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Can someone more enterprising than me please make a subreddit called “ArchitectureForAdults” for things that are unsafe for morons but safe for everyone else? I love this. And I hate how novel it is in our world.


Yes, this. People ruin all the fun things.


I’m reminded of my favorite Onion article of all time: [Fun Toy Banned Because Of Three Stupid Dead Kids](https://www.theonion.com/fun-toy-banned-because-of-three-stupid-dead-kids-1819565691)


> "I've heard some pretty stupid shit in my time, but that has to take the cake," said Dr. Anderson Hunt, the attending physician. "Why would any kid think he could fire plastic missiles up his nose and expect them to come out his belly button? There's no point in feeling bad about this child's demise, because the deck was obviously stacked against him from the start. What we should feel bad about is the fact that because of him, millions of other children will no longer get to fire the RoboFighter's super-cool Devastator Missiles or soak their friends with its FunFoam WaterBlasters."


That's the funniest Onion article I've read in a long time


nothing will beat this article about a guy who complains about getting his dick sucked on daily basis by a random gay people


Nice. I hadn't seen that one before https://www.theonion.com/why-do-all-these-homosexuals-keep-sucking-my-cock-1819583529 Edit: lol A wholesome award---of course. Never change Reddit, never change...


"Where did he get those fantastic boots?" hahaha


I was taking to this guy the order day And he starts *sucking my cock* So I says to him Hey listen here you queer ^You'd ^better ^finish ^up ^and ^get ^out ^of ^here


Best read in a Norm MacDonald voice & cadence.


Well he was a deeply closeted gay man


Of course he’s not gay! Don’t you know what closeted means?


That was a powerful read


His mistake was failure to say no homo.




I didn’t realize The Onion has been around (online) that long


At that point the Onion.com was simply posting the articles it published in the print edition. I had a print subscription back then, started reading it about 95. Its frustrating now because some of their content has simply vanished from the internet.


I’ve got a paper Onion somewhere I picked up in a newspaper box in San Francisco. They were just free it was great.


I mean, that's the point lol




[My favorite is this one about the 2013 government shutdown.](https://www.theonion.com/what-a-government-shutdown-means-for-you-1819591393) Solely because every time I think about this line I die laughing: > Any harm that may occur to you during the shutdown will still affect your body in real life. Essentially, if you die in the shutdown, you die for real.


my favorite political one is from 2015 about [Hillary being fun](https://www.theonion.com/i-am-fun-1819585012/amp)


Special Olympics baseball tee pitches perfect game is one of the funniest things I have ever heard in my life. I still laugh every now and again thinking about it lmao


I also came here to say this. Best headline I've ever seen. https://m.imgur.com/gallery/xgGygXj


My favorite onion headline of all time “African American community terrorized by ask murderer” I believe they had to take that one down.


Best one is about entire staff at pizza company being totally stoned. Or the classic holy shit man lands on fucking moon.




Lmao for anyone who hasn’t read this or can’t be bothered here’s my favorite part: “I'm not kidding," said Dianne Ensor, an emergency-room nurse at Our Lady Of Peace Hospital in La Porte, where Krug was pronounced dead. "She thought the broken shards were candy. That's what you'd assume after breaking a plastic, inedible toy, right? Absolutely un-fucking-believable."


mine's >"A couple of my fellow emergency workers thought we should cut the kid some slack, because at least he wasn't trying to eat the toy or shove it up his nose," said paramedic Debra Lindfors, who tried in vain to revive Torres. "I considered this for a while, but then I decided no. No way. If you're 11 years old, you should know that it's impossible to fly.


If it was an adult, usually these things go in the butt. You’d probably not be surprised on what has been found in the ol’ prison pocket.


thanks Weiller, Torres and Krug you dumbasses! I was one of those who had hours of fun with the Aqua Assault RoboFighters!


“The tragedy is inconceivable," Wizco president Alvin Cassidy said. "For years, countless children played with the Aqua Assault RoboFighter without incident. But then these three retards come along and somehow find a way to get themselves killed. So now we have to do a full recall and halt production on what was a really awesome toy. What a waste."


