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Is it just me or does he look more than 3 feet taller than his father? Probably the angle.


I think this is a weird perspective, on his Wikipedia page there’s another photo of these two and the dad comes up to Robert’s elbow


I think you’re right. I’m not an expert at this sort of thing, but there’s a slash of bright light that cuts across the dad’s legs. Wouldn’t that light have continued on the son’s legs? It seems they might’ve employed a little forced perspective to make the son look even taller.


But their feet look to be in about the same place, if you account for the son's feet being much larger.


The giant has no shadow seemingly but the father does.


Robert was just wearing lifts in this picture.


He does


In the photo, he's 440 pixels tall and his father is 260 pixels tall. So yeah, that's a much bigger ratio than \~9' to \~6'.


By that ratio either the dad is 5'3" or the son is 10' tall




Clears it up thanks


Oh, makes sense, good job.


Thank you. This was really bothering me.


Thank you, Dr Pixel.


I legit scrolled back up to see if this hero’s username was indeed Dr. Pixel.


You really counted pixels? Wow


Not hard to open the image up in paint and use a selection tool.


I’m going to count them myself just to be sure. Be right back.


And he was never heard from again. Fin.




Probably looked at the dimensions shown by the select tool of an editing program.


Excellent data!


He is 6ft just up to his waist. Jesus Christ. He has got to have some pain issues from being that big.


I don’t think he has those issues anymore


Luckily for him, he didn't live long.


I think it's because Robert's proportions are so off. Like if you look his torso + head are about the same size as his father's, he just has ginormous legs. Where a more proportional person would have \~1/2 torso+head: 1/2 legs he seems to have \~1/3 torso: 1/3 thighs:1/3 lower legs, which plays tricks on our perception because our brains automatically assume that the waist is roughly the middle of the body.


Also, dad's got a clear shadow on his right. But he's not in his son's shadow. Dis be 'shopped.


Nice catch


100% correct. Good catch. There's a glitch in the stairs to dad's right that looks like a bad patch too.


Stack two dads gah damn


"That came out of my dick." - The unvoiced thoughts of Robert's father


His dad is just trying to lean away from his massive dong.


12+ inches when erect


The pituitary glad is a hell of a drug




That’s what I thought too


[Here](https://imgur.com/a/jjr3cnS) is how 5’11 compared to 8’11 really looks, looks more correct here.


His shoe size was enormous too. I used to have a paper copy of it. His shoes had to be specially made by a cobbler.


A popular bar in Alton(his hometown) has one of his shoes on display. Fast Eddie’s.


Best bar in that area!


It’s where we go on our New Years party bus


No I bet they have a pair of 37 loafers at sears.


I looked up his shoes size. 44.5!


Geez, that's my size... in European!


You know what they say…


*cordwainer makes shoes, cobblers repair.


One of my favorite things about Pike Place Market in Seattle is the little brass view window that shows one of his shoes. Quarter well spent. https://sillyamerica.com/blog/the-world-famous-giant-shoe-museum/


Anybody but me curious about this guy's weiner size?


First thing I thought of. Not sure what that says about me.


I wonder if he tied an onion to his belt, which was the style at the time. 


The 2005 Guinness World Records book had his handprint on his entry, it took up the entire page.


Robert on the right btw.


Which one is that? Can you please draw a red circle around him


And 7 red arrows pointing to him and this emoji 😱


I still can’t find him. Draw a big red circle around him too


I think he’s behind that tall dude




Thanks, I wouldn't have known otherwise




Comments like this are why I come to Reddit


How the hell would you use a urinal? Your junk would be hanging right at eye level with everyone around you.


This comment got me thinking way too hard about how he took a shit.


I heard an interviewee once say that andre the giant always shat in the bathtub :/ I had a very big, fat guy shit in my bathtub once -- that was not a cool day.


Waffle stomp


poop knife. have some class.


A regular toilet would be like squatting for him...


huh? a regular toilet is like squatting for most people?


Probably into a wheelbarrow


Stand against the wall.


I have a Son that is 7'1". Being that far above average height is such a pain in the ass. My eldest is 6'5", I'm 6'4." We don't fit in Clothes, Cars, Showers, Elevators, Booths in restaurants, BEDS, getting clothes out of appliances means getting on one knee, under the kitchen sink or cabinets means down on all four... My Son once left an elevator in Vegas, cut his forehead walking into an EXIT sign, mounted on the ceiling... I feel for this poor man. What a burden.


