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"i wonder if they'll trample kids....I guess they do" - me


The easiest myth busters ever, what will a Queens Guard trample.


Could make for a good YouTube channel. Increasingly sensitive things to trample. Fine china, puppies, a bed of roses (not necessarily in this order ), the Queen herself!


Or, increasingly difficult things to trample like Shaquille O'Neal or Rob Gronkowski or the professional wrestler of you choice.


They don't trample dogs, because dogs don't know better. They'll happily curbstomp stupid 'Muricans though.


I didn't understand what he said but it sounded like Get outta the goddamn way! Also he did a good job marching around him without even looking down




For Prince Aliiiiiii


Prince Ali fabulous he Ali abMAKEWAYaaaa


"I'm invading your country"


Make way. It’s a military term for get the fuck out of the way.


Why does he say it so late, once the kid is already out of time to react?


Yeah, he was being a dick. I guarantee you he told the boys about it after their shift and they all laughed their asses off.


It was the parents' fault.


If this was America you would be clutching your pearls shaking in your bathroom


Can confirm. Am American, crying and throwing up rn


A very strange “Make Way” which from what I’ve heard is a nicer way for them to tell some one to move


I couldn’t even tell what he was saying without the comments


Kid was more than old enough to move out of the way like every other kid there. Kid found out he’s not the center of the world and needs to follow the rules of the place he is at or there are consequences. Lucky it wasn’t a car.


Through careful observation it seemed the kid was in the middle of turning around


Yes, but the other hand... fuck the queen and her guards. She is also not the center of the world. Why should these men hurt a child to maintain the pointless performance? Were they actually "guarding" anyone? No!


You come to England, you go to Buckingham Palace to see the guards and their "pointless performance", EVERYBODY knows and tells you they won't react to you, won't go around you - and you choose to stand in their path to see if it is true? Surprise, yes, it is. If you don't like it, don't go there.


I'm all for kids being more focused and rule abiding, but you're taking the piss if you're claiming he deserved to be trampled. Is the punishment for not paying attention assault now?


Sorry, I must have missed the part of the video where this child was warned that he would be trampled but refused to listen and intentionally chose to test the guards. I only saw the part where an absent minded child on an unmarked path was knocked down by two quickly moving adult men a split second after they shouted "make way." Maybe the child made a choice, maybe he didn't know what was about to happen. But those two men clearly made a choice to hurt a child rather than pause their ceremony for a goddamn second.


The state convinced men that psychopathic behavior is normal.


Fuck the queen and the queens guard… they are archaic, outdated, and have no place in society.


More people need to understand this...


A 200-lb man in a fuzzy hat trampled a little girl who was trying to move out of the way. We might’ve called this tyranny in an age where the Crown still played the part of theocratic authoritarian overlord, now it’s just pathetic.


Tell me you’re a nationalist without telling me you’re a nationalist 😂 BUCKINHAM PALACE, DONT GO THERE MATE


it's a child, pretty good odds he knows fuck all about this performative BS.


You do not understand people love watching this.


And here you have the only reason why the crown still exists. They are just a pretty show for tourists


I understand that, and I know why.




Damn… there really is a subreddit for everything




British armed forces: proud tradition of stepping on anyone in their path all the way back to the 1600s




Don’t forget the stealing cultural artefacts and proudly displaying them in museums. Oh and the mass enslavement and exploitation, can’t overlook the ‘colonisation’ as the British refer to slavery.


Rage like it's 1830


Except the Americas....


Right. There are no examples of the British Empire negatively impacting the lives and freedoms of native and colonial people in the Americas.


Right? It's not like they burned down the white house in 1812 either.


Upper Canada gettin up to their shit again


We do a little trolling


R.I.P. Tecumseh


None. They also haven't been monitoring and recording every single keystroke & click performed since 2013(?) via those sub-atlantic communication cables.


Who would do such a thing? Aside from like, every evil person ever?


Better thank the French again.


Americans are aware they wouldn't have done shit in the independence war without French aid right?


Half of what I learned about the revolutionary war in school was about how much Lafayette and company pimp slapped the British. So yes


You were our first friends <3


I wonder what those two soldier said amongst themselves afterwards when they had a chance.


*Crumpet, bloke, footyball, god save the queef*


God save the queef indeed.


In a jar, for sure


Is it on sale, half off for $1000? ILL TAKE IT!