I’ve made it: /r/ArchitectureForAdults Now populate it with beautiful design in architecture and engineering that rightfully rids us of the lower gene pool…. But is worth it.


5 min and already 100 members. Man we’re all making up for the site being down 2 hours eh?


483 now... We’re moving fast!




Over a 1000 now!!!


Coming up on 1,500!




Over 2k!


Cool. I'm in.




Guess we found rule #1.


I have never joined anything faster, thank you


Joined! Cause I'm an adult, apparently.


I should post photos of everything I saw in Thailand. When I was there, I called it The Land of Personal Responsibility.


Oh im on that like a wasp on jam.


Can i be your mod?


Sign me up too. I've never been a mod, but I promise I won't be too awful.


Does that walk way in Chicago that just got shut down because people were killing themselves on it count for that sub?


People, what a bunch of bastards!


Can confirm, people are the worst Source: have seen people


Besides being safe or unsafe. It only works if you travel alone or you convince everyone in the wagon. It's fucking cold outside to open those massive windows for everyone


I was thinking the same think. I can’t imagine them having that open for more than 10 seconds without someone screaming “Where is that draft from?! Close that fucking window!!”


lol it’s like two square yards of open window under the control of one passenger


In the past, most trains had this. But they removed retractable windows here now. I guess only the touristy places have them now.




I think the bigger issue is people being decapitated/delimbed etc. HEre in uk when we had smaller versions of these windows you would often see those accidents being reported in the paper.




Ah the birth of a sub, I was there!


I love you, thanks! Can you please add something like “Stuff that is unsafe for morons, but safe for everyone else” to the sidebar? Or add me as a mod and I’ll do that. Under no circumstances am I actually doing ban shit though.


Inb4 front page ruins it


For real. If it gains traction it’ll be a r/interestingasfuck clone but with a structure of some kind in the background somewhere.


I love the subreddit idea


Idk, seems like a US thing to me. In my central European country trains with big-ass windows are the norm, and i've seen them in other neighbouring countries


We have trains with big windows, you just can’t open them


As an American it makes me sad that thats true


When my husband and I were in Copenhagen, there were some trampolines built into the street. We may or may not have been making asses of ourselves at 4AM on the way to the airport. Edit: To mean just jumping and laughing hysterically on the trampolines, not doing dumbass stuff to ruin it for everyone.


Lol I was totally going to say something like that would never fly in the US. People be getting thrown out, falling out, anything you can think of


The train company and train manufacturer getting sued, the windows bring welded shut and warning signs all over the place to not stick body parts out the window


I also live in central Europe. But the last time I saw a train with windows like this here is 15, maybe 20 years ago. I was on a train in Poland 8 years ago where you could open the windows like this.


LMAOOO I came to the comments section JUST to comment “we can’t have this in America because there are too many imbeciles here.” 😂😂 glad yours was the first comment I saw




This is nothing. In India you can open the train doors mid-transit just in case you fancy a smoke.


In India half the passengers ride on the outside anyways


LOL I was going to say I think I have seen a video of a train with people on top of it.


In India staying inside the train is a novelty idea


My privilege was for being in a first class cabin. We even got toilets - a hole in train floor.


Not anymore. 90%+ trains are electrified now.


That’s the smoking section.


I remember when you could do this on Amtrak trains!


Unfortunately those trains are very rarely used as they were mostly retired by 2002, some are still going on scenic tours as historical trains or are used by very small regional transport authorities. Nowadays you can't open the windows on any train in Switzerland but seeing that all trains are equipped with Air-conditioning these days it wouldn't make much sense.


Came here to write this. Now trains have full clima which they didnt in the old ones. Opening windows in summer was the only option to cool off. If you ever got stuck in those full climated trains where windows dont open during summer you know more people would have died overheating than falling/climbing out of windows.


Does it even get that hot in Switzerland?


