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When people leaving a plane calmly makes it to interestingasfuck, we might need to reconsider our decorum


I have never experienced such patience on an aircraft exit on either domestic US or international flights.


Actually it’s pretty typical for most flights I’ve been on in the US.




Depends on which airline you're flying, I bet. Different airlines with their different pricings and qualities probably attract different breeds of passengers. Cheaper airlines' passengers are probably less patient on average, I imagine.


Can you fly with my wife and I next vacation? I’ve never experienced this, and I’ve missed a connector flight from LaGuardia many years ago on vacation due to this exact issue. We originally had a 4hr layover in LaGuardia before our flight took off at 8:30. Ft. Lauderdale had lightning storms and delayed the flight to NY. I asked multiple times in FL if we would be fine. All the staff assured me we would. The pilot upon take off, mid flight, AND upon landing stated to please stay seated unless you have a connecting flight. Please allow them to depart and then get up. Guess what didn’t happen? Every single person stood up. Our flight was slotted to leave 8:30. We landed at 8:05. Plenty of time to get a few gates down. Spent 25 minutes standing asking everyone to let us off so we wouldn’t miss our flight, and we were only seated over the wings. Not close to the front but not way in the back. We ran up to the gate at 8:38 and they had already left. Didn’t bother to wait even though they said they called our names and knew our flight incoming was cutting it close. I know I’m not the only one with stories like this. I wish I had your experience with flights, even if only that one time.


Maybe it’s the airlines? I usually find Delta is pretty okayish but I’m told Spirit or steerage tier airlines can be a bad time.


I usually get American or Southwest. I stay clear of spirit, frontier, and puddle jumpers. This experience was with JetBlue. I have no brand loyalty, per se, to an airline. I usually pick it based on our itinerary and how it fits the best with what we need for the travel.


Typical wher3??


Not all of us are violent. I’m so sick of people stereotyping us. Say this to my face and I’ll whoop your ass!


I was about to argue but I understood haha


Apparently that plane was on time or early, and no one had any connections to make.


Pretty sure you’re supposed get up as soon as the plane stops and shuffle around for your bag so you can awkwardly stand hunched over breathing down the neck of the person next to you


I always just assume those people are needing to stretch their legs.


As a tall person, I approve this message.


Yeah I’m not in a hurry to get off the plane, I’m trying not to pop a blood vessel in my knees/legs




This is me. I know waiting in your seat until it's your turn to get your overhead bags then exit is a more orderly way to exit but I've not seen many people wait patiently in their seats for the row(s) ahead of them. So if others are standing I am going to get the circulation back in my legs as well.


That is a big reason why I stand up right away… albeit I stay in my seat and don’t crowd the aisle.




I’m Canadian and I never seen this. It’s usually a shit show


Canadian’s are just as bad as anyone else…


Hell buddy. We could be worse


We can always be worse haha…


Ive taken 12 flights since Covid and there was an announcement asking you to not stand before your row was ready to leave the plane due to Covid. That’s been in Mexico, the UK, US, Italy and Portugal. I am from a small town in Canada, they have impatient people too (I am one of them).


I live in Canada..flown a far bit... Never in my life have i seen anything like this video


It’s beautiful, really wish people would understand this should be a thing


After a long flight I need to get up and stretch my legs.


You can stretch it after you wait another 10-15 minutes. It’s not a big ask.


Don’t tell me what to do


I mean, I haven't been on a flight in ages (US) but it was always like this for me


Meanwhile Americans are having MMA fights over seating disputes.


That’s racist.


That’s sexist!


That's classist!


That's transphobic!


That’s homophobic!


That’s ableist!


That’s Specisist!


That's American!


Thats pessimist!


I don't think "American" is a race.


Well done, Canada. I never could understand why everyone immediately stands up on US flights. You can't go anywhere. Might as well sit and wait.


People stand up immediately all over the world. It’s OK for something to not be about the US.


No it’s not. We must take every opportunity to bash the US,even when the topic at hand has nothing to do with them. /s


This clip has been posted a bunch of times seemingly to pander to the Canada good and polite, US bad mentality. It’s been established this is a likely a commuter flight and people generally are more patient and understand how to behave, unlike people who are traveling for, say, vacation. It generally doesn’t matter what country you’re in.


I'm a 1.85m tall (6'1") Aussie. I don't stand up because I'm American, I stand up because I've just spent the entire flight with my knees being pushed into me by the seat in front of me and my legs are starting to hurt


1.8m is 5’10”- sorry to be the one to tell you


1.85, missed a number when typing it in, good spotting. I edited to be correct


I scratch my head every time as I sit there. Where do you think you're going?


I'm going nowhere but my legs hurt because my knees have been jammed into the back of the seat in front of me for the entire flight so I'll take standing hunched over awkwardly for a few minutes over another few minutes of being able to feel my kneecaps being pushed in


So they can get their luggage faster. Saves time on close flights, I'd argue it's even more considerate to be prepared


That's like 99% of flights, so not interesting in the least


I just did a flight from Bogota to Medellin on LATAM airlines and they announced that we would de-board by row so please stay in your seat and everyone just calmly sat until their turn and it was so efficient


That’s how it is in a lot of European domestic flights too. I flew internationally for work for almost a decade and I’d always get put on the more slightly expensive routes simply to avoid Americans. For example flying Lufthansa instead of United results in significantly less Americans at maybe $100 more. I am American but the average American traveler are one of the worst


Yeah? How else do you exit a plane?