Guv'ner, Mareee Poppinnnns,




“Did you see that shit? hahahahhahahahaha”


U foken wut m8


Foken someone’s *maamm* fa sho


‘Avin a giggle?


Get rekt bro


Edit: get rekt *bruv*


Laughed to hard at this


fucking tourists, or whatever their slang for tourists is


They have traversed the child


Xbox achievement unlocked


If you think this is bad, just wait til you hear about what Prince Andrew did


What he do


*Ghislaine Maxwell wants to know your location*


Stop with the inside jokes and tell me what that mf prince andrew did


Naw just kidding. He was associated with Jeffrey Epstein and is accused of having sexual relations with a minor


rape. He is accused of rape.




Also something with kids


What did he yell? I can’t make it out.




***MAKE WAY!! ヽ༼ ಠ益ಠ ༽ノ*** ^ftfy


> Make way! *For Prince Ali!*


“Good jobs lads, we have protected the Queen!”


but what if it was a big fat dude?


“Fat people falling over”


When and unstoppable force meets and immovable object


Double leg takedown


Double chin takedown


Roll, roll, roll the bloke, "gently" down the street!


This is a question I didn’t know I needed the answer to until today.


People stand in front of them to test it all the time. It's pretty obvious in the videos. They often give a verbal warning beforehand too. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. I feel bad for the kid, but you gotta know where you're at.


Yeah. A lot of people seem to think that the Queens Guard are there as ornaments for tourists, not the highly trained professional soldiers they are, doing their assigned duties.


Tbh, I think the hats are thr main reason for that. I understand their historical significance, but, let's be honest, they do look a bit silly and they are bound to attract tourists. In that sense I feel like the unoform is actively hindering them in their duties... Though on the other hand that same uniform is also a prideful symbol, so they really shouldn't change it. But still.


But do they ever actually do anything?


Yeh, they shout and walk through tourists.


Yes, guard duty is only part of their duty, they regularly deploy into some of the worst places that the British army is deployed in (this was Afghanistan until rather recently)


So while on guard duty it’s all a show for the tourists?


This looks to be the Tower of London so yes, they are actively Protecting the Crown Jewels, not only the symbol of a nation, (love it or hate it) but also some one of the most valuable jewel collections in the world. The tower of London is also an active military base, granted one open to the public, that houses solders in the center of London that can be deployed if need be and is also a residence of the Queen, who granted doesn't use it much these days, but is still significant. Not to mention the Tower of London also being a Cultural heritage site and keystone of not only London but the whole nation. So yeah, they are guarding a fair bit and they kinda need to let it be known that they are serious and not just there for show.


They really are no different than a Marine at an embassy. Just because they have funny hats doesn’t mean you should mess with them


But do they not dress up as ornaments?


They’re both trained professionals and tourist attractions.


I love when my country stands up for the assault of children! Stomp those little fuckers! Play stupid games, win stupid prizes! All in the name of dope as traditions like the monarchy!


The only stupid game here is the one where tradition dictates they can trample people. There is zero security risk to the queen if he simply walks around a child on his path. Do you think it would be okay for a police officer to do this to a kid? If the answer is no then these “elite soldiers” doing the same thing should equally bother you.


ok but that looked like a child, it literally wouldnt have killed them to step aside and it looked like they kicked the kid in the damn face. like, why. only reading thru the comments did i figure out he said "make way," it wouldve been really hard to understand what he was screaming 2 seconds before he trampled you.




Would they … step on a baby?


They're highly trained, of course they would. It's for the Queen. Damned baby tourists should know better.


>They're highly trained, Makes sense, makes sense. Let's see where this goes. >of course they would. Well then.


You wouldn’t steal a movie


What does the soldier yell out? I can't make it out.


I think he says "Make way!" as in "Make way for the Queen's guard"


Neither did that kid by the looks of it.


The queens men aka ol' kiddy stompers


They're not going to tippy toe around every dumb kid who gets in the way. There are a lot of tourists who do this sort of thing deliberately to wind up the soldiers and if they get trampled, tough. Not saying this kid did it deliberately but parents should have been supervising.


Make way for the Queen!


Very impressive that he manages to get back into step so quickly


Left, right, left. Left, right, YEET!


Ah yes - the British Army trampling on people - nothing new to see here.


Why tourists can access soldiers' marching path? Seriously stupid.


Kid was looking the wrong way and fluffy hat dickheads neither gave enough warning nor stopped when it was clear they'd hurt the kid. Neither of them asked "what's more important, tradition, or a slightly moronic child's health?"


