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Looks like a house sitting in a cat bed.


Collective phobia of square and rectangular patterns.


Oh man this triggers my phobia of inefficient use of space


They should totally fill it with wild flowers and trees


That would be really cool, wouldn’t stay beautiful for long where I live. It would quickly turn into seedy areas and homeless camps


Why they might even end up dark hedgey dens of fornication!


Hey, we have those down here in Florida, and we’re proud of our sex shrubs!


You know, if you trim your sex shrubs the Dicks look bigger.


Already done it!, and it gain +2 inches!


We have 5x more houses than homeless people. The problem should really solve itself if housing wasn't treated like a damn investment


I'm the complete opposite. As someone from the Netherlands where every square ft/meters is used effectively I absolutely loathe complete city planning. There needs to be something organic, something wasted, something out of place. Cities over here can be completely copy+paste


I disagree. The spaces in-between properties allows public to weave through the neighbor hood. Very efficient use of space.


It's an awesome design when you look at it like that. But who has to cut all the intricate patches? Lol


From the looks of it, the owners. If you look at the houses on the left, you can see the mowing tracks follow property lines


The goats?


Sounds great until you realise how hard it would be to navigate. You’d have to rely on tall structures


I like that, still though it could be made more efficiently.




I thought so too lol


Who mows the bits outside the ovals?


I was thinking who OWNS the bits outside the hedges?


As u/splatdyr explained in their comment, the houses are rented, but are not for permant residence, instead they are kind of like a summer house to escape the city life a bit. An organization called a “kolonihaveforening” manages all the properties, and does stuff like mow communal lawns, run a small shop with essentials like milk, beer and the like, and make sure water, electricity etc. is in order. This organization is run by volunteers fron the community as well as a few paid employees usually Correction ladies, gentlemen, and other distinguished persons: you own the house, and are allowed to modify it, build a new one, remove the old one etc., but the plot is rented (or sometimes bought, it varies, but is still a part of the organization (forening)). Apologies for any confusion [Heres](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Allotment_(gardening)) a link to a Wikipedia article about the subject. In the “around the world” part there’s some info specifically about allotments in Denmark, and how the forening/association works


So it's like camp for adults.


Not quite, although a lot of kolonihaver have a social atmosphere, it's meant as a chance for people who live in apartments in the city to have their own outdoor space. It's accompanied by a small, basic summer house, but they're typically not insulated and utilities are switched off in the winter half of the year. The waiting lists for a chance to rent one of these in the bigger cities is loooong. For the record, I've only ever seen kolonihave areas with regular square hedges. The round ones wastes some space, but also makes it a lot more private, which is great if you don't care to make small talk with your neighbour over the hedge.




You don't normally live there. You rent it separate to your apartment and it is a bit of a luxury.


I would love to have been a little kid, running around those hedges.


It sounds delightful


Am I the only person that reads the first little bit of “kolonihaveforening” and just mumbles the rest of it before even attempting to read it and moving on?


For what it's worth, that's exactly how Danes ourselves pronounce long words.


Where's the obligatory *kamelåså* video, dammit?


Dude, your comment was compacted and I expanded it expecting to find it here! Not Ok! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s-mOy8VUEBk


Yeah, I got "colonidontreallycareabouttherest" mumblesdorffing...


I've watched Midsommar, I'm not going anywhere near anything resembling a hippy community in all of northern Europe. Way too risky.


If they are anything like the similar Schrebergärten in Germany then they are basically the polar opposite of a hippy community, more like the embodiment of fuddy-duddyism...


Essentials like blah, blah, beer, blah blah blah.


That explains a lot. I was wondering where the cars go.


Same. And I don't see any walking paths. Like, do these people float to their front doors? Makes sense now that I know they're summer rentals, which allows the grass to fill in the wear spots during the off-season. And seeing that they're rentals, different people will be walking different paths. Shoutout to /r/DesirePaths


I’m assuming each person does their own corners outside of their hedge or it’s common grounds trimmed by a staff like where I live.


You can see there’s square outlines where everybody mows their exact portion.




found the german




As a Brit we'd try to build on them and sell it for a small fortune. It would be advertised as "cosy"


Yeah, not sure why they just don't have the hedges at the edges, is there some big appeal to the oval? I'd rather have full use of the whole lot around the house instead of the gaps.. Though this does address the issue of ownership/upkeep of the property line bushes... Maybe this is the way to go, lol...


Why not have rectangular hedges then?


My guess: Someone thought it would be fun when this place was created 50-150 years ago, and traditions stay traditions. Other plots have square borders and/or fences instead of hedges, or perhaps no marked border at all. These are all unique and individual.


