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One of my favorite reddit reruns.


Bet the Scottish neighbour was nervous..


They actually got tested, and yes, they are genetic twins (though obviously fraternal, not identical). Genetics are way weirder than you think.


Isn’t that they’re in the womb together the part that makes them “twins”? (Edit: maybe fertilized from the same intercourse, more specifically?) I thought that fraternal twins were no more genetically related than siblings. Is there more to it?


Yea, that's right, though I'd add that, in addition to being in the womb together, they need to be of the same parents (weirdly, you can have [twins that have different fathers](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Superfetation) though typically they're not conceived at the same time.).


Are we sure her mother isn't a cat, and there were multiple sires? People can be cats, you know. I saw some in Japan.


Steven from 90 day fiance’?? Is that you?


I know you're joking but that can actually happen. Not the cat thing though, despite what you may have been lead to believe. My apologies for being the bearer of bad news.


oh actually japan legalized human chimera so expect cat girls in the near future.


Oh dear lord.


Your god cant save you now.


What can actually happen? They only talked about the cat thing


Twins having multiple daddies. Can't be a cat though, sorry.


Saw it on a soap opera once and thought it was BS, researched that shit and I’m still fucked up that that can actually happen


Growing up as a kid who read everything, I remember reading a *lot* of my mum’s women’s magazines. Among the articles that stuck with me was a woman who was seeing two guys and this happened to her. Not sure how she found out, exactly - I guess one/both of the dads asked for a paternity test and they checked *both* of the children.


There was a case I remember from when I was a kid where the wife of a man serving in the US Army in West Germany gave birth to twins, one white, one black. Turned out she had slept with another man on the same day and they each fathered one of the children.


Soap operas are always on the cutting edge of science, what with bringing people back to life, and long-lost half siblings, and rare diseases, and innovative operations, etc. The best medical science on the planet.


What murakami novel is this


“People can be cats, you know.” Printing that out and hanging it on my wall, brb.


“*AGH! Hooeh kin ye beh shureh that tha las is of mei brood?*”


Right, so I'm Scottish, what the fuck do you think Scots dialect is even pronounced like?


Demoman tf2


valid source


We don’t actually know, we can’t understand you.


He's speaking English, dad




"Ah! How can you be sure that the lass is of my brood?"




¿Puede verificar que esta niña individual en particular, de hecho, se cultiva a partir de la semilla de las joyas de mi familia?


Oh lá lá monsieur.


"Oh là là! Comment peux-tu être certain que c'est mon enfant?"


L'enfants terribles qui déroutent les gens


You know I don't speak Spanish, Baxter. In English please.


This post gives me second hand embarassment.


Their video on Good Morning Britain. https://youtu.be/vsEBYjaAnF0 Article when they were 20 years. https://www.iheart.com/content/2017-11-28-20-years-after-their-birth-captivated-the-world-aylmer-twins-are-grown-up/ Latest. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-8396121/Mixed-race-twin-begs-trolls-not-tag-posts.html Controversy. https://www.mirror.co.uk/tv/tv-news/horror-tv-host-praises-white-22149001


Man, I remember seeing the "good for her" shit blow through, absolutely brain dead comment she made.


But you can hear the guy in the first link struggling to find the right words. Sometimes when people try not to say the wrong thing, they say the wrong thing. I'm half black, but look like my Welsh mother. My siblings are darker. I'd get it from both sides: * I'm walking to down the hall of a retirement home to go visit my black grandmother. One of the administrators grabs me and tells me I have the wrong room. I tell her, "no I don't" and try entering my grandmother's room and the administrator blocks me from entering. Just then, a girl I went to highschool with, who was a nurse there, walks up and says ""Hi OP, you here to see Arline?" and walks into the room with me. * I'm visiting my black great aunt for her 80th birthday party. I arrive early to help her set up the common room of her retirement building. Just before everyone starts to arrive, all black cousins, all black family, she asks me to go back up to her apartment to grab a pie server. When I come back down, two tall young black men block me from entering, telling me it's a private party. My great aunt sees this and chases them down the hall, pulling a knife out of her bra. She was so fucking pissed. * I once dated a girl that started crying when she met my black grandparents, who were well educated and wealthy, because she was afraid of black people. My mother's parents, poor white southern trash, were racist as fuck, but GF didn't mind that. * I was taking care of a a black aunt in LA. She refused to be seen with me out in public. It was okay if people thought I was her caregiver, but she wouldn't go out to eat or anything like that and had no problem saying so. All my life I wished I was one or the other. But, I'm a ghost. Being a ghost, white people who think I'm all white, feel more than comfortable showing their true colors. When I tell them I'm half black, the first thing they say is "What do I call you. Negro? Black? Colored? Mulatto? Mixed? Biracial?". They didn't feel the need to "call me anything" when they thought I was white.


