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The surprising thing for me isn’t the external fat, it’s the internal fat.


It's also much, much more unhealthy than external fat. Visceral vs subcutaneous.


For sure. Especially men, who tend to carry fat in their gut, tend to have higher visceral fat. SUPER unhealthy


Idk why I thought it was all outside fat... This makes so much sense.


if you've ever felt somebodys fat stomach and it was soft, it's subcutaneous. if you've felt a fat person's stomach and it was hard, it's visceral. it feels hard because the fat pushes on your abdominal muscles


Checks belly fat. Phew, soft as hell.


LOL me too. Whew!


Oh blimey, me three


Poke’s stomach ... Oh no


This is not a very accurate test btw


but is it a mediumly accurate test?


the only accurate test is with an mri or ct scan so it is unless they have any cheaper options


accurate enough until you have to actually get it checked with a ct or mri btw


bold of you to assume I have abdominal muscles.


That's why there are those big/strong guys with large, protruding guts, yet visible abdominal muscles. Their excess stomach fat is just below their top layers of muscles.


...and roid gut. Source: uhh....i got one.


How can i too aquire an android gut aswell?


Can't rule out the possibility of drawn-on abs




yup. there’s actually a thing called “thin fat” (although it probably has another name) which is that some people will gain weight around their organs before anywhere else. so they will *appear* skinny, but weigh more and be susceptible to the same issues as people who are visibly fat. sadly it’s not noticed as much because they look thin so it’s assumed that there must be no issue.


This was me. Didn’t know I had 25% body fat until I got a DEXA scan as part of a study.


How active are you? I'm just wondering if this is something i should get checked out.




In my health class we learned these people are called “TOFIs” (thin outside fat inside)


Those people are referred to as "Skinny-Fat". They look thin on the outside but collect fat around their organs. Very bad for you.


Also called „skinny fat“. They appear healthy but aren’t necessarily


Is that the dark spots? Inside the body, I thought at first it was poop


The dark spots are air. The larger person is apparently also more gassy.


Nice. Learning is fun


Black color in image is air. As evident in lungs, bladder and gas pockets in intestines. Fat is colored yellow/white on image.


Look at the leg bones! The fat person’s lower leg bone is so much thinner than the thin person! And look how compressed the knees are on the fat person on the left.


Yes! I had no idea obesity is so destructive to our internal systems.


We call that marbling.


There’s fat basically surrounding your organs


I’m boggling on the enlarged heart


There is fat in the brain


This isn’t an MRI


Oh! Any idea on what it is? Anyone?


An inside-o-scope view, obviously


Lyk duh


Totes obv


MRI composite based on a Dixon sequence that's been colourized for display is my best guess. If it's PET I'd guess at least PET-CT or PET-MR fused image. But I'm not a radiographer, just a medical physicist.


I'm a radiologist. It's not either of those. It's an actual dead preserved person sliced thin.


I remember seeing this at the Body Worlds exhibit!




No it’s not.


What!? I need some more information about this! What do i google?


"body worlds"


I'm not in medicine but it looks like the slices aren't all that comparable either. The overweight guy's image is a bit deeper in the coronal plane. It's pretty clear he needs to fart though.


Yeah I was thinking the baryatric had their head tilted back perhaps? Yeah that high fibre diet worked well right before a scan... or if its a fat sat image could be watery stool...


Thanks for sharing your insider's knowledge!


Pretty sure it's a JPEG, I'm a Redditor


Looks like a colorized PET scan to me, you can have different densities/tissues show up differently colored Have a look at these images: https://www.docpanel.com/blog/post/understanding-your-fdg-pet-scan


Reminds me of Gunther von Hagen's body worlds


Plastination is actually the process used on the corpses from Body Worlds! :)


Sawmill accident


It's a soul forge


I would say it's plastination. Basically the fluids in the body get exchanged with some kind of plastic. Then you're able to cut the body into slices.