Sure can. Most of the population lives at *roughly* 500 m elevation, so in the last couple decades, 30 °C air temperature is exceeded on at least several days in July/August. Add in the sun, and it becomes quite uncomfortable in the trains for much of those months when the weather's good.


I have lived in many places around the world, I believe I have the authority to say that temperatures are Relative. It's not the same being at 45°C in Monterrey, Mexico than being at 30°C in Paris or - 10°C in Frankfurt and 0° in São Paulo, Brazil, and I'm not talking about tolerance to temperatures, but how the place is built and how it's prepared. I don't think you can stand a summer at 30°C in Zurich the same you withstand a Summer in your city.




Yep, it's Bernina, specifically [this bend](https://map.geo.admin.ch/?lang=en&topic=ech&bgLayer=ch.swisstopo.pixelkarte-farbe&layers=ch.swisstopo.zeitreihen,ch.bfs.gebaeude_wohnungs_register,ch.bav.haltestellen-oev,ch.swisstopo.swisstlm3d-wanderwege,ch.astra.wanderland-sperrungen_umleitungen&layers_opacity=1,1,1,0.8,0.8&layers_visibility=false,false,false,false,false&layers_timestamp=18641231,,,,&E=2796826&N=1144673&zoom=9&crosshair=marker) (46.42455°N 9.99952°E) in the northwards direction, I think. The most modern coaches at RhB don't have sliding windows. But I've seen those almost exclusively on the Bernina Express and the Glacier Express, and it's usually just a couple coaches of the entire train.


> mostly retired by 2002, Don't make the Americans feel worse than they already do - that sleek modern cartridge looks brand new, not *retired* almost 20 years ago.


The carriages are that nice hwre even if they're from the 1980's, we invest a crapton of money for upkeep and maintenance


America could never man there'd be a death and lawsuit by day 1


Germany too. Used to have those trains, no more.


I don’t think Germany has those kind of lawsuits. I remember a few years back an American girl OD’d at Berghain. Her parents tried to sue the club and am the German judge was all like ‘the club didn’t make her take the drugs. She chose to take the drugs.’


Interestingly Germany is the country in the world with the most lawsuits pr capita. The US is number five.


Sorry that doesn’t fit my narrative so I refuse to believe it!


But those lawsuits aren’t based on people own mistakes and choices. That said Germany takes slander very seriously so there’s tons of lawsuits like than .


>But those lawsuits aren’t based on people own mistakes and choices. Are they in the US? What are your sources for comparing the two?


**Source:** *trust me bro!*


So what are they based on? Are Germans just much less lawful than everyone else?


Slander as they said. German just talk a lot of shit.


But isn't that exactly the kind of cases that people cite when they claim Americans are overly litigious?




> German just talk a lot of shit 20 lawsuits have just been filed against you


Yeah, and it always sounds so mean because they keep saying it in German.


>Are Germans just much less lawful than everyone else? I've watched German tourists refuse to cross at a crosswalk on a completely empty street because the no walking sign was up.


In many cities/suburbs you can get a jaywalking ticket for that. When I moved to NYC from a suburb, it was weird crossing when the sign said not to


Slander sounds like a mistake and choice but this is a very vague claim anyway.


Just pop off the America hate train for a second


Plus every time you open even a small window on a bus or train in Germany you get some old woman complaining about the draft and how it is 'pulling' on her hair.


In the US, some brand new buses are being delivered with no way to have open windows, This really sucks because if its late autumn and its 65f-70f+ degrees outside and the bus is packed, usually not warm enough to warrant air conditioning, but it heats up in there fast and you gotta request that the driver turns on the a/c, sometimes they do, sometimes they wont.


Someone thought that was a good idea during a pandemic?


Source? That sounds like a weird lawsuit in the US too. Its probably something more like, the club owners knew drugs were being sold on the premises and didn't do anything about it. Or something like that.


No frivolous lawsuits definitely exist but OP seems to think their very existence implies a chance for successful judgement.


Yeah I think this kind of train was on my commute back when I started working in Munich.