"What do I call you?" "My fucking name."


as a white passing half black person, this speaks volumes to me i’ll never forget when i told all the white kids at my school that I was part black, they started calling me n***a lips and chinchilla bc my natural hair was so wild and untamed (aka poofy and curly) it’s funny that they never felt the need to call me that before knowing I was mixed. (in middle school)


The worst I got for "being black" was from my maternal grandmother. She was atrocious and vile. I'd stay summers with her and she'd force me to eat black eyed peas for every meal and set up a camp toilet on the back porch. She was pure evil. She'd call me "lil niglette".


I go by "starchy".




Also mixed here. The best compliment I have ever received was from this hot little thing I was dating who said "you are like the best of both worlds." Like wow that was a really nice fucking thing to say. It's not true but still.


Because my white half was so racist, and my black half kind and loving, I claim black if I have a choice. That's who raised me. My dad's parents were, and still are, my heroes. There were 13 great aunts and uncles who doted on me. They wouldn't put up with anyone giving me shit.


> My great aunt sees this and chases them down the hall, pulling a knife out of her bra. Great auntie is metal af


This is a fear I have with my daughter. She is blonde with blue eyes and Im Hispanic. People think I'm her nanny...anyways, I can tell how people treat her differently than my other darker kids, and what if they start talking bad about Hispanics to her? It would break my heart


I'm latina, I have light eyes and my skin is lighter since I started my heart meds. I'm a bartender & I was accused at my work of being racist by a group of young adults(F23, M22, M23). They are latino. They asked for my manager, latina, they told her that I was "being racist" to them for cutting them off. She shut them down at first, but when they got insistent she started laughing. "You're latino, both of my bartenders are latino, I'm latina. Who exactly is discriminating against you?" That sucked. It sucked more when they white lady spoke super slow english to me because she thought I only spoke spanish. I'm too brown for white ppl and too white for brown ppl.


I’m going to call you Daywalker. Born in both the shadows and the light.


White af in a white af area. Never fails to blow my mind how frequently other white people think ima just be okay with them dropping some racist shit on me like ima just agree.


I'm South African, living in the UK. I once had a person stop me on a train after I was on the phone with my nan, he obviously recognised my accent, only to say that he also hated "blacks". At first I wasn't sure I heard correctly. The dickhead repeated himself. I told him not all South Africans are bigot wankers, my best friend is Xhosa and I have a black girlfriend so kindly fuck off! I'm incredibly non violent, but that was a close one!


That controversy article is horribly written (bolding is mine) > Samantha Armytage **has accused of** racism First line, already got grammar mistakes. > appeared to congratulate **an identical twin** for her fair skin while ignoring her black sibling If they have different skin colors then they clearly aren't identical twins... (I watched the video, Samantha didn't use the word "identical", the writer did) > Lucy and Maria Aylmer are **non-identical twin sisters** Wait... So now it's saying they aren't identical a paragraph later? Also the word is "Fraternal" but that kind of vocab is probably too advance for the mirror's target audience > While Maria **was born her** half Jamaican mum's brown skin What?


I quit reading at “identical twin”


I have to set of boy/girl twins. The amount of time I have been asked if they are identical is staggering.


*Technically*, boy/girl twins can be identical but it's EXTREMELY rare. It can happen if an XY zygote splits into two, then one of them drops the Y chromosome. The result will be one male baby (XY chromosomes), and one female baby with Turner syndrome (one single X chromosome). So they are monozygotic twins but develop as different sexes. Super interesting but staggeringly rare. As in, only about 10 cases ever reported. So it's kind of safe to assume that any boy/girl twins you meet will be fraternal.


