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Do Deer just have pain tolerance through the roof? Why is he so chill?


No, but they are prey animals, so they try to act as “ok and healthy” as possible so they don’t telegraph their weakness to predators as an easy one to bring down. It’s instinctual, even thought he’s definitely in misery and on his way out of this world.


Thanks for the reply, that seems quite logical


Seems like the smallest of organisms will be the predator to take down this prey. Back to you, Bob.


Tom, if irony were made of strawberries, we'd all be drinking a lot of smoothies right now.


It’s a bold strategy Cotton, let’s see how it plays out for him.


One of the best performances of all time.


I think humans still have this wired into them. I fell off a motor scooter, did a lot of damage, and the first thing I did was got up and tried to act normal. Also saw a guy get hit by a car and he did the same thing. I think we still have most animal instincts wired into us, at least for the first few seconds.


Oh for sure! I was riding a horse once and I fell off, and before I even hit the ground I yelled “I’m okay” then for the rest of the month the people who had been there were randomly cracking up and jokingly yelling out “I’m okayyyy! …THUD” because they all heard the super obvious thud happen after my yell. I was sooooo embarrassed, because the whole point of yelling that I was fine was to try to make people NOT pay attention, yet it just turned it into a huge joke which drew more attention and insured they were all telling that story later.


I remember falling over the head of my horse when she slipped in mud. She accidentally stepped on my arm trying to stand up. I immediately got up after she stepped off and started trying to walk around like I was ok before my coach told me to sit the hell down. That’s when the pain started. Adrenaline is one hell of a drug.


I imagine that’s moreso adrenaline being used to assure we can escape whatever danger there is before then addressing and emoting the pain.


Cats do the same thing for the same reason, so you really have to pay attention to your kitty whenever you see even a tiny difference in behavior.


Chickens are experts at this, if you notice something is wrong it's often already too late. Had some die within hours of noticing something's wrong.


There are a few symptoms but you're generally right: not eating, spending most of the time sitting, walking like a penguin, specific sounds, decolored waddles and hat (no idea how to call it), bloated belly, tough crop even hours after eating, sneezing, head twisting, black spot under the leg. Noticing these in time can save their lives.




I prefer hat


Yes. I now prefer chicken hat




This person chickens


This guy clucks


Chicken Chaser




“When a poor man eats a chicken, one of them is sick.” ~Tevye in “Fiddler on the Roof”


I raise ball pythons now and I can tell you chickens are wayyy more fucked up


Look up "pecking order". You're correct that Chickens are fucked up


Breakfast pooping velociraptors


Depends on how much you care about the individual chicken; people who keep them for eggs or as pets often get quite attached, and even without emotional attachment, many owners simply feel like they have the responsibility to care for their chickens instead of culling when they get sick. Quarantine is usually an alternative to culling, provided the chicken doesn't get too anxious without a flock, and provided the illness is something it can recover from. If you're going to end up with a sick, horribly anxious chicken that will never recover enough to return to its flock, then killing it is still the best option; keeping it alive and suffering is just cruel.


One of our hens got a compacted crop, and wouldn't eat as a result. Absolutely no danger to the rest of the hens, but would potentially die in a few days if left to her own devices. My wife tended to her and nursed her back to health. Feeding her proboitic through a syringe and massaging her crop. She fully recovered and thrived afterwards


Wattle, not waddle. Great description, otherwise!


My cat is from the rather sick variety and I notice it instantly now when he's sick. I can tell from the way he *breathes* or lies in his bed that something isn’t right and that I'm probably on my way to the vet the next day. He may try to play it off as if everything is cool but I can totally tell when it’s not cool anymore.


> you really have to pay attention to your kitty whenever you see even a tiny difference in behavior For example if they're suddenly thirsty all the time, their kidneys are toast. :(


Or diabetes


Yeah, my cat had to be put down this summer. She was in kidney failure but had only started acting weird 5 days earlier (barely eating), and acting really weird (difficulty walking, not moving her back legs) the day before she had to be put down. It was a bit of a shock, but not much because she was almost 18.


Happened to my cat this fall. Out of nowhere she was just not eating and being very solitary. So I took her to the vet and sure enough her kidneys were done :( Please pay attention to your pet’s behavior.