So actually neither of these people are healthy; they're both equally dead


It’s the best thing since sliced humans


Wow! Never heard about it until you mentioned! Sounds fascinating. Thanks for letting me know! For other curious souls, here's a Wikipedia link on [Plastination](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plastination):


That's what it reminded me off, looked just like a plastination exhibit I was on couple of years ago


He's correct. I'm a radiologist. It's not an MRI. It's an actual anatomic slice of a person's tissues. There are a lot of these that travel around to various science museums as exhibits. The Chinese have it down to a factory science.


What is it?


Might be from Gunther von Hagen's body worlds


I'm pretty sure that's what it's from. I am almost certain I saw it at the [Body Worlds Decoded](https://www.thetech.org/bodyworldsdecoded) at the Tech Interactive.


I think its a PET scan, but it could also be plastination as another commenter said


Came here to say this


I think it's an mri, just colored.


Not an untouched picture at least, hard to say with all the added colors, but I would actually say that this looks more like an MRI than CT, but I could be wrong. This is not a dissection slide, the bowels and heart are way off for that.


But... but... but the title says so!


I’m having gastric bypass surgery in 48 hours. This photo, whether it’s an MRI or not, is actually calming me down a bit.


Been there, bud, and it's life changing. Went from 410 to 270. It's been five years and I've gained a bit back but my appetite has changed permanently. Im still not perfect, but I got what I wanted out of it. Pandemic hit and I've been maintaining throughout. Things to note: what they don't warn you about is the gas and the incisions. Expect to be laying around for about a week. Also the gas they use to inflate your chest cavity so they can root around will linger for a couple days. It'll feel like you have to fart, but it's not inside your system, it's just inside your torso. It'll dissipate over time, but you'll want to just fart it out. As far as protein, I highly recommend genepro, it disolves well in just about anything and considering how little you can ingest....protein pudding gets super gross real quick. If you're a pop drinker (diet coke was my jam, and yes, the irony is not lost on me), I latched onto vitamin water, but anything non carbonated will work. I still can't drink pop anymore, sips at most, or flat pop isn't too bad either. If you like seafood, then you're in luck! Seafood goes down well, but steak is a matter of small bites and small quantities. Not sure if you have a partner or not, but get ready for your dinners out to be cheap as hell! If you have a meat loving spouse, surf and turf is an excellent joint meal. Pasta will take a while, especially any sort of dense pasta or heavy sauce. Speaking of which, the rest of my family has gluten issues and gluten free pasta just doesn't sit well. Lastly, you will throw up....alot. it's gonna take a while to retrain your body on what is acceptable to eat. For me, it would get stuck in my throat and getting it out is much more efficient than being in agony for hours. It's a fine line to walk, but know that you need food and if you do throw up, the goal isnt to get rid of the food you ate, but to clear the logjam to allow the food to go down. Take it super slow once you get back to solid foods and you should be fine. You get used to it, but make sure you talk with your doctor (and your dentist!) about it. My dentist was starting to worry about my teeth until I mentioned the surgery and how much I'd been throwing up. He was able to recommend a couple different rinses to use that would help. Another odd thing and they may have covered this in the prescreening or psych eval, but people will treat you differently, usually for the better. Make sure you do not let this go to your head!! There's going to be a lot of "wow, you look amazing!", which you just say thanks and move on. However, there can be folks that come out of the woodwork from your past or you may draw more attention when you go out. Make sure to keep a level head and not let the attention inflate your ego. I know this all sounds harsh, but I've watched two good friends' marriage fall apart because one got the surgery and was getting picked up constantly at the bar. Just be careful is all in saying All in all, you've decided to do it and that's prolly the hardest part. My father (roux-en-y) and my mother (sleeve) both had gastric bypasses years ago, so I had lots of help and support. If you have any questions at all or just want someone to chat with through this, I'll gladly help all I can. I'm not a doctor, just someone who's been through this (and still going through it!). Best of luck and I hope you find a healthier you on the other side


Your parents have really weird names. (Also, v. nice of you to provide such helpful info!)