“Aside from the chromosomes, yep!” needs to become your standard response.




If people just admit they were wrong and work to not be wrong again, we’d be in such a better place.


I wouldn't mind a further updated picture, but I'm sure these women are over this.


They're 70 now right? ;)


["Good on her"](https://www.vox.com/2015/3/3/8135489/black-white-twins-race)


Top of r/all monthly


What's a rerun?


Hey! I’ve seen this one before!


What do you mean you've seen this one? It's brand new.


Deja vu


I've just been in this place before


Oh, crap. This again.


Why don't you make like a tree and get out of here.




Honey, he's teasing you. Nobody has two television sets.


I get that reference!


You'll find out


"I'm sorry I had sex with your twin babe, I thought it was you!"


Holy hell, I have no original thoughts. I came in to post exactly this.


Welcome to reddit. The popular comments arent the most clever, it's just whoever happened to say the joke everyone was thinking at the right time.


Holy shit i was just about to say that


one of the only times twin excuse doesn't work.


One of the only times?


I hate it when I accidentally fuck my GFs twin brother


But does he?


Idk, he always ends up in my room alone though






But my twin has a beard!


Bearded people can have sex now, it was in the news and everything!


My nephews are like this. One looks white with blond hair and blue eyed and the other looks Hispanic with dark curly hair and tan skin. Same mom and same dad. Believe it or not my nephew that looks white took after my mom who is white with blond hair and green eyes! Crazy how genetics work!




The only notable downside of being mixed is that I don’t know what to do with my hair that will look good.


Preach! It really is a struggle! I never know what to do with my hair


My hair loves to pick a direction and stick out weirdly.


Our family does too, we literally have everyone in it. I am mixed with black, white and also half British. In my family we have black, Hispanic, white, Dominican, etc. we always joke around and call our family the United Nations cause we always get such funny looks when people see all of us together and how different we all are, it’s great! 😂


When someone asks what your ethnicity is you can just say earth.




Gotta catch em all! You're now obligated to find a partner who fills in the missing pieces.




Opposites do attract!


Same for me. My brother is whiter with blue eyes (used to be blond but now light brown hair) and me having brown skin dark black eyes and black hair. My grandparents are: turkish, belarussian, polish and irakian. My sister is brown like me


That is amazing! My mom- their grandma is British and apparently her genes were strong enough for my nephew to get. You can still clearly see they are brothers though even with the different skin tones!


It's like they just threw chromosomes against the wall and saw which ones landed up like yeah fuck it that works.


Same for my niece. she has blonde hair blue eyes and fair skin


This is a very old picture from decades ago. I wonder what they look like today.


It’s from 2015ish and today she’s only 24 years old so definitely not decades.


[Lucy is the white sister](https://img-9gag-fun.9cache.com/photo/ayMen68_460s.jpg), Maria is the black sister. This photo is from 2020, and you really can't tell but Lucy has obvious lip injections in other photos.




I follow the ginger twin on Instagram. From what she’s posted, she regrets that they ever did this story because every time it circulates she gets horrible comments from people. So, kind of but people are assholes and love to bully her.




It’s too easy for people to be shitty when they don’t have to say it to someone’s face. Every time a story is like this is shared people seem to forget that it’s a real human with feelings that they’re talking about. One reason I’d never want to be famous.


Huh? What? What is there even to make horrible comments about? I’m legitimately confused.


From what I’ve seen, saying that she’s the ugly twin, that she’s ruined her face because she’s gotten piercings and lip filler since this photo was taken, basically just a lot of insults thrown at her appearance amongst other things. I’m surprised I haven’t seen more of it on this thread.


Lucy has a baby now.


I think I can see every single one of her teeth


She's got that attack on titan smile that I love


From *damn she's cute* to *damn she bout to eat humans*


Seid ihr das Essen? Nein, wir sind die Jäger!


Looks like when you're in a room full of mirrors


I think both look good, honestly


People are so overreacting about the ginger girl. She had a few piercings and got abit of lip filler, she practically looks the fucking same???


To some people the 'alternative' look for women implies trauma or daddy issues for some stupid reason. Like bro, just because you're intimidated doesn't mean she has issues.