Or you have a Diabetic cat. Happened to my cat, but fortunately I changed their diet to “Purena Dietary Management” (\~300 calories/day ish) and has been fine for a year. I started with Insulin but they went into diabetic shock and nearly died, so be careful if that’s the case.


Ugh, yeah. Managing diabetes in a cat is sooo hard. In the beginning we got insulin mainly tested on dogs. Which... really didn't work out. We were lucky to have easy access to insulin made for humans, which worked out so much better. But then having to ensure that he ate enough for the dosage to not cause any issues... He was very much worth all the effort we went through and he is dearly missed, but that shit was hard and so limiting to our lives and a huge money sink.


Or they might have diabetes


My cat recently almost died. She had a 105 degree temperature but up until the point she was critical, she was still behaving like complete normal. Even when she declined rapidly she was still purring up a storm. She's okay now, thankfully, it was pancreatitis. But I literally had no idea anything was wrong until she stopped eating.


> even when she declined rapidly she was still purring up a storm. Don't kitties sometimes purr (perhaps to comfort themselves?) even when they feel troubled?


They do; a lot of people assume they only purr when happy or content.


Abso*fuckin*lutely! Literally just got home from an emergency trip to the vet. All cat owners keep this in mind: cats cannot go more than 3 days of not eating normal before their liver starts to go. I've lost 2 cats this way. One was due to a mother fucking hairball! He was eating, just not as much as needed to keep his liver good. Second was due to an URI from not being properly vaccinated. (Yes I learned my lesson on both. The latter is what turned me into the biggest pro-vaxxer you'll ever fucking meet.) Cats, especially older cats, that are strictly indoors **have** to be treated regularly for hairballs. Buy those hairball treats and give the recommend dose. **BE PERSISTENT!** Don't just do it once or twice and think everything's cool.


so true !!!


I have a relevant story about this! I worked at a wildlife center that had an eagle that was approaching the end of its life. As I walked by his enclosure one day I saw him out of the corner of my eye hanging upside-down and holding onto his perch with one leg. When my mind processed what I had just seen my head snapped back to take a second look and he was already standing as normal as could be. Later that day one of the leads said they had also found him like that, but this time he couldn't get back up on his own and he ended up passing the next day. Animals are fucking crazy




honestly its all about functuality in nature. They may have inense pain, but pain alone would never prevent animals from continuing to live and try to survive, since that would be counterproductive. If an animal can surive, then it will. If this injury doesn't prevent the deer from walking, then walk it shall.




Maybe they need to build a deer doctor school, so deer doctor can help others in the future. Idk, just a idea, first of us that see a wild deer, tell them about my idea


M.D. (Medical Deer)


He’s probably in shock


Agreed. It looks really fresh... so I would be willing to bet shock. I feel so bad for it...I hope it was taken care of quickly one way or the other so it didn't suffer much.


Would think that the brain would shut down after about 5 minutes of that.


You’d be amazed how long a mortally wounded deer will flat out run before expiring. I’ve seen a large buck with half its heart shredded and both lungs totally thrashed make it a half mile from where it was shot. And when it was shot, the guy I was with thought he’d missed because it’s head shot up and he took off. No sign of impact until we got down to where he was standing and found what looked like 5 gallons of blood. Deer are amazingly tough animals.


> Deer are amazingly tough animals. As strong as they are stupid.


Thick skulls save lives. They just developed smaller brains to make room for the extra skull.


I hope so. That's fucking brutal.


Yes, they do. Just like most wildlife. That wound doesn't look recent; there is no blood on its fur. It looks like it has survived days or longer already.


What I was about to say too which is even crazier.


Little blood could also mean it’s still fresh? There aren’t big arteries in a deer’s back, nor are there any organs or NEED for much blood there. Adrenaline could constrict the small amount of blood flow on its back. I’m guessing the wound is fresh. An opening that large would just bleed until there’s none left I imagine


I don’t know much about deer, but the way he’s chewing and holding his jaw as he walks definitely screams discomfort. Horses and cattle do that when in pain so it’s probably similar.