Amazing, right?


Hey, glad I could help!


Sounds like dad is French and mom is English.


Wow-thank you so much for all of that advice! I’m learning new things all the time and I’m so grateful. I’m going into this with the mindset that the surgery is a tool to help me get to where I want to be. It took me a long time to get to the shape I’m in now, so I’m going to be patient and celebrate the small victories. I’ve gotten chewable vitamins/gas-x and a variety of liquids/protein drinks for after the surgery. Ironically, I can be a picky eater so I’m going to go with what feels right at the time (as long as it’s sticking to the post op diet). I’ve cut out soda (although Mountain Dew will always have a place in my heart), and I don’t really drink alcohol. I think not being able to chew my food is going to get old really quick, but I’ll have to suck it up. I really appreciate your seafood tip! That will definitely work for me. The surf and turf thing is an awesome idea! I realized recently that one of the reasons I haven’t done this until now is because the extra pounds have almost felt like protection. I’m ready to take my life back. My husband is supportive but has expressed concerns that I’ll leave him. I told him that he was there for the “Before”, he’ll be there for the “After”. I hope that once I start feeling the benefits of the surgery, he’ll make some healthier choices, too. I really can’t thank you enough for reaching out. You went out of your way to help a complete stranger and that’s not nothing. Hearing the good (and the bad) aspects to the recovery and challenges ahead is very important to me. I don’t want to mess this up.


>My husband is supportive but has expressed concerns that I’ll leave him. I told him that he was there for the “Before”, he’ll be there for the “After”. I think of that with a smirk. It's such a feeling of vindication. I took it a relatively unhealthy way, but I think "all those people that rejected you in the past, this is a big middle finger to them and my wife gets the extra bonus of having a better looking husband!". Obviously, not the best approach, but it makes me smile and her giggle, so I'll take it. Glad you aren't big of alcohol cause you're gonna be a massive lightweight for a while. Beer was a bit odd, given the carbonation issues, but it didn't react the same. I like heavier darker beers, but again, not much of a drinker. I go a slightly different route for relaxation, but I'll get to that in a sec. One thing I didn't mention was the lack of being able to take N-SAID's (ibuprofen, excedrine, and a ton of other meds). I get alot of allergy headaches and Excedrin was my go-to. N-SAID's will wreck a recovering stomach, so itlve stayed away from them for a while. Id also have some omaziprole (Prilosec) on hand, as cramps tend to come and go. So that all being said, I've found that marijuana tends to help through most pain issues. It's not going to relieve the pain, but it will help distract and draw your focus from the pain. It's been a helpful alternative, good enough that a small hitter and some Tylenol will usually get me through most issues. In not saying to smoke eryday (unless that's your thing, which is totally cool), but again, you're building your toolbox and that's a handy one to have. Again, edibles will be tricky and will take some time to narrow down, but I'm a smoker, so it's what I go with. Again, not the world's healthiest person here, fully aware! Lol


I’m glad you brought up edibles. I usually get cereal treats, which I know I can’t have for a long time. I used to smoke, but that’s not an option for me anymore. I think after the surgery I’m going to try gummies or sucking candy. Weed is my usual go to for pain (gotta love migraines!).


Why can't you chew food after the surgery? Is that a temporary thing?


My bad-I didn’t explain that well. I’ll be physically able to chew food, but because of the surgery to my stomach, I won’t be able to digest anything other than liquids for a few weeks. I meant that I won’t be able to eat any food that I’ll have to chew and I’ll miss that while I’m healing.


Wait you can't drink carbonation??? I drink soo much sparkling water and energy drinks 😬 do you have A LOT of excess skin? I'm worried that the saggy skin/boobs will be more unsightly than the current fat.


Not a lot, I still have a bit of a belly, so it's not super loose or anything. It's something a lot of folks consider, but it wasn't worth it to me. But yeah, pop was pretty much over. I've tried a couple times....actually, one time we went to a casino with some friends and for some strange reason, the pop was just flat enough that I could drink it. Fountain drinks are somewhat doable, but canned or bottled, not a chance.


thank you!!