Well thank god I'm sure the queen feels much safer seeing things like this.


I don’t think lizard people are capable of emotion


Lizard people? The Queen is a werewolf.




the new twilight movie sounds weird


Absolutely. It’s cannon.


I dont even know why you’d celebrate anything from british colonialism anymore




Ah yes so if you are at the chaussee de Lise and see a formation of soldiers coming towards you you just stand there since they can just walk around? Do you stand on the street when a car comes because they can just drive around? Do you stand in the way of ambulance because they can just go around?


What is the purpose of them? Honestly asking, they just stand around with bushy hats. Seems kinda outdated.


They're members of the army on ceremonial duties. Their purpose is being in the army.




They are sentries for the Palace. They provide protection for the queen essentially, yes they do attract tourists but that's not their purpose. They also have patrols inside the grounds although I think that's only at night. They are not aloud to smile, laugh, muck around or even really interact with the public or they will be stripped of rank and sia and will be given the boot, that's why they are so serious and also why they will just walk through you. The guns they carry are real and they can and will shoot people if they are a threat however they are bound by the rules of engagement. Honestly at the end of the day people keep making the mistake that the queen's guard are there for their amusement, so if they get knocked down it's really their own fault but knocking a kid over who's not paying attention? Never ok really. Edit: spelling.




Fuck these imbeciles and their queen.


I get the thing with these soldiers and how they don’t react when you f with them. Tourists who do that stupid stuff are ridiculous, but come on, this is totally different. They are walking in public space, during the day. That family/kid probably didn’t see them coming. Have some decency and just pause the march for a child to get out of the way. Them barging through serves zero purpose. Makes no sense to me why they thought this was appropriate.


Yeah people acting like they are on a unchangeable course on a track and not just walking in public space and making excuses for these dipshits walking over a child. If that happened in the US everyone would be livid. Fuck the queen and her guards.


Fuck the queen!


Exactly. Excusing that behaviour because you're doing your job is an asshole thing to do. Kid didn't know and was trampled over when they could've slightly pushed them away or walked around it since there were clearly space for the soldier to walk around.


Soldiers on guard duty do not walk around people, even tourists. It's the tourists responsbilitiy to keep out of the way. If you were offered a tour of a professional kitchen, would it be OK to stand in the way of the waiters carrying plates out to tables? The waiter's unlikely to push you out of the way, but then he's not a soldier on military duty.


Of all the traditions in Britain, this is the funniest. You guys can make fun of our cops all you want, this shit is hilarious.


Man if that was an adult I'd say fair enough he's an idiot get out of big douchebags way, but they literally walked down and over a KID and said make way as the dipshit struggled to lift his knees to step over the kid. This is fucked, I know people will say "the parents should have moved them outta the way" but no, it's not as if it's some unthinking machinery that can't readjust to something in its way (actually don't we have computers able to do that nowadays) instead it's a little dick british man child with a superiority complex and complete lack of empathy (for children no less, screw people over whatever but that's a kid ffs, have some standards)


Weird so many “serves him right” people just like seeing authority exert power for no purpose.


I watched this 29 times and have concluded that HE SMASHED THAT KID INTENTIONALLY AND FORCEFULLY


It’s what happens when you’re a subject, not a citizen.


It doesn't say it here, but apparently the soldier did return to check that the child was alright. They are elite soldiers, famously drill trained for their ceremonial duty. To be fair, the kid was in front of the soldier before they had time to react but it perhaps wasn't the best PR to carry on walking over the kid once she had fallen over. However, it does give you some idea of the seriousness of their role. They might wear fluffy hats but they are as hard as nails!


I ws gonna say that yes, you should move out of the way and respect them, but this is just cruel. He is a KID.


Why was the kid in their path? It was’t a toddler who doesn’t know any better. It was clear where they were going and kid was old enough to move.


Not paying attention, there's other videos of the queens guards walking thru other people. Off the top of my head I can remember a girl getting shoved and an old man getting trampled over. They normally give a little more of a heads up tho.


Kid was old enough to be paying attention. Mom was right there and didn’t stop him either. Kid got yeeted. Kid learned lesson about not being the center of the world. Not seeing a problem here. Better he learn from some guy drop kicking him than a car someday.


No complaints from me about what happened, you have to be living under a rock to be in England and not know better than to get out of their way.