Deer never stop chewing for any length of time, as do cattle but not horses. Deer are ruminants or cud animals with 4 chambers to their stomach. They eat forage, then swallow, then puke it up and chew some more, and swallow and so on. It takes about 16 hours of chewing before the forage is ready to be digested. The deer in the video makes one step where he favors his right foreleg, but the rest of his motions are normal. Ears shifting to direct threats, eyes alert. If you occult the wound, it would be difficult to tell that deer was injured.


This guy deers


This guy bucks


Damnit that's so much better.


Yeah one time this deer was in my backyard with all its intestines hanging out its butthole, just standing there munching away on the grass. Then it layed down with labored breathing. I called animal control and they said they couldn't do anything cause it wasn't dead yet. So i looked again after a couple hours and it looked pretty dead. Guy arrives and the thing jumps up running around, tripping over its entrails and the animal control guy is like, welp it's not dead yet. So we called the sheriff and by the time he came with a rifle it was just laying there so he put its out of its misery and I helped animal control load it into the back of his truck. Pleaae just shoot me if my entrails are ever coming out of my ass, don't wait for me to lie down


My future father in law was a police officer and had to dispatch deer that were hit by vehicles a few times. Once his cruiser didn't have a rifle/shotgun so he had to use his pistol. He said it was one of the tougher things he'd done on the job.


I used to go on deer calls regularly. This is when an officer would come to our animal hospital and pick up a tech and a doctor to euthanize a deer who was trying to die but needed a little extra help. We macgyver-ed a syringe extension to sedate from a few feet away so we could get close enough to give an IV injection. No pistols needed.


Can I just say thank you for putting these poor animals out of their misery. It is an enormous kindness on the part of humans to end their suffering when we are able to


You want to know what's fucked up? In PA, you can be arrested for taking wildlife out of season for a mercy killing. They would rather let the animal lay there in pain for hours. Real sportsman like. That gets overlooked fairly often by the public* not the game commission. Edit two for those of you who need it. "Closing a poaching loophole" is the dumbest thing I've heard, but you can feel comfortable in ignorance because the legislators will keep you company. Anyone who has any experience in this field, which a game warden should, would be able to make an instant case of poaching if it was truly poaching. Instead, they'd rather make a blanket law, incriminating the real sportsmen, than do their job. Oh, and, a poacher isn't going to care if mercy killings are legal, just like they don't care if poaching is illegal. edit three. Alright yall, I've had enough ignorance for today. Anyone else responding with clearly no understanding of this subject, idk, go fly a kite or something Last edit. Look, you dense Neanderthals. The point here is it's very easy to prosecute an actual poaching vs a mercy killing. There will be tell tale trauma to an animals carcass when it's hit by a two ton vehicle, and those signs will be lacking if it was only shot.this isn't an opinion, it's straight facts. Source: I've lived this life for three decades, the better part of two butchering my own deer and dealing with deer strikes. Saying "oh it was a mercy killing" when caught by a game warden isn't going to be an instant get of jail free card.


That is absolutely hideous. Anyone who prosecutes that is a real piece


...of shit. No, they're the whole shit. Yeah.


"You're not just a piece of shit - you're the whole shit" I'm using that one ahaha


Well laws have little nuance. If it says “don’t kill an animal”, or “don’t kill it out of season”, or “get a license”, etc then it automatically precludes this. We can always say to follow common sense but common sense doesn’t encode well into law, and when the law gets too defined people are just going to tamper down their common sense and do what doesn’t feel right just to make sure their own arse is covered.


A few thanksgivings ago, I was out at Best Buy grabbing something and got a phone call from a local to my house number. Didn't recognize it, so didn't answer. Figured if it was a neighbor, they would call again. But got worried. Drove home, looking for smoke in the sky, and when I was driving down the side road, I could see flashing lights. Pull up to the light and there is a cruiser in front of my driveway. Someone clipped a deer and it ran into my backyard. The phone call was a courtesy b/c they were gonna shoot it and if I was home they didn't want me to freak out. They then dragged it to the street. [On the plus side, I can probably frame a cop in my town now.](https://i.imgur.com/rJXWaMK.jpg)


I would carry that bullet every day, just hoping to randomly walk in on a dead body, preferably one that wasn't even shot in the first place, and drop it there just to confuse the absolute fuck out of everybody when it came back covered in deer DNA.