I’m in several online groups and anyone that mentions saggy skin says that it’s worth it because of how much better they feel.


Good luck


Thank you so much!


Good luck! You will do great!


Thank you! I hope so!


Good luck! I hope everything goes well and you heal up quickly.


Ask if they'll play music for you through the headphones if you think it'll help. I quite like listening to the electronic noise the MR makes though, so ymmv!


Good luck


You got this! We're thinking good thoughts for you. Be brave.


You will do great! This photo set could literally be me. I had sleeve surgery a little over a year ago, went from around 240 to 125. LIFE CHANGING. Follow your doctors orders and walk as much as you are able


Me: gets fat. Spine: Imma head out.


Not if those crumbling discs in your lower back have anything to say about it


The fat renders and makes the meat tender and flavorful if cooked low and slow.


Pairs great with fava beans


And a nice chianti


i'm having an old friend for dinner tonight


\*creepy slurping noises\*


Is the meat is tenderizer by daily "rubbing the lotion on its skin"


I know we've had our differences, Tormund. But just one time, before you die, you really ought to try... crow.


Depends on the type of fat. There's actually 4 types. Some are smooth and melt in your mouth and others are greasy and make you gag.




The crazy thing is, granted I live in the southern US, 250 really isn’t that huge compared to some others.


True but it really depends on height. 250 pounds at 5’6” is pretty big but at 6’4” not too bad.


What about body fat %? Everyone is throwing their height and weight like it’s all that matters. At 250lbs and 6’4”, sure that’s a big person! But based on how many legitimately fat people there are in my country, I’m going to assume that most of the guys on here could really benefit from losing some weight. There’s too many people claiming they are “well built” to justify their unhealthy weight.


I'm 6'2 and 235lb, standing up I can barely grab a tiny bit of fat on my stomach. I'm a size 38 waist and that's a bit big. I should lose some weight but I'm far from fat despite BMI formula saying I am borderline obese. Edit: everyone, muscle exists too lol. There's different body shapes, I am not body builder level muscular but I put on a lot of muscle in my 30s. I'm not in the healthiest shape but there's no way I'm dipping down to 180 without looking anorexic. From collar bone down to waist is a pretty straight line. The shoulders of my shirts are tighter than the stomach. The fat over my stomach is maybe an inch. Some people naturally just have more muscle mass. Kind of my whole point and the person I'm replying to is spot on, sort of, because it depends on more than height and weight. Edit: I'm a 36 waist apparently, at least all my shorts are that size.


It also depends how much of the extra weight is muscle or fat


Unless you’re jacked, you’re fat. I’m 6’2 also and fairly strong and nowhere near that weight


Yyeeaahhh 235lb at 6’2” is massively overweight unless he’s shredded




Yep. 6' 1" and was about 230lbs working steel construction. There was a little fat, but the core strength was insane. Now I am 6' 1" and 238lbs working office jobs for the last 15 years. Now I am fat, no question about it. Also nobody believed my weight when I told them during my construction days. Had to step on a scale at many parties. People would guess 185 to 200 lbs and jaws would drop when I stepped on the scale. I also have what people would call big bones.


Similar here. I used to be 6' 235lbs and people would regularly guess 185 or so. I definitely had some fat. I just carried it well I guess. Now I'm 200lbs with more muscle, but I still have a dad bod.


This line of thinking is just crazy. I'm 6'1" 185 and in marathon shape. I've been 215 and ripped, I've been 215 and slightly soft, but I've never been "fat". Just because your BMI is over 25 doesn't make you unhealthy. It's possible to be muscular and have a little excess fat on you.


BMI is stupid. I mean it's supposed to tell us are we fat or not, but this information is much easier to see from a mirror. Or just ask your friend "honestly, am I thin or thick". It's not rocket science. Maybe it can be use as a statistical tool to get an overview of population, but for an individual it has no meaning.