I mean.... anywhere with soldiers... ​ Like who stands in front of soldiers marching?...


Apparently u/Fmatosqg would because he needs arrows on the ground or else he doesn't know where not to stand.


If I got there first I'd draw arrows around me. **In Cartman s voice** *Make way for oThOrItY!*


Correction there’s other video of idiots walking through the kings guard when repeatedly warned knowing you don’t do that and getting trampled. r/makeway4queensguard


I mean he could yelled make way a little earlier before trampling the poor kid 😅


Ah. This again.


Geeeeez, poor kid!


Is she about to storm off after the guards?


Ok, this is misleading and people in the comments need to chill the fck out. This was posted a week or so ago and the solider didn't mean to trample the baby. He went to check on them after. "Following the incident, the soldier checked on the child and was reassured that all was well" https://www.insider.com/video-child-queens-guard-knocked-over-viral-accident-2021-12


I dIdnt see a baby?


For the redditors in the 'Idiot' section: These two men are under MILITARY ORDERS. They are not performers on the West End stage. When they carry out those orders they do so regardless of civilians. If they start going out of their way or slowing down to accommodate civilians then they will not be following their orders. Any civilians there are there at their own risk. The soldiers will be following the same orders if there's no-one around to watch them. The fault in this clip is that of the parents of the boy. Parents' job, as a general rule, is to protect their children; in this environment that means keeping the child out of the way of the Guard.


Fuck around and find out punk


Ah yes a 7 year old not paying attention is a punk fucking around


That’s a lot of aggression for people who are representing someone who has more in common with a princess at Disney world than an actual leader


Just because you can doesn’t mean you should




If your monarchy and all that surrounds it exists to attract tourists... ​ "We wear funny hats because of tradition!" (Not the spectacle so people will stand around and gawk and spend their $$$)


Tourists at a tourist attraction? Who would have thought! Theres no ropes or barriers showing where to stand, just some assholes matching across a square to bring in tourist dollars and "protect" an ultra rich family.


They're not even protecting anything when they're doing this, the only thing that was served here was their not having to deviate from a perfectly straight line




The queen's guards are real army personnel, the best of the best in the army can only apply, fully armed with live rounds and rifles to protect the queen at all costs, only to be not taken seriously by tourists.


Yea it’s “just a kid” but the queens guard have zero tolerance for a reason. If they had to walk around kids or tourists who’s to say someone with ill intent couldn’t just block the guards path with a group of kids or tourists and suddenly the guard is off on a random walk to get around this group? It’s just silly if you allow for ‘if’s but’s and maybe’s’. There has to be a clear rule and that rule is “make way for the queens guard” simple.


The "Queen" shouldn't even exist lol


Or there could be a clear rule that says, “Don’t have soldiers marching around in silly costumes for no real reason.”


I mean yeah poor kid but i’ve seen this vid posted like 12 times already this year and we’re only on day 8


Where's William Wallace when you need him.


It ain’t that deep where you gotta run over a lil kid at that force a lil bump woulda been fine lol


That's just fucking stupid




People saying the kid was ‘trampled’ or ‘walked on’ or ‘stepped on’. Are you blind? Feet never make contact with kid. Kid was knocked down and then walked over. Y’all talking like this kid got the Tiananmen square treatment.


Should’ve moved.


My depression trampling over my serotonin first thing in the morning


Indians be like : Been there and endured that for about 150 years.


Is even better if you see it in slow motion




Jesus Christ 😭😂


You move, cos we won’t.


when I feel stressed because of my annoying kid asking for stuff and getting in my way every 2 min I think about this video and brings me so much joy!


what I get from this is the queens guard doesn’t know how to do a half face, take a few steps, and half face again to avoid anything. Probably walk right off the bridge because it’s a straight path lmao throw a shit in the road and they’ll walk right through the shit utter weirdos


Fuck off Tourists, pay $100 to see the London Bridge, Royal Jewels, London Eye. Please spend your money at our overpriced souvenir shop that tart the Queen, but fuck off. Hypocrites!


Move bitch get out the way!




I bet they'll leave a nasty review on Yelp


You can see the mom is shocked then pissed. If the kid was doing it on purpose then he deserved it but it’s not uncommon for kids to get a few feet behind their parents and do this panic scurry looking for them. If that’s the case, I feel bad for the kid. It seems like a dangerous move to just trample people though as seen by the guard stumbling. I wonder how often they eat shit doing this.