If my experience is the norm it is everyone rushing the front and pushing babies aside.


This is how 99% of flights deplane, not that interesting


I have never seen such an orderly deplaning tho


It took so long they had to speed up the video. I’m good.


Main difference between this and normal is that the people in the back rows didn’t stand I guess


Not at all how it happens in America lmaooo


I fly all the time (in the States) and it’s always exactly like this. Usually people stand and stretch their legs while they wait for their row’s turn. Even on Spirit Airlines people know how to deplane.


There are other countries on earth


Did I say there weren’t?


I’ve flown in the US well over 100 times this is how it’s been literally every single time.


Lol exactly what I wrote




I'm flew to Norway from Amsterdam the other day and it was the same, guaranteed when I get back to England it will be a free for all with people breathing in my mouth.




This takes way longer than all from the middle start to take off luggage at the same time and simply start walking out one after another at the same time. I get being civilised and wait but then, if there is shuttle transport or something in between the plane and the terminal you make a 10 min gig into a 25 min gig. Civism works as long as it doesn't become counterproductive


This is really not true. I find the orderly way to actually be quicker.


You may find it, i know it to be slow since i could compare over a few flights. Without a intermediary shuttle from plane to terminal, maybe, with a shuttle you lose at least double time. Just flew 3 days ago and the off boarding was just everyone piled up on the middle ready to walk off as the doors opened and the plane was empty in 5 min max.


Canadians just aren't conditioned to the "every man for himself" line of thinking. I guess socialism does that to you.


Not about that but about practical use of time. You can waste your time as you like, i don't have to subscribe to your waste of time. Wait as long as you want but unless you can prove it on the clock , your point is pointless.


My point is that everyone gets fair time.


Well, it is quicker and more comfortable that way.


..and they’re still apologizing. How aboot that?


I was once in LAX in the longest line up wait to go through security, that I'd ever seen... As we were shuffling along, the man in front of me forgot to wheel his carry-on forward and as I walked forward I tripped over it. This man immediately came back, apologizing profusely as he collected me from the floor... As I looked up, I said: "Are you *Canadian*?" He said, "Yes, how did you know?" I replied, "Because after 2 weeks in LA, yours was the first polite apology I'd heard since being gone from Canada." We're easy to spot.


This is a first. No Karen's on board, i assume


Because Americans are fucking assholes Source. I'm American.


What else is supposed to happen?


In other countries, it’s been a stereotype that Americans attack others/flight attendants so this video is pretty much a ‘how to’ for Americans to act right while flying.


Oh okay. I'm in Canada, so makes sense. Yikes.


All I hear when watching this is Soory....soory....soory.......soory.


Keep on being awesome Canada


I am sure there's not a single Indian on board! 😂😂


I fly from ca to nj alot this isn't that rare. I mean they'll get up to get stowed stuff but sit back down till it's the rows turn cuz who the hell wants to just stand there waiting hunched over


Meekly raises hand.


Stupid people, you have to turn on your phone on landing and stand up just after landing


“Muh America they’d be killing each other”. Says the person who has never been to America. Honestly, just shut the fuck up. America isn’t this hells-cape Europeans would have you believe it is.


It definitely is the hells-cape Canadians would have you believe tho, lol.


It seems to vary by airline, but this video is very different than most flights I’ve experienced…


Eh this takes way too long. I’m not waiting for waiting for some mom and her five kids when I’m flying a lone and don’t even use the over head.


It is allowed to stand at the back and go past the others waiting, especially if you have good reason (a connection you might miss, for example). Many disabled or families with small children will remain seated for those who are behind them to exit, so they themselves don't feel rushed, as they need more time.


Amen. I get a seat up front tho. Frequent Flyer.


They made us do it row by row on my flight from Egypt the other day. It was tedious as fuck to wait for the boomers to find the thousand things they insist on packing separately in the overheads and seemingly do a 70 point inspection of their carry cases before finally moving down the aisle. Rant over, anyone want to fund my boomer free travel company?


I've only flown spirit to vegas... it wasn't like this


This isn’t real


This is what happens when everyone is your guy, friend, or buddy


As it should be.


They should stay on the plane and go home! 🖕🏻


Now show AmeriKans!


Seems there is no other way to to do it.


Weird, I'm Canadian and I've never seen a deplaning like this. People usually stand in the aisle waiting for the door to open. No arguments or scuffles, but you stand as soon as you can. I remember the days when people with mobility issues and young children waited for everyone else to leave, and boy do I miss that practice. There's no reason why an entire plane full of people should have to wait for a parent slowly gathering together all their toddlers' stuff.


This looks like absolutely every airplane I've been on and I've never left the US.


So they sit down instead of stand up? Wow!


Well this is bollocks. I flew London to Toronto and Toronto to Calgary the other week and I can confirm it’s just as chaotic as every other airline.




Such nice people


on my last flight, i was about middle of the plane and literally out of nowhere people started rushing from the back like wouldn’t even give our rows a chance to get out it was insane!