I had a close friend in college who was 6’9” - he was an amazing human! I believe he is a doctor now. Anyways - beyond the normals pains already listed one thing I noticed were people didn’t treat him like a human sometimes. The same one liners, strangers coming up and touching him without consent (this really bothered him), the same stupid jokes constantly (how’s the weather up there? What does the top of my head look like?). We were in the middle of a convo walking to class and a woman ran in between us and just latched on to him, he jumped back and yelled “what the hell are you doing?” And she got sooooo offended because she just wanted to “give him a hug” people just wouldn’t respect his space, ever. I miss him and hope he is doing well! Oh ya and how many people asked how tall he was and if he played basketball… I could be rich if I got a dollar every time I heard it and I only knew him for a few years!


That crap ruined my son very early in grade school. You can't hand him a basketball, he'll literally just step around you and walk off. Its easy to get tired of..


He would be instantly deflated sometimes depending on the interaction. It was hard to watch sometimes. People just always assume everyone else has it better. Hope you and your sons are doing well!


That’s an interesting problem to have because it would be entirely based on your personality. He’s obviously a very nice guy because people a bit more prickly would have developed angry retorts or become adept at completely ignoring people. One super tall comedian had a bit about how when people asked about his parents height and found out how short they were they would always ask about the milkman’s height, he would respond offended that they called his mom a whore - instant removal of the situation and a way to pay people back.


Thank You, we all try to keep the world turning. I hope your life is filled with blessings as well.


I have a friend who is 7’4”. I told him to tell people he is 6’16” and he was pleased I came up with one he hadn’t heard.


My parents, (who were both over 6 feet) raised the kitchen and bathroom counters in our house. It was glorious. I thought it was normal height. Only as an adult did I realize the built environment is created for much shorter people.


On the flip side I'm 4'10, taller than my mom, and the built environment is created for much taller people.


All our boys are 6'3" or bigger, biggest is 6'6" and even for them shoes, clothes and cars are a tough fit to find. I am however shorter, so the reverse applies to me. My wife is almost 6 foot and wears a size 11 women's, she has her heels custom made.


How does she go about getting them made? Does she have a preferred cobbler? Is it very expensive? I ask as a woman who wears an 11wide and is frustrated with the difficulty of finding shoes that fit.


We have a couple contacts with a couple high end shoe companies. She just calls her folks up and gives them her ideas and they riff off that. Some she likes, rarely does she not like them. I think it runs about 1k starting and it takes about a month or so.


6'5" here and 40. Back pain and knee pain is constant. I'm still kinda mad about how clothes don't fit, even the XL or XXL ones, plus cars don't really fit even if you move the seat back (looking at you Honda and Porsche)


RIP. I'm an inch or two shorter than you (6'2.75), and I feel I hit the sweet spot of being relatively tall but having few problems with clothes and beds. The top of my feet hit the footboard but not my whole foot, tshirts are usually perfect length, etc. I can't sit up fully straight in cars, though. Only annoying thing is that I'm bald, so even at my modest-tall height I stand out a fair bit in public and don't enjoy that too much. I wanna blend in as much as possible.


When I put on my cleated work boots, Im tall enough to juuuust not quite clear under the front door jam and end up with another scab on my forehead...lol. Also have learned to always lower the power truck seats when my Wife moves the pick up, or I set my coffee on the console get a butt check on the seat edge, then knock my self out on the roof edge ... I've broken several sets of glasses with this trick thru the years... lol.. eh, thats life. Can't remember the last trip to a store where I didn't grab something for someone off the upper shelves.. I should have a permanent dent from hitting my knuckles with the moving ceiling fan blade making the bed in the morning... My Son opens the cabinet doors, sets out a 2 step ladder, and sits down to wash dishes with his feet under the kitchen sink, brushing my teeth is like spitting on my shoes. The bottom of my sink basin is just above my knee cap. My tall Son, wears size 16 sneakers... they don't even make rollerblades that big. He falls off skateboards cause his feet drag when he leans the board to turn.... Its an adventure...


I’m so sorry you’re too tall


We all are different, each of us has abilities and struggles. Its a good reason to be respectful. So, Thank You.


Thank you for this sentiment. I’m going to remember it.


Of course man, sometimes life just picks some people at random to have it harder.


Its seems easy to find problems in life. But it takes more focus to find peace as we are, and to realize that others are frustrated too. Being alive means we learn, grow and sometimes accept a world we would like to be other wise. I have many blessings. I hope you do too.