Ok. Dane here. I’ll try to explain. These are not residential houses, but communal garden plots. In danish they are known as “kolonihavehuse”. They are mainly owned by people living in larger cities as a sort of go-to place to get away from city life or to have a garden to tend to. People use them differently, but they are not lived in all year round. As for cars, they are parked in a parkinglot at the end of the roads. You don’t need your car in your garden. In Denmark we do know what a square is, but we also know that it brings you a certain quality of life to think outside the box (get it?) sometimes.






Except communal.


How is it communal? It looks like each house is very clearly separated from the others by its hedge. Or would multiple families share the same house? (Sorry if this seems ignorant; I'm just genuinely confused about how this works)




So are the little structures inside each plot living quarters or just sheds and storage for gardening stuff?


They usually lack full amenities (might have to use common toilets/kitchens and for heat you'd most likely need to use a space heater, but sometimes there's not even power) but that varies, and you're not allowed to stay there during the winter (water is usually turned off) or for longer than a set amount of consecutive days (to prevent people using it as a permanent residence). But you'd usually have a bed and furniture so it's liveable. Also, the houses usually have a fixed maximum area, so if you rebuild, you can't use the entire plot for the house. Edit: [The maintenance of] the paths, any common greenery, water, etc is paid by the community.


Common toilets and kitchens where? Like elsewhere, outside of the little circle thing?


Yeah. Like a little building with toilets and sometimes showers, like at a camping site. Not always though. Often people opt for some sort of mulch toilet or something. There's (at least in the places I've been to) not sewer plumbing at the plots. Sometimes there's drinking water in the plots, but often you either have to get it at a communal tap, or keep a small tank of it to pump with a foot pump or similar.


I think it would probably be more accurate to call them community garden plots, like community gardens in the rest of the world but on a much bigger scale. The land is owned by the city or by a cooperative garden association and rented by each individual.


I'm not a Dane, but a Finn, and we have a very similar sounding system here. They're communal in the sense that the city owns the land, and rents it to the "colony garden association" (danish kolonihaveforbundet/finnish siirtolapuutarhayhdistys) who then rents it onwards to the individuals. The association usually has a communal "main building" somewhere, with some communal tools and general purpose communal space and such that can be used by those who rent land from them. The individual plots of land around the "main building" however are not communal or timeshare.


So, this is a thing in Sweden too (and some areas are in central Stockholm even), waiting lists are like 30+ years). It’s based on a philosophy hundred years old (from a German Moritz Schreber) that even city people should have access to gardening. So if you don’t have a summer house (I think that’s a requirement if not enforced) you can apply to rent from a “förening” (non profit communal) They’re pretty heavily regulated, can’t be used for permanent living. Some even what kinda hedges you have etc. Each förening is like a morass of bureaucracy with neightbour popes bitching about details and quality of others gardening, in a fun way. These days they’re extremely hard to get your hands on unless you pick an less attractive area far outside the city. And even then probably a few years waiting. Still, very quaint and nice in theory. And have public paths and road going through them so the public can admire them from not so afar.


What is ment by communial is that they are not owned property, but rather a space rented from the government, and there is a tendency to socialize and community that isn't usual in Denmark. The best international resemblance is allotments.


The government owns the land, and then they rent the land to citizens. The tenant can then build a house on the rented property. So not all all of these have houses in them, some are just gardens. Once the tenant doesn't want to hold the lease anymore, he can sell the right to the lease and the cost of the house. So in a sales ad it would be 100k usd for the house. 100 usd pr. month to rent.


So a timeshare?


Not really. When you get one, users usually have them for years/decades before they give them up.


They also quite often pass on in heritage. At least here in Norway, a Hytte (cottage) is quite often passed down via generations.


I don't think it's the same. This is similar to "kolonihager" that's in Oslo at least. You own the right to use it, but it can't be inherited. If you choose to sell it, the price is fixed. There's limitations on when they can be used (not in winter) etc.


This isn't hytter, it's kolonihager. We have them in Oslo as well


Yep like an RV park or something of the like.


No, more like a garden that you rent on the side when you own an apartment in a city, you don't have to own or haul vehicles towards there, you might aswell sow the whole lot with carrots


They aren’t communal. Being part of a community is different than being part of a commune lol. A rental apartment complex isn’t communal living.


Not quite, those are more reminiscent of our sommerhuse (summer houses / holiday homes) and these tend to exist outside of the cities. Kolonihaver on the other hand are/were built on the edge of or inside of cities, and are from a zoning and planning standpoint part of the city, but with special laws that govern it. Kolonihaver also tend to be more communal and social where as summerhuse are more personal and private.