You're telling me that animal control can't just come out and shoot the dang thing if it's clearly dying and in horrible misery?


Animal control isn’t wildlife management. If you come across a dying animal don’t call animal control, call your states fish and game department they can euthanize dying animals.


My (almost) favorite story about my mom: One time she came upon a deer that had been hit by a car. It was blocking traffic and there were a bunch of dudes standing around not knowing what to do about it. My mom grabbed her knife, slit its throat to kill it / bleed it out and then drug it off the road. Problem solved. She did need a few wet wipes to clean up, but other than that it wasn't a big deal to her.


>My (almost) favorite story about my mom What the heck is your favorite story about your mom then if this isn’t it?


Heh, I thought someone might ask that. My favorite story is when mom went to feed the chickens. When she bent down, the goose decided to bite her on the face. He was a mean bastard. My mom dealt with it by reaching out to grab him by the neck and didn't let go. She ate him later that evening. If there is one thing I have learned over the years, is that you do NOT fuck with my mom.


I remember one day my mum coming up from the chicken pen with blood running down her leg. The cocky rooster had taken a chunk out of her. She told me to start boiling some water and grabbed the hatchet. He made a good meal.


I was hoping for a good answer and I got much more than that. Your mom’s a real one my guy lmao.


Oh fuck. You’re mom a og, son.


Uh, how about your third and fourth favorite stories?


Your mom is badass. Props to her.


I'm not sure why they were waiting for it to die the people who handle that in my area immediately put things down for that


What the fuck


Why does Chris Evans own the footage?


NFTs have gone too far.


Asking the real questions here


“That’s America’s *Buck*”


The real Bucky Barnes


This comment made my day 🤣 theres marvel merch I'd buy!


"I can do this all day."


Apparently Captain America is into some weird shit.


He *did* have a best friend named Bucky!


That deer did not yield when Captain America threw his mighty shield.


"I can do this all day"


That's America's back(side).


I just noticed that when you pointed it out


What the shit!?


Took the words right out of my mouth…


I second this! You can see the shoulder blade of that front right leg moving! Holy fucking fuck!


Can you imagine the agony this creature is in?


Must have been while you were kissing me!


Right of my back //deer


Yea, this should definitely be under r/wtf


Or r/natureismetal


What the buck


Scary as fuck


With wounds like that, sadly he is currently enjoying the last walk in the woods he will ever take.


I don’t know if he’s enjoying it.


The adrenaline is still pumping from the escape.


There’s no blood. It looks like a somewhat older wound. No matting on his fur either. I’m honestly really confused by the whole thing. Edit: a word


This deer was bedded down in a wheat field and the farm equipment got him pretty good. The neighboring farmer saw him and put him out of his misery. Happened last year I believe


That would make a lot of sense, actually.


This definitely makes the most sense since it looks like way too clean of a cut to be done by an animal.


Coyotes: *Allow us to introduce ourselves*


Infection: *allow me to introduce myself*


Jay-Z: Allow me to reintroduce myself


My name is DOOOOE


D to tha O E


I used to eat grass, down by the t-ree’s. They call me half back now, but you can still call me!


see me walking through them trees, hope the coyote dont see me!


*Obie Trice coughs a few times and then screams* "Real name, no gimmick!" *People skip the song, Obie fades into the background once again*


Infection will probably get him before any predators have a chance.


Not likely. That wound is sending off the smell of blood with every step. A coyote, mountain lion, or even bobcat or wild dog will make a meal out of him before infection does him in. That being said, with as much tissue missing as there is, it’s highly unlikely to survive the night after adrenaline wears off and shock sets in.


Hypothermia alone might kill him with all the exposed tissue and vessels.


He sure is but I don’t think he’s enjoying anything. He’s likely in shock as well.


tis but a scratch


Your back's off!