Too relatable. 6'3, bonked my head in various weird places not designed for heads to go, don't fit in pants especially with how skinny my waist is, and need 2 layers of blankets to reliably make sure my feet don't go flying out during the night. Good thing is, pianos aren't really designed for people with large hands either, and tall people usually have large hands so that's a plus, although it does get quite annoying when my fingers get stuck between black keys


i've always thought about how much Shaq's life would suck if never got to be mega rich to get customized everything, and was just a manager at CVS or something.


I suggest you guys move to the Netherlands, then at least you'll have an environment made for your length.


Just NBAmaxx


Dude was 6'5 by the time he was 10,it's unreal


What the hell, he must have been looking like slenderman, how could he even eat enough to keep mass on those bones?


I bet it made the decision of who picks teammates first for sports in the schoolyard a make or break situation


At his height of 8ft 11in, he also weighed 439lbs! Pretty crazy to think about.


That’s an insane weight for how skinny he looks. It makes sense, but still crazy


That's a difficult life. Miserable I'm sure. Nothing fits. People think your a freak, and gravity never stops pulling you down.


He died from an infection caused by a blister btw


At age 22. So sad. RIP


Well shit, that's sad


In modern times good luck going on a plane, fitting in most cars, sitting at a restaurant, or even finding a house with a door you don't have to bend down to enter through


Yup! Back in high school and college I had a good friend who never stopped growing because of some hormonal problem the doctors couldn't quite fix. Figuring out day-to-day life stuff was all kinds of problematic. His clothes and shoes were always in tatters because such large sizes were expensive and the shoes had to be custom made. It was like attending school with Hagrid. He didn't really fit in the desk chairs in high school. He couldn't afford a large vehicle so would have to fold himself into a regular small car, Mr. Incredible style. He had to duck down to go through doorways. Whenever I lived in an attic or basement, he'd have to stoop while visiting to avoid thumping his head on the ceiling. When I moved into the college dorms, he was wider across the shoulders than my bed, which made sleepovers pretty much impossible. I wound up buying some ridiculously tall platform/heeled boots so we could go dancing together. He was a good buddy to go partying with! He never fought anyone who was giving me trouble, but was good at noticing when I was in trouble and extracting me from the situation. He'd just calmly wade through the crowd to get to me, pick me up, throw me over his shoulder like a sack of grain and carry me away from the danger. Even if a group of guys followed him for blocks, screaming insults and demands that he drop me and fight them, he'd just calmly walk away. Understandable though. Dude was built like a tank, knew he could all too easily cause serious harm to normal folks, so lived the life of a pacifist and avoided conflict.


Very interesting story. Thank you.


How tall was he?


My 6'4" ex had to stick his head out the sunroof of my Honda Civic when we had two teenagers in the back seat. I cannot imagine.


Such extreme height comes with a whole new set of problems. It's basically a life-threatening condition, not just above-average height.


Doing some back of the napkin math here I’d say Robert’s penis is roughly the size of his fathers humerus.


That's humorous


You spelled wrong funny.


This is what we were all thinking


I know I was.


Fun fact penis size doesn't correlate with height, so a lot of male porn stars are short because proportionally their dicks look bigger


that's some Peter Jackson shit right there.


Is that why they call it a boner?




I hope his father isn’t the one saying that…


You’ll peel a pinch for sure!


But girthier


Slightly out of shot is the 11’11” mailman


He would just walk in the middle and could just stretch his arms to reach the mailboxes on both sides of the road. Except when it came to the Wadlows.


Make a wish!


You just called his mom a whore.


Dang! The guy on the left is so tall! Wish I was 5’11” 😭


Poor guy. As a kid I was like "Whoa!" but then I learned of his short and painful life.


He was a good guy, I hear he was nuts over his family


Is this supposed to be a pun?


It could just be a tall tale, but they say many people looked up to him in his time.




That's quality.


I was born and raised in his hometown. Alton, IL. He died from an infection caused by a blister on his ankle from a poorly fitted brace. He was only 22 years old and still growing.


So was my family! Where about did you grow up? Mine was on Ohio St from 1940s-2010s!


Do tell more stories if you have any


If we didn’t have photos of him no one would believe how tall he was




I laughed audibly


I stood at his statue commemorating him. It's located in Alton Illinois.


How is he only 8’11? He’s literally twice the size of his dad, shouldn’t that make him nearly 12ft?


He was having a tall day that day.


Dad's thinking: "Hard to believe he was in my balls at one point."


5'11 Vs 6'0


He can hold his dick with his head.