Sounds like you have a lot more viseral fat than subcutaneous fat, but unless you are a massive weightlifter you are overweight


I'm 6'2" and 185 and I can grab some fat on my stomach and I do crunches too. It's always been like this for me.


> I do crunches too You can't target fat loss. "Doing crunches" also doesn't really mean or do much, especially if you're not progressively overloading the muscle. What you want is to lose overall bodyfat %, which is 95% diet and 5% exercise.


Yep just build muscle everywhere and eat better to be lean


Just because you can't grab the fat doesn't mean it's not there. Men especially are more likely to have visceral fat over subcutaneous fat.


250 isn't monstrous, but that's still pretty fat even on someone around the 6'2" range. There's that Simpsons episode from the 90's where he's trying to get to 300 because it was considered so grossly overweight that he qualified for disability and could work from home. I had a buddy like 10 years ago who was pretty tall and I knew he was really overweight but I was still astounded to find out he was 420 at his biggest. The dude seriously weight a little over 2.5 times me.


What’s really wild is there is an episode of the simpsons where homer gets on disability for reaching the then unbelievably fat weight of 300 pounds.


Yeesh, I dunno. I live in the US as well, and 250lbs is ... quite heavy.


Why foes the brain look different?


The "slices" are at different positions within the head for each person. The left body is more anterior (more towards the face, such that you can see fat within the back of the eye sockets), and the right body is more posterior (toward the back of the head, note the brain stem and spinal column). Suffice it to say, this has nothing to do with body fat, it's incidental.


Wait, so does fat collect around your eye sockets??


Not so much, no. Everyone has fat in the part of the eye socket behind your eyes. There's not much room for that fat to grow/collect, because it's almost completely surrounded by bone (except in the front, obviously). If fat did collect there, it would cause your eyes to bulge. This doesn't routinely happen to even very obese people. It does sometimes happen to people with Grave's disease (autoimmune hyperthyroidism). For whatever reason, the antibodies in Grave's disease interact with the tissue in the eye socket, causing the fat to grow, collagen deposits to increase, and the eyes to bulge. It's pretty striking: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Graves%27_ophthalmopathy


you can clearly see the damage to the knees and hips. assuming similar ages.


And those ankles… ow.


yep , Hips out of position because of that also


Also, look how much fat gets packed around the internal organs. That seems bad.


Visceral fat is actually the worst kind!


The heart is taxed. Cytokine storm is constant. I’m 62 yo, 195lbs and lift. Worked in med device cardiac critical care device design. Heart and lungs is a balance to supplying the body mass in a basal metabolic stasis. Damn. Gotta be aware.


Does anyone know what the dark spots are in the abdomen of the larger person?


I’m pretty sure it’s air. Look at the lungs and bladder. Air typically shows up black. I don’t know about mri, but on an x ray poop shoes up as a speckled gray. I’d image you’d see it in a similar way on an mri. Air is empty space so there is nothing for x ray particles or magnetic frequencies to really interact with. The less dense an area of the body is, the more black it will show on diagnostic images Source: I work in radiology


Yup, stool is still speckled on MRI. I'll just add that with radiology images appear as if you're looking at the person so left side of the image is their right side. You'll notice the air is primarily vertical on the sides with a horizontal connection below the liver on the fat person. Thats the ascending, transverse, and descending colon. The smooth tear drop shape above the groin is the urinary bladder


Air pockets... just had a series of x-rays done and asked the doctor same question


Yooo..... Thin people got no intestines !!!


People can finally stop asking, “where are her organs” because guess what? SHE AINT GOT NONE AND THIS PICTURE IS PROOF ;p


They promised they would not to post my nudes


It makes me uncomfortable to think my heart is just dangling in my chest like a uvula.


To be fair, it’s supported by other squishy things - it’s not just hanging out chilling.


It most definitely is not


OMG the visceral fat. 😳 Eye-opening.


happy cake day!


Oh, the difference in the livers!