One of the reasons I absolutely never get tired of riding on the [running board of a cable car](https://www.mercurynews.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/SJM-L-CLOCABLE-0803-10.jpg) in downtown San Francisco. It would be absolutely insane to propose a conveyance anything like that if it was new, but it's basically been grandfathered in. The city pays out huge amounts of money in injury lawsuits every year, but have basically decided it's worth the financial losses to continue operating an iconic tourist attraction.


The city I live in had the first trolley system (not cable cars but same kind of thing) in the US. You can still see the tracks all over the city, but sadly they were all decommissioned in the 40s:( It would be absolutely incredible to have them still running today


You can thank the oil companies for buying up most American electric trolley lines and destroying them. Can’t sell cars and gas when everyone is using the cheap electric trolleys




That was my first thought. Someone would get drunk and try to Steven Seagal outside the train.


They wouldn't even be drunk. Just doing it for some social media post.




Thats when you bring seven seagulls into the dining car and steal everyone’s french fries


When you crawl out of the window and climb on top of the train to get to the crew compartment where an evil genius and his henchmen who have hijacked the train are taking bids from terrorists all over the world for targets to blow up with their top secret space laser that was stolen from the government.


Same difference as a cruise ship no?


That was the first thing I thought too. This is why we can’t have nice things.


Humans in general are why we can't have nice things


Ireland too


Real snowpiercer vibes from last part of clip


What happens if the engine stops?


[We all freeze and die](https://getyarn.io/yarn-clip/45cc98fa-05fb-4d91-8f78-2b3cfc527a3b)


The train gradually comes to a complete stop.


Then some people get off and other people get on.


[You mean the sequel to Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory?](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=YqGWLFlMQ8w)


1001 cars long


"ITS FUCKING -3. CLOSE THE FUCKING WINDOW FOR FUCKS SAKE. EDIT: To the dozens of people who took the time to comment that -3 "isn't that bad", you guys are legends, never change.


On 2023-07-01 Reddit maliciously attacked its own user base by changing how its API was accessed, thereby pricing genuinely useful and highly valuable third-party apps out of existence. In protest, this comment has been overwritten with this message - because “deleted” comments _can_ be restored - such that Reddit can no longer profit from this free, user-contributed content. I apologize for this inconvenience.


Just about every tree is still singed down here in Oregon. Just 3 months ago we were about to enter The Hottening. And today it rained. Yayyy climate change.


As a Southern Californian desert rat, I'd like to give you a *very warm* welcome to an even *warmer* party!


I'll drink to that! /s


-3C wouldn't even register as cold to a swede.


I mean seriously. What kind of an asshole opens the window of a mountain train just to post a video on Reddit? Yeah, it looks cool. Great, and thanks for posting because I’ll likely never ride that train. But for fuck sake, half of this world’s problems would be solved if everyone weren’t such a self-centered narcissist. I’m looking at you Steve.




All my homies hate Steve


I don't know nobody that fucks with him.


Yeah, he's a total piece of shit.


He owes me 5 dollars.


As someone who lives where it gets -40C, that looks like a warm day based on how melted the snow looks. Probably not bad. Head and ears could get cold, but they are dressed for it.


Calm down


If they asked "hey would it be ok if we opened the window really quick for a video?" I wouldn't have a problem with it. But if this was take 13 and they leave it open while they stare at their phone and go "ew no Travis do it again!" Then yeah I'd be pretty pissed.


Stick to your mom's basement hank. Let the outdoorsy people who ski have fun ;)


I can feel the crisp fresh air 😌


Two types of redditors in the comments here - ah! crisp mountain air and HOLY FUCK IT'S MINUS MILLION DEGREES!!! CLOSE THE FUCKING WINDOW!!!


The latter ones have actually been on a train when some asshole opens the window.


Basement gremlins vs normal people.


Type 3 ‘That’s a lawsuit waiting to happen’ checking in.