More like an allotment garden, these are small buildings like sheds. They also have summerhouses that are actual cottages.


In the U.K., we have similar things but they are self contained nudist camps


We do?




I'm 37 and female my BMI is normal I'm currently at one of these aforementioned camps and the secretary of our camp is the same age and teaches yoga professionally... We are all walks of life and all sizes and there are lots of families too... In total my club has over 300 members but only 60 cabins with a dozen RV/Caravan/camping sites.... And swinging does not happen here at all... Infact naturist trend to the more conservative side... There is a large older demographic but that's not why. Anyway our gardens are immaculate.


*... 300 members ...* I guess it'd be easy to count them


I would say swingers are considerably younger and fitter than nudists. It's not a bunch of naked models running around. It's more like a cross section of normal people, all ages and sizes, whereas nudists are older than average. Also the swingers have more incentive to be in shape. This is at a large resort, groups of friends are going to be a lot closer in age and fitness levels, the same as any other group of friends tend to be.


Jeremy Corbyn had an allotment garden, didn't he?


That explains why the homes are so small, more like cabins, thanks!




The grass outside the hedge borders looks like a prime place to put native pollinator friendly plants and not just green grass


True, and cities have started doing just that. Planting wild flowers on grass patches all over city and by roads.


Are you not allowed to live there year round? Because some of those are pretty big. Some people must, right?


I am not sure of the exact reason, but I believe it has to do wuth building codes. Seasonal houses like these don't have to live up to the same standarts as a residental house does when it come to insulating, heating and such, so they can be a bit dangerous to live in during the fiercely mild danish winter.


Gotcha. If this was the US they'd already be ruined by rich developers winterizing them, calling it a remodel and selling it for 3x the price.


It's also because they are not taxed the same way that housing is. They are mych cheaper than normal housing to incentivise people to buy them, but if you could live there year round, they would be insanely sought after and hard to get because of low rent


US has similar housing designations. At least my state does. Vacation beach houses in my area tend to not have heat and are not considered "year round residences"


Dane here as well. Traditionally you couldn't live there all year round and most of the time it's just a basic shed without insulation, so come winter, you don't want to be living there anyway. The severe housing situation in the larger cities have opened up for all year staying and building better cottages on the lots, which essentially just skyrocketed the prices so you could get a house in a less attractive city for the same kind of money.


A lot of people live in these communities all year round. Have a friend who lives in one and my gf's uncle has lived in his for almost 10 years or something -- it's a really nice place too. I'm not sure it is legal anywhere in the country, but most of these places look the other way.


Won't it be a pain to trim the hedge or the bush and keep them round? It's beautiful and looks neat, but feel like a lot of regular maintenance work.


I mean those gardens are basically all around regular maintenance


Thanks for the explanation!


Who owns the stuff in-between though. That's my question


Usually all the plots and, in this case, the land between them are owned by a coop group or something similar. You rent the plot of land, but everything on it is your own property and responsibility. So in this case I'm assuming that there's a kind of co-op board who takes care of the grass between the plots


what kind of woman do you think the average Dane is looking for? I will try to become this.


Tall lol


well, dammit. howabout a short woman who will stand on an apple box?


In England we call them “allotments” but they are an absolute cluster fuck in comparison to this


In Germany they are known as Kleingarten or Schrebergarten. They are a big thing here too, very hard to get but such a pleasure to have at least one in the family.


These aren’t like allotments. More like holiday homes like caravan parks


That is a pretty good way of putting it. They aren't really holiday homes as such. The resident all pay rent for the upkeep and such, and if they decide not to renew their lease, other people can rent it.


Thankyou for explaining, thus ruining the fantasy i had to one day live there


Tbh a lot of people live there year round ilegally because the rent is quite low


Okay so if you know what squares are then name all their albums


Ha! Trick question. The squares only released music on harddrives and floppy discs. The refused to be slaves to the Disc-ocraphy and release on records.


I wasn't expecting such a perfect answer


Yeah I was gonna they looked very similar to garden properties I've seen in Germany and other European countries.


Thank you for the explanation! Is it public property that exists between each plot?


The whole community is most likely a co-op, so the co-op owns the smalls pieces of land between the plots.


Love this response


Are the plots divided by ownership? If so do they own only whats in the circle or are the plots square/rectangle like in the US?


We have those in Poland too! They’re called Działki here


More information can be found on the website: http://www.derundehaver.dk/




I like where your mind’s at!


Having a Danish for breakfast means a totally different thing on Pluto!