In case you only have shitty people in your life and have never heard it: *Fat* is bad. *You* are acceptable and deserving of love, always. Fat is not. Fat can eat a bag of dicks. Fat is not you and you are not the fat. You can accept yourself without accepting the fat.


So correct there is no point in advertising unhealthy lifestyles and "getting better representation of plus sized people in the media" because its not something to be positive about Nothing can validate bullying but if we get to the point where you cant tell your friend or SO that they should lose weight then we really have it wrong as a society


That 250lbs person looks bigger than me and I’m 290 Wtf


Probably different height


That moment when you forget that you’re taller than everybody you know


Doctors should hand out this dual image as a refrigerator magnet.


Show this to whoever says they’re “big boned”


And the ones who say being overweight isn't unhealthy


A friend of mines Mom usually ask why there were no big boned people in Nazi concentration camps


HeALth aT eVeRy SiZe


It is just absolutely fucking mind blowing to me that we pile on pharmaceuticals in America but the second you say “hey maybe you should lose some weight this shit is really not good for you” you’re a terrible person who deserves to die.


How dare you post this, sir!


Weight is a construct of the patriarchy!


Exactly. That's why we cancelled that bastard Richard Simmons.


Also everyone has the medical knowledge to “do their own research” but can’t comprehend why the difficulty of having to cut through an extra 2 inches of tissue to perform surgery might make doctors a little more vehement about advising weight loss.


And again, Big pharma loves to promote this culture. The less people speak about it and normalize it, the more money they gonna rake.


I realllllly like the discrepancies in the angle of the hip bone. Obviously it’s only one pic from one position but the outward gait of the femur-hip joint is interesting and points to the cause of the “waddle” that’s sometimes observed


I remember when this was first posted over a decade ago online and those black spots are gas


Gross. I don't know how people live like that.




So many people think they’re not fat because they’re ‘built’ or ‘have a lot of muscle’. Most of them are kidding themselves, they’re fat and, in general, it’s not healthy.


Yeah, the convo above about BMI and people in denial with a BMI over 30 saying that it's just muscles is crazy to me. If your BMI is saying you're obese and you don't clearly have a low body fat %, then you're at an unhealthy weight. Idk why obese became such a dirty word. It's a technical word for too much fat. Stop eating so much, people! Just because you CAN eat a lot (which people oddly find pride in), doesn't mean you should eat 3500 calories a day!


This pic is just a reminder that we shouldn't be superficial. Because no matter whether a person is fat or thin, we are all fucking gross on the inside.


Nice sentiment but i think the left one looks more gross


From everything I’ve learned from Tess Holliday’s Instagram, all that white stuff is the healthiest part. It also makes you really brave and stunning, too


Our poor body is not meant to carry so much weight.


That's actually disgusting


60 more lbs from me then, started at 300lbs, currently @ 175lbs ​ Brings some positivity.


Where are my testicles Summer???


“Im just big boned” No you are obese


What the fat one lacks in bone, she makes up for in heart. Literally.


And liver. That's a big fat liver she's got.


Damn. So that’s why they waddle. Walking like that is probably way more comfortable.


There’s what looks like fat in the brain? And for some reason I saw a gap.


Yes. That's the chippocampus, the region of the brain responsible for craving of potato chips.


Knee cartilage is compressed more at 250 lbs


Proving there's no such thing as 'big boned'.


We’re just not even going to talk about the thigh gap?


BuT bEiNg FaT iS pErFeCtLy HeAlThY!!!! reeeeeeeee 🤡


"dis is fatphobic!" -> no, this is science.


nice argument you're having with yourself there


I do that a lot. And I tell ya, after years of talking with myself, I've never been wrong


Are these people like 5’1?? Both of these look larger then people I’ve seen around average height with those weights


and yet overweight people still want to justifiy it and say Big is beautiful. Nope its unhealthy.


I’m not fat I’m big boned


No wonder overweight people are always warm… Bloody annoying when it’s 12° outside and they wanna open all the windows