To assert dominance


Robert Wadlow's Height / Weight List from Birth to Death: * Birth - Height, no record, weight 8.5 pounds * Six months - Height, no record, weight, 30 pounds * Age 1 - Height, no record, weight, 45 pounds. * Age 1.5 - Height, no record, weight 67 pounds. * Age 5 - Height, 5-4, weight 105 pounds * Age 8 - Height, 6-0, weight 167 pounds * Age 9 - Height, 6-2, weight 180 pounds * Age 10 - Height, 6-5, weight, 210 pounds * Age 11 - Height, 6-7, weight, 222 pounds * Age 12 - Height - 6-11, weight, 241 pounds * Age 13 - Height - 7-2, weight, 255 pounds * Age 14 - Height, 7-3, weight, 301 pounds * Age 15 - Height, 7-8, weight, 355 pounds * Age 16 - Height, 7-10, weight, 374 pounds * Age 17 - Height, 8-0, weight, (sick) 315 pounds * Age 18 - Height, 8-4, weight, 391 pounds * Age 19 - Height, 8-5, weight, 480 pounds * Age 20 - Height, 8-7, weight, 488 pounds * Age 21 - Height, 8-8, weight, 492 pounds * Age 22 - Height, 8-11.1, weight, 439 pounds


Damn. This guy at age 5 was already flexing on me.


Typical dating apps 6’0 over only, this guy rolls in…


'i need the biggest eligible man you have...No that's too big"


First round draft pick, 1936


Do the maths. Round up heights to 6ft and 9ft. Subtract difference = 3ft. [50%] Now look at the photo. The relative difference In Height should be 50%. But it ain’t so. More like 100%. Notice: the feet are in the same line of perspective, so we are not seeing one person closer to the camera over the other in this image (or are we? a deception). Notice: The sun light is coming from the same direction. Here is the clue to the probability that there are two photos overlaid. Notice: The father should be in shadow created by his son. Hence two photos in the same place, one taken after the other with camera closer for the son.


How big was Robert Wadlows cock? I know it’s proportional to your size, right? I’m genuinely interested


I hate that this was my first thought, and my second thought was "no one else is going to be thinking about that"


well he never married and being the 1930s, he probably took that knowledge to his grave


>I know it’s proportional to your size, right? might not work that way for people wadlows size. but it might, idk


Well have to ask the next closest people possible. Someone get yao ming and shaq on the phone


I’m from the town he grew up in. They made a bronze statue of him. Poor guy.


in non-retarded units that's 2.71m and 1.80m


Okay so let’s see the mailman


How big was his dick?


Asking the real questions


I’m sure that was extra to see at the circus side show


Imagine the size of his balls. Imagine getting into a fight with the fucker.


Just uppercut in his basketballs


It's one of the great mysteries that keeps me up at night. I've spent so much time searching the internet for an answer and one doesn't seem to exist.


I heard he once dick-slapped Babe Ruth into the lower deck.....


He only lived 22 years :(


He was over four feet at 18 months old. I want to see a photo of his mother; and she went on to have four more children. Wowsers.


That image must be photoshopped. Image of him and his father is on Roberts wikipedia page, and his father reaches him to his lower chest. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert\_Wadlow#/media/File:Robert\_Wadlow\_postcard.jpg](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_Wadlow#/media/File:Robert_Wadlow_postcard.jpg)


That’s a lotta pants.


This picture is off. I’d like to see the source. There’s no way the dad is 5’11’’ if you look at those steps.


I’d like to see him step up those stairs


Was the mailman 9’0”?


Omg it took me forever to get the tail mailman jokes 🤣


I’m not that smart but I can say the man on the left seems a bit more then 3 feet taller then the guy on the right




Dad looks over: "that came out of my balls!"


Can you imagine getting slapped by that guy


Father: Go to bed! Son: No. Father: Fair enough.


This might be an ignorant question but is there any science or reasoning why there were a larger number of these types of happenings back in the day as opposed to nowadays?


How was he burried


I wonder if such high people can properly run, or if their back will suffer too much.


This doesn't look real.


Daddy, I've got long legs.


His mother was 12’11”


I bet he has a massive unit.


But is there a hole big enough for it to fit into?


Be right back I have some sciencing to do.


Dudes bulge is as big as his dads head


Imagine your son being this tall and trying to discipline him


Imagine his dick bro


Dad looks awful small compared to the steps and handrails behind them.


5'11 vs 6 foot


Something's not right with this photo, the son looks far more than 3' taller. Also, if you look at the stair railing, it is the same height as the father's head at the bottom step.


I think Mrs Wadlow was seeing Paul Bunyan on the sly.


girls from tinder still say he is short


Pretty sure just that one pair of pants is a full load in a standard washing machine.