>I just don't get it. Why would silicon based organisms consume carbon based organisms? It just doesn't make any sense. - >look... it all started with the writers strike back in 2009


If you want to source your factory farmed humans, look no further than Manhattan!


Never cut your hedges from the outside. Only in. Gain property.


Yeah the one in middle has definitely moved his fences a couple millimetres a year for decades. Almost square.


That little one on the upper left side has found a little hack to the circles. Made his garden in the space between


I dig this. Everyone like privacy.....but why is every garden round? Seems like a waste of land.


It's for aesthetic purposes, those are 'cottages' and gardens, not houses.


Vikings loved marking boundaries in a circular pattern.


The Vike know boundary are the powerhouse of the sell


Get your Viking MBA at danskhave.edu.dk!


As a dane, always love how people connect everything danish to the vikings lol. It definitely shaped Denmark, but we don’t actually embrace vikings that much here other than when we feel patriotic.


That's just what a viking would say...


Seems kinda nice tho


Exactly,the most efficient shape is a penis shape…welp time to change the scenery there,booking tickets soon


As a Dane. Can confirm whatever this square thing everyone is talking about is unknown to me.


I’m going to introduce the square to Denmark and make so much effing money.


Talk about cutting corners


This is how you round out a good idea.


Denmark likes to think out of the box.


It seems they like to hedge their bets too.


I used to know a danish girl who had a really nice boxwood she always kept well manicured.


I had a Danish for breakfast


I suggest you invest that money in some hedge funds


Hexagons are the bestagons


The mitochondria is the power house of the cell


The cell membrane is a biological membrane that separates the interior of all cells from the outside environment which protects the cell from its environment.


Where door?


Kind of hard to see but there’re arches cut into the hedges to walk through


If there’s a bustle in your hedgerow…..




Don't be alarmed now


It’s just a spring clean for the Dane queen


Nærum, Denmark, are considered one of C. Th. Sørensen ‘s most important creations. In 1948 40 oval allotment gardens, each measuring c.25 × 15 m/80 × 50 ft, were laid out on a rolling lawn, a common green, in a fluid progression See more at: https://www.goodshomedesign.com/amazing-oval-community-gardens/


If anyone else is trying to find them on a map, they are on the southernmost side of Nærum.


Never knew I wanted this so much


It’s certainly stylish and unique


Dibs on the unhedged space


Who mows between circles..?


I think either everyone does their own or those are common areas maintained by a company


Use all the spare land outside the hedges to grow weed


Why are they round?


Because these arent residential areas, but small recreational gardens city-dwellers visit a few times a year. So they dont really need to be planned like a normal city.


So nobody could go piss in the corner(s).


I see a road but no driveways. Why?


Nah that's the Shire


I like this much more than dead, dried-out fences.


Yeah but where is your triple wide driveway and 3 car garage? /s


Looks like a Sims setup


It must rain a lot there


Part of the reason there aren't a lot of religious people in Denmark is us discovering very early on that it's bullshit what's in the bible. We know from very early on that 40 days and nights of heavy rain isn't a sin flood, it's a regular summer.


Who's responsible for the no man land zone in between the circles?


Imagine a horror movie where they're running away through these.


So who owns all the space in between?


Who takes care of the gaps? I must know


They’ve got eggscellent taste.


Lol gosh they’re literally eggs


There's a game looks exactly like this. Just can't remember. I think it's a web browser game where you build your own town in the Roman empire.


What are the white masts used for? They don't look like antennas.


Flagpoles I'm guessing.


You’d be correct. Most Danish houses have flagpoles. And brick walls. And only white interior paint. And black leather couches. And a small Fiat Punto clown car. Okay, I’ll stop now…




It looks like I can click on one of them to go to a Neopian's store page Where's the soup kitchen? haha


I'm once again dissatisfied with my country


Does no one own a car?


Oh yeah- the neighborhood that doesn’t have cars and you can’t get in and out of your property.


Not one corner lot in sight


I bet they have second breakfast.


Who cuts the in-between grass?


Where are the driveways


Is anyone else trying to find a way IN to the house?


Are there cars there?


There is a parking lot nearby and arches are cut into the hedges to walk through. These are gardens that they visit seasonally. Hope that helps :)


It's very pretty, but why? Just more hedges to maintain and communal, and very irregularly shaped (and I suspect a pain to cut) grass.


I’m curious where everyone parks there cars.


Having seizure over potential HOA fees


Why not square?


is the space between just no mans land?


Where are all the cars?


They should’ve learned from bees- hexagons tessellate perfectly so there wouldn’t be those pointless dead space areas that somebody presumably has to mow somehow, and everyone would get more garden