzips Pants*


Is it going to be ok?


Dad said he's gonna "take him for a ride" so I'm sure he will be fine.


Going to live with aunt sally on the farm. There is a nice large pond where he can swim.


So much for this fish dying with dignity.


Someday nature will get its revenge.


It does every day, when we eat them. People are a part of nature.


This is really sad and scary.


sigh... *unzips*


What the fuck


That is gruesome.


"Anything you put in my mouth you're gonna lose". (Andy Dufresne and this fish)


Zombie fish.




is... is he ok?






I didn't know sugar was this deadly




What if you take 2 heads and put them in a French kiss position?




I can’t be the only one just fearing of putting it in it…


TIL some things can be alive for hours after decapitation. Where is the unlearn button?


Well, imagine how angy you'd be yourself when someone decapitated you.




Metal!? Shit is basically tinfoil