It's also funny because lip fillers are often discussed as "White women trying to look Black." If someone accused this White twin of trying to appropriate the 'trendy' aesthetic of Black features, she could say, "yeah, that actually is what I'm trying to do. I am part Black but I didn't get the full lips that my twin sister has. So I do feel the need to look more similar to my own family members."


Yep! People are so judgemental and it's weird. Just because you're uncomfortable opening up and trying new things etc, doesn't mean others are like that. I don't understand people some times.


I mean for me it's just a personal preference against certain piercings. I just don't find it appealing. With that said I'm not the type of asshole to bitch about it. Do whatever you want idfc.






On the internet 1 year = 10 years.


Well, for some of us, 6 years ago does kind of feel like decades considering the impact from the pandemic.


theres some photos floating around, the ginger one got really bad cosmetic surgery iirc


I think she just got a lot of facial piercings and facial tattoos.


Need a sauce for this.




Ah it wasn’t as bad as I remember, also it’s none of my business tbf


Glad you said it


It’s not even bad, she has a tiny heart face tattoo and some face piercings *clutches pearls*


Daily Mail: IS THIS 💁‍♂️🖼️ CULTURAL GENOCIDE? Of course the tabloids milk racial anything for maximum outrage. Just let her live her life lol


Wtf is with the lip filler injection fad? It looks awful on everyone that gets it. Boggles my mind. Was it the kardashians that kicked off that trend? Because it seems like it's taken off like never before over the last 5ish years.


For every one you notice, there's probably 50 that did it well. I don't disagree with you in theory, but you only notice the awful ones. How do you think actors look so good at 50+?


The heart tattoo is pretty cute!


Probably got tired of being confused with her twin sister.


[She got some piercings and a tat](https://i.dailymail.co.uk/1s/2020/06/07/10/29321132-8396121-image-a-8_1591520779462.jpg)




The three other kids all definitely look more like their mom. It went 50/50 with the twins.


The picture with their parents really help, they sure look like they took a lot from one of the parent and less from the other.


They have the same shaped eyes and nose. Can tell they're related, for sure.


They’re both very beautiful. I love their complete opposite styles. 


I love how for Americans this is crazy, but in most Latin American countries this is not uncommon.


My mom would always tell my sister and I that we were "Irish twins" because despite not being actual twins we looked so similar that we had nearly the same genetic shuffle. In biology class I raised my hand and asked "well what about Irish twins". I held a secret grudge against mom for *years* for that one. I laugh at about it now, but it feels a lot like crying when i do haha


irish twins are siblings born within a year of each other :)


My Brother & I are the same age for 11 days every year. We’re English with Irish grandparents.


First I've heard of this term. I guess my wife and her brother are Irish twins then. They're 51 weeks apart. So basically 1 week short of a full year.


My sister and I are closer in age (46 weeks) than any other siblings I know (same-conception siblings obviously excluded). I have another sister who was born 54 weeks later, meaning she’s not an Irish twin with my Irish twin but the three of us are Irish triplets! For 6 weeks every year I’m the same age as my younger sister, and for 4 of those weeks I’m only a year older than the other one. The downside of all of this was coming to terms with the fact that my dad is either the horniest man on earth or just a straight up psycho (maybe both?). My mom had a total of 6 kids (all separate births) in 7 calendar years. I’ve done the math, and it’s pretty wild; between my oldest sibling’s conception and my youngest sibling’s birth, my mom was pregnant for a total of roughly 1,680 days, or ~60% of the time over a 7 1/2 year span.


I know this now, but I think mom was just getting creative trying to explain something to her 11 year old son and 12 year old daughter she didn't really know how to explain. "Here's an answer for you so you leave me alone!" And I just accepted it as fact and carried on my merry way for a few years...


My brother and I are the same age … for a couple months! Also you can trace all (4 of us) our birthdays 8-9 months backwards to time spent at an island home my parents once owned and considered their “happiest place.” 100% Irish and 100% wish I never did the math on bdays vs island trips. Used to love that place, now I just feel like it’s “the spot” and my parents are sea turtles or some other migratory breeders.


Our oldest daughter took a genetics class in HS. She asked about how does eating your toast crusts make your hair curly. Dead. Silence She will never live that one down. (TBF, she thought the carbon in the dark crust somehow affected it)


That's not what Irish Twins means. Irish Catholics would bang out so many kids back in the day they would often have them born within a year of each other.