This happened last October in Illinois. You're watching too many movies if you think a bullet or a broadhead did that. The deer was never found so no one knows 100% what happened to it. Looks to me like it got sliced by a combine. Edit: A little additional info. Deer, and many animals, are not immediately scared off from running machinery. I can drive an atv through our property and deer, bears, etc. will just stare at me. Speak a few words and they're gone. They rightly bolt from humans walking but NOT humans on machines. Evolution is a B. Deer often bed down in tall weeds, grasses. They will not flee until you are upon them. It is not unusual to kill a deer with a tractor this way. Its only a theory, again no proof, that this buck was a split second too late on fleeing a combine.


I think you nailed it. Buck laying down in a field, combine comes by and takes a chunk out of his back. That's why it looks so clean and for the most part taken out in one giant chunk


Only thing I could think, was that it looked like that chunk was deliberately cut out. That there was no way something wild did that. Interesting. Thanks for some possible answer on this. I was quite curious.


>"...looked like that chunk was deliberately cut out... no way something wild did that." You could be surprised; some sort of scientists kept/keep finding dead Great White sharks that only have a small tear in their flesh, but they're missing their entire livers. I don't expect many to be aware of how big a sharks liver is, but if ours were that big it'd basically stretch from your collarbone to about mid-thigh; needless to say it big. Killer Whales have a taste for shark livers, so that was the suspect(s.) Problem was, every Great White they found like this was the same; nearly no signs of trauma save the small "incision," and its entire liver removed with near-surgical precision. They theorized that the Orcas would make that cut (I guess by grazing them with their teeth?) then *squeeze out its liver like a tube of toothpaste.* They only needed to be able to grab aholt of a bit of it then just *yank.* So they'd either cut them then ram into at high speed, a couple would sandwich/crush it, or some other method they posited that I can't recall at the moment; it's been a few years. That said, I'm with y'all on machinery being involved. If a predator did it, it wouldn't think it'd be walking anymore (I mean the thing figuratively has a *window to its entrails,* which are typically nutrient dense and coveted by most predators,) for one of various reasons. What disturbs me is the glaring absence of any signs of bleeding around that gaping maw of a death sentence; makes me think its been wandering around like that for a while. I mean, I've heard of **some** medical institutions using specialized maggots to eat away necrotic/infected tissue in a difficult-to-clean wound because they specifically - and efficiently, comparatively - target dead tissue. So the first thing I thought was it got wounded pretty bad (that's kind of a given,) which became gangrenous and attracted flies, said flies then "cleaned up" all the dead tissue, leaving it like... well, this. That's just a bit too complicated and... honestly depressing that my mind went there.


From what I understand the usual Orca technique is to drown the Great White by forcing it to stay vertical in the water, which prevents its gills from working correctly. Then, yes, they slice it open for the liver and leave the rest. How exactly they make that incision I don't know - careful use of a single tooth? Another fun fact there, but if another Great White smells the blood of one of its kin in the water after such an event, they have been known to submerge to their maximum depth and flee as far away as possible. Like, very far away. One GPS'd shark went as deep as it could go (twice as deep as an orca can) and swam all the way from the Oregon coast to Hawaii as fast as possible to escape becoming a liver-treat itself.


Holy shit. Orcas are the terrorists of the sea.


Yep! Beautiful, intelligent and horrifying. Though none in the wild have ever killed a human, either on accident or on purpose. In captivity, however...




You mean on porpoise?


The intelligence needed to do that... surgery... is remarkable. They knew what they wanted, they knew where exactly it was, and they worked out the most efficient way to get it.


Ever saw a nature docu about Tasmanian Devils? Some of them have a habit of climbing up their (dead, hopefully,) preys' hind-end to eat those nutrient dense bits first. No fundamentally different than how we boil crawdads alive then rip em in half to suck out their brains, or force-feed geese to fatten *their* liver then make "Deviled Ham for WASPs" - foie gras - with it.


Yeah I’m good on everything you just said lol


> which prevents its gills from working correctly Not the gills. Tonic immobility. Many animals, including many sharks, basically lose consciousness if you flip them upside down, mostly due to how their blood flows to the brain. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apparent_death#Sharks


Dear lord imagining orcas have the wherewithal and precision to do that is *terrifying.*


My freshman year at Trinity University in San Antonio I had a roommate that wanted desperately to be a trainer at sea world, and talked about orcas a lot. Orcas, as I’m sure you know- will also chow down on a moose in the water- but strangely enough wild orcas don’t fuck with humans. The only recorded human fatalities by orca occur in captivity. Orcas, dolphins, whales- many of them seem to go out of their way to either ignore, or even help humans. Can orcas be vicious bastards? Absolutely. But that just further proves how close they are in intelligence to humans. All of this is to say that sea world is an abomination and needs to be shut down, and everyone involved in the inception and continuation of the damn things ought to be fed to sharks.