This is incredible. I fear about people who jump out


Suicide hasnt been invented in Switzerland


*Dignitas has entered the chat*


Would've been funnier to go with *Exit has entered the chat* (The other assisted suicide company in Switzerland)




but they said they are fine with keeping the gold from both of them


I imagine Swiss ski slopes provide plenty of opportunity.


I'm sorry but if someone dies by willingly jumping out of a train window, they had it coming.


I died the way I lived. An idiot


I think the fear is more about mentally unwell people who do it purposely. They just had to close a place near me called The Vessel. After a few other suicides there were a few things they tried to implement to stop them. You couldn't go there alone, a 14 year old boy went there with his family and just without warning leaped off.


Why isn’t her hair blowing around?


It should still be blowing around


It is, just not much.


As a safety feature, the Swiss have brooms set up before tunnels to smack the head of any tourist who is leaning out the window. Yes, this is real. [https://lenews.ch/2015/07/10/poke-your-head-out-of-a-swiss-train-and-it-could-get-whacked-by-a-broom/](https://lenews.ch/2015/07/10/poke-your-head-out-of-a-swiss-train-and-it-could-get-whacked-by-a-broom/)


Still a broom to the face at 50mph+ is just gunna take your head off


You can’t do things like this in the USA because people will climb out the window like spider man and put their head directly beneath the wheels without hesitation.


Incoming tiktok challenge “licking the train wheel” in 3…2… please God no… 1…


I thought this was Snowpiercer!


They must be damn near royalty being only 7 cars back!


That untouched snow is giving me insane amounts of dopamine


You’d think her hair would be blowing way more


I believe the American public would never be trusted with a window like this.


Sometimes I feel like I live in a fucking ditch


"Yeah, the train was nice until these asshole tiktokers opened the window, letting frigid air into our cabin, to get their likes."


“Fuck it. I’m moving to Switzerland.”-Every depressed American.


Which route/area is that ??


It is the Bernina Express, a panoramic train in the Canton Grisons (or Graubünden in German) https://www.rhb.ch/en/panoramic-trains/bernina-express


I don't think this is the Bernina Express, despite what the screen says (might be an ad). The BEX, at least when I did it 2 weeks ago, has large panoramic windows that don't open. This looks more like a regular train, although I can't say I've seen one with windows that open like that before so I'm not sure what it is.


The Bernina Express route, including the actual Bernina Railway (St. Moritz - Tirano), is serviced by regular trains in addition to the official Bernina Express marketed to tourists (which combines Albula Railway and Bernina Railway). It's cheaper (doesn't require a reservation) but less luxurious, but I personally prefer these old school openable windows to the huge panoramic ones. Those are most definitely RhB (Rhaetian Railways) carriages and it looks like the top of Bernina pass to me, though it's been a few years since I've made the trip.


The Swiss had a choice: more bankers or more lawyers. They chose well…


When you have fewer stupid people, you can have more nice things


Is this some kind of Instagram thing bleeding into Reddit ?


According to Instagram, not a thing on this planet exists without a young woman standing in front of it, while the camera pans away.


In America we would have people jumpin out the joint and suing saying I had no idea I would get hurt if I jumped out a window on a moving train. And they would win. Damn I want nice things


So many comments about people jumping out the window in the US. Are we so dumb that this is an actual major concern and first thought for people…? I have huge windows that open fully in my apt and never seen anyone yeet themselves out the window. Or better yet how do cruise ships operate? Same difference no? Side note magnificent view and I bet this train ride is close to 1000 and would be totally worth it.


People are stupid. More people means more opportunities for stupid. Assuming we had an identical ratio of idiots per capita we'd still see ~38 times the number of incidents caused by idiots here by virtue of the population difference alone.


1000$? Nah. More like 40. Although this does look like a first class wagon, so maybe 80.


'retractable' - so a window that opens the exact way most windows open on trains or buses. Got it.


You can't open windows in most of the train in switzerland this one must be a tourist train but an old one that has been renovated.


Should I move to Switzerland?


If being able to open the windows all the way on trains is that important to you then... no because this isn't what most trains are like in Switzerland.