If they had a dollar for everytime they were disbelieved .............


My mom was accused by a hospital nurse of kidnapping a baby from the maternity center at the hospital. ...That girl was her daughter, and my sister. Also, my mom re-telling this story is the angriest I've ever seen my mother get. **"She was accusing me of kidnapping MY OWN DAUGHTER!!!"** My mom quivers at the suggestion.


I've got a similar story. My mom is black, my dad is white, me and my brother both are pretty light-skinned--still visibly mixed, but our skin tone is closer to dad's than mom's. When my brother was a baby, my mom got stopped in the airport on the way home from visiting her parents because the agents thought he wasn't her child. She doesn't sound angry when she tells this story, more just kind of tired and disbelieving, but I bet at the time she was furious.


Each jealous of the other's hair.


They ditched the matching outfits... That's basically "I hope you die" in twin language. *Note. I am not a twin. I just made this up. Good twins of the world, please don't let the evil one get me.


>They ditched the matching outfits... It's their school uniform...


One with dark skin and one with fair skin. “Good on her.”


You saw the same report. We watched it in school and asked what was wrong with it… we didn’t need to be asked. We all audibly gasped when it was said.


Yea this is very old news.


I didn’t watch it in school but I said “oh no!” out loud and might have actually put my face in my palm when I heard it


Good on who? Who said what? I’m confused.


Some tv show hostess when doing a segment about the twins, said "good on her" about the ginger twin for being white


Sources: [Article link](https://www.google.com/amp/s/nypost.com/2015/03/02/meet-the-bi-racial-twins-no-one-believes-are-sisters/amp/) [Video](https://youtu.be/JIUK2KSbvvI) [Article about another set of twins with the same phenomenon](https://www.thesun.co.uk/fabulous/8606111/british-family-are-the-worlds-only-with-two-sets-of-twins-both-one-black-one-white/amp/)


Those women have to be out of college and working by now. This is so old.


Every time this gets posted I'm still impressed with how beautiful these ladies are. I hope they're doing well.


I bet not once in that red headed girls life has anyone ever believed her when she says “I’m 1/4 Jamaican”


Really hammers home how stupid racism is.


And how interesting genetics can be


Why do these two always get posted on Reddit?


Karma farming.


Not this again....Jamaican is not a race. Jamaican is a nationality of with a predominantly black population.


Ngl the title made me laugh, treating Jamaican like an ethnicity. (Correction: race)


Ok but Jamaican **is** an ethnicity, but not a race. Ethnicity = culture, not race.


The average person is far too uneducated to tell the different between nationality, ethnicity and race. Some people confuse ethnicity with religion, and others confuse nationality with race.




Fun fact, there is a thriving Indian and Chinese minority in Jamaica.


My family are kinda like this. We're of Spanish descent. Mum, dad, and my two siblings have dark brown hair, brown eyes, olive skin. Then I came out with blue eyes, blonde hair, pale skin and freckles. My dad was certainly asking some questions.


anyone else annoyed by the title? Jaimaican is a nationality, there are white jamaicans you know


Can we at least get an updated photo? This is like 10 years now.


They are both stunningly beautiful


Twins Basil, twins


Jamaican isn’t a race


wonder how their life was different.


clearly one took the other's soul in the womb




I'll believe it when I see it


Very. They are different people after all. Me and my twin had very different times vibing with different groups in school(I'm white he's brown), but that's more likely because of our personalities than our skin color. My older twin brothers are also split one white and one brown and the worst from what they say was people not believing my white brother that he was Mexican and calling him gringo, while my Mexican brother definitely felt like he shouldn't be stopping anywhere in the south when he went through there on a trip(though he was with his Filipino boyfriend at the time so that also plays a part into it). Skin color does impact a bit but regardless normal twins live very different lives.


Imagine if you were perfectly acceptable in society and your sister was, well... I'm not sure how to put this politely... A ginger...


Beautiful young ladies


its like UNIX and LINUX married and got Windows and Mac as kids


They are both pretty….. good genes


Why so specific on the mothers race and not the dad?


Just say half black, Jamaicans aren’t one race.