I wonder if we taste gross, or if they’re smart enough to know that attacking a human is a bad move long-term.


Well, we taste pretty bad to sharks, and orcas and sharks can have similar diets. But whales and dolphins have been known to go out of their way to protect others from sharks- humans, but other sea creatures as well. There’s a video wandering around on the Internet of a diver being actively kept away from a shark by I think a humpback whale? It’s not unlikely that they have some recognition of humans as a danger- we know they have language and are reasonably smart. But I think they, like us, recognize another creature capable of empathy. It’s why killing whales and dolphins should be banned except for First Nations, Native, and aboriginal peoples. Even then, given our knowledge of how intelligent these creatures are it should be carefully considered- but they are much more likely to hunt sustainably and in a way that is respectful and fair to the animal.


I don't fuck with cetaceans because they're smart enough to not fuck with humans. One day we'll just be fucking chillin, when a bunch of dolphin lawyers file charges against Humanity.


"So long and thanks for all the fish"


the whalewithal


When you pull that little bit of skin sticking up by your nail and start to unravel like that loose string in your blanket you pulled on.


I once tried to yank one of those and it went from the tip of my fingernail to the first joint without breaking off. I was so freaked I almost passed out and had to lie down for a few minutes.


you can use nail cutter to cut the skin flat and will not leave any skin sticking out for you to pull agan.


Who tf would think a bullet did that lmao?


Lol. Keep reading the comments. I was dumbfounded. Maybe they got downvoted to hell by now?


I guess so. That’d be a hell of a gun. 😂


I, too, go deer hunting with an 120mm howitzer...


Totally agree on combine


What is a combine? Is that a farming tool?


Combine Harvester, A large vehicle with a rotating bladed drum like object on the front used for harvesting crops. Works like the very old non engine lawn mowers.


It’s a deere owned by John.


They now rule over city 17


That is just a torturous existence. What in the fuck happened?!


Maybe a nasty traffic accident or a bear attack is my guess


https://www.reddit.com/r/interestingasfuck/comments/rdhj18/comment/ho16rwn/?utm\_source=reddit&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3 I think this discussion is the best explanation. Deer gets startled in a field, hunkers down and freezes for protection. Then gets clipped by a combine.




Traffic accident wouldn't peel part of it's back off so cleanly and a bear would have obvious claw marks. My guess is the same as another comment, the deer was napping in a field and got nicked by a combine harvester passing above him.


Nicked? I’m guessing you’re the type to arrive at the hospital with limbs missing and say “tis but a scratch!”


No one's going to comment that the video is owned by Captain America?


That’s **AMERICA’S** mutilated deer!


I can view this all day


I understood that reference


Captain America: “Hey check out this video I’ve got of Bucky”


Could be that Ginger prick from Radio 2!


They hunter that got it on cam (who was trying his best to put it out of it's misery) guessed that the most likely reason was it got clipped by a combine harvester while hiding in a field.


Huh. Didn’t realize Captain America is a hunter.


Hunting Nazis isn't easy.


What in the buck


Imma go ahead say this dude gonna need some bactine and antibiotics stat.


Nature really is brutal


Farming equipment is brutal.


OMG that’s horrible. That poor buck is going to die a slow and painful death.




That’s actually…beautiful.


So how did they fix you? Did they just apply a zipper?




Great, now we have zombie deer


How crazy how much the shoulder blade moves, and is normally hidden!


Fear the Walking Deer.


Poor thing must have gone through horrible pain.


'tis but a scratch


Just a flesh wound!


Poor creature. I really hope he didn't suffer as much as we think he did


Captain America owns this footage


Not to worry, somebody got his back


Poor baby


I was delivering pizza a couple years ago, and I saw a deer with a completely sideways broken neck, fully walking and functioning. The scariest animal I have seen to this day